Pixar takes a page from Cash for Clunkers with Cars 2. Page 8
June 24- June 30, 2011
comes alive JSU drama department to produce ‘rich’ play
Photographers’ different views to be on display at JSU. Page 4. Page X
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12-13 3 8-10 6-7 25 16-27
On The Cover Southbridge director says the play isn’t just written well, it needs to be seen
Pages 14-15 This week’s movie releases: Bad Teacher, Cars 2
Music Newly formed music council aims to cash in on Nashville’s music scene
Page 6
Music Dave Matthews takes a break from the road, but not from concerts
Page 7
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Movies OH NO! Pixar takes a page from Cash for Clunkers with Cars sequel
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Won’t spill the blood: Paquin, Moyer not giving up season 4 secrets
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A’ton, J’ville, Oxford
June 24 -June 30, 2011
6 7 13 12 4 10 3 9 2 -47 59 53 193 70 123 63 69 66 48 55 22 30 54 51 33 29 171 144 61 500 52 46 24 515 128 67 49 56 64 125 400 158 38 65 34 8 26 60 25 27 57 58 28 68 41 43 18 85 45 42
3 ◆
Best Sellers From Oxford Books-A-Million (Overall store ranking)
FICTION 1. (1) folly beach by Frank Dorothea (Berkley, $25.99) 2. (2) Summer RENTAL by Mary Kay Andrews (St. Martin’s, $25.99) 3. (3) AGAINST ALL ENEMIES by Tom Clancy (Penguin Group, $28.95) 4. (6) HIT LIST by Laurell K. Hamilton (Berkley, $27.99) 5. (7) DEAD RECKONING by Charlaine Harris (Ace, $27.95) NONFICTION 1. (4) DOES THE NOISE IN MY HEAD BOTHER YOU? by Steven Tyler (Ecco, $27.99) 2. (5) GREATER JOURNEY by David McCullough (Simon & Schuster, $37.50) 3. (10) UNBROKEN by Laura Hillenbrand (Random House, $27.00) 4. (11) LIES THAT CHELSEA HANDLER TOLD by Chelsea Handler (Grand Central, $24.99) 5. (12) DEMONIC by Ann Coulter (Crown Forum, $28.99)
❱ Word of the week pullulate \ PUHL-yuh-leyt\, verb; 1. To exist abundantly; swarm 2. To send forth sprouts, buds, etc. 3.To increase rapidly; multiply. Quotes: Swept along by events, we have not had time to sketch in the comic race of courtiers who pullulate at the court of Parma and passed droll comments on the events we have been recounting. — Stendhal, John Sturrock, The charterhouse of Parma I do not want to describe it; a chaos of heterogeneous words, the body of a tiger or a bull in which teeth, organs and heads monstrously pullulate in mutual conjunction and hatred can (perhaps) be approximate images. — Jorge Luis Borges, Donald A. Yates, James East Irby, Labyrinths: selected stories & other writings Origin: “Pullulate” derives from the Latin pullulatus, “to grow or sprout.”
June 24 -June 30, 2011
The myths and the truth of ‘The Tiger’ The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival by John Vaillant; Vintage, 2011; 352 pages, $15.00
by hunters who had located ruminants of human bones belonging to the dead man. Upon their return to By Charlee Harris the poacher’s cabin, Special to The Star they discovered “There are only fifty seven Siberian the remaining tigers (called Amur) in one fifth of forest body in pieces. (Taiga) of Russia.” This book is a comThe tiger had prehensive saga of observation in that backtracked the region. The Tiger is a prehistoric view of hunters and had fears Russians hold about this massive paced around beast. It is also a novel of the myths and the cabin, laid the truth about one particular man-eater. down to rest, It seems HE can remember those who and defecated wreak havoc upon him by anyone who twice to mark hunts him. Vaillant’s book is a tale of his territory. retaliation of one such tiger. But, Valliant’s A poacher is killed in 1997. It seems book does not this tiger has the extraordinary ability to stop there. He analyzes the remember by smell who the culprit was complicated hunt, an exhilarating history trying to kill him. Russia brings a group lesson, and an innovative account of both of expert hunters to kill the beast when for man and beast. Valliant describes The Tiger kills the poacher. It makes no what a vindictive animal this specific difference that in 1947 Russia was the tiger is by “weighing in at five hundred first nation to implement an administrapounds and was nine feet long.” He “has tor of protection of tiger conservation. claws close to a surgical tool.” He also had The human inhabitants, poachers, perthe ability to “remove organ by organ,” estroitka (the mob), and China’s use for or “once engaged can ride its prey to the them had already decreased the animals ground.” In this frontier, tigers are known by “ninety-five percent.” by 1997. as, “The undisputed Lord of the Jungle.” This particular tiger was sought An imposing man named, Trush,
and his reputation as a hunter was well known by the nation. He was to lead a new hunt. His team assembled during the month of December in the dead of winter. It was the time of the year when the animal running through the snow would bog down. Thrush, was a conservationist first, and a hunter second. He took five extra experienced hunters who camped in separate places to better cover the mass of Taigra. “Tigers could only run a short distance” (Valliant) but “could leap twelve feet.” Unfortunately, this Tiger began to pursue the ones who stalked him. One of the hunters in his solo camp was ignorant that this tiger starting to parallel his tracks, ultimately, killing the hunter. It was a widespread belief this tiger was cultured enough to contrive real stalking maneuvers. The conclusion of the hunt was considered a success. The value of this book is to all conservationists and for those who love true stories about animals. “Men carry their superiority inside, and animals on the outside” (Russian Proverb). Valliant’s book proves it.
Addie searches for justice in ‘Take Me Home’ Take Me Home by Brian Leung; Harper, 2010; 304 pages, $24.99
little to late, they fail at their attempt to save it. Tommy goes to work in By Charlee Harris the mines, while Special to The Star Addie starts a Take Me Home is a delight- business of dressful tale about a woman named ing and selling game. Wing Lee, Adele “Addie” Maine. It is not often a male author a Chinese cook, attempts to tell a story through works with her. the eyes of a woman, but Brian Wing will be the one who Leung has done it well. The setting is a midwestern shows Addie how wrong the white men town called Dire. It is a time and women have been in their of unrest and bigotry. White men find themselves working prejudices against them. Much like the South, people were side by side in the mines with bought and sold, until freed at the Chinese, whom they see as nothing more than devious the conclusion of the Civil war. animals. Addie has also adopt- Nothing has changed. Blacks were still kept down, as they ed the same attitude … for a while. Tommy, Addie’s broth- work as sharecroppers. It is er, has a homestead there, and the same in the mines of Dire. The Chinese would work at a has Addie to join him. Too
lower rate of pay, and the Chinese dedication forces more and more unemployment for the white man. It is here Mr. Leung spins a piece of non-fiction and merges with his fiction. On September 2, 1885, there was a riot in Rock Spring, Wyo., regarding the same issues. The riot in Roc Springs Mr. Leung recreates in Dire, and Addie finds herself in the middle of the mass murders and vandalism. She too, is shot and almost killed for her trouble. Suddenly, Addie finds herself alone. The saga’s opening is her return at a friend’s request. Her entire trip is steeped with
uncertainty and concerns for her own safety. Addie believes she knows who shot her, and wonders if she will be able to locate her friend, Wing. Any truths she may find to get final closure must be done in Dire. There, she will be able to explore the secrets she shares with Wing, and find surprises at the answers. It will take Addie’s maturity to see the truth as her own and her losses. This is Brian Leung’s second novel. He has already won several awards for his works of fiction, as well as, his contributions to works of non-fiction as a co-author. As for his novel, Take Me Home, questions will be answered, but will Addie’s search for justice be satisfied? You’ll have to read it to find out.
June 24 -June 30, 2011
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Photographers’ different views to be on display
Take any situation and there are always differing points of view that define it. Usually, two people don’t see things the same way. When it comes to Lesa and David Cummings’ photographs of the Bordeaux Water Mirror in France, both husband and wife are in agreement on Hervey defining the setting. Folsom But the two images, Artists in Action placed side by side, are entirely different in capturing the moment and mood. The display of this two-piece photo taken in Bordeaux, a coastal town in southwest France, is one of the features that makes the current art exhibit in JSU’s Hammond Hall Gallery so enticing. But all the pieces draw the viewer near, and with each it’s easy to apply one’s own thoughts and memories. The Visual Arts Society Members Summer Show displays more entries than usual this year, according to Dr. Jauneth Skinner, art department head. Each entry has a message, she said, and it is a show of great variety. Two art students’ works are in the display and viewers will see more photography than before. The exhibit is up through July 7. The differences in vantage points that the Cummingses speak of seem to be a natural experience for them. Often, when the two return from their travels and study their pictures, they are amazed at what they see. “There we were, standing shoulder to shoulder in Bordeaux, snapping shots of the same setting just minutes apart,” Lesa said. “But when we compare the images, each time we see the differences in our focus.” David agrees. “Looking back on them, it’s like we went on two different trips,” he said. The Bordeaux Water Mirror is a popular attraction to tourists and photographers alike. It is a block-long city gathering place with a fountain system of multiple sprays. The result is a changing mirror and mist effect. An ornate 18th century stock exchange building stands tall in the background. “I was interested in the mist, the mystery, and the people, while David had an eye for the building’s architecture and its reflection on the wet paving,” said Lesa. To this viewer, it’s easy to imagine movement by the children splashing in the haze and (since the photo is dated August 2010) to conclude that this just might be the last hurrah of summer.
Trent Penny/The Anniston Star
David and Lesa Cummings hold their photographs of the Bordeaux Water Mirror that are on display in Jacksonville. In another part of the gallery Lesa’s photo entry is historic. Monet’s Water Garden shows lush greenery and a pond on the land where the painter lived in Giverny, which is still a village in Normandy, France. This is the first formal exhibit Lesa has entered. “Thus far, I’ve been simply along for the ride,” she smiles. “I’ve been a photographer by accident.” But after she won two ribbons—first place and an honorable mention—in the recent Gadsden Museum of Art photo contest, she was encouraged to enter the VAS show. The response to the Cummingses’ photographs has been a warm one. Longleaf Style Magazine has pictured illustrations
by both, and David regularly contributes photographs to the Knox Concert Series publications. And, David is the only American to have two prints in the prestigious touring International Print Exhibition of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain. The society is now in its 153rd year of touring photographic art. The exhibit is being shown in 12 European sites. Carol Record’s digital photo illustration is two-fold: It reflects a house where she lived and an accompanying poem. The home, built just before 1900, is abandoned now but important to the art department graduate because it housed three generations of her family. The poem is by Pakistan writer Ayesha Isha, whom the artist com-
municated with this summer. “The poem conveys my feeling of emotional attachment to this place,” Record said. In addition to the exhibits, new design opportunities are in place for JSU art students that the community can appreciate. The cover for next season’s Knox Concert Series’ souvenir program was designed by JSU art student Crystal Stillwell, who graduated this past semester. The program cover was one of several projects completed in the Graphic Design Workshop, a senior course taught by Dr. Jinsook Kim, associate professor of art at JSU. Hammond Hall Gallery is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone is invited to see the exhibit.
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June 24-June 30, 2011
When summer and the Braves Lady Gaga goes get you down, just f lip around gaga over Japan You know what they say: Man can’t live on baseball and CSI reruns alone. Not that baseball is bad, mind you, but you need some diversity while navigating the TV summer doldrums or else you’ll get scurvy. Or something like that. Bobby It’s that time of Bozeman year when all the Pop network shows Cultured are on hiatus. No more new episodes of Community or South Park for a while, and no football or basketball make it kind of rough on the couch. But don’t worry, there’s plenty of TV out there for those who know how to find it — because Lord forbid we go outside.
new shows WILFRED Starts June 23 on FX, Thursdays at 9 p.m. It’s got Elijah Wood’s piercing blue eyes staring in this remake of an Australian comedy that is apparently supposed to be really funny. I haven’t seen it yet — because it hasn’t aired — but all the advance marketing videos and everything look really funny and has a lineup of guest stars that include Ed Helms (The Hangover), Rashida Jones (Parks and Recreation) and Nestor Carbonell (Lost). Oh, and the whole show is about a dog, Wilfred, which Wood sees as a man in a dog costume. So, there’s that.
FALLING SKYS Started June 19 on TNT, Sundays at 9 p.m. I haven’t gotten a chance to catch the post-apocalyptic alien drama from TNT (I know, it just sounds silly when you realize that this is the same channel that airs a drama about a middle-aged Ray Romano) but I’ve heard some good things about it, and Stephen Spielberg is an executive producer, so you know it won’t be underfunded. Basically, most of
TOKYO — Lady Gaga says that if you want to help Japan recover from its tsunami disaster, come visit. The flamboyant pop star, in Tokyo this week for a benefit concert for tsunami victims, said Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press that she’s making a point to get out and enjoy the city and its food, and that her fans should do the same thing. “I can’t say enough to people all over the world that the majority of Japan right now, Japan in general, is very safe,” she said. “It’s fine to come here. It’s beautiful.” Many performers and athletes have canceled appearances in Japan after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that caused widespread destruction and set off a crisis at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant about 140 miles (220 kilometers) north of Tokyo. — Associated Press
Futurama TM/Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp
Everyone should throw up their hands with the utmost joy that Futurama returns for the second part of its sixth season. Earth’s population has been wiped out and the few remaining survivors have to, well, survive. One episode in and apparently they already want to renew it for a second season, so no reason not to get in on this show now.
Returning shows BREAKING BAD Starts Season 4 July 17 on AMC, Sundays at 9 p.m. First off, Breaking Bad is back and oh so good. If you haven’t been keeping up with this gem from AMC (which will probably be stealing a lot of Emmys since Mad Men didn’t air this year), then forget your summer reading list and get on this. This is one of the most brutal and intense shows on the air. The story of the Walter White, the chemistry teacher who starts making meth after he finds out he has cancer, is unforgiving and we love it for that. White is played by Bryan Cranston, and he just continues to bring an ‘A’ game as this show gets better and better each season.
CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM Starts Season 8 July 10 on HBO, Sundays at 9 p.m. Larry David is back after being gone for more than a year for one of the funniest shows on TV. If you’ve been missing out, Curb is like Sein-
feld (David was a co-creator) turned up all the way and on HBO. It’s kind of improvised, kind of scripted and really funny.
FUTURAMA Starts Season 6B July 28 on Comedy Central, Thursdays 9 p.m. Futurama is splitting its seasons similar to how South Park does, doing half a season at a time, so this is season 6B for them. There will also be a season 7A in 2012 and 7B in 2013, assuming the world lasts that long. After returning from doing the four movies that constitute season 5, Futurama started airing on Comedy Central and things were kinda up and down to begin with. Maybe they hit their groove again, maybe not, but I never turn down free Futurama — or pizza — and never should you.
TRUE BLOOD Starts Season 4 Sunday on HBO, Sundays at 8 p.m. Well, if True Blood and HBO’s new Game of Thrones keep getting renewed, I’m going to have to buy stock in whatever company manufactures fake blood. True Blood isn’t going to be winning any awards, but it’s a good time, even if it does have fairies now. Plus, it’s on HBO, so it’s not like there won’t be gratuitous nude scenes if things start going south.
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6 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011
Country and everything else Newly formed music council out to leverage Nashville’s buzz By Chris Talbott
businesses, from tour buses to concert video screen rentals, generates about $6 billion a year in NASHVILLE, Tenn. the area and 54,000 jobs, Belmont usic City University research shows. cleaned up at There are more than 80 record the Grammys. labels, 100 live music venues, Its artists have including the iconic Ryman Auditopped the torium, 130 music publishers and charts in multiple genres over the 180 recording studios. last few years. It’s increasingly the When Tim McGraw brings his destination for A-list entertainbuddies from L.A. and New York ers looking for a new home. And to town, he always gets the same Rolling Stone recently named it reaction. 2011’s “best music scene.” “Everybody they hear they Nashville is hot, no doubt. think is a star,” McGraw said. There are those who think it “You can go down to the corner could be even hotter. and listen to a guy who is the best singer you’ve ever heard and you Mayor Karl Dean wants to capitalize on this recent momen- can’t believe he’s standing there with his case open on the tum with the Nashville Music Council, a 60-member group that corner.” But leaders want to draws together the music community, city leaders and business make the music scene flourish even more. The music interests to find ways to leverage Nashville’s unique position as an council has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars all-purpose hub that’s home to so far in creating partnerships more than just country music. in key areas of music technolThough it seems like an obviogy development, making the ous partnership, rarely have city city more inviting for enterleaders and the music industry joined together in such a concert- tainment-oriented businesses and musicians alike, and soon ed way. Tim DuBois, who’s been has plans to expose every child in Music City nearly 35 years as in Nashville schools to music a songwriter, record label head and now as leader of the perform- education — something that has largely lost its cultural value over ing rights organization ASCAP’s Nashville office, has heard talk of the years. That’s in addition to the mila partnership over the decades, lions in advertising and promobut never seen anything come tion meant to keep Music City of it. ahead of a pack of ambitious “It’s a pretty powerful group and you can feel the energy in the competitors like Austin, which air,” DuBois said. “You can see the bills itself as the “Live Music Capital of the World,” and Seattle, things happening with the definow trying to make the “City of nite result of moving this thing Music” tag stick. The city also is forward. That’s real different. helping finance a new 200,000 That’s not talk, it’s action.” square-foot wing of the Country More musicians and music Music Hall of Fame and Museum industry types live here than in as part of a convention center any other city in the country, project. except Los Angeles and New “Nashville’s best days are York. That group along with a still ahead of it, and that is very wide-ranging variety of support Associated Press
Mark Humphrey/Associated Press/File
While Nashville is known for places like the Grand Ole Opry, the city is making a push to make known its musical diversity with artists like Kings of Leon.
clear when you look at this music industry,” Dean said. “It’s taking off here; it’s getting increasingly interesting and increasingly complex.” While country music remains the big dog in town, the city’s sound is much more colorful than it was 20 years ago. Jack White, Kings of Leon, The Black Keys, Ke$ha and country crossovers Lady Antebellum and Taylor Swift now share the spotlight and there are vibrant Christian and gospel, punk, pop, folk and roots music scenes. White, a transplant from Detroit and music council member who Karl recently gave the first Music City Ambassador
Award, saw the possibilities Nashville presented when he came to town to record with Loretta Lynn. He moved his family and his business here a short time later. “It’s definitely very encouraging and supportive because the environment that any artist is in starts to dictate the creativity of the artist and the output of the artist. So if the environment is supportive it can be very helpful to the creativity,” White said, before comparing it in some ways to European nations where the arts and artists are fostered and supported through government aid. “Obviously in this town you can see from the mayor’s office on down that they’re very supportive and interested in the idea of Nashville’s musical culture.” In the past, artists like White came to Nashville despite the indifference of city leaders. The music council would like to make it easier for artists to settle
more online : www . nashvillemusiccouncil . com
in Music City rather than other hubs. The council has set up an all-inclusive resource website and has launched live music app on iTunes with an Android version to come later this summer. The council is even building artist housing. The initiative goes beyond making Nashville more friendly for the average musician. The music council recently partnered with the Nashville Entrepreneur Center, a tech business incubator run by Vanderbilt professor Michael Burcham. The council will pair music industry leaders like DuBois, former Sony Music Nashville chairman Joe Galante and tech business pioneers Tawn Albright and Mark Montgomery. “I’ve been hired by other cities to look at what they do, but I don’t see any other city that has the commitment of the chamber, the commitment of the convention and visitors bureau, the mayor and the public at large putting their money where their mouth is,” said Montgomery.
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June 24-June 30, 2011
Dave Matthews takes break from the road Band to play 3 ‘caravan’ concerts across the U.S. By Nekesa Mumbi Moody Associated Press
NEW YORK — Dave Matthews has just started a telephone interview when the shrieks of a child interrupt his thoughts and he has to go to another room to escape the commotion. “It’s not easy to find a quiet place in my house,” quips the leader of the Dave Matthews Band. “There’s a lot of action.” But it’s that kind of action with his 3-year-old son and two 9-year-old daughters that Matthews was craving when he decided last year, after spending 20 years on the road, to take a hiatus from touring. However, the 44-year-old rocker’s love of music couldn’t keep him away from the stage for long, and this summer, the band — which includes Carter Beauford, Boyd Tinsley and Stefan Lessard — is performing in four cities — three nights in each city — in a “caravan” of concerts. The concerts in Atlantic City, N.J.; Chicago; New York; and George, Wash., features the Dave Matthews Band as headliners and includes acts like the Flaming Lips, Ray LaMontagne, the Roots and Dispatch. The acts will vary in each city. “I hope that people will go away from it, probably a little exhausted, but feeling like they had a really special experience,” Matthews said. AP: When you ended your tour, people assumed that was it for a while. What made you decide to do the “caravan”? Matthews: There’s some different reasons. A lot of the guys wanted to play and I love playing with this band. I’ve just been wanting to take a break from being on the road. ... I’m not as up for the crazy tour schedule this year ... but I still love playing music. It does seem like a good way not to live on a bus and go to someplace and see some good musicians play, and then work a little bit. AP: What have you been doing during your time off? Matthews: I’ve just been with my family and nothing else. ... Last year I spent was away from my family a lot.
Peter Kramer/Associated Press/file
Bon Iver’s new release has crossover potential BON IVER Bon Iver (Jagjaguwar, HHH1/2) By getting lost inside his own head, Justin Vernon gains the world. Back in 2007, the man who is Bon Iver retreated to his cabin in the Wisconsin woods to make his beautiful beardy record For Emma, Forever Ago. With gauzy production and a falsetto from another time, Vernon came off like a mystic soul man who needed to go back to the land to save himself. It paid off in a swelling indie audience and some side work with a guy named Kanye West, who used Vernon’s voice to ghostly effect on “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” and primed this self-titled sophomore release for crossover potential. It might happen, because the music on Bon Iver is so unabashedly pretty, and because in the closing “Beth / Rest,” Vernon embraces his inner Bruce Hornsby to point out one possible avenue to softrock stardom. And it might not, because on Bon Iver, those mainstream roads are mostly not taken, as Vernon prefers to construct gorgeously sung, muted tone poems that are more about getting lost in a lushly melodic dreamland than making linear sense. — From wire reports
Dave Matthews Band will be performing in four cities for three nights each this summer. The accompanying will vary in each location. It’s hard for me to leave my kids, and it’s harder on me than it is on them. It’s funny, I get a little quieter with time. I don’t want to chase my tail and one day repeat myself and repeat myself and one day have kids going to college and not have memories that I should, because I was too busy doing my thing. ... I’m always playing music and trying to make new sounds, but mainly, it’s been trying to hear theirs. AP: Do you think your break might be a little bit more extended, or do you not want to put a timetable on it? Matthews: I’d like to get into writing again and I think a lot of it for me is just trying to figure out how I can do both, and a lot of people have done it. ... It’s a hard switch, but I’m working on trying to figure out how to do it. I don’t want to stop — I don’t think I really can stop making music. ... I’m not planning going into the studio for a specific month or anything like that. But I imagine I am going to. I don’t see an end to that. AP: There’s a new book, So Much to Say: Dave Matthews Band — 20 Years on the Road. What are some of the things included in the book that might surprise people?
