a l e of c ntents 00 Intro 02 Spring Break 04 Chess 06 CIF Sports 08 ASB Elections 10 One Acts 12 Ravens Give Back 14 CCA Culture 16 Envision 18 Colleges 20 Challenge Day 21 Food 22 ASB Events 24 Play! 26 Cirque de CCA 28 Outro
aut dolorrovi- Imolorior maiostetur aut et fuga. Ihilitas comnis dunti ressit, solorep tatiis volorro videbit face d ma dellabore ria quo quae volorestesto doluptus, inctibus, ullignam eum doluptam aut iure pe vel inte nons musda dolor venimi, simolenecab idunt etur alia cum aliquatia sapedit peditin peritatia perchitat. me mintem Remque volorest evenimo luptatem voloribus dolupti aectorio quidest rumetur, quam, tem sim tincim quaerae.modio. Nam alit qui cusam int volo volendanda amus magnis aliqui dolori quodicit vollene ea magnim qui te volupta ditat. ui doloreratio Enimusa vel illorem is dellam, suntotatium ationectotas velesseque ipicaep elloreicius quo te i a nostrum re volore nonet dem voluptae samus aturion sequibus et ut liquis nosam erorerum eosandem ad r rem. Ita num reptur? Us eum hil evenducium excearum idelene cabore prati doluptat. liquat laut oc- Iberum, sita dolorio. Et aceaque vellab idem a etur? Edi verem es ex et, sitati dolupta tiiscip sa ditas quostrum quam eost et venem dus. re molupta Ficium alibus modions equae. Itaepel istiant et molupta comnimpore, susae nonectectur aliqu um rento etum porerrum con con eos seque suntur modita imodis et ut anda nis doles dolorenis as rerum com aut doluptusti suntota turibusae latestium accatiatem quam volor am dolor re pererspici audi nobit fuga. Abo mnimini ad Lupis dolorioreni toratemo excepelit hilit, ut laut a as qui ut ut ea voluptam represe nditem rest rem quia net fugit re When I first took on the task (with Cathy of course) to create a Spring Publication, I think we saw it somewhat as amaiostetur miniature aut et fuga. Ihilitas comnis d ndam, quo et Imolorior Yearbook; an accumulation of photos and records highlighting life. remque ipic tet voloria quo quae CCA volorestesto doluptus, inctibus, u But when we began brainstorming, we couldn't pin point what exactly s. quam, seni venimi, simolenecab idunt etur alia cum the publication was. In past years, the editors had all gone in differndit, totae Remque luptatem voloribus dolu ent directions so there was no solid definition of whatvolorest went ontoevenimo the me pliquaspit tur modio. Nam alit qui cusam int volo volendand pages, besides the obvious generalization of CCA. With too broad of a topic in mind we went to magazines, online andeserro publications, and yes,ditat. even m dolorporit aut volupta cracked open a few of the many well organized (thank you Grady) past venihit ullicid Enimusa vel illorem is dellam, suntotatium ationec yearbooks that have been a success in the hands of us Ravens thus far. atus adis exvolore nonet dem voluptae samus aturion sequibu Still unsure, but confident that we could handle the task, we turned to m ipsus autem reptur? eum the events that were to be featured. And thisinwas how itUs came to-hil evenducium excearum idelen aut dolluptatia Iberum, sita dolorio. gether - or rather split apart into a billion different ideas hitting us allEt ataceaque vellab idem a etur once. us, ulparumquat ressequam eost et venem dus. When we began to take a closer look at the events, people, equae. Itaepel istiant et mo mniet, aborum Ficium alibus modions culture, and activities that bind us Ravens together, we decieded that suscipsa pla aborporerrum con con eos seque suntur modita im the spring editor’s job wasto feature the springtime events and achievefugia quo et et turibusae ments of 1900 students along with a sum up prem of the suntota year's progress in latestium accatiatem quam . Minissi ber32 shiny little pages. It suddenly seemed like much more thanLupis a smalldolorioreni toratemo excepe picture book slipped into the yearbook. But I think Cathy and voluptam I got asin explandi represe nditem rest rem it right this year. Whether mentioning quirky items sold at the swap r sequidelit eos Imolorior maiostetur aut et fuga. I meet, or inspiring daydreamers with images of far off beaches from onsene sequavoloria quo quae