From: John Spain [] Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 11:07 AM To: 'Gene Robinson'; 'Don Hoyt'; 'Councilman Ben Little'; 'Councilman David Dawson'; 'Councilman Herbert Palmore'; 'Councilman Palmore' Cc: 'Cleophus Thomas, Jr.' Subject: RE: Official City Letters
Gentlemen, I support Councilman’s Little’s request for a letter to Mr. Reaves since I have never heard any such statement as the one that Mr. Reaves claimed. I do not think it wise for the City to become further involved in the Bates matter. Thanks, John John Spain, PhD, CMAS, CPP Vice Mayor & City Councilman Ward 1 256.770.2001 From: Gene Robinson [] Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 10:17 AM To: 'Don Hoyt'; 'Councilman Ben Little'; 'Councilman David Dawson'; 'Councilman Herbert Palmore'; 'Councilman John Spain'; 'Councilman Palmore' Cc: 'Cleophus Thomas, Jr.' Subject: RE: Official City Letters Greeting gentlemen and others , Little you do not have the backing of the full Council . I think it MOST IRONIC that you are singling out a citizen for supposed comments of a “ disparaging nature “ or a “ personal attack , “ when you have done this time and time again for the last eleven years against some of the most stellar citizens of the community . I am officially stating that the Mayor of Anniston is shocked that you would try to censure a wise citizen of the community ! Gene Robinson Mayor -----Original Message----From: Don Hoyt [] Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 9:44 AM To: 'Councilman Ben Little'; 'Councilman David Dawson'; 'Councilman Herbert Palmore'; 'Councilman John Spain'; 'Councilman Palmore'; 'Mayor Robinson' Cc: 'Cleophus Thomas, Jr.' Subject: RE: Official City Letters Gentlemen, Councilman Little has requested a letter be drafted to Mr. J. D. Reaves informing him that his comment at the last Council meeting (namely that Mr. Little said “white people are not wanted in Ward 3”) was (besides being a lie) in violation of Section 11 of Resolution 08O-29, the “Order of Procedure” resolution adopted by the Council at its first meeting after