Sumeria to Persia
Terrain Chart
The number of Armies a Civilization may have in an Area and any combat modifiers the Area has is determined by the Area’s terrain.
Wonders of the Ancient World
of Zeus
of Mausolis
of Artemis
of Rhodes
of Alexandria
These are the markers for the Seven Wonders of the World. When attempting to build a Wonder, any unused marker may be chosen. If a Wonder is destroyed it may not be rebuilt. A Wonder is destroyed if a Disaster occurs during a Civilization’s End of Epoch event. A Civilization immediately receives 2 VP when it builds a Wonder. During end of round scoring, the player controlling the Area where a Wonder is receives 2 VP.
5.7 End of Civilization Round The Civilization Round ends when there are no Armies remaining in the Army Pool. Flip the Civilization’s Armies to their Inactive side. The player starts a new Civilization Round with the next chronological Civilization Card the player controls. If the player controls no more Civilization Cards, the player scores his Area and Regional Victory Points (see 7.0 Player Scoring). The next player then conducts Civilization Rounds and Player Scoring, and so on. © 2020 Compass Games, LLC
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11/15/19 4:52 PM