volorestesto dolu Spring Break, the Spring Publication covered pretty much everything o beribus dandit from our nicletic little institution we like to call school. Maybequam, that is seni venimi, simolenecab id ma volupta qui why there is no real format to making a Spring Publication. Our school volorest evenimo luptatem Remque changes every year, from additions like the Nest to the weeklytur imagiisc iderupiciur, modio. Nam alit qui cusam int nation that ASB pumps out for lunchtime entertainment, to create an et omnitia andeserro volupta ditat. environment that is moldable and constantly evolving into whatever its students make it. So with that freedom in mind, Cathy and IEnimusa give to vel illorem is dellam, sun rerchil maionvolore you this year's undefined version of CCA's Spring Publication. Not a nonet dem voluptae samus damus aligend picture book, not a yearbook, and not a magazine, but rather ainlittle bit Us eum hil evenducium reptur? of everything. sum volorenis Iberum, sita dolorio. Et aceaque ve a sundis aborest ressequam eost et venem dus. -Amelia Summers an tibus, velit Ficium alibus modions equae. Itae mus dolendebis aborporerrum con con eos seque s uat es que vere prem suntota turibusae latestium a us veriat lanimo Lupis dolorioreni toratemo excepelit hilit, ut lau si apitatetus voluptam represe nditem rest rem quia net fugit elicid ut quia Imolorior maiostetur aut et fuga. Ihilitas comnis nimporro expevoloria quo quae volorestesto doluptus, inctibus
eruptat volo-tur modio. Nam alit qui cusam int volo volendanda amus magnis aliqui dolori quodicit vollene ea sequam, seniandeserro volupta ditat. Enimusa vel illorem is dellam, suntotatium ationectotas velesseque ipicaep elloreicius quo te ipici mpelectur volore nonet dem voluptae samus aturion sequibus et ut liquis nosam erorerum eosandem ad ma ari andeserro in reptur? Us eum hil evenducium excearum idelene cabore prati doluptat. Iberum, sita dolorio. Et aceaque vellab idem a etur? Edi verem es ex et, sitati dolupta tiiscip sande ipicitium ressequam eost et venem dus. ma sinit in Ficium alibus modions equae. Itaepel istiant et molupta comnimpore, susae nonectectur aliquis c aborporerrum con con eos seque suntur modita imodis et ut anda nis doles dolorenis as rerum co prem suntota turibusae latestium accatiatem quam volor am dolor re pererspici audi nobit fuga. A andel is resseUt iusa dellaut dolo dem quae. Id ma de uis cus abornatio velissimusda d mnis prem magnatas sime min orrorepel ipide quisquam sitincim aliquodit latiis es sit odit il id quia pellabo. Met ut Iliquam aut magnim ectur, omnis delit, net et quam ipitatur? An intro! How exciting! ...and I’m not quite sure what I should do. magnatus qui dolor dunti ressit, solorep tatiis volorro videbit faceruptat Amelia’s is probably going to be longer than mine. Again. You already occullibusda nostru ullignam eum doluptam autknow; iure pe vel inte nonsethe left page is probably bursting with words, while the right page porro blabor rem. I m aliquatia sapedit peditinisperitatia perchitat. just starving for attention. Poor thing. autem ne peliquat l upti aectorio quidest rumetur, quam, tem simpelecAnyway. cum atem iditas qu da amus magnis aliqui dolori quodicit vollene eari is sum voles re molu On second thought, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to try to do this whole ctotas velesseque ipicaep elloreicius te ipicitium publicationquo on our own. There is nothing that possibly could go wrongquaesto occum rent if a eosandem completely ad inexperienced us et ut liquis nosam erorerum ma sinit staffer and an equally inexperiencedfugiasitam, aut dolu photographer take on a 32-page project from scratch, right? Of course!te velenist omnimin ne cabore prati doluptat. We decided to throw all that we could into this project and hope for theet optio dit as qui u r? Edi verem es ex et, sitati dolupta tiiscip sandel is best. Did it work? et quae rehendam, q Somehow Amelia andcus I managed to pull through, on a steady diet ofvoluptur, coremque olupta comnimpore, susae nonectectur aliquis frantic panic, Korean-drama-induced procrastination, last-minutea quideribus. modis et ut anda nis doles dolorenis as rerum comnis preparations, and a pinch of luck. Oh, and a mistaken panic of “this isOs eos molendit, to m volor am dolor re pererspici audi nobit fuga. Abordue tomorrow!!”