Matthews: You know what’s going to make you laugh? My mother told me there was some book out about us, and that’s the first I heard of it. ... I had no idea. I am so in the dark about everything, which is OK. I’ve always kind of been, I’ve never really kept up with the culture around me, so it’s not surprising that some book came out and I was oblivious about it. ... I have yet to see it. ... I have a pretty good idea of what happened in the last 20 years, and there’s a lot of books out there that are about other things that I would much rather read than read a book that has details of my life. AP: You have talked about trying to do things that might better the world. What are some of the projects you’d like to tackle? Matthews: I think it’s always on my mind and all of our minds, especially when I became a father, about what kind of planet I’m leaving for my children, and so that preoccupies me a little bit, and then opportunities tend to come up because there are people that are more directly focused on more specific ways into improving or sustaining a healthier direction for the planet.
iTunes Top 10 selling singles and albums Singles 1. “Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.),” Katy Perry 2. “Party Rock Anthem (feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock),” LMFAO 3. “Give Me Everything (feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer),” Pitbull 4. “Rolling In the Deep,” ADELE 5. “The Edge of Glory,” Lady GaGa 6. “Super Bass,” Nicki Minaj 7. “Lighters (feat. Bruno Mars),” Bad Meets Evil 8. “How to Love,” Lil Wayne 9. “The Lazy Song,” Bruno Mars 10. “Dirt Road Anthem (Remix) (feat. Ludacris),” Jason Aldean Albums 1. “Hell: The Sequel,” Bad Meets Evil 2. “21,” ADELE 3. “All Things Bright and Beautiful,” Owl City 4. “Journey: Greatest Hits,” Journey 5. “Nothing But the Best — The Frank Sinatra Collection,” Frank Sinatra 6. “Legend,” Bob Marley 7. “Find Me,” Christina Grimmie 8. “Born This Way,” Lady GaGa 9. “Sigh No More,” Mumford & Sons 10. “Dream With Me,” Jackie Evancho — Complied by the Associated Press
June 24-June 30, 2011
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Review | Movies
Disney Pixar photo
OH, NO! Pixar takes a page from Cash for Clunkers with Cars 2 By Colin Covert Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
With Cars 2, Pixar goes somewhere new: the ditch. Reprising its least-inspired effort (albeit one that has spawned a $2 billion aftermarket in toys, T-shirts and lunchboxes), the studio has rolled out an inferior encore. Cars 2 is one Cars too many. Is it awful? No, just humdrum. Does it look astonishing? Yes, but so do Transformers movies. Will children like it? Yes; they are children. Is it up to Pixar’s standards? It is so-so by DreamWorks’ standards. Saddled with a hectic story, flat-lining character arcs and action sequences apparently conceived as levels for a video game, Cars 2 is all motion and no emotion. The film was directed by John
sophisticate. When fate trapped him in the sleepy desert town of CARS 2 HH Radiator Springs, he lamented, rating: G “I’m in hillbilly hell. My IQ is Running time: 1:52 (with dropping by the minute. I’m short). becoming one of them!” By the Starring: Voices of Owen end of Cars, the hotshot had Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, learned to take life at a slower Michael Caine and Emily pace, enjoying the homey burg Mortimer and its amiable hicks. Directed by: John Lasseter For their second outing, Lightning takes a world tour with sidekick Tow Mater (a rusty salvage Lasseter, who oversees the entire truck voiced by Danny Whitney, animated output for both Pixar aka Larry the Cable Guy). They and Walt Disney Studios. Lassepack plenty of clamor and shtick ter’s usually resonant approach but scarcely any soul. of strong storytelling and memoWith his lowbrow pal in tow to rable characters is sidelined here; provide dumb jokes, Lightning maybe he’s stretched thin. An enters a globe-hopping Formula aura of creative fatigue hangs over 1 race sponsored by an alternathe film like diesel fumes. tive-fuel magnate. With its elaboAs we recall from his 2006 rate international settings, the debut, Lightning McQueen, the film feels more bloated than big. speedy red racer voiced by Owen At every stop, Mater embarrasses Wilson, was once a stuck-up Lightning with comments like,
“Is the Popemobile Catholic?” and mishaps with the toilets in Japan (there are numerous potty gags here, besmirching Pixar’s reputation). In a second plot strand, superspy Finn McMissile (Michael Caine) and his aide Holley Shiftwell (Emily Mortimer) use their spy gear and firepower to bring down a cabal of clunkers scheming to sabotage the race. The first film was a gentle satire of salt-of-the-earth Americans — and by extension the audience — that was executed with aw-shucks charm. The sequel piles on scenes of Mater’s inappropriate idiocy as he becomes the lead character and Lightning recedes to the background. The country bumpkin is pulled into the spy thriller subplot through — sigh — mistaken identity, and there we all are, trapped in hillbilly hell, our IQs eroding by
the second. After brilliant films like The Incredibles and Ratatouille celebrated excellence and sophistication, it stings to see a Pixar release champion a narrow, ignorant worldview. We expect more than perfunctory time-wasters from the wizards who brought us Up, the Toy Story series and Wall-E. Heck, we expect more than entertainment. We view their films to experience enchantment. This time we get disenchantment. The good news is that Pixar hasn’t lost its touch. Before Cars 2 begins, there’s Toy Story Hawaiian Vacation, a playful short about the toys turning Bonnie’s room into a tropical paradise when Barbie and Ken’s plan to hitch a ride to Waikiki in Bonnie’s backpack goes awry. In under 6 minutes, it delivers more laughs, heart and art than the two-hour film that follows. playing this week in oxford bad teacher HH1/2, 1:32, R This bad teacher isn’t teaching at a Chicago middle school for the rewarding experience. She just needs enough money for a boob job, which she think will land her a rich husband. With Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Lucy Punch and Justin Timberlake. Cars 2 (in 2d and 3d) H1/2, 1:46, G Lightening McQueen competes in an international grand prix, gets trapped in a spy spoof and delivers a message about the importance of alternative fuel sources while his buddy Tow Mater tags along. With Owen Wilson, Larry the Cable Guy, Michael Caine, John Turturro and Emily Mortimer. Green Lantern (in 2d and 3d) H1/2, 1:54, PG-13 When a spaceship crash-lands, the alien inside bequeaths his ring — and membership in an intergalactic peacekeeping force — to the reluctant Hal Jordan. With Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Peter Sarsgaard and Tim Robbins. Kung Fu Panda 2 (2-D and 3-D) HH, 1:31, PG The martial artist panda Po and his friends must once again protect the Valley of Peace from a formidable villain. With the voices of Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Dustin Hoffman and Jackie Chan. Directed by Jennifer Yuh Nelson. Mr. Popper’s Penguins HH1/2, 1:35, PG When Tom Popper’s father bequeaths him a penguin, and five more follow, the tuxedoed ones turn his life upside down. With Jim Carrey and Angela Lansbury Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2-D and 3-D)H1/2, 2:17, PG-13 Captain Jack Sparrow returns for another swashbuckling adventure, this time searching for the Fountain of Youth and tangling with the pirate Blackbeard. With Johnny Depp, Penelope Cruz, Ian McShane and Kevin R. McNally. SUPER 8 HHH, 1:52, PG-13 A coming-of-age story about young, amateur filmmakers who film a spidery space alien on the loose in Ohio during summer 1979. With Joel Courtney, Elle Fanning, Kyle Chandler and Noah Emmerich. The hangover part II HHH, 1:41, R On the heels of their wild Las Vegas bachelor party, four pals get into more trouble en route to a pre-wedding brunch in Thailand. With Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifanakis and Ed Helms. Written by Scot Armstrong, Craig Mazin and Todd Phillips. X-men: first class HHH, 2:12, PG-13 A retreat into the comic book mythology to present the beginnings of the mutant heroes. With James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Rose Byrne and Kevin Bacon. Directed by Matthew Vaughn. Rating: H poor, HH fair, HHH good,
HHHH excellent, NR: not reviewed
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June 24-June 30, 2011 Review | Movies
Bad Teacher barely passes By Connie Ogle Miami Herald
All legs and hair and eyeliner and attitude, Cameron Diaz makes a formidable bad teacher in the raunchy new comedy from director Jake Kasdan (Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story, Orange County). She’s nasty, conniving and selfish as Elizabeth Halsey, a middle-school instructor who cares more about scamming money for breast implants than about student participation or test scores. Diaz is funny, all right, but she is no miracle worker, so she can’t erase the movie’s slow spots or make it feel shorter than its 92-minute running time (it feels much, much longer, never a good sign for a comedy). Bad Teacher is as uneven as that wobbly desk you got stuck with in seventh grade. It’s amusing in plenty of spots but wastes too much time focusing on jokes that are repetitive and exaggerated (Lucy Punch as Miss Squirrel, the goody-two-shoes teacher determined to expose her rival as a drugaddled cheater) instead of rewarding better characters with more screen time (Jason Segal as a laid-back gym coach intrigued by Elizabeth is the film’s secret weapon, and he’s virtually invisible for the first half hour). As the film opens, Elizabeth is saying goodbye to the colleagues she despises at John Adams Middle School (or “JAMS”), happy to be leaving her job to marry a rich guy. But he’s onto the fact that she’s only after his money and dumps her, leaving Elizabeth with no choice but to return to the world of preteen crushes, school dances and long, dull mornings of sleeping off hangovers at her desk while her students dutifully watch Stand and Deliver. Then a savior arrives in the form of substitute teacher Scott (an appropriately goofy Justin Timberlake, who turns out to be a braver comedian than you may have imagined). Scott reveals that his family has money. Elizabeth immediately starts trying to seduce him but, foiled by Scott’s general cluelessness, realizes she must formulate another plan of attack. She believes she needs the breasts of her dreams to pry Scott’s attention from
Columbia Pictures/Associated Press
Cameron Diaz plays Elizabeth Halsey from ‘Bad Teacher.’
BAD TEACHER HH 1/2 rating: R for Sexual content, nudity, language, drug use. Running time: 1:32. Starring: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segal, Justin Timberlake, Lucy Punch. Director: Jake Kasdan. the squeaky-clean charms of Miss Squirrel, and she knows she can’t afford them on a teacher’s salary. But when Elizabeth inevitably starts caring about her students’ success — for all the wrong reasons, naturally — and gradually grasps the sly appeal of the gym coach, Bad Teacher takes off. Thank Segal in part, because the guy is always funny, and Timberlake gets some of the biggest laughs in a particularly crude sex scene (though the song with which his character woos Miss Squirrel is perhaps the film’s funniest moment). The movie may not earn an A-plus, but at least it’s far from getting an F.
Cars 2 Green Lantern
**$5 Adult, $2 Children • Show Time Approximately 7:30**
700 Quintard Drive, Suite 300 Quintard Mall Exit 185 off of I-20 888-94-FILMS WWW.AMSTARCINEMAS.COM SUPER SAVER TUESDAYS: Tickets only $6.00 all day. $9.00 for 3D! TRANSFORMERS 3D Premieres 9:00PM and Midnight Tuesday! *Super Saver Tuesday does not apply BAD TEACHER (R) (12:35 2:50 5:00) 7:15 9:25 CARS 2 (G) (11:30 1:15 2:15 3:50 4:50) 6:30 7:30 9:05 10:10 CARS 2 IN DISNEY DIGITAL 3D (G) (11:00 12:00 1:45 2:45 4:20 5:20) 7:00 8:00 9:40 10:30 GREEN LANTERN (PG13) 6:45 9:15 GREEN LANTERN 3D (PG13) (11:55 2:25 4:55) 7:25 9:55 MR. POPPER’S PENGUINS (PG) (11:50 2:05 4:40) 6:55 9:10 SUPER 8 (PG13) (11:20 2:00 4:45) 7:20 10:00 X-MEN: FIRST CLASS (PG13) (1:00 4:00) 6:50 9:45 THE HANGOVER PART II (R) (11:40 2:10 4:35) 7:05 9:30 KUNG FU PANDA 2 3D (PG) (12:10 2:20 4:30) PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: ON STRANGER TIDES (PG13) (12:30 3:45) 6:40 9:35 FOLLOW US ON AND Times subject to change
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June 24-June 30, 2011
New on dvd
Huge 4th of July Celebration Band
Universal Pictures/Associated Press
John Slattery, left, and Matt Damon star in ‘The Adjustment Bureau.’
‘The Adjustment Bureau’ trivializes lofty question By Rick Bentley McClatchy Newspapers
This week’s DVD releases includes four films about people on a mission to change their lives. Unknown, Grade Bplus: A man (Liam Neeson) wakes from a coma to discover someone has taken over his life. Director Jaume Collet-Serra has created a tantalizing cinematic puzzle based on the smart script by Oliver Butcher and Stephen Cornwell. As Neeson’s wife, January Jones is the biggest flaw. The nature of her role requires aloofness, which comes off more as bland. Even when she shows a different side, she’s lifeless next to Neeson, Frank Langella, Bruno Ganz and Diane Kruger. Consider Jones’ work a bump in a brilliant mystery. The Adjustment Bureau, Grade C: A politician (Matt Damon) discovers that life is often changed by a greater power. Emily Blunt co-stars.
Top 10 DVD rentals
These were the Top 10 DVD rentals at Redbox kiosks from June 6-12: 1. Just Go With It (Sony) 2. True Grit (2010) (Paramount) 3. The Dilemma (Universal) 4. I Am Number Four (Disney) 5. Drive Angry (Summit) 6. No Strings Attached (Paramount) 7. The Mechanic (Sony) 8. Gnomeo and Juliet (Disney) 9. The Roommate (Sony) 10. The Company Men (Anchor Bay) New on Tuesday • The Adjustment Bureau (Universal) • Cedar Rapids (Fox) • Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules (Fox) • The Eagle (Universal) • Kill the Irishman (Anchor Bay) • Unknown (Warner Source: Redbox
The Adjustment Bureau ponders the theological question of whether everything we do is predestined or subject to free will. It’s a
lofty question that gets trivialized by an action story that tries to build suspense out of running down streets and going through doors. The Eagle, Grade Cminus: Two men go beyond the edge of the known world. Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell star. The Eagle takes a less barbaric approach with its focus on honor and family. But the tactic fails because in between the emotional moments are scenes as cold and barren as the Scottish Highlands in winter. Elektra Luxx, Grade Bminus: Carla Gugino turns in a superb performance in this story of a famous porn star who wants to lead a less erotic life. Gugino brings just the right mix of sexuality and sensibility to make the movie work. Director/writer Sebastian Gutierrez should have focused on Gugino’s story more because his multiple storylines and quirky artwork never completely comes together.
Monday, July 4th 2:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. on Center Hill Lake
s d Ride e c i r P Half Tuesdayevery rsday Patriot Riding & Retreat, LLC Thu 2528 McKay Road, Delta, AL (20 miles South of Oxford Exchange)
rks o w e r i F
$5 per car covers Band, Fireworks, & Contests only • LIVE BAND - Kevin Moon and the Outlaw Justice Band
s Conte
• Fireworks Display - HUGE! Don’t bring your own • Pony Rides, Zip Lines, Bounce House and more • Contests - Greased pig chase, tug of war, pie eating and more
• GUN AUCTION/SALE NO AMMO Non-Food Vendors set up for free, call (256) 618-1363/1373 for spot
Great Food
Bring your lawn chair and relax by the lake!
11 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011
REview | Video gaming
‘Duke Nukem’ just an ugly, mean-spirited mess By Lou Kesten Associated Press
There’s a sequence in “Duke Nukem Forever” (2K Games, for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, $59.99; PC, $49.99) that’s destined to be remembered as one of the all-time low points in the history of video games. It takes place in the Hive, a sort of alien incubator. The Hive is filled with naked human women who have been abducted and impregnated by the aliens. When Duke — the “hero” — accidentally kills one of the women, he makes an extremely tasteless joke. Duke eventually stumbles upon two women. They beg for their lives. Duke responds with an F-word-based pun and watches as the two women explode. I’m not a squeamish person, but there’s a point at which even the strongest stomach says enough is enough. Unfortunately, I had to keep playing “Duke Nukem Forever” — and while it never again reaches that low, there’s nothing that justifies that level of sadism and misogyny. You may be familiar with the long, strange history of “DNF.” It had been in development since the mid-1990s — the adolescent years of the first-person shooter, before “Halo” and “Call of Duty.”
knocks you off your feet, so you have to hide from her while your “ego” (this game’s equivalent of health points) recovers. That’s right: During one of the core battles in “DNF,” the hero — established as the toughest, most fearless hero Earth has ever seen — spends most of the time hiding. And if Duke runs out of ego (which he will, often), you’re subjected to a 30-second-plus loading screen. Pile up enough of those and you’ll eventually decide the limited amount of “fun” you’re having isn’t worth the aggravation. Survive the alien queen and you’re treated to a pointless fetch quest in which you have to find three items in a strip club. Your reward? The creepiest lap dance ever. All of which left me wondering: Who is Duke Nukem? The character was established in the ‘90s as a parody of two-fisted 2K Games photo action heroes like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jean-Claude Van Damme. But during Last year, it was finally rescued from the day shooter if they were better executed. Duke’s decade-and-a-half in limbo, those scrapheap by Gearbox Software, the studio Instead, when you finally get to do sometargets became toothless, and the gags behind 2009’s superb role-playing shooter thing fun — like driving Duke’s monster here about contemporary stars like Chris“Borderlands.” truck, the Mighty Foot — the game grinds What Gearbox has assembled is a to a halt by forcing you to stop and find gas. tian Bale and Justin Timberlake fall flat. So in 2011, Duke is just a parody of his mishmash of poorly paced, archaically The worst game issues are reserved for designed chunks of action. Along with the the excruciating boss battles. At the end of former self, spouting jokes that are either lifeless or sickening. At one point, the gunplay, “DNF” incorporates driving, run- the Hive section, for example, you face off president of the United States tells Duke ning-and-jumping platform antics and against the alien queen, who can only be he’s “a relic from a different era.” I wish he even some rudimentary puzzle-solving, all taken down by high-powered ordnance. had stayed there. of which would be welcome in a modernEvery time you score a hit, though, she
Celebrate Independence Day at the Carnival June 29 - July 4 Purchase advanced tickets at Quintard Mall Guest Services.
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June 24-June 30, 2011
Hengeveld Family What: Christian, gospel hymns When: 6-9 p.m. Where: Solid Rock Cafe, 105 North Center Ave., Piedmont How much: Free Contact: 256-447-1960
Steve Green and the Southern Pride
When: 6:30 p.m. Where: Golden Saw Music Hall, 5196 Pleasant Valley Road, Jacksonville How much: Free Contact: 256-435-4696 Lindsey Hinkle When: 8 p.m. Where: Blu’s Bar, 1013 U.S. Highway 431, Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-235-0613
David and Pure Country When: 8:30 p.m. Where: The Smoking Moose, 1214 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-741-9300
10/55 What: Country, rock When: 9 p.m. Where: Bama Cowboy Saloon and Steakhouse, 1503 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-835-7735 DJ Rockin’ Roger When: 9 p.m. Where: AJ’s Sunset Bar and Grill, 1500 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-832-5000 The Wanted Band What: Classic rock, country When: 8:30 p.m. Where: VFW Post 924, 100 U.S. Highway 431, Anniston How much: $4 Contact: 256-238-8047 Larry Keel Band When: 9 p.m. Where: Woo Woo's Tiki Bar,
{get out and do something} 3805 Highway 202, Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-419-4786
Where: American Legion Post 19, Heflin How much: $5 Contact: 256-579-2402
Tracey and Alan What: Rock, pop When: 9:30 p.m. Where: Heroes American Grille, 8896 McClellan Blvd., Jacksonville How much: $4 Contact: 256-405-4366
Karaoke with Brett When: 8 p.m. Where: Bama Lounge, 4006 Old Birmingham Highway, Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-240-2922
Paul Lee Kupfer and Ian Thomas What: Folk, blues and ragtime When: 9 p.m. Where: Peerless Saloon, 13 West 10th Street, Anniston How much: No cover Contact: 256-237-1899
Reginald Edmund’s Southbridge What: Winner of the 2010 Southern Playwright’s Competition. It’s the fall of 1881 and Christopher Davis has just been arrested — is he really guilty, or is he wrongfully accused? When: 7:00 p.m. Where: Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center, corner of Church Avenue and 11th Street, Jacksonville How much: $10 adult, $8 senior citizens/ JSU, $5 student/military/child Contact: 256-782-5648
Jimmy Robertson & The Roustabouts What: Classic rock, downstairs When: 6-9 p.m. Where: Munford Senior Center, 115 Lions Rd., Munford How much: $3 single, $5 couple Contact: 256-236-0340 Joe & Gillian McCarry What: Acoustic guitar, folk When: 6-9 p.m. Where: Solid Rock Cafe, 105 North Center Ave., Piedmont How much: Free Contact: 256-447-1960
Full Circle Band What: Country, pop. No drinking or smoking allowed When: 7-11 p.m.
Josh Cash When: 8 p.m. Where: Blu’s Bar, 1013 U.S. Highway 431, Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-235-0613 The Wanted Band What: Classic rock, country When: 8:30 p.m. Where: VFW Post 924, 100 U.S. Highway 431, Anniston How much: $4 Contact: 256-238-8047 Southern Nites When: 8:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m. Where: The Smoking Moose, 1214 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-741-9300 RPM When: 8:30 p.m. Where: VFW Post 924, 100 U.S. Highway 431, Anniston How much: $4 Contact: 256-238-8047 10/55 What: Country, rock When: 9 p.m. Where: Bama Cowboy Saloon and Steakhouse, 1503 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-835-7735 DJ Rockin’ Roger When: 9 p.m. Where: AJ’s Sunset Bar and Grill, 1500 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-832-5000 Larry Keel Band When: 9 p.m. Where: Woo Woo's Tiki Bar, 3805 Highway 202, Anniston How much: $3 single, $5 couples Contact: 256-419-4786 Andrew Pope and Bootleg Whiskey
What: Classic rock, outlaw country When: 9:30 p.m. Where: Heroes American Grille, 8896 McClellan Blvd., Jacksonville How much: $4 Contact: 256-405-4366
DJ ShonJon aka Shannon Elston
When: 9 p.m. Where: Peerless Saloon, 13 West 10th Street, Anniston How much: No cover Contact: 256-237-1899
Abandon August, Chaotic Theory, Wolf Creek What: Rock When: 10 p.m. Where: Brother’s Bar, 206 Pelham Road S., Jacksonville How much: $5 for under 21, $3 for 21 and up Contact: 256-435-6090
Wine Tasting When: 2-6 p.m. Where: Wine Cellar, 309 Quintard Ave., Anniston How much: $5 Contact: 256-237-5996
Reginald Edmund’s Southbridge What: Winner of the 2010 Southern Playwright’s Competition. It’s the fall of 1881 and Christopher Davis has just been arrested — is he really guilty, or is he wrongfully accused? When: 7:00 p.m. Where: Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center, corner of Church Avenue and 11th Street, Jacksonville How much: $10 adult, $8 senior citizens/ JSU, $5 student/military/child Contact: 256-782-5648
Karaoke with Brett When: 8 p.m. Where: The Smoking Moose, 1214 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-741-9300
13 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011
{get out and do something} event
Bike Sunday What: Food, drink specials, giveaways When: 2-6 p.m. Where: The Smoking Moose, 1214 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-741-9300
Reginald Edmund’s Southbridge What: Winner of the 2010 Southern Playwright’s Competition. It’s the fall of 1881 and Christopher Davis has just been arrested — is he really guilty, or is he wrongfully accused? When: 7:00 p.m. Where: Ernest Stone Performing Arts Center, corner of Church Avenue and 11th Street, Jacksonville How much: $10 adult, $8 senior citizens/ JSU, $5 student/military/child Contact: 256-782-5648
Karaoke by Mossburg When: 8-11 p.m. Where: Jefferson’s, 407 Pelham Road N., Jacksonville How much: Free Contact: 256-435-3456 Pelham’s: Summer Concert Series with Willow & Dan When: 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Where: Pelham’s, 116 Ladiga Street Southwest, Jacksonville How much: Free Contact: 256-435-7455
Karaoke with Brett When: 8 p.m. Where: The Smoking Moose, 1214 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-741-9300
Trivia night with prizes When: 7 p.m. Where: Mellow Mushroom patio, 33 Industrial Drive, Oxford How much: Free Contact: 256-835-1444
When: 8 p.m. Where: Blu’s Bar, 1013 U.S. Highway 431, Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-235-0613 Greg Huff and Scott Grant When: 6 p.m. Where: Garfrerick’s Cafe, 655 Creekside Drive, Oxford How much: Free Contact: 256-831-0044
Open Mic Night with Chris and Paul When: 8 p.m. Where: The Smoking Moose, 1214 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-741-9300
Line dancing lessons When: 7-8 p.m. Where: Bama Cowboy Saloon and Steakhouse, 1503 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-835-7735
Karaoke by Mossburg When: 9 p.m. Where: Applebee’s, 612 E. Hamric Drive, Oxford How much: Free Contact: 256-835-2434
Jeff & David When: 6-9 p.m. Where: The Victoria Restaurant, 1604 Quintard Ave., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-741-3953
Dance Party with Scuba Steve When: 9 p.m. Where: Brother’s Bar, 206 Pelham Road S., Jacksonville How much: $3 Contact: 256-435-6090
Karaoke with Chris Johns When: 7-10 p.m. Where: Mellow Mushroom patio, 33 Industrial Drive, Oxford How much: Free Contact: 256-835-1444
Karaoke with DJ Tay Tay When: 9 p.m. Where: Heroes American Grille, 8896 McClellan Blvd., Jacksonville How much: Free Contact: 256-405-4366
Karaoke with Brett When: 8 p.m. Where: The Smoking Moose, 1214 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-741-9300
Comedy Open Mic Night with Eric Swann and Kool-Aide When: 8:30 p.m. Where: Blu’s Bar, 1013 U.S. Highway 431, Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-235-0613
Karaoke with Billy 2 Bare
DJ Rockin’ Roger When: 9-10 p.m. Where: AJ’s Sunset Bar and Grill, 1500 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-237-5996 Open Mic with Riley Green What: All musicians welcome When: 9:30 p.m. Where: Heroes American Grille, 8896 McClellan Blvd., Jacksonville How much: Free Contact: 256-405-4366
Jam Night When: 8 p.m. Where: The Peerless Saloon, 13 W. 10th St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-237-1899
Wine Tasting When: 5:30-7:30 p.m. Where: Tyson Art & Frame, 3326 Henry Road, Anniston How much: $5 Contact: 256-236-9910 Kids Night at the Museum Who: Children ages 7-12, reservations must be made by June 24 When: 7-9 p.m. Where: Anniston Museum of Natural History, 800 Museum Drive, Anniston How much: $25/child; $10/sibling; $20/member child; $10/sibling Contact: 256-237-6766
To submit an event to the free calendar, contact Deirdre Long at 256-235-3580 or Listings must be received at least seven days in advance.
