The Piedmont Journal
City may pay for emergency helicopter trips Air Evac would charge $29,148 per year to reduce cost of service LAURA GADDY Consolidated News Service A representative from an air ambulance service asked Piedmont City Council members at Tuesday’s meeting to consider paying for residents’ emergency helicopter rides. Under the terms of a proposed contract with Air Evac, one of two helicopter ambulance companies that serve
Piedmont, the city would pay $29,148 each year to significantly reduce the cost of the service for people who live in the city’s limits. The city did not consider the item for a vote Tuesday, but members said they would evaluate the proposal to determine if they will approve it later. “If we can afford it I think it would be a great service to provide for our community,” Mayor Bill Baker said. “They don’t have the money sometimes
to handle an emergency situation.” Air Evac representative Missy Welborn told the council that the contract would completely eliminate the cost for air ambulance rides with the company to the insured and it would reduce the cost for the service to less than $1,000 for people who are in enrolled in Medicare. Air ambulance companies typically charge between $20,000 and $25,000 for an emergency ride to a hospital, Welborn
said. Health insurance companies pay a percentage of the cost, but the cost to customers can still be thousands of dollars, she said. Welborn said such plans are new but cities and counties are entering into contracts like the one proposed for Piedmont. She added that no other Alabama cities are participating in a similar program with ■ See COUNCIL, page 9
Reactions Polar mixed on HOLIDAY MAGIC IN PIEDMONT Plunge Sunday will help alcohol cancer sales patients SANTA COMES TO TOWN
LAURA GADDY Consolidated News Service
All but one member of the Piedmont City Council voted in support of Sunday alcohol sales last week, but community residents may be less united about the matter. Piedmont City Councilwoman Brenda Spears said she cast the lone dissenting vote on the matter because she saw no evidence that Sunday sales will help boost the city’s bottom line in a significant way. “I have had so many positive calls from all seven districts,” Spears said. “I was surprised at that.” Yet when local store owner Ronnie Norton twice asked the City Council in open meetings within a six-month period to
Donations will go to Venecia’s Foundation MARGARET ANDERSON Journal Correspondent
Anita Kilgore
Lydia Lyles whispers her wish to Santa while Kodi Steed ponders over what to ask for at the Christmas festival at the civic center. SEE MORE PHOTOS ON PAGE 12.
■ See ALCOHOL, page 5
Mayor Bill Baker said he’d never ask anyone to do anything he wouldn’t do himself. That’s why, at 10 a.m. on Jan. 4, he’ll be among the first to take a dip in the pool at the aquatic center at the sports complex for the first Piedmont Polar Plunge. It’s not that Baker wants to go swimming in the middle of winter. He’s doing it because it will benefit Venecia Benefield Butler’s Venecia’s Foundation. Baker came up with the idea ■ See PLUNGE, page 9
Christmas parade and festival take place Saturday Keith Word was master of ceremonies MARGARET ANDERSON Journal Correspondent
Saturday was a fine day to celebrate Christmas in Piedmont, according to Keith Word, who served as master of ceremonies for the parade. A Christmas festival began at 10 a.m. at the Clyde H. Pike Civic Center. About 25 vendors were there serving lots of food, including chicken and dumplings. There were all kinds of jewelry, including beads, earrings, and necklaces, as well as : 666000999999 PU MAGand 80 NBAR .0104 BWA -0.0015 arts crafts and Christmas decorations
VOLUME 32 | NO. 51
for sale. Piedmont Holiness Church brought baked goods as did Heather Smyth and her Taekwondo group. Senior citizens began serving chili at noon and served for the rest of the day. Word said he was thankful the rain held off for the parade, which was at 5 p.m. “By 4 o’clock, there was no rain,” he said. “Not even a mist. It actually ended up being a perfect day for a parade.” The parade started at the National ■ See PARADE, page 9
OBITUARIES See page 3.
• James ‘Grady’ Davis, 71 • Harlan D. Lumsden, 81 6
66000 99999
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Anita Kilgore
Keith Word announcing the parade from the gazebo.
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OPINION/EDITORIAL There’s a new sheriff in Montgomery: ALFA
When I went to the legislature in 1982 as a 30-year-old freshman, there were two powerful Steve organizations. The Alabama Farmers Federation (ALFA) Flowers and the Alabama Education Association (AEA) were omnipotent. The Farmers Federation had prevailed as the King of Goat Hill for decades and probably going Inside The Statehouse back to when Alabama became a state. You chose early which side you were on, either ALFA or AEA. It was almost like football in our state where you have to side either with Auburn or Alabama. My choice was easy. Being from a rural county and being a business person, I cast my allegiance with ALFA. Most of us who were pro business chose ALFA. We became known as the conservatives. It may surprise some of you young folks to know that there were essentially no Republicans. We all ran under a Democratic banner even though we were really Republicans. Therefore, we were labeled as conservatives or liberals rather than Republicans or Democrats. The ALFA team and I quickly bonded because even though I was young, I was extremely conservative. In addition to being conservative, I had an insurance background. This they liked because there were very few legislators who were in the insurance business and
understood that industry’s intricacies and nomenclature. Therefore, they leaned on the Speaker and orchestrated my fast track to the chairmanship of the Insurance Committee. There is an old political saying that when a legislator or congressman is close to a group they are asked to carry a lot of water for them. Well, folks, I carried a lot of water for ALFA for close to two decades. We indeed had a special bond and I was their titular floor leader throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s. Around the time I left the legislature in 1998, AEA dethroned ALFA as the big kid on the block. The AEA’s Dr. Paul Hubbert was the new King of Goat Hill for the next two decades. Even though Alabama is a conservative state, the AEA and liberal Democrats ruled the roost. The AEA was the big loser when the Republicans took control of the legislature in 2010. Their demise was to be expected with the GOP takeover. However, nobody knew to what extent the new herd of elephants would stampede and stomp on the once vaunted teachers’ union. In three short years, they have dismantled almost everything Dr. Hubbert garnered over his 24-year reign. It appears that ALFA has regained their throne as the leading conservative voice in Alabama politics. Five generation Chilton County Farmer, Jimmy Parnell, has risen to head the Alabama Farmers Federation. Jimmy became a leader in the Federation as a young man. He was the state leader of the young farmers at a very early age. All of the older farm leaders in the state respected him and thought of him as their peer even though he was half their age. They
expected him to eventually lead the organization one day. He is and has always been wise beyond his years. He comes from the old school and has paid his dues. He is adroit, tactful and understands politics. He will be a political force in the state for years to come. Parnell showed his astuteness by choosing Beth Chapman to be his political general and confidant. Beth’s addition is a brilliant coup. She brings a wealth of knowledge as well as integrity to the table. She understands politics as well as anybody in the state. She also has rural roots. She grew up in Greenville and is a country girl at heart. She is a proven conservative and very popular. She has authored several books with a patriotic theme. Beth Chapman would have been a formidable candidate for the open sixth district congressional seat being vacated by Spencer Bachus next year. She was also projected as one of the leading candidates for governor in 2018. Instead, due to the tragic and untimely death of her husband, she needed to enter the private sector to provide for her family as a single mother. It should be noted that there have been four special elections in the state since Parnell and Chapman came to power. ALFA has been responsible for all four of their endorsed candidates winning. There is a new sheriff in town riding a white conservative horse. That horse is called ALFA. Steve Flowers is Alabama’s leading political columnist. His column appears weekly in more than 70 Alabama newspapers. Steve served 16 years in the state legislature. He may be reached at
Local physician writes of knights and maidens
Recently, a friend presented me with his first book – a novelette of historical fiction called “Will and Ro.” He is a busy physician who wrote it at various times in his days and evenings. Dr. James Ready (pronounced “reedy”) is an Anniston internist who specializes in treating arthritis. The idea for a book came to him about five or six years ago when he was doing something else he enjoys – re-reading classic literature. “You can learn a lot from the classics when you read them as an adult,” he said . Ready came across a once-familiar book, “Ivanhoe.” It is an 1820 novel by Sir Water Scott about a heroic knight. In Scott’s novel, the female character Rowena approaches Ivanhoe who is dressed as a pilgrim returning from a crusade. She doesn’t recognize him, but inquires about her beloved Ivanhoe and says to him, “Thank you, Pilgrim, for news of my childhood friend.” The sentence stayed in Ready’s mind, and he knew there had to be a back-story. He wanted to tell it. He wrote a first chapter and showed it to friends, who encouraged him. Then, he spent a year researching the daily lives of young men and women who lived during the 12th century, such as how they dressed, played, and viewed their future. When his research ended, he spent the next four years writing and editing his story. Ready said there was another motive for writing the book. He wants young women to possess higher standards of how young men should behave.
“I have been disappointed in recent years seeing how young women have such low expectations about how young men should treat them,” said Ready. The topic is personal to him. When his two adult sons were children living at home, he sought to teach them how to Sherry-Go-Round treat women by being a husband to his wife of 31 years, Patricia. Also, as a Christian, Ready believes the issue is biblical. For instance, in 1st Timothy 5:2, the Bible character Paul told his student Timothy that young men should treat young women as sisters “with absolute purity.” The Bible also condemns sexual impurity and lust, both issues that Ready says are rampant in the news and the entertainment industry. In his book, which is only 24,000 words and can be read in one sitting, the character Ivanhoe, called Wil, displays self-discipline regarding sexual purity during a rather comical scene. An adversary approaches Wil and Ro, and they must quickly hide a falcon that Wil is holding. He places it beneath Ro’s billowy skirt, which causes her to behave erratically. After the adversary leaves, Wil has to retrieve the bird and, while doing so, touches Ro’s soft thighs. However, he exerts discipline and
Sherry Kughn
removes the bird with decorum. Parents are a good market for this story, especially ones who are trying to teach young men and women to use sexual restraint. In the book, Ro behaves herself as an outdoors woman and as a lady. As she matures, she focuses on learning the things a lady should know about serving the queen. Also in the story, Wil rescues Ro from a fire, and both characters spend their youths in preparation for living as honorable adults who face life with courage and duty. While researching and writing the book, Ready said he learned many interesting facts. For instance, the modern phrase “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water,” comes from the way a medieval family took baths. The entire family used only one tub of water, starting with the father, then the mother, then the children from the oldest to youngest. By the time the baby was bathed, it might get lost in the murky water. The novel is self-published with the help of and sells for about $33, but it is cheaper on the Internet or directly from Ready. It has soft-colored illustrations, which cost Ready about $2,000 more than the $900 basic price. For those wanting to order the novelette, go to or email Ready at Also, it makes a great Christmas gift. “Now I must get busy with marketing the book and recoup the money I spent publishing it,” said Ready. Then he might write another book. There are other messages Ready wants to communicate to young people. He considers his writing a ministry. Email Sherry at
As we end the year, the country remains divided Reviewing stories and headlines from this past year, the best I can say is we are clearly a divided nation with secular-progressive-politically correct-elite on the left leading Washington against religious-conservative-libertarian-grassroots on the right. Leaders in these two divisions have made news throughout the year with little impact on masses in opposing camps who are rooted to their causes regardless of facts or arguments. Each side characterizes the other as “extremist,” and I’m sure they’re right. Progressives are extremists for wanting bigger, more controlling, centralized government, i.e. a socialist state leading to communism. We’ve seen that movie before. Though “conservatives” are fighting among themselves to find common ground on which principles and values are worth fighting for, libertarians appear to be winning in favor of individual rights, responsibilities, and less government interference. Generally speaking, the mainstream media continue to
The Piedmont Journal The Piedmont Journal Established 1907 Combined with The Piedmont Independent 1982 ISSN 08906017 Second class postage paid in Piedmont, Alabama. Published weekly by Consolidated Publishing.