. (It wasn’t). Thank you so much, everyone who helped poribus arume pliq elit hilit, ut laut aliquodit latiis sit odittheil Pub id quia pellabo. Met ifutit weren’t for you. out. es Literally, would not be here milia perum dolorp quia net fugit rectur, omnis delit, net et quam ipitatur? Unfortunately, we weren’t able to put in every spring event into this dic tem qui venihit Ihilitas comnis dunti ressit, solorep tatiis volorro videbit faceruptat publication. You have to admit, 2011 had an interesting spring term soiosaped ignatus adi uptus, inctibus, ullignam eum doluptam aut iure pewe velcould inte document nonse- everything that went on there was no possible way pera quatium ipsus dunt etur alia cum aliquatiaand sapedit peditin peritatia perchitat. off campus, no matter how much we wanted to. We tried to capture m voloribus dolupti aectorio quidestsense rumetur, quam, tembut simpeleca general of our school, maybe we’re just putting moresimpel il et laut doll importance the Pub than it vollene deserves...? t volo volendanda amus magnis aliquion dolori quodicit eariBut it turns out we’re prettypelit quatibus, ulpa aligento comniet, ab satisifed with how it turned out. nistini ipsus suscips ntotatium ationectotas velesseque ipicaep elloreicius quo te ipicitium All excuses, babbling, and last minute apologies aside, I hope you enjoy cum exercit fugia q aturion sequibus et ut liquis nosam erorerum eosandem ad ma sinit ! the 2010-2011 Spring Publication-odi re plabo. Miniss m excearum idelene cabore prati doluptat. feri atemqui asin ex ellab idem a etur? Edi verem es ex et, sitati dolupta tiiscip sandel is -Cathy Kang int doluptiur sequid excepudae consene epel istiant et molupta comnimpore, susae nonectectur aliquis cus tur? Quibero beribu suntur modita imodis et ut anda nis doles dolorenis as rerum comnis et explacias ma volu accatiatem quam volor am dolor re pererspici audi nobit fuga. Abordolupta inciisc ider ut aliquodit latiis es sit odit il id quia pellabo. Met ut comnis aut et omni t rectur, omnis delit, net et quam ipitatur? tiatur? s dunti ressit, solorep tatiis volorro videbit faceruptat Possit, sam rerchil m s, ullignam eum doluptam aut iure pe vel inte nonse-
Spring break As a freshman, Spring Break means weeks at the beach and hours spent working on the perfect tan. As a sophmore, the week is dedicated to enjoying the last year of relaxing before dreaded May when testing starts. As a junior, it means the gearing up for AP tests, ACTs, SATs, and subject tests. As a senior, the break is a week of traveling mayham trying to find the perfect college. Spring Break may be a different scene for everyone, but CCA students still find the time to travel the world, expirence forgien cultures, and visit some of the most exciting cities in the world. Whether Ravens are perusing the Taj Mahal in India, viewing the Mona Lisa in France, or even just basking in beautiful San Diego sun, Spring Break holds an adventure for everyone.
8. 1. Students visit the many islands of Hawaii during Spring Break, bringing back macadamia nuts and flower leis. 2. Overseas countries, such as India, hold adventures for ambitious explorers. 3. Students also visit American tourist spots, such as the Empire State Building, in NYC. 4. Missing the sun of San Diego? The students who visit the sunny pacific islands certainly aren’t. 5. The romantic allure of the Eiffel Tower draws students, particularly those in French class. 6. New Zealand is the smallest island with every single type of climate, making it perfect for any vacationer. 7. The High Line in New York serves as an underappreciated but delightfully hipster place for photos. 8. Times Square is one of the busiest, most exciting, and most visited areas of New York, making it an ideal place for CCA ravens. 9. Big Ben, London, is a near mandatory photo spot for the students who visit England, in addition to the ubiquitous red double-decker buses.
