Cleburne News - 02/13/14

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Serving Cleburne County since 1906 Due to the threat of inclement weather The Cleburne News decided to publish early this week.

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cleburne prepares LAURA CAMPER

Just two weeks after snow and ice paralyzed much of the state for days, a winter weather advisory Monday afternoon sent Cleburne County and city officials scrambling to prepare for more ice and snow. National Weather Service meteorologist Kevin Laws said the county is on the cusp of a wintry mix of sleet and snow. However, since temperatures even on Monday weren’t reaching the predicted highs of mid 40s, Laws said he would predict snow for the area today. “We’re looking at this lingering into Wednesday, even as late as Wednesday afternoon,” Laws said. Laws said there could be a break in the precipitation Tuesday afternoon, but it was expected to pick up again early Wednesday morning. He said a total of 4 inches to 5 inches isn’t out of the question. Cleburne County Engineer Shannon Robbins said the county was expecting a new load of sand on Monday, “just in case.” “We’ve got a limited supply of the de-icing pellets that we can mix in with the sand,” Robbins said. “Today, we’ll try

Misty Pointer

Heflin street department employee Michael Bruno hauls sand which might be needed in predicted winter weather this week. to get everything fueled up in case power’s out a while.” The county is limited in its ability to combat ice on the roads in part because of funding, he said. But it does the best it can with what it has, Robbins said. “It’s just not fiscally responsible to pour a whole lot of money into that when naturally we don’t have a lot of money any-

way to keep up the roads throughout the year,” Robbins said. The county does have three trouble spots in bad weather, Robbins said. The hill on Cleburne County Road 10 near the intersection with CR 5, the hill on CR 24 near the Calhoun County line and the hill at CR 70 in the Borden Springs area are closed quickly if bad weather sets in, he said.

County Administrator Steve Swafford said all county offices will open two hours late, at 10 a.m. today. One of the biggest concerns is the ability to ensure that critical work force, including deputies, jailers and emergency management agency workers, are able to get to and from work beginning on this morning and continuing into Thursday,

Swafford said. The county is arranging transportation in four-wheel drive vehicles, he said. “We’re prestaging some folks overnight that could work the morning shift if they need to,” Swafford said. Superintendent Claire Dryden said the schools will be closed today. The students will be making up the day on President’s Day Feb. 17, Dryden said.

“We will make a decision about Wednesday tomorrow,” she said. City of Heflin officials met Monday to plan for the bad weather. “What will really be different on this one is going to be ice on the power lines,” said Mayor Rudy Rooks.

n See Weather page 6

Power outage in Heflin disrupts 4,000 customers LAURA CAMPER

Laura Camper

Alabama Power linemen worked on restoring the 4,000 customer power in the Heflin area on Friday morning

For news stories call Laura at 256.463.2872 +

A broken power line disrupted power to about 4,000 customers in the Heflin area, including Pleasant Grove School, Friday morning, according to an Alabama Power representative. Calls started coming in about 6:30 a.m., said Wendell Wood, Heflin business office manager for Alabama Power. The company was able to start restoring power within 30 minutes, Wood said. Power was completely restored by 8 a.m. Superintendent Claire Dryden said the school’s power was restored by 7 a.m. However, the school excused all tardies and absences for the day. Many of the families in the Hollis area use wells for their water, and with the

power out, they had no water either, Dryden said. That would have made it difficult for the students to get ready for school, she said. “It was just for the families, a convenience for the families,” Dryden said. Six substations were affected by the broken line. Wood was unsure what caused the power line to break, but the men working to repair the line had a theory. “It looks like lightning strikes in the past and this cold coming in may have caused the line to break,” said Jamie Machen, who was working to repair the line off Brockford Street in Heflin about 9:30 a.m. The lightning strikes weakened the line; then the cold weather caused it to contract and that could have caused it to break, Machen explained. Staff writer Laura Camper 256-463-2872. On Twitter @LCamper_Star.

INDEX: Opinion/Editorial . . . . . . 3 Church Sponsor . . . . . . . 6 Sports . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 4

Heflin Highlights. . . . . . 2 Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Classified . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

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2 • The Cleburne News, Thursday, February 13, 2014

Cleburne Churches AND EVENTS

Cedar Creek by: Glenda Triplett

Wise Chapel by: Dorcas Toney

It was a beautiful warm day to be in God’s house Sunday. Our youth and the adults that went with them were still energized from attending Winter Jam in Atlanta the night before! 30,000 people mostly youth gathered to praise God! Hallelujah! Pastor Donald’s message came from I John 4:7-19 entitled “True Love”. The world today is seeking love in all the wrong places and ways. Love is a strong powerful emotion unlike any other we experience. Love is hard to define but once you have experienced it you never forget the feeling. TRUE love is found only by and in those who abide in God. The Bible tells us God is love. It is one of His attributes such as patience and goodness. God’s love is perfected in us when His love is experienced in and through us. We exercise and strengthen our love of the unseen (God) by showing love to the seen (others). The strongest proof of the reality of God in the world is the love of God displayed in His people. How did God prove His love for us? He sent His only Son to suffer the punishment we deserved for our sin. The most powerful force in the universe is God’s love! No love is greater! You cannot know the true love of God until you first receive it. “We love Him because He first loved us.”

February 23 will be men's breakfast hosted at Wise Chapel this month. This week we celebrate love. May God bless us all. Our prayer list grows with need: Lula Mae Camp, Bea Crawford, Rider Bearden, Linda Besselman, Sandy Patterson, Deanie Smith, Ken Sanders, Grayson Smith, Andrea Smith, Ozell Benefield, Bobby Williamson, Clarence Noles, Ronald Edwards, Pat McKinney, Andretti Daniel, Lester Norton, Kayla Foreman, Elaine Daniell, Mary Truett, our military, our nation and national leaders. May God bless you all soon. Our scripture came from Matthew: 22:34-40 and I Corninthians 13L4-7. Called to love the way, God loves, hard to do at times but you knows as parents we have children that show out and give us trouble but we love then anyway and we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. Imagine life with such an unselfish love. We should see ourselves as a reflection of the way God sees us. Remember love is from God. Happy Valentine's Day.