ExhibitS Art Exhibition What: ArtWorks Gallery has a continuing exhibition of works by gallery artists. Offerings include a wide variety of original art and fine craft works by 18 area artists.
When: Tuesday through Friday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Where: ArtWorks Gallery, 921 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-237-1259
June 24 -June 30, 2011
‘Rich’ thematic play to open at JSU tonight
comes alive By Brian Anderson
“The theater director said ‘You have your first hit,’” Edmund said. “‘What’s going to be your next one?’” After the success in Houston, Edmund went to hone Performances for the 2010 Jacksonville State Univerhis craft in the masters program at Ohio University in sity Southern Playwrights Competition winner run this Athens, Ohio, which became the setting for Southbridge, weekend at JSU. based on a true story that happened in the town in 1881. Southbridge, by Houston, Texas, playwright Reginald “All my plays are more contemporary, so I challenged Edmund, was the recipient of the annual award honoring myself to work on a piece based on historical events,” plays from Southern writers. Southbridge’s director and Edmund said. “I wanted to put my own spin on it.” JSU drama professor Eric Traynor said Edmund’s play Southbridge revolves around the character Christowas selected from more than a hundred recipients to be pher Davis, who Edmund describes as being “blessed performed by the JSU drama department. with special sights and visions.” The play alternates “We decide the award not between the past and present as Davis tries to underjust on what reads best, but what stand how he ended up in jail after an incident in the needs to be seen,” Traynor said, town. if you go: describing Southbridge as a play Edmund said when researching the real-life incident “alive” and “rich with themes.” which he based his play around he became invested Where: Ernest Steven J. Whitton, JSU Engheavily in the characters, and wanted to explore the Stone Performing lish professor and head of the effects such a controversy caused on a small community. Arts Center, JSU. Southern Playwrights Competi“I wanted to write a piece not just about this one When: Friday and tion committee, said the themes specific incident, but what it means to really love and to of Southbridge “stood head and really sacrifice,” Edmund said. “It’s about what it means Saturday at 7 p.m., shoulders” above the rest of the to falter in love and what is willing to do to make amends. Sunday at 2 p.m. finalists for the 2010 award. I wanted to combine all those things into one piece. It How much: Adult In 2003 Edmund, who was really a science experiment for me.” $10, Student $5 received his bachelor of fine Traynor describes Edmund’s science experiment as Tickets: Call arts degree in acting from Texas “a mystery” story, with different perspectives from vivid 256-782-5648. Southern University, was strugcharacters. gling to find parts written for “As a director you look for characters with what I call what he described as “a scrawny ‘super objectives,’” Traynor said. “You ask, ‘what do these black kid with glasses.” Things characters want?’” finally came to a creative standstill while working on a Traynor said he was drawn most to the flaws of the production at the Silver House Theater in his hometown characters, but said they most came to life by their of Houston. humanity. “It was really bad, and I just said, ‘I can write better “They’re all, in their own way beautiful, honest than this,’” Edmund said. The theater director responded, human beings,” Traynor said. “There’s no traditional vil“So do it.” lain.” “I spent the next two weeks locked away in my apartSouthbridge is Edmund’s second play in a planned ment,” Edmund said, describing the writing process for nine-part series called The City of the Bayou. So far his first play Love Story. “When it was done, I told [the the first five installments have been written. It’ll be the theater director] it was going to be a hit.” first time Edmund has seen his work performed since And it was. he revised the play prior to submitting the piece JSU’s Love Story — written, produced, directed, and starSouthern Playwrights Competition. ring Edmund — sold out every performance at the Silver “I feel really blessed and very excited to see how they House Theater. bring this play to life,” Edmund said. “I’m very grateful to “I look back now and think, this is the worst play I’ve the JSU drama department.” ever written,” Edmund said. “But it was a packed house The Southern Playwrights Competition has been every night.” awarded annually since 1989. The 2007 recipient, Other From there, the former actor knew writing was his People’s Dreams by Evan Guilford-Blake, went on to be calling. an off-Broadway production, according to Whitton.
Desmond Winn threatens Daniel King during a rehearsal for the play ‘Southbridge.’ Stephen Gross/ The Anniston Star
◆ 15
I feel really blessed and very excited to see how they bring this play to life. — Playwright Reginald Edmund
June 24 -June 30, 2011 Desmond Winn holds Vivian Walston during a rehearsal. Stephen Gross/The Anniston Star
June 24 -June 30, 2011
‘Rich’ thematic play to open at JSU tonight
comes alive By Brian Anderson
“The theater director said ‘You have your first hit,’” Edmund said. “‘What’s going to be your next one?’” After the success in Houston, Edmund went to hone Performances for the 2010 Jacksonville State Univerhis craft in the masters program at Ohio University in sity Southern Playwrights Competition winner run this Athens, Ohio, which became the setting for Southbridge, weekend at JSU. based on a true story that happened in the town in 1881. Southbridge, by Houston, Texas, playwright Reginald “All my plays are more contemporary, so I challenged Edmund, was the recipient of the annual award honoring myself to work on a piece based on historical events,” plays from Southern writers. Southbridge’s director and Edmund said. “I wanted to put my own spin on it.” JSU drama professor Eric Traynor said Edmund’s play Southbridge revolves around the character Christowas selected from more than a hundred recipients to be pher Davis, who Edmund describes as being “blessed performed by the JSU drama department. with special sights and visions.” The play alternates “We decide the award not between the past and present as Davis tries to underjust on what reads best, but what stand how he ended up in jail after an incident in the needs to be seen,” Traynor said, town. if you go: describing Southbridge as a play Edmund said when researching the real-life incident “alive” and “rich with themes.” which he based his play around he became invested Where: Ernest Steven J. Whitton, JSU Engheavily in the characters, and wanted to explore the Stone Performing lish professor and head of the effects such a controversy caused on a small community. Arts Center, JSU. Southern Playwrights Competi“I wanted to write a piece not just about this one When: Friday and tion committee, said the themes specific incident, but what it means to really love and to of Southbridge “stood head and really sacrifice,” Edmund said. “It’s about what it means Saturday at 7 p.m., shoulders” above the rest of the to falter in love and what is willing to do to make amends. Sunday at 2 p.m. finalists for the 2010 award. I wanted to combine all those things into one piece. It How much: Adult In 2003 Edmund, who was really a science experiment for me.” $10, Student $5 received his bachelor of fine Traynor describes Edmund’s science experiment as Tickets: Call arts degree in acting from Texas “a mystery” story, with different perspectives from vivid 256-782-5648. Southern University, was strugcharacters. gling to find parts written for “As a director you look for characters with what I call what he described as “a scrawny ‘super objectives,’” Traynor said. “You ask, ‘what do these black kid with glasses.” Things characters want?’” finally came to a creative standstill while working on a Traynor said he was drawn most to the flaws of the production at the Silver House Theater in his hometown characters, but said they most came to life by their of Houston. humanity. “It was really bad, and I just said, ‘I can write better “They’re all, in their own way beautiful, honest than this,’” Edmund said. The theater director responded, human beings,” Traynor said. “There’s no traditional vil“So do it.” lain.” “I spent the next two weeks locked away in my apartSouthbridge is Edmund’s second play in a planned ment,” Edmund said, describing the writing process for nine-part series called The City of the Bayou. So far his first play Love Story. “When it was done, I told [the the first five installments have been written. It’ll be the theater director] it was going to be a hit.” first time Edmund has seen his work performed since And it was. he revised the play prior to submitting the piece JSU’s Love Story — written, produced, directed, and starSouthern Playwrights Competition. ring Edmund — sold out every performance at the Silver “I feel really blessed and very excited to see how they House Theater. bring this play to life,” Edmund said. “I’m very grateful to “I look back now and think, this is the worst play I’ve the JSU drama department.” ever written,” Edmund said. “But it was a packed house The Southern Playwrights Competition has been every night.” awarded annually since 1989. The 2007 recipient, Other From there, the former actor knew writing was his People’s Dreams by Evan Guilford-Blake, went on to be calling. an off-Broadway production, according to Whitton.
Desmond Winn threatens Daniel King during a rehearsal for the play ‘Southbridge.’ Stephen Gross/ The Anniston Star
◆ 15
I feel really blessed and very excited to see how they bring this play to life. — Playwright Reginald Edmund
June 24 -June 30, 2011 Desmond Winn holds Vivian Walston during a rehearsal. Stephen Gross/The Anniston Star
16 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011 FRIDAY EVENING
7 PM
8 PM 8:30
9 PM
10 PM
BROADCAST CHANNELS Bones A body is found in a socialite’s home. Å House House speaks at a school’s career day. FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Inside Edition (N) Å PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å Washington Week (N) ’ Need to Know (N) ’ Å McLaughlin Group (N) Capitol Journal “Week in Review” John McLaughlin’s One BBC Newsnight _ WCIQ Å on One (N) Å Access Hollywood Å Friday Night Lights “Don’t Go” An elite program courts Dateline NBC ’ Å Alabama’s 13 News at The Tonight Show With ` WVTM Coach Taylor. (N) ’ Å 10:00pm (N) Å Jay Leno (N) ’ Å Smallville “Isis” Lois undergoes a transformation. Supernatural Sam and Dean investigate suicides. The King of Queens ’ How I Met Your Mother The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ Cardinal Corner JSU Today Cheers ’ Å Cheers ’ Å TV24 News at Nine Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS Veterans Issues Wheel of Fortune “Ameri- ●Alabama Sports Festival Opening ceremonies of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution (Season Finale) 20/20 ’ Å ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU ca’s Game” Å the Annual State Games. Jamie organizes a cooking competition. (N) ’ Å (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) Flashpoint “Unconditional Love” A carjacker holds a CSI: NY “Holding Cell” A Spanish club promoter is Blue Bloods “Age of Innocence” A young girl is mur- Inside Sports ’ Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å young man captive. ’ Å found dead. ’ Å dered at a ball. ’ Å Letterman ’ Å Without a Trace The team probes an adoption. ’ Without a Trace The team searches for a family. ’ Criminal Minds Three of the team are missing. ’ Criminal Minds Murderous psychiatrist. ’ Å L WPXH Without a Trace Å Monk A marathon runner has an airtight alibi. Å Monk Benjy witnesses a murder. ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Seinfeld “The Dog” ’ CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight Criminal Minds Solving a murder in reverse. Å Criminal Minds “52 Pickup” ’ Å Criminal Minds A family abducts young women. ’ The Glades Slumber party turns into a crime scene. A&E Criminal Minds ’ Å ››› “The Good, The ››› “The Cowboys” (1972, Western) John Wayne, Roscoe Lee Browne, Bruce Dern. Rancher takes schoolboys on cattle drive. Å ›› “Cahill, United States Marshal” (1973, Western) AMC Bad, And The Ugly” Å John Wayne, George Kennedy. Å Whale Wars Steve Irwin enlists the Gojira’s help. ’ Whale Wars Damage to one of the small boats. (N) Finding Bigfoot “Fishing for Bigfoot in Oregon” ’ Whale Wars Damage to one of the small boats. ’ ANPL Whale Wars ’ Å Star Trek: The Next Generation “Redemption” Star Trek: The Next Generation “Redemption” ›› “Clash of the Titans” (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier, Judi Bowker. Å BBC Top Gear Å ›› “Barbershop” (2002) Ice Cube. A barbershop owner considers selling his establishment. Å BET 106 & Park: Top 10 Live ›› “Stomp the Yard” (2007) Columbus Short, Meagan Good. A troubled dancer enrolls in college. Å American Gangster Å Biography Andreai Chikatilo. Å Biography “Ogre of the Ardenne: Michel Fourniret” Myth of a Serial Killer Å The Monster Inside Å BIO The Real Housewives of New Jersey ›› “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” (2003) Kate Hudson. A writer bets she can seduce a man and then drive him away. How to Lose BRAVO Housewives/NYC The Singing Bee ’ Å The Singing Bee ’ Å Crossroads “The Doobie Brothers; Luke Bryan” (N) CMT Music Awards 2011 ’ Å CMTV Extreme Makeover Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Gabriel Iglesias: I’m Not Fat... I’m Fluffy Å Comedy Central Pres. Comedy Central Pres. Larry the Cable Guy: Morning Constitutions Å COMEDY The Colbert Report Å Dual Survival Escaping a hippo-infested marshland. Dual Survival “Up the River” (N) ’ Å Swamp Loggers “Road Warriors” (N) ’ Å Dual Survival Escaping a hippo-infested marshland. DISC Dual Survival ’ Å A.N.T. Farm Chyna joins Wizards of Waverly Place A.N.T. Farm Chyna tries to Phineas and Ferb Hair Fish Hooks Oscar is kid- So Random! “Selena Good Luck Charlie “Bye Good Luck Charlie “Ted- Wizards of Waverly Place DISN the cheerleading squad. “Beast Tamer” (N) get a guy’s attention. growing machine. (N) ’ napped by students. Gomez, June 19, 2011” Bye Video Diary” Å dy’s Bear” Å “Beast Tamer” E! News (N) Sex and the City Å Sex and the City Å Katy Perry Katy Perry and her story of success. The Soup (N) Fashion Police (N) Chelsea Lately E! News E! ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å ESPN ●College Baseball NCAA World Series, Game 12: Teams TBA. From Omaha, Neb. (N) (Live) Å ●Boxing Friday Night Fights. Rob Frankel vs. John Molina. From Temecula, Calif. (N) (Live) Å 2011 ESPY’s Nomination Special (N) Å Track and Field U.S. Outdoor Championships. Å ESPN2 ●Heroics (N) America’s Funniest Home Videos ’ Å The 700 Club “Mandisa” Singer Mandisa. (N) Å FAM Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos ’ Å Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Outrageous Food (N) Best Thing Ate Unwrapped “Fire It Up” Unwrapped FOOD Iron Chef America ●Baseball’s Golden Age ●Boys in the Hall ●The Final Score (N) ●Action Sports World Championships FOXSS ●WNBA Basketball Phoenix Mercury at Atlanta Dream. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Two and a Half Men ’ ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008, Action) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler. Bruce Banner faces an enemy known as The Abomination. ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008, Action) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler. FX Fox Legacy ››› “All That Jazz” (1979, Musical) Roy Scheider, Jessica Lange. Å Fox Legacy Fox Legacy ››› “All That Jazz” (1979) Roy Scheider. Å FXM ›› Author! Author! Lingo (N) Å Drew Carey Love Triangle Å The Newlywed Game Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å Lingo Å Drew Carey GSN Baggage Å Little House on the Martha Stewart Presents: Grilling Secrets of the “Rock the House” (2010, Comedy-Drama) Jack Coleman, Cassi Thomson, Andy Milder. A man reunites with Frasier Book based on Frasier Frasier tries to HALL Prairie Å Master Chefs (N) Å his band to perform at his daughter’s prom. Å Frasier’s encounter. ’ thwart prolific dog. Å True Blood: Digging Up Real Time With Bill Maher (N) ’ (Live) Å Real Time With Bill Maher ’ Å HBO ›› “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (2009, Action) Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l H&G House Hunters Modern Marvels “Grease” American Pickers “Too Hot to Handle” Fourteen Pawn Stars Half-size mus- Pawn Stars “Monkey Busi- American Restoration American Restoration Modern Marvels “The Lumberyard” Plywood and HIST Å packed trailers. Å ket; pilot’s jacket. Å ness” Å “Grippin’ Mad” (N) Å “Hot & Cold” Å pressed wood; exotic woods. Å Reba ’ Å Reba “The Cat’s Meow” The Protector “Help” Gloria investigates a murder. How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother LIFE Reba “Spies Like Reba” Reba Brock lies to Kyra. Reba “Encounters” Å ››› “Avatar” (2009, Science Fiction) Sam Worthington, Sigourney Weaver. A former Marine falls in love with a native of a lush alien world. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Femme Fatales (N) Å The Right to Bare All ’ MAX Ghosts-Girlfrnd ›› “Heartbreak Ridge” (1986) Clint Eastwood. MILIT World War II in Color ’ ›› “Heartbreak Ridge” (1986, War) Clint Eastwood, Marsha Mason, Everett McGill. Marine sergeant sees ex-wife, readies recruits for Grenada. ’ Å The Challenge: Rivals “Welcome to the Jungle” ’ Teen Wolf “Magic Bullet” Derek’s life is in danger. ››› “Freedom Writers” (2007) Hilary Swank. A teacher inspires at-risk teens to believe in themselves. MTV Silent Library ’ Flea Man Basement playroom; a chef’s cookbook. Flea Man First album; refurbished Volkswagen. (N) Turnaround King: Jersey Gym Pump-Up Flea Man Basement playroom; a chef’s cookbook. NGEO Dog Whisperer Big Time Rush ’ Å Victorious ’ Å My Wife and Kids Å My Wife and Kids Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å NICK iCarly “iPity the Nevel” How Do They Do It? (N) How Do They Do It? ’ How It’s Made (N) Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How Do They Do It? ’ How Do They Do It? ’ SCIENCE How It’s Made ’ Å ››› “We Were Soldiers” (2002, War) Mel Gibson. iTV. Outnumbered U.S. troops battle the North Vietnamese. ’ ‘R’ Strikeforce Challenger Series SHOW ››› “Ransom” (1996) Mel Gibson. ‘R’ Å All My Children Randi talks with Madison. ’ Å One Life to Live ’ Å General Hospital A bordello owner confronts Lulu. Days of our Lives ’ Å SOAP Young & Restless NASCAR Racing SPEED ●Barrett-Jackson Automobile Auction From the Orange County Fair & Events Center. (N) (Live) Auction Hunters ’ Auction Hunters ’ Auction Hunters ’ Auction Hunters ’ Auction Hunters ’ Auction Hunters ’ Auction Hunters ’ Auction Hunters ’ SPIKE Gangland ’ Å ●In My Own Words ●At Home ●In My Own Words ●Braves Live! Pregame ●MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres. From PETCO Park in San Diego. (N) (Live) SPSO ●Spotlight Haunted Collector Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure SYFY Terminator 3: Machines ●WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) ’ Å Behind the Scenes Å The Hal Lindsey Report Joel Osteen Å Joseph Prince: Destined Praise the Lord Å TBN The Potter’s Touch Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å ›› “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (2004, Comedy) Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate. Å ›› “Get Smart” (2008) Steve Carell. Å TBS Seinfeld “The Nap” ’ ›› “Without Reserva››› “Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?” (1957, Comedy) Jayne Mansfield, Tony Randall, Joan Blondell. An ››› “Good Neighbor Sam” (1964, Comedy) Voices of Jack Lemmon, Romy Schneider, Edward G. Robinson. TCM tions” (1946) Å ad man attempts to gain a sexy movie star’s endorsement. Animated. A man plays a lady’s spouse to help collect an inheritance. Say Yes: Bliss Say Yes: Bliss Say Yes: Bliss Say Yes: Bliss My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding Discriminated against. Say Yes: Bliss Say Yes: Bliss TLC Say Yes: Bliss Law & Order Plaintiff in ››› “Transformers” (2007, Action) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson, Josh Duhamel. Two races of robots wage war on Earth. Å Falling Skies “Pilot” A father wants to protect his famiTNT lawsuit is killed. ’ ly. Å Hole in the Wall ’ Å Hole in the Wall ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å American Dad ’ Å American Dad ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å TOON Hole in the Wall ’ Å All in the Family All in the Family Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond The Nanny Fran and Grace enter a beauty contest. TVLND All in the Family NCIS “Family” ’ Å NCIS “Bounce” Reopened investigation. ’ Å NCIS The team tries to replace Ziva. ’ Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Venom” Å USA NCIS “Angel of Death” Mob Wives Junior has been deceitful. ’ Å › “Empire Records” (1995, Drama) Anthony LaPaglia, Rory Cochrane, Johnny Whitworth. ’ Å Unplugged (N) ’ One Hit Wonders VH1 Mob Wives ’ Å CABLE NEWS American Greed “Tri Energy” Crime Inc. The counterfeit goods industry. Mad Money CNBC The Kudlow Report (N) 60 Minutes on CNBC “The Collapse” In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å CNN John King, USA (N) Capital News Today CSPAN Tonight From Washington Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 Close-Up on C-SPAN The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor Å FNC FOX Report The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Lockup: Raw Inmates’ unwritten rules. Lockup: Raw “Hell in a Cell” MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (N)
BROADCAST CHANNELS Into Wild Animals & WBRC J. Hanna Super Why! Martha Biz Kid$ Å _ WCIQ Å Speaks Turbo Dogs Shelldon Å Magic Bus ` WVTM Å Dragon 5 WTTO Sonic X ’ Dragon 8 WJXS Bullwinkle Real Life Fun! That’s So That’s So RECLAIM H WJSU Raven (EI) Raven (EI) The Early Show (N) ’ Å J WIAT
10:30 Mystery Design Squad ’ Babar (EI) Å Yu-Gi-Oh! T. Wilcox Paid Program
Animal Atl. Test Kitchen Willa’s Wild Life Yu-Gi-Oh! Vets Issue Dean Martin Show Your Side
Base Chef John Besh Pearlie (EI)
June 24-June 30, 2011 1:30
