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3 LDA announces plans to deliver nearly 1,000 new homes across three locations 5 New residential activity soared in April – CIS 7 Act now: How contractors can play their part in decarbonising our buildings
Collen announces new executive management team
Designer Group appoints Paul Nicholls as group managing director
12 BAM Ireland transitioning to a more sustainable business model – Alasdair Henderson, Executive Director, BAM Ireland
19 Are workplace Pensions complicated? – CPAS Ireland
20 In inflationary times, doing nothing could be your riskiest move – Davy
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The Land Development Agency (LDA) has announced three significant delivery programmes, two in Dublin, with Dublin City Council and Quintain, and one in Limerick with Limerick City & County Council, which will deliver nearly 1,000 new homes.
In Hollystown, Dublin 12, LDA and Dublin City Council have published draft plans for Bluebell Waterways, a new social and affordable housing development located beside the 5th Lock on the Grand Canal at the former filter bed complex. This will provide almost 400 homes, community spaces and active travel links when completed.
The publication of the draft plans follows initial engagement with residents, businesses and community groups in the area. The plans include proposals for 389 sustainable homes involving a mix of studio, one-, two- and three-bed apartments. Around 35% of the homes will be social, and the remaining 65% will be cost-rental apartments.
The LDA has also announced that it is set to deliver 392 apartments in partnership with Quintain Ireland at The Crossings, Adamstown, in west Dublin.
The scheme consists of nine studios, 189 one-bedroom apartments, 185 two-bedroom apartments and nine threebedroom apartments across three blocks ranging in height from five to nine storeys.
The LDA apartments are under construction and are due to be completed by 2026. The agency will then rent them to eligible households on a cost-rental basis.
The LDA apartments form part of the third phase of The Crossings at Adamstown. Quintain launched The Crossings, an urban village and retail centre, in September 2023, and the new development serves as the central core of the Adamstown Strategic Development Zone.
The apartments have been secured under the LDA’s Project Tosaigh initiative.
This is the first time the LDA and Quintain have partnered as part of Project Tosaigh. AIB is financing the development, and the LDA will purchase the apartments upon completion.
Overall, the LDA is in the process of delivering 8,000 homes through Project Tosaigh by 2028. These homes will be in addition
to those delivered through the LDA’s direct delivery channel, which involves new developments on state-owned or acquired land. To date, the agency has agreed terms for almost 3,000 homes through Project Tosaigh, with over half of these already delivered and others under construction.
John Coleman, Chief Executive, LDA, said: “We are delighted to announce the purchase of 392 homes in Adamstown through our Project Tosaigh initiative. These apartments are being delivered in partnership with Quintain and, once completed, will be made available to eligible households at rents that will be significantly below market rates. The LDA is continuing to deliver high quality homes in the right places, and Adamstown is a great location. It has great transport links, a thriving community and excellent amenities.”
Michael Hynes, Chief Executive, Quintain, said: “We are excited to partner with the LDA on this apartment development, which we are delivering with finance supplied by AIB. We believe this development will add greatly to the new village centre we have created at the heart of Adamstown. At Quintain, we seek to deliver new communities in addition to new homes, and this is a vision we share with the LDA.”
The LDA and Limerick City & County Council (LCCC) have announced plans to deliver 183 affordable purchase and socialrental homes in Mungret, Co Limerick.
This development includes 183 houses, duplexes, new public amenities, and green spaces.
LCCC has already secured planning permission for 252 homes at the greenfield site, and the LDA is partnering with the local authority, providing infrastructure, expertise and resources to build 181 of the homes for affordable purchase, providing an opportunity for low-to-middle income earners to buy their own home.
The LDA is preparing the tender process for a contractor, with construction likely to begin on site before the end of the year. The project is expected to be completed within four years with the phased handover of units to deliver homes.
This new development will include detached, semi-detached and duplex homes, open spaces and communal amenities with new landscaping and a public plaza. Residents will have easy access to excellent transport links into Limerick city centre, which is just 15 minutes away by car and 25 minutes by bike.
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Whe latest data analysed by Construction Information Services (CIS) reveals a massive spike in the volume of housing commencement notices submitted throughout the month of April within the Republic of Ireland.
According to CIS data, April saw a total of 18,664 units commenced on site, compared to 5,200 units in March and 2,500 units for the same period last year - a 635.4% year-onyear (YoY) increase.