East Heflin by: Bruce Wright

Brotherhood meets for our huge breakfast this Sunday morning is at 745 a.m. All men and boys are invited. On 23rd there will be a luncheon for all wanting to help with kids this year. Bro George opened to James 1:1-12, “Winning the Battles We Face”. How to turn life’s trials into life’s triumphs. Battles come or way and we must win them. To start we must have as attitude that is joyful. God wants to move us out of our comfort zone to a character that can face battles. From material to physical to spiritual. From bitter to better. We must have a mind that is understanding. God wants to mellow us to know it is for our betterment. God wants to mature us. We must have a will that is surrendered. God wants to mature us. The work he does for us is salvation. Only he can do it. The work he does in us is sanctification. The work he does through us is service. We have an eternity to praise him but right now is our opportunity to serve. We must have a heart that is believing. God wants to make us wise. Wisdom is required. Use a real eye to look at matters. It is required but how often is it requested?? Ask of God and it shall be given. Wisdom is received but not refused. Determined by indecision. Don’t have a divided loyalty. Have you trusted Him today? Are you more like Him?

Mt. Olive Church of God by: Susie Smith Brother Jarvis Taylor opened our services today. He compared the weather warnings and the game of hideand-seek, when we knew that the person that was “it” was coming to find us, with the promise we have of Jesus’ return. We have time to prepare, now’s the time to get ready. Our Sunday School lesson was a “Plea for a Pure Lifestyle”; several verses from Proverbs were used. We have to call sin - sin, there’s no other word for it. The devil likes for us to think we’ve done too much to be saved, but if we confess our sins the Father is Faithful and just to forgive us (I John 1:9). We have to get into the depths of God’s word. Brother Ronnie’s messages today both taught us about prayer. Scripture verses were Isaiah 56:1-8 and Luke 6:12-19. God’s house shall be called a house of prayer for all people. II Chronicles 7:14 tells us “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. Think how God feels when we want to pray (bond with him). If Jesus had to pray as much as He did, how much more do we need to pray! Prayer changes things! If we can pray for you let us know. Brother Ronnie;s number is 256-201-9444.

New Hope Ministries by: Veneta McKinney Greetings from New Hope Ministries. May the Lord give you peace and joy this next week. We will be having our Valentines Banquet on Friday February 14 at 6:30 at the Church. Please bring a covered dish if you attend. The whole family is invited to attend and have a fun time. Sunday February 16 we will be having a special Women’s Get-Together at the church at 3 pm. It will be a great time of fellowship and getting to know each other. In the month of March, we will be having “March Forward” on Sunday nights at 5 pm. These will be leadership classes for those wishing to become leaders of the church. This past Sunday was a very special service. Three members and their families were ordained as ministers and elders of our church. These families were Cheyenne and Michelle Connell, Adam and Michelle Voss, and Jeff and Mary Lyner. There was a message on Leadership and what type leader are you: Visionary, Administrative, or Shepherding. The Visionary leader is one that can see what is to be done and how to do it. The Administrative is the leader that is behind the scenes and helps accomplish the vision of the House. The Shepherd is the leader that cares for the sheep. We all have a role to play and

Pinetucky by: Mary Alvarado Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven Matthew 5:16. It was a cool but beautiful day to be alive. We were blessed with a new member. Choir sang “God On The Mountain.” Many still need our love and prayer. Let them know you care. Don’t forget the birthday anniversary folks. We hope you have many more. Happy Valentines Day on Friday. Father let our light shine bold and bright as a reflection of your work in our lives. Have a safe and blessed week.

Heflin Highlights by: Suzanne Payne This will be an abbreviated version of Heflin Highlights. All news had to go to press a little earlier than usual due to the possibility of rough winter weather. Take care!

Thoughts of Love

A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway!

Happy Birthday

Feb. 13-Wade Dasinger, Katie Ware, Ken Norton, Deanna Williams, Tyler Shaw and Brynlee Corbett. Feb.14-Cindy Templeton, Sandy Weston, Dallas Jane Parris and Kinsley Humphries. Feb.15-Annie Holmes, Jeff Waldrep, Jane Harlan, Mason McLean, Megan Brown and Landon Austin. Feb.16-Scott Johnson, Zach Gossage and Amber Smith. Feb.17-Danny Spradlin and John Parrish. Feb.18-Donna Taylor, Cara Wood, Lee Wright, Conner Williams and Margaret Taylor. Feb.19-Teresa Vise and Emma Cavender.

Happy Anniversary

February 22 Miss Cleburne County Pageant will be held February 22. The pageant is sponsored by the Cleburne County High School Tiger Band. It will be held at the CCHS Gym. The entry fee is $50.00. All Girls PreK - 12 are Invited to Participate. Deadline for registration will be February 12. Entry Forms are available at: All Cleburne County Schools, WM Grocery and Dryden’s Florist in Heflin and Buddy’s Sports in Hollis. For more information contact The Paul Family, will be singing at, Mt. Paran Baptist Church, located on County Road 40, Fruithurst on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at 6:00 PM CST. Pastor Wayne Pike and all the members invite you to come, and join in a night of worship Refreshments will be served. For information or directions you may call --700-579-5263 March 8 Reunion for 1959-1967 CCHS athletes will be held March 8 at Heflin Baptist Church Fellowship Hall from 9 -11 a.m.

Obituaries Betty Joyce Coffey

Betty Joyce Coffey, 74, died Thursday, February 06, 2014 at University Hospital. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 PM on Saturday, February 08, 2014, at Dryden Funeral Home Chapel with the Dr. Steve Dempsey officiating. Burial followed in Corinth Cemetery. Visitation will be Saturday, February 08, 2014 from 1:00 PM until 2:00 PM at Dryden Funeral Home. Survivors include: Husband - Leon Coffey, Heflin; Daughter - Lisa (Craig) Thompson, Acworth, GA Son - Jason (April) Coffey, Heflin, AL Grand Child - Brad Thompson Grand Child - Courtney Thompson Grand Child - Brittany Coffey Grand Child - Autumn Coffey Pallbearers: Jason Coffey, Brad Thompson, Craig Thompson, Wayne Huddleston, Walter Huddleston, Matthew Huddleston and Zach Stone Mrs. Coffey was born in Anniston, Alabama and had lived in Cleburne County for most of her life. She was married to her husband Leon for 51 years. Joyce loved spending time with family and friends, going to football games and to the beach. She was an avid trade day and yard sale shopper, member of Pine Grove Baptist Church and member of the Faith Sunday School Class.


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February 14-Joel and Brenda Robinson. Joel and Brenda have been gloriously married for 29 years. Congratulations to the Robinsons!…Jane and R.T. Thompson…Gary and Minanett Warren. February 15-Johnny and Iris Kent…Eddie and Phyllis Wynn. February 17-Barry and Lisa Kellum…Danny and Judy Spradlin. February 19-Donald and Kathy Ashley.

