Anniston Star Escapes - January 29, 2010

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Inside The Grammy Awards go younger. Page 10

get l

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

Will the iPad stir up the video game world? Page 13


T he f inal season premieres   Tuesday. We offer a crash   course to help catch you up. Pages 14-15





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12 3 8-9 6-7 25 16-27

On The Cover Lost marks the beginning of the end on Tuesday. We offer a refresher course to help you get caught up.

Pages 14-15 This week’s movie releases: Edge of Darkness, When In Rome

coming next week CAST presents Southern Hospitality.

The Grammy Awards The premier event in music is skewing younger this year, with most of the big-award nominations going to newer acts.

Page 10

Music The 69-year-old Ringo Starr recently released a new album, but is forever a Beatle.

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Contact US Entertainment Editor Deirdre Long, 235-3580 Interim Editor Kevin Jeffers, 235-3580 Advertising 235-9222 P.O. Box 189 Anniston, AL 36202

Movies Mel Gibson returns in a starring role for the first time in almost eight years in Edge of Darkness.

Page 8

Technology Apple’s new iPad does a lot, but an unexpected effect could be felt in the video game industry.

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network Locator Following is a list of selected channels and networks carried by CableOne (left column) and Charter Cable (right column). This is not a complete list of all channels the companies’ customers can receive. A 3-digit number means the channel is available only on that company’s digital lineup.

Stations & networks wBrc wcIQ wVtM wtto wJXS wJSU wIat wPXH waBM tV-2 a&e aMc anPL BBc Bet BIo BraVo cMt coMeDY DISc DISn e! eSPn FaM FooD FoXSS FX FXM GSn HaLL HBo H&G HISt LIFe MaX MILIt MtV nGeo nIck SYFY ScIence SHow SoaP SPeeD SPIke SPSo tBn tBS tcM tLc tnt toon tVLanD USa VH1 cnBc cnn cSPan cSPan2 Fnc MSnBc

FoX PBS nBc cw tV-24 aBc cBS Ion My network community Programming arts & entertainment american Movie classics animal Planet BBc america Black entertainment television Biography Bravo country Music television comedy central Discovery Disney entertainment television ent. & Sports Programming aBc Family Food network Fox Sport South FX network Movies from Fox Game Show network Hallmark channel Home Box office Home & Garden History Lifetime cinemax Military Music television national Geographic nickelodeon Science Fiction the Science channel Showtime Soapnet Speed Spike SportSouth trinity Broadcasting network turner Broadcasting System turner classic Movies the Learning channel turner network television cartoon network tV Land USa network Video Hits 1 consumer news and Business cable network news cable Satellite Public affairs cable Satellite Public affairs 2 FoX news Microsoft nBc network

6 10 13 8 9 4 11 7 12 2 44 50 61 -37 322 345 43 55 33 42 48 35 17 49 51 27 315 314 312 3 54 40 23 120 321 46 327 24 28 325 140 311 304 47 52 390 39 58 34 38 57 60 29 45 31 25 63 62 65 41


Calendar Books Movies Music TV Crossword TV listings

A’ton, J’ville, Oxford

Jan. 29-Feb. 4 2010

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Best Sellers From Oxford Books-A-Million (Overall store ranking)

1. (1) The Help by Kathryn Stockett (Putnam, $24.95) 2. (NA) KISSER by Stuart Woods (Putnam, $25.95) 3. (3) I, Alex Cross by James Patterson (Little, Brown, $27.99) 4. (4) FORD COUNTY by John Grisham (Doubleday, $24) 5. (5) The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown (Doubleday, $29.95) NONFICTION 1. (1) HAVE A LITTLE FAITH by Mitch Albom (Hyperion, $23.99) 2. (NA) Game Change : Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime by John Heilemann and Mark Halperin (Harper, $27.99) 3. (3) GOING ROGUE by Sarah Palin (HarperCollins, $28.99) 4. (5) ACT LIKE A LADY, THINK LIKE A MAN by Steve Harvey (Amistad, $23.99) 5. (2) COMMITTED by Elizabeth Gilbert (Viking, $26.95)

❱ Word of the week plenipotentiary plen-uh-puh-TEN-shee-air-ee; shuh-ree , adjective; 1. Containing or conferring full power; invested with full power; as, “plenipotentiary license; plenipotentiary ministers.” noun: 1. A person invested with full power to transact any business; especially, an ambassador or diplomatic agent with full power to negotiate a treaty or to transact other business. Origin: Plenipotentiary derives from Latin plenus, “full” + potens, “powerful.” Quotes: At that time, Egypt was our protectorate, which meant the High Commissioner was the plenipotentiary of George V and carried independent authority. — David Freeman, One of Us → Want to review a book? Contact Kevin Jeffers at

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

Story of discovery told by entertaining writer ducks. The Curse of the Labrador Duck: My Within the conObsessive Quest to the Edge of Extinction by Glen Chilton; Simon and Schuster, 2009; text of this historical background, 305 Pages; $25

and DNA-testing the last nine collected eggs. The Curse of the Labrador Duck is a really exciting story of discovery told by a very witty, informative and entertaining Chilton, the writer. Reviewed by Art Gould world’s leading To view actual taxidermic mounts of authority on the endangered and extinct birds locally, visit Few birds have gone extinct faster than extinct Labrador the Anniston Museum of Natural Histhe Labrador Duck. Anas labradoria (the Duck, makes the tory. The museum’s collection includes following condisplays of five extinct birds: A Heath Hen, duck’s original scientific name) was first fession at the Carolina Parakeets, an Eskimo Curlew, spotted by Europeans in eastern Canada beginning of his Passenger Pigeons and an Ivory-Billed in 1792. Less than one hundred years book: Woodpecker with its eggs and nest. Dan later, the duck was extinct. In 1875, hunt“I had been Spaulding, the museum’s curator of colers shot the last known Labrador Duck at lections, has recently catalogued the its wintering grounds on Long Island, N.Y. an imposter, claiming to be the world’s most noted authority on museum’s 5000 collected bird eggs ... but Dr. Glen Chilton, an internationally something that I had never actually seen.” alas no Labrador Duck eggs or stuffed renowned ornithologist and behavioral Thus begins Chilton’s long journey to specimens. ecologist, writes, “… the Labrador Duck The closest Labrador Ducks to Annisearned the dubious distinction of becom- correct this odd omission in his scientific credentials, as he sets out to track down ton are in the Field Museum of Natural ing the first species of bird endemic to History in Chicago. They have two. North America to be driven to extinction.” every existing specimen and to hold the Even after successfully completing In 1970, legendary bird-watcher Roger ducks and make a scientific record of each one. his quest, Chilton continues to search Tory Peterson, author of the popular “... so I embarked on an adventure to for new specimen of the Labrador Duck. series of Peterson’s birding guidebooks, examine and measure every stuffed LabHe makes this offer in the epilogue of the identified the Labrador Duck as his No. 1 rador Duck specimen, no matter where book: “I will pay a reward of $10,000 to the extinct bird in the world. The demise of it was, without exception. ... I would first person who can direct me to a genuthis handsome black-and-white duck in examine every Labrador Duck egg in ine stuffed Labrador Duck that I have not less than one hundred years happened in every museum, and visit every spot on the seen and described. ...” a blink of geologic time. If you happen to come across a stray Ironically, camptoloemus labradorius planet where the ducks were known to have been shot.” Labrador Duck, contact Chilton at: www. (the duck’s current scientific name) was Starting in August 2000, the quest gone almost immediately after the species takes Chilton around the globe, traveling Art Gould is a former newspaper was discovered ... hunted out of existence. more than 72,000 miles while ferreting reporter and book publisher. He lives in In all the world, there are only 54 taxiderout the remains of his Labrador Ducks Anniston. mic mounts and study skins of the lost

A dutiful tribute to rural English life La’s Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCall Smith; 293 pages; Pantheon; $23.95

English village during the early years of WWII. The plot is comfortably narrow, revolving around a priviReviewed by Lance Hicks leged young British woman named La The majority of Alexander (short for Lavender) McCall Smith’s previous novels who, after losing have been mere installments her husband, moves in various sagas, including the to the countryside No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency where she organizes series. an amateur orchestra This time around, however, to rally the spirits of Smith seems to have crafted a her newfound friends novel that truly stands on its and neighbors. own. In La’s Orchestra Saves Although the concept of the World, Smith unspools a the war is often discussed in delightful little yarn that truly a lengthy manner throughout defies expectations, though the novel, it rarely has a visible not always in good ways. effect on the characters. This Most of the action in La’s reduces the book’s perspective Orchestra takes place in a small of the war to that of a storm

looming on the horizon rather than the torrential rain that it really was for most of Europe. The idea of music as a counter-weight to tragedy becomes nothing more than background noise as the plot-point of La’s Orchestra frequently takes a backseat to descriptions of her personal life. In spite of the fact that Smith treats these sections with a delicate hand and a hard-to-find element of tenderness, it sometimes seems like these digressions are accidental and undermine the intended focus of the novel.

Most importantly, though, Smith accomplishes a rare feat through La’s Orchestra in that he manages to use folksy language that is congruent with the novel’s theme, without allowing his wording to become oversimplified and thus stylistically damaging. This small victory works wonders for Smith in more ways than one, since the novel’s purpose seems to be defined by Smith’s tendency to pay homage to old-world sensibilities. It is for this reason that the parting impression of the novel is best viewed as a dutiful tribute to rural English life. Lance Hicks is an English major at Jacksonville State University.

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

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BRIEFLY ENTERTAINING Clear Channel wants to kiss and make up with Howard Stern

Bebeto Matthews/Associated Press

Haitian musician and humanitarian Wyclef Jean is joined by clergy including the Rev. Al Sharpton, left, and the Rev. Herbert Daughtry, right, during a news conference pledging their support to Yele, the humanitarian and relief organization headed by Jean in New York on Wednesday.

Wyclef Jean talks about Haiti relief efforts in New York By CRISTIAN SALAZAR

to teach them how to get on that boat, how to take that boat out to sea, how to fish and how to bring that fish back for NEW YORK — Singer and producer their family,” the 37-year-old GrammyWyclef Jean is working with his founda- award winning artist said. tion to deliver cooked meals, water and The powerful earthquake on Jan. 12 medical assistance to survivors of the killed an estimated 200,000 people, disdevastating earthquake in Haiti. placing thousands and turning much At a gathering in Harlem on of the nation’s capital of Port-au-Prince Wednesday attended by prominent into rubble. New York black clergy, including the The monumental task of rebuilding Rev. Al Sharpton, Jean spoke about his has only just begun, and some, includrecent trip to Haiti and relief efforts ing Jean and members of the black by his Yele Haiti Foundation. At the clergy, have called for a project for same time, he urged President Barack Haiti modeled after the Marshall Plan Obama to make a “sustainable comto rebuild Western Europe after World mitment” to rebuild the island nation War II. during his State of the Union address Jean said he traveled to Haiti the on Wednesday night. day after an all-star telethon on Jan. 22, Speaking passionately and someduring which organizers have said they times in metaphor, Jean said any aid raised $66 million. to the country needs to include not On this, his most recent trip to the only the tools but also the knowledge country he left when he was 9 years old, for Haitians to be able to rebuild their he said there were “not as much bodcountry for the 21st century. ies on the floor” as before, but that the “I need you all to bring the rod. I “smell” of decomposing bodies under need you all to bring the boat. I need rubble was strong. you all to bring the people that’s going In spite of that, he said “the vibe Associated Press

that I got was very encouraging.” He returned Tuesday. He said his foundation had a goal of serving 10,000 cooked meals of chicken or goat stew and rice and beans each Sunday, had obtained trucks to deliver water and was working to set up a medical camp to organize doctors and nurses arriving from overseas to lend their help. The organization, formerly known as The Wyclef Jean Foundation Inc., hired new accountants in recent days after being dogged by questions that the charity had paid Jean to perform at fundraising events and bought advertising airtime from a television station he co-owns. The black clergy announced their support of Jean’s efforts beyond the immediate crisis, and Sharpton called him “the cultural and social personification” of Haitian resilience and strength. “Our concern is that, first and foremost, as a lot of the cameras leave Haiti, that the attention of the world not leave it,” the civil rights leader said.

Clear Channel Communications Inc., the home of conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, said it’s interested in signing Howard Stern when the shock jock’s contract with Sirius satellite radio expires. That would mark an about-face for the nation’s largest radio chain, which yanked his show from its stations in 2004 after his raunchy broadcasts were repeatedly subjected to regulatory fines. John Hogan, chief executive of Clear Channel’s Radio division, told Bloomberg BusinessWeek that Stern would have to accept the government-imposed limits of terrestrial radio. Stern, whose five-year, $500 million contract with Sirius XM Radio Inc. expires at year’s end, does not face the same restrictions with Sirius because that show is distributed over satellite radio. Although Clear Channel confirmed its interest in Stern to The Associated Press on Monday, the shock jock appeared to dismiss the prospects of signing with the company. Stern has repeatedly said on his show that he might quit or retire from satellite radio once his contract expires.

Mamma Mia! ABBAWORLD theme park opens in London LONDON — Is it possible to have too much ABBA? Knowing me, knowing you, the answer is no. The spangly Swedish quartet that gave the world “Waterloo” and “Dancing Queen” has sold 400 million records since its 1970s heyday and spawned the hugely successful stage and film musical “Mamma Mia!” And now there’s ABBAWORLD — a new museum-cum-theme park in London with enough music, mementoes and memory-lane appeal to satisfy even the most fervent ABBA fan. ABBAWORLD’s Swedish organizers promise the exhibition — which opens to the public on Wednesday — will be “a place for total interaction” with the band. The celebration kicks off Tuesday night with a party attended by band members Bjorn Ulvaeus and Anna-Frid “Frida” Lyngstad. ABBA’s music is inescapable throughout ABBAWORLD, from the exuberance of “Dancing Queen” through the melancholy of “Knowing Me, Knowing You” to the heartbreak of “The Winner Takes It All” — reminders that the band started off as two married couples and ended as two divorced ones. The exhibition tells the band’s story in 25 rooms spread over 30,000 square feet (2,800 sq. meters). Glass cases contain spangly costumes in silk, satin and spandex. — Associated Press

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Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

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Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

Ringo relishes new challenges, but he’ll forever be a Beatle By Randy Lewis

Bob Dylan to play White House

Los Angeles Times

By Roger Catlin

LOS ANGELES — The 69-year-old visitor to the downtown Grammy Museum strolled with fascination through its new exhibit of Alfred Wertheimer’s celebrated 1956 photos of Elvis Presley at 21, just as the impossibly handsome young singer was on the threshold of stardom. Like most other visitors taking in the remarkably unguarded photos, this bearded gentleman exhibited affection and appreciation for the blackand-white portraits of Presley’s quiet moments — lunching at a diner; teasing, and being teased, by a female fan — some of the last such moments he would enjoy before exploding as the biggest star in the pop music universe. But occasionally came an expression that none of the others wandering the gallery could offer: understanding. “The start of all our careers was quiet like that,” said Ringo Starr, the former Beatle enjoying a relatively quiet few minutes of his own, perusing the Elvis photos before a question-answer session and performance a short time later. “We didn’t expect any problems, and then suddenly it gets wild — and it did.” Things are, of course, less wild today for Starr than they were 45 years ago when the Fab Four supplanted Elvis at the top of the pop heap. The world’s most famous drummer was a Beatle for eight years, and he’s been an ex-Beatle for five times that long now. But hardly a minute goes by when the topic doesn’t come up. After making his way through the photo display, Starr headed straight for the museum store in search of an Elvis T-shirt but quickly found himself faced with apparel bearing his own visage along with those of John Lennon, Paul McCartney and George Harrison. Eventually, though, he found what he was after and slipped on the Presley shirt for his evening session, an event he took on in conjunction with the release last week of his latest album, Y Not. It’s a milestone for him in a couple of respects: It’s the first time in his halfcentury career he’s taken the wheel as producer, in addition to singing, drumming and co-writing most of its songs. He’ll be singing some of those songs during his next All-Starr Band tour, during which he’ll become the first Beatle to

The Hartford Courant

Gary Friedman/MCT

Ringo Starr poses at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles on Jan. 19. Starr recently released a new solo album, ‘Y Not.’ turn 70, on July 7. Is 70 a big number? “No — not as big as 40 was,” he said, looking a good 15 years younger than you might expect. He’s trim — like McCartney and his late pal Harrison, he’s an avowed vegetarian — and outfitted in a black bandcollar peacoat, black jeans and the everpresent dark glasses. His hair and beard are close-cropped, only a few wrinkles on his neck betraying his age. Y Not doesn’t vary greatly from the approach he’s taken through much of his solo career: lots of collaborations with high-profile musician friends, some lightweight rockers that give him the opportunity to exercise his well-honed chops behind the drum kit and a couple of meatier numbers that let the man of a thousand quips touch on the matters of the spirit that mean the most to him. “You can be serious in a good up way,” Starr said. “I think this record has captured where I’m trying to be musically and as a writer. My spirits are high.” “Being on this quest for a long time, it’s all about finding yourself,” Starr said. “For me, God is in my life. I don’t hide from that. ... I think the search has been on since the ’60s. ... I stepped off the path there for many years and found my way (back) onto it, thank God,” a reference to the wild days of rampant alcohol and drug use that ensued after the Beatles

broke up, when Starr ran amok, often in the company of Lennon and singersongwriter Harry Nilsson. Van Dyke Parks, with whom he wrote the album’s first single, “Walk With You,” was also part of that circle at times. “Ringo and I survived Harry Nilsson, who’d introduced us,” Parks said last week. “So many acquaintances I reveled with in the lettuce years later sobered up and dropped me like a bad habit. Ringo is an exception. What a lad! He called and I spent an afternoon with him in hot pursuit of a transitive idea. It was fun.” It’s also yielded one of the album’s high points, “Walk With You,” a song expressing gratitude toward a loved one that is elevated further by an echoing harmony sung by McCartney. Starr had invited his other half in the Beatles rhythm section over to add a bass part to “Peace Dream.” “He understands my drumming,” Starr explained to the Grammy Museum audience later from his perch on a stool at the front of the stage, adding with a straight face: “We used to play together.” “While he was at the house I played him some of the other tracks, and when he heard ’Walk With You,’ he said, ’Hey, I’ve got an idea for that.’ The great thing is that he doesn’t just sing harmony, he sort of answers my part,” he said, adding with a wizened laugh: “That’s why he’s the genius.”

Bob Dylan will play the White House next month as part of a concert marking the Civil Rights movement. Morgan Freeman and Queen Latifah will host “In Performance at the White House: A Celebration of Music from the Civil Rights Movement” on Feb. 10, a show that will be broadcast Feb. 11 on PBS. Other performers at the event will include Jennifer Hudson, Seal, Smokey Robinson, Natalie Cole, John Legend, John Mellencamp and the Blind Boys of Alabama. But it will be the appearance of Dylan that will be most notable. Dylan, who was given a Kennedy Center Award in 1997 (where he didn’t sing), notably sang “Only a Pawn in their Game” and “When the Ship Comes In” at the Washington, D.C., rally where Martin Luther King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech in August 1963. He also sang “Only a Pawn in Their Game,” about the murder of Medgar Evers, at a smaller rally in Greenwood, Miss., earlier that year in a performance that became part of his film “Don’t Look Back.” What will he play before Obama? Maybe something like “Blowing in the Wind” or “The Times They Are A-Changing.” But probably not “It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding),” in which he sings “even the president of the United States sometimes has to stand naked” (though if he changes it to “the new senator from Massachusetts,” it would be more timely). And maybe not “Quit Your Low Down Ways” in which he sang: “Well, you can run down to the White House, “You can gaze at the Capitol Dome, pretty mama, “You can pound on the President’s gate “But you oughta know by now it’s gonna be too late.” Maybe he will be like “Ramblin, Gambling Willie,” of which he sang: “He gambled in the White House and in the railroad yards, “Wherever there was people, there was Willie and his cards.”

Old-time feel to debut of Overmountain Men The Overmountain Men Glorious Day The best thing about the debut album from The Overmountain Men is the feel. Glorious Day is loose and informal, an impromptu back porch concert for friends and neighbors. The North Carolina quintet, which features singersongwriter David Childers and Avett Brothers bassist Bob Crawford, has played together in various forms over the years and is confident and assured. From the hoedown feel of “Some Place Along the River” to the easy stroll of “Coney Island Express” and the fuzzed-out menace of “Looking for Dr.

Caligari,” the band switches gears and directions with ease. The album also features the song “Angola,” Crawford’s contribution to the documentary “Six Seconds of Freedom” about the inmates at the Louisiana prison who participate in an annual rodeo. The one knock against the album is that it feels like what it is — the side project of a bunch of guys with other gigs. It’s not as cohesive as it could be and meanders a bit. Glorious Day is always interesting, though, right from the opening note on the melancholy lament, “Magpies.” And that’s something that can’t be said for every debut. — Chris Talbott, Associated Press

Lady Antebellum focuses on regret on new album Lady Antebellum Need You Now In today’s real American South, Jell-O shots are just as prevalent as Jack Daniels, and a game gal like Hillary Scott is as likely to lust after a guy “in black pearl buttons, lookin’ just like Springsteen” as she is a Johnny Cash type. After all, the New Jersey rocker copped his style partly from the Man in Black. Lady Antebellum — the rising country-pop trio in which Scott shares vocal duties with the perpetually pearl-buttoned Charles Kelley and Dave Haywood, who handles background vocals and guitar — is a product of the postFaith and Tim New South of two-career marriages and relatively guilt-free premarital hook-ups. But its impressively well-considered second album reveals a connection to the craftsmanship and flair for sordid detail that’s served country artists since the heyday of George and Tammy and Dolly and Porter. Country music always has been about

the collision between contemporary life and the old ways. Lady Antebellum updates the genre’s formulas in the usual manner, spicing them up with rock riffs and unapologetic lustiness. What’s most interesting about Need You Now, which already has spawned a huge hit with its title track, is the album’s focus on one timeworn theme: regret. This young band is making some old-soul music, dressed up in the latest fashions. That title song raises the album’s curtain and dictates the terms. It’s maybe the most romantic song ever written about a drunken booty call. Beyond the title track, Need You Now keeps exploring the subtleties of the sadder but maybe-wiser life. “American Honey” wallows in nostalgia. “Love This Pain” is a romantic masochist’s lament. “Hello World” presents a full-on midlife crisis; Kelley hams it up, though he misses the chance to do a Porter Wagonerstyle recited verse. —Ann Powers, McClatchy

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Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

Rae expresses grief artfully on ‘The Sea’ Corinne Bailey Rae The Sea “So young for death, we walk in shoes too big, but you play it like a poet, like you always did,” Corinne Bailey Rae sings on the song “I Would Like to Call It Beauty.” “You slept a sigh like the angels speak, and we danced into tomorrow on bleeding feet, and I had thought that I would die here, but you pushed me on,” Rae continues in a soft, but rich tone. The ballad, from her sophomore effort “The Sea,” is so personal and intimate — you’ll get trapped in her emotional web, and it’s hard to get out. The new disc, the follow-up to her 2006 Grammy-nominated, self-titled debut, comes after Rae’s husband, Jason Bruce Rae, died due to a drug overdose two years back. Though the event was tragic for

30-year-old Rae, the 11-track set is not overtly depressing. Instead, the songs are silky, smooth and stripped. “He dresses like this different scene, he’ll kiss you, make you feel sixteen,” Rae sings on the opener “Are You Here.” Another highlight is “Closer,” a sexy R&B-number that finds Rae cooing in a falsetto that would make any guy want to spit the lyrics right back to her: “Oh, your love is so good that I want to show you.” While the CD is a touching one, some songs play like a funky jam session: “The Blackest Lily” has ?uestlove of the Roots going nuts on the drums and tambourine. “This album, like everything I do, is made to try and impress Jason Bruce Rae,” Rae writes in the album’s booklet. She’s outdone herself because she’s impressed us, too. — Mesfin Fekadu, Associated Press

Gainsbourg’s latest full of smart, hip sounds Charlotte Gainsbourg IRM The third release from the French actress, Charlotte Gainsbourg’s IRM is designed for hip, smart girls in crisis. Sultry rock with an existential edge, the intelligently composed songs flirt with catastrophe but never surrender. Given the shabby-chic texture of the album, infused with folk and terse electronica, it’s apparent that Beck produced, composed the music and co-wrote the lyrics. The elegance that served him well in Modern Guilt and Sea Change is an even better fit for Gainsbourg. But it’s the singer’s brush with death in 2007 from a water-skiing accident that substantiates the album’s spectral mood. The title song, named for the French acronym

for an MRI, thrums with heartbeat-like rhythms and buzzing monotones borrowed from the ER. She uses the medical lexicon to explore the psychedelic borders between the physical and the spiritual. Throughout the follow-up to her 2006 album, “5:55,” Gainsbourg never sounds out of her element. “Trick Pony” rumbles like some nasty love child of Jon Spencer and Goldfrapp circa 2003’s “Black Cherry,” yet Gainsbourg rides it with gracefully lean vocals. Gainsbourg seems to intimately understand that the lines of existence, like the lines of genre or tone, can never truly be known, but yet she’s at home wherever she goes. —Margaret Wappler, McClatchy

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Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

‘When in Rome’ just another typical rom-com when in rome H1/2 Rating: PG-13 for some suggestive content Running time: 1:28 STARRING: Kristen Bell, Josh Duhamel, Danny DeVito, Jon Heder, Will Arnett, Dax Shepard

By Roger Moore The Orlando Sentinel Warner Bros./Associated Press

Ray Winstone, left, and Mel Gibson are shown in a scene from ‘Edge of Darkness.’