“Our everlasting obligation and greatest privilege is to serve the fine people of our community.” Austin Johnson, Founder and Publisher, 1907-1963 John Alred Publisher John Knoll Advertising Director
Robert Jackson Consultant Laura Johnson News Editor
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side with progressive extremists, maintaining their elite, politically correct status. Daniel Divided government Gardner in Washington during a president’s second term is the historical norm, though progressive elites contend this time My Thoughts we’re seeing the worst ever, unprecedented, and other such words to make the sky fall. In February, President Obama boasted in his State of the Union address: “Nothing I’m proposing tonight should increase our deficit by a single dime. It is not a bigger government we need, but a smarter government that sets priorities and invests in broad-based growth.” Well, Mr. Obama’s deficits are still historically high, and we’ve seen little “growth” in employment or our economy. We celebrated the 100th anniversary of the modern U.S. income tax, and while everybody agrees we need to reform the tax code, nobody has done anything about it…but add more taxes. Progressives fought hard in the spring to limit gun ownership while conservatives tried to get anyone to pay attention to the trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the man convicted of killing babies he had delivered alive in a filthy Philadelphia abortion clinic. Maybe if he had used a gun to kill those babies….? Watching the news, President Obama discovered his
IRS had targeted Tea Party groups, the NSA had been bugging Americans and foreign leaders, the FBI had tapped phones at the Associated Press, and that Benghazi really had been a planned Islamic terrorist attack. Later, the White House dismissed all these as “phony scandals.” We saw lines drawn in the George Zimmerman/ Trayvon Martin tragedy, as well as a “red line” drawn first in Syria by President Obama who later gave credit/ blame to “the world” for drawing the red line. The first anniversary of Benghazi received little notice in the mainstream media. After all, “what does it matter now?” We watched the usual debates over the debt ceiling, budget, and government shutdown, all much ado about nothing at it turned out. And, as Tea Parties across the nation had predicted since 2009, Obamacare ballooned and burst into the biggest federal program boondoggle of all time. Supported 100 percent by Democrats and opposed 100 percent by Republicans, Obamacare is the story that keeps on giving as President Obama voices his concern over how inept the federal bureaucracy really is. 2014 promises to be more of the same with a national election thrown in to decide winners and losers in the epic battle between what’s left and what’s right. Daniel L. Gardner is a syndicated columnist who lives in Starkville, MS. You may contact him at Daniel@, or visit his website at http://www. Feel free to interact with him on the Clarion-Ledger feature blog site blogs.clarionledger. com/dgardner/
Sound off Great parade and festival The Christmas festival at the Clyde H. Pike Civic Center and the parade at 5 p.m. on Saturday went great. We were happy to have Anita Kilgore from The Piedmont Journal and The Jacksonville News taking photos. We enjoyed having Calhoun County Commissioner Rudy Abbott as our grand marshall. Several groups and people need to be thanked, including the following: Piedmont Garden Club for the beautiful decorations in the gazebo; Mayor Bill Baker and all the city employees who worked both events; Ben Singleton and Carl Hinton who chaired the Christmas parade; Dan and Carolyn Freeman who chaired the Christmas festival; Police, fire, rescue, and street department personnel for their assistance;
Each of the vendors that set up with us including one from Anniston, one from Geraldine, and one from Fyffe; Piedmont senior citizens for sponsoring the free chili enjoyed by everyone; Family Court Judge Brenda Stedham and husband her Mike for coming to the Christmas festival and visiting everyone there; Calhoun County Commissioner Rudy Abbott for serving as our grand marshall; and Santa Claus (Mr. Ed Kornegay) from Union Grove United Methodist Church. I might have missed someone, but just let me say that I sincerely thank everyone who had anything to do with the festival and parade turning out so well. Thank you all so very much. Because of you, it was a wonderful day in Piedmont. Keith Word Master of ceremonies
WEDNESDAY, December 18, 2013 PAGE 3
Community Capsule
Obituaries DAVIS
Nances Creek Graveside service for Mr. James “Grady” Davis, 71, of Nances Creek, was held at 2 p.m. Sunday, December 15, 2013, at Nances Creek Cemetery with the Rev. Garry Brown officiating. Survivors include his sister, Faye Foley and numerous nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his parents, Earl and Vera Davis; brother, Hoyt Davis; sisters, Velma Bannister, Evelyn Houck, Francis Brown, and Era Mae Ponder. Pallbearers will be Chad Ponder, Tyler Ponder, Dennis Proctor, Dan Davis, Paul Ponder, and Harold Ponder. Honorary pallbearer will be Paul Brackett. Mr. Davis was born and raised in the Nances Creek community of Piedmont. He was a farmer and a logger in the area. Funeral arrangements are being handled by Gray Brown-Service Mortuary. Online condolences made at
Ohatchee - Funeral services for Harlan D. Lumsden, 81, were held Sunday, December 15, 2013, at 3 p.m. at Thompson Funeral Home in Piedmont with the Rev. Michael Ingram officiating. Burial with military honors will follow at Highland Cemetery. The family will re-
ceive friends at the funeral home Sunday from 1 - 3 p.m. Mr. Lumsden passed away Friday, December 13, 2013, at his home. Survivors include his loving wife of 58 years, Bonnie Lumsden; his children, Barry Scott Lumsden (Judy), of Caden, Rebecca Michelle Burgess (David), of Gadsden and Bruce Eric Lumsden (Nancy), of Jacksonville; eight grandchildren, Andrew Lumsden, Sabrina Lumsden, Josh Lumsden, Chase Lumsden, Megan McCombs, Jeremy Murphree, Ashley Murphree and Cody Burgess; ten great-grandchildren, Devin Culpepper, Wyatt Lumsden, Ben Lumsden, Lilly Lumsden, Ollie Isaac, Caden Fell, Logan Fell, Sophia Spencer, Samuel McCombs and Hannah McCombs; one brother, Charles Lumsden, of Marietta, Georgia; and a sister-in-law, Hazel Lumsden. Pallbearers will be Joshua Lumsden, Chase Lumsden, Jeremy Murphree, Cody Burgess, Andrew Lumsden and Steve Minton. Honorary pallbearers will be Ashley Murphree and Pep Waits. Mr. Lumsden has been a resident of Ohatchee for the past five years and was a former resident of Piedmont and Lincoln. He was a U. S. Army Korean war veteran, was a member of the First Baptist Church of Piedmont and retired from the fire department at Anniston Army Depot in April 1988. He was preceded in death by a granddaughter, Kristina Lumsden; his parents, J. O. and Essie Mae Lumsden; mother-in-law, Mary Warrine McGowan; brothers, Joe Vann Lumsden, Tom Lumsden and Harold “Pete” Lumsden; and two sisters, Ann Shealy and Mary Voiles.
• Piedmont Polar Plunge set for Jan. 4 Mayor Bill Baker reports that the first Piedmont Polar Plunge will be at 10 a.m. Jan. 4 at the aquatic center near the sports complex. Baker said it’s not just for Piedmont residents. Anyone can take a dip for a $10 donation, which will go to Venecia’s Foundation. Venecia Butler, a four-time cancer survivor, gives chemo bags for cancer patients who are going through treatment. More details will be in next week’s Journal. • Dogs for the Deaf, located in Central Point, Ore., is a non-profit organization that rescues dogs from animal shelters and trains them to help adults and children with different disabilities, challenges, and needs. For example, a Hearing Dog is trained to alert its owner to household sounds that could affect his or her safety and an Autism Assistance Dog would keep an autistic child out of traffic, bodies of water, and other dangerous situations. Chris Hill, a resident of Anniston and a volunteer “ambassador” for Dogs for the Deaf, has a DVD presentation he will give to civic and community organizations or individuals. Contact him at 835-6918 • New classes for the Jacksonville State University Adult Wellness classes are at 8 a.m. in Pete Mathews Colseium. Senior water aerobics and senior floor aerobic classes are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Senior
water aerobics and senior therapeutic yoga classes are on Tuesday and Thursday. Contact Aubrey Crossen at 256-689-2580 or for more information. • Disabled American Veterans, Chapter 21 meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m.. at 114 N. Center Ave. downtown Piedmont, to discuss the latest veteran’s issues and benefits. If you are a service-connected disabled vet or you think you may have a military service related condition, the DAV may be able to help you. Help workshops are also available from 8 a.m.-noon on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Veterans are urged to attend for possible compensation and benefits they’re not aware of. • Anyone with knowledge about German and Italian POWs and their artifacts at Fort McClellan during 1943-46 is asked to contact Klaus Duncan at 782-2991. • Piedmont Health Care has started an Alzheimer’s support group designed to increase public awareness and enhance individual and family education regarding Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia. For more information call social services director Yolanda Pierce 447-8258, ext. 232. Refreshments will be provided.