Adven. Animal Atl. Inside Ed. Paid Prog. Cops Å Paid Prog. MLB Baseball New York Mets at Texas Rangers. (N) ’ (Live) Å America In Julia’s Lidia’s Italy Simply Sew With Quilt in a Sewing Love of South-Gar- American Hometime This Old This Old Lawrence Kitchen Å Ming Å Nancy Day Å Room Quilting den Woodshop Å House ’ House ’ Welk ●2011 Wimbledon Championships Men’s and Women’s Third Round. From the All-England Lawn Tennis Track and Field 13 News at Nightly 13 News at and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, England. (N) ’ (Live) Å 5:00pm News 6:00pm The Hills The Hills ›› “I Love You to Death” (1990) Kevin Kline. ››› “Fargo” (1996) Frances McDormand. Chris Raymond Two Men Lucy Show Van Dyke Rick & Bubba Å Rick & Bubba Å Auto Show Corner Paid Prog. T. Wilcox Gaither Homecoming The Cross ●ESPN Sports Saturday (N) Paid Pro- Natural Ad- Homeown- Recession America’s Funniest Wall Street ABC World News at gram vantage er Profits Home Videos ’ Å Journal News 6PM ●PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Third Round. From TPC River High- Inside Edi- CBS Evening CBS 42 Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Alt Games: Action gram gram Sports lands in Cromwell, Conn. (N) (Live) Å tion News News at 6 ›› “Navy SEALS” (1990, Action) Charlie Sheen. ’ ››› “JFK” (1991) Kevin Costner. New Orleans DA Jim Garrison sees assassination conspiracy. Mad About Animal Deadliest Catch Å Heartland Å ›› “There Goes the Neighborhood” (1992) Payne Payne Amer. Dad
Paid Prog. Pierson Midnight Special Meaningful Beauty L WPXH Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Marketpl Marketpl Marketpl Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ¥ WABM Marketpl CABLE ENTERTAINMENT News Bulldogs Local Programming News Local Prog Ent ^ TV-2 Local Programming Flipping Vegas Å ›››› “Titanic” (1997, Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio. A woman falls for an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. Å Parking Parking Parking Storage A&E Sell House Sell House Flip This House Å The Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- The Rifle- ››› “Jeremiah Johnson” (1972) Robert Redford. A 19th-cen- ››› “The Cowboys” (1972) John Wayne, Roscoe Lee Browne. AMC man man man man man man man man man tury adventurer moves to the Rocky Mountains. Å Rancher takes schoolboys on cattle drive. Å Cats 101 “Kittens” ’ My Cat From Hell Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ Me or Dog ANPL It’s Me or the Dog ’ The X-Files ’ Å Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Next ››› “Interview With the Vampire” (1994) Battlestar BBC Kitchen Nightmares ’ The X-Files “Humbug” The X-Files ’ Å Chris Girlfriends Girlfriends ››› “What’s Love Got to Do With It” (1993) Å ›› “Barbershop” (2002) Ice Cube. Å ›› “Stomp the Yard” (2007) Columbus Short. BET Jamie F. Jamie F. Chris Urban Legends The Unexplained Å Psychic Psychic Psychic Kids Haunted History Å Celebrity Close Calls Celebrity Close Calls Celebrity Ghost Stories Celebrity Ghost Stories Ghost BIO Decorators Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ House ’ Å House ’ BRAVO Decorators Top 20 Countdown ’ Å CMT Insdr Married Married Married ›› “Fletch” (1985) Chevy Chase. ’ Å ›› “Fletch Lives” (1989) Chevy Chase. Å CMTV CMT Music ’ Scrubs ’ Scrubs ’ Scrubs Scrubs › “Disaster Movie” (2008) Matt Lanter. Å ›› “Accepted” (2006) Justin Long. Å Fired Up COMEDY “Shaun of the Dead” › “Black Sheep” (1996) Chris Farley. Å MythBusters ’ Å Man, Woman, Wild ’ Man, Woman, Wild ’ Man, Woman, Wild ’ Dual Survival ’ Å Dual Survival ’ Å Dual Survival ’ Å Brothers Brothers Brothers DISC Swamp Loggers Å Phineas Fish Hooks A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm WizardsWizardsGood Luck Good Luck Shake It Shake it WizardsWizardsWizardsWizardsGood Luck A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Shake It Shake It DISN and Ferb Å Å Place Place Charlie Charlie Up! Å Up! Å Place Place Place Place Charlie Å Å Up! Å Up! Å E! News (N) 15 Unforgettable Hollywood Tragedies Kids of Killers E!: Fatal Teen Triangle Kardas Kardas Ice-Coco Ice-Coco The Voice “The Semi-Finals” (N) ’ Å The Voice E! Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling College Baseball NCAA World Series, Game 13: Teams TBA. (N) Å NASCAR NASCAR Racing ESPN ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ●SportsCenter (N) Å Track and Field U.S. Outdoor Championships. 30 for 30 Å 30 for 30 Å Baseball ESPN2 2011 Wimbledon Championships Early Round, Day 6. (N) (Live) Å ›› “Good Burger” (1997) Kel Mitchell, Sinbad. ›› “Snow Dogs” (2002) Cuba Gooding Jr. ›› “Dr. Dolittle” (1998) Eddie Murphy. › “Billy Madison” (1995, Comedy) FAM ›› “The Haunted Mansion” (2003, Comedy) Home Secrets Dessert Contessa Giada Food Network Star Diners Chopped Iron Chef America Challenge B. Flay FOOD 30-Minute Ingred. Fix Paula ●Boxing Ball Up Streetball Action Sports World Action Sports Baseball Boys in Streetball FOXSS ShipShape Outdoors World Poker Tour: Sea ●Maloof Money Cup ›› “Man of the House” (2005, Comedy) ›› “Sugar & Spice” (2001) Marla Sokoloff. › “John Tucker Must Die” (2006) Ashanti ›› “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl, James Marsden. Vegas FX › “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” ››› “The Legend of Hell House” (1973) ›› “The Fury” (1978) Kirk Douglas. Å FXM 3 Musktrs “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” ›› “Batman” (1966, Action) Adam West. Å Power of 10 ’ Å Drew Lingo Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Newlywed Love Drew Baggage Catch 21 1 vs. 100 Lingo GSN Chain Rctn Fam. Feud Newlywed Catch 21 Million Dollar Pass. Empty Nest Empty Nest Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden Frasier ’ Frasier ’ Frasier ’ Frasier ’ Frasier ’ Frasier ’ Golden Golden Golden Golden Golden HALL Å Å Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Å Å Å Å Å Å Girls Girls Girls Girls Girls Sex Crimes Unit ’ Å › “Our Family Wedding” (2010) ›› “Shrek Forever After” (2010) ’ ‘PG’ Å ›› “The Time Traveler’s Wife” HBO REAL Sports Gumbel ›› “Knight and Day” (2010) Tom Cruise. Å Crashers Crashers Bath Bath Room Cr. Prof. Block Design Buck Summer Candice Summer Genevieve Color Spl. Favorite To Sell Hunters H&G Property Income Holy Grail in America Kensington Rune Stone. Å First Invasion: The War of 1812 The British wage Crime Wave: 18 Months of Mayhem Å Modern Marvels “Snack- 101 Gadgets That Changed the World A panel dis- Modern HIST war against the fledgling United States. food Tech” cusses influential gadgets. Å Marvels “Widow on the Hill” (2005) Natasha Henstridge. › “Awake” (2007) Hayden Christensen. Å “The Stepson” (2010) Christina Cox. Å Belong LIFE Paid Prog. WEN Hair ›› “Untraceable” (2008) Diane Lane. Å ›› “It’s Complicated” (2009) Meryl Streep. ››› “Saturday Night Fever” (1977) ‘R’ Å ›› “Sherlock Holmes” (2009) ’ ‘PG-13’ Å ›› “MacGruber” (2010) ‘R’ Å MAX › “Cop Out” (2010) Bruce Willis. ’ ‘R’ Å Story of U-Boat 505 World War II in Color Supercarrier Is Burning Timewatch ’ Å Digging Up the Trenches ’ Å Normandy Cru. Normandy Cru. World War MILIT Attack on Cole Made “Rapper: Emma” 10 on Top 16 and Pregnant “Allie” ’ Å The Challenge: Rivals Teen Wolf ’ True Life ’ True Life ’ ››› “Freedom Writers” (2007) Hilary Swank. MTV Made ’ Garbage Moguls Garbage Moguls Rebuilding Titanic Flea Man Flea Man Turnaround Turnaround: Dealership Druids NGEO Garbage Moguls The Troop Sponge. Sponge. Big Time Big Time Victorious Victorious Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Big Time Big Time iCarly ’ NICK Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Power Mantracker ’ Å Mantracker ’ Å Mantracker ’ Å Mantracker ’ Å Mantracker ’ Å Mantracker ’ Å Mantracker ’ Å Mantracker ’ Å How/Made SCIENCE Mantracker ’ Å ›› “The Craft” (1996) Robin Tunney. ‘R’ Å “The Vicious Kind” (2009) ‘R’ Å ›› “Letters to Juliet” (2010) ‘PG’ Å ››› “A Single Man” (2009) Colin Firth. ‘R’ ›› “Youth in Revolt” SHOW › “Serving Sara” One Tree Hill ’ Å Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Gilmore Girls ’ Å Gilmore Girls ’ Å Gilmore Girls ’ Å The Young SOAP One Tree Hill ’ Å ●Trackside At... (N) Garage Rolex Sports Car Series Racing Road America. (N) (Live) NASCAR Racing NASCAR Racing Barrett-Jackson Automobile Auction (N) (Live) SPEED MotoGP Auction Xtreme Horse. Trucks! ’ MuscleCar Auction Auction Auction Auction Hunters ’ Auction Auction Auction Auction Repo Repo Repo Repo SPIKE Auction ●Under the Lights ●Spotlight ●FIGHTZONE Presents Outside XTERRA ACC Phenoms 3 Wide Raceline Golf Am. Unique XTERRA Boxing SPSO Shoot “Shark Swarm” (2008) John Schneider. Å “Dinoshark” (2010, Horror) Eric Balfour. Å ›› “Malibu Shark Attack” (2009) Peta Wilson. Lake 2 SYFY “Frankenfish” (2004) “Shark Swarm” (2008) John Schneider. Å Bugtime Auto B. Hopkins God Rocks Goliath Ishine The Lads Hermie Caterpillr Paws Tails Heroes-Bible News ›› “Where the Red Fern Grows” Test Faith Memories TBN Wonder ›› “Yours, Mine & Ours” (2005) Rene Russo ››› “Secondhand Lions” (2003) Michael Caine. Å Jim Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Seinfeld Seinfeld King TBS “You’ve Got Mail” Å ››› “The Wolf Man” Ace Drum- Ace Drum- ›› “Tarzan and the Mermaids” ›› “Along the Great Divide” (1951, ››› “The Green Berets” (1968, War) John Wayne. A cynical ››› “Mister Roberts” (1955, Comedy) Henry TCM (1941) Å mond mond (1948) Johnny Weissmuller. Western) Kirk Douglas. Å anti-war newsman is assigned to a career soldier. Å Fonda, Jack Lemmon, James Cagney. Property Ladder Å Property Ladder Å Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss ’ Å NY Ink ’ TLC Property Ladder Å Leverage “The San The Closer “An Ugly Law & Order Construc- ››› “The Bank Job” (2008) Jason Statham. ›› “Transporter 3” (2008, Action) Jason Statham. Frank Martin ›› “The Guardian” (2006, Drama) Kevin Costner, TNT Lorenzo Job” Å Game” Å tion-site explosion. ’ Thieves tunnel into a bank vault in 1971 London. becomes involved with a Ukrainian woman. Å Ashton Kutcher, Sela Ward. Å “Tom and Jerry: Shiver Me” Looney Looney Adventure Adventure Hole/Wall Hole/Wall Dude Destroy Regular Regular Hole/Wall Hole/Wall Gumball Gumball Surf’s Up TOON Wheels Extreme Makeover Extreme Makeover Leave It to Beaver Leave Leave Beaver Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Sanford Sanford & Son Å Sanford TVLND Extreme Makeover Burn Notice Å Suits A lawyer recruits a genius. Suits A lawyer recruits a genius. NCIS “Escaped” Å NCIS “Requiem” Å NCIS ’ Å NCIS “Hide and Seek” NCIS Å USA Covert Affairs Å Saturday Night Live ’ 40 Greatest Pranks 2 ’ › “Empire Records” (1995) Anthony LaPaglia. ’ Å “Bring It On: In It to Win It” (2007) Premiere. ’ Bring It On VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown ’ CABLE NEWS Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Best Bra! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Salads $ Secrets Meals! Paid Prog. Look Sexy Paid Prog. Paid Prog. WEN Hair Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Money in CNBC Look Sexy Steam CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Situation Room Newsroom CNN CNN Newsroom C-SPAN Weekend President Commun. Courts CSPAN C-SPAN Weekend Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Encore Booknotes Book TV CSPAN2 Book TV Cashin’ In America’s News HQ America’s News HQ Jour. FOX News War Stories/North America’s News HQ (N) America’s News HQ Report FNC Business Business Forbes Cult Killer Follow the Money Vegas Homicide Witch Hunt Lockup: Raw Lockup MSNBC MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) Chainsaw Massacre
18 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011 SATURDAY EVENING
7 PM
8 PM 8:30
9 PM
10 PM
BROADCAST CHANNELS Cops ’ (PA) Å Cops ’ (PA) Å Cops ’ (PA) Å Cops ’ (PA) Å FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM Fringe “Dream Logic” & WBRC America Now (N) Å The Lawrence Welk Show Classic Gospel Best of Mark Lowry and Bill Gaither. ’ Keeping Up AppearTo the Manor Born AnAre You Being Served? The Vicar of Dibley “Au- Austin City Limits “Manu Chao” Multilingual singer _ WCIQ Å ances: Memoirs tique china disappears. “The Hero” ’ Å tumn” ’ Å Manu Chao performs. ’ Å In Touch With Tuscaloosa Minute to Win It “Not Just a Pretty Face-Off” Two Law & Order: Criminal Intent “The Consoler” The Law & Order: LA “El Sereno” Investigating a shooting Alabama’s 13 News at Saturday Night Live Elton ` WVTM women compete for the top prize. ’ Å death of a banker. ’ Å spree. (N) ’ Å 10:00pm (N) Å John; Leon Russell. Friends Å Friends Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ ●Pro Wrestling Time Machine ›› “Gentle Ben” (2002, Drama) Dean Cain, Corbin Bernsen. A city boy befriends a black bear. Paid Program Can-U-Relate Show 8 WJXS Dick Van Dyke Wheel of Fortune “San- 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show “You Fuse, You ›› “Revenge” (1990, Suspense) Kevin Costner, Anthony Quinn, Madeleine Stowe. A former Navy pilot roABC 33/40 News at 10PM Grey’s Anatomy “Stairway H WJSU dals” Å Lose” Players vie for a $50,000 prize. ’ Å mances a killer’s seductive wife. (N) to Heaven” ’ Å Jeopardy! Å CHAOS “Defending Sophia” The agents make a sur- CHAOS “Glory Days” The CIA uncovers a conspiracy 48 Hours Mystery “Fugitive at” Pursuing Inside Sports ’ NUMB3RS A small plane J WIAT prising discovery. (N) ’ Å plot. (N) ’ Å a doctor after his wife dies. ’ Å mysteriously crashes. ’ ›› “Demolition Man” (1993) Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes. A frozen cop is thawed out to capture an old nemesis. ’ ›› “Demolition Man” (1993) Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes. ’ L WPXH ››› JFK (1991) ›› “The Fraternity” (2002) Treat Williams. A student is found dead after confessing to cheating. The Unit Embassy personnel under attack. ’ Å Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris ¥ WABM American Dad ’ Å CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Hot Topics ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å To Be Announced To Be Announced A&E Storage Wars Å ››› “The Cowboys” Lonesome Dove Two former Texas Rangers. (Part 1 of 2) Å AMC (1972) John Wayne. Å Must Love Cats Cats on the West Coast. ’ Å Cats 101 ’ Å Dogs 101 “Designer Dogs” ’ Å Must Love Cats Cats on the West Coast. ’ Å ANPL It’s Me or the Dog Å Outcasts Cass, Fleur and Jack go outside. (N) Å The Graham Norton Show (N) Å The Inbetweeners (N) Come Fly with Me (N) BBC Battlestar Galactica ’ Battlestar Galactica “Water” ’ Å ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007, Romance) Gabrielle Union, Idris Elba, Louis Gossett Jr. Å BET ››› “Love & Basketball” (2000) Sanaa Lathan, Omar Epps. A passion for the game leads to love for two best friends. Å Celebrity Ghost Stories Celebrity Ghost Stories Å Celebrity Ghost Stories Destiny; an entity. (N) Å Celebrity Close Calls (N) Å Celebrity Close Calls Pronounced dead. Å BIO House A woman can’t remember who she is. Å House Helping at the scene of an emergency. Å House Woman in an open marriage falls ill. ’ Å House The team treats an ailing groom. ’ Å BRAVO House “The Choice” ’ ›› “Police Academy” (1984, Comedy) Steve Guttenberg, Kim Cattrall, Michael Winslow. ’ Å ››› “Airplane!” (1980) Robert Hays. Food poisoning puts fate into a neurotic pilot’s hands. ’ Å CMTV Country Fried Videos Futurama “Neutopia” ’ Futurama “Benderama” South Park Å South Park Å ›› “Employee of the Month” (2006) Dane Cook. COMEDY › “Fired Up” (2009, Comedy) Nicholas D’Agosto, Eric Christian Olsen. Å River Monsters Jeremy Wade investigates a death. River Monsters “Electric Executioner” ’ Å River Monsters “Jungle Killer” ’ Å River Monsters Jeremy Wade investigates a death. DISC Swamp Brothers Å Good Luck Charlie Travel So Random! Strawberry So Random! “Cody Simp- So Random! “Selena So Random! Socks with Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Travel Good Luck Charlie “Bye Shake It Up! “Model It Up” DISN to Chicago. Å Shortbread. (N) ’ Å son, June 5, 2011” Gomez, June 19, 2011” sandals. ’ Å “Baby’s New Shoes” Å to Chicago. Å Bye Video Diary” Å Å The Voice (N) ’ Å ››› “Pride & Prejudice” (2005, Drama) Keira Knightley, Judi Dench. A man begins a convoluted courtship with a young woman. Kardashian The Soup Chelsea Lately E! ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å Auto Racing Global Rallycross Championship. Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å ESPN NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Bucyrus 200. (N) (Live) ●NHRA Drag Racing Summit Racing Equipment Nationals, Qualifying. From Norwalk, Ohio. Å ESPN2 ●College Baseball NCAA World Series, Game 14: Teams TBA. From Omaha, Neb. (If necessary). (N) (Live) Å ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993, Comedy) Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan. FAM › Billy Madison (1995) ›› “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” (2009, Comedy) Kevin James, Jayma Mays, Keir O’Donnell. Unwrapped “Deep Fried” Unwrapped “Fried Favorites” Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Iron Chef America FOOD Throwdown-Bobby Flay Best Thing Ate ●Boxing Top Rank. Mike Jones vs. Raul Munoz. From Philadelphia. (N) (Live) World Poker Tour: Season 9 World Poker Tour: Season 9 FOXSS ●Ball Up Streetball › “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher. Two and a Half Men ’ Two and a Half Men ’ Two and a Half Men ’ Two and a Half Men ’ Sons of Anarchy Stahl presses the women. FX ››› “Strange Days” (1995) Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett. A black marketeer peddles other people’s experiences. Å ›› “Suspiria” (1977, Horror) Jessica Harper, Stefania Casini. Å FXM Life After Film School ●High Stakes Poker Å ●High Stakes Poker Å Drew Carey Drew Carey Drew Carey Drew Carey GSN Lingo Å The Golden Girls Sophia Frasier Frasier’s new girl- Frasier Martin practices Frasier Daphne takes Frasier Niles investigates Frasier Frasier hires a new Frasier Niles and Maris Cheers Carla gives up the Cheers Frasier asks Diane HALL objects to reconciliation. friend dumps him. Å his church solo. ’ Å Frasier to a pub. Å Sherry’s past. ’ Å agent. ’ Å see a counselor. Å fight for custody. ’ to move in. ’ Å ›› “Going the Distance” (2010) Drew Barrymore. Premiere. ’ ‘R’ Å Boxing Devon Alexander vs. Lucas Matthysse, Super Lightweights. (N) ’ (Live) HBO Time Traveler HGTV’d Å Curb Appeal: The Block Color Splash “Sherwin Williams Special” (N) Å House Hunters Å House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l H&G House Hunters Å Modern Marvels “Snack How the States Got Their Shapes How transportation Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide A team looks for sasquatch explanations. Å MonsterQuest “Sea Monsters” Sea monsters. Å HIST Food Tech 2” Å helped draw the map. Å “Deadly Honeymoon” (2010) Summer Glau. A newlywed’s husband disappears while on a cruise. Å › “Awake” (2007) Hayden Christensen. Å LIFE “You Belong to Me” (2008) Shannon Elizabeth, Andrew Kenneth Martin. Å ›› “Robin Hood” (2010) Russell Crowe. Robin and his men battle the Sheriff of Nottingham. ‘PG-13’ MAX ›› “The Jackal” (1997, Suspense) Bruce Willis. An imprisoned Irishman accepts an offer to nab an assassin. ’ ‘R’ Å ›› “Heartbreak Ridge” (1986) Clint Eastwood. MILIT World War II in Color ’ ›› “Heartbreak Ridge” (1986, War) Clint Eastwood, Marsha Mason, Everett McGill. Marine sergeant sees ex-wife, readies recruits for Grenada. ’ Å Teen Wolf “Magic Bullet” Derek’s life is in danger. 16 and Pregnant “Allie” A baby in an unstable environment. ’ Å 16 and Pregnant Checking in following the season. ’ Å MTV ››› Freedom Writers Titanic: How It Really Sank Rebuilding Titanic Rebuilding sections of the Titanic. Titanic: How It Really Sank NGEO Secrets of the Druids Big Time Rush (N) Å Supah Ninjas (N) Å Victorious ’ Å iCarly ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å My Wife and Kids Å My Wife and Kids Å NICK iCarly ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å Oddities “The Horaffe” Oddities “Piece of Mind” An Idiot Abroad “India” ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å SCIENCE How It’s Made ’ Å Nurse Jackie (iTV) Å United States of Tara ’ ›› “Letters to Juliet” (2010, Drama) Amanda Seyfried. iTV. ’ ‘PG’ Å A Shameless Summer Nurse Jackie (iTV) Å United States of Tara ’ SHOW ›› Youth in Revolt ‘R’ The Young and the Restless ’ Å The Young and the Restless ’ Å The Young and the Restless ’ Å The Young and the Restless ’ Å SOAP Young & Restless ●SPEED Center (N) (Live) ●NASCAR Performance SPEED ●Barrett-Jackson Automobile Auction From Orange County Fair & Events Center, Calif. (N) (Live) Repo Games ’ Repo Games ’ Repo Games ’ ›› “Eraser” (1996, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Caan. A government agent protects a witness from gunrunners. ’ SPIKE Repo Games ’ ●Braves Live! Pregame ●MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres. From PETCO Park in San Diego. (N) (Live) ●Braves Live! Postgame SPSO Boxing “Swamp Shark” (2011) Kristy Swanson. A mutated shark wreaks havoc on the Mississippi River. “Supergator” (2007) Brad Johnson, Kelly McGillis. SYFY “Lake Placid 2” (2007, Horror) John Schneider, Sam McMurray. Å In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Å Hour of Power Å Billy Graham Classic Crusades Not a Fan Travel the Road Å TBN Precious Mem. Falling Skies “Pilot” A father wants to protect his family. Å TBS The King of Queens ’ ›› “The Longest Yard” (2005) Adam Sandler. Prisoners train for a football game against the guards. ››› “Mister Roberts” ›››› “Out of the Past” (1947, Crime Drama) Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, Kirk Douglas. A gambler’s no›› “The Big Steal” (1949, Crime Drama) Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer, William ›› “The Company She TCM (1955) Henry Fonda. good girlfriend crosses a private eye. Å (DVS) Bendix. A U.S. Army officer pursues payroll thieves across Mexico. Keeps” (1950) Å NY Ink Problems continue with Chris. ’ Å NY Ink Tim’s lifestyle threatens the business. Å NY Ink Billy is at his boiling point. ’ Å NY Ink Problems continue with Chris. ’ Å TLC NY Ink ’ Å ›› “The Guardian” ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008, Action) Christian Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart. Batman battles a vicious criminal known as the Joker. Å ›››› “The Dark Knight” (2008, Action) Christian TNT (2006) Kevin Costner. Bale, Heath Ledger, Aaron Eckhart. Å The Venture Brothers King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å The Boondocks The Boondocks TOON ››› “Surf’s Up” (2007, Comedy) Voices of Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges. All in the Family All in the Family Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Happily Divorced TVLND All in the Family NCIS A seaman’s death may be one in a series. ’ NCIS A murder is caught on tape. ’ Å (DVS) NCIS Tony revisits his time in Baltimore. ’ In Plain Sight A terminally ill father wants to heal. USA NCIS “Guilty Pleasure” Mob Wives Junior has been deceitful. ’ Å Coldplay: Live From Glastonbury The band performs at the UK festival. (N) ’ VH1 ›› “Bring It On: Fight to the Finish” (2009) Christina Milian. Premiere. ’ CABLE NEWS American Greed The prison life of Bernie Madoff. The Suze Orman Show “Suze Intervention” (N) Til Debt Do Us Part (N) Til Debt Do Us Part (N) American Greed The prison life of Bernie Madoff. CNBC Til Debt Do Us Part ’ CNN Presents Å Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Å CNN CNN Newsroom American Perspectives American Perspectives CSPAN America & the Courts Book TV Book TV Book TV: After Words Book TV CSPAN2 Book TV Huckabee (N) Justice With Judge Jeanine (N) Stossel War Stories With Oliver North FNC FOX Report (N) Lockup: New Mexico Lockup: New Mexico Lockup: New Mexico Lockup: Raw Five notorious inmates reveal insights. MSNBC Lockup: Raw