Mel Gibson returns to the big screen By GLENN WHIPP Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — The last time Mel Gibson starred in a movie, he was grappling with alien invaders and a misplaced faith in the sci-fi thriller Signs. That was seven and a half years ago. In the intervening time, Gibson became a cultural firebrand, directing the controversial 2004 box-office hit The Passion of the Christ and the violent 2006 action epic, Apocalypto. He also became a cultural pariah in July 2006 when, after being pulled over in Malibu for speeding and driving under the influence, Gibson made obscene, anti-Semitic remarks to the arresting officer after being handcuffed and put inside a police car. Gibson largely disappeared after the incident, but returns to theaters Friday with a new movie, Edge of Darkness, a revenge thriller similar in tone with past blood-drenched Gibson films such as Ransom and the Lethal Weapon franchise. “It was time,” Gibson, 54, tells The Associated Press. “I felt like getting back in the saddle. I felt like I was getting stale about seven or eight years ago. Stepped back, did some things I wanted to do. Did a few things I didnt want to do. And then time to come back.” “I dont think Mel eases his way back into anything,” says Edge of Darkness producer Graham King.

“Sure, we discussed very early on, Is this the right role for him to come back in? I think it is, and hopefully moviegoers will agree.” Will they? box office analyst Paul Dergarabedian believes Gibson picked the right movie for his comeback. “In revenge roles, Mel Gibson has few peers,” Dergarabedian says. “If you’ve been away for awhile, its smart to go back to what people are comfortable seeing you do.” Some, though, question whether Gibsons public standing hasnt been permanently damaged. “I think that drunk-driving tirade confirmed a lot of peoples suspicions about the kind of person Mel Gibson is,” says Matthew Traub, managing director at Dan Klores Communications. Traub, who specializes in crisis management public relations, believes people are willing to forgive celebrities for substance abuse or sexual indiscretion but draw the line at bigotry. Publicist Michael Levine, whose agency has represented Bill Clinton and Michael Jackson among others, agrees. “I think hes done,” Levine says of Gibsons career prospects. “Hell work, hell exist, but I think hes seared his obit for life.” Gibson defiantly rejects the notion that hes damaged goods. “Its 30 years ago that I lost my own personal anonymity,” Gibson

told the AP. “And its 30 years ago that the public humiliation began. And sometimes it reaches a global level. And what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. And Im telling you right now, Im one strong motherf—— because Im right back at you.” Gibson also insisted his past notoriety will not affect his ability to work with Hollywood studios in the future. “What scandal?” he says. “That’s mostly newspaper hype, OK?! I can get in with the studio, work with them, or work independently as I wish. And I’ll go on as I always have.” Gibson has been tentatively making the rounds to promote his new movie. He attended the Golden Globes on Jan. 17 and good naturedly played along when host Ricky Gervais brought a pint of beer on stage and jokingly introduced Gibson, saying, “Honestly, I like a drink as much as the next man — unless the next man is Mel Gibson.” He was also seen cheerfully working the phone bank at last week’s allstar “Hope for Haiti Now” telethon. He has written a prison drama, How I Spent My Summer Vacation and will star in that movie later this year. And he plans to direct Leonardo DiCaprio in a Viking epic that will employ Old Norse dialogue, a movie Gibson says will “put the V in Viking.” If that sounds a little out there, thats one reason why many are eager to welcome Gibson back in the fold.

You’d think by now Hollywood would have romantic comedies down to a cell-phone ap any studio exec could access. Cute couple? Check. Romantic location? Check. “Obstacles” to romance? Yup. “Wacky,” witty friends of each young lover? Check and check. But if it was just a formula, then you could hire any hack — say, the chap who did Ghostrider, to turn Kristen Bell into America’s new sweetheart in When in Rome. Bell, a petite, pretty blonde, may or may not have the Meg Ryan-Julia Roberts-Sandra Bullock goods. When in Rome, a leaden variation on that rom-com recipe, fails utterly to make her case. It’s got cute Kristen playing Beth, a curator at the Guggenheim. She has a quirky staff. Note to whoever cast Kate Micucci. “Funny looking” is no substitute for “funny.” And Beth has a younger sister (Alexis Dziena, the only actress tinier than Bell) getting married in Rome. At the wedding, Beth is ready to be “open” to love, as her dad (Don Johnson) suggests. And devilmay-care sports reporter Nick (Josh Duhamel) fills that bill. But he may be a womanizer, leading Beth to a drunken dip in the Fontana di Amore, where she steals a few coins and sets our plot in motion. Those coins were wishes, and the men who tossed them — a sausage magnate played by Danny DeVito (”Encased meat is my life’s work”), a screwball magician (Jon Heder, funny), a demented Italian artist (Will Arnett) and a self-absorbed “model” played by Dax Shepard (”I don’t know whether to look at my own reflection or you. That’s how beautiful you are!”) — are instantly smitten. Can Beth shed her unwanted beaus and tumble for Mr. Right? Is Mr. Right pursuing her of his own free will, or did he toss a coin, too? One cute scene — Nick and Beth date in a blackout restaurant, where diners can’t see each other or their food. We watch that train wreck through nightvision goggles. Duhamel has a light touch — glibbing through scenes with his cut-rate and generally unamusing sidekicks. But Bell? Despite Forgetting Sarah Marshall, she doesn’t have Meg’s make-us-laugh-at-her-pain thing or Julia’s sass of Sandy’s lovelorn shtick. This trip to the Eternal City feels interminable, thanks to her.

9 ◆

new on dvd

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HH1/2, 2:30, PG-13

sherlock holmes

HHH, 2:09, PG-13

An “avatar,” a human mind in an alien body, The world’s greatest detective tries to prevent a finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desper- murderous cult from carrying out a coup in 19thate fight for his own survival and that of the indige- century London. With Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law nous people. With Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, and Rachel McAdams. Directed by Guy Ritchie. Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Giovanni Ribisi and Sigourney Weaver. Written and directed by the book of eli James Cameron. H H, 1:58, R In the not-too-distant future, across the wastethe blind side land of what was once America, a lone warrior HH1/2, 2:08, PG-13 must fight to bring civilization the knowledge that The true story of a young, homeless Africancould be the key to its redemption. With Denzel American boy taken in by a well-to-do white family Washington, Gary Oldman, Mila Kunis, Ray Steto discover his potential as a student and a football venson and Jennifer Beals. Written by Gary Whitta player. Starring Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, and Anthony Peckham. Directed by Allen and Kathy Bates, Quinton Aaron, Lily Collins and Jae Albert Hughes. Head. Written and directed by John Lee Hancock. leap year daybreakers H, 1:40, PG H1/2, 1:38, R A woman follows her boyfriend to Ireland to ask Humans have become an endangered species, him to marry her, but complications arise when hunted and forced into hiding after a mysterishe is stranded and must enlist the help of a surly ous plague transforms the majority of the world’s Irishman. With Amy Adams, Matthew Goode, population into vampires. With Ethan Hawke, Wil- Adam Scott and John Lithgow. Written by Harry lem Dafoe, Claudia Karvan, Michael Dorman, Sam Elfont and Deborah Kaplan. Directed by Anand Neil, Vince Colosimo and Isabel Lucas. Written Tucker. and directed by Michael and Peter Spierig. extraordinary measures

HH1/2, 1:49, PG

Based on the true story of John Crowley, a man who risked his family’s future to pursue a cure for his children’s life-threatening disease. With Harrison Ford, Brendan Fraser, Keri Russell and Courtney B. Vance. Written by Robert Nelson Jacobs. Directed by Tom Vaughan. alvin and the chipmunks: the squeakquel

H, 1:28, PG

Alvin and his brothers cope with fame, school and the allure of girl chipmunks. With Jason Lee and David Cross and the voices of Justin Long, Anna Faris, Amy Poehler and Christina Applegate. it’s complicated

H H, 1:58, R

A tale of an ex-wife who becomes “the other woman” when her husband figures out what he gave up and starts cheating with her. With Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin and Lake Bell. Written and directed by Nancy Meyers. tooth fairy

H1/2, 1:41, PG

When a hard-charging hockey player, nicknamed “the tooth fairy” for separating opposing players from their bicuspids, discourages a youngster’s dreams, he’s sentenced to one week’s hard labor as a real tooth fairy. With Dwayne Johnson, Ashley Judd, Julie Andrews, Stephen Merchant and Ryan Sheckler. Directed by Michael Lembeck.

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

the lovely bones

HH1/2, 2:15, PG-13 A young girl who has been murdered watches over her family and her killer from heaven. With Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, Stanley Tucci and Saoirse Ronan. Screenplay by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, based on the novel by Alice Sebold. Directed by Jackson. the spy next door

H H H, 1:32, PG

Bob Ho, an undercover CIA superspy, decides to give up his career in espionage to settle down with his next-door neighbor and girlfriend but must win over her three opinionated kids. With Jackie Chan, Amber Valletta, Madeline Carroll, Will Shadley, Alina Foley, Magnus Scheving, Billy Ray Cyrus and George Lopez. Written by Jonathan Bernstein and James Greer. Directed by Brian Levant. legion

NR, 1:40, R When God loses faith in Mankind, he sends his legion of angels to bring on the Apocalypse, and an out-of-the-way diner becomes the unlikely battleground for survival of the human race. With Paul Bettany, Dennis Quaid, Tyrese Gibson, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Adrianne Palicki, Jon Tenney and Charles S. Dutton. Written by Peter Schink and Scott Stewart. Directed by Stewart. Rating: H poor, HH fair, HHH good, HHHH excellent, NR: not reviewed


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H H H (Sony Pictures,’09)

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$28.96. 111 mins. This film offers a behind-thescenes peek at planning for the late King of Pop’s farewell concert. PG (some suggestive choreography and scary images)

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The Blind Side (PG13)

H H H (Miramax Films, ’09)

$29.99. 104 mins. A sportswriter struggles to run the household and be a father to his two sons after the untimely death of his wife. With Clive Owen, Laura Fraser, George MacKay, Erik Thomson. PG-13 (some sexual profanity and thematic elements) (CC)

Whip It H H H (20th Century Fox, ’09) $29.99. 111 mins. A Texas misfit discovers her niche in roller derby, a passion she tries to hide from her parents. With Ellen Page, Drew Barrymore, Kristen Wiig, Sarah Habel. PG-13 (sexual content including crude dialogue, profanity and drug material)

Bright Star H H H H (Sony Pictures, ’09)

$27.96. 119 mins. Before his death at age 25, romantic poet John Keats had a three-year love affair with the girl next door, Fanny Brawne. With Abbie Cornish, Ben Whishaw, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Kerry Fox. PG (thematic elements, some sensuality, brief profanity and incidental smoking) — The Philadelphia Inquirer


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10 ◆

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

Charlie Wilson goes from homeless to Grammy nods

By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr. Associated Press

ATLANTA — Over the years, the Grammys have served as a backdrop for heart-tugging comeback stories. If Charlie Wilson should win either one of the awards he’s up for on Sunday, it may mark one of the more unusual — a successful resurgence after a series of setbacks, including spending two years homeless. “People really don’t know how I laid in the streets,” Wilson said. “From that to this, I cried when they told me I had a Grammy wilson nomination. It still doesn’t seem real to me, because so many doors have been shut on me so many times. ... Everything was derailed.” Wilson, nominated for best R&B album for “Uncle Charlie” and best male R&B vocal performance for “There Goes My Baby,” has one of the most recognizable voices in R&B. His crisp tenor anchored hits like “Outstanding” and “You Dropped the Bomb on Me” as lead singer of the Gap Band in the early 1980s. The group, which included brothers Ronnie and Robert, were among the top R&B acts in the nation. But Wilson says the Gap Band hit a roadblock in 1986 when they asked to split their publishing deal with their manager; Wilson claims the manager dropped them and then had them blackballed in the industry, threatening anyone who tried to sign them since the group was still under contract with him. “I couldn’t bounce back from that,” he said. “Everywhere we went, he ran interference. He threatened people. It was a sad situation. Drugs came a lot more. My brothers and I weren’t getting along that well.” Slow cash flow and a cocaine and alcohol addiction drove Wilson to become homeless, as he slept in the alleys of Los Angeles’ famed Hollywood Boulevard between 1993 and 1995. Some of the homeless who knew of the singer took care and protected him, finding him food and building a place for him sleep. He used a brick for his pillow, a cardboard for a bed and shopping carts to surround him. Once Wilson got his life back on track, he wanted to revive his career, but found other obstacles. He said numerous record labels wouldn’t give him a chance and people who he worked with before thought his soaring vocals were no more. He credits Snoop Dogg and R. Kelly for helping him resurrect his career. He put out a CD in 2001, and Kelly wrote his 2005 comeback hit, “Charlie, Last Name Wilson” and produced the album of the same name, which went gold.

Matt Sayles/Associated Press/File

Taylor Swift is one of this year’s young Grammy hopefuls. Among her nominations is Album of the Year.

The young at art: Grammy nominations sidestep older performers for young acts By Greg Kot Chicago Tribune

At the 52nd Grammy Awards on Jan. 31, it’ll be kids’ night — at least by the staid standards of the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. In past years, the Grammys have mixed it up with veteran acts facing off against relative newcomers for the big prizes, or vintage stars mingling with up-andcomers in cross-generational live performances. Who can forget the Jonas Brothers trying to get funky (or something like that) with Stevie Wonder on last year’s telecast? As with the JoBros-Stevie train wreck, the old-timers usually get the better of the newcomers. Consider the most prestigious category: album of the year. Just in the last decade, the surprise winners have included Herbie Hancock for “River: The Joni Letters” in 2008, Ray Charles’ “Genius Loves Company” in 2005 and Steely Dan’s “Two Against Nature” in 2001.

All of these great artists won for the wrong album; they should’ve been recognized decades sooner. Instead, they beat younger, more worthy competition with mediocre releases. When Hancock triumphed over the favored Kanye West and Amy Winehouse in 2008, awards presenter Quincy Jones said it all: “Unbelievable!” But there’s no chance of a venerable insider usurping the pop upstarts this year because the major categories are dominated by relatively young artists who are either beginning their careers or in their commercial prime. Two of this year’s album-of-theyear nominees (Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift) are on their first or second albums, and the remaining three are coming off big commercial successes (Beyonce, Black Eyed Peas, Dave Matthews Band). That these artists were nominated for the big prize in the same year as acclaimed but commercially flat new releases by Bob Dylan and U2 speaks volumes about the shifting mindset of

the music-industry professionals in the National Academy of Recordings Arts and Sciences who vote on the awards. Black Eyed Peas’ rapper-songwriter- producer is no Dylan as a creative talent, but the two mega singles he oversaw in 2009, “I Got a Feeling” and “Boom Boom Pow,” sold more than 9 million digital downloads. Dylan can’t compete with those numbers, but in past years he might’ve been nominated simply because he happens to be Bob Dylan. Not so in 2010. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to assume that the Grammys are loading up on young performers this year to attract the viewers the academy needs to put on a viable television show. All five best-album nominees are scheduled to rock the Staples Center in Los Angeles on the broadcast, and the hope is that millions of young viewers will tune in to watch Fergie strut, Lady Gaga warble and Dave Matthews jam.

online extra ❙ For Grammy nominees, visit or

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Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

Sundance sweetheart Ferrera Gordon-Levitt goes returns to indie fest, now a star from ‘3rd Rock’ to Sundance kid

By DAVID GERMAIN Associated Press

PARK CITY, Utah — America Ferrera came to the Sundance Film Festival eight years ago as an unknown with only one professional acting gig behind her. She’s back as a star. The star of Ugly Betty had her coming out party at Sundance in 2002 with Real Women Have Curves, the tale of a Mexican-American teen caught between her parents’ traditional working-class values and her own desire to go to college. The film won the audience award as the festival favorite chosen by Sundance fans, earned Ferrera an acting prize, and became a calling card for a Hollywood future with The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and its sequel, along with her TV show. It was the first professional acting job for Ferrera, who was 17 at the time and struggling for a toehold in a town where curvy Hispanics tend to get cast in workingclass ethnic parts while wafer-thin blondes score the best lead roles. “What’s so kind of beautiful about the whole thing was that everything that made me not right for all of those hundreds of commercial auditions that I went on and no one ever wanted me for is what made me perfectly right for Real Women Have Curves,’ said Ferrera, 25, who is back at Sundance with the Iraq War homecoming drama The Dry Land. “There’s not really a choice about, am I going to pursue a typical career? Because I’m not the typical standard, so that’s not even an option. I just have to be who I am and seek out things that fit me, are right for me. I was just so lucky with ’Real Women Have Curves.’ At that point, I would have done an insurance commercial. I would have done anything.” Written and directed by Ferrera’s boyfriend, Ryan Piers Williams, The Dry Land features her as a troubled wife dealing with the violent mood swings of her husband (Ryan O’Nan), a soldier afflicted with post-traumatic stress disorder from

By DAVID GERMAIN Associated Press

Carlo Allegri/Associated Press

Actress America Ferrera, of the film ‘The Dry Land,’ poses for a portrait at the Gibson Guitar Lounge during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, on Monday. combat in Iraq. Ferrera had her doubts that Williams would get the film into production, given how other waron-terror movies have failed to find an audience. Yet her boyfriend was determined, and Ferrera eventually signed on as an executive producer as well as co-star. “She pushed me so hard to just make the script better and better and better and to just never settle for anything less than the vision I was setting out to make,” said Williams, who also made a short film with Ferrera and now makes his feature debut. Ferrera got in touch with some old friends, including Melissa Leo, who had played her mother in an episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation six years ago. “America called out of the blue and asked, would I read her boyfriend’s script? About 12 pages in, I got back in touch with her and Ryan and said, ’I will do this at any time. Just tell me when and where. I

will be there and join you,”’ said Leo, who plays Ferrera’s ailing motherin-law in “The Dry Land.” Leo said she knew when she first met Ferrera that the young actress had a great future ahead. Early on, though, Ferrera faced casting directors who could not get a handle on her Hispanic looks but all-American voice and bearing. “I realized how Latina I was, and then also, at the same time, how not Latina enough I was, because I’m born and raised in Los Angeles. I speak Spanish, but I don’t speak perfect Spanish, not like a native speaker. So I’d go into an audition, and they’d ask me if I could sound more Latina,” Ferrera said. “I was like, I don’t know what you mean. I was born, I was raised in the San Fernando Valley. I’ve been to 35 bar mitzvahs. What do you want from me?” Ferrera does get to play against type in the upcoming animated comedy How to Train Your Dragon. She provides the voice of Astrid, a blonde, blue-eyed Viking warrior.

PARK CITY, Utah — Joseph Gordon-Levitt charmed Sundance Film Festival fans a year ago with the romance (500) Days of Summer. Now the 3rd Rock From the Sun co-star is assailing Sundance crowds with a wild man role in Hesher, the tale of a heavy-metal anarchist who bursts into the lives of a grieving boy and his family. A flurry of films that passed through Sundance — the teen dramas Manic, Mysterious Skin and Brick — helped former child star Gordon-Levitt graduate into adult roles and showed he was more than just that alien kid in human form on his sitcom. In the title role of Hesher, Gordon-Levitt bears little resemblance to the clean-cut young romantic of (500) Days of Summer, which earned him a Golden Globe nomination. His Hesher has long, stringy hair, tattoos everywhere and a mad-dog demeanor that shouts: “Mess with this guy at your own peril.” “I just love to act. It’s my favorite thing to do in the world, and what keeps it interesting to me is the creative challenge. So different kinds of characters, that’s what I just love to do,” Gordon-Levitt, 28, said in an interview. “My favorite kinds of actors are the chameleons, like Daniel Day-Lewis or Peter Sellers, people like that. To me, the highest compliment you can pay to an actor is, ’Man, I didn’t recognize you.’ So yeah, Hesher is really different from Tom in (500) Days of Summer, and you know, that’s what keeps it spicy for me.” Gordon-Levitt has been mixing up his work in independent films with big Hollywood pictures, among them last summer’s action tale G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra and next summer’s Inception, a science-fiction thriller starring Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight). Hesher director Spencer Susser said Gordon-Levitt is a chameleon himself, remaking his persona to fit each role. “When I met Joe, I thought he was just a great guy. I thought, I want to see your Hesher, and we got into a room, we started to play with it, and I was blown away, because he turned into a different person,” Susser said. “I know Joe now, but I know Hesher, too, and they’re different people.” Violent, profane and unpredictable, Gordon-Levitt’s Hesher insinuates himself into the life of a boy (Devin Brochu) who’s mourning the death of his mother in a car wreck. Moving in with the boy, his catatonic father (Rainn Wilson) and doting grandmother (Piper Laurie), Hesher becomes an unlikely agent of healing for the family. The film, which also stars Natalie Portman as a store cashier who befriends the boy, lets Gordon-Levitt cut loose with abandon as Hesher sets fires, trashes strangers’ pool furniture and plays avenging demon by inflicting nasty retribution on bullies. For Gordon-Levitt, it was an irresistible ride on the wild side.

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Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010



{get out and do something} Contact: 256-405-4365

Contact: 256-832-5000 Southern Thunder When: 9 p.m. Where: Bama Cowboy Saloon and Steakhouse, 1503 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston (Old Alabama Show Palace) How much: Free Contact: 256-835-7735


Steak dinner and poetry night When: 5-10 p.m. Where: American Legion Post 312, 1330 W. 10th St., Anniston How much: $5 cover charge begins at 9 p.m. Contact: 256-236-9434 Jerry Dempsey and the Taterhill Jug Band When: 6:30 p.m. Where: Golden Saw Music Hall, Williams Community, Jacksonville How much: Free Contact: 256-435-4696 The Honky Tonk Rangers When: 8:30 p.m. Where: VFW Post 924, 100 U.S. 431, Anniston How much: $4 Contact: 256-238-8047 The Prowlerz When: 9 p.m. What: Easy listening, southern rock Where: Coyote Mike’s, 2810 Alabama 202, Anniston How much: $4 Contact: 256-237-2227 DJ Rockin’ Roger When: 9 p.m. Where: AJ’s Sunset Bar and Grill, 1500 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-832-5000 DJ JD When: 9 p.m. What: Karaoke Where: Bama Cowboy Saloon and Steakhouse, 1503 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston (Old Alabama Show Palace) How much: Free Contact: 256-835-7735 RPM When: 9 p.m. Where: Heroes, 8896 McClellan Blvd. (Old Sports Nut), Jacksonville How much: $4

Lindsey Hinkle Lindsey Hinkle When: 9:30 p.m. What: Singer/songwriter Where: The Peerless Saloon, 13 W. 10th St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-237-1899 DJ Vito Libido When: 11 p.m. Where: Brother’s Bar, 206 Pelham Road S., Jacksonville How much: $3 for 21 and up, $5 for under 21 Contact: 256-435-6090


Prowlerz The Prowlerz When: 9 p.m. What: Easy listening, southern rock Where: Coyote Mike’s, 2810 Alabama 202, Anniston How much: $4 Contact: 256-237-2227 Call The law When: 9 p.m. Where: Heroes, 8896 McClellan Blvd. (Old Sports Nut), Jacksonville How much: $4 Contact: 256-405-4365



Kelli Johnson When: 6 p.m. What: Bluegrass Where: Rabbittown Cafe and Fiddlers Hall, 900 Rabbittown Road, Piedmont How much: $5 donation for the band Contact: 256-435-8008 (weekends) or 256435-3987 (Monday-Friday evenings) The Honky Tonk Rangers When: 8:30 p.m. Where: VFW Post 924, 100 U.S. 431, Anniston How much: $4, women free Contact: 256-238-8047 DJ Rockin’ Roger When: 9 p.m. Where: AJ’s Sunset Bar and Grill, 1500 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free

McPherson Struts McPherson Struts When: 9:30 p.m. What: Singer/songwriter Where: The Peerless Saloon, 13 W. 10th St., Anniston How much: $3 Contact: 256-237-1899 Tyler Prince and the Cold Stones When: 11 p.m. Where: Brother’s Bar, 206 Pelham Road S., Jacksonville How much: $3 for 21 and up, $5 for under 21 Contact: 256-435-6090



Dance Party with Scuba Steve When: 11 p.m. Where: Brother’s Bar, 206 Pelham Road S., Jacksonville How much: $3, women free Contact: 256-435-6090



Chuck and Greg When: 8 p.m. Where: Damn Yankees, 919 Noble St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-236-7000 DJ Fast Jerry When: 9 p.m. Where: AJ’s Sunset Bar and Grill, 1500 Hillyer Robinson Pkwy., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-832-500 Jam Night When: 9 p.m. Where: The Peerless Saloon, 13 W. 10th St., Anniston How much: Free Contact: 256-237-1899 Dan “Rodeo” Stitts When: 9 p.m. Where: Heroes, 8896 McClellan Blvd. (Old Sports Nut), Jacksonville How much: $4 Contact: 256-405-4365 Rollin’ in the Hay When: 11 p.m. Where: Brother’s Bar, 206 Pelham Road S., Jacksonville How much: $5 for 21 and up, $7 for under 21 Contact: 256-435-6090

13 ◆

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

Gaming: the f ifth network By Brian Crecente (McClatchy)

Marcio Jose Sanchez/Associated Press/File

The Apple iPad might bring a new look to the video games industry.

Apple’s iPad could stir up game business By BARBARA ORTUTAY Associated Press

NEW YORK — When Apple introduced the iPhone, it shook up the cell phone business but it also changed the way people play video games. About a quarter of the 100,000 applications that you can download to the iPhone are games, ranging from the simple “Doodle Jump” to a version of “Grand Theft Auto.” Now, with the looming launch of the iPad, a tablet-style computer — already nicknamed the “iPhone on steroids,” with a bigger screen that might have a place in the living room — Apple could pose an even tougher challenge to established players in the video game business. Apple’s iPhone and the similar iPod Touch brought a new look to games because they have an accelerometer inside that lets people control the action by turning or tilting the device. With a touch screen and the computing horsepower for highquality graphics, the iPhone lends itself to pareddown versions of console games like Assassin’s Creed and The Sims 3. Its size, meanwhile, makes it easy to consume addictive puzzles in 5-minute increments while waiting for the dentist or riding the subway. Now the iPhone, which costs $99, $199 or $299 plus a monthly service plan, rivals gadgets such as the Nintendo DS ($130-$170) or PlayStation Portable ($170-$250), known as the PSP, which were created solely for playing games on the go. It’s

unclear whether Apple has taken substantial market share away, but the iPhone likely introduced people to mobile games who wouldn’t have played otherwise. “We’ve seen the iPhone and iPod Touch as kind of a starter kit for video games,” says John Koller, director of hardware marketing at Sony Computer Entertainment America. “When those customers are ready to graduate into a deeper experience, the PSP is there for them.” Soon a tablet may be there for them, too. A touch-screen gadget that is bigger than an iPhone could provide a larger playing field for gamers and give game developers a new way to push the limits of their creativity. “Any game where there are multiple moving objects on the screen, or a map to explore, will especially be a better experience,” says Ian Lynch Smith, the president of Freeverse, a developer of iPhone and Mac games. “Also the more high end, cinematic games will benefit directly from the more immersive screen size.” Apple profits from games because it takes a cut of apps that are sold on the iPhone, where games generally cost between 99 cents and $9.99. Last year, the company hired Graeme Devine, a developer with 25 years of experience and games such as Halo Wars and Quake 3 under his belt, to work on “iPhone gaming technologies.” Of course, the tablet is likely to be about much more than gaming, but the same increasingly can be said about video game consoles.