The Dublin region saw the largest amount of activity, with 6,300 units starting, compared to the western region, which saw just 734 units commencing.
The regional breakdown is as follows for units starting in April: Dublin 6,300 units, Mid-east 3,500 units, South-west 3,500 units, Midlands 1,400 units, Mid-west 1,100 units, South-east 1,000 units, Border 1,000 units and the Western region 734 units.
Boosting supply is vital to addressing the problems at the heart of the housing system. Housing for All has set an average annual delivery target of 33,000 homes per year to be delivered over the next six years. Given the requirement and demand for housing nationwide, the government introduced an initiative last year to incentivise the commencement of house building.
The Temporary Development Contribution Waiver Scheme applied for one year to all permitted residential developments that commence on site
between 25 April 2023 and 24 April 2024 and completed no later than 31 December 2025. The waiver will cover the total cost of the development contribution levy due from the developer or project promoter under the development contribution scheme operated by the relevant local authority.
The waiver scheme applies to all permitted residential development, including multi-unit developments, selfbuild houses and one-off rural houses, student accommodation and sheltered housing schemes. The scheme does not apply to domestic extensions, renovations or refurbishments of existing dwellings, changes of use, granny flats, nursing homes, hotels, hostels, or apart-hotels. As of April last, the government announced that the development contribution waiver will now be extended to the end of 2024.
The massive increase in commencements can ultimately be attributed to several larger key projects kicking off on a phased or nonphased basis throughout April 2024. One of these projects is the circa-€102m Cordaun (SHD) residential development, Celbridge. This scheme will comprise 467 dwelling units (216 apartments, 199 houses and 52 duplexes), along with an ancillary childcare facility (776 sq metres), gym (320 sq metres), café (123 sq metres) and retail unit (119 sq metres).
Another key project that started in April was the circa €157m Ashbourne (SHD) residential development. The development
consists of the construction of 702 residential units comprising two-, three-, four-, and five-bed detached, semi-detached & terraced houses, two- and three-bed duplex units and one-, two- and three-bed apartments. The development also includes non-residential uses such as two childcare facilities, four retail units and one GP practice/medical use unit.
One of the largest residential projects in Cork kicked off in April, the circa€165m Longview Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD). The development consists of 753 residential units to be constructed in a series of phases (six neighbourhoods in total), a local centre including retail (two units), a crèche, a doctor’s surgery and community use unit and all associated and ancillary infrastructure, services and site development works.
The extension of the temporary waiver scheme, allowing developers to bypass development contributions and get refunds on water discharge costs, has had the desired effect in encouraging new housing development and new phase starts of existing developments. The challenge for developers, and the hope of the government, will be to complete the housing within the prescribed timeframes. It will be interesting to see if the spike in commencements in April will be accompanied by a dip in housing starts over the coming months or whether the desired net effect will be an overall boost to housing supply.
Information is correct as of 10 May 2024. For more details on residential project information and analysis, visit www.cisireland.com, email research@cisireland.com, or call 01 299 9200 to speak with the Construction Information Services research, sales and insights teams.
for 60 years and beyond.
LENNY ANTONELLI, Membership Engagement Officer, Irish Green Building Council, sets out practical actions contractors can take immediately to start cutting carbon emissions, as set out in the IGBC’s Building a Zero Carbon Ireland: A Roadmap to decarbonise Ireland’s Built Environment Across its Whole Life Cycle.
Here’s a surprising fact: Ireland has no unified national plan or target for cutting carbon emissions from the building sector. Yes, we have targets for cutting emissions from residential buildings (40% by 2030) and commercial buildings (45% by the same date), but these relate only to operational energy, the energy used for heating, lighting, and cooling. They don’t consider embodied carbon at all.
But embodied carbon – the carbon associated with the extraction and processing of building materials, their transport to site, and the building’s endof-life stage - is responsible for 14% of our national emissions (operational emissions are another 23%).
In October 2022, the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC) sought to remedy this when we published ‘Building a Zero Carbon Ireland: A Roadmap to decarbonise Ireland’s Built Environment Across its Whole Life Cycle’. We first commissioned UCD’s Building in a Climate Emergency Research Group to work out the baseline emissions of Ireland’s building stock and infrastructure, then modelled what actions would be needed to cut these emissions by
51% by 2030 (in line with national climate goals).