Police Report Dec. 8 • Damage to property (non-criminal). Officers took a report about $100 damage done to eight mailbox frames broken at 9:45 p.m. Dec. 10 • Duty to give information and render aid. A 50-year-old male reported damage done to a Chevy Impala while located in the 700 block of Draper Street at 3 p.m. Dec. 12 • Theft of property III. A pair of eyeglasses was recovered at a location on Highway 278 By-pass West. • Burglary III. A 28-year-old female reported the theft of two
bottles of Loracets, two bottles of Lortabs, and one bottle of another prescription medicine between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. at her residence. Dec. 13 • Theft of property III. A 57-year-old male reported the theft of a 4-cylinder Jeep motor, an unknown type of motor, and a Ford 2 ½ ton wheel from a location on Old Gnatville Road between Nov. 29 and Dec. 13. The items were recovered and had a value of $400. • Found property. A Mossberg 12-guage pump shotgun with a Simmons scope was found on County Road 28 and turned over to the
police department. Dec. 14 • Theft of property II. A 30-yearold male reported the theft of a FEG model PA-63 9 x 18 pistol valued at $175 that was taken between Oct. 1 and Oct. 31. • Theft of property II. A 23-yearold female reported the theft of a red and white woman’s trifold wallet containing $312 in currency, a Noble Bank debit card, a child support card, and other cards that was taken from a location on Mac Alexander Road between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Dec. 13.
Arrests Dec. 9 • James Scott Brewster, 41, possession of a forged instrument II (five counts). Dec. 10 • Tommy Cecil Rose, 24, reckless endangerment, attempting to elude a police officer, cruelty to animals, accidents involving death or personal injuries, speeding, operating a vehicle with expired tag,
Subscribe to The Piedmont Journal Call Mandy at 256- 235-9245
driving while license is appear. suspended, and improper Dec. 12 passing. • Shelia D. Lane, 56, Dec. 11 theft of property III. • Demestress Quamaine Dec. 13 Jackson, 21, failure to • Leslie Lecole Alex-
ander Engram, 32, failure to pay. Dec. 15 • Christy Rae Webb, 38, theft of services III.
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Wanda Turner opened Wanda’s Attic on East Ladiga Gospel singer specializes in t-shirts
anda Watts Turner opened Wanda’s Attic at 325 E. Ladiga St., in June. She had been wanting her own business for some time. She specializes in putting photos and vinyl lettering on t-shirts. She also makes banners and does magnetic signs for vehicles. She didn’t realize when she opened Wanda’s Attic that it would turn into something more than a store from which she would sell her merchandise. It’s become what Wanda calls a prayer station. “I have people come in just for prayer,” she said. “I’ve had preachers to come in, and we just have a meeting right there in the store.” Wanda said she’s proud of her prayer station and enjoys being able to help people spiritually. Wanda was born and reared in Piedmont. She’s lived here all her life with the exception of four years in Heflin. Her mother is Peggy Pierce Watts. Her father, Ellis Jackson Watts, died in 2005. The house in which she was born still stands near Francis E. Willard Middle School. Wanda said she’s happy it’s still in the family. Her cousin lives there now. When she was a child, her mother worked at Regional Medical Center in Anniston, so a lot of the house cleaning fell to Wanda. What she didn’t finish during the week, the entire family pitched in to finish the cleaning on Saturday. Wanda, her brother, Greg, and Greg’s wife, Jackie, make up the trio, the Heaven Seekers. For the past 24 years, they have sung at churches and at benefits. “We’re available to sing just about anywhere,” she said. “Singing is what we love doing. We know that God gave that talent to us and we want to share it. Hopefully, we’ll be going 24 more years.” Wanda’s husband, Stanley, works part time at the post office. He’s retired from Anniston Army Depot. They have two sons and a daughter. Kyle Turner lives in Heflin, Toby Romine lives in Piedmont and Tonya Romine lives in Glencoe. They have three grandchildren. After Wanda graduated from Piedmont High School in 1975, she began working at Piedmont Hospital. After two weeks of serving ice water to patients, she was asked
BROCCOLI SALAD 2 heads of broccoli ½ c. onion, chopped (just enough for taste) 1 jar bacon pieces 1 c. raisins 1 c. pecans 1 apple, chopped Mix: 1 c. Kraft mayonnaise ½ c. sugar 1 T. vinegar
Anita Kilgore
Wanda Turner at her shop in Piedmont. to become a nurse’s aid. She later worked at Anniston Medical Center. Wanda and Stanley are members of Plainview Congregational Church where Wanda is in the choir. She sings solos and sometimes she and Stanley sing together. She also plays the tambourine. Wanda said not long ago she found a new hobby on Facebook -- painting glass. “You take Elmer’s glue and food coloring and mix it
COOL WHIP COOKIES 1 - 8 oz. Cool Whip 1 cake mix (any kind) 1 egg Mix together until it turns into dough. Spray cookie sheet. Spoon about 2” apart. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until brown. Let cool. Enjoy with coffee or cold glass of milk.
together real good,” she said. “When it dries, whatever you’re painting looks like it was made that way.” Wanda has made quite a few candlesticks doing that. Anyone who would like to book the Heaven Seekers or purchase t-shirts or other items from Wanda’s Attic can reach her at 499-2080. Wanda said she likes to cook and especially likes to bake. (Contact Margaret at
the size of a quarter. Melt 6 barks at a time (in a glass bowl). Roll balls into chocolate and place on waxed paper. Chocolate will harden.
SIX LAYER TACO BAKE Place into a dish the following ingredients in order: Refried beans Rotel tomatoes HOMEMADE ALMOND JOYS Can whole corn, drained 1 pkg. (name brand) coconut Cooked and scrambled hamburger meat with taco 1 can condensed milk powder 1 c. pecans, chopped fine Crushed tortilla chips Stir until mixed. Just before serving, add to first 1 pkg. almond bark (chocolate) Shredded cheese six ingredients. Mix first three ingredients well. Place in refrigerBake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Serve with ator for one hour. Take out and roll into balls about sour cream.
Singleton, Harvey exchange wedding vows
Valene and Brandon Harvey
Valene Marie Singleton and Brandon Scott Harvey were married April 6, 2013, at First Baptist Church in Piedmont. The Rev. Larry Haslam performed the ceremony. Music was provided by Ivan Ray, pianist and Greg and Amanda Davis, vocalists. Parents of the bride are Mac and Patti Singleton of Piedmont. Parents of the groom are Bob and Debbie Harvey of Piedmont. Grandparents of the bride are Lillian Sing Haslam of Piedmont and the late Elmo Sing and the late Curtis and Verena Singleton, formerly of Piedmont. Grandparents of the groom are Betty Kelley of Piedmont and the late Jerry Kelly and the late Robert and Thelma Harvey, formerly of Piedmont. Bridesmaids were Ashley Sing and Lauren Jones, cousins of the bride; Penny Conn and Ashley Steward, friends of the bride. Junior bridesmaids were Aniah Jones and Kylie Grant, cousins of the bride. Flower girl was Callie Faulkner, cousin of the
groom. The matron of honor was Crystal Singleton, sister-in-law of the bride. Groomsmen were Jerrod Harvey and Justin Harvey, brothers of the groom; Derek Singleton and Benjamin Singleton, brothers of the bride. Junior groomsmen were Ethan Harvey and Eli Harvey, nephews of the groom. Ring bearer was Traeh Singleton, nephew of the bride. The best man was Bob Harvey, father of the groom. The reception was held at the First Baptist Church in Piedmont. The bride wore a white satin A-line gown with pleated bodice and a beaded metallic lace applique with a sweep train. She carried a bouquet of white roses. After a trip to the Dominican Republic, the couple resides in Jacksonville.
Simply the right thing to do. In 2013, AARP fought hard to convince the Alabama Public Service Commission to lower rates for all Alabamians. We partially succeeded. However, two of the three commissioners created a new plan for the power company that made sure you won’t see savings on your power bill anytime soon.
And the decision was made behind closed doors. AARP will continue to be an advocate for our members because they deserve fair and affordable rates and public rate cases like those in every other state.
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Republican Secretary of State visits PHS
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ALCOHOL: ‘They can buy on Saturday night. It’s a holy day’ From page 1
enerated little public esponse. Piedmont Mayor Bill Baker aid the council considered he measure at Norton’s urgng. The measure it approved sks the Alabama Legislature o allow Sunday sales. Lawmakers will have the opportuity to consider the bill when hey convene early next year. City attorney Ron Allen aid Piedmont’s proposal is tructured so that the Legisature would permit the sale f alcohol on Sundays. That iffers from measures passed arlier this year to allow Sunay sales in Anniston and Weaver, which required secnd votes by those city counils after the Legislature’s pproval. Regardless of how legalzed Sunday sales might ome about, informal opinon seems divided. Of 11 peole questioned by a reporter Wednesday, five were against unday alcohol sales, five upported Sunday sales and ne was indifferent about he topic. Those who support unday sales said they think he practice will help the city make more money. “If you don’t want to drink
alcohol on Sunday, don’t drink alcohol on Sunday,” Jeff Byers, owner of Byers Auto Sales in Piedmont, said while eating lunch at Solid Rock Cafe Wednesday. “Let’s get the revenue back in the city where it comes from.” Those who oppose Sunday alcohol sales do so in part on fundamental religious grounds. Beverly Hart said the practice violates her beliefs. “They can buy on Saturday night,” she said. “It’s a holy day.” Jim Myers, who grew up in New England before moving to Piedmont, said he opposes Sunday alcohol sales for another reason. He said that people in his hometown,
Lucky Arcade
including members of his family, had a casual attitude about alcohol consumption and suffered for it. “I don’t think they should sell any alcohol on any day,” Myers said. “I’ve seen the outcome of what happens with drunk drivers and I know that it’s not pretty.” Nonetheless, other people hope the measure is successful for their own convenience. “I wish they would hurry up,” said Lonnie Lambert, a Cherokee County man who said he buys alcohol in Piedmont every day of the week except Sunday. Staff Writer Laura Gaddy: 256-235-3544. On Twitter @ LGaddy_Star.
BACK OPEN Esom Hill, GA Welcomes Calhoun County residents. Directions: From Piedmont, go 13 miles East on 278. 1/4 mile across Georgia line, turn right. Go 1/4 mile and arcade is on right across from fire station. (678)-246-1700.
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LEFT: Probate Judge Reese McKinney, Republican candidate for Secretary of State, visited Piedmont High School. Judge McKinney spoke on the need to expedite business filings with the Secretary of State’s office so that communities like Piedmont could benefit with new industry. After touring the high school, Judge McKinney toured Commercial Vehicle Group and made stops at local Piedmont businesses. Pictured, L to R, Councilwoman Mary Bramblett, student Andrew Posey, Judge Reese McKinney, students Sydney Ford, Addison Byers, Alexis Byers, and Principal Adam Clemons.
and the winners are. . . The most original entry was Bethel Family Worship Center where Rev. Sherry Donaldson pastors. The Pool Doctor won in the best theme category. Best overall entry went to Friendship Friday Youth Group of River East Baptist Church in Gadsden. The Seventh Day Adventist Church, where Rev. Ricky Blythe pastors, won honorable mention. Keith Word served as master of ceremonies again this year. Calhoun County Commissioner Rudy Abbott of Jacksonville was grand marshal and rode near the front of the parade. The Christmas Festival began at 10 a.m. Saturday morning at the Clyde H. Pike Civic Center. It lasted all day and had a number of vendors and a lot of food for sale. Senior citizens served chili. The parade got underway at 5 p.m.