The very public, very messy late-night fight between Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien and NBC didn’t just offer interesting insight into the inner workings of network television, it reminded everyone that the TV isn’t used only for watching shows anymore. Video games, right behind bad programming and bad decisions, are television networks’ biggest threat these days. And the big three of gaming, Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony, aren’t content to usurp the television with just video games. They’re starting to replace the need for network television with their own form of programming. It started with the ability to rent and purchase videos through the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 online networks. Next came Netflix and the ability for the rental service’s customers to stream movies to the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and this spring, Nintendo’s Wii. And now, the video game console makers are all expanding their reach with interesting takes on what traditionally you’d find on a network channel. Microsoft is testing a video game remake of television game show 1 vs. 100. The Xbox Live version is entirely populated by live players from around the country depicted by 3D avatars in a replica of the game show’s set. The game takes place over the course of a two-hour live episode hosted by comedian Chris Cashman and winners of the show take home Microsoft Points, which can be used to purchase videos and games on the console. Microsoft recently struck a deal with AT&T to get cable television through its console

using Uverse’s IPTV. Microsoft is also rumored to be in talks with Disney in an attempt to land live sports coverage through ESPN for its console. Microsoft declined to comment for this story. Sony’s take on console television includes two video-game themed shows, Qore and Pulse, produced by an in-house production team, and an upcoming reality show called The Tester, in which 11 contestants will battle to land a job as a tester for Playstation games. “It’s highly entertaining — think Wipeout meets The Apprentice,” said Susan Panico, senior director of Playstation Network. “We’re slowly building up our stable of original content which will premiere on Playstation Network and then have a reverse syndication model where content can make it’s way to the Web, or even ‘traditional’ TV.” Nintendo’s Wii is also home to quite a bit of exclusive video content through the console’s Nintendo Channel, said Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of sales and marketing. The channel includes trailers, commercials and interviews with game developers and Nintendo executives. But Dunaway doesn’t think the console’s impact on television watching is a deep as some say. “People don’t consume their television the same way they did 20 years ago,” she said. “If your favorite TV show is on at 8 p.m. and you’re playing a Wii game, you can keep playing and watch the show later on your DVR on your own timetable.” “I think (television and video games) will remain distinct, even though they both appear on TV screens. Different types of reading (books, magazines and newspapers) are all viewed differently from one another, for example. “

get l o

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

◆ 14

After 4 seasons, all I’ve learned is I’ll never learn anything

I was right there, within a pick axe of scaling my Lost mountain top. About 10 minutes before the end of the final episode of Season 4, I could have stopped this life-robbing marathon. The neat little bow — the must-have for all endings in my life — was affixed there, pretty as you please. Don’t remember what I’m Bran talking about? Allow me to set the Strickland scene. Sports Editor The Oceanic Six, the helicopter pilot and Desmond bob along in a night sea, the stars as their only companion for their heavy hearts after dumb-dumb-head John Locke left to move the island. “Is that a boat?” one asked, while drifting along in a raft. Everyone screams to boat. Boat pulls up alongside raft. “Penny?” Desmond says with a gasp, unable to believe his eyes. It was the miracle that had kept Penny awake at night, as well. Her true love had returned. “Desmond,” she cried. And then they’re all kiss, kiss, kiss. I love you. ... No, I love you more. ... You can’t because I love you infinity. Sorry for the 12-year-old girl tangent, but that’s what the referenced ending would have been suited for. And, sadly, I would have been OK with that. Why? Because I know nothing is going to be solved when this is all over. And that’s just frustrating. It’s going to be who shot JR all over again. Or, Dude, where’s my island?

... and now i’m found Sports editor Bran Strickland is on a crusade to catch up with Lost before the final-season premiere on Tuesday. Follow his progress — but don’t give spoilers — on Twitter, @Bran_Strickland. As my friends slowly allow me into the Lost conversation, I realize how much I miss. You see, this isn’t as much about the television show as it is about the conversations that come from the television show and the interaction that it creates in society. Spirited debates. Like the ones in politics, religion, NASCAR. And the great thing is — and what will be in the end — that much like politics, religion and NASCAR, something will happen at the end that causes ongoing debates without anyone having any ability whatsoever to prove one way or another that the other is totally wrong. And while I usually like conversations/debates on the aforementioned subjects, there’s always some idiot who says or does something stupid and makes me not want to talk anymore. Which is what the writers did shortly after what could have been a great, happily ever after ending. Locke. In a box. Huh? And after nearly being content with dropping out of this marathon after four seasons, I turn to my Netflix like a lonely Wyoming cowboy. On to Season 5, which I must finish by Tuesday. I wish I could quit you, Lost. Seriously, I want to quit you. I need the sleep.


Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010


With the f inal chapter beginning Tuesday, here’s an attempt to catch you up if you’re ... well, lost

seasons 1-5

It would take many more pages than The Star prints in a year to fully delve into every aspect of the first five seasons of Lost. And by no means should anyone expect every mystery to be solved or every wrinkle to be undone. But, viewers should expect a satisfying ending to one of the most fascinating series in TV history — the show’s writers have said as much. Here’s some of the vital information from the first five seasons. Don’t read if you, like Bran Strickland, are still trying to catch up before Tuesday.



Where it all began ... The crash of Oceanic Flight 815 left 48 survivors on a seemingly deserted island. But after polar bears appear and a mysterious “monster” threatens the survivors, it becomes clear that there’s more to The Island than meets the eye. Some of the survivors build a raft and attempt to leave, and others discover a mysterious “hatch” that becomes an obsession to open. At the end of the season, the raft fails, and the hatch is opened. We see that there were other Flight 815 survivors on the other side of The Island, and their stories become intertwined with the characters we already knew. Jack and Locke clash often, with the theme of science vs. faith becoming prevalent. The hatch is opened, and inside is Desmond Hume, who has been charged with entering The Numbers into a computer, which we are told saves the world.

ABC/Associated Press/File


Jack, Kate and Sawyer are held hostage by a mysterious group known as The Others, who are led by the manipulative Ben Linus. Ben plays the three off of each other, eventually leading to a war between the survivors and The Others. It’s close to 70 days since the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, and some of the survivors finally make contact with a rescue team, thanks largely to the heroic death of Charlie.


The flashbacks end, and the flashforwards begin, during which we learn that some of the survivors have escaped, and they become worldwide celebrities known as The Oceanic Six. Back on The Island, a freighter off the coast isn’t the rescue vessel the survivors had hoped for, but a group of mercenaries funded by Charles Widmore and charged with capturing Ben. While the Oceanic Six eventually escape, the rest of the survivors are left on The Island, which Ben has moved. In the future, Ben shows Locke’s dead body to Jack, hoping to convince him to return to The Island.


The remaining survivors jump back and forth through time, eventually stopping in 1977, and Sawyer and Juliet become members of the Dharma Initiative. The Oceanic Six, minus Aaron, plus Ben return to The Island. All but Ben and Sun (who return in 2007) return in 1977, where they also become Dharma members. Jack forms a plan to detonate a nuclear bomb, which he hopes will reset time, hence Oceanic 815 never would have crashed. A fallen Juliet attempts to detonate the bomb, and a bright white flash closes out the season, leaving the audience wondering if Jack’s plan worked — among all the other still-unsolved mysteries. Also, the mysterious leader Jacob is revealed. He’s later killed by Ben and a man appearing to be Locke returned from the dead.

the numbers The Numbers have their own place in Lost’s mythology. What that place is ... well, like a lot of unsolved mysteries still left on the show, we don’t exactly know. We do know that these are the numbers that Hurley used to win the lottery. They also appeared on the outside of the “hatch,” and were the numbers that Desmond had to enter into the computer to prevent the world from ending. They’ve individually appeared on the show countless times. How will The Numbers affect Season 6? Here are some ideas.


The four-toed statue of Taweret was discovered to be the housing place of the mysterious island leader Jacob in the Season 5 finale. Will the genesis of the statue, and why it only has four toes, be revealed?


Star Metro Editor Ben Cunningham’s idea for a Lost spinoff: Jack and Kate Plus Eight.


Ratings have been down in recent seasons from an average of over 15 million viewers for the first two. Will the allure of an actual ending return Lost to its ratings heyday?


There are 18 episodes scheduled for Season 6, spread over 16 different weeks. So after those 16 broadcasts, we’ll see how it ends ... hopefully.


The number 23 is said to be the number of the Illuminati, and as such has part in many conspiracy theories. Lost has its own share of conspiracy theories yet to be fully discovered.


This is how many years we’ll likely spend trying to figure out the finale of the series, which airs in May. Even after that long, we probably still won’t know.

get l o

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

◆ 14

After 4 seasons, all I’ve learned is I’ll never learn anything

I was right there, within a pick axe of scaling my Lost mountain top. About 10 minutes before the end of the final episode of Season 4, I could have stopped this life-robbing marathon. The neat little bow — the must-have for all endings in my life — was affixed there, pretty as you please. Don’t remember what I’m Bran talking about? Allow me to set the Strickland scene. Sports Editor The Oceanic Six, the helicopter pilot and Desmond bob along in a night sea, the stars as their only companion for their heavy hearts after dumb-dumb-head John Locke left to move the island. “Is that a boat?” one asked, while drifting along in a raft. Everyone screams to boat. Boat pulls up alongside raft. “Penny?” Desmond says with a gasp, unable to believe his eyes. It was the miracle that had kept Penny awake at night, as well. Her true love had returned. “Desmond,” she cried. And then they’re all kiss, kiss, kiss. I love you. ... No, I love you more. ... You can’t because I love you infinity. Sorry for the 12-year-old girl tangent, but that’s what the referenced ending would have been suited for. And, sadly, I would have been OK with that. Why? Because I know nothing is going to be solved when this is all over. And that’s just frustrating. It’s going to be who shot JR all over again. Or, Dude, where’s my island?

... and now i’m found Sports editor Bran Strickland is on a crusade to catch up with Lost before the final-season premiere on Tuesday. Follow his progress — but don’t give spoilers — on Twitter, @Bran_Strickland. As my friends slowly allow me into the Lost conversation, I realize how much I miss. You see, this isn’t as much about the television show as it is about the conversations that come from the television show and the interaction that it creates in society. Spirited debates. Like the ones in politics, religion, NASCAR. And the great thing is — and what will be in the end — that much like politics, religion and NASCAR, something will happen at the end that causes ongoing debates without anyone having any ability whatsoever to prove one way or another that the other is totally wrong. And while I usually like conversations/debates on the aforementioned subjects, there’s always some idiot who says or does something stupid and makes me not want to talk anymore. Which is what the writers did shortly after what could have been a great, happily ever after ending. Locke. In a box. Huh? And after nearly being content with dropping out of this marathon after four seasons, I turn to my Netflix like a lonely Wyoming cowboy. On to Season 5, which I must finish by Tuesday. I wish I could quit you, Lost. Seriously, I want to quit you. I need the sleep.


Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010


With the f inal chapter beginning Tuesday, here’s an attempt to catch you up if you’re ... well, lost

seasons 1-5

It would take many more pages than The Star prints in a year to fully delve into every aspect of the first five seasons of Lost. And by no means should anyone expect every mystery to be solved or every wrinkle to be undone. But, viewers should expect a satisfying ending to one of the most fascinating series in TV history — the show’s writers have said as much. Here’s some of the vital information from the first five seasons. Don’t read if you, like Bran Strickland, are still trying to catch up before Tuesday.



Where it all began ... The crash of Oceanic Flight 815 left 48 survivors on a seemingly deserted island. But after polar bears appear and a mysterious “monster” threatens the survivors, it becomes clear that there’s more to The Island than meets the eye. Some of the survivors build a raft and attempt to leave, and others discover a mysterious “hatch” that becomes an obsession to open. At the end of the season, the raft fails, and the hatch is opened. We see that there were other Flight 815 survivors on the other side of The Island, and their stories become intertwined with the characters we already knew. Jack and Locke clash often, with the theme of science vs. faith becoming prevalent. The hatch is opened, and inside is Desmond Hume, who has been charged with entering The Numbers into a computer, which we are told saves the world.

ABC/Associated Press/File


Jack, Kate and Sawyer are held hostage by a mysterious group known as The Others, who are led by the manipulative Ben Linus. Ben plays the three off of each other, eventually leading to a war between the survivors and The Others. It’s close to 70 days since the crash of Oceanic Flight 815, and some of the survivors finally make contact with a rescue team, thanks largely to the heroic death of Charlie.


The flashbacks end, and the flashforwards begin, during which we learn that some of the survivors have escaped, and they become worldwide celebrities known as The Oceanic Six. Back on The Island, a freighter off the coast isn’t the rescue vessel the survivors had hoped for, but a group of mercenaries funded by Charles Widmore and charged with capturing Ben. While the Oceanic Six eventually escape, the rest of the survivors are left on The Island, which Ben has moved. In the future, Ben shows Locke’s dead body to Jack, hoping to convince him to return to The Island.


The remaining survivors jump back and forth through time, eventually stopping in 1977, and Sawyer and Juliet become members of the Dharma Initiative. The Oceanic Six, minus Aaron, plus Ben return to The Island. All but Ben and Sun (who return in 2007) return in 1977, where they also become Dharma members. Jack forms a plan to detonate a nuclear bomb, which he hopes will reset time, hence Oceanic 815 never would have crashed. A fallen Juliet attempts to detonate the bomb, and a bright white flash closes out the season, leaving the audience wondering if Jack’s plan worked — among all the other still-unsolved mysteries. Also, the mysterious leader Jacob is revealed. He’s later killed by Ben and a man appearing to be Locke returned from the dead.

the numbers The Numbers have their own place in Lost’s mythology. What that place is ... well, like a lot of unsolved mysteries still left on the show, we don’t exactly know. We do know that these are the numbers that Hurley used to win the lottery. They also appeared on the outside of the “hatch,” and were the numbers that Desmond had to enter into the computer to prevent the world from ending. They’ve individually appeared on the show countless times. How will The Numbers affect Season 6? Here are some ideas.


The four-toed statue of Taweret was discovered to be the housing place of the mysterious island leader Jacob in the Season 5 finale. Will the genesis of the statue, and why it only has four toes, be revealed?


Star Metro Editor Ben Cunningham’s idea for a Lost spinoff: Jack and Kate Plus Eight.


Ratings have been down in recent seasons from an average of over 15 million viewers for the first two. Will the allure of an actual ending return Lost to its ratings heyday?


There are 18 episodes scheduled for Season 6, spread over 16 different weeks. So after those 16 broadcasts, we’ll see how it ends ... hopefully.


The number 23 is said to be the number of the Illuminati, and as such has part in many conspiracy theories. Lost has its own share of conspiracy theories yet to be fully discovered.


This is how many years we’ll likely spend trying to figure out the finale of the series, which airs in May. Even after that long, we probably still won’t know.

16 ◆

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 FRIDAY EVENING



7 PM


8 PM 8:30

9 PM


10 PM


BROADCAST CHANNELS Dollhouse Echo tries to stop an apocalypse. Å Kitchen Nightmares Helping the owners of a cafe. FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Seinfeld ’ Å PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å Washington Week (N) ’ NOW on PBS (N) ’ Å Bill Moyers Journal (N) ’ Å Capitol Journal “Week in Review” McLaughlin Group (N) Inside Washington ’ Å _ WCIQ Å Access Hollywood Å Law & Order “Boy Gone Astray” A wealthy young Dateline NBC ’ Å The Jay Leno Show TV show host Howie Mandel. (N) NBC 13 News at 10:00pm The Tonight Show With ` WVTM woman is found dead. ’ Å ’Å (N) Å Conan O’Brien ’ Å Smallville Oliver’s former teacher seeks revenge. Smallville “Legion” The Persuader attacks Clark. The King of Queens ’ My Name Is Earl Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ JSU Today The Roy Rogers Show Cheers ’ Å TV24 Local News Rick & Bubba Å Rick & Bubba Å TV24 Local News 8 WJXS Merv Griffin Crosswords Buster Miles Auto Wheel of Fortune “Winter Supernanny “Super-Manny Special: The Griswold Shark Tank Old-fashioned ice cream men. (N) ’ Å 20/20 ’ Å ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU Holiday” (N) Å Family” Helping a chaotic family of six. (N) ’ Å (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) Ghost Whisperer “Living Nightmare” Melinda discovers Medium “Psych” Allison dreams of a schizophrenic NUMB3RS “Devil Girl” The team searches for a serial Inside Sports ’ Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å a secret. (N) ’ Å child. (N) ’ Å killer. (N) ’ Å Letterman ’ Å Criminal Minds “Identity” Serial killer’s partner. ’ Criminal Minds “Lucky” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Bloodline” ’ Å L WPXH ›› “Lethal Weapon 4” (1998) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover. Premiere. ’ WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Are You Smarter? CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight Criminal Minds “P911” ’ Å Criminal Minds “The Perfect Storm” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Psychodrama” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Aftermath” ’ Å A&E Criminal Minds ’ Å ›› “Pitch Black” (2000) ››› “The Fugitive” (1993, Suspense) Harrison Ford, Tommy Lee Jones, Sela Ward. An innocent man must evade the law as he pursues a killer. Å AMC News “Sundance” ›› “The Amityville HorAMC Radha Mitchell. (N) ror” (1979) Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive A young man is attacked. (N) The Haunted Animals react to something unseen. I Shouldn’t Be Alive A young man is attacked. Å ANPL More Headline Attacks I’m Alive “Battlegrounds” ’ Å Transvestite Wives Three transvestite relationships. The Graham Norton Show Sarah Ferguson. Å Friday Night With Jonathan Ross (N) Å Transvestite Wives Three transvestite relationships. BBC World News Monica: Still Standing The Mo’Nique Show Lalah Hathaway performs. BET 106 & Park: Top 10 Live ››› “Inside Man” (2006, Suspense) Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Jodie Foster. A cop matches wits with a bank robber. Å City Confidential Å Biography Murderer Jerome Brudos. Å American Gangster “King” Larry Hoover. (N) Å Mobsters “Santo Trafficante” Å Breaking Vegas Winning at craps. Å BIO The Real Housewives of Orange County ›› “Along Came Polly” (2004) Ben Stiller. A jilted newlywed finds solace with another woman. ›› “Along Came Polly” (2004) Ben Stiller. BRAVO Real Housewives Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? The Singing Bee (N) ’ Cribs ’ Cribs ’ The Singing Bee ’ CMTV Extreme-Home › “Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector” (2006, Comedy) Larry the Cable Guy, Iris Bahr. Å Com.-Presents Com.-Presents John Oliver’s New York Stand-Up Show (N) Å COMEDY The Colbert Report Å Dirty Jobs “High-Rise Window Washer” ’ Å Swamp Loggers “Money Pit” ’ Å Swamp Loggers “Waterlogged” (N) ’ Å Dirty Jobs “High-Rise Window Washer” ’ Å DISC Dirty Jobs ’ Å The Suite Life on Deck Wizards of Waverly Place The Suite Life on Deck Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb A de- Wizards of Waverly Place Hannah Montana “Mascot Phineas and Ferb “Out to The Suite Life on Deck DISN “The Defiant Ones” “Doll House” (N) vice to find Perry. ’Å Love” ’ Launch” Cruise ship. The Daily 10 (N) Keeping Up With the Kardashians “Body Blows” Kendra: Here Comes Baby The Soup (N) Chelsea Lately Bloopers Chelsea Lately E! News E! ●SportsCenter (Live) Å ESPN ●Winter X-Games From Aspen, Colo. (Live) Å ●Track and Field Millrose Games. From Madison Square Garden in New York. (Live) Å Boxing Friday Night Fights. (Live) Å ESPN2 ●NFL Live (Live) Å America’s Funniest Home Videos ’ Å America’s Funniest Home Videos ’ Å The 700 Club Building wells. (N) Å FAM Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos ’ Å Chopped “Winging It” Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Diner, Drive-In The Best Thing-Ate Best Thing, Ate Good Eats Cupcakes. Rachael’s Vacation FOOD Challenge Las Vegas. ●Women’s College Basketball Florida State at Duke. (Live) ●The Final Score (Live) Boxing Gabriel Campillo vs. Beibut Shumenov. FOXSS Women’s College Basketball ›› “Fantastic Four” (2005, Action) Ioan Gruffudd. ›› “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” (2007, Science Fiction) Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans. Nip/Tuck Sean prepares for a trip to Africa. FX ››› “The Ice Storm” (1997, Drama) Kevin Kline, Joan Allen. Two ’70s-era suburban clans crack under internal strains. Å ››› “The Ice Storm” (1997, Drama) Kevin Kline, Joan Allen. Å FXM Romancing the Stone Family Feud Å Carnie Wilson The Newlywed Game Catch 21 Å Hidden Agenda Å Deal or No Deal Contestants get a chance to win money. ’ Å GSN Deal or No Deal ’ Å America’s Funniest Touched by an Angel The angels help a man who “Ice Dreams” (2010, Drama) Jessica Cauffiel, Brady Smith, Jerry Stiller. A former Olympic figure skater coach- The Golden Girls “It’s a The Golden Girls A lesHALL Home Videos ’ Å gets an ego after saving a woman in danger. Å es a young student. Å Miserable Life” ’ Å bian falls for Rose. Å Big Love Joey tries to safeguard a secret. ’ Å ›› “Watchmen” (2009, Action) Billy Crudup. A masked vigilante probes the murder of a fellow superhero. ’ ‘R’ Å 24/7 Jimmie HBO 24/7 Jimmie HGTV Dream Home 2010 Å House Hunters Å Bang for Your Buck (N) House Hunters Intern’l House Hunters The Unsellables Å My First Place Å H&G House Hunters Å Modern Marvels Custom Gangland “Bloody South” Å Gangland A task force is formed to take down the Hid- American Pickers “Super Scooter” Vespa Ape scooter; Lock N’ Load With R. Lee Ermey “Machine Guns” HIST machines harvest crops. den Valley Kings of Charlotte, N.C. Å buses; tractors. Å Gunny delves into the history of the machine gun. Grey’s Anatomy “Some Kind of Miracle” ’ Å Project Runway “The Hi’s and Low’s of Fashion” Project Runway “The Hi’s and Low’s of Fashion” Models of the Runway Will & Grace ’ Å LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Å ›› “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor” (2008, Adventure) Brendan Fraser. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å MAX ›› Speed Racer (2008) ››› “Training Day” (2001, Crime Drama) Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke, Scott Glenn. ’ ‘R’ Å Our Time in Hell: The Korean War Å World at War “Alone” ’ Å Our Time in Hell: The Korean War Å MILIT 20th Century Battlefields Our Time in Hell: The Korean War Å Teen Mom ’ Å ›› “Can’t Hardly Wait” (1998, Comedy) Jennifer Love Hewitt, Ethan Embry, Charlie Korsmo. ’ MTV Jersey Shore “Reunion” The cast reminisces. Å DogTown A foster dog finds a new home. (N) Dog Whisperer Explosive-sniffing K-9 jittery. Dog Whisperer “How to Raise the Perfect Dog” DogTown A foster dog finds a new home. NGEO Planet Carnivore iCarly (N) ’ Å Big Time Rush (N) Å Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å NICK The Penguins How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å SCIENCE How Do They Do It? ’ How It’s Made ’ Å ›› “Twilight” (2008) Kristen Stewart. A teen is caught up in an unorthodox romance with a vampire. Diary-Call Girl Diary-Call Girl Boxing Chris Avalos vs. Jose Nieves. (iTV) (Live) SHOW Jake Johannsen All My Children Today ’ Å One Life to Live Today ’ Å General Hospital Today ’ Å Days of our Lives Today ’ Å SOAP Young-Restless NASCAR Best of ’09 NASCAR Best of ’09 NASCAR Best of ’09 NASCAR Best of ’09 NASCAR Racing Toyota All-Star Showdown, Qualifying. (Live) SPEED ●Pass Time Best of PRIDE Fighting Championship ’ Best of PRIDE Fighting Championship (N) ’ 1,000 Ways to Die ’ 1,000 Ways to Die ’ SPIKE UFC Fight Night ’ ●Hawks Live! Postgame Raceline ●FIGHTZONE Presents SPSO ●NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Atlanta Hawks. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) Caprica “Rebirth” Joseph confronts Daniel. (N) Warehouse 13 “Resonance” ’ Å Caprica “Rebirth” Joseph confronts Daniel. SYFY Caprica “Pilot” Lifelike avatar. Å Behind the Scenes Å The Hal Lindsey Report Joel Osteen Å Dr. Frederick K. Price Praise the Lord Å TBN It’s Supernatural Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å ›› “The Longest Yard” (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler, Chris Rock. Prisoners train for a football game against the guards. Å › Vegas Vacation TBS Seinfeld Å ›› “Cariboo Trail” (1950) ››› “No Time for Sergeants” (1958, Comedy) Andy Griffith, Myron McCormick, Nick Adams. A naive Geor- ››› “Buck Privates” (1941, Comedy) Bud Abbott, Lou Costello, Andrews Sisters. Two Army recruits cause TCM Randolph Scott. gian joins the military and creates mayhem. chaos for their drill instructor. Å What Not to Wear “Chelsea” ’ Å What Not to Wear “Crizti” (N) ’ Å Miss America: Behind the Curtain (N) ’ Å What Not to Wear “Crizti” ’ Å TLC What Not to Wear Å Bones “The Secret in the Bones “Mummy in the Maze” Mummified remains are Bones The team suspects colleagues when an intern’s Bones High-school alumni find a body in a time cap- ›› “Final Destination 3” (2006, Horror) Mary ElizaTNT Soil” ’ Å found at Halloween attractions. ’ Å remains are found in an incinerator. ’ Å sule they buried 20 years earlier. ’ Å beth Winstead, Ryan Merriman, Kris Lemche. Å Ben 10: Alien Force (N) Star Wars: Clone Wars What Would Happen? King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å Baby Blues ’ Å American Dad ’ Å TOON Batman: Brave and Bold Johnny Test ’ Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show ›› “Groundhog Day” (1993, Romance-Comedy) Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell. A TV weatherman’s day keeps repeating. ›› Groundhog Day TVLND Sanford and Son Å ››› “The Bourne Identity” (2002) Matt Damon, Franka Potente. An amnesiac agent is marked for death after a botched hit. Å Burn Notice Michael hunts down a child predator. USA NCIS “Faking It” ’ Å ››› “Grease” (1978) John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John. Disparate summer lovers meet again as high-school seniors. ’ Å London Live (N) ’ For the Love of Ray J VH1 Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew ’ CABLE NEWS Fast Money Options Action (N) Cruise Inc.: Big Money on the High Seas Back to the Future: The Next Global Crisis (N) Mad Money CNBC Kudlow Report (Live) Campbell Brown (N) Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å CNN Situation Room Capital News Today CSPAN Tonight From Washington Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 Close-Up on C-SPAN The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor FNC FOX Report Countdown With Keith Olbermann (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Countdown With Keith Olbermann The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC Hardball Å