Sunshine List

Karen Crumpton Lowman, Sara McCormick, Sue Roach, Jeannie Smith, Linda Harris, Kenneth Lee, Rider Bearden, Merrill Hayes, Ken Sanders, Sara Noland, Jacky Stovall, Jimmy Pentecost and Jimmie Nell Vise.

Diabetes Education February 25 Diabetes Education will be held February 25 at Heflin Methodist Church at 6:30 p.m. The topic will be Living with diabetes with Louis Divalentin, MD

Morehead named to the Dean's List William Morehead, of Heflin, Ala., a senior, was named to the Dean's List of Mercer University's College of Liberal Arts for the fall 2013 semester. Inclusion on this list requires students to meet rigorous grade-point-average standards specific to the college or school within the University. Founded in 1833, Mercer University is a dynamic and comprehensive center of undergraduate, graduate and professional education. The University enrolls more than 8,300 students in 12 schools and colleges – liberal arts, law, pharmacy, medicine, business, engineering, education, theology, music, nursing, health professions, and continuing and professional studies – on campuses in Macon, Atlanta and Savannah – and four regional academic centers across the state. The Mercer Health Sciences Center, launched July 1, 2012, includes the University's medical, nursing, health sciences and pharmacy schools. Mercer is affiliated with four teaching hospitals – Memorial University Medical Center in Savannah, the Medical Center of Central Georgia in Macon, and The Medical Center and St. Francis Hospital in Columbus. The University also has educational partnerships with Warner Robins Air Logistics Center in Warner Robins and Piedmont Healthcare in Atlanta. It operates an academic press and a performing arts center in Macon and an engineering research center in Warner Robins. Mercer is the only private university in Georgia to field an NCAA Division I athletic program.

The Cleburne For ad rates call 256.463.2872

SWEEP BEFORE YOU SPEAK What has become of our Love of Jesus? Things take place in someone's life and people go crazy talking, and adding to and posting on facebook, things that are not true. They tell it their way. But guess what? They know not what happened, for they were not there. In the world we live in today, people Love to see people hurt. They have no Love for them. They only like to put them down. Where are our Christians in the world today? As a Christian our job is to pray for those going through hard times, and fighting their demons. Not to low rate them and say their no good but to lift them up. Before You speak or post on facebook, You need to sweep under your own doorstep. For everyone has some kind of sin in their life May God bless us all, for our people today need it. You see the world today is the same as it has been always. It is the people in the world. We will never become as one, as long as we do not have the Love of Jesus for each other. pd advertisement A child of God With the Love of Jesus in my Heart

THE CLEBURNE NEWS, Thursday, February 13, 2014 • 3


It looks like a ho-hum race for governor

Usually gubernatorial years are marquee political events in Alabama politics. However, this year is shaping up as a mundane affair. Not only is Gov. Dr. Robert Bentley headed for a cakewalk coronation, so are all the other four incumbent constitutional officeholders. Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey, Attorney General Luther Strange, Agriculture Commissioner John McMillan and State Treasurer Young Boozer, all appear to have smooth sailing in their reelection bids. It appears that the best statewide race will be for the low‑profile office of Secretary of State. When I was growing up it was a post held by women. Two legendary female politicians, Agnes Baggett and Mabel Amos, would serve two perfunctory four‑year terms in the Secretary of State office, and then they would swap. Ms. Amos would be treasurer for eight years and then move to Secretary of State. Ms. Baggett would move next door to the treasurer’s office. They were political fixtures on Goat Hill for years. Now come three men seeking the Secretary of State’s office in 2014. All three gentlemen are qualified for the position and any of the three would do a good job. State Rep. John Merrill of Tuscaloosa has been running for over a year. He is finishing his first term in the Statehouse. He is the youngest of the three and probably sees Secretary of State as a steppingstone to higher office. Reese McKinney is the former probate judge of Montgomery County. He is in his mid 60s and well‑known in the Montgomery river region. Jim Perdue is currently serving as probate judge of Crenshaw County. He is in his early 60s and spent the early part of his career as a successful businessman.

It is hard to predict who will be the favorite in this race. It is very difficult Steve to raise money in Flowers this contest because it is essentially an administrative job and it cannot do anything for anybody. Inside The Statehouse Not many political action committees or lobbyists are interested in giving to campaigns for this office. I am reminded of a story of bygone years when I think about the Secretary of State’s race. Don Siegelman was making his initial statewide race in the 1970s. He was running for Secretary of State and won. Don was by all accounts a liberal, especially by Alabama standards. He was born running for governor. Every step he made since his birth in Mobile had been with an eye towards being governor of Alabama. He was similar to George Wallace in that regard. However, unlike Wallace, Siegelman had somewhat of a liberal/progressive philosophical leaning. Wallace had no philosophical tenets. He just wanted to run and win. There were several political aspirants of that era with the progressive viewpoint. Siegelman and Bill Baxley come prominently to mind. They loved and really idolized Big Jim Folsom, Alabama’s legendary populist governor of the 1940s and 50s. Big Jim was not only a classic populist and progressive, he was also pragmatic and believed in helping his friends and

rewarding his supporters. In his 1970s inaugural campaign for Secretary of State, Siegelman had been campaigning extensively in North Alabama and wound up late one night at a truck stop in Cullman off I-65. Big Jim would camp out at this truck stop drinking coffee. Siegelman spotted old Big Jim right off the bat. Siegelman was so excited. He had never met his legendary idol. He immediately went over to introduce himself. Big Jim welcomed Siegelman to his table and told this young idealistic politician to sit down and visit. At that invitation Siegelman began to bubbly tell big Jim his story. He said, “Governor, I was president of the SGA at the University of Alabama, then went to Georgetown to law school. I studied at Oxford in England. Then I became head of the Democratic Party and now I’m finally running for statewide office in my early 30s.” Big Jim listened patiently to Siegelman’s pitch he then paused and took a sip of coffee and looked pensively at Siegelman and said, “Boy, why are you telling me all that stuff? You want my advice or something?” Siegelman excitedly replied, “Yes, Governor. I would love your advice.” Big Jim continued, “Boy, what did you say your name was and what office are you running for?” Siegelman told him. Big Jim imparted this advice. He said, “Boy, first of all, I would change my last name to Smith. Second, I would tell folks that I went to Oxford high school, not England. Thirdly, and most importantly, don’t you know you can’t steal no money in that job?” Steve Flowers is Alabama’s leading political columnist. His column appears weekly in more than 70 Alabama newspapers.