Piedmont Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
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First United Methodist Church 300 North Main Street Ph:256-447-7421 Fax: 256-447-6576 Pastor: Rev. Ron McKay Youth Director: Joey Spivey Email: Website: Sunday Services: JAVA, JEANS, & JESUS: 8:30 am (Contemporary Service) Sunday School: 9:45 am (All ages) Traditional Worship: 11 am
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Dogs stumble, but rally to area wins Chris English scored 15 of his game-best 27 points in the second period. Otherwise, Weaver had a just a 19-17 edge in the first quarter and a 17-15 margin in the fourth. Each team scored Piedmont had played just three games when 19 points in the third quarter. the Bulldogs began their first series of Class Sophomore Darnell Jackson scored 20 points 3A, Area 10 games – at Weaver on December 10, at White Plains Friday and at Saks Monday. to lead the Bulldogs against Weaver. Denard Spears had 11 points. Caleb Adams netted three Following a 79-62 loss to Weaver, the Pied3-point shots for nine points. Dreek Thompson mont boys rebounded by thrashing White Plains 86-58 then edging Saks 64-60. The Bull- and Easton Kirk scored five points apiece. Neodogs are 2-1 in Area 10 games with three more nta Alexander and Taylor Hayes had four points each while Tyler Lusk and Bayley Blanchard area contests to be played – all in Piedmont. each tallied two points. “I think we shot a little better in our last two Nine players scored for the Bulldogs again at games, but Weaver’s defense may have had a White Plains. This time it was Piedmont’s turn lot to do with that,” Piedmont coach Tommy to have a big second quarter, dominating 24-12. Lewis said Tuesday morning. “We are getting The Bulldogs also won the fourth quarter into our offense a little better so that may mean 25-16. Spears led in scoring with 25 points, better shots, more made shots.” The 86 points Piedmont scored against White including three treys. Adams had five 3-pointers and 15 points. Plains were the most the Bulldogs have put Hayes scored 15 points. Jackson scored 14 on the scoreboard against the Wildcats since points and was 3-for-3 at the free throw line. Lewis took charge of the Piedmont team. Thompson scored six points, Kirk four and “I think both teams were surprised by a Lusk three. Alexander and Austin Brazier each couple of our shooters. That first game with White Plains is usually not a very nice game for had two points. In the win at Saks, Piedmont led 29-24 at Piedmont. Coach (Chris) Randall usually puts halftime but the score was 44-all after three a beating on us so I was more surprised than quarters. Two minutes into the fourth quarter, anyone,” Lewis said. Adams hit 3-pointers on consecutive Piedmont The second quarter, when the Bearcats possessions to push the Bulldogs ahead 52-46. out-pointed the Bulldogs 24-11, was Piedmont’s undoing against Weaver. The Bearcats’ Piedmont never trailed again. Following a Saks RIP DONOVAN Journal Sports Correspondent
timeout, Adams made both ends of a one-andone free throw opportunity and the Bulldogs led 54-46 with 5:23 left. Spears hit a driving basket and a floater then his two free throws made it 60-52 with 1:58 to go. In the final 35 seconds, the Wildcats made it a two-point game twice but each time Spears answered with a pair of free throws. The second pair came with 12.1 seconds to play. Piedmont’s defense denied Saks another shot until a desperation 3-point heave at the buzzer was off the mark. Ten players scored for the Bulldogs. Adams had five treys and 17 points in all. Spears scored 15 points, 10 in the fourth quarter, and had three assists. Lusk had seven points. Alexander scored six points, Brazier five and Hayes four. Thompson and Kirk each had one 3-pointer. Jackson and Blanchard scored two points apiece. Darnell Jackson finished with six rebounds and Exavyer Jackson had four rebounds. Hayes and Alexander each grabbed three boards. Kirk made two steals. The Bulldogs got a big first-quarter boost from Lewis’ second-five substitution wave. Saks led 6-2 midway through the first quarter when Lewis sent Alexander, Blanchard, Brazier, Hayes and Lusk into the game. Each of the five scored before the quarter ended and Piedmont led 15-14. “I think in every game we have played out-
Piedmont wrestlers stay busy
Garden perfect in area RIP DONOVAN Sports Correspondent Spring Garden remained perfect in Class 1A, Area 10 girls’ basketball with wins over Cedar Bluff and Gaylesville over the past nine days but the Sand Rock dashed the Panthers’ hopes of an undefeated season overall with a win at Spring Garden Saturday night. The Panthers also added a non-area win over Faith Christian in Anniston Friday. Playing at home on December 10, Spring Garden handled area opponent Cedar Bluff, the team that defeated the Panthers in last year’s Northeast Regional tournament championship game, 65-34. The Spring Garden girls led 22-8 after one quarter and 41-11 at halftime. Darian Gaines had a big first quarter for the Panthers with 12 points. Tykeah Rogers picked up in the second quarter and scored 13 points. Gaines finished with 21 points, seven rebounds, five steals and two assists. Rogers scored 15 points and grabbed an equal number of rebounds. She also had four steals. Emory Reedy scored 12 points. Haley Motes had eight points. Point guard Auburn Kirk had a pair of 3-point baskets for six points and handed out four assists. Madison Sides had eight rebounds, three assists and three points. “We were getting some really good balanced scoring,” Spring Garden coach Ricky Austin said of the Cedar Bluff action. The win over Faith Christian was another blowout. This time Spring Garden won 73-15 after leading 40-11 at intermission. Gaines hit five of her six 3-point tries on her way to 23 points and had three assists. Motes had a double-double with 15 points and 11 rebounds. She also made four steals and had three assists. Rogers recorded 14 points, four rebounds and three steals. Sides had nine points and three assists. Kirk scored five points, Reedy four points and Alex Robertson three points. Saturday night Sand Rock handed the Panthers their first loss by a 46-37 margin. Spring Garden led 13-7 after one quarter then Sand Rock rallied with a 24-9 run in the second quarter. “They outscored us 24-9 in the second quarter and that was kind of the difference in the game,” Austin said. “We got in foul trouble. Both post players got in foul trouble in the second quarter. … We were dominating up to that point. We were really playing well.” Gaines scored 16 points against Sand Rock but no other Spring Garden player reached double figures. Rogers had six points, Sides five, Reedy four, Robertson three and Kirk three. Gaylesville came to Spring Garden for an area game Monday and the Panthers won 74-26. Sides netted 10 of her 11 free throw attempts and ended with 17 points. She also had seven rebounds. Motes scored 17 points and added eight rebounds, six steals and two assists. Rogers and Gaines also scored in double figures. Rogers had five steals and five rebounds to go with her 13 points. Gaines scored 10 points and dished out five assists. Kirk was solid as usual with eight points, eight assists, three steals and only one turnover. Reedy scored seven points and Robertson had two points. Now 7-1, Spring Garden continued area play Tuesday with a home game against Coosa Christian. The Panthers play in the Cherokee Invitational Thursday against Glencoe. The game starts at 4 p.m. in the Gadsden State-Cherokee arena. A win puts the Panthers into the semifinals on Friday at 5:30 p.m. against the Collinsville versus Sand Rock winner.
side the first one we have had nine to eleven people score but the difference against Saks was that the points were important, timely points instead of stat points when the game had been decided,” Lewis said. “We thought one of our strengths might be that we were willing to play so many players because we truly believe that they can and will hold their own and against White Plains and Saks the second group has played as well or even better in spurts.” Piedmont was to have played its first home game of the season against Hokes Bluff Tuesday. The Bulldogs open action in the annual Cherokee Invitational tournament Thursday at Cedar Bluff against Cherokee County. The game is scheduled to start at 7 p.m. A win guarantees Piedmont two more games in the tournament, starting with a semifinal game Friday at 7 p.m. at the Gadsden State-Cherokee arena against the winner of Thursday’s game between Cedar Bluff and Gaylesville. The championship and consolation games will be Saturday at Gadsden State-Cherokee. The loser of the Piedmont versus Cherokee County game plays the Cedar Bluff-Gaylesville loser Friday at 8:30 p.m. at Cedar Bluff and is finished. “Any time you can go 2-1 on the road, in the area we are in you can only hope to have that record so we hope we can build from it instead of getting lazy,” Lewis said.
RIP DONOVAN Journal Sports Correspondent
Chris Tierce
Spring Garden’s Will Westbrook drives against two Collinsville defenders during ac5tion earlier this season
Spring Garden boys disappoints Austin RIP DONOVAN Journal Sports Correspondent Spring Garden’s play last week – a win over Cedar Bluff followed by losses to Faith Christian and Sand Rock – left coach Ricky Austin disappointed in his boys’ squad. “I really thought we could go 3-0 last week. We went 1-2. We’ve just got to be better than that,” Austin said Tuesday morning. The Panthers hosted Cedar Bluff on December 10 and won 66-35. Spring Garden led 28-12 after one quarter and 49-21 at halftime. Jay Prater led the way with five 3-point baskets. All 17 of Prater’s points came in the first half. He also had six rebounds. “We had seven different people score in the first half so it was kind of spread out outside of Jay,” Austin said. “We played a lot of people in the second half.” Jacob Black and Will Westbrook also scored in double figures for the Panthers. Black had 13 points and four rebounds while Westbrook had 12 points and eight boards. Point guard Will Ivey had 10 assists, eight points, five rebounds and two steals. Tanner Parker also scored eight points. Dakota Lambert had six points and Dawson Broome scored two points. At Anniston Friday, Faith Christian edged Spring Garden 58-57. The Panthers led 15-9 after the first quarter then trailed 28-25 at halftime. “It was a combination of some bad defense and them getting hot,” Austin said. “We didn’t play well. We missed so many easy shots, it was unbelievable.” Against Faith Christian’s zone, Prater was 9-for17 from outside the arc and scored 30 points. He also had six rebounds. Parker scored nine points. Will Ivey had seven points, six assists and four steals. Westbrook garnered 10 rebounds and scored four points. Black had five boards and three points. Broome score two points and Ben Ivey had two
points. Another anemic second quarter was the difference in a 55-48 loss at home to Sand Rock Saturday night. The Panthers led 13-11 after one quarter then trailed 35-28 at intermission. “We just couldn’t get over the hump. We got behind in the second quarter and played them even the rest of the game,” Austin said. “We couldn’t do anything special and they couldn’t do anything special. It was just kind of a slugfest the rest of the game.” Will Ivey led the scoring with 16 points and also had three assists and two steals. Parker was 4-for7 from behind the line and ended with 14 points. Westbrook recorded eight points and five rebounds and Prater also scored eight points. Black finished with two points. An 87-19 area win over Gaylesville Monday at home got the Panthers on the winning track again. The score was 57-8 at halftime. Spring Garden’s starting five played most of the first quarter and the first two minutes of the second quarter then retired for the remainder of the game. All 10 Panthers scored. Eighth-grader Riley Austin had six 3-pointers and ended with 20 points. He also had four steals, three rebounds and two assists. Prater was 5-for-7 from long range in very limited minutes and had 15 points. Black scored 10 points. Will Ivey had nine points, five assists and four steals. Lambert recorded nine points, seven boards and six steals. Broome scored eight points and Parker had six points. Joe Rogers had four points and five steals. Westbrook ended with three points, three assists and two steals. Ben Ivey had five assists and three points. Spring Garden entertained area opponent Coosa Christian last night, looking to improve to 3-1 in area games. The Panthers meet Glencoe Thursday in the first round of the annual Cherokee Invitational tournament. The game begins at 7 p.m. at the Gadsden State-Cherokee arena in Centre.