June 24-June 30, 2011 1:30
BROADCAST CHANNELS J. Osteen Paid Prog. Formula One Racing Grand Prix of Europe. ’ Whacked Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cops Å ››› “Vera Drake” (2004) Imelda Staunton. True Hollywood Story Amer. Dad & WBRC Fox News Sunday Martha WordGirl ’ CliffordArthur ’ Bookmark Second At Your On The Job Capitol Journal “Week in Great Performances at the Met “Lucia di Lammermoor” Krakatoa The May 20, 1883 eruption Antiques _ WCIQ Speaks (EI) Dog (EI) Å Opinion ’ Service Å Review” Å Donizetti’s “Lucia di Lammermoor.” ’ Å of the volcano Krakatau. Å Roadshow ●2011 Wimbledon Championships Wimbledon. From the All-England Lawn Track and Field Meet the Press (N) Å Chris Paid Pro- Hair Loss Paid Pro- Tuscaloosa Healthy 13 News at Nightly Dateline ` WVTM Matthews gram Solutions gram Hair Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, England. (Taped) ’ Å 5:00pm News NBC (N) Hair Loss Flat Abs Career Wild Amer. Paid Prog. Success ›› “An Unfinished Life” (2005, Drama) RECLAIM RightSide Smash Cut Smash Cut Seinfeld Seinfeld How I Met 5 WTTO Paid Prog. Memory Gospel Music Parker Church Corner Paid Prog. T. Wilcox “Out of the Wilderness” (1998) Peter Jason Pierson Rick & Bubba Å Southern Gospel Music Christ 8 WJXS Crosspoint Paid Pro- Paid Pro- This Week With Chris- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Home HouseCalls Expedition Impossible Rookie Blue “Butterflies” Wipeout Preview of sum- Shark Tank ’ Å News at ABC World Funny H WJSU gram gram tiane Amanpour (N) gram gram Makeover “Sun! Sand! Sahara!” ’Å mer stunts. Å 5PM News Videos CBS News Face the Dawson Memorial Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- ●PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, Final Round. From TPC River High- CBS Evening News 60 Minutes J WIAT Sunday Nation (N) Church gram gram gram gram gram gram lands in Cromwell, Conn. (N) (Live) Å News (N) Å ››› “The Majestic” (2001, Comedy-Drama) Jim Carrey, Martin Landau. ’ ›››› “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” (1975) ’ L WPXH Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Earl Faith Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NewHope Memory Whacked Lopez Lopez ›› “Get Over It” (2001) Kirsten Dunst. ››› “Calendar Girls” (2003) Helen Mirren. The Unit ¥ WABM Church CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming News High Q (EI) Skatin’ Country “Honeydripper” (2007) Local Programming Chan. 2 Action News Local Prog ^ TV-2 Chan. 2 Action News ››› “Remember the Titans” (2000) Denzel Washington. The Glades Å The Glades Å The Glades Å The Glades Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal Minds Å Criminal A&E Jewels ››› “For a Few Dollars More” (1965) Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef. Two ››› “El Dorado” (1967, Western) John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, James Lonesome Dove Two former Texas Rangers. (Part 1 of 2) Å AMC gunmen form an uneasy alliance to hunt down an outlaw. Å Caan. A gunfighter and a drunken sheriff face an evil land baron. Wild Kingdom ’ Å Swamp Wars ’ Å Rattlesnake Republic Swamp Wars ’ Whale Wars ’ Å Whale Wars ’ Å Whale Wars ’ Å Whale Wars ’ Å Amazon ANPL Dogs 101 ’ Å Greatest Wildlife Show Animals: Lives Rhino: Built to Last Amazon: Super River Top Gear Å Battlestar Galactica ’ Battlestar BBC Inbetween Inbetween Come Fly Come Fly Britain-Beasts ››› “Love & Basketball” (2000) Sanaa Lathan. Å ›› “Daddy’s Little Girls” (2007) Gabrielle Union. Å BET Awards Pre-Show: Live! BET Lift Voice ›› “Preacher’s Kid” (2009, Drama) LeToya Luckett. Å ››› “The Pelican Brief” (1993) Å Biography Å Biography Å Crime Stories Å Crime 360 Å American Gangster I Survived...Beyond I Survived Å I Survived BIO Rocco’s Dinner Party Rocco’s Dinner Party Housewives/OC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Jersey BRAVO Gurrl Down! CMT Insdr Top 20 Countdown ’ Å ››› “The Rookie” (2002, Drama) Dennis Quaid, Rachel Griffiths. Å Truck Truck Truck CMT Music CMTV Crossroads ’ Å Scrubs ’ Scrubs ’ Scrubs ’ Scrubs ’ ›› “Accepted” (2006) Justin Long. Å › “Fired Up” (2009) Nicholas D’Agosto. Å ›› “Balls of Fury” (2007) Dan Fogler. Å COMEDY › “Disaster Movie” (2008) Å Dual Survival ’ Å How Do It? How Do It? Swamp Loggers Å Desert Car Kings Å Desert Car Kings Å Desert Car Kings Å MythBusters ’ Å MythBusters ’ Å Myth DISC Dual Survival ’ Å Good Luck Shake It So RanSo RanWizardsWizardsGood Luck Good Luck Shake It Shake It A.N.T. Farm Phineas Fish Hooks Good Luck Good Luck Good Luck So RanShake It Good Luck DISN Charlie Up! Å dom! Å dom! Å Place Place Charlie Charlie Up! Å Up! Å Å and Ferb Charlie Charlie Charlie dom! Å Up! Å Charlie Kardas Kardas Suits A lawyer recruits a genius. E! Special Ice-Coco Ice-Coco Kardas Kardas The Voice “The Semi-Finals” ’ Å The Voice ’ Å Ice-Coco Ice-Coco Too Young E! ●SportsCenter (N) Å Women’s Soccer FIFA World Cup: Germany vs. Canada. (N) MLS Soccer: Red Bulls at Fire Bowling Bowling Bowling Bowling Baseball ESPN ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ●NASCAR Now (N) ●The Championships: Wimbledon 2011 (N) Å SportsCtr Baseball Year/Quarterback NFL’s Greatest Games Å NFL’s Greatest Games Å ESPN2 Women’s Soccer ›› “Dr. Dolittle” (1998) Eddie Murphy. › “Billy Madison” (1995) Adam Sandler. ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993, Comedy) Robin Williams, Sally Field. ›› “Paul Blart: Mall Cop” (2009) FAM ›› “Snow Dogs” Guy’s, Bite Barbecue Cooking Chopped Dinner: Impossible Best Thing Best Thing Diners Diners Meat Candy Cupcake Wars Food Food Network Star FOOD Hungry ●The Great Ride Car Show Garage MLS Soccer: Galaxy at Earthquakes Barfly Pre-Game MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres. (Live) Postgame FOXSS Fisherman Horse. Sugar › “John Tucker Must Die” (2006) Ashanti ›› “27 Dresses” (2008) Katherine Heigl, James Marsden. ››› “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” (2008) Jason Segel. › “What Happens in Vegas” FX ››› “The Boston Strangler” (1968) Å ››› “Niagara” (1953) Å ››› “Seven Thieves” (1960, Suspense) Å ›› “11 Harrowhouse” (1974) Charles Grodin. FXM ›› “No Way Out” (1950) Richard Widmark. Power of 10 ’ Å Lingo Lingo Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Newlywed Love Drew Baggage Catch 21 1 vs. 100 Power 10 GSN Chain Rctn Fam. Feud Newlywed Catch 21 1 vs. 100 ’ Å Golden Golden ››› “The Parent Trap” (1998, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid. Re- “The Wish List” (2010) Jennifer Es- “Rock the House” (2010) Jack Coleman. A man reunites with his ››› “The Parent Trap” (1998) LindHALL Girls Girls united twin girls try to get their parents back together. Å posito, David Sutcliffe. Å band to perform at his daughter’s prom. Å say Lohan, Dennis Quaid. Å Max McEnroe/Borg Real Time/Bill Maher “Matter of Taste: Serving Up Paul” ››› “Inception” (2010) Leonardo DiCaprio. ‘PG-13’ Å True Blood ›› “Clash of the Titans” (2010) HBO Boxing Outdoor House Hunters First Place First Place Property Property Get It Sold Get It Sold House Hunters For Rent Unsellable House Hunters My Yard H&G Disaster Disaster Yard Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History White supremacy. Cults: Dangerous Devotion Cults. Å Marijuana: A Chronic History History of the sub- Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers “Ice Ice Road HIST Å stance in America. Å Å Å “Pushing the Edge” Road Rage” Å Truckers ›› “A Walk to Remember” (2002) Premiere. “The Secret” (2007) David Duchovny. Å No Reserv LIFE Will/Grace ›››› “Titanic” (1997, Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio. A woman falls for an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. Å ›› “Robin Hood” (2010) Russell Crowe. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å ›› “The Guilty” (2000) Bill Pullman. ‘R’ Å › “Couples Retreat” (2009) Vince Vaughn. ’ ››› “Out of Sight” (1998) George Clooney. MAX “Beavis, Butt” ››› “The Gallant Hours” (1960, Biography) James Cagney. ’ Å ›› “Victory” (1981, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine. ’ Å World at War ’ Å World War MILIT ››› “The Gallant Hours” (1960) ’ Å Teen Wolf ’ The Challenge: Rivals True Life ’ True Life ’ True Life ’ True Life ’ 16 and Pregnant ’ Å MTV Pregnant 16 and Pregnant ’ Å Rebuilding Titanic Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars Border Wars Border NGEO Madoff Auction T.U.F.F. Sponge. Sponge. iCarly ’ iCarly ’ Big Time Big Time Victorious Victorious Sponge. Sponge. Big Time Big Time Victorious Victorious iCarly ’ NICK Sponge. Sponge. T.U.F.F. Mars Rising ’ Å Through the Through the Through the Through the Through the Through the Through the Through SCIENCE Mars Rising ’ Å Shameless ›› “Gross Anatomy” (1989) Matthew Modine. ›› “Leaves of Grass” (2009) Edward Norton. ›› “Twilight” (2008) Kristen Stewart. ‘PG-13’ ›› “Extraordinary Measures” Back SHOW “The Back-up Plan” Gilmore Girls ’ Å Gilmore Girls ’ Å One Tree Hill ’ Å One Tree Hill ’ Å One Tree Hill ’ Å One Tree Hill ’ Å General... SOAP Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Gilmore Girls ’ Å Dave Despain Barrett-Jackson Automobile Auction (N) (Live) SP Center SPEED Chop Cut Perform. ●The 10 SP Center ●NASCAR RaceDay (N) (Live) ●UFC’s Ultimate Fight Night ’ Å ●UFC 95 Countdown ’ Auction Xtreme Horse. Trucks! ’ MuscleCar UFC Unleashed ’ UFC Unleashed ’ UFC Unleashed ’ SPIKE Auction ●FIGHTZONE Presents ●FIGHTZONE Presents ●Sports World (N) ●Adventure Hawaii Matchpoint XTERRA WNBA Basketball: Silver Stars at Dream Trackside SPSO Paid Prog. Joint ›› “Category 6: Day of Destruction” (2004) ›› “Category 6: Day of Destruction” (2004) ›› “Category 7: The End of the World” “Category 7: End of World” SYFY › “Post Impact” (2003) Dean Cain. Redempt Love In Touch PowerPnt Is Written B. Conley From His King Is J. Franklin John Hagee Today Rod P. Dickow Jakes J. Meyer Leading TBN K. Hagin Ed Young Miracle ››› “Secondhand Lions” (2003) Å MLB Baseball Colorado Rockies at New York Yankees. (N) (Live) Å Payne ›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” (2005) TBS ›› “The Legend of Zorro” (2005, Adventure) ›› “Lullaby of Broadway” (1951, Musical Come- ›› “Under the Yum Yum Tree” (1963, Comedy) ››› “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s ›› “Bell, Book and Candle” (1958, Comedy) ››› “Picnic” (1955, Drama) William TCM dy) Doris Day, Gene Nelson. Jack Lemmon, Carol Lynley. Å Court” (1949) Bing Crosby, William Bendix. Å James Stewart, Kim Novak, Jack Lemmon. Å Holden, Kim Novak. Å Four Weddings Å Four Weddings Å Toddlers & Tiaras ’ Toddlers & Tiaras ’ Toddlers & Tiaras ’ Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy Wedding Gypsy TLC Four Weddings Å ●Countdown to Green ●NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup Series: Toyota/Save Mart 350. From Infineon Raceway in Falling Skies “Pilot” A father wants to protect his ›› “Red Dawn” (1984) Patrick Swayze. High››› “War of the TNT family. Å school guerrillas take on invading Soviet troops. (N) (Live) Å Sonoma, Calif. (N) (Live) Å Worlds” (2005) Å “Scooby-Doo and Samurai” Gumball Gumball Hole/Wall Hole/Wall Adventure Adventure Hole/Wall Hole/Wall Hole/Wall Johnny T Johnny T ››› “Surf’s Up” (2007, Comedy) TOON “Tom and Jerry” Extreme Makeover Leave It to Beaver Leave Beaver Leave Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Sanford Sanford All-Family All/Family TVLND Divorced Cleveland Extreme Makeover Royal Pains Å Royal Pains Å Royal Pains Å Royal Pains Å Royal Pains Å Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law-SVU USA Royal Pains Å ›› “Bring It On: Fight to the Finish” (2009) Mob Wives ’ Å Mob Wives ’ Å Mob Wives ’ Å Mob Wives ’ Å Mob Wives ’ Å Mob Wives ’ Å Mob Wives VH1 Basketball Wives ’ CABLE NEWS Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. WEN Hair Paid Prog. Meaningful Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Diabetes CNBC Shark Vac Look Sexy Meaningful Paid Prog. TRIALaser Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Meals! Reliable Sources Å State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom Your Money CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Newsroom CNN Fareed Zakaria GPS C-SPAN Weekend C-SPAN Weekend News American Politics CSPAN News Book TV Book TV: After Words Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV: After Words Book TV CSPAN2 Book TV America’s News HQ (N) Fox News Sunday War Stories/North America’s News HQ (N) Fox News Sunday Report FNC America’s News HQ (N) Dead Men Talk Meet the Press Å Dear Zachary A personal memorial. Murder for Hire Caught on Camera Caught MSNBC MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) Kennedy Brothers
20 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011 SUNDAY EVENING
BROADCAST CHANNELS & WBRC Bob’s Burgers Å Antiques Roadshow “Wi_ WCIQ chita” Å Dateline NBC (N) ’ Å ` WVTM 5 WTTO How I Met Your Mother 8 WJXS Can-U-Relate Show America’s Funniest H WJSU Home Videos ’ Å 60 Minutes (N) ’ Å J WIAT L WPXH ¥ WABM CABLE ^ TV-2
7 PM
8 PM 8:30
9 PM
10 PM
The Simpsons ’ The Cleveland Show Family Guy Å American Dad Å FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM Nature “The Beauty of Ugly” Frogfish, hagfish, naked Alabama Stories “Jett Williams” Å Masterpiece Mystery! “Poirot XI: The Clocks” International political cover-up. (N) ’ mole rats and elephant seals. ’ Å (DVS) Å America’s Got Talent Hopefuls perform for the judges. America’s Got Talent Hopefuls audition in New York. The Marriage Ref “Ricky Gervais, Julianne Moore, Jer- NBC 13 News (N) Å ’Å ’Å ry Seinfeld” A man’s hobby frustrates his wife. ›› “Legally Blonde” (2001, Comedy) Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson, Selma Blair. The King of Queens ’ The King of Queens ’ The Andy Griffith Show Rick & Bubba Å Rick & Bubba Å 1st Baptist Church Saks Music & Spoken Word Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Simpson Family” Castle “The Final Nail” Investigating a friend of CasBody of Proof “Letting Go” A couple are found dead in ABC 33/40 News at 10PM A toddler with a health problems. ’ Å tle’s. ’ Å their car. ’ Å (N) Hawaii Five-0 “Po’ipu” Protecting a ruthless dictator. ’ Undercover Boss “Johnny Rockets” CEO John Fuller CSI: Miami “F-T-F” Re-creating a bizarre double mur- Inside Sports ’ Å works under cover. ’ Å der. ’ Å ››› “JFK” (1991, Drama) Kevin Costner, Sissy Spacek, Joe Pesci. New Orleans DA Jim Garrison sees assassination conspiracy. ’ ››› “Fargo” (1996) Frances McDormand. An overextended salesman hires goons to kidnap his wife. Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
10:30 Law Call PBS Previews: Prohibition (N) ’ Å Tail Fins and Chrome The Andy Griffith Show Gospel Truth Lighthouse The Zone The Attorneys
One Flew Over The Unit “SERE” Å Paid Program ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat ●Sports Zone Sunday Criminal Minds “Mayhem” Terrorist bombing. Å Criminal Minds “Cradle to Grave” ’ Å The Glades A body is found in a stolen car. (N) The Glades A body is found in a stolen car. Å A&E Criminal Minds ’ Å Lonesome Dove Two for- Lonesome Dove Jake’s involvement with the Suggs gang. (Part 2 of 2) Å AMC mer Texas Rangers. Wild Amazon Life in the Amazon constantly adapts. Swamp Wars Pythons in the Everglades. ’ Å Finding Bigfoot Matt Moneymaker and his team. (N) Finding Bigfoot Matt Moneymaker and his team. ’ ANPL Wild Amazon ’ ››› “Alien 3” (1992) Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton. Å BBC Battlestar Galactica ’ ››› “Alien 3” (1992) Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton. Lone woman finds thugs, zealots and horror on prison planet. Å The BET Awards 2011 Music, entertainment and sports in LA. (N) (Live) Å Bet Awards: The After Party (N) (Live) Å BET BET Awards I Survived Å I Survived “Julie; John” Abducted; mauled. Å I Survived Abducted and tortured; trapped. Å I Survived A soldier tries to kill another soldier. I Survived...Beyond & Back Sandy and Matthew. BIO The Real Housewives of New Jersey “Stick It” The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey (N) Watch What Happens: Live (N) (Live) BRAVO Housewives/NJ Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Hebert Family” Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Kubena Family” Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Hebert Family” CMTV CMT Music Awards 2011 ’ Å Tosh.0 Å Futurama “Neutopia” ’ Futurama “Benderama” Jon Benjamin Has a Van COMEDY ›› “Employee of the Month” (2006, Comedy) Dane Cook, Jessica Simpson. Two store clerks vie for a coveted award. Å MythBusters Changing a flat tire without a spare. MythBusters “Dodge a Bullet” ’ Å MythBusters Jamie and Adam battle each other. ’ MythBusters Changing a flat tire without a spare. DISC MythBusters ’ Å Good Luck Charlie “Dun- Good Luck Charlie “Mon- So Random! Strawberry Shake It Up! “Model It Up” A.N.T. Farm Chyna tries to Good Luck Charlie “Mon- Good Luck Charlie “Dun- So Random! Strawberry So Random! “Selena DISN can vs. Duncan” Å key Business” (N) Shortbread. ’ Å Å get a guy’s attention. key Business” can vs. Duncan” Å Shortbread. ’ Å Gomez, June 19, 2011” Too Young to Kill: 15 Shocking Crimes Children who have committed murder. Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Ice Loves Coco (N) The Soup Chelsea Lately E! ●MLB Baseball Cleveland Indians at San Francisco Giants. From AT&T Park in San Francisco. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN Baseball Tonight (N) ●NHRA Drag Racing Summit Racing Equipment Nationals. From Norwalk, Ohio. (N Same-day Tape) Å World’s Strongest Man World’s Strongest Man ESPN2 Championships › “College Road Trip” (2008) Martin Lawrence. A cop escorts his daughter on a trip to visit colleges. › “College Road Trip” (2008) Martin Lawrence. A cop escorts his daughter on a trip to visit colleges. FAM Paul Blart: Mall Cop Challenge “Paranormal Cakes” Food Network Star “Cougar Town and Paula Deen” Diners, Drive Extreme Chef Cupcake Wars “Bollywood Bake-Off” FOOD Food Network Star ●Ball Up Streetball ●Boys in the Hall ●The Final Score (N) World Poker Tour: Season 9 (Taped) World Poker Tour: Season 9 FOXSS ●Boys in the Hall What Happens in Vegas ››› “Marley & Me” (2008) Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston. A couple’s new puppy grows up to become an incorrigible handful. ››› “Marley & Me” (2008, Comedy-Drama) Owen Wilson, Jennifer Aniston. FX ››› “Love Is a Many Splendored Thing” (1955, Romance) Jennifer Jones, William Holden. Å ››› “Soul Food” (1997) Vanessa L. Williams. Sisters deal with family and romantic crises. Å FXM Life After Film School Drew Carey Baggage Å Love Triangle Å The Newlywed Game Lingo Å Lingo Å Drew Carey Drew Carey GSN Power of 10 ’ Å ››› “The Parent Trap” (1998, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid. Reunited “The Wish List” (2010, Romance) Jennifer Esposito, David Sutcliffe. A woman falls Frasier Indoor antics enliv- Frasier Lilith announces Frasier Frasier’s aunt HALL twin girls try to get their parents back together. Å for a guy who meets none of her standards. Å en a ski trip. ’ Å her impending divorce. holds a grudge. ’ Å True Blood Sookie journeys away from Bon Temps. Treme The community mourns. (N) ’ Å True Blood Sookie journeys away from Bon Temps. HBO ›› Clash of the Titans True Blood Eric plots his revenge against Russell. Holmes on Homes Å Holmes on Homes Å Holmes Inspection “New Beginnings” ’ Å House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l HGTV’d Å Income Property Å H&G House Hunters Ice Road Truckers “Wrong Ice Road Truckers “Fire on Ice” Hugh and Rick’s Ice Road Truckers “Under the Hammer” Hugh and Swamp People “Rising Pressure” The hunters venture Mounted in Alaska “Tina’s Mounted in Alaska “A HIST Turn & Burned” record-breaking load. Å Rick deliver their record load. (N) Å into new grounds. Å Packin’ Heat” Fight in the Woods” Drop Dead Diva Kim sues a plastic surgery center. The Protector A college advisor is murdered. (N) The Protector A college advisor is murdered. Å LIFE ›› “No Reservations” (2007) Catherine Zeta-Jones, Aaron Eckhart. Å ›› “Ninja Assassin” (2009, Action) Rain, Naomie Harris. ’ ‘R’ Å Femme Fatales ’ Å MAX ›› “Robin Hood” (2010, Adventure) Russell Crowe. Robin and his men battle the Sheriff of Nottingham. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Decisions That Shook the World ’ Å Decisions That Shook the World ’ Å Decisions That Shook the World ’ Å MILIT World War II in Color ’ Decisions That Shook the World ’ Å Teen Wolf “Magic Bullet” Derek’s life is in danger. The Challenge: Rivals “Welcome to the Jungle” ’ True Life “I’m Allergic to Everything” ’ MTV 16 and Pregnant “Allie” A baby in an unstable environment. ’ Å Border Wars A house run by smugglers is raided. Cocaine Sub Hunt (N) Explorer The drug war along the Mexican border. Border Wars A house run by smugglers is raided. NGEO Border Wars My Wife and Kids Å My Wife and Kids Å Nick News With Linda George Lopez ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å NICK iCarly ’ Å Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman Å Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman Å Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman Å Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman Å SCIENCE Through the Nurse Jackie (iTV) Å United States of Tara ’ The Real L Word “The Other L Word” (iTV) (N) Shameless “Killer Carl” Rehabilitating a delinquent. SHOW › “The Back-up Plan” (2010) Jennifer Lopez. iTV. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å General Hospital Lucky and Liz talk about the truth. General Hospital Dante comforts Lulu. ’ Å General Hospital Michael gets several job offers. ’ General Hospital A bordello owner confronts Lulu. SOAP General Hospital Å ●Wind Tunnel With Dave Despain (N) (Live) ●SPEED Center My Classic Car (N) Car Crazy (N) SPEED ●SPEED Center (N) (Live) ●NASCAR Victory Lane (N) ●UFC’s Ultimate Fight Night From the Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas. ’ ›› “The Punisher” (2004) Thomas Jane. ’ SPIKE ●UFC 95 Countdown ’ ●In My Own Words ●In My Own Words ●In My Own Words ●In My Own Words ●WNBA Basketball San Antonio Silver Stars at Atlanta Dream. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. SPSO Trackside Live ›› “The Core” (2003, Action) Aaron Eckhart, Hilary Swank, Delroy Lindo. Scientists travel to the center of the Earth. ›› “Descent” (2007) Rosario Dawson. Å SYFY Category 7 Joel Osteen Å Best of Praise Kenneth Copeland Å Changing Your World ›› “Saul and David” (1968) Norman Wooland. King David and Saul battle over the fate of Israel. TBN Jack Hayford Å ›› “Last Holiday” (2006, Comedy) Queen Latifah. A terminally ill woman lives it up on vacation. ›› “Last Holiday” (2006, Comedy) Queen Latifah. A terminally ill woman lives it up on vacation. TBS Diary-Black ››› “Picnic” (1955) ›››› “Singin’ in the Rain” (1952, Musical Comedy) Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds, Donald O’Connor. A ››› “The Band Wagon” (1953, Musical) Fred Astaire, Cyd Charisse, Oscar Levant. A Hollywood has-been TCM William Holden. Å silent-film star falls in love with a Hollywood newcomer. Å (DVS) tries his luck in a Broadway musical. Å My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding ’ Å My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding ’ (Part 2 of 5) Å Freaky Eaters (N) Å Freaky Eaters (N) Å My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding ’ (Part 2 of 5) Å TLC Gypsy Wedding ››› “War of the Worlds” (2005, Science Fiction) Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning. A Leverage “The Long Way Down Job” (Season PreFalling Skies “Prisoner of War” Tom encounters an Leverage “The Long Way Down Job” The team must TNT man and his children try to survive an alien invasion. Å miere) The team must recover lost evidence. (N) alien skitter. (N) Å recover lost evidence. Å World of Gumball The Looney Tunes Show Delocated “Dog Mayor” Childrens Hospital King of the Hill ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Robot Chicken TOON ››› Surf’s Up (2007) M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H “Adam’s Ribs” Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond TVLND All in the Family Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Honor” Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Series Finale) (N) ’ In Plain Sight “Kumar vs. Kumar” (N) Å White Collar “Deadline” Diana goes undercover. USA Law & Order: SVU Mob Wives (N) ’ Å Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew “Intake” ’ Mob Wives ’ Å Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew “Intake” ’ VH1 Mob Wives ’ Å CABLE NEWS Crime Inc. Multibillion-dollar business. 60 Minutes on CNBC CNBC Wall Street Journal Rpt. How I Made My Millions How I Made My Millions CNBC Titans Steve Jobs launches a revolution. Nepal’s Stolen Children: A CNN Freedom Project Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom Nepal’s Stolen Children: A CNN Freedom Project CNN CNN Newsroom Q&A Internat’l Programming American Politics Q&A CSPAN American Politics Book TV Book TV: After Words Book TV Book TV CSPAN2 Book TV Huckabee (N) Freedom Watch With Judge Napolitano (N) Stossel Huckabee FNC FOX Report (N) Caught on Camera Stories of courage under fire. Erasing Hate Inside the world of a former skinhead. To Catch a Predator “Long Beach 2” Predator Raw: The Unseen Tapes MSNBC Caught on Camera