My Valentine’s Day tribute to Tolkien

When I first heard of the novels of J.R.R. Tolkien, I resisted reading them. Also, I did not see the movies based on his books The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. Fantasy stories have never been my favorite genre. However, teaching The Hobbit has changed my mind. I love the author’s style of writing, and I sometimes feel giddy while reading The Hobbit. Also, I am in awe of what a fine professor, husband, and father Tolkien was. Tolkien lived from 1892 to 1973. He was an Englishman who lived his early childhood in Africa. His father was a banker there, but his mother was never completely happy living away from England. First of all, she was nervous about poisonous snakes. She did not allow Tolkien and his younger brother Hilary to play outdoors, and it’s no wonder. Once in Africa, a tarantula bit her older son. Later, Tolkien channeled his anxiety over the incident into a chapter in his books about a land of scary spiders. Tolkien’s mother moved the boys back to England and anticipated her husband’s return. In England, she allowed her sons to play in the woods of Sarehole near Birmingham. They ripped and romped and let their imaginations run wild. At home, she taught them about elves, fairies, and other characters that stimulated their imaginations. She home-schooled the boys and taught them about other languages. Unfortunately, Tolkien’s father died in Africa. The family had to rely on assistance from other family members in England. Before too many years went by, Tolkien’s beloved mother developed diabetes and died. A priest at the nearby Catholic church took over the boys’ education and care. He placed them, eventually,

into an orphanage but kept close watch on them. The priest recogSherry nized Tolkien’s brilliance and once Kughn forbade him to date an orphaned girl named Edith Bratt whom he had met. Sherry-Go-Round She was from a nearby group home. Tolkien obeyed his mentor and focused on his education for several years until he graduated from Exeter College. Then, his own Valentine story began when he went looking for Edith. He found her engaged to another man. Tolkien petitioned her caregivers and won her hand. Their successful marriage produced four children, all of whom grew into productive adults. (A daughter is still living.) Tolkien served during World War I in 1916 and saw action until he developed a fever that lasted, off and on, the duration of the war. After his military service, Tolkien was busy working first as a lexicographer on part of the Oxford English Dictionary. In fact, his tedious and meticulous work as a dictionary writer must have contributed to his ability to shift from creative fantasy to clever quips about the real world. Later, he worked as a professor at Pembroke College at Oxford University. During that time, he prioritized time with his wife and children. He rearranged his evening tutoring sessions so students would come to his home,

and he was known to throw open the doors of his study for the children to approach him anytime they needed his attention. Also, he was a romantic person. One example of this was when he once saw his young wife dancing in a meadow where they had gone to spend the day. He so admired her that he later wrote a story about two lovers. Afterward, he adopted the names of the characters, Beren and Luthien, as pet names for his wife and him and had them engraved upon their tombstones. I enjoyed reading various library books about Tolkien’s life. Then, I read The Hobbit. Tolkien’s writing style is simple and descriptive. He tells his story enthusiastically while interrupting it to speak directly to the reader. The book is full of humor, suspense, and colorful descriptions. I laughed out loud at his description of how the game of golf was created. “[The king’s head] sailed a hundred yards through the air and went down a rabbit-hole, and in this way the battle was won and the game of Golf invented at the same moment.” Also, I loved the antics of his bumbling little dwarves who reminded me of some of my favorite childhood characters, Larry, Moe, and Curly who were known as The Three Stooges. We give Valentine’s cards to people who are special in our lives. It seems fitting to me, as a lover of words well used, to send a memorial valentine to this scholarly author whose timeless novel of heroic and magical little people has enchanted generations of children and adults alike. Happy Valentine’s Day, J.R.R. Tolkien. Email Sherry at

It’s time to replace career politicians of both parties President Obama and progressives are destroying America in the name of transforming America into a utopian, socialist state. In the last hundred years progressives have taken over nearly every aspect of American life and economy, beginning in 1913 with formation of the Federal Reserve System that controls American banking and money.

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926 Ross Street • P.O. Box 67 • Heflin, AL 36264 (256) 463-2872 • (800) 408-2872 Fax (256) 463-7127 • Member National Newspaper Association

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Editor Laura Camper Volume 121-7

The Cleburne News (USPS 117-420) is published every Thursday by Consolidated Publishing Co., and entered as periodicals at the Post Office in Anniston, Ala. 36202. Subscription rates: One Year in Cleburne County $22 One Year Elsewhere $36 Six Months in Cleburne County $13

What could one buy with a dollar in 1913: $23.53 worth of goods Daniel with today’s currency! Think about what you Gardner could get today for $23.53. In 1913 you could get the same thing for $1. How did the My Thoughts American dollar fare before the government took over: the dollar actually gained value under the free market. Thank you progressive government for reducing Americans’ buying power. This is just one example of how progressive government drives up costs. Progressives have controlled both major political parties for decades. Progressive politics is neither a Republican nor a Democratic thing, though this latest wave of Democrats has put progressive policies and regulations on steroids. George W. Bush and Republican leaders in Congress grew progressive government nearly as fast as President Obama and his party’s progressive leadership. We’ve been very fortunate government has not completely overwhelmed our formerly free-market, capitalistic economy (I’m talking about the 1800s). The American experiment launched by our Founding Fathers whereby citizens were granted the right to govern themselves with a very weak and limited central government, and stronger governance given to the states and to the people (see the 10th Amendment) created the most productive nation and society in history. How do Americans fare compared with citizens of all other nations? To be among the richest 1-percent in the whole world, one would need an annual income of $34,000 according to World Bank economist Branko

Milanovic’s 2010 book The Haves and the Have-Nots. Americans have no idea how well we have it here compared with billions of people in other nations. President Obama and progressives in both parties want to redistribute wealth, want to reduce the income gap, and want government to meet all of our needs. More than half of Americans now depend on the government for some kind of benefit to maintain their standard of living. Where does government get money to provide these benefits? Fewer than half of us give way more to the government than we receive in government benefits. The government takes money from fewer than half of us who have earned that money and gives it to more than half of us who have become dependent on government dollars and benefits. Our Founding Fathers formed America to protect individual rights from oppressive, centralized governance, and to provide opportunities for individuals to succeed. For the last 100 years in general and the last 50 years in particular, progressives have transformed America from the land of opportunity and the land of the free into a bunch of special interest groups bribing career politicians for bigger government handouts. Make no mistake. Progressives like President Obama despise our constitutional republic, complaining the Constitution only states what government “can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf.” It’s time to replace career politicians of both parties with representatives who abide by the Constitution and care about the America our Fathers founded. Daniel L. Gardner is a syndicated columnist who lives in Starkville, MS. You may contact him at, or visit his website at Feel free to interact with him on the Clarion-Ledger feature blog site blogs.