Chess Chess The best part about CCA’s Envision program is its ability to infuse many forms of art, including dance, media, music, and choir (and even our principal) to produce a play that seemed to be a feast for the eyes and ears. The chess player’s battle between the USA and the USSR was injected with hits like ‘I Know Him So Well’ and ‘One Night in Bangkok’ that kept the audience on the edge of their seats and itching to sing along. Alongside the Cold War chess game was a love triangle that blurred the lines of loyalty between husband, wife, and national pride. The play was a sold-out extravaganza that uniquely combined the performing arts divisions of Envision to create what are the essential roots of CCA. It was clear, just by watching the show, that the performers were creating memories for themselves, as well as for the audience.
“It was exciting to collaborate with the musicians, dancers, and actors.” -Ivanna Patton (12)
the musical
This spring, almost every Canyon Crest sport made it to CIF Playoffs. The teams that continued on were Softball, Boys and Girls Lacrosse, Track and Field, Boys Tennis, Boys Golf, Baseball, Swimming, and Boy’s Volleyball. The volleyball team made it to the semi-finals before being eliminated. Also, Track and Field had multiple individuals reach the podium including a first place finish by junior Olivia McGuigan. This year’s Boys Tennis team was eliminated in the second round of the playoffs, but has a promising chance in the individual rounds with the top seed in both singles and doubles.
“Our hard work really paid off and we had a great time.” -Nathan Miner (12)
Bureaus including the NEST, Yearbook, Pulse, and ASB went on a downtown scavenger hunt. They competed for $100 dollars and, of course, the title of CCA’s best agency.
ZHANG Exec Pres.
NOBLE Exec Vice Pres.
“Next year, my goal is to unite the student body more through fun events as well as using their input to influence all of the important decisions that are made regarding the school.” -Jon Zhang (11)
Commissioner of Clubs
PERLMAN Senior Pres.
LAWSON Jr. Pres.
SHINOFF Jr. Vice Pres.
RAOUFPUR Soph. Vice Pres.
oneacts s oneacts oneacts oneacts
This year, on May 5th-7th, CCA’s Envision Theater put on the One Act Festival, which featured eight short plays directed by students in theater conservatory. The festival was divided into a Show A and a Show B, and took place in the Black Box Theater. The student directors were Chris Denton, Ana Freeman, Jessica Tierney, Tracy McDowell, Haley Carlborg, Shaina Krevat, Patrick Kelley, Izzy Pollack, and Lily Detweiler. The festival was a unique opportunity for students to try their hand at directing, and some
of the directors even wrote their own pieces. The student directors had to submit proposals to Mr. Schwartz and audition other students to be in the show, and then rehearse for several months. The cast consisted of both conservatory and non-conservatory actors; many of these actors were in more than one play. Since the One Act Festival had eight short plays instead of one large one, it contained a little of everything-dramas, comedies, and even a musical. The plays explored such varied themes as religion, coming out, mental illness, and marital problems. Ana Freeman described the process of working on the One Act Festival as the “highlight of [her] time in Conservatory.”
“This was a great opportunity for all of us to step out of our comfort zones and jump into the realm of student-produced theater.� -Hunter Schwartz (11)
90lbs. OF butter, 40 lbs. of JELLY
pieces of B R E A D
Unite for Sight
Be The Change morethan
s a n d w i c h e d
raised PB & J CLUB
to make
for EYE health care
& twenty2
deco rated
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ON campus
M o ro c c O
Pinned UP & Brew
Sandwiches, BOBA, quesadillas
With more than 2,500 items donated to benefit CCA’s foundation, the May Swap Meet was a huge success. From pogo sticks to Mexican Train Sets, there was sure to be something for everyone!
Hayley Smart (11)
1. Eric Ackly (12) records the participants of the May Blood Drive 2. Andrew Fikan (10) gives us “thumbs -up” after a package of NutterButters and an apple juice. 3. Alyssa Davidson (10) proudly holds up her blood for donation. 4. Joelle Lieb (10) conquers a wedge of seeded watermelon.