June 24-June 30, 2011 1:30
BROADCAST CHANNELS Rachael Ray The Dr. Oz Show News News Funniest Home Videos Judge Divorce Judge B. Judge B. Jdg Judy Jdg Judy News News News & WBRC Live Regis & Kelly Sid WordWorld Super Why Between Caillou Barney Clifford Cat in the Curious Martha Arthur WordGirl Wild Kratts Electric Fetch! Cyberch’e NewsHour _ WCIQ Sesame Street Wimbledon Varied Programs Days of our Lives The 700 Club The Doctors Ellen DeGeneres Show News NBC News News ` WVTM Today Judge Jeanine Pirro Court Court Lyrics! Lyrics! Millionaire Millionaire Smarter Smarter The Tyra Show Family Fd Family Fd Justice Justice Two Men 5 WTTO The People’s Court Paid Prog. Your Health CBN News Hillbillies Movie Varied Programs Cross Ozzie Hillbillies Varied Lucy Show 8 WJXS Varied The View ABC 33/40 News All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital The Nate Berkus Show Oprah Winfrey News ABC News News H WJSU Talk of Alabama The Price Is Right Young & Restless Insider Bold The Talk Wendy Williams Show Jeopardy! Jeopardy! Dr. Phil News News CBS News J WIAT Let’s Make a Deal Ghost Whisperer Ghost Whisperer Without a Trace Without L WPXH Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ghost Whisperer Steve Wilkos Show Karen Karen The People’s Court Judge Jeanine Pirro Judge Mathis Maury Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Seinfeld ¥ WABM Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Jerry Springer CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News at Noon Local Programming Chan. 2 Action News Chan. 2 Action News Chan. 2 Action News Local Prog ^ TV-2 The Doctors Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 Dog Dog CSI: Miami The Sopranos Criminal Minds The First 48 First 48 A&E The Sopranos M ›› “The Fan” (1981) Lauren Bacall. › “Virus” (1999) Jamie Lee Curtis. Å ›› “Reindeer Games” (2000) Ben Affleck, Gary Sinise. Å › “Dracula 2000” (2000) Christopher Plummer. ›› “Rambo: First Blood Part II” T ››› “48 HRS.” (1982) ›› “Reindeer Games” (2000) Ben Affleck, Gary Sinise. Å ›› “The Kingdom” (2007) Jamie Foxx, Chris Cooper. Å ›› “Rambo: First Blood Part II” (1985) Å › “Texas Rangers” (2001, Western) › “Texas Rangers” (2001) James Van Der Beek. ›› “The Recruit” (2003) Al Pacino, Colin Farrell. Å ››› “True Lies” (1994) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Å AMC W ››› “Jeremiah Johnson” (1972) Robert Redford. Å TH “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” ›› “The Recruit” (2003) Al Pacino, Colin Farrell. Å ››› “True Lies” (1994) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. Å ›› “Pearl Harbor” (2001) Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett. Å F ›› “Summer Rental” ›› “For Love of the Game” (1999) Kevin Costner, Kelly Preston. Å ›› “Pearl Harbor” (2001, War) Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett. Å ››› “A Few Good Men” (1992, Drama) Tom Cruise. Å Ramsay’s Kitchen The X-Files Law & Order: UK Kitchen Nightmares Varied Programs Star Trek: Next Doctor Who Top Gear Top Gear BBC Kitchen Nightmares Bernie Jamie F. Jamie F. Jamie F. Jamie F. Movie Girlfriends Girlfriends The Game The Game Chris Chris 106 & Park: Top 10 Varied BET Bernie Varied Programs City Confidential I Survived Notorious Biography Biography Varied Programs City Confidential I Survived Notorious BIO BRAVO Varied Programs Varied Programs Extreme Makeover Extreme Makeover The Singing Bee Extreme Makeover Extrm. CMTV Music Movie Comedy Daily Show Colbert Movie Varied Programs RENO 911! Futurama South Park Tosh.0 Scrubs Scrubs Daily Show COMEDY Colbert Deadliest Catch American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Varied DISC Varied Programs Phineas Phineas Suite/Deck Good Luck Random Shake It Wizards Good Luck Good Luck Phineas Suite/Deck Good Luck Fish Shake It Wizards Phineas Good Luck Vampire DISN Phineas Kardas Kardas Varied Programs E! News Varied Programs E! News E! ●NFL Live Jim Rome Around ●SportsCenter SportsCtr Soccer Varied Programs SportsCtr Varied Report Football Pardon Varied ESPN ●Women’s Soccer ●ESPN First Take ●SportsCenter Wimbledon Varied Programs NASCAR Football Around Pardon Varied ESPN2 ●SportsCenter Full House Full House Still Stnd Still Stnd 8, Rules 8, Rules My Wife My Wife ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Gilmore Varied Programs FAM The 700 Club Boy Grill Good Eats Guy’s, Bite Paula Home Contessa Giada 30-Minute Ingred. Fix Cooking Secrets 30-Minute Giada Contessa Paula Iron Chef America Varied FOOD Varied ●The Dan Patrick Show Varied Programs Varied Programs World FOXSS ●The Dan Patrick Show Movie Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Bernie Bernie Malcolm Movie Varied Programs Two Men FX M ›› “Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation” ››› “Dear Brigitte” (1965) James Stewart. Å ››› “Harry and Tonto” (1974) Art Carney. Å ›› “An Innocent Love” (1982) Doug McKeon Life After... ››› “The Turning Point” (1977) T ›› “Hudson’s Bay” (1940) Paul Muni. ›› “100 Rifles” (1969) Jim Brown. Å ››› “The Desert Fox” (1951) Å ››› “The Kremlin Letter” (1970) Bibi Andersson. Å ››› “The Incident” (1967) Å ›› “Baby’s Day Out” (1994) Joe Mantegna. ›› “The Sandlot” (1993) Tom Guiry. Å ››› “Bedazzled” (1967) Peter Cook. Å FXM W ››› “Let’s Make Love” (1960) Marilyn Monroe. ›› “Born to Be Bad” (1934) Å TH ›› “White Witch Doctor” (1953, Adventure) ›››› “Garden of Evil” (1954) Gary Cooper. ››› “River of No Return” (1954, Western) Å ›› “Moving Violation” (1976) Å Life After... “Butch & Sundance” F “Beautiful Blonde” ››› “Mother Is a Freshman” Å ›› “Born to Be Bad” (1934) Å ››› “Holiday for Lovers” (1959) Clifton Webb. ›› “Baby’s Day Out” (1994) Joe Mantegna. ››› “Only the Lonely” (1991) Å Pyramid Match Gm. Match Gm. Lingo Lingo Deal or No Deal Catch 21 Chain Rctn Lingo 1 vs. 100 Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Catch 21 Lingo Baggage Newlywed Love GSN Sharks Hungry Pets Pets Martha Stewart Show Martha Stewart Show The Waltons The Waltons The Waltons Little House Little Hse. HALL Martha Stewart Show Hungry Designed House Hunters Varied Programs Property Property Hunters H&G Varied Programs M Journey to the Earth’s Core Å Modern Marvels “Dirt” Modern Marvels Å How the Earth Was Made Geological history. Journey to the Earth’s Core Å Modern Marvels “Dirt” Marvels T Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å 101 Gadgets That Changed the World Å Modern Marvels “Walt Disney World” Å Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å 101 Gadgets That Changed Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å Last Stand of the 300 Å After Armageddon ’ Å Modern Marvels Å Marvels HIST W After Armageddon ’ Å TH Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å Swamp People Å Swamp People Å Megaquake 10.0 Å Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å Swamp People Å Swamp F Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Modern Marvels Å The President’s Book of Secrets Å Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Brad Meltzer’s Dec. Marvels Chris How I Met How I Met Desperate Housewives Grey’s Anatomy Grey’s Anatomy Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Unsolved Mysteries Unsolved Mysteries Pawn LIFE Chris World War II in Color Varied Programs World War MILIT Varied Programs Disaster Disaster Made ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show ’70s Show Varied MTV Varied Programs Dog Whisperer Border Wars Varied Programs Troopers NGEO Varied Programs iCarly Big Time Big Time Victorious Victorious Big Time iCarly Sponge. Sponge. iCarly iCarly iCarly NICK Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. iCarly Factory Factory MythBusters How Do How Do How/Made How/Made Varied SCIENCE Varied Programs Beverly Hills, 90210 Beverly Hills, 90210 The O.C. One Tree Hill One Tree Hill Beverly Hills, 90210 Beverly Hills, 90210 Days of our Lives The Young SOAP Days of our Lives Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ●NASCAR Racing Varied Programs Mon. Jam Varied Programs Hub SPEED Varied Programs Varied Programs CSI Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs SPIKE CSI Varied Programs SPSO Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ●MLB Baseball SYFY Varied Programs Your Day Copeland Varied Programs Behind Varied Robison Marilyn H. The 700 Club J. Hagee Varied Praise the Lord Varied TBN Rod P. Prince Prince Payne Payne Browns Amer. Dad Earl Raymond Jim Jim The Office Friends Friends Raymond Raymond King King Seinfeld TBS Prince M ›› Gigi ›››› “Gigi” (1958) Leslie Caron. Å (DVS) ›› “Torch Song” (1953, Drama) Joan Crawford. ›› “Zarak” (1956) Victor Mature. ››› “Lili” (1953) Leslie Caron. › “Saadia” (1954) Cornel Wilde, Mel Ferrer. T ››› “The Big Sleep” (1946) Humphrey Bogart. ›››› “The Killers” (1946) Burt Lancaster. ››› “The Postman Always Rings Twice” ››› “The Strange Love of Martha Ivers” Å ›› “Kiss Me Deadly” (1955) Å ›› “Beautiful but Broke” (1944) ›› “Kansas City Kitty” ››› “Naughty Marietta” (1935) Å ›› “New Moon” (1940) Jeanette MacDonald. ››› “Sweethearts” (1938) Å TCM W ››› “Until They Sail” (1957) Å TH ›› “The Tall Target” ››› “Follow Me Quietly” (1949) “Two O’Clock Courage” ›› “Desperate” (1947, Drama) Å ›› “The Black Book” (1949) ››› “Border Incident” (1950) Å ››› “Devil’s Doorway” (1950) Å F “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” ››› “The Canterville Ghost” (1944) Å ›› “Behave Yourself” (1951) Å ›››› “Strangers on a Train” Å ›› “Side Street” (1950) Å ››› “They Live by Night” (1949) Four Weddings What Not to Wear Baby Story Baby Story Multiples Baby’s What Not to Wear Four Weddings Cake Boss Cake Boss Toddlers & Tiaras Varied TLC Varied Programs Supernatural Las Vegas Las Vegas Cold Case The Closer Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Varied TNT Supernatural Garfield Scooby Scooby Looney Tunes Jerry Varied Garfield Ed, Edd Ed, Edd Sidekick Almost Adventure MAD Varied Programs Johnny T Johnny T TOON Garfield Varied All-Family Sanford Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Jeffersons Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford TVLND Jeannie House Varied Programs NCIS NCIS USA Varied Programs Varied Programs VH1 Jump Start CABLE NEWS Strategy Money Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell Closing Bell-Bartiromo Fast Mny Varied Mad Money Report CNBC Squawk on the Street The Call CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer John King CNN CNN Newsroom America Live Studio/Shepard Smith Your World W/ Cavuto Glenn Beck Special Report FOX Rep’t FNC America’s Newsroom Happening Now MSNBC Live MSNBC News Live Andrea Mitchell News Nation Martin Bashir Dylan Ratigan Hardball Matthews MSNBC Live Hardball MSNBC Jansing and Co.
22 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011 MONDAY EVENING
7 PM
8 PM 8:30
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BROADCAST CHANNELS MasterChef One contestant is eliminated. ’ Å MasterChef Competing for a spot in the next round. FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Inside Edition (N) Å PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å Antiques Roadshow “Washington, DC” Chrysler Tur- Antiques Roadshow “Politically Collect” Campaign Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided Abra- Leonardo’s Dream Machines Leonardo da Vinci’s _ WCIQ bine model and manual. (N) Å buttons; court affidavit. ’ Å ham Lincoln’s political career. (N) Å crossbow and glider. ’ (Part 2 of 2) Å ●2011 Wimbledon UpAccess Hollywood Å America’s Got Talent Auditions continue in New York. Law & Order: Criminal Intent “The Last Street in Man- Law & Order: LA “Van Nuys” Party guests are beaten Alabama’s 13 News at ` WVTM ’Å hattan” An investment banker is found dead. to death. (N) ’ Å 10:00pm (N) Å date (N) ’ Å 90210 Ivy decides to tell Dixon the truth. ’ Å Gossip Girl Jenny has a chance to meet Tim Gunn. The King of Queens ’ How I Met Your Mother The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ Cheers ’ Å Cheers ’ Å TV24 News at Nine Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS The Andy Griffith Show What a Deal Wheel of Fortune “Big The Bachelorette (N) ’ Å Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition “LaRhonda” ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU Money” In Las Vegas. A young woman works to lose weight. (N) (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) How I Met Your Mother “A How I Met Your Mother ’ Two and a Half Men ’ Å Mike & Molly Mike turns Hawaii Five-0 “Na Me’e Laua Na Paio” A science-fic- CBS 42 News at 10 (N) Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å Change of Heart” ’ Å into a couch potato. ’ tion fan is murdered. ’ Å Letterman (N) ’ Å Without a Trace “Light Years” Aliens abduction. ’ Criminal Minds “Children of the Dark” ’ Å Criminal Minds A child is abducted at a mall. Å Criminal Minds “About Face” ’ Å L WPXH Without a Trace Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Slither” ’ Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent Falling prostitutes. ’ The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Seinfeld “The Library” CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight Hoarders A house is full of games and puzzles. (N) Intervention A couple shares a heroin habit. (N) Intervention An addict steals and deals drugs. Å A&E Hoarders “Glen & Lisa” Hoarders A young man struggles with hoarding. ›› “Rambo: First Blood ››› “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994, Drama) Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, Bob Gunton. An innocent man goes to a Maine penitentiary for life in 1947. Å ››› “The Shawshank Redemption” (1994, Drama) AMC Part II” (1985) Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman. Å River Monsters: Unhooked “Chainsaw Predator” River Monsters: The Lost Reels “Amazonian Giant” River Monsters: Unhooked “Cold Blooded Horror” River Monsters: Unhooked “Chainsaw Predator” ANPL River Monsters Top Gear The guys drive through Romania. Å Top Gear “Season 16 Special” A road trip across the Middle East. Å James May’s Road Trip Top Gear The guys drive through Romania. Å BBC Top Gear Å BET 106 & Park: Top 10 Live ››› “Ray” (2004, Biography) Jamie Foxx, Kerry Washington, Regina King. Ray Charles overcomes hardships to become a legend. Å Notorious Å Queen: Days of Our Lives (N) Å Queen: Days of Our Lives Å BIO The Real Housewives of New Jersey Teresa and Melissa bury the hatchet. (N) Platinum Hit The songwriters face a surprise twist. The Real Housewives of New Jersey (N) BRAVO The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Singing Bee ’ The Singing Bee ’ The Singing Bee ’ The Singing Bee ’ CMTV Extreme Makeover Always Sunny Always Sunny Always Sunny It’s Always Sunny Daily Show/Jon Stewart The Colbert Report (N) COMEDY › “Good Luck Chuck” (2007) Dane Cook, Jessica Alba, Dan Fogler. Å Dual Survival Escaping a hippo-infested marshland. Dual Survival Suviving on a deserted island. Å Dual Survival Escaping a hippo-infested marshland. DISC Dual Survival “Bitten” ’ Dual Survival Surviving the desert of Baja, Mexico. A.N.T. Farm Chyna joins Good Luck Charlie Shake It Up! CeCe and “16 Wishes” (2010, Comedy) Debby Ryan, Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Anna Mae Rout- Good Luck Charlie My Babysitter’s a Vam- Wizards of Waverly Place DISN the cheerleading squad. “Gabe’s 12-1/2 Birthday” Rocky sneak out. Å ledge. The wishes of a teen magically come true on her birthday. ‘G’ Å “Gabe’s 12-1/2 Birthday” pire “Lawn of the Dead” “Beast Tamer” E! News (N) Sex and the City Å Sex and the City Å Sex and the City Å Sex and the City Å Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Chelsea Lately (N) E! News E! ●College Baseball NCAA World Series Championship, Game 1: Teams TBA. From Omaha, Neb. (N) (Live) Å ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN ●SportsCenter (N) Å ●Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å 30 for 30 ESPN2 ●MLB Baseball Cincinnati Reds at Tampa Bay Rays. From Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Fla. (N Subject to Blackout) (Live) Å The Secret Life of the American Teenager (N) Switched at Birth The fundraiser causes tension. The Secret Life of the American Teenager Å The 700 Club Tornado survivors tell their story. (N) FAM Secret-Teen Unwrapped Kid in a Candy Store Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Best Thing Ate Meat and Potatoes (N) Challenge “Paranormal Cakes” FOOD Chopped ●Boys in the Hall ●Amazing Sports Stories ●The Game 365 ●The Final Score (N) ●Baseball’s Golden Age ●The Final Score (N) FOXSS World Poker Tour: Sea ●Ball Up Streetball Two and a Half Men ’ ››› “Superbad” (2007, Comedy) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Christopher Mintz-Plasse. Co-dependent teens hope to score booze and babes at a party. ››› “Superbad” (2007) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera. FX ››› “People Will Talk” (1951, Comedy-Drama) Cary Grant, Jeanne Crain, Finlay Currie. Å FXM The Turning Point (1977) ››› “People Will Talk” (1951, Comedy-Drama) Cary Grant, Jeanne Crain, Finlay Currie. Å Lingo (N) Å Drew Carey Love Triangle Å The Newlywed Game Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å Lingo Å Drew Carey GSN Baggage (N) Å Little House on the Little House on the Prairie Retrospective look at spe- Frasier Set up Daphne Frasier Tasteless birthday Frasier Frasier and Niles Frasier Frasier’s advice Frasier Frasier vacations Frasier Lilith invades FrasiHALL Prairie (Part 2 of 3) Å cial moments in the Ingalls family. Å with homosexual. Å message to cohort. drink at dad’s bar. Å prompts criticism. Å with new flame. Å er’s vacation. Å Real Time With Bill Maher ’ Å “Hot Coffee” (2011) Big business uses a famous case to promote tort reform. ›› “Going the Distance” (2010) Drew Barrymore, Justin Long. ’ ‘R’ Å HBO Bury My Heart My Yard Goes Disney House Hunters HGTV’d (N) Å House Hunters (N) Å Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l House Hunters Å House Hunters H&G House Hunters Å Modern Marvels Battling Pawn Stars The Batmo- Pawn Stars “A Shot and a American Pickers “Frank Flips” Coin toss; Danielle Pawn Stars A down and Pawn Stars “Bow Legged” American Pickers “Frank’s Gamble” Frank tries to buy HIST corrosion. Å bile; writing desk. Å Shave” Å plots revenge. Å dirty motorcycle frame. Å a 1939 Plymouth. Å “Gone” (2011, Suspense) Molly Parker. Premiere. Kidnappers force a nurse to kill a hospital patient. Å Vanished With Beth Holloway (N) Å How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother LIFE My Family’s Secret Å ›› “Wild Things” (1998) Kevin Bacon. Two high-school vixens conspire against a faculty member. ‘R’ ›› “Robin Hood” (2010) Russell Crowe. Robin and his men battle the Sheriff of Nottingham. ‘PG-13’ MAX ››› Frailty (2002) ‘R’ Changed The War: The Flying Tigers Changed The War: The Flying Tigers Changed The War: The Flying Tigers MILIT World War II in Color ’ Changed The War: The Flying Tigers MTV Special ’ Teen Wolf “Magic Bullet” Derek’s life is in danger. Teen Wolf “The Tell” A new animal attack. (N) ’ Teen Wolf “The Tell” A new animal attack. ’ MTV MTV Special ’ Amish: Out of the Order Snipers, Inc. (N) Doomsday Preppers (N) Amish: Out of the Order NGEO Alaska State Troopers Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å NICK SpongeBob SquarePants Winx Club (N) ’ Å Deep Space Marvels Solar system; planet hunters. Deep Space Marvels “Survival” ’ Å Deep Space Marvels “Destiny” ’ Å Deep Space Marvels Solar system; planet hunters. SCIENCE The Death Star ’ Å Weeds “Bags” ’ Å The Big C ’ Å Weeds “Bags” (iTV) ’ The Big C (iTV) ’ Å SHOW A Shameless Summer ›› “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010, Romance) Kristen Stewart. iTV Premiere. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å All My Children ’ Å One Life to Live ’ Å General Hospital ’ Å Days of our Lives ’ Å SOAP Young & Restless ●The 10 ●Pinks -- All Out From Ennis, Texas. ●The 10 ●The 10 Car Warriors Two teams restor a VW Bug. SPEED ●NASCAR Race Hub (N) ●The 10 ›› “Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace” (1999, Science Fiction) Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman. ’ SPIKE ›› “Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace” (1999) Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor. ’ ●Braves Live! Pregame ●MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Seattle Mariners. From Safeco Field in Seattle. (N) (Live) Future Phenoms SPSO WNBA Basketball San Antonio Silver Stars at Atlanta Dream. ››› “Casino Royale” (2006, Action) Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen. James Bond plays poker with a man who finances terrorists. ››› “GoldenEye” (1995, Action) Pierce Brosnan. SYFY ››› GoldenEye Behind the Scenes Å Mark Chironna Å Jentezen Franklin Å Jesse Duplantis Å Praise the Lord Å TBN The Potter’s Touch Family Guy Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy “Dog Gone” Conan Actor Jason Sudeikis; DJ Qualls; Ke$ha. (N) TBS Seinfeld ’ Å Now Playing “July 2011” ›› “Stage Fright” (1950, Suspense) Jane Wyman, Marlene Dietrich, Richard Todd. A murder suspect enlists a ››› “I Confess” (1953, Drama) Montgomery Clift, Anne Baxter, Karl Malden. Religious vows prevent a priest TCM friend to help find the killer. from exposing a murderer. Cake Boss ’ Å Cake Boss ’ Å Cake Boss (N) ’ Å Cake Boss ’ Å Kate Plus 8 (N) ’ Å Kate Plus 8 ’ Å Cake Boss ’ Å Cake Boss ’ Å TLC Kate Plus 8 ’ Å Law & Order A model’s Law & Order “Locomotion” A commuter train hits an Law & Order “Girl Most Likely” Murdered high-school The Closer “Living Proof: Part One” The squad’s holi- Rizzoli & Isles “The Beast in Me” Maura goes on a TNT body is found in an alley. SUV. ’ Å (DVS) student. ’ Å (DVS) day plans. (Part 1 of 2) Å personal quest. Å Adventure Time MAD “Hops; Naru-210” King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å American Dad ’ Å American Dad ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å TOON World of Gumball All in the Family All in the Family Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond The Nanny “The Strike” The Nanny ’ Å TVLND All in the Family ●WWE Monday Night RAW (N) ’ (Live) Å NCIS “Bikini Wax” A petty officer is found dead. ’ Suits “Pilot” A lawyer recruits a genius. Å USA NCIS ’ Å Basketball Wives (N) ’ Single Ladies Malcolm wants to hire Val. (N) ’ Basketball Wives ’ Single Ladies Malcolm wants to hire Val. ’ VH1 Basketball Wives ’ CABLE NEWS CNBC Titans Jack Welch transforms GE. (N) CNBC Titans Jack Welch transforms GE. Mad Money CNBC The Kudlow Report (N) How I Made My Millions It’s Everybody’s In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å CNN John King, USA (N) Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN House of Rep. The Communicators Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor Å FNC FOX Report The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Ed Show (N) The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (N)