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4• The Cleburne News, Thursday February 13, 2014

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EAST HEFLIN BAPTIST 189 Evans Bridge Rd. Heflin, 463-5650 EDWARDSVILLE BAPTIST 4062 Burton St. Edwardsville FIVE POINTS BAPTIST 2535 County Rd.6 Heflin, 253-2155 FREEDOM BAPTIST 2124 Frank Ledbetter Mem Dr. Ranburne, 568-2277



FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST RR 1 Muscadine, 574-7176 FRUITHURST BAPTIST 125 School St. Fruithurst, 579-2027 HAPPY HILL Hwy 46 Heflin HEFLIN BAPTIST 155 Almon St. Heflin, 463-2576 HEPSABAH BAPTIST 77 County Rd. 106 Heflin, 253-2956



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MACEDONIA BAPTIST 3920 County Rd. 48 Ranburne, 748-4460 MARANATHA MISSIONARY BAPTIST 1379 Oxford St.

Heflin, 463-2159 MOUNT OLIVE BAPTIST 73 Church St. Heflin, 463-5459 MT PARAN BAPTIST FRUITHURST, AL MUSCADINE BAPTIST County Rd. 49 Muscadine, 579-2112 NEW HARMONY 2359 Hwy. 9 Heflin, 463-5840 NEW HOPEWELL 11654 County Rd 49 Heflin NEW ZION BAPTIST 217 Jefferson St. Heflin, 463-1099 OAK HILL BAPTIST 349 County Rd. 823 Heflin, 831-8467 OLD HOPEWELL BAPTIST Co. Rd. 43 PILGRIMS REST FIRST BAPTIST 2211 County Rd. 205 Fruithurst, 463-5636 PINE GROVE BAPTIST 921 Co. Rd. 62 Heflin 748-8701 PINETUCKY BAPTIST 2984 Co Rd 10 PLEASANT HILL BAPTIST Hwy 9 RANBURNE FIRST BAPTIST 2700 Frank Ledbetter Mem Dr. Ranburne, 568-3677

CHURCH OF GOD PO Box 153 Edwardsville EASTH ATH CHURCH OF GOD Fruithurst, 579-1011 HEFLIN CHURCH OF GOD 205 Willoughby St. Heflin, 463-2902 MOUNT OLIVE CHURCH OF GOD 2763 County Rd. 65 Fruithurst, 463-5569 EPISCOPAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH – THE MESSIAH 836 Lakeview Dr. Heflin, 463-2928 HOLINESS Liberty Rock Holiness 2488 Hwy 46 334-707-3585 METHODIST ANTIOCH UMC 12657 County Road 49 Heflin 256-201-7074 Cody Shelton Pastor BETHEL UNITED METHODIST County Road 80 Muscadine 463-2178 CAMPGROUND UNITED METHODIST 24581 County Rd. 49 Muscadine, 463-1123 CHULAFINNEE METHODIST 1834 County Rd. 8 Heflin, AL 36264 253-2692 FIRST UNITED METHODIST 785 Ross St. Heflin, 463-2441

UNION HILL BAPTIST 13621 County Rd. 10 Ranburne,

GREEN’S CHAPEL County Road 36, Heflin

VERDON CHAPEL 12581 Highway 46 Heflin, Al.36264 256-748-2679

HURRICANE METHODIST Co Rd. 42 Heflin SS 10a.m. -WS 11a.m.


LIBERTY HILL METHODIST 77 County Rd. 142 Heflin, 253-3337


RANBURNE UNITED METHODIST 11 Church Dr. Ranburne, 568-2534

Loans from $150 to $5,000 Approved in 30 minutes or less! All loans subject to our liberal lending policies

Columbus Finance & Tax Service 596 Ross St. • Heflin, Al 36264 256.463.4377

Sarah Matilda’s Antiques and Gifts “Antiques, Gifts and Gourmet Foods” 542 Ross Street Heflin, Alabama 36264 Wed-Fri: 10:00-5:00, Sat: 10:00-2:00


1221 Almon St. Heflin, Al 36264

WISE CHAPEL UNITED METHODIST 14950 Hwy. 46 Heflin, 748-2013

Store Hours:


Mon - Sat 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Deli Hours: Mon-Fri 10:30 - 2 p.m.

NEW BEGINNINGS MINISTRY 5151 Hwy. 78 Heflin, 463-5588

WRIGHT DRUG COMPANY Heflin Diabetes Care Center

Gary W. Wright, R.Ph., CDE Greg Denman 256.568.3984 800.523.9568

Registered Pharmacist Certified Diabetes Educator

21144 Main Street Ranburne, AL 36273

Ryan Jackson, Pharm D

960 Ross Street Heflin, AL 36264

Phone: (256) 463-2188 Fax: (256) 463-2377

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The Cleburne News, Thursday, February 13, 2014 – 5