BROADCAST CHANNELS Into Wild Animals & WBRC Animal Super Why! Martha Biz Kid$ Å _ WCIQ Å Speaks Turbo Dogs Shelldon Å 3-2-1 Pen` WVTM Å guins! 5 WTTO Yu-Gi-Oh! Sonic X ’ Sonic X ’ 8 WJXS Bullwinkle Real Life Rick That’s So That’s So Fat Loss H WJSU Raven (EI) Raven (EI) The Early Show (N) ’ Å J WIAT







Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 1:30










Animal Atl. Animal Atl. Pets.TV ’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bernie King of Hill Cops Å Cops Å Cops Å Seinfeld Amer. Idol Test Mexico/Bay Lidia’s Italy Everyday Simply SewingQuilting MarthaLove of Garden Woodsmith Hometime This Old Ask This Lawrence Kitchen less Å Food Å Ming Å Nancy Arts Sewing Quilting Smart ’ Shop Å Å House ’ Old House Welk ●Skiing USSA Nature Valley Freestyle ●Bull Riding PBR Tour. From Tampa, News Willa’s Wild Jane & the Paid Pro- Paid Pro- ●World of Adventure NBC News Access Life Dragon gram gram Sports (N) ’ Å Cup. From Lake Placid, N.Y. Fla. (Taped) ’ Å Hollywood ●College Basketball Alabama at Auburn. (Live) Chaotic Paid Prog. Basketball ●College Basketball LSU at Mississippi State. (Live) Jim Raymond Two Men Vets Issue Kelli Robin H. Auto Ranger Atkinson Rick Rick Auto Show Auto In Touch-Dr Gaither Gaither The Cross Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Your Baby Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Shark Tank ’ Å Paid Pro- World News at gram gram gram gram gram Can Read gram gram gram gram gram News 6PM ●College Basketball Duke at Georgetown. (Live) ●PGA Tour Golf Farmers Insurance Open, Third Round. From Torrey Pines Paid Pro- Crimson CBS 42 CBS Evening Paid Program Tide Å Golf Club in La Jolla, Calif. (Live) Å News at 5 News gram Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Mint Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›› “Phone Booth” (2002) Colin Farrell. ’ ›› “Running Scared” (2006) Paul Walker. ’ L WPXH Naked Market Market Market Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Wimzies Animal Deadliest Catch ’ Legend of the Seeker “Thrill of the Kill” (2006) Shiri Appleby. Lopez George Half & Half ¥ WABM Market CABLE ENTERTAINMENT News High Q Local Programming News Local Prog Ent. Ton. ^ TV-2 Local Programming Flip This House Å Flip This House Å Flip House ›› “Eraser” (1996, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Å ››› “The Green Mile” (1999, Drama) Tom Hanks. Å A&E Sell House Sell House Flip This House Å ›› “Backlash” (1956, ›››› “Unforgiven” (1992, Western) Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman. Clint ››› “True Lies” (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis. A ››› “The Fugitive” (1993) Harrison Ford. An innocent man AMC Western) Å Eastwood’s Oscar-winning portrait of an aged gunman. Å man lives the double life of a spy and a family man. Å must evade the law as he pursues a killer. Å Dogs 101 ’ Å Cats 101 ’ Å Animal Cops Phoenix Animal Cops Phoenix Animals Animals Weird Weird Lost Lost The Haunted ’ Å Dogs 101 ANPL It’s Me or the Dog ’ You Eat Gordon-F Word Kitchen Nightmares ’ Ramsay’s Kitchen Top Gear Å Top Gear Å Dr. Who BBC The Hotel Inspector ’ How Clean How Clean You Are What You Eat You Eat One One One One One One One One One The Game The Game Chris Chris › “The Cookout” (2004) Ja Rule. Å DontBe BET One Shatner Shatner Legends Legends Ripley-Believe Ripley-Believe Miami Manhunt Å The Unexplained Å The Unexplained Å Unexplained Mysteries Mysteries BIO Real Housewives Happens Shear Genius ’ Å Shear Genius ’ Å Shear Genius ’ Å Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives House “Daddy’s Boy” House ’ BRAVO Match Top 20 Countdown ’ Insider ›› “Grumpier Old Men” (1995) Jack Lemmon. The 43rd Annual CMA Awards ’ Å Grumpier CMTV CMT Music ’ ›› “Stuck on You” (2003, Comedy) Matt Damon. Å Scrubs ’ Scrubs ’ Scrubs ’ Scrubs ’ › “Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector” “Blue Collar Comedy Tour” COMEDY ›› “Loose Cannons” (1990) Å Howe & Howe Tech ’ Engineering Thrills ’ Sinking Carrier Motor City Motors ’ Motor City Motors ’ MythBusters ’ Å MythBusters Å MythBusters ’ Å MythBust DISC Dirty Jobs ’ Å Imag. Handy Phineas Phineas ›› “Life-Size” (2000, Fantasy) Jere Phineas WizardsWizards of Waverly Hannah Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas “Meet DISN Movers Manny ’ and Ferb and Ferb Burns, Lindsay Lohan. ’ Å and Ferb Place Place Montana and Ferb and Ferb and Ferb and Ferb and Ferb and Ferb Robinsns” The Soup Daily 10 Fashion Police Giuliana Kendra True Hollywood Story Girls Kardashians Kardashian Kardas Kardas Kardashian Kardas Kardas E! ●College GameDay ●College Basketball Louisville at West Virginia. ●College Basketball Oklahoma State at Missouri. ●College Basketball Vanderbilt at Kentucky. ●College GameDay Basketball ESPN ●SportsCenter Å ●College Basketball La Salle at Temple. (Live) ●College Basketball Indiana at Illinois. (Live) ●Winter X Games From Aspen, Colo. (Live) Å College Basketball ESPN2 English Premier League Soccer ›› “The Sandlot” (1993) Tom Guiry, Mike Vitar. Å ›› “Kicking & Screaming” (2005) Will Ferrell. ›› “Major Payne” (1995) Å FAM Full House Full House Full House ›› “The Little Rascals” (1994) Bug Hall Å Home Paula Cooking Ingred. Fix Giada Contessa Worst Cooks Chopped “Winging It” Dinner: Impossible Iron Chef America Challenge B. Flay FOOD 30-Minutes Chef World Poker Tour: Sea Runnin College Basketball Game 365 ●In My Own Words Basketball FOXSS ShipShape Outdoors Game 365 Basketball ●College Basketball Queens at Pfeiffer. (Live) ››› “Unfaithful” (2002) Richard Gere, Diane Lane. ›› “Fantastic Four” (2005) Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba. ›› “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” (2007) ››› “The Simpsons Movie” (2007, Comedy) FX ›› “Fathom” (1967) Tony Franciosa. Å ›› “Guilty Conscience” (1985) Blythe Danner ›› “Vanishing Point” (1997) Å FXM DesertRats “The House on 92nd Street” (1945) ››› “Panic in the Streets” (1950) Å Fam. Feud Newlywed Catch 21 Hidden Unstapled Deal or No Deal Å Deal or No Deal Å Fam Feud Fam Feud Newlywed Catch 21 Unstapled Hidden 1 vs. 100 ’ Å Deal No GSN Chain Animal Ad- Animal Ad- “Bailey’s Mistake” (2001, Suspense) Linda Hamil- “Love Is a Four Letter Word” (2007, Romance) “Ice Dreams” (2010) Jessica Cauffiel. A former “Thicker Than Water” (2005, Drama) Melissa “SacrificeHALL ventures ventures ton, Joan Plowright, Kyle Secor. Å Teri Polo, Robert Mailhouse. Å Olympic figure skater coaches a young student. Gilbert, Lindsay Wagner, Brian Wimmer. Å Heart” 24/7 ›› “Mr. Woodcock” (2007) Å ›› “Solo” (1996) ’ ‘PG-13’ Å › “What Happens in Vegas” (2008) ‘PG-13’ ›› “Yes Man” (2008) Jim Carrey. ››› “I Am Legend” (2007) Å HBO Ted Williams ’ Å Hammer Over Head Carter Can To Sell Curb Block Outdoor Outside Design Design Dime Colour Colour Divine Design Å Color To Sell For Rent H&G Sweat Nostradamus Effect Nostradamus Effect Nostradamus Effect Nostradamus Effect Å Apocalypse Island Island clue in Mayan predicPawn Stars Pawn Stars Death Masks Scientists use death masks to ana- Food Tech HIST “Son of Nostradamus” “Hitler’s Blood Oath” Apocalyptic prediction. tions. Å Å Å lyze powerful men. Å Å ›› “The Banger Sisters” (2002) Goldie Hawn. ›› “Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit” (1993) “Spring Breakdown” (2009) Parker Posey. Å Beauty LIFE Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›› “How Stella Got Her Groove Back” (1998) ›› “Sleeping With the Enemy” ›› “Inkheart” (2009) Brendan Fraser. ’ ‘PG’ ››› “Casino” (1995, Crime Drama) Robert De Niro. ’ ‘R’ Å Australia MAX ››› “Sex and the City” (2008) Sarah Jessica Parker. ‘R’ Normandy Cru. World at War ’ Å Unsolved History Å Battlefields Battleplan ’ Å Modern Sniper “Army” Combat Zone ’ Å Special Ops Mission Deadliest MILIT Normandy Cru. Teen Mom ’ Å Taking the Stage Å America’s Best Dance The Real World “D.C.” Going Going Going Going Going Going Going Going Going MTV Life, Liz Bullets-Boston Bikers and Mobsters Vegas Mafia Miami Drug Cartel Mob Rampage Tijuana Drug Lords Bloods & Crips Chinatown Mafia Explorer NGEO Philly Mob Barnyard Mighty B Sponge Sponge iCarly ’ iCarly ’ The Fairly OddParents Penguins Penguins Fanboy Fanboy iCarly ’ iCarly ’ iCarly ’ iCarly ’ iCarly ’ NICK Penguins Fanboy SCIENCE How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made ›› “What Women Want” (2000) Mel Gibson. Trac. Ull La La ›› “The Eye” (2008) Jessica Alba. ‘PG-13’ ››› “The Preacher’s Wife” (1996) ‘PG’ Inside NFL SHOW › “Deal” (2008) Burt Reynolds. iTV. ‘PG-13’ Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ Gilmore Girls ’ Å Gilmore Girls ’ Å Being Erica ’ Being Erica ’ Young SOAP One Tree Hill ’ Å Grand Am: 24 Hours at Rolex Sports Car Series Racing 24 Hours of Daytona - Part 1. (Live) SPEED Drag Boat On Edge Ultimate Street Car In German Touring Cars British Touring Car ●Trucks! Xtreme Horse. MuscleCar Die Die Die ››› “Deliverance” (1972) Jon Voight, Burt Reynolds. ’ ›› “Cradle 2 the Grave” (2003) Jet Li. ’ Unleashed SPIKE ›› “Hard to Kill” ’ Tech Phenoms Golf Raceline 3 Wide My Words College Flash Classics ●College Basketball Furman at Wofford. (Live) 3 Wide Raceline Whips Golf Am. Basketball SPSO Golf Am. ACC ›› “Asteroid” (1997) Michael Biehn. Huge fragments of a disintegrating comet threaten Earth. ›› “10.5: Apocalypse” (2006) Kim Delaney. A scientist assesses the threat of seismic activity. Lost City SYFY ›› “Meteor” (1979) Bugtime Auto B. Hopkins God Rocks Friends Ishine Goliath Kids Club McGee Stories Aqua Kids Storykeepr News TBN Highlights of 2009 Memories TBN Wonder › “Vegas Vacation” (1997) Chevy Chase. ›› “Miss Congeniality” (2000) Å (DVS) Jim Raymond Raymond Raymond King King The Office Seinfeld TBS “Dickie Roberts: Child Star” ››› “The Dark Corner” (1946, Crime Drama) Lu- ››› “Operation Petticoat” (1959, Comedy) Cary ›››› “Fiddler on the Roof” (1971, Musical) Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey. Poor ›››› “National Velvet” (1944, Drama) Mickey TCM cille Ball, Mark Stevens, Clifton Webb. Grant, Tony Curtis, Dina Merrill. Å Jewish milkman, wife and five daughters in czarist Russia. Å Rooney, Elizabeth Taylor. Å (DVS) What Not to Wear ’ What Not to Wear ’ What Not to Wear ’ What Not to Wear ’ What Not to Wear ’ What Not to Wear ’ What Not to Wear ’ What Not to Wear ’ Miss TLC What Not to Wear ’ Leverage “The Bank The Closer Provenza’s ››› “Scream 2” (1997, Horror) David Arquette, › “The Haunting” (1999) Liam Neeson. Four peo- ›› “Final Destination 3” (2006, Horror) Mary Eliz- ››› “Sleepy Hollow” (1999) Johnny TNT Shot Job” Å car is stolen. Å Neve Campbell, Courteney Cox. Å ple stay in a reputedly haunted house. Å abeth Winstead, Ryan Merriman. Å Depp, Christina Ricci. Å Grim Chowder Chowder Garfield Garfield “Codename: Kids Next Door” Courage Courage Courage Flapjack Flapjack Ed, Edd Ed, Edd Johnny T Johnny T Bakugan TOON Grim Married... Married... Married... Married... Married... Married... Married... Married... Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith TVLND Saturday ›› “Groundhog Day” (1993) Bill Murray, Chris Elliott. Burn Notice Å “Chaos” (2005, Action) Jason Statham. Å ›› “Crank” (2006) Jason Statham. Å ›› “War” (2007) Jet Li, Jason Statham. Å ››› “The Bourne Identity” Å USA Psych Å Frank the Entertainer ››› “Grease” (1978, Musical) John Travolta. ’ Å Tough Love ’ Tough Love ’ Fantasia Celebrity Rehab, Drew Roll VH1 Top 20 Countdown ’ Storytellers ’ CABLE NEWS Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Profit Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ripped Paid Prog. MacHEAD CNBC HAAN’s Newsroom Newsroom Your Money Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Situation Room Newsroom CNN Newsroom C-SPAN Weekend President Commun. Courts CSPAN C-SPAN Weekend Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Encore Booknotes Book TV CSPAN2 Book TV Business Forbes Cashin’ In America’s News HQ Journal Watch Glenn Beck America’s News HQ America’s News HQ Report FNC Bulls Strangers Murder by the Sea Honeymoon From Hell Keithwood Crt. The Comic Book Murder Shot MSNBC MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) Death-Hollywd Adven. Design Squad ’ Babar (EI) Å Turtles Rick Bose-Theatre

18 ◆

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 SATURDAY EVENING



BROADCAST CHANNELS & WBRC American Idol Rewind The Lawrence Welk Show _ WCIQ Big Band tunes. Access Hollywood Top ` WVTM entertainment stories. (N) 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ 8 WJXS Robin Hood Rich robbed. Wheel of Fortune “Teen H WJSU Best Friends” Å Jeopardy! Å J WIAT

7 PM


8 PM 8:30

Cops (N) ’ (PA) Å Cops ’ (PA) Å America’s Most Wanted: America Fights Back (N) Classic Gospel Gaither Vocal Band performs “Forgive Keeping Up AppearAs Time Goes By The Me.” ’ Å ances: Memoirs house seems empty. Truth in Motion: The U.S. Ski Team’s Road to Van- Law & Order ’ Å couver (N) ’ Å Friends ’ Å Friends ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å That ’70s Show ’ Å ›› “Hit Lady” (1974, Drama) Yvette Mimieux. A sophisticated artist is actually a professional killer. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Ward Family” Mary J. Blige helps the team. ’ Å

9 PM


10 PM


FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM The Wanda Sykes Show Are You Being Served? Last of the Summer Wine To the Manor Born AuThe Vicar of Dibley ’ Å Hope at promotion time. “Stop That Bath” drey hurts her back. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Quickie” Man NBC 13 News at 10:00pm Saturday Night Live (N) knowingly spreads HIV. ’ Å (N) Å ’Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å The Andy Griffith Show Paid Program Rick & Bubba Å Rick & Bubba Å A Night at The Grill Can-U-Relate Show Castle “Ghosts” A woman is found drowned in a tub of ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Grey’s Anatomy “Owner motor oil. ’ Å (N) of a Lonely Heart” Å “The Magic of Ordinary Days” (2005, Drama) Keri Russell, Skeet Ulrich, Mare Winningham. An unwed moth- 48 Hours Mystery “The Secret” A 911 operator goes Inside Sports ’ CSI: Miami “Sunblock” ’ er’s father marries her off to a lonely farmer. ’ Å missing. (N) ’ Å Å My Name Is Earl “Pilot” My Name Is Earl Å Time Life Music Å Healing Foods L WPXH ›› “Lethal Weapon 4” (1998, Action) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover. Detectives Riggs and Murtaugh battle Chinese mercenaries. ’ “Lost in the Dark” (2007) Mae Whitman. Escaped convicts threaten the welfare of a blind woman. ReGenesis “Talk to Him” Å Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris ¥ WABM Half & Half Å CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Hot Topics ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight › “Gone in Sixty Seconds” (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage. Premiere. A retired thief must steal 50 cars to save his brother. Å Steven Seagal Lawman Steven Seagal Lawman Steven Seagal Lawman A&E ››› The Green Mile ››› “The Fugitive” ››› “Space Cowboys” (2000, Adventure) Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland. NASA reunites four aging flyboys for an urgent mission. Å ›› “Behind Enemy Lines” (2001, Action) Owen WilAMC (1993) Harrison Ford. son, Gene Hackman, Gabriel Macht. It’s Me or the Dog “Killer Instincts” (N) ’ Å Underdog to Wonderdog “You Gotta Have Faith” Pit Boss Shorty’s job is on the line. (N) ’ Underdog to Wonderdog “You Gotta Have Faith” ANPL Dogs 101 ’ Å Demons Luke faces his most dangerous demon yet. Demons Mina has a premonition of Luke’s death. The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners Demons Luke faces his most dangerous demon yet. BBC Doctor Who Å › “Half Baked” (1998) Dave Chappelle. New York potheads attempt to get their friend out of jail. Å › “The Cookout” (2004, Comedy) Ja Rule. Å BET “Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice” Unexplained Mysteries Haunted History “Washington, D.C.” Å Ghostly Encounters Ghostly Encounters Celebrity Ghost Stories Å Psychic Investigators Psychic Investigators BIO House “Hunting” ’ Å House “The Mistake” ’ Å House “Deception” ’ Å House “Failure to Communicate” ’ Å BRAVO House “Spin” ’ Å ››› “Rudy” (1993, Drama) Sean Astin, Ned Beatty. Premiere. A working-class teen dreams of admission to Notre Dame. ’ CMT Music ’ CMTV ›› “Grumpier Old Men” (1995, Comedy) Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau. ’ Bill Engvall: Aged and Confused Comic performs. Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity The comic performs. Å George Lopez COMEDY Blue Collar Comedy Tour Jeff Foxworthy: Totally Committed ’ Å MythBusters “Prison Escape” ’ Å MythBusters Investigating two filthy myths. ’ Å MythBusters “Thermite vs. Ice” ’ Å MythBusters “Prison Escape” ’ Å DISC MythBusters ’ Å ››› “Meet the Robinsons” (2007, Adventure) Voices ››› “The Parent Trap” (1998, Comedy) Lindsay Lohan, Dennis Quaid, Natasha Richardson. Reunited twin girls try to get their parents Wizards of Waverly Place “Wizards vs. Werewolves” DISN of Angela Bassett, Daniel Hansen. ‘G’ back together. ’ ‘PG’ Å Alex, Mason and Max search for Juliet. Kardashian ››› “Sleepless in Seattle” (1993) Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Bill Pullman. A Baltimore newswoman falls for a Seattle widower. The Girls Next Door The Soup Chelsea Lately E! ●Winter X-Games From Aspen, Colo. (Live) Å ●SportsCenter (Live) Å ESPN ●College Basketball Kansas at Kansas State. (Live) ●College Basketball Pacific at UC Riverside. (Live) ●Tennis Australian Open, Women’s Final. From Melbourne, Australia. Å ESPN2 College Basketball ››› “The Wedding Singer” (1998, Romance-Comedy) Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore. Å FAM ›› Major Payne (1995) › “Billy Madison” (1995) Adam Sandler. A hotel magnate’s adult son goes back to grade school. Å Unwrapped Tailgate Warriors With Guy Fieri Ace of Cakes “The Super Cake” Super Bowl cake. Iron Chef America “Morimoto vs. Wadi” FOOD Throwdown-Bobby Flay Unwrapped “Fan Fare” ●Boxing Angky Angkota vs. Jorge Arce. From Toluca, Mexico. (Live) Women’s College Gymnastics FOXSS ●College Basketball Georgia at South Carolina. (Live) ›› “Shallow Hal” (2001) Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black. A superficial man now sees only the inner beauty of a very fat woman. ››› “Superbad” (2007) Jonah Hill. Co-dependent teens hope to score booze and babes at a party. FX ›› “Point Break” (1991) Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves. An FBI man turns surfer to nab rubber-masked bank robbers. Å ›› “Point Break” (1991, Action) Patrick Swayze, Keanu Reeves. Å FXM Avatar Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å Deal or No Deal ’ Å The Newlywed Game Carnie Wilson Catch 21 Å Hidden Agenda Å GSN Deal or No Deal ’ Å “Sacrifices of the Heart” (2007, Drama) Melissa Gilbert, Cyril O’Reilly, Ken “Bound by a Secret” (2009, Drama) Meredith Baxter, Lesley Ann Warren, Bridget Ann White. A terminally ill “Accidental Friendship” (2008) Chandra Wilson. A HALL Howard. An attorney visits her ailing father on the family farm. Å woman wants to reveal a lifelong secret. police officer befriends a homeless woman. Å › “12 Rounds” (2009, Action) John Cena. An escaped convict kidnaps a cop’s fiancee. ‘PG-13’ Å ›› “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (2008, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å HBO ››› I Am Legend ’ Divine Design (N) Å Sarah’s House ’ Å Outdoor Room Curb Appeal: The Block House Hunters Å House Hunters Å House Hunters House Hunters H&G House Hunters Å Food Tech “Chinese Take Life After People “Toxic Revenge” Toxins and chemi- Life After People “Crypt of Civilization” Relics meet Life After People “Last Supper” The fate of mankind’s Life After People “Wrath of God” The post-apocalyptic HIST Out” Å cals are unleashed. Å varied fates. Å food. Å fate of religion. Å “Lying to Be Perfect” (2010, Drama) Poppy Montgomery, Adam Kaufman. Å Project Runway “The Hi’s and Low’s of Fashion” LIFE ›› “Beauty Shop” (2005, Comedy) Queen Latifah, Alicia Silverstone. Å › “The Unborn” (2009, Horror) Odette Yustman. Premiere. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Erotic Traveler MAX ›› “Australia” (2008, Adventure) Nicole Kidman. An Englishwoman and a cattleman struggle to save her ranch. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Marine Corps Survival School ’ Å Marine Corps Survival School ’ Å Special Ops Mission Taking out a drug lord. Å Marine Corps Survival School ’ Å MILIT Deadliest Aircraft South Park ’ Å South Park “TSST!” ’ America’s Best Dance Crew Taking the Stage ’ Å ›› “Into the Blue” (2005) Paul Walker. ’ MTV Going Out With Him Orca Killing School Orcas. (N) ’ Border Wars A drug cartel’s smuggling strategy. The Real Bonnie and Clyde Orca Killing School Orcas. ’ NGEO Explorer iCarly ’ Å True Jackson, VP Å The Troop (N) ’ Å iCarly ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å NICK iCarly ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å SCIENCE How It’s Made ’ Å Diary-Call Girl Tracey Ullman’s State Jake Johannsen: I Love You (iTV) Strikeforce: Miami (iTV) (Live) SHOW Inside the NFL Å The Young and the Restless Tuesday The Young and the Restless Wednesday The Young and the Restless Thursday The Young and the Restless Friday SOAP Young-Restless ●NASCAR Racing Toyota All-Star Showdown. From Toyota Speedway at Irwindale in Irwindale, Calif. SPEED ●Rolex Sports Car Series Racing 24 Hours of Daytona - Part 1. From Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla. (Live) UFC Unleashed ’ UFC Unleashed ’ UFC 107: Penn vs. Sanchez (N) ’ Å SPIKE UFC Unleashed ’ ●Hawks Live! Postgame 3 Wide Life ●College Basketball Furman at Wofford. Unique Whips SPSO ●NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Orlando Magic. From Amway Arena in Orlando, Fla. (Live) “Meteor Storm” (2010) Michael Trucco. An astronomer must save San Francisco from meteor strikes. “NYC: Tornado Terror” (2008) Nicole de Boer. Å SYFY “Lost City Raiders” (2008, Adventure) James Brolin, Ian Somerhalder. Å In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Å Hour of Power Å Billy Graham Classic Crusades Drive Thru History Å Travel the Road Å TBN Precious Mem. Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å ›› “The Replacements” (2000) Keanu Reeves. Misfit substitutes take the field during a football strike. ›› “Varsity Blues” (1999) James Van Der Beek. TBS Seinfeld “The Limo” ’ ›››› “National Velvet” ››› “Wuthering Heights” (1939, Romance) Merle Oberon, Laurence Olivier, David Niven. An aristocrat falls ››› “Murder at the Gallop” (1963, Mystery) Margaret Rutherford, Robert Morley. ›››› “The Sea Hawk” TCM (1944) Å (DVS) in love with her father’s stableboy. Å Miss Marple ponders the death of a wealthy recluse. Å (1940) Å Miss America 2010 Women compete in Las Vegas. ’ (Live) Å Four Weddings “...And a Boat to Catch” (N) Å What Not to Wear “Crizti” ’ Å TLC Miss America: Behind ››› “Sleepy Hollow” ›› “Disturbia” (2007, Suspense) Shia LaBeouf, David Morse, Sarah Roemer. A troubled youth suspects his ›› “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” (2006, Action) Lucas Black, Zachery Ty Bryan, Bow Wow. An TNT (1999) Johnny Depp. Å neighbor is a serial killer. Å American street racer takes on a Japanese champion. Å Batman: Brave and Bold The Secret Saturdays Hot Wheels King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å Stroker and Hoop The PJs ’ Å TOON Super Hero Squad Show Teen Titans TVLND The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show Home Improvement ’ Home Improvement ’ Home Improvement ’ Home Improvement ’ Roseanne Jackie goes dancing with another man. ››› “The Bourne Ultimatum” (2007) Matt Damon. Jason Bourne continues to look for clues to unravel his true identity. Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Sugar” Å USA ››› “The Bourne Identity” (2002) Matt Damon. For the Love of Ray J Highlights from the season. Fantasia for Real ’ Let’s Talk About Pep ’ Tough Love ’ VH1 ›› “Roll Bounce” (2005) Bow Wow, Chi McBride. A roller-skater prepares for a big showdown. ’ CABLE NEWS American Greed The Suze Orman Show “Trust Your Gut!” (N) Å Til Debt Do Us Part ’ Til Debt Do Us Part ’ American Greed CNBC MacHEADS Campbell Brown Larry King Live Newsroom Campbell Brown CNN Newsroom American Perspectives American Perspectives CSPAN America & the Courts Book TV Book TV Book TV: After Words Book TV CSPAN2 Book TV Huckabee Glenn Beck Geraldo at Large ’ Å Journal Editorial Report Fox News Watch FNC FOX Report Lockup: Holman Holman Correctional Facility. Lockup: Holman “Extended Play: Snake and Fluffy” Lockup: Holman “Extended Stay: Locked Up Love” Lockup: Holman “Extended Stay: The Shakedown” MSNBC A Shot in the Dark












Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 1:30










BROADCAST CHANNELS J. Osteen Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ››› “Unfaithful” (2002) Richard Gere, Diane Lane. Seinfeld ’Til Death & WBRC FOX News Sunday Martha WordGirl ’ Angelina: Dragonfly- Bookmark SecondAt Your On The Job Capitol Journal “Week in Great Performances at the Met “Salome” Soprano Karita Mattila portrays the Tavis Smiley Reports Antiques _ WCIQ Speaks (EI) Next TV ’ Å Health Service Review” title role in Strauss’s masterpiece. ’ Å (Series Premiere) (N) Roadshow ●International Auto ●Figure Skating Skate For the Heart. From HoffMeet the Press (N) Å Chris Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- 700 Club Super Sunday Telethon ’ Å News NBC News Dateline ` WVTM Matthews gram gram gram Show From Detroit. (N) man Estates, Ill. (Taped) ’ Å NBC Å Paid Prog. House RightSide Paid Prog. Frasier ’ Smash Cut Smash Cut The Hills 5 WTTO Copeland Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. BusyWorld Wild Amer. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. ›› “Quest for Camelot” (1998) Gospel Music Parker Church Cornerstne Paid Prog. Bamas Bamas ›› “Barnaby and Me” (1977) Sid Caesar. Rick Rick Burns Football Gospel 8 WJXS Crosspoint ●NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at San Antonio Spurs. From ●NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at Boston Celtics. From Roebuck Paid Pro- This Week Å Paid Pro- NBA News at World Funny H WJSU Park gram gram the AT&T Center in San Antonio. (Live) Å TD Garden in Boston. (Live) Å 5PM News Videos ●College Basketball Florida at Tennessee. (Live) ●PGA Tour Golf Farmers Insurance Open, Final Round. From Torrey Pines Golf Club in La News Sunday Face the Dawson Memorial Motorcycle Racing 60 Minutes J WIAT Morn. Nation (N) Church Å Jolla, Calif. (Live) Å (N) Å Inspiration Ministry Campmeeting ’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fat Loss Baby Read ›››› “GoodFellas” (1990) Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci. ’ ›› “The Transporter” (2002) ’ L WPXH Paid Prog. Foods Faith Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sports nContrast Women’s College Basketball Know Your Heritage ›› “The Greatest Game Ever Played” (2005) Legend ¥ WABM Church CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming News NBA NBA Basketball: Nuggets at Spurs Local Programming Ch. 2 News at 6 Local Prog ^ TV-2 Action News The Sopranos ’ Å ›› “Eraser” (1996, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Å Inter. Intervention “Marie” Intervention “Brooke” Intervention “Jill” Å CSI: Miami ’ Å CSI: Miami A&E The Sopranos ’ Å ››› “The Matrix” ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves, Lau›› “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. ››› “The Matrix” (1999) Keanu Reeves. A computer hacker AMC (1999) Keanu Reeves. rence Fishburne. Freedom fighters revolt against machines. Å Neo, Morpheus and Trinity battle vicious machines. Å learns his world is a computer simulation. Å Wild Kingdom ’ Å Wild Kingdom ’ Å Maneaters “Sharks” Maneaters “Lions” ’ Wild Recon ’ Å Wild Recon ’ Å Wild Recon ’ Å Pit Boss ’ Pit Boss ANPL It’s Me or the Dog ’ ›››› “Psycho” (1960, Horror) Anthony Perkins. Å ›››› “Rear Window” (1954) James Stewart. Å ›››› “Vertigo” (1958) James Stewart, Kim Novak. Å BBC ›››› “Vertigo” (1958) James Stewart. Å Remember the Time: Michael Jackson Special Remember the Time: Michael Jackson Special ›› “The Jacksons: An American Dream” (1992) Å BET Lift Voice Lift Voice Celebration of Gospel 2010 Å “Executive Decision” Biography Actor Harrison Ford’s big break. Biography Paul Newman is a Renaissance man. Crime Stories ’ Å Mob: Trafficante City Confidential Å Dead Men Talking I Survived BIO Top Chef: Las Vegas Launch My Line Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Millionaire Matchmaker Millionaire Matchmaker Law Order: CI Law CI BRAVO Top Chef: Las Vegas Insider Top 20 Countdown ’ Cribs ’ ›› “Days of Thunder” (1990) Tom Cruise. Premiere. ’ ››› “Rudy” (1993, Drama) Sean Astin, Ned Beatty. ’ CMTV CMT Music ’ Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up Stand-Up COMEDY Jeff Foxworthy Man vs. Wild ’ Å Nature’s Most Nature’s Most Nature’s Most Nature’s Most Planet Earth Extremes Organisms that thrive. Planet Earth Extremes ’ Å DISC Killer Jellyfish ’ Å Imag. Handy Phineas Phineas ››› “Meet the Robinsons” (2007) Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas Phineas WizardsWizardsWizards of Waverly Hannah Hannah Hannah DISN Movers Manny ’ and Ferb and Ferb Voices of Angela Bassett. ‘G’ and Ferb and Ferb and Ferb and Ferb and Ferb Place Place Place ’ Å Montana Montana Montana Kardashian E! News (N) True Hollywood Story The Soup Kendra: Baby ››› “Sleepless in Seattle” (1993) Tom Hanks. Countdown: Grammys Red Carpet: 2010 Grammy Awards E! ●Winter X-Games From Aspen, Colo. (Live) Å ●Sunday NFL Countdown (Live) Å ESPN ●SportsCenter (Live) Å ●Women’s College Basketball Baylor at Texas. PBA Bowling Dick Weber Open. Sup. Bowl ●Women’s College Basketball Purdue at Iowa. X Games ESPN2 ●Tennis Australian Open, Men’s Final. From Melbourne, Australia. (Taped) My Wife 8 Rules 8 Rules 700 Club Special Programming Å FAM My Wife Money Dinners Home Big Daddy Challenge Diners Diners Best Thing Best Thing Cakes Cakes Worst Cooks Challenge FOOD Contessa Boy Grill Guy’s, Bite Minute ●College Basketball Maryland at Clemson. (Live) Sailfish Bid Wars Best of Mitchell Calipari Women’s College Basketball Women’s College Basketball NFL FOXSS IFA Red ››› “As Good as It Gets” (1997) ›› “First Daughter” (2004) Katie Holmes. ›› “Shallow Hal” (2001) Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black. ››› “The Simpsons Movie” (2007, Comedy) ››› “Superbad” FX ››› “Bandolero!” (1968) James Stewart. ››› “Bus Stop” (1956) Å Avatar ››› “Flaming Star” (1960) Å ››› “Norma Rae” (1979) Sally Field. Å FXM ›› “Thieves’ Highway” (1949) Richard Conte. Fam. Feud Hidden Unstapled 1 vs. 100 ’ Å Deal or No Deal Å Deal or No Deal Å Fam Feud Fam Feud Newlywed Unstapled Hidden Catch 21 High Stakes Poker Poker GSN Chain Animal Ad- Animal Ad- “The Valley of Light” (2007, Drama) Chris Klein, ›› “Plainsong” (2004) Aidan Quinn. Eight people ›› “A Painted House” (2003, Drama) Scott Glenn, “The Valley of Light” (2007, Drama) Chris Klein, “Riding the HALL ventures ventures Gretchen Mol, Zach Mills. Å experience changes over one year. Å Arija Bareikis, Robert Sean Leonard. Å Gretchen Mol, Zach Mills. Å Bus” › “Babylon A.D.” (2008) ‘PG-13’ Disaster › “Max Payne” (2008) Mark Wahlberg. ‘PG-13’ › “12 Rounds” (2009) John Cena. ‘PG-13’ Å ›› “The Bucket List” (2007) Jack Nicholson. Family HBO ›› “Meet Dave” ’ Unsellable Designed Get It Sold My House House First Place What Get Buck Potential Estate Property House House Get It Sold Unsellable To Sell To Sell Income H&G Holmes Ice Road Truckers “Lost Ice Road Truckers “Hun- Ice Road Truckers “Man Ice Road Truckers “A Ice Road Truckers “A Ice Road Truckers “High- Ice Road Truckers “Man Ice Road Truckers “The Ice Road Truckers “The Madhouse HIST on the Ice” Å dred Ton Haul” Down” Å Trucker’s Farewell” Rookie Fumbles” Å way Maggots” vs. Ice” Å Big Thaw” Å World Crumbles” Å “Twelve Mile Road” (2003) Tom Selleck. Å ›› “The Book of Ruth” (2004) Christine Lahti. ›› “Beauty Shop” (2005) Queen Latifah. Å Sisterhood LIFE Will-Grace Will-Grace ›› “Then She Found Me” (2007) Helen Hunt. › “Dreamcatcher” (2003) Morgan Freeman. ’ ‘R’ Å ››› “Witness” (1985) Harrison Ford. ’ ‘R’ ››› “Marley & Me” (2008) Owen Wilson. ’ › “The Hitcher” (2007) ‘R’ Å Not Teen MAX › “The Unborn” Å Military Acad. Military Acad. Unsolved History Å Decisions Shook World Conspiracy Test Å Great Planes ’ Å Great Planes ’ Å Science/Elite Soldier Battleplan MILIT Military Acad. America’s Best Dance The Real World “D.C.” Buried Shore Teen Mom ’ Å Life, Liz Life, Liz Life, Liz The Real World “D.C.” America’s Best Dance South Park MTV Taking the Stage Å Naked Science Killers: Shark American Paranormal American Paranormal Secrets of the Druids Bermuda Tri. Taboo “Misfits” Locked Up Abroad Unlocked NGEO Naked Science Sponge Sponge iCarly ’ iCarly ’ Drake Drake Penguins Penguins Penguins Penguins Ned’s Ned’s iCarly ’ iCarly ’ iCarly ’ NICK Penguins Barnyard Mighty B Sponge SCIENCE How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made How-Made “Harvard Beats Yale 29-29” (2008) ›› “It Runs in the Family” (2003) ‘PG-13’ ›› “Lions for Lambs” (2007) ‘R’ ›› “Beowulf” (2007) Voices of Ray Winstone. ››› “Into the Wild” (2007) Emile Hirsch. ‘R’ SHOW Beverly One Tree Hill ’ Å Gilmore Girls ’ Å Gilmore Girls ’ Å General Hospital General Hospital General Hospital General Hospital Gen Hosp SOAP Beverly Hills, 90210 ’ One Tree Hill ’ Å Rolex Sports Car Ultimate Street Car In Bodine Bobsled Challenge (N) SPEED SPEED Rolex Sports Car Series Racing 24 Hours of Daytona - Part 2. (Live) ●Trucks! Horse. MuscleCar › “Belly of the Beast” (2003) Steven Seagal. › “Out for a Kill” (2003) Steven Seagal. ’ “Today You Die” (2005) Steven Seagal. ’ Keeper SPIKE Unsolved Mysteries ’ Xtreme Dawn Horn Pearl P Summitt Women’s College Basketball Mark Fox ●College Basketball California at Arizona. (Live) My Words Lights Pearl P Summitt SPSO Predator Golf Rose Red ’ (Part 2 of 3) Å Rose Red ’ (Part 3 of 3) Å ›› “Stephen King’s Desperation” (2006, Horror) Tom Skerritt. Å S. King SYFY Rose Red ’ (Part 1 of 3) Å Ed Young Miracle Redempt Love In Touch Revelation Is Written Conley From His King Is Franklin John Hagee Today Rod P. Dickow Jakes Meyer Leading TBN Hagin ›› “Varsity Blues” (1999) Jon Voight Å ›› “The Replacements” (2000) Keanu Reeves. Å ››› “Independence Day” (1996) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. TBS ››› “Jerry Maguire” (1996) Tom Cruise. Å ››› “Five Came Back” (1939) ››› “South Pacific” (1958, Musical) Mitzi Gaynor. A World War ››› “King Solomon’s Mines” (1950, Adventure) ››› “Alfie” (1966) Michael Caine. Cynical cockney ›› “Mating Game” (1959) Debbie TCM Chester Morris, Lucille Ball. Å II nurse finds love with a widowed islander. Å Deborah Kerr, Stewart Granger. Å bachelor picks up women. Å Reynolds, Tony Randall. Å Moving Up ’ Å Moving Up ’ Å Miss America 2010 ’ Å Four Weddings Å Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss Cake Boss 17 Kids TLC Moving Up ’ Å Law & Order “Thrill” ’ Law & Order “Denial” ’ ›› “The Amityville Horror” (2005, Horror) Ryan ›› “Scary Movie 4” (2006) Anna ›› “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” ›› “Disturbia” (2007, Suspense) Shia LaBeouf, TNT Å (DVS) Å (DVS) Reynolds, Melissa George. Å Faris, Craig Bierko. Premiere. Å (2006) Lucas Black, Zachery Ty Bryan. Å David Morse, Sarah Roemer. Å Garfield Flapjack Flapjack Courage Courage Chowder Chowder Grim Grim Grim Flapjack Flapjack Flapjack Johnny T Johnny T Johnny T Stuart 2 TOON “Casper’s Scare” Extreme-Home Bonanza Å Bonanza Å Bonanza “The Mill” Bonanza Å Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith TVLND Extreme-Home ››› “Breakdown” (1997) Kurt Russell. Å ›› “War” (2007) Jet Li, Jason Statham. Å ›› “The Jackal” (1997) Bruce Willis, Richard Gere. Å ›› “National Treasure” (2004) Nicolas Cage. USA Burn Notice Å For the Love of Ray J For the Love of Ray J Let’s Talk Fantasia Celebrity VH1 Frank the Entertainer Frank the Entertainer Celebrity Rehab, Drew Fantasia ›› “Roll Bounce” (2005) Bow Wow, Chi McBride. ’ CABLE NEWS Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Hair Ripped Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ab Secrets Paid Prog. Juicing Paid Prog. Diabetes CNBC Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Ripped State of the Union State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS Amanpour. Your Money Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom CNN King: Sources C-SPAN Weekend C-SPAN Weekend News American Politics CSPAN News Book TV Book TV: After Words Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV Book TV: After Words Book TV CSPAN2 Book TV America’s News HQ FOX News Sunday The O’Reilly Factor America’s News HQ FOX News Sunday Report FNC America’s News HQ Crimes Caught Meet the Press Å Vegas Undercover Witch Hunt Lockup: Holman Lockup MSNBC MSNBC News Live (N) MSNBC News Live (N) Murder Obs.

20 ◆

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 SUNDAY EVENING



7 PM


BROADCAST CHANNELS The Simpsons (N) ’ The Cleveland Show (N) & WBRC ’Til Death “Hi Def TV” Antiques Roadshow “At- Nature “Wild Balkans” Wild animals that live in the _ WCIQ lantic City, New Jersey” Balkans. (N) ’ Å (DVS) Dateline NBC ’ Å ` WVTM 5 WTTO The Hills ’ Å 8 WJXS Southern Gospel Music America’s Funniest H WJSU Home Videos (N) Å 60 Minutes (N) ’ Å J WIAT

8 PM 8:30

9 PM


Family Guy (N) Å American Dad (N) Å FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM ›› “Okie Noodling” (2001, Documentary) Fishermen Masterpiece Classic “Emma” Secret courtship. (N) ’ use their bare hands to catch their prey. Å Saturday Night Live Presents: Sports All-Stars Sports-related sketches. (N) ’ Å

› “Autumn in New York” (2000, Romance) Richard Gere, Winona Ryder, Anthony LaPaglia. The King of Queens ’ The King of Queens ’ Word Alive Can-U-Relate Show Mt. Zion Baptist Church Mt. Zion Baptist Church 1st Baptist Church Saks Extreme Makeover: Home Edition “Creasey Family” Desperate Housewives “The Glamorous Life” Hostility Brothers & Sisters “The Pasadena Primary” (N) ’ Å Mother battling stage-four cancer. (N) ’ Å grows between Angie and Gaby. (N) ’ Å The 52nd Annual Grammy Awards Excellence in the recording industry. ’ (Live) Å

10 PM


FOX6 News at 10:00 PM Law Call Masterpiece Classic “Emma” Conclusion to Emma’s affair. ’ (Part 3 of 3) Å ●NASCAR Angels NBC 13 News (N) Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show Spoken Word Gospel Truth Lighthouse ABC 33/40 News at 10PM The Zone (N) Inside Sports ’

›› The Transporter ’ ›› “The Transporter 2” (2005) Jason Statham. A former soldier tries to save a kidnapped boy. ’ Durham County Sadie tells Tom. (N) ’ Å In Touch Christians & Jews Legend of the Seeker ››› “The Thomas Crown Affair” (1999, Suspense) Pierce Brosnan, Rene Russo, Denis Leary. House of Payne House of Payne Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Total Gym Challenge ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat ●Sports Zone Sunday Criminal Minds “The Fisher King, Part One” Å Criminal Minds “The Fisher King, Part II” ’ Å Criminal Minds “The Boogeyman” ’ Å Criminal Minds “North Mammon” ’ Å A&E CSI: Miami ’ Å ››› “The Matrix” (1999) ››› “The Matrix Reloaded” (2003, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss. Freedom fighters revolt against machines. Å ›› “The Matrix Revolutions” (2003, Science Fiction) AMC Keanu Reeves. Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. Å Pit Boss Shorty’s job is on the line. ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive A young man is attacked. ’ The Haunted Animals react to something unseen. Pit Boss Shorty’s job is on the line. ’ ANPL Pit Boss ’ ››› “The Birds” (1963, Suspense) Rod Taylor, Tippi Hedren. Suddenly, flocks of birds attack the populace of a sea town. Å ›››› “Psycho” (1960, Horror) Anthony Perkins, Janet Leigh. Å BBC ›››› Vertigo (1958) BET Inspiration Peter Popoff Prayer Line BET ›› “The Jacksons: An American Dream” (1992, Drama) Lawrence-Hilton Jacobs, Angela Bassett, Holly Robinson. Story of the show-business family features 38 songs. Å I Survived Å I Survived Å I Survived “Christine/Mike/Chris” (N) Å Ghostly Encounters Ghostly Encounters Celebrity Ghost Stories Morgan Fairchild. Å BIO Law & Order: Criminal Intent ’ Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Sound Bodies” Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Pravda” ’ Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Stray” ’ Å BRAVO Law Order: CI ›› “Days of Thunder” (1990, Action) Tom Cruise, Robert Duvall, Nicole Kidman. Upstart stock-car driver goes to the edge. ’ ››› “The Longest Yard” (1974, Comedy) Burt Reynolds, Eddie Albert. ’ CMTV ››› Rudy (1993) ’ Stand-Up Showdown Stand-Up Showdown Larry the Cable Guy: Tailgate Party (N) Å Larry the Cable Guy: Tailgate Party Å Stand-Up Showdown Stand-Up Showdown COMEDY Stand-Up Showdown Planet Earth Extremes “Predator to Prey” ’ Å Planet Earth Extremes “Predator to Prey” ’ Å DISC Planet Earth Extremes Planet Earth Extremes “Predator to Prey” The fight for land, food and mates. (N) ’ Å Hannah Montana Hannah Sonny With a Chance Jonas Normal home envi- ››› “Akeelah and the Bee” (2006, Drama) Laurence Fishburne, Angela Bassett, Keke Palmer. A girl hopes Wizards of Waverly Place Hannah Montana Miley DISN and Austin Rain. Å Gossip blogger. ronment. Å to compete in a spelling bee. ‘PG’ “Alex’s Choice” wants her dad to sing. Red Carpet: Grammys Keeping Up With the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians “Body Blows” Kardashian Giuliana & Bill The Soup Chelsea Lately E! ●SportsCenter (Live) Å ESPN ●NFL Football AFC-NFC Pro Bowl. From Sun Life Stadium in Miami. (Live) ●X Center (Live) 2009 World Series of Poker - Europe ESPN2 ●Winter X Games From Aspen, Colo. (Live) Å FAM 700 Club-Programming 700 Club Special Programming Å Challenge “America’s Best Burger” Burger recipe. Iron Chef America “Flay vs. Smith” (N) Worst Cooks in America “Are You Ready” (N) Throwdown, Bobby Flay Throwdown, Bobby Flay FOOD Challenge ●In My Own Words (N) ●The Final Score (Live) ●World Poker Tour: Season 8 From Las Vegas, Nev. FOXSS ●College Basketball Virginia at North Carolina. (Live) ››› “Superbad” (2007, Comedy) Jonah Hill, Michael Cera. ›› “We Own the Night” (2007) Joaquin Phoenix, Mark Wahlberg. A nightclub manager tries to remain neutral in a drug war. Archer “Killing Utne” FX ››› “The Sand Pebbles” (1966, Adventure) Steve McQueen, Richard Attenborough, Candice Bergen. Politics and the tide hold a U.S. gunboat in 1926 China. Å ›› Taps (1981) Å FXM Life After Film School ●High Stakes Poker Å High Stakes Poker Å World Poker Tour Å GSN High Stakes Poker Å ›› “Riding the Bus With My Sister” (2005) Rosie O’Donnell, Andie MacDowell. ›› “Plainsong” (2004, Drama) Aidan Quinn, Rachel Griffiths, America Ferrera. Eight people experience ›› “Candles on Bay Street” (2006, Drama) Alicia SilHALL A photographer bonds with her mentally impaired sister. Å changes over one year. Å verstone, Eion Bailey, Annabeth Gish. Å Band of Brothers Winters becomes battalion leader. Big Love J.J. approaches Alby with a solution. (N) Hung ’ Å Hung ’ Å Big Love J.J. approaches Alby with a solution. Å HBO A Family Is a Family Outdoor Room Curb Appeal: The Block House Hunters (N) Å House Hunters Intern’l Holmes on Homes Comfortable living space. Å For Rent “Chris” Å Income Property Å H&G House Hunters Å Madhouse Lunar lunacy at Ax Men “Diving for Dollars” Florida’s dangerous waters. Ax Men “Boiling Point” A careless mistake imperils log- Madhouse “Brother Against Brother” Jason Myers American Pickers “Super Scooter” Vespa Ape scooter; HIST the track. Å Å gers. (N) Å stands up to a bully. (N) Å buses; tractors. Å “Lying to Be Perfect” (2010, Drama) Poppy Montgomery, Adam Kaufman. Å “Lying to Be Perfect” (2010) Poppy Montgomery. LIFE ››› “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” (2005) Amber Tamblyn. Å › “The Unborn” (2009, Horror) Odette Yustman. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å ›› “Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins” (2008, Comedy) Martin Lawrence. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å MAX › “Not Another Teen Movie” (2001) Chyler Leigh. Build It Bigger The LPD17 amphibious assault ship. Build It Bigger A U.S. Navy destroyer. ’ Å Build It Bigger U.S. Navy supercarrier construction. Build It Bigger The LPD17 amphibious assault ship. MILIT Battleplan ’ Å The Buried Life ’ Å My Life As Liz ’ Taking the Stage ’ Å America’s Best Dance Crew Teen Mom ’ Å MTV South Park ’ Å CIA Confidential “Pakistan Undercover” Explorer Marines stationed at Camp Leatherneck. CIA Confidential “Hunt for Bin Laden” NGEO San Quentin Unlocked CIA Confidential “Hunt for Bin Laden” SpongeBob SquarePants The Penguins Malcolm in the Middle Malcolm in the Middle George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å The Nanny “Pilot” Å The Nanny ’ Å NICK True Jackson, VP Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å SCIENCE How It’s Made ’ Å The Tudors “Episode 9” (iTV) Fall from grace. Å The Tudors “Episode 10” (iTV) ’ Å Diary-Call Girl Tracey Ullman’s State Diary-Call Girl La La Land (iTV) Å SHOW ››› Into the Wild ‘R’ Being Erica “Battle Royale” Lover’s quarrel. ’ SOAP General Hospital Friday ››› “The Mask of Zorro” (1998, Adventure) Antonio Banderas, Anthony Hopkins. Premiere. Zorro’s protege crosses swords with a returning tyrant. ●AMA Supercross Lites From ATT Park, California. ●The SPEED Report Countdown to Daytona (N) SPEED ●The SPEED Report (N) Countdown to Daytona “Driven to Kill” (2009, Action) Steven Seagal. A former Russian gangster returns to his violent ways. “Kill Switch” (2008) Steven Seagal, Isaac Hayes. ’ SPIKE › “The Keeper” (2004) Dennis Hopper, Asia Argento. Premiere. ’ ●Spotlight ●In My Own Words ●In My Own Words ●Spotlight ●Spotlight ●Spotlight ●In My Own Words Rick Stansbury SPSO The Mark Fox Show “100 Feet” (2008, Suspense) Famke Janssen. Å SYFY ›› “Stephen King’s The Tommyknockers” (1993, Horror) Jimmy Smits, Marg Helgenberger, Joanna Cassidy. An unearthly force sweeps through a Maine town. Joel Osteen Å Taking Authority Å Kenneth Copeland Å Changing Your World “Saint Paul” (2000, Drama) Johannes Brandrup. Paul spreads the Gospel of Jesus to foreign lands. TBN Jack Hayford Å ›› “The Longest Yard” (2005) Adam Sandler. Prisoners train for a football game against the guards. ››› “Independence Day” (1996) Will Smith. Earthlings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. TBS Independence Day ›› “Mating Game” ››› “Blue Skies” (1946, Musical) Bing Crosby, Fred Astaire, Joan Caulfield. Two song-and-dance men fall in ››› “Annie Get Your Gun” (1950, Musical) Betty Hutton, Howard Keel, Louis Calhern. Irving Berlin’s musical TCM (1959) Debbie Reynolds. love with the same woman. about sharpshooter Annie Oakley. Little Chocolatiers Å Little Chocolatiers (N) ’ 19 Kids and Counting “Special Duggar Delivery” ’ TLC 17 Kids and Counting ’ 19 Kids and Counting “Special Duggar Delivery” ’ Cake Boss NASCAR race car cake. (N) ’ Å ›› “Disturbia” (2007) ››› “1408” (2007, Horror) John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Mary McCormack. Premiere. A skeptical author ››› “1408” (2007, Horror) John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, Mary McCormack. A skeptical author spends a TNT Shia LaBeouf. Å spends a night in a reputedly haunted hotel room. Å night in a reputedly haunted hotel room. Å Chowder Misadv. of Flapjack King of the Hill ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Titan Maximum TOON ››› “Stuart Little 2” (2002, Comedy) Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie. M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H Å M*A*S*H “Kim” Å Roseanne ’ Å Roseanne ’ Å Roseanne ’ Å TVLND The Andy Griffith Show M*A*S*H Å ››› “The Bourne Ultimatum” (2007) Matt Damon. Jason Bourne continues to look for clues to unravel his true identity. Å House “Joy” ’ Å USA ›› “National Treasure” (2004) Nicolas Cage. Tough Love The women must decide. (N) ’ Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair ’ Secrets of Aspen ’ Tough Love ’ VH1 Celebrity Rehab, Drew Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair ’ CABLE NEWS Put It on the Map “Welcome to Macintosh” (2008, Documentary) CNBC Wall Street Journal Rpt. Biography on CNBC “Dave Thomas” Dave Thomas. Biography on CNBC “Frank Perdue” Campbell Brown Larry King Live Newsroom State of the Union With John King CNN Newsroom Q&A International American Politics Q&A CSPAN American Politics Book TV Book TV: After Words Book TV Book TV CSPAN2 Book TV Huckabee Hannity Geraldo at Large ’ Å Huckabee FNC FOX Report Gladiator Days: Anatomy of a Prison Murder Å Sex Bunker A grocer has another identity. Children for Sale Children in prostitution. To Catch a Predator MSNBC Lockup: Holman











Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 1:30










BROADCAST CHANNELS Rachael Ray The Dr. Oz Show News News Funniest Home Videos Judge Divorce Judge Judge Judge J. Judge J. News News News & WBRC Live Regis & Kelly Clifford WordWorld Super Lions Big World Barney Caillou Cyberchas Curious Martha Arthur WordGirl Electric Fetch! Ruff Maya Business NewsHour _ WCIQ Sesame Street News Daytime The 700 Club Days of our Lives Extra Access H. Ellen DeGeneres Show The Doctors News NBC News News ` WVTM Today Judge Jeanine Pirro Street Street Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Millionaire Millionaire Deal-Deal Smarter The Tyra Show The Tyra Show Friends The Office Two Men 5 WTTO The People’s Court Health Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Cross Varied Hillbillies Varied Programs 8 WJXS Varied Programs The View ABC 33/40 News All My Children One Life to Live General Hospital The Bonnie Hunt Show Oprah Winfrey News ABC News News H WJSU Talk of Alabama The Price Is Right Young & Restless Inside Ed. The Bold As the World Turns Wendy Williams Show Dr. Phil Jeopardy! Jeopardy! News CBS News CBS News J WIAT Let’s Make a Deal Justice Justice Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Fam. Feud Whisperer L WPXH Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Varied Programs Steve Wilkos Show Hatchett Hatchett The People’s Court Judge Jeanine Pirro Judge Mathis Maury Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Name Earl ¥ WABM Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Jerry Springer CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News at Noon Local Programming Oprah Winfrey Chan. 2 Action News Chan. 2 Action News Local Prog ^ TV-2 The Doctors First 48 Varied First 48 Varied Criminal Varied Sopranos Varied CSI: Miami Varied Programs First 48 Varied First 48 Varied Criminal A&E Varied Programs M Return Fly ›››› “Planet of the Apes” (1968) Charlton Heston. ››› “Escape From the Planet of the Apes” (1971) Å ›› “Cutthroat Island” (1995, Adventure) Geena Davis. Å ›› “Wrong Turn” (2003) Premiere. T ›› “Cutthroat Island” (1995, Adventure) Geena Davis. Å ›› “Firewall” (2006) Harrison Ford, Paul Bettany. Å ›› “Volcano” (1997) Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche. ›› “Dante’s Peak” (1997) Pierce Brosnan. ›› “Star Trek: Nemesis” (2002) Patrick Stewart. Å ›› “Escape From L.A.” (1996) Kurt Russell. “Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life” AMC W ›› “Force 10 From Navarone” (1978) Robert Shaw, Harrison Ford. Å TH ›› “King Kong” (1976) Jeff Bridges. Å › “The Fan” (1996) Robert De Niro, Wesley Snipes. ››› “Fight Club” (1999, Suspense) Brad Pitt, Edward Norton. Å ››› “Enter the Dragon” (1973) Bruce Lee. F ›› “Mr. Mom” (1983) ›› “K-9” (1989, Comedy) James Belushi, Mel Harris. Å ›› “K-911” (1999, Comedy) James Belushi. Å ›› “The Crew” (2000) Richard Dreyfuss. Å ›››› “The Untouchables” (1987) Å Cash in the Attic Cash in the Attic Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Antiques Roadshow Ramsay’s Kitchen Ramsay’s Kitchen News BBC How Clean How Clean Cash in the Attic Chris Movie Jamie F. Jamie F. The Game The Game Chris Chris 106 & Park: Top 10 Varied BET Jamie F. Jamie F. The Game The Game Chris Varied Programs Notorious City Confidential Biography Biography Varied Programs Notorious City BIO House. Varied Real Housewives House. BRAVO Varied Programs Varied Programs Extreme-Home Varied Programs Trading Spouses Trading Spouses Extreme-Home Varied CMTV CMT Music MADtv Varied Daily Show Colbert Movie Presents Presents Varied Martin Scrubs Scrubs Daily Show COMEDY Movie Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Varied DISC Cash Cab Cash Cab Varied Programs Chugging Tigger Einsteins Movie Varied Programs Phineas Suite/Deck Wizards DISN Jungle True Story Varied Programs E! News Daily 10 Varied Programs E! News E! ●SportsCenter ●SportsCenter ●SportsCenter ●SportsCenter ●SportsCenter Lines SpoCenter ●NFL Live Burning Around Interrupt Basketball ESPN ●SportsCenter ●ESPN First Take ●SportsNation Varied Scott Van Pelt Varied Programs Varied Programs Around Interrupt Basketball ESPN2 ●ESPN First Take Gilmore Girls What I What I My Wife My Wife Sabrina Sabrina Full House Full House Grounded Grounded Gilmore Girls Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Varied FAM The 700 Club Entertain Quick Fix Cooking Italian 30-Minutes Contessa Lee Boy Grill Guy’s, Bite Tyler’s Ult. Cooking Italian Contessa Home Cooking Minute Challenge FOOD Emeril Live Varied FOXSS Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Varied Programs Movie Varied Spin City Spin City Bernie Bernie Malcolm Malcolm Bernie Bernie ’70s Show ’70s Show Varied Programs FX M Dont-Knck ›› “Dangerous Crossing” (1953) ›› “Daisy Kenyon” (1947) Joan Crawford. Å ›› “Wild in the Country” (1961) Elvis Presley. ››› “Norma Rae” (1979) Sally Field. Å ››› “John and Mary” (1969) Å T ››› “Broken Arrow” (1950) James Stewart. ››› “The Undefeated” (1969) John Wayne. ››› “Bandolero!” (1968) James Stewart. Å ›› “The Man With One Red Shoe” (1985) Å ›› “Vanishing Point” (1997) Å ›››› “A Letter to Three Wives” (1949) Å ››› “Bus Stop” (1956) Marilyn Monroe. Å ›› “Project X” (1987) Matthew Broderick. Å ››› “Romancing the Stone” Å FXM W ›› “A Woman’s World” (1954) Clifton Webb. TH Pride-St. ›› “The Lieutenant Wore Skirts” (1956) Å ›› “Bachelor Flat” (1961) Å ››› “Flaming Star” (1960) Elvis Presley. Å ›› “I Ought to Be in Pictures” (1982) › “Satisfaction” (1988, Musical) Å F ››› “Half Angel” (1951, Comedy) ›› “The Girl Can’t Help It” (1956) Tom Ewell. ››› “How to Marry a Millionaire” (1953) Å ››› “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1953) Å ›› “How to Steal a Million” (1966) Å Catch 21 Chain Lingo Lingo Fam Feud Fam Feud Deal or No Deal Newlywed Catch 21 Deal No GSN Fam Feud Pyramid Hollywood Jeopardy! MatchGam Fam Feud Deal or No Deal Golden Little House Little House 7th Heaven 7th Heaven Fun Vi Fun Vi Fun Vi Fun Vi M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Fun Vi HALL Golden House House House Varied To Sell To Sell Dime Challenge Challenge Color Varied Programs Divine Get It Sold To Sell Varied House H&G Varied Programs M A Global Warning? Å American Pickers Å American Pickers Å Underwater Universe Å A Global Warning? Å American Pickers Å Pickers T Earth-Made Earth-Made Earth-Made How the Earth Earth-Made How the Earth Earth-Made Earth-Made Earth-Made Earth The States Å The States Å MonsterQuest Å An Alien History of Planet Earth Å UFO Hunters Å The States Å The States Å Monster HIST W UFO Hunters Å TH Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å American Eats Å American Eats Å Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å Modern Marvels Å Marvels F The True Story of Killing Pablo Å Gangland “Evil Breed” Gangland Å Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History Å The True Story of Killing Pablo Å Gangland “Evil Breed” Gangland Frasier Will-Grace Will-Grace Wife Swap Wife Swap Wife Swap Desperate Housewives Desperate Housewives Desperate Housewives Grey’s Anatomy Anatomy LIFE Frasier Futureweapons Clash of Wings Wings of the Luftwaffe Varied Programs MILIT Weaponology MTV Hits MTV Special MTV Special MTV Special MTV Special MTV Special MTV Special MTV Special Sucker MTV Video Clash Dog Whisperer Varied Programs Whisperer NGEO Varied Programs Dora Ni Hao Sponge Sponge Barnyard iCarly iCarly BrainSurge Sponge Sponge iCarly Jackson Varied NICK Go Diego Go Diego Max Ruby Umizoomi Fresh Beat Dora How-Made How-Made Myth Varied Programs SCIENCE Varied Programs Beverly Hills, 90210 Beverly Hills, 90210 The O.C. The O.C. One Tree Hill One Tree Hill Beverly Hills, 90210 Days of our Lives Young SOAP Days of our Lives ●Pass Time Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Varied Programs Truck U Chop Cut On Edge Monster Varied Whips Varied SPEED Varied Programs CSI: Crime Scn CSI: Crime Scn CSI: Crime Scn CSI: NY CSI: Crime Scn CSI: Crime Scn CSI: Crime Scn CSI Varied CSI SPIKE CSI: Crime Scn ●College Basketball Varied Programs SPSO World Poker SYFY Varied Programs Your Day Copeland Varied Programs Behind Varied Robison Marilyn H. The 700 Club Hagee Rod P. Praise the Lord Varied TBN Rod P. Just Shoot Home Imp. Home Imp. Jim Yes, Dear Yes, Dear Raymond Raymond Payne Jim Raymond King King Friends Friends The Office Seinfeld TBS Fresh Pr. Payne M Man of La ››› “55 Days at Peking” (1963) Charlton Heston, Ava Gardner. ››› “Saratoga Trunk” (1945) Gary Cooper. Å ››› “Adventures of Don Juan” (1948) Å ››› “The Way We Were” (1973) T ››› “The Dam Busters” (1955) ››› “Mogambo” (1953) Clark Gable. ››› “Test Pilot” (1938) Clark Gable. Å ›› “Billy the Kid” (1941) Å ›› “Mr. Dodd Takes the Air” (1937) “One Way Passage” ›››› “Yankee Doodle Dandy” (1942) James Cagney. ››› “Jungle Book” (1942) Sabu. ›››› “The Thief of Bagdad” (1940) Sabu. ›› “Cabin in the Sky” (1943) Å TCM W Viva Villa! ››› “The Public Enemy” (1931) TH “Desperate Journey” ››› “Air Force” (1943, War) John Ridgely, Gig Young. Å ››› “Pride of the Marines” (1945) Å ››› “Above and Beyond” (1953) Å ›› “Flight Command” (1940) Robert Taylor. F Flirtation ››› “Gold Diggers of 1933” (1933) Å ››› “Foul Play” (1978) Goldie Hawn. Å ››› “In Harm’s Way” (1965, War) John Wayne, Kirk Douglas. Å ››› “Gunfight at the O.K. Corral” (1957) Å Dress Dress What Not to Wear Baby Story Baby Story Baby Story Birth Day 18 Kids 18 Kids Little Little What Not to Wear Dress Dress Varied TLC Clean Sweep ER Las Vegas Las Vegas Cold Case Cold Case Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Bones TNT Supernatural Garfield Casper George Scooby Krypto Tom & Jerry Hero Pokemon Garfield Garfield Codename Codename Flapjack Flapjack Chowder Chowder Johnny T TOON Movie Sanford Hogan Hogan Gunsmoke Bonanza Bonanza Bonanza Griffith Griffith All-Family All-Family Sanford TVLND Hillbillies All-Family Sanford Law CI Varied Law CI Varied Programs NCIS Varied NCIS USA Varied Programs Varied Programs Ray J VH1 Jump Start CABLE NEWS Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell Closing Bell-Bartiromo Fast Money Mad Money Report CNBC Squawk on the Street The Call Newsroom Newsroom Rick’s List The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer CNN Newsroom The Live Desk Studio/Shepard Smith Your World Glenn Beck Special Report FOX Rep’t FNC America’s Newsroom Happening Now MSNBC News Live MSNBC News Live Andrea Mitchell MSNBC News Live MSNBC News Live Dylan Ratigan Hardball The Ed Show Hardball MSNBC MSNBC News Live

22 ◆

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 MONDAY EVENING 2/1/10


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BROADCAST CHANNELS House The team treats a college football star. (N) 24 Renee confronts her painful past. (N) Å FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Seinfeld “The Wink” ’ PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å Antiques Roadshow “Atlantic City, New Jersey” Enrico American Experience “The Donner Party” Snow traps families in 1846 Sierras. ’ Montgomery Bus Boycott Smart Travels: Pacific Capitol Journal _ WCIQ Caruso memorabilia. (N) ’ (Part 2 of 3) Å Å (DVS) Rim With Rudy Maxa ’ Access Hollywood Å Chuck “Chuck Versus Nacho Sampler” Awesome is Heroes “The Wall” H.R.G.’s past is revealed. (N) ’ Å The Jay Leno Show (N) ’ Å NBC 13 News at 10:00pm The Tonight Show With ` WVTM forced to lie to Ellie. (N) ’ Å (N) Å Conan O’Brien ’ Å One Tree Hill Haley’s birthday is forgotten. (N) Å Life Unexpected “Rent Uncollected” (N) ’ Å The King of Queens ’ My Name Is Earl Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ Keith Howard Show Titan Pride TV24 Local News TV24 Local News Rick & Bubba Å Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS What a Deal Deals on restaurant and golf certificates. Wheel of Fortune “New The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love Jake spends a week in San Francisco. (N) ’ Å Castle “The Double Down” Castle bets with Esposito. ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU York City Salute” (N) ’Å (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) How I Met Your Mother Accidentally on Purpose Two and a Half Men (N) The Big Bang Theory (N) CSI: Miami “In the Wind” Eric Delko returns. (N) ’ Å CBS 42 News at 10 (N) Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å “The Perfect Week” (N) (N) ’ Å ’Å ’Å Letterman (N) ’ Å Ghost Whisperer “A Vicious Cycle” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Penelope” ’ Å Criminal Minds “True Night” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Cold Comfort” ’ Å L WPXH Ghost Whisperer Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent ’ Å Law & Order: Criminal Intent “Sound Bodies” Å The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Are You Smarter? CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight Intervention “Linda” Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Å Intervention Use of chemical inhalants to get high. Hoarders Hoarding threatens a firefighter’s job. (N) Paranormal State Å Paranormal State Å A&E Criminal Minds ’ Å ›› “Wrong Turn” (2003, ›› “Dante’s Peak” (1997, Action) Pierce Brosnan, Linda Hamilton, Charles Hallahan. An awakening volcano threatens a Pacific Northwest ›› “Volcano” (1997, Action) Tommy Lee Jones, Anne Heche, Gaby Hoffmann. AMC Horror) Premiere. village. Earthquakes and lava ravage Los Angeles. Animal Cops Miami “Biggest Rescue Ever” (N) ’ Pit Boss Shorty’s job is on the line. ’ Pit Boss Shorty is determined to save a dog. ’ Pit Boss Shorty’s job is on the line. ’ ANPL Born Different ’ Å Top Gear A perfect car for a seventeen-year-old. Top Gear The guys race from London to Edinburgh. BBC World News America Å Top Gear A perfect car for a seventeen-year-old. BBC World News 2010 BET Honors Hosted by Gabrielle Union. (N) The Mo’Nique Show Å BET ›› “Bringing Down the House” (2003, Comedy) Steve Martin. Premiere. City Confidential Å American Gangster “Stanley Tookie Williams” Å American Gangster “D.C. Snipers” American Gangster Troy and Dino Smith. Å American Gangster “Frank Lucas” Å BIO The Real Housewives of Orange County The Real Housewives of Orange County Kell on Earth Kelly must find time. Å Kell on Earth Kelly must find time. Å BRAVO Real Housewives Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? › “Jury Duty” (1995, Comedy) Pauly Shore. A young loser does his best to disrupt the justice system. › “Jury Duty” (1995) Pauly Shore, Tia Carrere. ’ CMTV Extreme-Home RENO 911! Å RENO 911! Å Futurama ’ Å Futurama ’ Å The Goode Family Å South Park Å Daily Show/ Jon Stewart The Colbert Report (N) COMEDY RENO 911! “The Wall” Howe & Howe Tech Two hi-speed tanks. ’ Å Motor City Motors “Air Scream” Air Stream trailer. MythBusters Bullet dropped vs. fired. ’ Å DISC MythBusters Ninjas. ’ MythBusters Bullet dropped vs. fired. ’ Å Hannah Montana “You ››› “Spy Kids” (2001, Adventure) Antonio Banderas, Carla Gugino, Alexa Vega. Phineas and Ferb ’ Å Phineas and Ferb Where Hannah Montana “You Wizards of Waverly Place The Suite Life on Deck DISN Give Lunch a Bad Name” The children of two secret agents battle an evil madman. ’ ‘PG’ Å the creations disappear. Give Lunch a Bad Name” “Crossing Jordin” Å The Daily 10 (N) Bank of Hollywood Paris Hilton wannabe; pirates. Kendra Kardashian Fashion Police “The 2010 Grammy Awards” (N) Chelsea Lately (N) E! News E! ●College Basketball Texas at Oklahoma State. (Live) ●SportsCenter (Live) Å ESPN ●College Basketball Connecticut at Louisville. (Live) ●NFL’s Greatest Game Å Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL (N) Å ESPN2 ●Women’s College Basketball Notre Dame at Rutgers. (Live) The Secret Life of the American Teenager (N) Make It or Break It “Loves Me, Loves Me Not” (N) Greek Casey shares her guilty secret. (N) ’ Å The 700 Club Å FAM Secret-Teen Worst Cooks in America “Are You Ready” Worst Cooks in America A winner is declared. (N) Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Diner, Drive-In FOOD Worst Cooks in America Worst Cooks in America “Multitasking” ●Daytona 500 50th Anniversary: Legacy (N) ●The Final Score (Live) ●Pro Football Profiles ●The Final Score (Live) Best Damn 50 FOXSS ●Women’s College Basketball Florida State at North Carolina. (Live) ›› “Death Sentence” (2007) Kevin Bacon, Garrett Hedlund. Premiere. A man seeks revenge after thugs kill his son in a robbery. Damages “The Dog Is Happier Without Her” (N) Damages “The Dog Is Happier Without Her” FX ››› “A Perfect Couple” (1979, Romance-Comedy) Paul Dooley, Marta Heflin, Titos Vandis. Å ››› “Say Anything...” (1989, Romance) John Cusack, Ione Skye, John Mahoney. Å FXM ››› John and Mary Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å The Newlywed Game Catch 21 Å Hidden Agenda Å Family Feud ’ Å Deal or No Deal ’ Å GSN Deal or No Deal ’ Å Skating & Gymnastics Touched by an Angel “Two Sides to Every Angel” Touched by an Angel “The Word” The angels aid a girl Touched by an Angel A terminally ill woman seeks a The Golden Girls “Vaca- The Golden Girls Dorothy HALL Spectacular Å Monica’s evil twin tries to break up a marriage. ’ with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. ’ Å caregiver for her daughter. ’ Å tion” ’ Å works with Blanche. ›› “Notorious” (2009) Angela Bassett. Based on the life of slain rapper Christopher Wallace. ‘R’ Å ››› “Taken” (2008, Action) Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å HBO Journey-Center of Earth 24/7 Jimmie Property Virgins Å Property Virgins Å House Hunters Å My First Place Å House Hunters Å For Rent ’ Å Real Estate Intervention My First Place Å H&G House Hunters Å American Pickers “Super Pawn Stars Rare 18thPawn Stars Sunken treas- American Pickers “White Castle on the Farm” White Pawn Stars (N) Å Pawn Stars (N) Å American Pickers “White Castle on the Farm” White HIST Scooter” Å century coaching gun. ure from India. Å Castle hamburger building found. (N) Å Castle hamburger building found. Å Grey’s Anatomy “Every Moment Counts” ’ Å ››› “Keeping the Faith” (2000) Ben Stiller, Edward Norton, Jenna Elfman. A rabbi and a priest each fall for an old friend. Å Will & Grace ’ Å LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Å ›› “Hotel for Dogs” (2009, Comedy) Emma Roberts, Jake T. Austin. Premiere. ’ ‘PG’ Å › “The Unborn” (2009, Horror) Odette Yustman. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å ››› I Love You, Man MAX ››› I Love You, Man Special Ops Mission Infiltrating an enemy camp. ’ Top Ten Helicopters ’ Å Ultimate Weapons The power of sniper rifles. ’ Special Ops Mission Infiltrating an enemy camp. ’ MILIT Great Planes ’ Å MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Sucker Free ’ Border Wars A drug cartel’s smuggling strategy. Border Wars “No End in Sight” (N) Fight Science “Ultimate Soldiers” Border Wars A drug cartel’s smuggling strategy. NGEO Dog Whisperer Malcolm in the Middle Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å NICK Fanboy and Chum Chum Glenn Martin, DDS Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å SCIENCE How It’s Made ’ Å Nurse Jackie “Daffodil” United States of Tara ’ Diary-Call Girl Tracey Ullman’s State La La Land (iTV) (N) ’ Diary-Call Girl SHOW ›› “At First Sight” (1999, Romance) Val Kilmer. iTV. ’ ‘PG-13’ All My Children Today ’ Å One Life to Live Today ’ Å General Hospital Today ’ Å Days of our Lives Today ’ Å SOAP Young-Restless ●NASCAR Race Hub SuperCars Exposed SuperCars Exposed Barrett-Jackson 2009: The Auctions (N) Barrett-Jackson 2009: The Auctions Car Crazy SPEED ●NASCAR Race Hub ●UFC 109 Countdown: Relentless ’ ››› “Batman” (1989, Action) Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton, Kim Basinger. The Caped Crusader vows to rid Gotham City of the Joker. ’ SPIKE CSI: Crime Scene ●Bear Bryant Award ’10 Great Moments-NCAA Future Phenoms Women’s College Basketball SPSO ●Women’s College Basketball Charleston Southern at Winthrop. (Live) Ghost Whisperer “Pieces of You” ’ Å Ghost Whisperer “Ball and Chain” ’ Å Ghost Whisperer “Body of Water” Mass haunting. Monster (N) Monster “Sanctuary” (N) SYFY Ghost Whisperer Å Behind the Scenes Å Mark Chironna Å Jentezen Franklin Å Jesse Duplantis Å Praise the Lord Å TBN Best of Praise Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy “DaBoom” Family Guy ’ Å Lopez Tonight (N) TBS Seinfeld ’ Å ››› “The Way We Were” ›››› “Funny Girl” (1968, Musical) Barbra Streisand, Omar Sharif, Walter Pidgeon. Ziegfeld Follies’ Fanny Brice loves gambler Nicky Arnstein. Å ›››› “Lawrence of Arabia” (1962, Adventure) Peter TCM (1973) Å O’Toole, Alec Guinness, Anthony Quinn. Å Cake Boss ’ Å Cake Boss ’ Å Cake Boss (N) ’ Å Cake Boss ’ Å Ultimate Cake Off “Episode 1” ’ Å Cake Boss ’ Å Cake Boss ’ Å TLC Ultimate Cake Off Å Bones “The Knight on the Bones “The Santa in the Slush” The body of a man Bones “The Proof in the Pudding” Cam thinks Michelle Men of a Certain Age “You Gonna Do That the Rest of The Closer “Problem Child” Brenda must decide how TNT Grid” ’ Å wearing a tailor-made Santa Claus outfit is found. is keeping a secret. ’ Å Your Life?” Joe’s bookie learns of his past. to treat a case. Å Ed, Edd ’n Eddy Ed, Edd ’n Eddy Teen Titans “Fractured” Teen Titans “Deception” King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å TOON Johnny Test ’ Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show Home Improvement ’ Home Improvement ’ Married... With Children Married... With Children Roseanne ’ Å Roseanne ’ Å TVLND Sanford and Son Å ●WWE Monday Night RAW With Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. ’ (Live) Å NCIS The body of a missing lance corporal is found. Psych The death of an Army private. Å USA NCIS “Singled Out” ’ For the Love of Ray J ’ For the Love of Ray J (Season Finale) (N) ’ Fantasia for Real ’ Let’s Talk About Pep ’ For the Love of Ray J ’ VH1 For the Love of Ray J CABLE NEWS Biography on CNBC “Ferdinand Porsche” American Originals: Budweiser Biography on CNBC Hotel magnate J.W. Marriott. Mad Money CNBC Kudlow Report (Live) Campbell Brown (N) Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å CNN Situation Room Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN House of Rep. The Communicators Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor FNC FOX Report Countdown With Keith Olbermann (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Countdown With Keith Olbermann The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC Hardball Å