7 PM
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June 24-June 30, 2011 9 PM
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BROADCAST CHANNELS MasterChef Competing for a spot in the next round. Raising Hope ’ Å Raising Hope ’ Å FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Inside Edition (N) Å PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å History Detectives U.S. World War II propaganda A Cemetery Special Graveyards across the U.S. hold Frontline “The Child Cases” Child death cases; forAlabama Stories “Jett Williams” Å _ WCIQ leaflet. (N) ’ Å artwork. ’ Å profit colleges. (N) ’ Å ●2011 Wimbledon UpAccess Hollywood Å America’s Got Talent Hopefuls audition for the judges. The Voice “The Finals” The four remaining contestants perform. (N) ’ (Live) Å Alabama’s 13 News at ` WVTM (N) ’ Å 10:00pm (N) Å date (N) ’ Å One Tree Hill Brooke and Julian get a visitor. Å Hellcats The Hellcats play flag football. ’ Å The King of Queens ’ How I Met Your Mother The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ Cardinal Corner Most Wanted The Andy Griffith Show Cheers ’ Å TV24 News at Nine Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS Lone Ranger Wheel of Fortune “Big Wipeout “Let’s Make a Wipeout” A dean of students 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show “Get Him Away Combat Hospital “Enemy Within” Marks must quaran- ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU Money” In Las Vegas. and a philosopher. (N) ’ Å From Me!” Contestants are eliminated with style. (N) tine part of Role 3. (N) ’ Å (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) NCIS “Swan Song” Tracking the Port-to-Port killer. ’ Å NCIS: Los Angeles “Archangel” Pentagon documents The Good Wife “Ham Sandwich” Kalinda receives a CBS 42 News at 10 (N) Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å (DVS) are stolen. ’ Å (DVS) grand jury subpoena. ’ Å Letterman (N) ’ Å Without a Trace “Nickel and Dimed” Å Criminal Minds “Lucky” Cannibalistic serial killer. Criminal Minds Serial killer may target Garcia. Å Criminal Minds Search for a serial killer. ’ Å L WPXH Without a Trace Å Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? Don’t Forget the Lyrics! Don’t Forget the Lyrics! The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Seinfeld “The Pen” ’ CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight The First 48 A popular teenager is gunned. Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Gene Simmons Family Jewels (N) Å Gene Simmons Family Jewels Å A&E The First 48 Å › “Texas Rangers” ››› “Jeremiah Johnson” (1972, Adventure) Robert Redford, Will Geer, Stefan Gierasch. A 19th-century adventurer moves to the Rocky ››› “Jeremiah Johnson” (1972, Adventure) Robert Redford, Will Geer, Stefan AMC (2001) Dylan McDermott Mountains. Å Gierasch. A 19th-century adventurer moves to the Rocky Mountains. Å Wild Russia Wildlife on Kamchatka Peninsula. Å Wild Russia “Primorye” ’ Å Wild Russia The creatures that inhabit Siberia. ’ Wild Russia “Primorye” ’ Å ANPL Natural World ’ Å Top Gear The guys’ Australian counterparts. Å Kitchen Nightmares “Revisited No. 1” ’ Å Kitchen Nightmares “Fleming” ’ Å Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares The Sandgate. Å BBC Top Gear Å Toya: A Family Affair (N) The Mo’Nique Show Tyrese; Kimora Lee Simmons. BET The BET Awards 2011 Music, entertainment and sports in LA. Å Notorious Å Mobsters “Genovese: Portrait of a Crime Family” Mobsters Joey Gallo rises from the slums. Å Mobsters Two cops working for the Mafia. Å Aftermath With William Shatner Å BIO Million Dollar Decorators Martyn goes to New York. Million Dollar Decorators “Designed for Disaster” Million Dollar Decorators “Designed for Disaster” BRAVO The Real Housewives of New Jersey Teresa and Melissa bury the hatchet. ›› “Hidalgo” (2004, Adventure) Viggo Mortensen, Omar Sharif, Louise Lombard. A Westerner races a horse across the Arabian desert. ’ Trick My Truck ’ Å Trick My Truck ’ Å CMTV Extreme Makeover Futurama “Rebirth” ’ South Park Å Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 Å Tosh.0 (N) Å Workaholics Å Daily Show/Jon Stewart The Colbert Report (N) COMEDY The Colbert Report Å Deadliest Catch “Birds, Bones and Blood” Å Deadliest Catch “It’s Not All Mai Tais and Yahtzee” After the Catch “Save Me” (N) ’ Å Deadliest Catch “It’s Not All Mai Tais and Yahtzee” DISC Deadliest Catch ’ Å So Random! ’ Å Good Luck Charlie “Mon- A.N.T. Farm Chyna tries to So Random! Strawberry Shake It Up! Cece and The Suite Life on Deck Good Luck Charlie “Mon- My Babysitter’s a Vam- My Babysitter’s a VamDISN key Business” get a guy’s attention. Shortbread. ’ Å Rocky skip a concert. Marcus leaves the ship. key Business” pire Å pire “Lawn of the Dead” E! News (N) Sex and the City Å Sex and the City Å Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Kardashian Kardashian Chelsea Lately (N) E! News E! ●College Baseball NCAA World Series Championship, Game 2: Teams TBA. From Omaha, Neb. (N) (Live) Å ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN ●SportsCenter (N) Å ●Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å WNBA Basketball Los Angeles Sparks at Connecticut Sun. (N) (Live) Å Women’s Soccer ESPN2 ●NFL Live (N) Å Pretty Little Liars Trouble follows the girls. (N) The Nine Lives of Chloe King “Green Star” (N) Pretty Little Liars Trouble follows the girls. Å The 700 Club An infant survives leukemia; angels. FAM Pretty Little Liars Å Chopped “Chopped Liver” Chopped Two proteins in the appetizer basket. (N) 24 Hour Restaurant Battle “Firehouse Cooks” FOOD Restaurant: Impossible Cupcake Wars Bakers fight for the chance. (N) ●Baseball’s Golden Age ●The Final Score (N) ●Boys in the Hall ●The Final Score (N) FOXSS World Poker Tour: Sea MLS Soccer Los Angeles Galaxy at San Jose Earthquakes. Two and a Half Men ’ ››› “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story” (2004, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Christine Taylor, Ben Stiller. ››› “Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story” (2004, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Christine Taylor, Ben Stiller. FX ››› “Courage Under Fire” (1996, Drama) Denzel Washington, Meg Ryan, Lou Diamond Phillips. Å ››› “Hoffa” (1992) Jack Nicholson. Corruption taints Teamsters union boss Jimmy Hoffa. Å FXM ››› The Incident Å Lingo (N) Å Drew Carey Love Triangle Å The Newlywed Game Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å Lingo Å Drew Carey GSN Baggage (N) Å Little House on the Little House on the Prairie “Author, Author” Joy over Frasier Martin appears in Frasier Frasier tries to Frasier Martin challenges Frasier Roz bolts Frasier’s Frasier Obsessed with 20- Frasier Thief robs, then HALL Prairie “The Faith Healer” birth of Mary’s baby. Å a campaign ad. ’ Å mend Martin’s rift. Å boys to fix toilet. Å show for Bulldog’s. year-old murder. Å impersonates Frasier. ’ REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel ’ Å ››› “Inception” (2010) Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page. A thief enters people’s dreams and steals their secrets. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å True Blood ’ Å HBO › Swimfan (2002) Å My First Place (N) Å My First Place Å Property Virgins (N) ’ Property Virgins Å House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l For Rent “Stacey” Å Property Virgins Å H&G House Hunters Å 101 Gadgets That American Restoration American Restoration Only in America With Larry the Cable Guy “Larry How the States Got Their Shapes “A Boom With a How the Earth Was Made “Grand Canyon” Shaping HIST Changed the World “Pumped Up” Å “Grippin’ Mad” Å Beefs Up” Larry visits a livestock auction. (N) Å View” How Green Bay helped carve the border. (N) the Grand Canyon. Å American Pickers “Super Scooter” Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother LIFE Pawn Stars Å ›› “Date Night” (2010, Romance-Comedy) Steve Carell. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Femme Fatales ’ Å MAX ›› Devil (2010) ‘PG-13’ ›› “Terminator Salvation” (2009) Christian Bale. Humanity fights back against Skynet’s machine army. Changed The War: The Flying Tigers World War II in Color War caught up with Hitler. ’ World War II in Color “Turning the Tide” ’ Å MILIT World War II in Color ’ World War II in Color “Turning the Tide” ’ Å 16 and Pregnant “Allie” A baby in an unstable environment. ’ Å 16 and Pregnant “Life After Labor: Season 3 Reunion” (N) ’ Å MTV 16 and Pregnant “Jordan” ’ Å Explorer The attainment of diamonds. Explorer “Secret History of Gold” Lost Gold of the Dark Ages Explorer The attainment of diamonds. NGEO Alaska State Troopers My Wife and Kids Å Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å Happily Divorced Å NICK SpongeBob SquarePants My Wife and Kids Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å Life on the Line (N) ’ Life on the Line (N) ’ How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å SCIENCE How It’s Made ’ Å Weeds “Bags” (iTV) ’ The Big C (iTV) ’ Å Weeds “Bags” (iTV) ’ The Big C (iTV) ’ Å Episodes “Episode 5” The Real L Word (iTV) SHOW › “Next Day Air” (2009, Comedy-Drama) Donald Faison. iTV. ’ ‘R’ Å All My Children ’ Å One Life to Live ’ Å General Hospital ’ Å Days of our Lives ’ Å SOAP Young & Restless Pass Time Barrett-Jackson Special Edition (N) Speedmakers “Kenworth 18-Wheeler” Pass Time Ticket to Ride SPEED ●NASCAR Race Hub (N) American Trucker ›› “Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones” (2002) Ewan McGregor. Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice protect the former queen. ’ SPIKE ›› “Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones” (2002) Ewan McGregor. ●Braves Live! Pregame ●MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Seattle Mariners. From Safeco Field in Seattle. (N) (Live) SPSO ●FIGHTZONE Presents ●FIGHTZONE Presents ››› “Tomorrow Never Dies” (1997, Action) Pierce Brosnan. James Bond tries to short-circuit a communications tycoon. World Is Not SYFY ›› “The World Is Not Enough” (1999) Pierce Brosnan, Sophie Marceau. Behind the Scenes Å Joyce Meyer John Hagee Today Å Just Paula Paula White. Praise the Lord Å TBN The Potter’s Touch The Office “The Injury” The Office “The Secret” The Office ’ Å The Office ’ Å The Office ’ Å The Office ’ Å Conan Elijah Wood; Leslie Bibb; Gillian Welch. (N) TBS Seinfeld ’ Å ›› “Kiss Me Deadly” ››› “Home Before Dark” (1958, Romance) Jean Simmons, Dan O’Herlihy, Rhonda Fleming. A woman struggles to readjust following a ›››› “Elmer Gantry” (1960, Drama) Burt Lancaster, Jean Simmons, Dean JagTCM (1955) Ralph Meeker. nervous breakdown. ger. A con man joins an evangelist sister in the 1920s Midwest. Å I Kid With Brad Garrett I Kid With Brad Garrett TLC 19 Kids: First Grandson I Kid With Brad Garrett I Kid With Brad Garrett 19 Kids and Counting (N) 19 Kids and Counting ’ The Little Couple (N) ’ The Little Couple Å Law & Order “Zero” Cutter Law & Order “Brilliant Disguise” A body is found Memphis Beat “Lost” A father seeks Dwight’s help. (N) HawthoRNe “Parental Guidance Required” Tom offers Memphis Beat “Lost” A father seeks Dwight’s help. Å TNT detects misconduct. stashed in a hotel. ’ Å (DVS) Å Camille a job. (N) Å The Looney Tunes Show World of Gumball King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å American Dad ’ Å American Dad ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy Å TOON Scooby-Doo All in the Family All in the Family Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happily Divorced Roseanne ’ Å TVLND All in the Family Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Harm” Å White Collar Peter and Neal help Mozzie. (N) Å Covert Affairs Annie and a spy are forced to run. Law & Order: Criminal Intent ’ Å USA Law & Order: SVU Mob Wives Junior has been deceitful. ’ Å Mob Wives ’ Å Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew “Intake” ’ 40 Most Shocking Celebrity Divorces ’ Å VH1 Mob Wives ’ Å CABLE NEWS 60 Minutes on CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC Mad Money CNBC The Kudlow Report (N) Fuel America’s addiction to oil. In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å CNN John King, USA (N) Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor Å FNC FOX Report The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Ed Show (N) The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (N)
24 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011 Golden Globe Awards
Fight over TV deal gets nastier
Matt Sayles/Associated Press
Cast member Joe Manganiello arrives at the premiere for the fourth season of ‘True Blood’ in Los Angeles, Tuesday. The new season of True Blood premieres June 26 on HBO.
Won’t spill the blood
LOS ANGELES — The fight between the Hollywood Foreign Press Assn. and Dick Clark Productions over the Golden Globe Awards television deal with NBC is getting uglier. At issue is a the TV deal Dick Clark Productions signed last year to keep the Golden Globes on NBC through 2018. The HFPA, which created and owns the Golden Globes, filed suit in November in federal court in Los Angeles alleging that the TV producer was trying to “steal” the rights to the awards show and secretly negotiate a low-ball contract renewal with NBC that it was not authorized to do. Dick Clark Productions has said the HFPA suit has no merit. The new deal, which goes into effect in 2012 and runs through 2018, values the show at $17 million next year, rising to $26 million at the end of the contract. The HFPA is arguing that the agreement undervalues the franchise. Earlier this week, both sides asked the U.S. District Court for a summary judgment in the case. As the fight winds its way through the legal system, Dick Clark Productions found itself on the defensive Tuesday when rumors spread that its parent — Red Zone Capital, a private equity firm headed by Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder — was looking for a buyer of the production company. —Associated Press
Paquin, Moyer not giving up Season 4 spoilers
By Mike Cidoni Lennox
“It’s not just about vampires. There’s always a bigger idea at play.”
work,” says Paquin. Adds Moyer: “I don’t see her very much. I see her at home and we talk LOS ANGELES — When last True about work a little bit and we get on Blood fans saw the vampire drama’s our day. I miss it. We met on the show beloved heroine, Sookie Stackhouse and we’re used to being on set. When had disappeared in a flash of light. we’re there, we actually get a little “At the end of season three, Sookie excited and giddy, when we get to do was taken away, as we know, by the — Anna Paquin stuff together. ... We’re very sarcastic fairy queen,” explains Stephen Moyer, with each other. We’re very rude to Sookie somehow ends up narrowly who plays vampire Bill Compton in each other. We always have been. the HBO series. “And so we know that escaping getting killed on various And the crew enjoys it.” occasions, as usual. You know, it’s that’s very possibly where she may The show is an international sucbe, as without giving much away. And just an average day in Bon Temps.” cess, shown in some 50 countries Fiona Shaw has been added to the worldwide. “You know, it’s a really so we may begin the episode with cast as the leader of a coven of witch- fun show that, even though it’s based that.” Cast and crew of the popular show es, a new element to True Blood. in a very specific part of America, I “She is formidable and amazing, gathered Tuesday night in Hollywood feel like these sort of ideas that get for their fourth-season premiere, but and I think everyone’s going to really dealt with are very sort of univerlove her,” Paquin says. chose their words even more caresal and thematically interesting on The fourth season of Blood marks deeper levels,” Paquin says. “It’s not fully than usual, so not to reveal any of the bounty of spoilers for the Sun- the first that Paquin, 28, and Moyer, just about vampires. There’s always a 41, have worked together on the day-night debut on HBO (8 p.m.). bigger idea at play.” series as wife and husband. “Sookie has some adventures Novelist Charlaine Harris says The two were wed in August 2010. she’ll wrap the Sookie Stackhouse in Fairyland,” Anna Paquin reveals “Most people who work in film or TV series after the 13th book. The 11th, playfully about the character she almost never see their families and plays. “Sookie has some persona life Dead Reckoning, was published last spouses, so I consider it an absolute adventures. Sookie ends up in danmonth, and debuted at No. 1 on The luxury to get to actually see mine at ger. Sookie ends up in more danger. New York Times list of best-sellers. Associated Press
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25 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011 TV CROSSWORD
Pop culture Q&A
Johnny Depp to ‘reinvent’ Tonto role
By Rich Heldenfels Akron Beacon Journal
Q: Any idea whether or not the upcoming The Lone Ranger is meant to be a comedy of sorts? Because it must be a joke having Johnny Depp play an Indian. As a huge fan of the TV show I am insulted by that casting, and think that Jay Silverheels is rolling in his grave. A: Actually, this may not be a bad thing for the movie, planned for late 2012. Tonto, to be played by Depp, is the big role; Armie Hammer of The Social Network is signed as the Ranger. And Tonto may be the smarter half of the duo — much the way the recent Green Hornet movie made Kato the brains of the partnership. Depp, whose family claimed to be part Native American, told Entertainment Weekly in May that as a child he watched the old TV series, with Silverheels as Tonto and Clayton Moore as the Ranger. “I liked Tonto, even at that tender age, and knew Tonto was getting the unpleasant end of the stick here,” Depp told EW. “When the idea came up (for the movie), I started thinking about Tonto and what could be done in my own small way to try to — ‘eliminate’ isn’t possible — but reinvent the relationship, to attempt to take some of the ugliness thrown on the Native Americans, not only in The Lone Ranger, but the way Indians were treated throughout history of cinema, and turn it on its head.” Q: What happened to Juju Chang? Why is she no longer on Good Morning America? I didn’t watch for awhile, and she was suddenly gone. A: She has become a special correspondent and fill-in anchor for ABC’s Nightline. Josh Elliott has succeeded her as news reader for GMA. Q: Do you know what happened to the TV series on HBO, Curb Your Enthusiasm? A: It will begin a new season on July 10, with Larry going to New York. Q: On the TV show Charmed, Piper falls in love with the ghost of a young Asian man murdered on his birthday. The soundtrack had a woman singing the words “peace, peace, peace, may you go in peace.” What is the name of the song, who sings it and is it available on CD? A: The song is called “Hush, Hush, Hush” by Paula Cole. It is from her CD This Fire, as well as her Greatest Hits: Songs From East Oceanside. Cole, by the way, is also known for “I Don’t Want to Wait,” the theme song from Dawson’s Creek, and for “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?” The Charmed episode is called “Dead Man Dating,” and it’s from the show’s first season. John Cho — of the Harold and Kumar movies and the 2009 Star Trek movie — played the dead man. Q: Is Warehouse 13 returning soon? A: The Syfy adventure series begins a run of new episodes with a very good one on July 11. Q: I was just wondering what happened to Switched at Birth on ABC? It wasn’t on when scheduled. A: The series airs on the cable channel ABC Family, not on the ABC broadcast network. The operations’ similar names (and cross-promotion of shows on each network) adds to the potential for confusion.
The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle.
Matt Sayles/Associated Press
Johnny Depp will star as Tonto, in the upcoming movie ‘The Lone Ranger.’ Things get even more muddled when shows migrate. Some people discovered ABC Family’s Kyle XY when it also aired on plain ABC, then were puzzled by its absence from the broadcast network. CBS created similar confusion when it carried editedfor-broadcast episodes of Showtime’s Dexter in 2008 to fill time during the writers strike.