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(R) _________________________ NEW CAREER - CDL training. Jobs available if qualified. Call Stairlifts- Wheelchair Lifts today - start tomorrow! WIA, VA, Post-9/11 G.I. Bill & Relocal sales, local service, made hab. ESD TDS, LLC. in the USA, Grizzard Living 1-866-432-0430. www.ESDsAids 256-237-2006 (R) _________________________ TO THE BEST OF OUR NOW HIRING OTR flatbed KNOWLEDGE drivers. Birmingham to Florida All of the ads in this column & Texas. $0.38 - $0.45 per represent legitimate offerings, mile. Home most weekends. however The Cleburne BC/BS insurance + benefits. News does recommend that Minimum 2 years experience & readers exercise normal busi- clean MVR. 1-800-580-2205 x ness caution in responding to 1. ads. _________________________ OWNER OPERATORS CDL-A up to $200,000 a year. Out 2 weeks home as many days as needed. Lease purchase available. Sign on bonus. 1-855-803-2846. #1 I buy junk cars _________________________ paying $200 & up, will match NEED CLASS A CDL training? competitor’s price. Start a career in trucking today! Honest, dependable & fair on Swift Academies offer PTDI the price, 256-310-0552 certified courses and offer “Best-In-Class” training. New academy classes weekly, no money down or credit check, certified mentors ready and available, paid (while training with mentor), regional and dedTO THE BEST OF OUR icated opportunities, great caKNOWLEDGE reer path, excellent benefits All of the ads in this column package. Please call: represent legitimate offerings, 1-520-226-4557. however The Cleburne _________________________ News does recommend that TRANSFER DRIVERS: Need readers exercise normal busi- CDL A or B drivers to relocate ness caution in responding to vehicles to and from various loads. cations throughout U.S. No forced dispatch: 1-800-501-3783 or under careers. _________________________ HELP WANTED TRADES HEAVY EQUIPMENT operator training! Bulldozers, backhoes, excavators. 3 week hands on program. Local job placement assistance. National certifications. GI Bill benefits eligible. 1-866-362-6497. _________________________ LAND FOR SALE 2 ABUTTING SMITH Lake front lots. Being sold as 1 just $59,900. On maintained road with all utilities in place. Great location, beautiful land ideal for TO THE BEST OF OUR friends and family. Priced for KNOWLEDGE quick sale but must be bought All of the ads in this column together. Call 1-877-452-8406. represent legitimate offerings, _________________________ however The Cleburne News does recommend that BLUE RIDGE Mountain Get4.64 acres, only readers exercise normal busi- away! ness caution in responding to $44,800. Beautifully wooded 4.64 acre estate with pictuads. resque rolling mountain views. Ideally located at end of quiet country road with no traffic. Enjoy privacy along with peace & quiet. Build when you are ready. All underground utilities: water, electric, fiber optic cable. Excellent financing. PerHeflin Oaks fect for weekend mtn. cabin or Apartments year-round residence. Call now 866-952-5303, x 145. We are no longer _________________________ accepting applications SMITH LAKE 2 acre deep for Section 8 starting dockable, 230+ ft. waterfront. January 16, 2014 until Was $220k, now $89,900 further notice. (brand new covered double Mark Hampton dock slip installed). Call Site Manager 1-855-389-3620. _________________________ Please Call FOR SALE 256-463-7433 DISH TV retailer. Starting Almon Street $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) Heflin, AL 36264 Broadband Internet starting TDD 1800-548-2546 $14.95/month (where available.) Ask about same day installation! Call now! You’re 1-800-311-7159. Covered _________________________ With FOR SALE Classifieds SAWMILLS FROM only $4897. Make & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info/DVD: 1-800-578-1363 ext. 300N. _________________________ MEDICAL SUPPLIES NEW AND used - stair lift eleTO THE BEST OF OUR vators, car lifts, scooters, lift KNOWLEDGE chairs, power wheel chairs, All of the ads in this column walk-in tubs. Covering all of Alrepresent legitimate offerings, abama for 23 years. Elrod Mohowever The Cleburne bility 1-800-682-0658. (R) News does recommend that _________________________ readers exercise normal busi- MISCELLANEOUS ness caution in responding to QUESTIONS ABOUT Jesus ads. Christ? Any question on the

Bible is answered. Open forum/dynamic bible query. Call 1-513-476-0486 now. or _________________________