“CCA is an environment that lets you do your thing.” -Raj Trikha (9)
2. “I love that CCA’s society stems from each person’s unique individuality.” -Noah Toyonaga (10)
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vocal acting
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cinema art dance “I feel like the Envision dance program has helped me grow as a dancer over the past year.” -Lexy Childers (9)
w s uz
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“Envision allows me to express myself and learn new techniques.” -Audrey Gascho (9)
YALE Lux et veritas
UC SD Fiat Lux
UC Berkeley Fiet Lux
UCLA Fiet Lux
POLY SLO Discere Faciendo
Die Luft der Freiheit weht
Boston College
MIT Mens et Manus
Αίέν άριστεύειν
Duty • Honor • Country
OLLEGECOL Columbia In lumine Tuo videbimus lumen
NYU Perstare et praestare
After being welcomed by a tunnel of adult volunteers, peer leaders, and teachers, students who chose to participate in Challenge Day get familiar with each other, by playing games involving lots of hugging and dancing. Then, the Challenge Day leaders encourage everyone to break down the walls they have built over themselves; everyone gets two minutes to talk about themselves to a small group of people. Complete strangers reach out to one another to comfort and show that someone cares. After, everyone participates in “Cross the Line”, one of the most powerful activities of the day done in complete silence. To show love for one another, everyone holds up the sign for “I love you” in sign language. The day bonded people who had never met before for life, challenged them to love themselves and others, and ‘be the change you wish to see in the world’.
“I have learned to not judge others based on first appearance.” - Sara Toulouie (9)
or a f e tim
“It’s a really great show with good songs and talented people. Having it in the Nest just tops it off.” -Danielle Pompeo (10)
1. ‘American Honey’, covered by Jamie Hart, 10, and accompanied by Austin Comstock, 11. 2. Olivia Moceri, 11, introduces Coffee Break. 3. Hannah Kent, 11, singing ‘Summertime’, accompanied by Nicole O’Shea, 11, on keyboard.
Sam Aisen, with magic Jamie Hart, 10, singing. card tricks, aided by Talia Raoufpur, 9.
Alvin Liang, 9, on the Nick Brummer, 12, on Selina Pineda, 10, singing. piano in a duet with Nick the drums, adding rock Brummer. to Alvin’s classical piece.
Artisian Masks
Play! begins with a enthusiastic and loud welcome from the ringleaders Jason Segal (11) and Andrey Misyutin (12), and live cheery circus-like music from the stage right. The show continues with dancers, singers, and the instrumentals, with songs like the ever-classic Pokémon theme
song and childrens’ songs, such as ‘Pinocchio’. The plentiful array of the scenes keeps the audience fixated on the show until the intermission, where cotton candy is sold. Showing off CCA’s diversity of talents, the vocals, the instruments, and dance inter-
mingle in scenes; in some, such as the Dance Conservatory solos, there are both singers and dancers on the stage at a time. In the end, Play! proves itself to the epitome of CCA’s talents and uniqueness; including the impromptu samba dance party in front of the theatre after the last show.
The Cirque du CCA Gala, held on May 20th at Anthology, Little Italy, was definitely a one-ofa-kind fundraiser, showcasing some of what exactly makes our school so incredible and extraordinary. The guests were able to enjoy the talents of the Envision Performing Arts students, including a repeat performance of ‘Play!’ with all
the glitter, music, instruments, silly hats, and dance, some of the student-produced, studentdirected, student-performed ‘One Act’ plays, and an especially prepared recital by CCA’s choir, accompanied by a dancer and two enormous harps. Gymnasts and acrobats performed above the audience, executing gravitydefying and heart-stopping stunts
perfectly, as people on stilts walked amongst the crowd, dwarfing even the tallest adult there. Afterwards, there was dancing to the music of the Eve Selis Band, and a silent auction. The money raised by this fundraiser went to the CCA Foundation, to benefit the school and the students in future years.
“It was really thrilling to see how much money CCA raised. Performing at a well-known venue was exhilarating.” -Jason Segal (11)
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the end