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Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 9 PM


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BROADCAST CHANNELS American Idol Auditions continue in Denver. (N) ’ Kitchen Nightmares “Flamango’s” (N) ’ Å FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM & WBRC Seinfeld “The Hot Tub” PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å NOVA “Ghosts of Machu Picchu” Archaeologists exSecrets of the Dead “The Sinking of the Andrea Doria” Frontline “Digital Nation” World Wide Web and digital media. (N) ’ Å (DVS) _ WCIQ plore Machu Picchu. (N) ’ Å (DVS) The 1956 sinking of the Andrea Doria. Access Hollywood Å The Biggest Loser The blue and yellow teams return. (N) ’ Å The Jay Leno Show (N) ’ Å NBC 13 News at 10:00pm ` WVTM (N) Å

10:30 TMZ (N) ’ Å Capitol Journal

The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien ’ Å 90210 Naomi and Silver worry about Adrianna. ’ Melrose Place “Gower” Ella confronts Lauren. ’ The King of Queens ’ My Name Is Earl Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ ●Auburn Football Review Cheers ’ Å Buster Miles Auto Most Wanted TV24 Local News TV24 Local News Rick & Bubba Å Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS A Night at The Grill Wheel of Fortune “New Lost “Final Chapter” The mysteries of the island. (N) ’ Lost “LA X (Parts 1 and 2)” (Season Premiere) The aftermath from the bomb detonation. (N) ’ Å ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU York City Salute” (N) Å (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) NCIS “Masquerade” Terrorists threaten to detonate a NCIS: Los Angeles “LD50” A crime scene poses a se- The Good Wife “Bad” Peter’s appeal trial begins. (N) ’ CBS 42 News at 10 (N) Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å bomb. (N) ’ Å curity risk. (N) ’ Å Å Letterman (N) ’ Å Ghost Whisperer “The Curse of the Ninth” Å Criminal Minds “Birthright” ’ Å Criminal Minds “3rd Life” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Demonology” ’ Å L WPXH Ghost Whisperer Å Are You Smarter Are You Smarter Deal or No Deal (N) ’ Deal or No Deal ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Are You Smarter? CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight Criminal Minds “Omnivore” ’ Å Psychic Kids: Children of the Paranormal Å Paranormal State (N) Paranormal Cops (N) Paranormal State Å Paranormal State Å A&E Criminal Minds ’ Å ›› “Dante’s Peak” (1997) ›› “Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life” (2003, Adventure) Angelina Jolie, Gerard Butler, Ciarán Hinds. The globe-trotter battles ›› “Escape From L.A.” (1996, Action) Kurt Russell, Stacy Keach. Snake Plissken AMC Pierce Brosnan. a scientist for Pandora’s box. faces foes in the ruins of 2013 Los Angeles. Å Wild Recon “Border War” ’ Å Wild Recon “Australian Rainforest” (N) ’ Å Maneaters “Gators/Crocs” (N) ’ Wild Recon “Australian Rainforest” ’ Å ANPL Raw Nature ’ Å Last Restaurant Standing Å Last Restaurant Standing (N) Å BBC World News America Å Last Restaurant Standing Å BBC World News The Michael Vick Project The Michael Vick Project The Mo’Nique Show Å BET 106 & Park: Top 10 Live › “Juwanna Mann” (2002, Comedy) Miguel A. Núñez. Jr., Vivica A. Fox, Kevin Pollak. Å City Confidential Å Biography “Anna Nicole Smith” Anna Nicole Smith. Biography Model and actress Traci Lords. Å Shatner’s Raw Nerve (N) Shatner’s Raw Nerve Biography “Jenny McCarthy” Jenny McCarthy. BIO The Millionaire Matchmaker “Omar & Nick” Å The Millionaire Matchmaker A former child actor. The Millionaire Matchmaker Shauna returns. (N) ’ The Millionaire Matchmaker Shauna returns. Å BRAVO Real Housewives ›› “Road House” (1989, Action) Patrick Swayze, Kelly Lynch. A legendary bouncer agrees to tame a notorious gin mill. ’ ›› “Road House” (1989, Action) Patrick Swayze, Kelly Lynch. ’ CMTV Are You Smarter? Scrubs ’ Å Scrubs “My Finale” South Park Å South Park Å South Park “More Crap” South Park Å Daily Show/ Jon Stewart The Colbert Report (N) COMEDY The Colbert Report Å Dirty Jobs Soo Locks maintenance crew. ’ Å Dirty Jobs Decorative concrete countertops. (N) ’ Howe & Howe Tech High-speed, concept vehicle. Dirty Jobs Soo Locks maintenance crew. ’ Å DISC Dirty Jobs ’ Å Hannah Montana “Don’t ›› “Beethoven’s 2nd” (1993, Comedy) Charles Grodin, Bonnie Hunt, Nicholle Phineas and Ferb AnPhineas and Ferb Hannah Montana “Don’t Wizards of Waverly Place The Suite Life on Deck DISN Go Breaking My Tooth” Tom. A greedy owner tries to abduct a St. Bernard’s litter. ‘PG’ niversary; birthday party. Go Breaking My Tooth” “Franken-Girl” Cruise ship. The Daily 10 (N) Born Different: Unbelievable Medical Conditions Kardashian Keeping Up With the Kardashians “Body Blows” Kardashian Chelsea Lately (N) E! News E! ●College Basketball Michigan State at Wisconsin. (Live) ●SportsCenter (Live) Å ESPN ●College Basketball Mississippi at Kentucky. (Live) NBA Coast-to-Coast (Live) Å High School Basketball ESPN2 ●College Basketball Miami at Wake Forest. (Live) America’s Funniest Home Videos The second $100,000 prize of the season is awarded. ’ Å The 700 Club Å FAM Funniest Home Videos America’s Funniest Home Videos ’ Å Ace of Cakes “The Super Cake” Super Bowl cake. Unwrapped Big snacks. The Best Thing-Ate Chopped “Judge Knows Best” Good Eats Tortillas. Unwrapped FOOD Challenge ●Hawks Live! Postgame ●Pro Football Profiles ●The Final Score (Live) FOXSS Daytona 500 Anniversary ●NBA Basketball Atlanta Hawks at Oklahoma City Thunder. From the Ford Center in Oklahoma City. (Subject to Blackout) (Live) ›› Death Sentence ›› “Next” (2007, Science Fiction) Nicolas Cage, Julianne Moore, Jessica Biel. A clairvoyant sees two minutes into the future. ›› “The Butterfly Effect” (2004, Suspense) Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart. FX ››› “Rising Sun” (1993, Drama) Sean Connery, Wesley Snipes. Detectives investigate a murder at a Japanese corporation. Å FXM ››› “Speed” (1994) Keanu Reeves. A transit bus is wired to explode if it drops below 50 mph. Å Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å The Newlywed Game Catch 21 Å Family Feud ’ Å Carnie Wilson Deal or No Deal ’ Å GSN Deal or No Deal ’ Å America’s Funniest Touched by an Angel “Jump” The angels intervene Touched by an Angel The angels help a teen who is Touched by an Angel The angels aid a lonely man The Golden Girls Sophia’s The Golden Girls ’ Å HALL Home Videos ’ Å when a radio shock jock exploits a suicidal teen. ’ ashamed of her working-class background. Å who won’t return a runaway teen to her dad. Å sister visits. Å › “12 Rounds” (2009, Action) John Cena. An escaped convict kidnaps a cop’s fiancee. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å 24/7 Jimmie Big Love J.J. approaches Alby with a solution. Å Forget Sarah HBO ››› Ghost Town Å My First Place (N) Å My First Place Å House Hunters Å Bang for Your Buck House Hunters Å House Hunters Å Property Virgins Å My First Place Å H&G House Hunters Å How the Earth Was Made How the Earth Was Made “Ring of Fire” Volcanoes How the Earth Was Made “Mt. St. Helens” The Mount Life After People “Home Wrecked Homes” The apoca- Life After People “Last Supper” The fate of mankind’s HIST “Yosemite” Å ring the Pacific with fire. Å St. Helens volcano. (N) Å lyptic fate of homes. (N) Å food. Å Grey’s Anatomy “The Other Side of This Life” “Caught in the Act” (2004) Lauren Holly, Max Martini. A housewife becomes a private investigator. Å Will & Grace ’ Å Will & Grace ’ Å LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Å › “The Happening” (2008, Science Fiction) Mark Wahlberg. ’ ‘R’ Å › “Bride Wars” (2009, Comedy) Kate Hudson. Premiere. ’ ‘PG’ Å Co-ed Confidential 3 MAX ›› “Virtuosity” (1995) Denzel Washington. ’ ‘R’ Mission Demolition Sapper students begin training. Mission Demolition The sappers begin missions. ’ Mission Demolition Sappers rescue a downed pilot. Mission Demolition Sapper students begin training. MILIT Tank Overhaul ’ Å MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Sucker Free ’ 9/11: Science and Conspiracy Experiments with heated steel and thermite. Explorer Marines stationed at Camp Leatherneck. 9/11: Science and Conspiracy NGEO Dog Whisperer Malcolm in the Middle Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å NICK Fanboy and Chum Chum Malcolm in the Middle How It’s Made Olive oil. How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å How It’s Made ’ Å SCIENCE How It’s Made ’ Å ››› “Lymelife” (2008, Drama) Alec Baldwin, Rory Culkin. iTV Premiere. ‘R’ Tracey Ullman’s State La La Land (iTV) Å Diary-Call Girl ›› Striptease (1996) SHOW ›› “Why Did I Get Married?” (2007) Tyler Perry. All My Children Today ’ Å One Life to Live Today ’ Å General Hospital Today ’ Å Days of our Lives Today ’ Å SOAP Young-Restless ●Monster Jam ●Dangerous Drives ●Pass Time ●NASCAR Race Hub Super Bikes! Super Bikes! SPEED ●NASCAR Race Hub UFC Unleashed ’ Å Entourage “The Scene” Entourage “New York” Blue Mountain State (N) Blue Mountain State ’ Entourage “The Scene” Entourage “New York” SPIKE UFC Unleashed ’ ●Thrashers Live! (Live) ●Under the Lights (N) ●In My Own Words NHL Hockey: Lightning at Thrashers SPSO ●NHL Hockey Tampa Bay Lightning at Atlanta Thrashers. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. (Live) ●ECW Todd Grisham & Matt Striker. (Live) Star Trek: The Next Generation Å Caprica “Rebirth” Joseph confronts Daniel. “Bats: Human Harvest” (2007) David Chokachi. SYFY Star Trek: Next Gener. Behind the Scenes Å Joyce Meyer John Hagee Today Å Hillsong Å Praise the Lord Å TBN Life at the Summit Å The Office Job opening. The Office Job opening. The Office “Fun Run” The Office “Fun Run” The Office Å The Office Å Lopez Tonight (N) TBS Seinfeld Å ››› “One Way Passage” ›››› “The Thin Man” (1934, Comedy-Drama) William Powell, Myrna Loy, Maureen O’Sullivan. Nick and Nora ›››› “The Best Years of Our Lives” (1946, Drama) Fredric March, Myrna Loy, Dana Andrews. Three World TCM (1932, Drama) Charles solve a mystery with their dog, Asta. Å (DVS) War II veterans come home. Å 19 Kids and Counting “Special Duggar Delivery” ’ 19 Kids and Counting (N) 18 Kids and Counting ’ The Little Couple (N) ’ The Little Couple Å 19 Kids and Counting “Special Duggar Delivery” ’ TLC The Little Couple Å Bones “The Man in the Bones “Player Under Pressure” Brennan and Booth in- Bones Booth and Brennan venture to the hometown of Southland “Sally in the Ally” An unidentified woman is CSI: NY “Officer Blue” The team probes a sniper’s TNT Mud” ’ Å vestigate a college-basketball player’s death. Å a woman whose car was run off the road. Å found dead in an alley. ’ Å killing of a mounted police officer. ’ Å Ed, Edd ’n Eddy Ed, Edd ’n Eddy Teen Titans “X” Teen Titans “Betrothed” King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å TOON Johnny Test ’ Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show Home Improvement ’ Home Improvement ’ Married... With Children Married... With Children Roseanne ’ Å Roseanne ’ Å TVLND Sanford and Son Å White Collar A scheme to harvest human organs. Psych Shawn’s life becomes endangered. Å USA ›› “Sweet Home Alabama” (2002) Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas. A New York fashion designer has a secret in the South. Å Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair ’ Tough Love Romantic overnight dates. ’ Tough Love The women must decide. ’ Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew ’ VH1 For the Love of Ray J CABLE NEWS Coca-Cola: The Real Story Behind the Real Thing Marijuana Inc.: Inside America’s Pot Industry Porn: Business of Pleasure Mad Money CNBC Kudlow Report (Live) Campbell Brown (N) Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å CNN Situation Room Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor FNC FOX Report Countdown With Keith Olbermann (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Countdown With Keith Olbermann The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC Hardball Å

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010

24 ◆

Martha Stewart is headed to new Senate race makes Fox News a winner home on Hallmark Channel By Matea Gold


Los Angeles Times

Associated Press

NEW YORK — Martha Stewart doesn’t quite have her own television network like Oprah Winfrey, but the Hallmark Channel is giving the household style maven control over a chunk of its daytime lineup. Stewart’s weekday program, currently syndicated to various broadcast channels across the country, will move to the Hallmark Channel in September, the network and Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. announced on Tuesday. The Martha Stewart Show, starting its sixth season this fall, will air at 9 a.m. each weekday. The show will be rerun each day at 4 p.m. and 5 p.m., and Stewart’s production company will be responsible for 90 minutes of additional programming that will air following the first run of her show. Stewart said the deal was in the works before Winfrey announced in November that she will leave her syndicated show in 2011 to concentrate on OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network, her joint venture with Discovery Communications Inc. “It just reinforced our desire to have a real home for our programming,” Stewart said. Through syndication deals, Stewart is at the mercy of local stations who air her program at different times across the country. The chance to have a uniform start time — three uniform start times, if you count the reruns — was particularly attractive, said Charles Koppelman, executive chairman of Martha Stewart Living. Hallmark is available in nearly 90 million of the nation’s 115 million homes with television; Stewart’s syndicated show now can be seen in about 10 million more homes. For Hallmark, the deal offers the chance to establish itself as Stewart’s home base and beef up a daytime programming schedule filled with old movies, Golden Girls reruns and Jack Hanna animal specials. It’s particularly important given that many television networks are essentially giving up on spending much money on fresh daytime shows, said Bill Abbott, president and CEO of the Hallmark Channels. “We see a choice opportunity to own this segment in the lifestyle area and in daytime,” he said. Neither side would discuss the financial parameters of the deal. Stewart and Winfrey’s deals do not necessarily mean television’s syndication model is breaking down, said Bill Carroll, researcher for Katz Television. “I do not anticipate an exodus to cable of the successful shows on broadcast,” Carroll said. “It is still the primary way to reach the largest audience possible.” The new programs will be in the same lifestyle, household hints and cooking areas in which Stewart specializes. One possibility: Whatever, Martha, the series where Stewart’s daughter pokes fun at her mother, which has a deal with the Fine Living Network that expires in June. It won’t be an exclusive deal, however. MSLO pro-

The Martha Stewart Show/Associated Press

Host Martha Stewart creates a terrarium on the set of ‘The Martha Stewart Show’ in New York on Jan. 22. duces Everyday Food for PBS and is making a show with chef Emeril Lagasse for ION Television. Stewart will also be making four one-hour primetime specials for Hallmark. The corporate sister of the greeting card company wants to establish itself as a destination for programs related to different holidays. Stewart’s company retains control of its backlog of old programming. She said she’s looking to be more aggressive making this old material available online.

NEW YORK — The fact that Fox News scored a ratings victory usually wouldn’t be a surprise. The cable news channel has beaten CNN and MSNBC for the last eight years and its margin over its rivals keep growing. But last week, it managed to push past a competitor in another genre: USA, the powerhouse entertainment channel that has long held the spot as the top-ranked basic cable network in prime time. The network was lifted by the huge audience that tuned in for its coverage of the special election to fill the late U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts, underscoring how Fox News is benefiting from the conservative populist movement gaining steam across the country. As independents and “tea party” activists helped propel Scott Brown to victory, Fox News drew a whopping 6 million viewers in prime time, its biggest audience since 2008’s election night. Overall, during the week of Jan. 18, Fox News drew an average of 3.21 million viewers in prime time to USA’s 3.19 million. It’s a milestone the cable news channel has reached only a handful of times during major news events such as the war in Iraq or the 2008 presidential election. The win was cheered by Fox News executives, who are gunning to capture the top ranking on a regular basis. “Look, I can’t make any predictions,” said Bill Shine, executive vice president for programming. “But it’s something we’re going to work toward.” Top-ranked cable news host Bill O’Reilly drew 4.8 million viewers on Thursday, beating three of NBC’s primetime shows. And the channel’s newest star, Glenn Beck, who has emerged as an icon of the tea party movement, had his highest-rated week ever. On Jan. 22, Beck logged almost 4 million viewers, his biggest audience yet, for his “Live Free or Die” documentary that examined the roots of communism and socialism. Shine said the current political climate “doesn’t hurt,” but attributed the network’s burgeoning viewership more to the fact that “people trust us, and when news happens, they come to us.” Last week’s busy news menu lifted the channel’s daytime newscasts anchored by Bret Baier and Shepard Smith to their best ratings in recent years. But in prime time, the network’s focus was on politics far more than Haiti. According to a news analysis by the Project for Excellence in Journalism, Fox News devoted 44 percent of its airtime to the Massachusetts Senate race and 16 percent to Haiti. That was the case for MSNBC’s left-leaning prime-time commentators, as well: The network spent 51 percent of its airtime on the Senate race and just 11 percent on the devastation in Haiti. CNN chose to go the opposite route, devoting 67 percent of prime time to Haiti and 19 percent to the election. “Look, what happened in Haiti was just horrific,” said Shine, who said the network devoted significant resources to covering the story and showcased the coverage throughout the day. “But there are also some big stories in America that we chose not to ignore the way that other networks seemed to.”

25 ◆

NBC hopes to recover for Olympics Associated Press NEW YORK — NBC’s Conan O’Brien-Jay Leno fiasco has been a monumental disaster for the network, both for its public image and bottom line, as it prepares to pay an embittered O’Brien and his staff an estimated $45 million to abandon The Tonight Show. Next up: the Winter Olympics. A solid Olympics performance in February could go a long way toward rehabilitating the network. The past few weeks of bad publicity haven’t helped, though, and NBC’s struggling prime-time ratings hinder its abilities to promote the Vancouver games, which begin Feb. 12. NBC also knows going in that it will lose millions of dollars on the Olympics

but insists that no corners will be cut that viewers will be able to see. “The squabbling over late night has really overshadowed anticipation for the games,” said Shari Anne Brill, an analyst for the Madison Avenue firm Carat USA. John Rash, an analyst for the Chicago ad firm Campbell & Mithune, said NBC’s prime-time troubles hurt its ability to get people excited about the games and emboldened rival networks to program more aggressively against the Games. But John Swallen, senior vice president of research for TNS Media Intelligencer, cautioned against connecting NBC’s other problems with interest in the Olympics. “Ultimately, it’s the competition and the personalities of the athletes


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involved in the competition that makes the difference between a ratings bonanza and a ratings disaster,” Swallen said. “And you can’t predict that until the games unfold.” In a strange parallel, NBC is suffering now because of decisions made years ago. Rather than let O’Brien escape to a competitor in 2004, NBC executives promised him The Tonight Show five years later and then tried to keep both O’Brien and Leno — an effort that blew up in their faces. Similarly, the General Electric Co.-owned NBC agreed in 2003 to pay $820 million for the television rights to the Vancouver games, compared to the $613 million paid for the 2006 games in Turin, Italy. Reportedly, no other network came within $700 million of NBC’s successful bid to air both the Vancouver games and the London Summer Olympics in 2012. NBC bid a total of $2 billion for both games. GE executives announced late last year that NBC is expected to lose about $200 million on the Vancouver games, the first time it has lost money on an Olympics since it began televising the games in 1992. Any expectation that NBC would take in enough revenue to make up for the significant increase in rights fees was dashed by the recession. The U.S. Olympic Committee lost three sponsor companies, including General Motors, and picked up only one new one. The International Olympic Committee lost four companies, and picked up only one new one, according to the TNS Media Intelligencer. Sponsors can often be counted on for big

advertising campaigns. GM, for example, spent $112 million in Turin. Although the company will advertise during the Vancouver games, it won’t approach that level, company spokesman Ryndee Carney said. NBC Universal is televising some 835 hours of competition next month on the broadcast network and cable affiliates including USA, MSNBC and CNBC. The company is promising its advertisers that ratings for the Vancouver games will exceed those of four years ago, and there are several reasons to believe this might be true. Olympic games in North America usually do better than games overseas both due to pride created by proximity and the ability to show more events live in prime time. All figure skating events, most speed skating and more than half of the freestyle skiing events will be televised live in the Eastern time zone, said Dick Ebersol, NBC Sports chairman. Ratings for many sporting events have jumped in recent years because of high definition television, which makes them much more attractive for viewing. About one-third of American homes now have HDTV. The Olympics are frequently used by networks as a promotional platform for upcoming shows, and while this is more important with summer Games that directly precede a new TV season, NBC has work to do this February. It must remind viewers that Jay Leno is returning to Tonight and demonstrate it is back with new programming at 10 p.m., including Jerry Seinfeld’s new reality series, The Marriage Ref.