This modelling showed that the actions outlined in the Climate Action Plan would be insufficient and that this target would only be achieved via a significant cut in the carbon intensity of new construction plus large-scale reuse of vacant dwellings, as well as rethinking carbon-intensive projects and making much more efficient
use of built space.
We then developed a roadmap of actions for each player in the built environment value chain - investors, developers, designers, contractors, surveyors - to play their part in hitting the 51% target.
For contractors, the roadmap lists practical actions for cutting carbon emissions that could be taken immediately.
• Contractors should have a strategy in place to ensure that all site personnel, including subcontractors, are upskilled in low-energy construction. By the end of 2025, all site personnel should be upskilled, and this should be a pre-condition for subcontractors. Thankfully, there is a large and growing ecosystem of training available for construction personnel, from the NZEB Centres of Excellence (www. thisisfet.ie/nzeb/) to the huge amount of practical and on-site training delivered by building product suppliers to academic courses on topics such as low-energy design, renovation and project management at further and
higher education institutes.
• Be aware of whole life carbon (WLC), the EN 15978 standard for measuring WLC in buildings, and to meet or exceed WLC targets set by clients. WLC is the sum of operational and embodied carbon. The IGBC’s short, online ‘Embodied Carbon 101’ course provides a great primer on WLC and its measurement. See www.learn.igbc.ie
• Engage proactively with the design team and subcontractors to propose optimisations of construction and lower carbon options. Collaborate early to eliminate unnecessary use of materials and make more efficient use of built space. The IGBC will organise workshops this autumn to encourage collaboration to cut carbon emissions on building projects. Keep an eye on the IGBC website for more details.
• Engage with subcontractors and design teams to drive the adoption of lowcarbon MMC. By 2030, all contractors will be delivering low-carbon MMC at scale. Site-based building methods still dominate in Ireland, but MMC - which is encouraged in both the Climate Action Plan and Housing for All strategy - can reduce construction waste by up to 90%, facilitate the use of lower carbon materials, and provide a more controlled environment for the manufacture of highly energy efficient building components.
• Drive demand for Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) by requiring that increasing percentages of products used in new projects have them. A growing number of construction products come with EPDs, which are a standardised way of providing information about the environmental impact of a product, including its global warming potential. By specifying materials with EPDs, you encourage manufacturers to be transparent about their carbon footprint, and to work to reduce it. See www.epidireland.org to learn more.
• Start to measure the carbon footprint of the construction process, share this data and plan to reduce this from 2025. The building life cycle stage A5, which covers the construction process itself, is one for which little good quality data is available. It’s critical that we start to gather this data in order to better understand and limit these emissions. The new Energy Performance of Buildings Directive will require the measurement and disclosure of WLC on larger buildings from 2028.
• Develop a roadmap to transition to fossil-fuel-free construction sites by 2035. In September 2019, the world’s first modern zero-emission
French urbanist and writer Sylvain Grisot tells the IGBC Build Green Now 2024 conference: “The way we build our towns and cities determines the quality of our lives and our ability to keep our home planet liveable. But to achieve this, a gentle transition won’t be enough, we need a redirection in how we design and build our urban spaces.”
construction site broke ground in Oslo. The project, which redesigned two city streets, used electric and battery-operated excavators and wheel loaders. The city is now aiming for all construction sites to have zero emissions by 2030.
• By 2025, contractors should have ensured the minimisation of waste on site, collaborating with suppliers on take-back schemes and circular business models, and by 2030 be achieving 95% waste diversion from landfill and incineration. Early planning can dramatically reduce waste from site, while digital tools like Smartwaste and the Construction Waste Portal can also help contractors with this critical goal.
The IGBC would love to hear from contractors about the actions you are taking to reduce WLC and your feedback on our roadmap. We’re also asking
contractors to join 167 other industry leaders who have endorsed our roadmap at www.igbc.ie/building-a-zero-carbonireland/.
The roadmap is ambitious, but we have no choice now but to be ambitious when it comes to cutting carbon. The IGBC is here to help and support our member companies and organisations to decarbonise the built environment through education and training, communities of practice and various working groups.
To learn more or become a member of the Irish Green Building Council, visit www. igbc.ie.
Lenny Antonelli is the Membership Engagement Officer with the Irish Green Building Council. His role is to support the building industry with decarbonisation. You can reach him at lenny@igbc.ie
Collen has announced a new executive management team comprising eight executives who will oversee the strategic direction of the business to facilitate growth both in Ireland and internationally.