The days leading up to Christmas will be busy for Piedmont’s wrestlers. The Bulldogs were scheduled to wrestle Pepperell (Ga.) Tuesday, will be at Weaver Thursday then host the annual Piedmont Christmas Duals tournament Saturday. Piedmont coach Harley Lamey said Tuesday morning that he expected teams from Cleburne County, G.W. Carver of Montgomery, Gadsden City, Madison County and Westminster Christian of Huntsville to join his team in Saturday’s action. Wrestling is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. “We’re just trying to keep working on the basics, get those ingrained so we can progress. It’s just a process of maturing as we continue to wrestle, get that experience,” Lamey said. “Becoming seasoned in wrestling takes time.” The Bulldogs hosted Saks in a dual meet Monday. Saks was able to fill only three weigh classes. Piedmont won handily with points for nine forfeits but just three Bulldogs got an opportunity to learn by wrestling other than in practice. Sophomore Chase Keener won for Piedmont, bumping up from 152 pounds to take a decision at 160. Limited opportunities away from practice slow the learning process according to Lamey. In practice, “It’s hard for them to push somebody when they both are young, both are starting out, both are still learning how to drill properly and how to practice in an effective manner,” Lamey noted. “It just takes time for those young guys to learn that and when your veterans are sophomores it’s kind of hard to find that.” Lamey continues to believe that the future has a lot of promise for his nine seventh-graders, two freshmen, three sophomores, two juniors and two seniors. “This group has surprised me because of their work ethic. They don’t mind hard work. When they do it, they don’t complain so I think it’s going to show later on,” Lamey said. “If they stick with it, I think we’ve got a chance to be pretty good.”
Piedmont girls stand 1-2 in area action RIP DONOVAN Journal Sports Correspondent
Midway through their home-and-home series against each of their three Class 3A, Area 10 opponents, the Piedmont girls are 1-2 in area games. Area action began on December 10 at Weaver and the Bulldogs defeated the Bearcats 49-20. Piedmont led 21-8 at halftime and never allowed Weaver to score in double figures in any quarter. Bre Green scored 10 points. Riesha Thompson and Carlie Flowers each tallied nine points. Keshauna Jones had six points, Breanna Brazier five and Jakeiya Mitchell three. Jaylen Major and Ashlynne Rivers each scored two points. Tiffany Prater and Gena Prater had a free throw apiece. The Bulldogs could not overcome a slow start and fell 44-36 at White Plains Friday. The Wildcats led 14-7 after one quarter. White Plains could add just one more point to its advantage the rest of the way but the Bulldogs couldn’t gain any ground. Flowers led Piedmont with 13 points, seven in the first half and six in the second. Green had 10 points, including a pair of 3-point buckets. Thompson scored five points, Jones three, Mitchell three and Brazier two. The second half was Piedmont’s undoing at Saks Monday in a 51-38 loss. The Wildcats led 18-17 at halftime. Piedmont junior Paige Gowens netted a 3-point shot for a 20-18 lead to begin the third quarter. The Wildcats then closed the third quarter with a 19-8 run. On the inside, Flowers scored 15 points and Tiffany Prater had eight points. Gowens, Green, Mitchell and Thompson each had three points. Brazier was 2-for-2 at the foul line and Jones had one free throw. Piedmont hosted Hokes Bluff Tuesday night. The Bulldogs play Ashville in the semifinal round of the Van Deerman Classic tournament at Jacksonville High School Friday at 3:30 p.m. Friday’s winner plays Saturday at 3:30 p.m. in the girls’ championship game. The girls’ consolation game is scheduled for noon Saturday. Jacksonville and Pell City are the other two teams in the girls’ draw.
Trent Penny / Consolidated News Service
Jacksonville State running back Troymaine Pope gets flipped by Eastern Washington defensive back Allen Brown.
JSU’s dream of national title ends at Eastern Washington
CHENEY, Wash. - The red carpet on the road to Frisco, Texas, turned out to be a roadblock for Jacksonville State. Something had to give when the fourth-ranked total offense among Football Championship Subdivision teams met the sixth-best pass defense in Saturday’s national quarterfinal on the red turf at Eastern Washington’s Roos Field, aka “The Inferno.” Walter Payton Award finalist Vernon Adams threw two touchdowns and Albert Havili provided a back-breaking 77-yard interception return for a score as No. 3 Eastern Washington held off No. 20 Jacksonville State 35-24. The Gamecocks end their first season under head coach Bill Clark with an 11-4 record. Eastern Washington (12-2) hosts Towson State next Saturday in the FCS semifinals. Injuries to starting quarterback Eli Jenkins and record-setting running back DaMarcus James proved too much for the Gamecocks to overcome after battling the Eagles evenly for one half. Jenkins had accounted for 245 total yards (127 passing, 118 rushing) before leaving with an injury late in the second quarter. James, who had a 1-yard TD run midway through the second quarter, also sat out the second half after being hurt. James finished the 2013 campaign with a school-record 29 rushing touchdowns. Eastern Washington scored on its first drive of the second half to regain the lead for good. The Eagles added the clincher when Havili stepped in front of a Max Shortell pass and returned the interception 77 yards with 10:40
remaining to make it 35-24. Jacksonville State - which had outscored its first two playoff opponents (Samford, McNeese State) by a combined 59-0 in the first half - found itself tied with the high-octane Eagles 21-21 at intermission. The two offenses piled up 649 yards in the first 30 minutes. JSU’s defense forced a pair of first-half turnovers after the Eagles had moved into the red zone. The first turnover, a fumble recovery by Harris Gaston, came after the only punt of the half, a 35-yarder by Hamish MacInnes that gave EWU possession at JSU’s 37. But Gaston forced a fumble at the goal line and recovered it in the end zone to stop the threat. Jacksonville State came back with a 60-yard march from its 20 to Eastern Washington’s 20. But the Gamecocks came away without points when All-American kicker Griffin Thomas missed a 37-yard field goal attempt wide to the right. Eastern Washington covered 80 yards in six plays after the missed field goal try. Adams capped it off with a 29-yard scoring pass to Cooper Kupp at the 5:52 mark to make it 7-0. The Jenkins-led Gamecocks’ offense took the ensuing kickoff and drove 75 yards in 13 plays to tie it. Telvin Brown capped the drive by taking a pitch from Jenkins and tossing a 3-yard pass to tight end Gavin Ellis in the back of the end zone. Thomas kicked the PAT to make it 7-7 with 55 seconds left in the first quarter. Robert Gray intercepted Adams early in the second
quarter and JSU took advantage of the second EWU turnover. Jenkins’ running and passing quickly moved the Gamecocks 80 yards in 12 plays. Jenkins finished off the go-ahead scoring march with a 10-yard pass to Anthony Johnson at the 10:48 mark and Thomas’ PAT gave JSU a 14-7 lead. Eastern Washington’s second scoring drive of 1 minute, 45 seconds pulled the Eagles into a 14-14 tie. Forte went three yards for a touchdown at the 9:03 mark and Kevin Miller’s kick tied the game for the second time. But the first-half scoring outburst wasn’t over. James took a direct snap and ran in from the EWU 1 with 6:11 left in the second quarter to finish off a 72-yard drive. Thomas’ PAT put Jacksonville State ahead for the second time, 21-14. The Eagles, however, answered with another quick score, drawing even at 21-21 when Adams and Ashton Clark hooked up on a 41-yard TD reception with 2:39 left before halftime. Eastern Washington’s Adams, a sophomore, threw for 324 yards with two touchdowns and two interceptions. Clark caught 11 of Adams’ 18 completions for 181 yards and one TD. Shortell was 12-of-22 for 173 yards in relief of Jenkins with two interceptions. Troymaine Pope gained 49 yards on 14 carries after stepping in for James. The Gamecocks are slated to kick off the 2014 season on Aug. 30 at defending Big Ten Conference champion Michigan State.
LEFT: Jacksonville State wide receiver Josh Barge is pulled down from behind by Eastern Washington defensive back T.J. Lee III. RIGHT: Jacksonville State safety Michael Carlisle shows dejection near the end of the Gamecocks loss to Eastern Washington.