The identity of the featured celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle. 9. Series for Allison Mack ACROSS 1. Actor on “NUMB3RS” (2) 12. Actor on “Gary 9. __ Mineo Unmarried” (2) 10. Roof’s edge 14. Christiane Amanpour’s 11. Battery size employer 13. Cut into very tiny pieces 16. Howard, for one 15. Southern accent 19. Doogie or Moesha 17. CNN’s Cooper 20. “__ to Order”; 1987 18. Horatio Caine, Ally Sheedy movie for one: abbr. 22. Stan, to Dorothy 20. One of the Kettles Zbornak 21. Actor Marvin 23. 1988 Martin Sheen film 23. “American __!” 27. Lead role on “Profiler” 24. Irritate 28. Participate in a 25. “__ America”; 1990 Winter Olympics event Mel Gibson movie 30. “Road to __”; 1952 26. “WKRP __ Cincinnati” Hope/Crosby movie 29. Most famous 1981 bride 31. Allergic reaction, 30. Christine __ of perhaps “The Good Wife” 32. Murder 34. Pack animal 33. “Bus Stop” playwright 36. Airhead on “Becker” 35. Actor Nicholas 38. Japanese delicacy 37. German article 39. Gilbert, for one 40. Arkin’s insigne 42. Become firm 41. Initials for John 43. Actress formerly on Boy’s portrayer “Ghost Whisperer” (2) DOWN 1. __ alai 2. Bone of the arm 3. Official, signed document 4. Initials for the star of “Night Court” 5. “Star Trek __: The Voyage Home” (1986) 6. 1981 Warren Beatty film 7. Actor James 8. “Hee __”

© Zap2it

26 ◆

Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 WEDNESDAY EVENING 2/3/10


7 PM


8 PM 8:30

9 PM


10 PM


BROADCAST CHANNELS Human Target “Sanctuary” (N) ’ Å American Idol The final auditions before Hollywood. FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Seinfeld ’ Å PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å The National Parks: America’s Best Idea “The Scripture of Nature (1851-1890)” California’s Yosemite Valley; The National Parks: America’s Best Idea “The Last Refuge (1890-1915)” President Theodore Roosevelt _ WCIQ America’s first national park is Yellowstone. ’ Å (DVS) champions the national parks. ’ Å (DVS) Access Hollywood Å Mercy Chloe tries to help a grieving widower. (N) ’ Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Confidential” A The Jay Leno Show (N) ’ Å NBC 13 News at 10:00pm The Tonight Show With ` WVTM murder is connected to an old case. (N) ’ Å (N) Å Conan O’Brien ’ Å ●College Basketball Mississippi State at Vanderbilt. (Live) Life Unexpected “Rent Uncollected” ’ Å Gossip Girl Olivia considers leaving school. Å 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ Cheers ’ Å TV24 Local News TV24 Local News Rick & Bubba Å Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS ●High School Football Wheel of Fortune “New Modern Family “Great Ex- The Middle “The Yelling” Modern Family “Moon Cougar Town “All the Ugly Betty “Chica and the Man” Betty’s blog wins an ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU York City Salute” (N) pectations” ’ Å Mike takes a night job. Landing” (N) ’ Å Wrong Reasons” (N) ’ award. (N) ’ Å (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) Super Bowl’s Greatest Commercials 2010 (N) ’ Å Criminal Minds “Parasite” Following a con artist’s men- CSI: NY “Sanguine Love” A bloodless corpse lies in CBS 42 News at 10 (N) Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å tal decline. (N) ’ Å Central Park. (N) ’ Å Letterman (N) ’ Å Ghost Whisperer “Cat’s Claw” ’ Å Ghost Whisperer “Dead to Rights” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Limelight” ’ Å Criminal Minds “Omnivore” ’ Å L WPXH Ghost Whisperer Å The Unit “Pandemonium, Part One” Å The Unit “Pandemonium, Part Two” Å The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Are You Smarter? CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight Dog the Bounty Hunter Steven Seagal Lawman Steven Seagal Lawman Steven Seagal Lawman Steven Seagal Lawman A&E Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter “Girl Trouble” Å “Lara Croft Tomb Raider: ››› “Enter the Dragon” (1973, Adventure) Bruce Lee, John Saxon, Jim Kelly. Agent of kung fu enters opium lord’s island fortress. ››› “Fight Club” (1999, Suspense) Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, Helena Bonham AMC Cradle of Life” Carter. Men vent their rage by beating each other in a secret arena. Å Wild Recon “Australian Rainforest” ’ Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive Airplane crash survivor. Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive A young man is attacked. ’ Wild Recon “Australian Rainforest” ’ Å ANPL Predator Bay ’ Å Top Gear Å The Inbetweeners The Inbetweeners (N) BBC World News America Å Top Gear Å BBC World News The Mo’Nique Show Å BET 106 & Park: Top 10 Live ››› “The Matrix” (1999, Science Fiction) Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne. A computer hacker learns his world is a computer simulation. Å City Confidential Å Biography “Richard Pryor” Å Biography “John Belushi” Å Biography “Larry the Cable Guy” Å Shatner’s Raw Nerve Shatner’s Raw Nerve BIO Launch My Line Business is not as glamorous. Launch My Line “Finale” A surprise visit. Å Shear Genius “A Risque Runway” ’ Å Shear Genius “A Risque Runway” ’ Å BRAVO Next Top Model Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? ››› “True Lies” (1994, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold. Premiere. A man lives the double life of a spy and a family man. ’ CMTV Extreme-Home Chappelle’s Show Å Chappelle’s Show Å Futurama ’ Å Futurama ’ Å South Park Å Tosh.0 (N) Å Daily Show/ Jon Stewart The Colbert Report (N) COMEDY The Colbert Report Å Man vs. Wild Bear rappels onto a live volcano. ’ Man vs. Wild Bear stays alive in a city. (N) ’ Å Solving History With Olly Steeds “Atlantis” Å Man vs. Wild Bear rappels onto a live volcano. ’ DISC Man vs. Wild ’ Å Hannah Montana Miley ›› “The Color of Friendship” (2000, Drama) Carl Lumbly, Penny Johnson. A Phineas and Ferb Å Phineas and Ferb Hannah Montana Miley Wizards of Waverly Place The Suite Life on Deck DISN works with a voice actor. black family hosts a white student from South Africa. ’ Å works with a voice actor. “Doll House” “Kitchen Casanova” The Daily 10 (N) E! Investigates: Kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard Too Young to Kill: 15 Shocking Crimes Children who have committed murder. (N) Chelsea Lately (N) E! News E! ●NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Boston Celtics. From TD Garden in Boston. (Live) NBA Basketball Phoenix Suns at Denver Nuggets. (Live) ESPN NBA Shootaround Å ●College Basketball Kansas at Colorado. (Live) ●College Basketball Idaho at Utah State. (Live) ESPN2 ●College Basketball DePaul at Marquette. (Live) ››› “The Perfect Storm” (2000, Suspense) George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg. Premiere. A fishing boat sails into the storm of the century. Å The 700 Club Å FAM That ’70s Show ’ Å Throwdown, Bobby Flay Throwdown-Bobby Flay Dinner: Impossible Philadelphia Zoo milestone. Worst Cooks in America A winner is declared. FOOD Challenge Burger recipe. Tailgate Warriors With Guy Fieri ●Hawks Live! Postgame ●Pro Football Profiles ●The Final Score (Live) ●The Final Score (Live) Jay Glazer’s Pre Party FOXSS ●NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Atlanta Hawks. From Philips Arena in Atlanta. (Live) ›› “The Girl Next Door” (2004) Emile Hirsch, Elisha Cuthbert. A teen falls for a woman who used to be a porn star. Nip/Tuck “Virginia Hayes” (N) Nip/Tuck “Virginia Hayes” FX ›› “French Kiss” (1995) Meg Ryan. An American woman crosses paths with a smarmy French thief. ››› “Romancing the Stone” (1984, Adventure) Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny DeVito. Å FXM Romancing the Stone Family Feud Å Family Feud ’ Å The Newlywed Game Catch 21 Å Carnie Wilson Hidden Agenda Å Deal or No Deal ’ Å GSN Deal or No Deal ’ Å America’s Funniest Touched by an Angel Tess starts showing signs of Touched by an Angel Angels comfort Tess as she Touched by an Angel The angels help a priest lend The Golden Girls Parents The Golden Girls The HALL Home Videos ’ Å Alzheimer’s disease during a mission. Å copes with Alzheimer’s disease. Å guidance to troubled brothers. ’ Å fail to pick up their child. roommates reminisce. ’ The Wolfman: First Look Big Love J.J. approaches Alby with a solution. Å 24/7 Jimmie ››› Wanted (2008) HBO ›› Baby Mama (2008) ›› “Yes Man” (2008, Comedy) Jim Carrey, Bradley Cooper. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Property Virgins Å Property Virgins Å House Hunters Å Income Property Å House Hunters Holmes on Homes Ron and Jill hired contractors. My First Place Å H&G House Hunters Å MonsterQuest “Giant Bear MonsterQuest “Hillbilly Beast” Probing monster sight- MonsterQuest “Giant Killer Bees” Killer bees invade Ax Men “Boiling Point” A careless mistake imperils log- Madhouse “Brother Against Brother” Jason Myers HIST Attack” Å ings in Kentucky. Å the United States. (N) Å gers. Å stands up to a bully. Å Grey’s Anatomy “Didn’t We Almost Have It All” ’ ›› “Footloose” (1984) Kevin Bacon. Hip teen moves to corn town where pastor taboos dancing. Å Will & Grace ’ Å Will & Grace ’ Å LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Å › “The Unborn” (2009, Horror) Odette Yustman. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Co-Ed Confidential 3: MAX ››› “The Hunt for Red October” (1990) Sean Connery. Moscow, D.C. and CIA analyst track rogue Soviet captain and sub. ‘PG’ World at War “A New Germany” ’ Å Commanders at War “Singapore” Surprise attack. Battleplan “Blitzkrieg” ’ Å World at War “A New Germany” ’ Å MILIT Hitler’s Bodyguard Å MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ The Real World ’ Å MTV Special ’ MTV Sucker Free ’ Locked Up Abroad “Sierra Leone” Chinatown Mafia Taboo “Narcotics” Some societies embrace drugs. Locked Up Abroad “Sierra Leone” NGEO Dog Whisperer Malcolm in the Middle Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å NICK Fanboy and Chum Chum Malcolm in the Middle Survivorman ’ Å Meteorite Men The Tucson Ring. (N) ’ Å Mantracker Brothers Rene and Dave lead a chase. Survivorman ’ Å SCIENCE Survivorman ’ Å ●Inside the NFL (iTV) NFL highlights. (N) ’ Å ●Inside the NFL (iTV) NFL highlights. ’ Å Tracey Ullman’s State Jake Johannsen: I Love You (iTV) ’ SHOW The Forbidden Kingdom Diary-Call Girl All My Children Today ’ Å One Life to Live Today ’ Å Being Erica “Mamma Mia” (N) ’ Å (DVS) General Hospital Today ’ Å SOAP Young-Restless ●Dangerous Drives ●Pass Time ●NASCAR Race Hub Pass Time (N) Pass Time (N) Wrecked Wrecked “Hogs” SPEED ●NASCAR Race Hub 1,000 Ways to Die ’ 1,000 Ways to Die ’ 1,000 Ways to Die ’ 1,000 Ways to Die ’ 1,000 Ways to Die (N) ’ MANswers (N) ’ Å Blue Mountain State ’ 1,000 Ways to Die ’ SPIKE 1,000 Ways to Die ’ ●Under the Lights ●In My Own Words ●Spotlight ●In My Own Words ●College Basketball Furman at Wofford. SPSO ●In My Own Words Ghost Hunters Clapp Library. ’ Å Ghost Hunters International (N) ’ Å Ghost Hunters “Iron Island” ’ Å Ghost Hunters International ’ Å SYFY Ghost Hunters ’ Å Behind the Scenes Å Grant Jeffrey Å Secrets of Bible Jack Van Impe Presents Praise the Lord Å TBN Billy Graham Classic House of Payne House of Payne Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Meet the Browns Lopez Tonight (N) TBS Seinfeld “The Ticket” ›› “Cabin in the Sky” ››› “Pinky” (1949, Drama) Jeanne Crain, Ethel Barrymore, Ethel Waters. A light-skinned black woman re›› “Moonrise” (1948, Drama) Dane Clark, Gail Russell, Ethel Barrymore. Son of hanged man kills tormentor, TCM (1943) Ethel Waters. Å turns to her Southern home. hides with teacher. Twins: What You Never Knew ’ Å I’m Pregnant and... Å I’m Pregnant and... Å Toddlers & Tiaras “Southern Glitz Open State” (N) Twins: What You Never Knew ’ Å TLC Mystery Diagnosis Å Bones “The Verdict in the Bones “The Wannabe in the Weeds” Brennan and Bones Brennan and the team realize that the GorLeverage “The Future Job” A con man masquerades CSI: NY “Tri-Borough” Murder victims are found in three TNT Story” ’ Å Booth investigate the murder of an aspiring singer. mogon serial killer has struck again. ’ Å as a medium. (N) Å different boroughs. ’ Å What Would Happen? Destroy Build Destroy Star Wars: Clone Wars Super Hero Squad Show King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å TOON Johnny Test ’ Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show Married... With Children Married... With Children High School Reunion “Ante Up” (N) Å High School Reunion “Ante Up” Å TVLND Sanford and Son Å NCIS “Identity Crisis” ’ Å NCIS Two members of the team are sent to Iraq. ’ Psych Shawn and Gus go on a rafting trip. (N) Å Burn Notice Michael hunts down a child predator. USA NCIS “Witch Hunt” Å 40 Most Slimmed-Down Celebs Celebrities have dramatic weight loss. (N) ’ Fantasia for Real ’ Let’s Talk About Pep ’ VH1 Celebrity Rehab, Drew Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew ’ CABLE NEWS Marijuana Inc.: Inside America’s Pot Industry American Greed “Suicide Is Painless” American Greed “Suicide Is Painless” Mad Money CNBC Kudlow Report (Live) Campbell Brown (N) Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å CNN Situation Room Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor FNC FOX Report Countdown With Keith Olbermann (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Countdown With Keith Olbermann The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC Hardball Å



7 PM


8 PM


Jan. 29-Feb. 4, 2010 9 PM


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BROADCAST CHANNELS Bones Uniquely disfigured remains. (N) ’ Å Fringe Olivia must face her mysterious past. (N) FOX6 News at 9:00 PM FOX6 News at 9:30 PM FOX6 News at 10:00 PM TMZ (N) ’ Å & WBRC Seinfeld ’ Å PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å The Moody Blues at the Royal Albert Hall The Moody Blues perform their great- Discovering Alabama “Al- MI-5 “Who Guards the Guards?” MI-5 drops the ball. Å We Have Signal: Live Capitol Journal _ WCIQ est hits in London. ’ Å abama in Space” From Birmingham Access Hollywood (N) Å Community “Beginner Pot- Parks and Recreation The Office Erin waits for 30 Rock “Verna” Jenna’s The Jay Leno Show (N) ’ Å NBC 13 News at 10:00pm The Tonight Show With ` WVTM tery” (N) ’ Å “Sweetums” (N) ’ Å Andy to ask her out. (N) mother visits. (N) ’ (N) Å Conan O’Brien ’ Å The Vampire Diaries “Children of the Damned” (N) Supernatural Anna is sent back in time. (N) Å The King of Queens ’ My Name Is Earl “Pilot” The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show 5 WTTO Two and a Half Men ’ The Rub Cardinal Corner Word Alive Cheers ’ Å TV24 Local News TV24 Local News Rick & Bubba Å Rick & Bubba Å 8 WJXS A Night at The Grill Wheel of Fortune “New The Deep End “To Have and to Hold” Liam asks Row- Grey’s Anatomy “State of Love and Trust” Mark refus- Private Practice “Shotgun” Sam makes a discovery ABC 33/40 News at 10PM Nightline (N) Å H WJSU York City Salute” (N) dy for advice on dating. (N) ’ Å es to speak to Lexie. (N) ’ Å about Dink. (N) ’ Å (N) Entertainment Tonight (N) Surviving Survivor The greatest moments from “Sur- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation “Internal Combustion” The Mentalist “Redline” A body is found in a car’s CBS 42 News at 10 (N) Late Show With David J WIAT ’ Å vivor.” (N) ’ Å Investigating streetcar racing. (N) Å (DVS) trunk. (N) ’ Å Letterman (N) ’ Å Ghost Whisperer “Speed Demon” ’ Å NCIS “Kill Ari” Gibbs is determined to stop Ari. NCIS “Kill Ari” ’ (Part 2 of 2) Å Criminal Minds “House on Fire” ’ Å L WPXH Ghost Whisperer Å ››› “Bull Durham” (1988) Kevin Costner. A baseball groupie gives pointers to a brash young pitcher. The Simpsons ’ Å The Simpsons ’ Å House of Payne House of Payne ¥ WABM Are You Smarter? CABLE ENTERTAINMENT Local Programming Action News Nightbeat Local Programming ^ TV-2 Entertainment Tonight The First 48 “Fit of Rage; Mean Streets” Å The First 48 “10 Pounds” Drug-related murder. (N) Manhunters: Fugitive Manhunters: Fugitive Manhunters: Fugitive Manhunters: Fugitive A&E The First 48 Å ››› “Enter the Dragon” ›››› “The Untouchables” (1987, Crime Drama) Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Robert De Niro. Eliot Ness and men fight Al Capone in ›› “The Crew” (2000, Comedy) Richard Dreyfuss, Burt Reynolds, Dan Hedaya. AMC (1973) Jim Kelly Chicago. Å Old gangsters hatch a scheme to save their retirement home. Å Wild Russia “Siberia” Siberia. ’ Å Wild Russia “Arctic” ’ Å Wild Russia “Urals” ’ Å Wild Russia “Siberia” Siberia. ’ Å ANPL The Natural World Å Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares A family-run bistro. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares “The Runaway Girl” BBC World News America Å Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares A family-run bistro. BBC World News The Michael Vick Project ››› “Posse” (1993) Mario Van Peebles. Former soldiers defend a black township from KKK raiders. The Mo’Nique Show Å BET 106 & Park: Top 10 Live Monica: Still Standing City Confidential Å Biography “Elton John” Elton John. Å Biography “ABBA” Å Biography “Boy George” Å BIO The Real Housewives of Orange County The Real Housewives of Orange County The Real Housewives of Orange County (N) Å Shear Genius “A Risque Runway” ’ Å BRAVO Real Housewives Are You Smarter? Are You Smarter? The Singing Bee ’ Cribs ’ Cribs ’ The Singing Bee ’ CMTV Extreme-Home Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious Å South Park Å South Park Å Important Things Martin Sarah Silverman Prog. Daily Show/ Jon Stewart The Colbert Report (N) COMEDY The Colbert Report Å Impaled! ’ Å Pig Bomb ’ Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive: Science of Survival ’ Å DISC I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive: Science of Survival ’ Å Hannah Montana Han“Jump In!” (2007, Drama) Corbin Bleu, Keke Palmer, David Reivers. A promising Phineas and Ferb Phineas and Ferb Hannah Montana HanWizards of Waverly Place The Suite Life on Deck DISN nah’s dislike of carrots. young boxer competes in double Dutch jump-rope. ’ ‘NR’ Å nah’s dislike of carrots. “Family Thais” The Daily 10 (N) Fashion Police “The 2010 Grammy Awards” Hugh Hefner: Girlfriends, Wives and Centerfolds: The E! True Hollywood Story Playboy. ’ Å Chelsea Lately (N) E! News E! ●College Basketball Teams TBA. (Live) ●SportsCenter (Live) Å ESPN ●College Basketball Teams TBA. (Live) ●College Basketball Teams TBA. (Live) ●College Basketball Portland at Gonzaga. Å ESPN2 ●College Basketball Teams TBA. (Live) America’s Funniest Home Videos ’ Å The 700 Club Å FAM ››› “Coming to America” (1988) Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall. An African prince and his royal sidekick come to Queens. Å Iron Chef America “Flay vs. Smith” Iron Chef America “Morimoto vs. Love” Ace of Cakes (N) Ace of Cakes Good Eats Unwrapped FOOD Challenge ●Women’s College Basketball Mississippi at Kentucky. (Same-day Tape) ●In My Own Words FOXSS ●Women’s College Basketball Arkansas at Tennessee. (Live) ›› The Girl Next Door › “The Brothers Solomon” (2007) Will Arnett. Premiere. Two socially inept siblings look for mates. Archer “Honeypot” (N) Archer “Killing Utne” Archer “Honeypot” The Brothers Solomon FX ››› “The Commitments” (1991, Musical) Robert Arkins, Johnny Murphy, Angeline Ball. Å ››› “White Men Can’t Jump” (1992, Comedy) Wesley Snipes, Woody Harrelson, Rosie Perez. Å FXM › Satisfaction (1988) Carnie Wilson Hidden Agenda Å The Newlywed Game Catch 21 Å Deal or No Deal ’ Å Carnie Wilson Hidden Agenda Å GSN Deal or No Deal ’ Å America’s Funniest Touched by an Angel The angels try to keep a man Touched by an Angel Couples learn the meaning of Touched by an Angel “As It Is in Heaven” An angel The Golden Girls ’ Å The Golden Girls HALL Home Videos ’ Å from committing suicide. ’ Å love on Valentine’s Day. ’ Å raises a motherless child. ’ Å “Dorothy’s Prized Pupil” Å A Family Is a Family Valentine’s ››› “Coraline” (2009) Voices of Dakota Fanning. Premiere. ’ ‘PG’ Å What to Watch ’ Å Real Sex Sex-toy factory; Oakland resort. ’ Å HBO ›› Fred Claus (2007) My First Place (N) Å My First Place Å House Hunters (N) Å House Hunters Å House Hunters Income Property Å Property Virgins Å My First Place Å H&G House Hunters Å Modern Marvels “Money” Modern Marvels “Chrome” Chrome hot rod. (N) Å Food Tech “Lunch Box” Deconstructing lunchtime fa- Pawn Stars Å Pawn Stars Å Food Tech “Lunch Box” Deconstructing lunchtime faHIST Å vorites. (N) Å vorites. Å Grey’s Anatomy “Let the Truth Sting” ’ Å Project Runway “The Hi’s and Low’s of Fashion” Project Runway “Design Your Heart Out” (N) Å Models of the Runway Project Runway Å LIFE Grey’s Anatomy Å ››› “The Incredible Hulk” (2008, Action) Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å › “Sliver” (1993) Sharon Stone. A man draws a divorced editor into his voyeuristic world. ’ ‘R’ Å MAX ›› Doomsday (2008) Top Sniper ’ Å Top Sniper “Science” ’ Å Weaponology Rifles that kill from 2,000 yards. ’ MILIT Special Ops Mission ’ Weaponology Rifles that kill from 2,000 yards. ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Special ’ MTV Sucker Free ’ Science of Armored Cars Fight Science “Fight Like an Animal” (N) Naked Science The moon leaving Earth’s orbit. (N) Science of Armored Cars NGEO Dog Whisperer Malcolm in the Middle Everybody Hates Chris Everybody Hates Chris George Lopez ’ Å George Lopez ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å The Nanny ’ Å NICK Fanboy and Chum Chum Malcolm in the Middle Factory Made ’ Factory Made ’ Å Build It Bigger “City Center, Las Vegas” ’ Heavy Metal Task Force ’ Å Factory Made ’ Factory Made ’ Å SCIENCE Assembly Req. “Why We Laugh: Black Comedians on Black Comedy” (2009) ‘NR’ Å Scenarios USA Shorts Penn & Teller: Bulls...! La La Land (iTV) Å Paul Mooney: It’s the End of the World (N) Å SHOW ›› Meet the Browns All My Children Today ’ Å One Life to Live Today ’ Å General Hospital Today ’ Å Days of our Lives Today ’ Å SOAP Young-Restless Bud Shootout Selection Show From Daytona Beach, Fla. (Live) Speed Performance Awards (N) NASCAR Racing SPEED NASCAR Media Day “2010 Preview” Sprint Cup drivers discuss 2010 season. ●TNA iMPACT! Superstars battle it out for supremacy and championship gold inside the six-sided ring. (N) ●UFC 109 Countdown: Relentless ’ UFC Unleashed ’ SPIKE CSI: Crime Scn ● ● ●ACC All-Access ●College Basketball Arizona at Washington. (Live) SPSO ● Star Trek: Enterprise “In a Mirror, Darkly” Å Star Trek: Enterprise “Demons” Å Star Trek: Enterprise “Terra Prime” Å Caprica “Rebirth” Joseph confronts Daniel. SYFY Star Trek: Enterprise Behind the Scenes Å Dr. David Jeremiah Å Winning With Wisdom This Is Your Day Å Praise the Lord Å TBN Full Flame Å ›› “Just Friends” (2005) Ryan Reynolds. A music executive tries to woo his high-school crush. Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Lopez Tonight (N) TBS Seinfeld “The Watch” ›› “Flight Command” ››› “The Uninvited” (1944, Horror) Ray Milland, Ruth Hussey, Gail Russell. A composer and his sister move ››› “Kitty” (1945, Romance) Paulette Goddard, Ray Milland, Cecil Kellaway. A portrait of a slum girl catches TCM (1940) Robert Taylor. into a haunted manor. the eye of an aristocrat. American Chopper First diesel-powered chopper. American Chopper NASCAR-inspired chopper. (N) BBQ Pitmasters All-ribs showdown in Texas. (N) ’ American Chopper NASCAR-inspired chopper. ’ TLC BBQ Pitmasters ’ Å ●NBA Basketball San Antonio Spurs at Portland Trail Blazers. From the Rose GarBones A body is found in ●NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Cleveland Cavaliers. From Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. (Live) Å TNT an outhouse. ’ Å den in Portland, Ore. (Live) Å Johnny Test ’ Å Chowder Misadv. of Flapjack Johnny Test ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å King of the Hill ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å Family Guy ’ Å TOON Johnny Test ’ Å The Andy Griffith Show The Andy Griffith Show Home Improvement ’ Home Improvement ’ Married... With Children Married... With Children Roseanne ’ Å Roseanne ’ Å TVLND Sanford and Son Å House A mother and her son are in grave danger. House “Joy to the World” Cuddy receives gift. ’ Burn Notice Michael’s neighbor needs his help. (N) White Collar A scheme to harvest human organs. USA NCIS “Suspicion” Å For the Love of Ray J ’ Super Bowl Fan Jam 2010 (N) ’ Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew ’ Tough Love The women must decide. ’ VH1 For the Love of Ray J CABLE NEWS Biography on CNBC Ben & Jerry. Big Mac: Inside the McDonald’s Empire Biography on CNBC “Harley-Davidson” (N) Mad Money CNBC Kudlow Report (Live) Campbell Brown (N) Larry King Live (N) Å Anderson Cooper 360 Å CNN Situation Room Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN House of Rep. Tonight From Washington Capital News Today CSPAN2 U.S. Senate Coverage The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Hannity (N) On the Record With Greta Van Susteren (N) Å The O’Reilly Factor FNC FOX Report Countdown With Keith Olbermann (N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) Countdown With Keith Olbermann The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC Hardball Å

28 ◆

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