Department of Transportation. Plans and Proposals will be mailed only upon receipt of remittance. No refunds will be made. Minimum wage rates for this project have been pre-determined by the Secretary of Labor and are set forth in the advertised specifications. This project is subject to the contract work hours and Safety FORECLOSURE Standards Act and its impleNOTICE menting regulations. Default having been made in Cashier’s check or bid bond for the payment of the indebted5% of bid (maximum ness described in and secured $10,000.00) made payable to by that certain mortgage exethe Alabama Department of cuted by DAVID WILSON, Transportation must accompamarried, as Mortgagor(s) to ny each bid as evidence of Mortgage Electronic Registragood faith. tion Systems, Inc., acting soleThe bracket range is shown ly as nominee for First Magnus The Cleburne News only to provide general finanFinancial Corporation, as Mort- Cleburne Co., AL cial information to contractors gagee, dated the 5th day of February 13, 20, 27, 2014 and bonding companies conApril, 2007, and recorded in cerning the project’s complexity Mortgage Book 2007, Page and size. NOTICE OF 1750, et seq. of the records in This Bracket should not be the Office of the Judge of Proused in preparing a bid, nor will COMPLETION bate Court of Cleburne County, Strain Construction Company this bracket have any bearing Alabama; said mortgage being hereby gives notice that all on the decision to award this lastly assigned to BAC HOME work has been completed on contract. LOANS SERVICING, LP fka the following project for the The Bracket Estimate On This COUNTRYWIDE HOME Cleburne County Water Au- Project Is From $3,152,580 To LOANS SERVICING, LP by in- thority. Project No. 100211.05, $3,853,153 strument recorded in said Pro- 2012 Water System Exten- The proposed work shall be bate Court records; said de- sions Contract in Cleburne Co., performed in conformity with fault continuing, notice is here- AL. Anyone having a claim the rules and regulations for by given that the undersigned against contractor should notify carrying out the Federal Highwill, under and by virtue of the the following: Constantine En- way Act. power of sale contained in said gineering at 2414 Airport Road Plans and Specifications are mortgage sell at public outcry West, Fort Payne, Alabama on file in Room E-108 of the Alfor cash to the highest bidder 35967 or call 256-997-9887. abama Department of Transduring legal hours of sale, on portation at Montgomery, Alathe 27th day of February, The Cleburne News bama 36110. 2014, in the city of Heflin, at Cleburne Co., AL In accordance with the rules the front Door of the Court February 13, 20, 27 & March 6, and regulations of The AlaHouse of Cleburne County, 2014 bama Department of TransporAlabama, the following detation, proposals will be issued scribed real property situated only to prequalified contractors NOTICE OF ADOPin the County of Cleburne, or their authorized representaState of Alabama, to-wit: tives, upon requests that are TION HEARING A portion of Vineyard Lots received before 10 AM., on the PROBATE COURT OF 1215 and 1216 and 1217 from day previous to the day of CLEBURNE COUNTY the plat of Fruithurst, Alabama, opening of bids. CASE NO. 2014-001 and lying in the NE 1/4 of the To: Lavada Clark and any oth- The bidder’s proposal must be NW 1/4 and the SE 1/4 of the er interested party of Arianna submitted on the complete NW 1/4 of Section 12, Town- Denise Pesnell, a minor: original proposal furnished him ship 15 South, Range 11 East, Please take notice that a Peti- or her by the Alabama DepartCleburne County, Alabama, di- tion for adoption of the above ment of Transportation. vided into lots and being more named minor child who was The Alabama Department of particularly described as: Com- born to LAVADA CLARK on or Transportation, in accordance mencing at the NW corner of about December 8, 2006 has with Title VI of the Civil Rights Vineyard Lot 1217 at an iron been filed in said court and that Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 pin found; thence South 89 de- a hearing on said Petition has U.S.C. 2000D TO 2000D-4 and grees l0 minutes 57 seconds been set for the 24th day of Title 49 code of Federal ReguEast a distance of 198.93 feet March, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. be- lations, Department of Transto an iron pin found (pipe); fore the Probate Court of Cle- portation, Subtitle A, Office of thence south 88 degrees 37 burne County. Please be ad- The Secretary, Part 21, nondisminutes 37 seconds East a dis- vised that if you intend to con- crimination in federally-assisttance of 199.97 feet to an iron test this adoption you must file ed programs of the Department pin found (pipe); thence South written response with the attor- of Transportation issued pursu1 degree 13 minutes 54 sec- ney for the petitioner(s) named ant to such act, hereby notifies onds West a distance of 97.53 below and with the Clerk of the all bidders that it will affirmafeet to an iron pin set; thence Probate Court, Cleburne tively insure that in any conSouth 1 degree 13 minutes 54 County as soon as possible but tract entered into pursuant to seconds West a distance of no later than thirty (30) days this advertisement, minority 102.81 feet to an iron pin set; from the last day this notice is business enterprises will be afthence South 1 degree 13 min- published. forded full opportunity to subutes 54 seconds West a dis- Patrick P. Casey mit bids in response to this intance of 104.82 feet to an iron vitation and will not be discrimipin set; thence South 1 degree The Cleburne News nated against on the grounds 13 minutes 54 seconds West a Cleburne Co., AL of race, color, religion, sex, or distance of 104.97 feet to an February 6, 13, 20, & 27, 2014 national origin in consideration iron pin set; thence South 1 defor an award. gree 13 minutes 36 seconds The right to reject any or all NOTICE OF ADOPWest a distance of 94.96 feet bids is reserved. to an iron pin set; thence South JOHN R. COOPER TION HEARING 88 degrees 40 minutes 35 secTransportation Director onds East a distance of 152.81 PROBATE COURT feet to an iron pin set and the The Cleburne News point of beginning of the hereOF CLEBURNE Cleburne Co., AL after described Lot #9; thence February 13, 20, 27, 2014 COUNTY CASE North 02 degrees 00 minutes 32 seconds East a distance of REQUEST FOR NO. 2014-004 65.01 feet to an iron pin set; To: CRYSTAL BOOKOUT, the SERVICE BY thence South 88 degrees 40 mother, and ADAM BOWLING, minutes 35 seconds East a dis- the father of CANNON CHASE PUBLICATION tance of 284.06 feet to an iron BOWLING, a minor: Please NUMBER: pin set on the westerly ROW of take notice that a Petition for CASE Cleburne County Road #233 adoption of the above named JU-2013-33.02 PETITIONER: CLEBURNE (Fruithurst-Rosewood Road); child who was born to COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF thence along said ROW bear- minor BOOKOUT and HUMAN RESOURCES ing thence South 05 degrees CRYSTAL BOWLING on or about IN THE MATTER OF: Jolie 11 minutes 05 seconds West a ADAM 3, 2011 has been filled Anna Turner, a minor child distance of 128.15 feet to an August said Court and that a hear- TO: Javos Jesse Hughes, fairon pin set; thence leaving in on said Petition has been ther to Jolie Anna Turner, said ROW bearing South 88 ing for the 24th day of March, whose whereabouts are undegrees 13 minutes 57 sec- set at 10:30 before the Pro- known. onds West a distance of 2014 Court of Cleburne County. A Petition has been filed in this 277.54 feet to an iron pin set; bate be advised that if you Court requesting that the pathence North 02 degrees 00 Please to contest this adoption rental rights of the father to Jominutes 32 seconds East a dis- intend must file written response lie Anna Turner (DOB tance of 77.83 feet to an iron you the attorney for the peti- 04/01/2013), Javos Jesse pin set and the point of begin- with tioner(s) named below and with Hughes be terminated and that ning Clerk of the Probate Court, the permanent custody of the THIS PROPERTY WILL BE the County as soon as subject matter be vested in the SOLD ON AN “AS IS, WHERE Cleburne but no later than thirty State of Alabama Department IS” BASIS, SUBJECT TO ANY possible from the last day this of Human resources. You must EASEMENTS, ENCUM- (30) days is published. file and answer to said Petition BRANCES, RESERVATIONS notice to terminate Parental Rights AND EXCEPTIONS RE- Patrick P. Casey within fourteen (14) days of FLECTED IN THE MORT- The Cleburne News perfection of service by publiGAGE AND/OR THOSE CON- Cleburne Co., AL cation or a judgment by default TAINED IN THE RECORDS February 6, 13, 20, 27, 2014 may be rendered. Your answer OF THE OFFICE OF THE is to be filed in the Juvenile JUDGE OF PROBATE OF Court of Cleburne County, AlaNotice To THE COUNTY WHERE THE bama, at the Cleburne County ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPContractors Courthouse. You are further ERTY IS SITUATED. THIS notified of your right to counsel PROPERTY WILL BE SOLD Federal Aid Project No. to represent you, and if you are WITHOUT WARRANTY OR STPAA-HSIP-0009(554) RECOURSE, EXPRESSED CLEBURNE COUNTY, Ala- unable to afford counsel, one will be appointed by the Court OR IMPLIED AS TO TITLE, bama USE AND/OR ENJOYMENT Sealed bids will be received by to represent you in this proAND WILL BE SOLD SUB- the Director of Transportation ceeding. A parent has the right JECT TO THE RIGHT OF RE- at the office of the Alabama to representation of an attorney DEMPTION OF ALL PARTIES Department of Transportation, in a dependency or a terminaMontgomery, Alabama until 10 tion of parental rights trial, and, ENTITLED THERETO. Said sale will be made for the AM., February 28, 2014, and at if indigent, the Court may appurpose of paying said indebt- that time publicly opened for point an attorney if requested. Should the parent desire a edness and the expenses inci- constructing the following: dent to this sale, including a RESURFACING, WIDENING, court-appointed attorney, applireasonable attorney’s fee, and AND TRAFFIC STRIPE ON cation should be made immedithe other purposes set out in SR-9 FROM THE CLAY ately upon receipt of notice of COUNTY LINE TO I-20 the action, but no later than 30 said mortgage. BAC HOME LOANS SERVIC- The Length Of This Project Is: days prior to trial, by contacting the Juvenile Court Intake office ING, LP fka COUNTRYWIDE 10.330 Miles. HOME LOANS SERVICING, The total amount of uncomplet- at 256-463-2651. This case is ed work under contract to a set for trial on April 24, 2014 at LP contractor must not exceed the 10:30 a.m. Done this the 16th Holder of said Mortgage amount of his or her qualifica- day of January, 2014 Goodman G. Ledyard tion certificate. Jerry Paul Owen, Circuit Clerk PIERCE LEDYARD, P.C. The Entire Project Shall Be Cleburne County Courthouse Attorneys for Mortgagee Completed In Eighty (80) 120 Vickery Street Post Office Box 161389 Working Days. Heflin, AL 36264 Mobile, Alabama 36616 A 4.00% DBE Contract Obliga- Attorney for Petitioner: (251) 338-1300 tion Is Required. Jayme Amberson (KIR039) A Bidding Proposal may be Assistant Attorney General The Cleburne News purchased for $5.00. Cleburne County Department Cleburne Co., AL Plans may be purchased for of Human Resources February 6, 13, & 20, 2014 $3.00 per set. PO Box 1869 and Proposals are avail- Anniston, AL 36202 IN THE PROBATE Plans able at the Alabama Depart- (256)240-2072 ment of Transportation, COURT OF 1409 Coliseum Boulevard, The Cleburne News Room E-108, Montgomery, AL Cleburne Co., AL CLEBURNE 36110. Checks should be January 23, 30, February 6 & COUNTY, made payable to the Alabama 13, 2014 IN RE: THE ESTATE OF CARNELL TURNER ROBERTS, DECEASED CASE NO. 2013-105 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to the undersigned on the 21st day of January, 2014, by the Honorable RYAN ROBERTSON, Judge of Probate Court of CLEBURNE County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law or the same will be barred. RUBY M. SCHELL