Trent Penny / Consolidated News Service
Trent Penny / Consolidated News Service
Guard Armory and ended at the civic center. Calhoun County Commissioner Rudy Abbott was the grand marshal. “Just as he does in anything,” said Word, “Rudy did a good job for us.” Parade entries were down this year because of the weather. According to Word, there were 50-60 entries instead of the usual 75-85, a number he said he’s happy with. “Everything ran smoothly,” he said. “You couldn’t have asked for it to have been any better. Some who had signed up didn’t show up because they weren’t sure what the weather was going to do.” Word said parade units included scouts, churches, businesses, Piedmont High School’s band and cheerleaders, beauty pageant winners, two fire trucks, two rescue squad vehicles, two fire trucks from the White Plains Voluntary Fire Department, the Piedmont Throttle Kings, and the Cherokee Car Cruisers, which he recruited several years ago. Also in the parade was the city’s new John Deere Gator, used for search and rescue, which was purchased with a grant. After the parade, everyone adjourned back to the civic center, where more chili was served by senior citizens and Word announced the parade winners. The most original entry went to Bethel Family Worship Center, whose pastor is Rev. Sherry Donaldson. The Pool Doctor won in the best theme category. Best overall entry was Friendship Friday Youth Group of River East Baptist Church in Gadsden. Honorable mention went to Seventh Day Adventist Church, whose pastor is Ricky Blythe. Ben Singleton and Carl Hinton coordinated the parade, while Dan and Carolyn Freeman were in charge of the festival at the civic center. When Word was asked to chair the parade in 2005, he said he immediately recruited Ben Singleton. Health problems caused Word to miss being master of ceremonies in 2011. He came back in 2012 and has been onboard for the past two years, sitting in on meetings prior to the parade and festival. “I enjoy doing it,” said Word. “It’s one of my social networks now that I’m retired.” (Contact Margaret at
// PHOTOS BY ANITA KILGORE SEE SLIDESHOW AT ANNISTONSTAR.COM TOP: Bethel Family Worship Center getting their float ready for Piedmont Christmas parade. Piedmont High Band stopped in front of the gazebo for a special performance. ABOVE: Cacey Brothers waves to the crowd. ABOVE RIGHT: Grace Lapier meets Frosty the Snowman. Doug Rosser with his antique tractors.
PLUNGE: Solid Rock Cafe will sell hot chocolate and coffee From page 1
for the Piedmont Polar Plunge a few weeks ago after he’d been thinking about it for several months. “Over the years, I’ve seen on the news people jump into Lake Michigan and other lakes,” he said. “I thought that was kind of neat and thought we could do the same thing here in Piedmont. It’s a way to have some fun, bring some good publicity to our town and do something crazy for a good cause.” Butler, who has gone through four bouts of cancer, said she was excited and surprised when Baker proposed the idea to her. “I’m very thankful that he wants to support Venecia’s Foundation,” she said. “I think it will be a lot of fun. I’ve always been known for some crazy shenanigans, so this is right down my alley.” Butler reminds everyone that the Solid Rock will be selling hot chocolate and coffee and possibly cinnamon rolls. She said the money raised will help buy portable DVD players and headphones for the chemo chairs in this area. “We appreciate everyone who supports Venecia’s Foundation,” she said. “And I’m very thankful that Mayor Baker wants to
support the foundation.” There is a $10 registration charge. To pre-register, go to the city administration building in Piedmont anytime before the day of the event. Participants can also register the day of the plunge if they get to the pool prior to 10 a.m. There will be t-shirts for sale at the plunge. Pre-registrants have the option of choosing the size of their shirts. For those who register on the day of the event, shirts will be available on a first come first serve basis. Children must also be pre-registered to order a shirt. “If someone would like to come and not take the plunge but make a donation for a good cause, that would be wonderful,” said Baker. “We’re really encouraging everyone to come out. We’d love to have a big crowd. It’s for a good cause, and we’re hoping to make a lot of money for Venecia’s Foundation.” Baker said there’ll be a bonfire and heated changing rooms so that participants can change back into their street clothes. “We’re going to make it very accommodating,” he said. “We want everyone to know that it’s not just for Piedmont residents. Anyone can take a dip for a $10 donation.”
COUNCIL: Service will only apply to residents within city From page 1
the company, but some in other southern states are. “Texas is covered in these plans,” Welborn said. If the council approves the contract it will apply only to those people who live inside Piedmont’s city limits. It will cover the cost of their rides to any local regional hospital and from those hospitals to a larger hospital that has the capacity to do level one trauma care. Currently two companies, Air Evac of Carollton, Ga., and Life Saver of Gadsden, transport people from Piedmont to area hospitals. Last year, 19 people were taken out of the city on emergency helicopters. Officials could not say how many of those rides were given by Air Evac and how many were given by Life Saver, but both companies would continue to respond to emergencies in the city even if Piedmont enters into the contract. The companies would be called to scenes depending upon availability,
as is customary now. Air Evac has one helicopter stationed in Carrollton, Welborn said. “We would not be putting the other company out of service,” Welborn said. “We’re just trying to offer it at no negative cost.” The flights significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to rush people to the hospital. The closest level 1 trauma center is in Birmingham, and it takes an ambulance an hour and a half to get there. By helicopter it takes between 20 and 30 minutes. In other business the council: - Approved employees’ holiday work schedules for 2014. - Gave a utility superintendent permission to begin soliciting bids to replace one mile of gas lines and approved spending road money to cover the cost of the project.
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10 • Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Piedmont Journal
Carolyn’s Electrolysis & Permanent Makeup
Special on eye liner, brows, & lipliner. Reg. $350 - special $295 each. (256)547-3373.
Dachshunds AKC. Smooth wire & long hair, all colors, $200 & up. 256-236-8801, 256-419-6063
2 and 3 BR Homes & trailers TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE All of the ads in this column represent legitimate offerings, however The Piedmont Journal does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads.
Arris Inc is accepting applications for a Project Manager Assistant. Individual must have experience in Microsoft Excel, Word, and be proficient in researching items on the internet and must follow directions with little or no supervision. Construction experience preferred but will train the right candidate. Candidate must be dependable, reliable with good work ethics. BCBS of AL, 401K benefits, M-F 7:30-4:30 Resumes’ should be sent to 5155 Bains Gap Rd, Anniston, AL 36205, e-mail or fax 256-847-3457. No Phone Calls Please.
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Gentlemen’s Club
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Heavy Equipment Operator Training! Bulldozers,
Last week’s answers
Backhoes, Excavators. 3 Weeks Hands On Program. Local Job Placement Assistance. National Certifications. GI Bill Benefits Eligible. 1-866-362-6497 TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE All of the ads in this column represent legitimate offerings, however The Piedmont Journal does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads.
Stairlifts- Wheelchair Lifts local sales, local service, made in the USA, Grizzard Living Aids 256-237-2006
TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE All of the ads in this column represent legitimate offerings, however The Piedmont Journal does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads.
#1 I buy junk cars paying $200 & up, will match competitor’s price. Honest, dependable & fair on the price, 256-310-0552 WANTED JUNK CARS
Will pay $200 and up Cash. Must have title. Open 7 days. 256-613-7633 or 256-613-7336
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TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE All of the ads in this column represent legitimate offerings, however The Piedmont Journal does recommend that readers exercise normal business caution in responding to ads.
for rent. For more information call 256-447-8162, 256-444-7450, 256-454-5263
2Br furn/unfurn Houses in Piedmont for Rent, Sec. Dep., no pets, CH&A 256-447-8994 For Rent or Sale: Small neat 3 br, 2 ba house, located 3 mi. North of Piedmont in Spring Garden School Dist., Cherokee Electric. No smoking or inside pets (256)447-9826 for details.
Piedmont, 3 br, 2 ba, fixer upper, $27,000 cash or will finance for $2000 down, $450 mo. for 96 months. 256-748-8488. Piedmont-
3Br, payment much lower than rent or great rental property. Good cond. under $20,000 251-621-1091
plus fuel bonus. New equipment. BCBS. Experience needed. LP available. Call 1-877-693-1305. (R) _________________________ NEW CAREER - CDL training. Jobs available if qualified. Call today - start tomorrow! WIA, VA, Post-9/11 G.I. Bill & Rehab. ESD TDS, LLC. 1-866-432-0430. (R) _________________________ OWNER OPERATORS - average $3K per week! Be out up to 14 days and enjoy guaranteed home time! Weekly settlements. Cardinal Greatwide pays loaded or unloaded. 100% fuel surcharge to driver. Class-A CDL & 1yr driving experience. Fleet owners welcome. Operate under your own authority or ours! Call Matt 1-866-833-1340. _________________________ HELP WANTED-TRADES HEAVY EQUIPMENT operator training! Bulldozers, backhoes, excavators. 3 week hands on program. Local job placement assistance. National certifications. GI Bill benefits eligible. 1-866-362-6497. _________________________ MEDICAL SUPPLIES NEW AND used - stair lift elevators, car lifts, scooters, lift chairs, power wheel chairs, walk-in tubs. Covering all of Alabama for 23 years. Elrod Mobility 1-800-682-0658. (R) _________________________
Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage executed by Chester Weeks, III, an unmarried man, TO THE BEST OF OUR to AmSouth Bank, on the 4th KNOWLEDGE day of September, 2003, said All of the ads in this column mortgage recorded in the Ofrepresent legitimate offerings, fice of the Judge of Probate of however The Piedmont Calhoun County, Alabama, in Journal does recommend Mortgage Book 4191, Page that readers exercise normal 176; said mortgage having business caution in respond- subsequently been transferred ing to ads. and assigned to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation, by instrument recorded in Mortgage Book 4223, Page 355, in the aforesaid Probate Office; the undersigned JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., successor HouseJacks/Floor Supports/ by merger to Chase Home Finance LLC, successor by merrot seals/ba’s/kit.’s,/wd.fence/ ger to Chase Manhattan MortRoom add.1-205-362-0128 gage Corporation, as Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Courthouse at Anniston, Calhoun County, Alabama, on January 27, 2014, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, 2007 Chevrolet situated in Calhoun County, AlSilverado abama, to-wit: A tract or parcel of land in the Fully loaded only NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec80,000 miles tion 18, Township 15, Range 8, Calhoun County, Alabama, deAsking $20,000. scribed as beginning at a point on the East line of said NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 that is 468.2 feet Call after 5 pm North of the Southeast corner 256-223-2616 thereof; thence North 03 Degrees 08 Minutes West, along said East line 120.0 feet to the TO THE BEST OF OUR Southeast corner of Lot 36 of KNOWLEDGE Lyncoya Subdivision 2nd AddiAll of the ads in this column tion as shown by Plat recorded represent legitimate offerings, in the Probate Office of Calhowever The Piedmont houn County, Alabama in Plat Journal does recommend Book “T”, Page 45; thence that readers exercise normal South 86 Degrees 09 Minutes business caution in respond- West, along the South line of ing to ads. said Lot 36, 184.3 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence South 01 Degrees 46 Minutes East, 107.0 feet, along the East line of Dagun Drive as shown by the Plat of Lyncoya Subdivision, recorded in the INSTRUCTION CUSTOMER SERVICE train- Probate Office of Calhoun ees needed! SC Train can get County, Alabama in Plat Book you certified & ready for work! “O”, Page 23; thence South 89 No experience needed! Job Degrees 51 Minutes East, placement after online training 187.2 feet to the point of begincompleted. HS diploma/GED & ning; situated, lying and being PC/Internet needed! in Calhoun County, Alabama. Property Street Address: 1-888-512-7118. _________________________ 6129 Chartee Drive, Anniston, MEDICAL OFFICE trainees AL 36206 needed! Train to become a THIS PROPERTY WILL BE Medical Office Assistant! No SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE experience needed! Online IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY ENCUMtraining at SC gets you job EASEMENTS, AND EXCEPready! HS diploma/GED & BRANCES, PC/Internet needed! TIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE 1-888-926-6075. (R) IN THE _________________________ CONTAINED RECORDS OF THE OFFICE HELP WANTED-DRIVERS 25 DRIVER TRAINEES need- OF THE JUDGE OF PROed now! Become a driver for BATE OF THE COUNTY TMC Transportation! Earn WHERE THE ABOVE-DE$750 per week! No experience SCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITTHIS PROPERTY needed! Job ready in 15 days! UATED. WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT 1-888-743-4611. (R) _________________________ WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, ATTN: DRIVER trainees need- EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS ed! $800 to $1000 a week plus TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENbenefits! Home weekly or OTR! JOYMENT AND WILL BE Everyone approved if qualified! SOLD SUBJECT TO THE Company sponsored, cash, fi- RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF PARTIES ENTITLED nance, GI bill, WIA. No CDL, ALL no problem, will train locally! THERETO. This sale is made for the pur1-800-878-2537. _________________________ pose of paying the indebtedDRIVERS: RUN FB with WTI. ness secured by said mortBe home through the week and gage, as well as the expenses weekends. Start up to 28% of foreclosure.