ACROSS 1. “Date My __”; 2004-06 MTV reality series 4. “__ the Nation” 8. O’Brien or Morita 11. Hilda’s portrayer on “Ugly Betty” 12. Smell __ __; suspect trickery 13. Retirement plan: abbr. 14. “Modern Family” role (2) 17. Bobby the Bruin 18. “Death Becomes __”; Meryl Streep movie 19. “Grace Under __” (1993-98) 21. Eastern continent 24. Rosie’s initials 25. Robert Downey or Ed Begley: abbr. 26. “__ Education”; 2009 Carey Mulligan film 27. “__ Not There”; 2007 Cate Blanchett movie 28. “Empty __” (1988-95) 30. Dinner for Mister Ed 32. “__ in Cleveland” 34. Part of many email addresses 35. “__ __ Wanted” 41. Daniel __ Kim 42. Actor Estrada 43. Word in the title of Julia Louis-Dreyfus’ recent series 44. “__ in Trees” 45. Roles for Melina on “Providence” and Jennifer on “Alias” 46. Classic Pontiac
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 15. 16. 19. 20. 22. 23. 29. 31. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
“He’s the __”; 1986 sitcom Actor on “M*A*S*H” Meyers of “Kate & Allie” Felix or Stimpy Engrave Mr. Morgan “House Party” host Tit for __ “Dateline: To Catch a __” “Max __” (1987-88) Role on “The Nanny” Actress __ Skye “Whose Line __ __ Anyway?” “A Farewell to __”; Gary Cooper movie Charlie in the news “__ Came Polly”; 2004 Jennifer Aniston film “Family __” (1982-89) Invites Naval bigwig: abbr. West, for one “__, the Beloved Country”; 1995 James Earl Jones movie Lend a hand “The TV __”; 2006 Sigourney Weaver film “My __ Dads” (1987-90)
DOWN 1. Hot Lips’ rank: abbr. 2. “Love __ __ Rooftop” (1966-67) © Zap2it
26 ◆
June 24-June 30, 2011 WEDNESDAY EVENING
7 PM
8 PM 8:30
9 PM
10 PM
BROADCAST CHANNELS So You Think You Can Dance “Top 16 Perform” The contestants perform for the judges. (N) Å FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Inside Edition (N) Å PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å Secrets of the Dead New evidence raises questions NOVA “What Are Dreams?” Dream researchers investi- Nova scienceNOW “How Does the Brain Work?” Brain Secrets of the Dead Michelangelo’s involvement with _ WCIQ about the conviction of Hawley Crippen. ’ gate the world of sleep. ’ Å (DVS) allows humans to think and feel. Å (DVS) group trying to reform Catholic church. ’ ●2011 Wimbledon UpAccess Hollywood Å The Voice “The Results Show” (Season Finale) The America’s Got Talent Hopefuls audition for the judges. Love in the Wild (Series Premiere) The 20 singles pair Alabama’s 13 News at ` WVTM winner is revealed. (N) ’ (Live) Å (N) ’ Å up and build rafts. (N) ’ Å 10:00pm (N) Å date (N) ’ Å America’s Next Top Model “Franca Sozzani” Å America’s Next Top Model ’ Å The King of Queens ’ How I Met Your Mother The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ Bonanza Cheers ’ Å Cheers ’ Å TV24 News at Nine Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS Dick Van Dyke Wheel of Fortune “Big The Middle “Spring Clean- The Middle “The Prom” ’ Modern Family “Dance Happy Endings “The Primetime Nightline: Beyond Belief “The Miracle ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU Money” In Las Vegas. ing” ’ Å Å Dance Revelation” Å Quicksand Girlfriend” ’ Mysteries” Exploring sightings of the Virgin Mary. (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) Undercover Boss “United Van Lines” United Van Lines Criminal Minds “Hanley Waters” Targeted killings in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation “418/427” A peCBS 42 News at 10 (N) Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å CEO Rich McClure. ’ Å Florida. ’ Å (DVS) dophile suspected of and murder. ’ Å (DVS) Letterman (N) ’ Å Without a Trace A 16-year-old student disappears. Without a Trace “Penitence” A convict disappears. Criminal Minds The team hunts for a serial killer. ’ Criminal Minds “Limelight” ’ Å L WPXH Without a Trace Å Burn Notice Brennan returns and kidnaps Nate. ’ Burn Notice “Fearless Leader” Former flame. ’ The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Seinfeld ’ Å CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Storage Wars Å Dog the Bounty Hunter “Wrong Turn” Å A&E The First 48 Å ››› “True Lies” (1994, ››› “Die Hard” (1988, Action) Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia. A New York policeman outwits foreign thugs in an L.A. high-rise. Å ››› “Die Hard” (1988) Bruce Willis. A New York poAMC Action) Å liceman outwits foreign thugs in an L.A. high-rise. I Shouldn’t Be Alive “Left for Dead on Everest” ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive A rafting trip turns deadly. ’ ANPL I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive A young woman becomes lost. I Shouldn’t Be Alive A rafting trip turns deadly. ’ Top Gear Testing the Rolls-Royce Ghost. Å Law & Order: UK A teenage girl is found dead. Law & Order: UK “Defence” Å The Tudors Court intrigues and plots intensify. ’ BBC Top Gear Å ›› “Life” (1999) Eddie Murphy. Two wrongly convicted felons make the most of life in jail. Å The Family Crews Å The Family Crews Å The Mo’Nique Show (N) Å BET Alicia Keys Notorious Å Biography The lead singer of Queen dies of AIDS. Queen: Days of Our Lives Å Biography David Bowie’s artistic achievements. BIO The Real Housewives of New Jersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey Rocco’s Dinner Party Identical twin Italian brothers. The Real Housewives of New Jersey BRAVO Flipping Out Å Hogan Knows Best Å Hogan Knows Best Å Hogan Knows Best ’ Hogan Knows Best Å Blue Collar TV “Fear” Blue Collar TV ’ Å Blue Collar TV ’ Å Blue Collar TV “Fame” CMTV Extreme Makeover Chappelle’s Show Å Chappelle’s Show Å South Park “W.T.F.” South Park Å South Park Å Jon Benjamin Has a Van Daily Show/Jon Stewart The Colbert Report (N) COMEDY The Colbert Report Å MythBusters “Let There Be Light” ’ Å MythBusters “Paper Armor” (N) ’ Å The Supernaturalist (N) ’ Å MythBusters “Paper Armor” ’ Å DISC MythBusters ’ Å A.N.T. Farm It’s Chyna’s Good Luck Charlie “The Shake It Up! “Age It Up” “Lemonade Mouth” (2011, Musical) Bridgit Mendler, Adam Hicks, Hayley Kiyoko. Five high-school students My Babysitter’s a Vam- My Babysitter’s a VamDISN first day of high school. Break Up” Å Å form a music group. ‘NR’ Å pire “Blood Drive” Å pire Å E! News (N) Sex and the City Å Sex and the City Å Kardashian Kardashian E! Special “Selena Gomez” (N) Chelsea Lately (N) E! News E! ●College Baseball NCAA World Series Championship, Game 3: Teams TBA. From Omaha, Neb. (If necessary). (N) (Live) Å ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN ●SportsCenter (N) Å ●Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å ●NFL Yearbook (N) ●NFL Yearbook (N) ESPN2 ●MLB Baseball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å Melissa & Joey State of Georgia “Pilot” Melissa & Joey State of Georgia “Pilot” Melissa & Joey State of Georgia “Pilot” The 700 Club (N) Å FAM Melissa & Joey Chopped “Bring It!” Food Network Star Kellogg’s to create hors d’oeuvres. Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive FOOD Cupcake Wars ●The Final Score (N) World Poker Tour: Season 9 World Poker Tour: Season 9 MMAthletics World Poker Tour: Season 9 FOXSS Action Sports Two and a Half Men ’ ››› “The Italian Job” (2003, Crime Drama) Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron. A thief and his crew plan to steal back their gold. ››› “The Italian Job” (2003) Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron. FX ›› “Robin Hood: Men in Tights” (1993, Comedy) Cary Elwes, Richard Lewis, Roger Rees. Å › “Porky’s II: The Next Day” (1983, Comedy) Dan Monahan, Wyatt Knight, Mark Herrier. Å FXM Life After Film School Lingo (N) Å Drew Carey Love Triangle Å The Newlywed Game Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å Lingo Å Drew Carey GSN Baggage (N) Å Little House on the Little House on the Prairie Albert and Laura decide to Frasier Frasier throws a Frasier A caller’s ex con- Frasier Snoopy Frasier Frasier Frasier, Niles seek Frasier Stalked, Frasier Frasier The Cranes go on HALL Prairie “The Angry Heart” play a trick on the school bully. Å cocktail party. ’ Å fronts Frasier. ’ Å glimpses Daphne nude. to join club. Å hires a bodyguard. Å a fishing trip. ’ Å True Blood Sookie journeys away from Bon Temps. Real Time With Bill Maher ’ Å HBO ›› “Valentine’s Day” (2010) Jessica Alba. Los Angeles residents wend their way into and out of romance. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Property Virgins Å Property Virgins Å Income Property (N) ’ Property Brothers (N) House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l Property Virgins Å Property Virgins Å H&G House Hunters Å Modern Marvels The B-2 How the States Got Their Shapes “Church and Hillbilly: The Real Story Stories about mythic hillbillies spanning 300 years. Å Modern Marvels “Distilleries 2” Christian Brothers disHIST stealth bomber. Å States” Could Utah have been bigger than Texas? tillery; moonshine still. Å The First 48 A tattoo artist shot during a robbery. The First 48 “Family Secrets; Clipped” Å Vanished With Beth Holloway Å How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother LIFE Pawn Stars Å › “Cop Out” (2010) Bruce Willis. Two NYPD detectives must retrieve a valuable baseball card. ‘R’ Å ›› “Robin Hood” (2010) Russell Crowe. Robin and his men battle the Sheriff of Nottingham. ‘PG-13’ MAX ››› The Devil’s Own Tank School Marine Corps. ’ Å Skunkworks Top-secret aircraft facility. ’ Å Top Ten: Machine Guns ’ Å MILIT World War II in Color ’ Top Ten: Machine Guns ’ Å The Challenge: Rivals (N) ’ The Challenge: Rivals ’ MTV The Challenge: Rivals ’ 16 and Pregnant “Life After Labor: Season 3 Reunion” ’ Å Breakout Nuno Pontes plans a prison escape. Locked Up Abroad “Mexico Money Machine” Locked Up Abroad “Heroin Sting” (N) Breakout Nuno Pontes plans a prison escape. NGEO Alaska State Troopers My Wife and Kids Å Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å NICK SpongeBob SquarePants My Wife and Kids Å The Hawking Paradox Black hole theory. ’ Å Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman Å Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman (N) The Hawking Paradox Black hole theory. ’ Å SCIENCE Planets “Giants” Å ●Inside NASCAR (iTV) (N) Weeds “Bags” (iTV) ’ ●Inside NASCAR (iTV) Nick Cannon: Mr. Showbiz The comic performs. Bobby Slayton: Born to Be Bobby (iTV) ’ Easier With Practice SHOW ›› Good (2008) ‘R’ All My Children ’ Å One Life to Live ’ Å General Hospital ’ Å Days of our Lives ’ Å SOAP Young & Restless Car Warriors “’86 El Camino” Car Science Car Science Car Warriors True Bliss from Reseda, California. SPEED ●NASCAR Race Hub (N) Car Warriors True Bliss from Reseda, California. ››› “Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith” (2005, Science Fiction) Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman. ’ SPIKE ››› “Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith” (2005) Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman. ’ Unique Autosports 3 Wide Life MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Seattle Mariners. SPSO ●MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Seattle Mariners. From Safeco Field in Seattle. Ghost Hunters Haven for slaves; shadowy figures. Haunted Collector (N) Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure Haunted Collector SYFY Ghost Hunters ’ Å Behind the Scenes Å Dr. David Jeremiah Å Joseph Prince: Reign Manna From Heaven Praise the Lord Å TBN Billy Graham Crusade Meet the Browns Meet the Browns House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne Conan Actress Liv Tyler; Mark-Paul Gosselaar. (N) TBS Seinfeld “The Glasses” ››› “Sweethearts” ›››› “I Know Where I’m Going” (1945, Romance-Comedy) Wendy Hiller, Roger Livesey, Pamela Brown. ››› “Brigadoon” (1954, Musical) Gene Kelly, Van Johnson, Cyd Charisse. A Scottish village comes alive one TCM (1938) Nelson Eddy Å Englishwoman seeks tycoon, loves naval officer instead. day every 100 years. Å My Strange Addiction: Still Addicted? ’ Å Didn’t Know-Pregnant Didn’t Know-Pregnant Toddlers & Tiaras “Circle City Stars and Cars” (N) Didn’t Know-Pregnant Didn’t Know-Pregnant TLC Toddlers & Tiaras Å The Mentalist Patrick in- The Mentalist “Red Brick and Ivy” A professor is killed Franklin & Bash “You Can’t Take It With You” Peter Men of a Certain Age “Whatever Gets You Through Franklin & Bash “You Can’t Take It With You” Peter TNT vestigates three murders. by poisoning. ’ Å works with Hanna. (N) Å the Night” Joe tries to get his life back on track. (N) works with Hanna. Å What Would Happen? Destroy Build Destroy King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å American Dad ’ Å American Dad “Haylias” Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å TOON Hole in the Wall (N) ’ All in the Family All in the Family Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Hot in Cleveland (N) Happily Divorced (N) Happily Divorced Hot in Cleveland TVLND All in the Family NCIS McGee kills a man while on assignment. Å Royal Pains “Traffic” Divya deals with the fallout. Necessary Roughness A football team’s therapist. Burn Notice Michael works to bring down people. USA NCIS “Red Cell” Å Single Ladies Val ends up with too many dates. ’ Single Ladies Malcolm wants to hire Val. ’ Behind the Music “Missy Elliott” (N) ’ Å Basketball Wives ’ VH1 Basketball Wives ’ CABLE NEWS Crime Inc. Medications cause tragic outcomes. (N) Crime Inc. Medications cause tragic outcomes. Mad Money CNBC The Kudlow Report (N) American Greed In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å CNN John King, USA (N) Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor Å FNC FOX Report The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Ed Show (N) The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (N)
7 PM
8 PM
June 24-June 30, 2011 8:30
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BROADCAST CHANNELS So You Think You Can Dance (N) ’ (Live) Å Glee “Sexy” Holly Holliday returns to McKinley. ’ FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Inside Edition (N) Å PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å The This Old House Hour Composite decking; paint- Antiques Roadshow “Washington, DC” Chrysler Tur- Ground War “Warrior Weapons” The soldier and his We Have Signal! Å We Have Signal! Å _ WCIQ ing; mantel. ’ Å bine model and manual. ’ (Part 3 of 3) Å weapons. ’ Å (DVS) ●2011 Wimbledon UpAccess Hollywood (N) Å Community “Mixology 30 Rock Jack comes clean The Office “Ultimatum” ’ Parks and Recreation Love Bites “Stand and Deliver” (N) ’ Å Alabama’s 13 News at ` WVTM Certification” ’ Å with his mother. ’ Å “Media Blitz” ’ Å 10:00pm (N) Å date (N) ’ Å The Vampire Diaries “Plan B” ’ Å Nikita “Resistance” Alex and Thom are kidnapped. The King of Queens ’ How I Met Your Mother The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ ●Pro Wrestling Time Machine Cheers ’ Å Cheers ’ Å TV24 News at Nine Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS Lone Ranger Wheel of Fortune “Big Wipeout “At Full Tilt” Mood Swing; Scareousel; Super Expedition Impossible “Light My Way!” The teams Rookie Blue “Might Have Been” Andy and Gail go un- ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU Money” In Las Vegas. Tramp. (N) ’ Å must tame spirited horses. (N) ’ Å der cover. (N) ’ Å (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) The Big Bang Theory ’ Rules of Engagement CSI: Crime Scene Investigation “Pool Shark” A shark The Mentalist “Blood for Blood” A witness gets killed. CBS 42 News at 10 (N) Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å Å “Singing and Dancing” attacks a woman in a pool. ’ Å (DVS) ’Å Letterman (N) ’ Å Criminal Minds “Damaged” ’ Å Criminal Minds “A Higher Power” ’ Å Criminal Minds A killing spree in a Texas town. ’ Criminal Minds “In Heat” J.J. meets a colleague. L WPXH Without a Trace Å Without a Trace Girls detention center. ’ Å Without a Trace Under cover in a strip club. Å The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Seinfeld “The Cafe” ’ CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight The First 48 A stabbed woman in a fire. Å The First 48 Detectives respond to two homicides. The First 48: Missing Persons (N) The First 48 “Waterworld” Å A&E The First 48 Å ›› “Pearl Harbor” (2001) ››› “A Few Good Men” (1992, Drama) Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore. A Navy lawyer defends two Marines in a comrade’s death. Å ››› “A Few Good Men” (1992, Drama) Tom Cruise, AMC Ben Affleck. Å Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore. Å Infested! An invasion of cockroaches. ’ Å Infested! A woman is bitten by a spider. ’ Å Infested! A family goes to war against bedbugs. ’ ANPL I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ Infested! A family goes to war against bedbugs. ’ Top Gear Buying second-hand convertibles. Å ›› “Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves” (1991, Adventure) Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman. The legendary outlaw rallies villagers against tyranny. Å BBC Top Gear Å The Mo’Nique Show Ask Mo’Nique’; Valeria Cruz. BET The BET Awards 2011 Music, entertainment and sports in LA. Å Notorious “Framed” Biography “Larry the Cable Guy” Å Biography “Ed O’Neill” Actor Ed O’Neill. Å Biography The controversial sitcom. Å Biography The profile of the wild daredevil. Å BIO The Real Housewives of New York City Å The Real Housewives of New York City Å The Real Housewives of New York City (N) Å What Happens Housewives/NYC BRAVO Housewives/NYC ›› “Police Academy” (1984, Comedy) Steve Guttenberg, Kim Cattrall, Michael Winslow. ’ Å Country Fried Videos Country Fried Videos Country Fried Videos CMT Music ’ CMTV Extreme Makeover South Park Å South Park Å Futurama “Neutopia” ’ Futurama “Benderama” Futurama (N) ’ Å Ugly Americans Å Daily Show/Jon Stewart The Colbert Report (N) COMEDY The Colbert Report Å Deadliest Catch “It’s Not All Mai Tais and Yahtzee” Swords: Life on the Line “Dead in the Water” Å Swords: Life on the Line (N) ’ Å Swords: Life on the Line “Dead in the Water” Å DISC Deadliest Catch ’ Å So Random! “Selena Good Luck Charlie “Battle Shake It Up! “Reunion It ›› “Sky High” (2005, Comedy) Michael Angarano, Kurt Russell, Kelly Preston. Fish Hooks “Fish Floaters” My Babysitter’s a Vam- My Babysitter’s a VamDISN Gomez, June 19, 2011” of the Bands” Å Up” Å Two superheroes send their reluctant son to a training school. ‘PG’ Å ’Å pire “Guys & Dolls” pire “Blood Drive” Å E! News (N) Sex and the City Å Sex and the City Å E! Special “50 Super Epic TV Moments” Chelsea Lately (N) E! News E! ●SportsCenterU Specials From State College, Pa. ●Gruden QB Camp (N) ●Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Å ●SportsCenter (N) (Live) Å ESPN ●SportsCenter (N) Å ●The Complete Wimbledon Highlights of the day’s events. (N) ●Gruden QB Camp (N) ●NFL Yearbook (N) ●NFL Yearbook (N) ESPN2 ●NFL Live (N) Å Melissa & Joey State of Georgia “Pilot” The 700 Club (N) Å FAM ››› “Mrs. Doubtfire” (1993, Comedy) Robin Williams, Sally Field. An estranged dad poses as a nanny to be with his children. 24 Hour Restaurant Battle “Texas vs. Ex’s Battle” Chopped A Frenchman and an Irishman in the mix. Extreme Chef Unmarked can goods for a meal. (N) Iron Chef America “Flay vs. Gordon” FOOD 24 Hour Rest. Battle ●Action Sports World Tour ●Baseball’s Golden Age ●The Final Score (N) ●The Final Score (N) Barfly FOXSS World Poker Tour: Sea ●Ball Up Streetball › Me, Myself & Irene Two and a Half Men ’ Two and a Half Men ’ Two and a Half Men ’ Two and a Half Men ’ Wilfred “Trust” (N) Louie (N) Wilfred “Trust” Louie FX ›››› “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” (1969, Western) Paul Newman, Robert Redford. Å › “Porky’s Revenge” (1985, Comedy) Dan Monahan, Chuck Mitchell. Å Life After Film School FXM Butch & Sundance Lingo (N) Å Drew Carey Love Triangle Å The Newlywed Game Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å Lingo Å Drew Carey GSN Baggage (N) Å Little House on the Little House on the Prairie “Silent Promises” Sign-lan- Frasier Frasier thinks Frasier Frasier’s agent ne- Frasier Crane brothers buy Frasier Sad Roz attends Frasier Frasier works Frasier Brothers enter HALL Prairie Å guage pupil falls in love. Å Maris is unfaithful. Å gotiates contract. Å a restaurant. Å birthday party. ’ Å graveyard shift. ’ Å family therapy. ’ Å ›› “Shrek Forever After” (2010) Voices of Mike Myers. ’ ‘PG’ Å Larry Crowne: First Look Treme The community mourns. ’ Å Cathouse: Menage a Trois Moonlite Bunny Ranch. HBO Percy Jackson My First Place Å My First Place Å Selling New York Å Selling New York Å House Hunters (N) Å Hunters Int’l House Hunters Å Hunters Int’l H&G House Hunters Å Swamp People “Rising Swamp People “Rising Pressure” The hunters venture Swamp People “House Divided” Joe and Tommy de- Ancient Aliens “Unexplained Structures” Evidence of Ancient Aliens “Angels and Aliens” Angels as space HIST Sons” Å into new grounds. Å cide to part ways. (N) Å ancient aliens. Å travelers. Å Unsolved Mysteries UFO sightings. Å Unsolved Mysteries A woman is gunned down. Unsolved Mysteries Å How I Met Your Mother How I Met Your Mother LIFE Pawn Stars Å ›› “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (2009, Science Fiction) Shia LaBeouf. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å MAX › Vampires Suck (2010) › “The Whole Ten Yards” (2004) Bruce Willis. A mobster pursues a retired hit man and a dentist. Å JFK: Beyond the Magic Bullet Å Unsolved History “RFK Assassination” ’ Å JFK: Beyond the Magic Bullet Å MILIT World War II in Color ’ JFK: Beyond the Magic Bullet Å The Challenge: Rivals ’ MTV Special ’ True Life “I Can’t Get Over My First Love” (N) ’ True Life “I Hate My Roommate” (N) ’ MTV True Life ’ Grand Canyon Skywalk One-of-a-kind structure. World’s Largest Cruise Ship Naked Science Fireworks. Grand Canyon Skywalk One-of-a-kind structure. NGEO Alaska State Troopers My Wife and Kids Å Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å NICK SpongeBob SquarePants My Wife and Kids Å The Planets “Destiny” Planetary evolution. ’ Å The Planets “Life” Life and planets elsewhere. ’ The Planets “Terra Firma” ’ Å The Planets “Destiny” Planetary evolution. ’ Å SCIENCE Planets “Moon” Å The Big C (iTV) ’ Å Weeds “Bags” (iTV) ’ The Big C (iTV) ’ Å “Trinidad” (2008) Three transgender women transform a town into a mecca. The Real L Word “The Other L Word” (iTV) SHOW ›› Twilight (2008) All My Children ’ Å One Life to Live ’ Å General Hospital ’ Å Days of our Lives (N) ’ Å SOAP Young & Restless ●The Day Richard Petty’s 200th win. (N) ●The Day Richard Petty’s 200th win. Speedmakers The first repaving of the Daytona. American Trucker American Trucker SPEED NASCAR Racing ●iMPACT Wrestling (N) ’ Å ●UFC 132 Countdown: Cruz vs. Faber ’ Jail (N) ’ Å SPIKE Jail Salt Lake City, Austin, and Las Vegas. (N) Å ●In My Own Words ●ACC All-Access (N) Future Phenoms WNBA Basketball: Liberty at Dream SPSO ●WNBA Basketball New York Liberty at Atlanta Dream. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure Hollywood Treasure SYFY Hollywood Treasure Behind the Scenes Å Joel Osteen Å Joseph Prince: Reign Brian Houston Praise the Lord Å TBN The Potter’s Touch ›› “RV” (2006, Comedy) Robin Williams, Jeff Daniels. A dysfunctional family goes on vacation. Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Conan (N) TBS Seinfeld ’ Å ››› “Devil’s Doorway” ›› “The Blob” (1958, Science Fiction) Steve McQueen, Aneta Corsaut, Earl ›› “The H-Man” (1958, Science Fiction) Yumi Shirakawa, Kenji Sahara, Akihiko ›› “The Magnetic Monster” (1953, Science Fiction) TCM (1950) Å Rowe. A man-eating mass of space slime terrorizes a small town. Å Hirata. Japanese authorities battle gelatinous creatures. Richard Carlson, King Donovan, Jean Byron. Police Women of Broward County A pothouse bust. Police Women of Broward County (N) ’ Å NY Ink “Out of the Box” Jessica tries to help Ami. Police Women of Broward County ’ Å TLC NY Ink ’ Å Bones Science-fiction en- Bones “The Bones That Foam” Corpse at the bottom Bones “The Doctor in the Photo” A brilliant surgeon is Bones “The Salt in the Wounds” Pregnant teen mur- CSI: NY “Grand Murder at Central Station” A murdered TNT thusiast is murdered. ’ of a gorge. ’ Å found dead. ’ Å dered. ’ Å plastic surgeon. ’ Å Regular Show MAD King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å American Dad ’ Å American Dad ’ Å Family Guy Å Family Guy ’ Å TOON Adventure Time All in the Family All in the Family Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Everybody-Raymond Three’s Company Jack gets a proposition. TVLND All in the Family NCIS “Deception” A commander is abducted. Å Burn Notice “Mind Games” (N) Å Suits “Errors and Omissions” (N) Å Covert Affairs Annie and a spy are forced to run. USA NCIS “Boxed In” Å Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew “Intake” ’ Mob Wives ’ Å ››› “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (1986) ’ Å VH1 ››› “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” (1986, Comedy) Matthew Broderick. ’ Å CABLE NEWS CNBC Titans Donald Trump’s real estate empire. CNBC Titans Merv Griffin’s fortune in real estate. Mad Money CNBC The Kudlow Report (N) Big Mac: Inside the McDonald’s Empire In the Arena (N) Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) CNN John King, USA (N) Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor Å FNC FOX Report The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Ed Show (N) The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (N)
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