6 • The Cleburne News, Thursday, February 13, 2014

Glitch with communications equipment LAURA CAMPER

Cleburne County officials expect newly purchased digital communication equipment will fix longstanding radio problems for local police and sheriff’s deputies, but a nearby sheriff’s office could drag out the county’s application for a license. Officials have tried several different solutions to resolve the communication problems the county has been having for more than a year. Heflin police Chief A.J. Benefield, Heflin Chief Investigator Michael Gore, Chief Deputy Dennis Green and Ranburne police Chief Steve Tucker all arranged for their agencies to test new digital equipment, working out agreements as to how they would share the cost of

operating and maintaining the new equipment, said Cleburne County Administrator Steve Swafford. Heflin police tested the equipment for two or three weeks during both the day and night shifts, Benefield said. “We actually looked and tried to find trouble spots,” Benefield said. “The digital system worked flawlessly.” The county sent in its order for the digital equipment Monday, Swafford said. The county received a $40,000 grant from the Department of Homeland Security to purchase the equipment. The grant, which was originally awarded to another recipient but declined for some reason, must be closed by the end of February, he said. That meant going through a quick bid process including a pre-bid

conference on Thursday when the county roads were still slick with ice in places, he said. But Swafford said the urgent nature of the bid process saved some money. The county had estimated it would cost $60,000 to $70,000 to outfit the Sheriff’s Office with new equipment. But the winning bidder, Anniston-based McCord Communications, bid just less than $40,000. That includes assisting Heflin and Ranburne police in purchasing equipment, Swafford said. Heflin City Clerk Shane Smith said the city was able to buy its share of the equipment for much less than anticipated. Smith said city officials used money from the sale of surplus property to buy $10,844 worth of equipment, including nine mobile units for the police

cars, 12 walkie-talkies for the officers and one base unit for the department, Smith said. Ranburne Town Clerk Pam Richardson said Ranburne police haven’t had to purchase any of the equipment at this time. Still, when the agencies receive the radios and equipment, they will have to start out using the equipment in its existing analog frequency, Swafford said. The county applied to the Federal Communications Commission to transfer its license on the existing frequency from analog to digital. One requirement for the application is to seek letters of concurrence from other frequency holders who have licenses with frequencies that might be affected, Swafford said. That precaution is required because the digital signal has a longer reach,

Swafford said. He compared it to a basketball player with bigger elbows. “Picture going from Charles Barkley to Shaquille O’Neal,” Swafford said. Swafford doesn’t think there would be any interference, but the other license holders can refuse to agree to the change. If they refuse, the county will have to apply for a license for a new frequency, and that would take considerably more time, Swafford said. Two license holders were contacted. One license holder sent a letter of concurrence; the other, the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia, declined, Swafford said. In a letter to McCord Communications, Jason Jenkins, communication system specialist for Cherokee County, cited the re-

cent interference issues on Cleburne County’s frequency and the greater transmission distance as concerns. Attempts to reach Jenkins for comment on Friday were unsuccessful. Swafford said he would like to work out a deal with the Georgia sheriff to do a 30-day trial. If there are interference problems, they could be worked out then. Benefield said he and some other officers and deputies plan to meet face-to-face with representatives of the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office to work out a deal with them. “I think we’d get a lot further with that than with a letter,” Benefield said. No meeting had been scheduled as of Friday, they said. Staff Writer Laura Camper 256-463-2872. On Twitter @LCamper_Star.

Weather: “We’ve got a limited supply of the de-icing pellets that we can mix in with the sand,” Robbins said. From page 1

The city should prepare for possible power outages and stranded motorists by opening a warming center at the Heflin Recreation Center, Rooks said. The city should also contact the Heflin Baptist Church to make sure they are ready to open an overnight shelter if necessary, he said. Keith Yancy, street de-

partment supervisor, said the city was expecting to install a straight blade on the tractor to help clear city streets. Rooks asked Yancy to see if the city could borrow a second straight blade from the county if he could find another tractor the city could use during the threat. “Let’s concentrate maybe on getting our main

ment is located and roads near the Heflin Fire Department. Rooks suggested the city also make sure the grocery stores’ and Jack’s parking lots are clear. “I know we’re not really supposed to go on private property,” Rooks said. “But if it’s an issue where people can’t get in and out to get your basic needs,

we’ll make it safe.” Yancy said the city was also expecting a load of sand on Monday to add traction to slippery streets. Heflin Police Chief A. J. Benefield said the he is having staff come in with extra clothes in case they have to work an extended shift. The city planned to open

City Hall as usual today and to hold the City Council meeting on Tuesday afternoon. The mayor said he believed the ice and snow probably wouldn’t hang around for days like the last storm. “If it turns into a couple days with power out, then we’re gonna have to regroup,” Rooks said.

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roads scraped,” Rooks said. The street department should prioritize keeping the Rec Center parking lots clear as well as the Cleburne County Nursing Home, Rooks said. Yancy said the street department also concentrates on the road behind City Hall where the police depart-

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