The Piedmont Journal
County, Alabama, on January 27, 2014, during the legal hours of sale, all of its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in Calhoun County, Alabama, to-wit: The North 80 feet of Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, as shown on the Map of Oak Hills, recorded in the Office of the Probate Judge of Calhoun County, Alabama, in Plat Book M, Page 45; situated, lying and being in Calhoun County, Alabama. THIS PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMBRANCES, AND EXCEPTIONS REFLECTED IN THE MORTGAGE AND THOSE CONTAINED IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE JUDGE OF PROPiedmont Journal BATE OF THE COUNTY Calhoun Co., AL WHERE THE ABOVE-DEDecember 4, 11, 18, 2013 SCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITUATED. THIS PROPERTY MORTGAGE WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT FORECLOSURE WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS SALE TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENDefault having been made in JOYMENT AND WILL BE the payment of the indebted- SOLD SUBJECT TO THE ness secured by that certain RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF mortgage executed by David ALL PARTIES ENTITLED R. Thompson, Jr. and Amber THERETO. O. Thompson, husband and This sale is made for the purwife, to Mortgage Electronic pose of paying the indebtedRegistration Systems, Inc., ness secured by said mortsolely as nominee for ERA gage, as well as the expenses Mortgage, on the 18th day of of foreclosure. May, 2006, said mortgage re- The Mortgagee/Transferee recorded in the Office of the serves the right to bid for and Judge of Probate of Calhoun purchase the real estate and to County, Alabama, in Mort- credit its purchase price gage Book 4367, Page 275; against the expenses of sale said mortgage having subse- and the indebtedness secured quently been transferred and by the real estate. assigned to PHH Mortgage This sale is subject to postCorporation, by instrument ponement or cancellation. recorded in Mort: 4669 Page: The Bank of New York Mellon 159, in the aforesaid Probate Trust Company, National AssoOffice; the undersigned PHH ciation fka The Bank of New Mortgage Corporation, as York Trust Company, N.A. as Mortgagee/Transferee, under successor to JPMorgan Chase and by virtue of the power of Bank, as Trustee for Residensale contained in said mort- tial Asset Mortgage Products, gage, will sell at public out- Inc., Mortgage Asset-Backed cry to the highest bidder for Pass-Through Certificates, Secash, in front of the main en- ries 2003-RS8, Mortgagtrance of the Courthouse at ee/Transferee Anniston, Calhoun County, Andy Saag Alabama, on February 10, SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. 2014, during the legal hours P. O. Box 55727 of sale, all of its right, title, Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 and interest in and to the fol- Attorney for Mortgagee/Translowing described real estate, feree situated in Calhoun County, Alabama, to-wit: 185803 Lot 12, as shown on the map of Hidden Valley Subdivi- The Piedmont Journal sion, as recorded in the Of- Calhoun Co., AL fice of the Probate Judge of December 4, 11, 18, 2013 Calhoun County, Alabama, in Plat Book Z, at Page 20, situ- MORTGAGE FOREated, lying and being in Calhoun County, Alabama. CLOSURE SALE THIS PROPERTY WILL BE Default having been made in SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE the payment of the indebtedIS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ness secured by that certain ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUM- mortgage executed by Robert BRANCES, AND EXCEP- H. Sandt and Dawna M. Sandt, TIONS REFLECTED IN THE husband and wife, to Mortgage MORTGAGE AND THOSE Electronic Registration SysCONTAINED IN THE tems, Inc, acting solely as a RECORDS OF THE OFFICE nominee for Direct Lending, OF THE JUDGE OF PRO- Inc., on the 28th day of March, BATE OF THE COUNTY 2007, said mortgage recorded WHERE THE ABOVE-DE- in the Office of the Judge of SCRIBED PROPERTY IS Probate of Calhoun County, AlSITUATED. THIS PROPERTY abama, in Mortgage Book WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT 4427, Page 194; said mortWARRANTY OR RECOURSE, gage having subsequently EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS been transferred and assigned TO TITLE, USE AND/OR EN- to U.S. Bank National AssociaJOYMENT AND WILL BE tion As Trustee for RFMSI SOLD SUBJECT TO THE 2007SA3, by instrument reRIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF corded in Mortgage Book ALL PARTIES ENTITLED 4633, Page 194, in the aforeTHERETO. said Probate Office; the underThis sale is made for the pur- signed U.S. Bank National Aspose of paying the indebted- sociation As Trustee for Resiness secured by said mort- dential Funding Mortgage Segage, as well as the expens- curities I, Inc., Mortgage Passes of foreclosure. Through Certificates, Series The Mortgagee/Transferee 2007-SA3, as Mortgagreserves the right to bid for ee/Transferee, under and by and purchase the real estate virtue of the power of sale conand to credit its purchase tained in said mortgage, will price against the expenses sell at public outcry to the highof sale and the indebtedness est bidder for cash, in front of secured by the real estate. the main entrance of the CourtThis sale is subject to post- house at Anniston, Calhoun ponement or cancellation. County, Alabama, on January PHH Mortgage Corporation, 27, 2014, during the legal Mortgagee/Transferee hours of sale, all of its right, tiAndy Saag tle, and interest in and to the SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. following described real estate, P. O. Box 55727 situated in Calhoun County, AlBirmingham, AL 35255-5727 abama, to-wit: Attorney for Mortgag- Parcel 3, Laurel Ridge Subdiviee/Transferee sion, Addition No. 1, as recordw w w. s i r o t e . c o m / f o r e c l o - ed in Plat Book CC, Page 94, sures in the Probate Office of Cal268759 houn County, Alabama; situated, lying and being in Calhoun The Piedmont Journal County, Alabama. Calhoun Co., AL THIS PROPERTY WILL BE December 18, 25, 2013, Janu- SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE ary 1, 2014 IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS, ENCUMAND EXCEPMORTGAGE FORE- BRANCES, TIONS REFLECTED IN THE CLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE AND THOSE Default having been made in CONTAINED IN THE the payment of the indebted- RECORDS OF THE OFFICE ness secured by that certain OF THE JUDGE OF PROmortgage executed by Ra- BATE OF THE COUNTY sheedah M. Toyer, an unmar- WHERE THE ABOVE-DEried woman Rasheedah M. SCRIBED PROPERTY IS SITToyer-Doss, to Mortgage Elec- UATED. THIS PROPERTY tronic Registration Systems, WILL BE SOLD WITHOUT Inc., solely as nominee for WARRANTY OR RECOURSE, EquiFirst Corporation, on the EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS 22nd day of July, 2003, said TO TITLE, USE AND/OR ENmortgage recorded in the Of- JOYMENT AND WILL BE fice of the Judge of Probate of SOLD SUBJECT TO THE Calhoun County, Alabama, in RIGHT OF REDEMPTION OF Mortgage Book 4180, Page ALL PARTIES ENTITLED 191; said mortgage having THERETO. subsequently been transferred This sale is made for the purand assigned to The Bank of pose of paying the indebtedNew York Mellon Trust Com- ness secured by said mortpany, National Association fka gage, as well as the expenses The Bank of New York Trust of foreclosure. Company, N.A. as successor The Mortgagee/Transferee reto JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. serves the right to bid for and as Trustee for RAMP 2003- purchase the real estate and to RS8, by instrument recorded in credit its purchase price Mortgage Book 4595, Page against the expenses of sale 256, in the aforesaid Probate and the indebtedness secured Office; the undersigned The by the real estate. Bank of New York Mellon Trust This sale is subject to postCompany, National Association ponement or cancellation. fka The Bank of New York U.S. Bank National Association Trust Company, N.A. as suc- As Trustee for Residential cessor to JPMorgan Chase Funding Mortgage Securities I, Bank, as Trustee for Residen- Inc., Mortgage Pass-Through tial Asset Mortgage Products, Certificates, Series 2007-SA3, Inc., Mortgage Asset-Backed Mortgagee/Transferee Pass-Through Certificates, Se- Andy Saag ries 2003-RS8, as Mortgag- SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. ee/Transferee, under and by P. O. Box 55727 virtue of the power of sale con- Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 tained in said mortgage, will Attorney for Mortgagee/Transsell at public outcry to the high- feree est bidder for cash, in front of the main entrance of the Court- 232918 house at Anniston, Calhoun The Mortgagee/Transferee reserves the right to bid for and purchase the real estate and to credit its purchase price against the expenses of sale and the indebtedness secured by the real estate. This sale is subject to postponement or cancellation. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., successor by merger to Chase Home Finance LLC, successor by merger to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation, Mortgagee/Transferee Rebecca Redmond SIROTE & PERMUTT, P.C. P. O. Box 55727 Birmingham, AL 35255-5727 Attorney for Mortgagee/Transferee 113291
The Piedmont Journal Calhoun Co., AL December 4, 11, 18, 2013
WILLIAMS, SR., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned on November 27, 2013, by the Honorable Alice Divorce Notice: K. Martin, Judge of Probate of Steven Lyle Lay vs Stacey said County, notice is hereby Taylor Lay To: Stacey Taylor given that all persons having Lay last known address is 180 claims against said estate, are Manoai Drive, Ohatchee, AL hereby required to present the 36266, present whereabouts same within the time allowed unknown, take notice that Ste- by law, or the same will be ven Lyle Lay filed a complaint barred. for divorce in case number BRENT MORRISON, Personal DR-2013-900945.00 in the Cir- Representative of the Estate of cuit Court of Calhoun County, WELDON STEELE WILLIAMS, Alabama. The Plaintiff requests SR., Deceased a Final Judgment and Decree Alice K. Martin of Divorce from the Defendant. Judge of Probate The parties have lived separately for over twelve years. The Piedmont Journal Defendant is required to an- Calhoun Co., AL swer the Complaint on or be- December 18, 25, 2013 & fore the 1st of January 2014 or January 1, 2014 a Decree will be requested for failure to answer. Lauren L. NOTICE TO Freeman, Attorney for Plaintiff, CREDITORS PO Box 2554, Anniston, AL STATE OF ALABAMA 36202 (256) 238-1984. CALHOUN COUNTY PROBATE COURT The Piedmont Journal CASE NO.31845 Calhoun County, AL December 11,18, 25, 2013 and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CLYDE D. MOJanuary 1, 2014 SES, DECEASED Letters Testamentary on the NOTICE TO estate of CLYDE D. MOSES, deceased, having been grantCREDITORS ed to TAMMIE J. DIDION the STATE OF ALABAMA undersigned on December 3, CALHOUN COUNTY 2013, by the Honorable Alice PROBATE COURT K. Martin, Judge of Probate of CASE NO. 31842 said County, notice is hereby IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MELVIN JE- given that all persons having ROME MALKOVE, DE- claims against said estate, are hereby required to present the CEASED Letters Testamentary on the same within the time allowed estate of MELVIN JEROME by law, or the same will be MALKOVE, deceased, having barred. been granted to CAROLYN TAMMIE J. DIDION, Personal MALKOVE WICKSTROM, the Representative of the Last Will undersigned on November 26, and Testament of CLYDE D. 2013, by the Honorable Alice MOSES, Deceased K. Martin, Judge of Probate of Alice K. Martin said County, notice is hereby Judge of Probate given that all persons having claims against said estate, are Piedmont Journal hereby required to present the Calhoun Co., AL same within the time allowed December 18, 25 2013 & by law, or the same will be January 1, 2014 barred. CAROLYN MALKOVE WICKNOTICE TO STROM, Personal RepresentaCREDITORS tive of the Last Will and Testament of MELVIN JEROME STATE OF ALABAMA CALHOUN COUNTY MALKOVE, Deceased PROBATE COURT Alice K. Martin CASE NO. 31721 Judge of Probate IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF STEVEN ALAN Piedmont Journal MCCOMBS, DECEASED Calhoun Co., AL Letters Testamentary on the December 11, 18, & 25, 2013 estate of STEVEN ALAN MCCOMBS, deceased, having NOTICE TO been granted to LINDA MCCOMBS, the undersigned CREDITORS on November 27, 2013, by the STATE OF ALABAMA Honorable Alice K. Martin, CALHOUN COUNTY Judge of Probate of said PROBATE COURT County, notice is hereby given CASE NO. 31824 that all persons having claims IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARY G. MOR- against said estate, are hereby required to present the same RISON, DECEASED Letters of Administration on the within the time allowed by law, estate of MARY G. MORRI- or the same will be barred. SON, deceased, having been LINDA MCCOMBS, Personal granted to the undersigned on Representative of the Last Will November 26, 2013, by the and Testament of STEVEN Honorable Alice K. Martin, ALAN MCCOMBS, Deceased Judge of Probate of said Alice K. Martin County, notice is hereby given Judge of Probate that all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby Piedmont Journal required to present the same Calhoun Co., AL within the time allowed by law, December 11, 18, & 25, 2013 or the same will be barred. DONNA GAIL FIELD, Personal NOTICE TO Representative of the Estate of MARY G. MORRISON, DeCREDITORS ceased STATE OF ALABAMA Alice K. Martin CALHOUN COUNTY Judge of Probate PROBATE COURT CASE NO. 31770 Piedmont Journal IN THE MATTER OF THE Calhoun Co., AL ESTATE OF WAYNE B. CANDecember 4, 11, 18, 2013 NON, DECEASED Letters of Administration on the estate of WAYNE B. CANNON, NOTICE TO deceased, having been grantCREDITORS ed to the undersigned on NoSTATE OF ALABAMA vember 27, 2013, by the HonCALHOUN COUNTY orable Alice K. Martin, Judge of PROBATE COURT Probate of said County, notice CASE NO. 31833 is hereby given that all persons IN THE MATTER OF THE having claims against said esESTATE OF WILLIAM FRANK- tate, are hereby required to LIN WARMACK, DECEASED present the same within the Letters of Administration on the time allowed by law, or the estate of WILLIAM FRANKLIN same will be barred. WARMACK, deceased, having ELLEN J. CANNON, Personal been granted to the under- Representative of the Estate of signed on November 19, 2013, WAYNE B. CANNON, Deby the Honorable Alice K. Mar- ceased tin, Judge of Probate of said Alice K. Martin County, notice is hereby given Judge of Probate that all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby Piedmont Journal required to present the same Calhoun Co., AL within the time allowed by law, December 11, 18, & 25, 2013 or the same will be barred. DONNA L. LINDSEY, Personal NOTICE TO Representative of the Estate of WILLIAM FRANKLIN WARCREDITORS MACK, Deceased STATE OF ALABAMA Alice K. Martin CALHOUN COUNTY Judge of Probate PROBATE COURT CASE NO. 31814 Piedmont Journal IN THE MATTER OF THE Calhoun Co., AL ESTATE OF CHARLES F. December 4, 11, 18, 2013 IVEY JR., DECEASED Letters Testamentary on the estate of CHARLES F. IVEY NOTICE TO JR., deceased, having been CREDITORS granted to JANIE B. IVEY, the STATE OF ALABAMA undersigned on December 03, CALHOUN COUNTY 2013, by the Honorable Alice PROBATE COURT K. Martin, Judge of Probate of CASE NO.31844 said County, notice is hereby IN THE MATTER OF THE given that all persons having ESTATE OF WELDON claims against said estate, are STEELE WILLIAMS, SR., DE- hereby required to present the CEASED same within the time allowed Letters of Administration on the by law, or the same will be estate of WELDON STEELE barred.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013 • 11
JANIE B. IVEY, Personal Representative of the Last Will and Testament of CHARLES F. IVEY, JR., Deceased Alice K. Martin Judge of Probate Piedmont Journal Calhoun Co., AL December 11, 18, 25, 2013
NOTICE is hereby given that a bill substantially as follows will be introduced in the 2014 Regular Session of the Legislature of Alabama and application for its passage and enactment will be made: A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT Relating to Calhoun County; authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages in the city limits of the City of Piedmont and the police jurisdiction of the city each day of the week by properly licensed clubs and retail licensees of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; and to authorize the governing body of the city to regulate the sale of alcoholic beverages to the general public. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF ALABAMA: Section 1. This act only applies in the City of Piedmont in Calhoun County and in the police jurisdiction of the city. Section 2. Alcoholic beverages may be sold each day of the week for on-premises and offpremises consumption by licensed clubs and retail licensees of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board in the City of Piedmont and in the police jurisdiction of the city. Section 3. The City Council of the City of Piedmont, by resolution or ordinance passed by a simple majority, may regulate, but may not prohibit, the sale of alcoholic beverages for both on-premises and off-premises consumption each day of the week by licensed clubs and retail licensees of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to the general public. Licensed clubs and retail licensees granted a license may sell or dispense alcoholic beverages pursuant to the requirements of the license and applicable regulations of the board. Section 4. The provisions of this act are cumulative and supplemental to the present power and authority of the City of Piedmont and are not intended to repeal any existing power or authority of the governing body now permitted under the general laws of the state or under any local or special act of the Legislature. Section 5. This act shall become effective immediately following its passage and approval by the Governor, or its otherwise becoming law. Piedmont Journal Calhoun Co., AL December 18, 25, 2013, January 1, 8, 2014
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Piedmont City Schools
2012-2013 Accountability Reports
As required by Act 95-313 of the State of Alabama; the Piedmont City Board of Education has made available the accountability reports, student achievement, safety and discipline reports. They may be viewed by prior appointment by calling Alicia Gilley at 256-447-8831. The current monthly financial reports of the Piedmont City Schools are available on the school’s web site ( The Student Achievement Reports were released by the State Department of Education and have been made available on their web site ( under the section labeled “Accountability Reporting”. 314501
TOP LEFT: Evan Goodwin making paracord bracelets at the Christmas Festival at the civic center in Piedmont. TOP RIGHT: Lily Kate Ward enjoys all the Christmas crafts. ABOVE: Wyatt Smyth checks out Jane and Bill Lindsey’s merchandise. RIGHT: AJ Curtis and Teasanna Wood advertise for BBQ plates outside Cyde H. Pike Civic Center Saturday.
EvEry NEw ANd PrE-OwNEd BENtON NIssAN COmEs wIth A
wE'LL mAKE yOUr NEw NIssAN mONthLy PAymENt LEss thAN It CUrrENtLy Is Or
10 YEAR/120,000 MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY See Dealer For Details.
GIVE YOU 500! $
ONE OR MORE AT THIS PRICE. Vin#837346. Model#11154
ONE OR MORE AT THIS PRICE. Vin#166521. Mdl#13014
Where You've Got a Friend in the Car Business!
78 4
Dale Benton
Lower Payment/$500: In stock models only. Dealer will provide $500 if purchase vehicle payment is higher than trade in payment. 2008 and older do not qualify. Negative equity is responsibility of customer and not included in this offer. Negative equity may affect new payment amount. Down payment or trade equity may be required. Based on Altima S STK#14176. Versa Manual Sedan Stk#14161. Discount off retail price, $14,869. Dealership discount $2881. Plus tax, title, license and doc fees. Dealer retains all factory rebates and incentives. Guaranteed financing requires certain amount of cash down, proof of income, proof of residence. Warranty: Service not required at dealership. Valid with proof of Nissan Recommended service maintenance records. All offers with approved credit. Not all will qualify. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Pictures for illustration purposes only. See dealer for details.