Last June, Collen appointed its first-ever CEO, Kara Stuart, who will lead the new executive management team. The business has experienced year-on-year growth for several years, and in 2023, Collen recorded a significant increase in turnover from €450m to €650m.
The business is now looking towards several strategic priorities, including its work with data centre service providers and the energy sector, which are forecast as growth markets. The expansion of its Irish operations will continue, building on its substantial and diverse projects across the country. Further growth is also expected in the Nordics region, where Collen operates in several Scandinavian countries.
The new executive management team consists of CEO Kara Stuart; Leslie FitzPatrick (Chief Financial Officer), Gráinne Dowling (Chief People Officer), Padraic Regan (Group Commercial Director), Declan Callan (Director of Legal and Compliance), David Barron (Technical Director), Thomas O’Connor (Managing
Collen’s new executive management team (L to r): Declan Callan, Director of Legal and Compliance; Padraic Regan, Group Commercial Director; Gráinne Dowling, Chief People Officer; Leslie Fitzpatrick, Chief Financial Officer; Kara Stuart, CEO; Derek O’Connor, Managing Director Ireland & UK; David Barron, Technical Director; and Thomas O’Connor, Managing Director, Sweden.
(Photo: Robbie Reynolds)
Director, Sweden) and Derek O’Connor (Managing Director, Ireland & UK).
Commenting on the announcement, Kara Stuart said: “The establishment of our executive management team marks an exciting new chapter in the rich history of Collen. We plan to continue to build upon our substantial growth to date by focusing on key areas, including our work with data centre service providers and in the
energy sector. While we have experienced significant growth in international markets, we believe our operations in the Irish market will be a key growth area and a strategic priority for our business. I believe our new executive management team strengthens the executive structure to better support levels of growth, and the business will benefit significantly from their expertise and experience.”
Designer Group has announced the appointment of Paul Nicholls as group managing director.
Paul Nicholls joined the company in 2022 as managing director of Ireland and has been instrumental in growing the business. He has a proven track record of achieving growth and innovation in the construction industry and is poised to lead Designer Group into a new era of success, driving operational excellence and innovation.
Michael Stone, CEO, Designer Group, commented: “Paul has demonstrated exceptional dedication, leadership and a deep understanding of our company’s values and goals during his time with us. His insights and contributions have been invaluable in delivering our success thus far, and Paul’s experience and leadership will be invaluable as we continue to expand our presence in the market and deliver exceptional solutions for our clients.”
Paul Nicholls holds a Building Services Degree and a Diploma in Project Management and is a member of CIBSE and Engineers Ireland and president of the Mechanical Engineering and Building Services Contractors Association of Ireland.
Commenting on his appointment, Paul Nicholls said: “I am very pleased to be appointed as group managing director and look forward to continuing to work closely with the talented Designer Group team to drive innovation, deliver value for our clients, and achieve our strategic objectives.”
Designer Group is on track this year to achieve its most successful year in its 32-year history with a record turnover of €310m for the year ended 31 March 2024. This remarkable growth is a testament to the company’s commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer
satisfaction. In addition to this impressive growth, Designer Group has substantial cash reserves, which will serve as a solid foundation to support its ambitious growth plans. This financial strength not only provides stability but also enables the company to invest in strategic initiatives, research and development, and talent acquisition, further fuelling its expansion in the market.
Leading heating technology manufacturer Grant has sparked the interest of many builders, surveyors and installers throughout Ireland, with its Integrated Heating Package Solutions for New Builds. This is due to the high efficiencies and substantial long-term financial and carbon savings that the package solutions can deliver for the homeowner.
Recently, a new family home in the village of Clareen, nestled at the foot of the Slieve Bloom Mountains in Co. Offaly, has had a Grant Integrated Heating Package installed to heat the property.
The bespoke package for this home incorporates sustainable heating technologies, including a primary heat source, hot water storage, heat emitters, and smart heating controls. Each technology featured has been sized, specified and carefully combined to optimise efficiency for the 2735 sq ft home, and to deliver the heating requirements for both the homeowner and the property itself.
The primary heat source for this modern new build is the A+++ rated Grant Aerona³ R32 10kW air-to-water air source heat pump. The Grant Aerona heat pump range delivers cleaner, more environmentally friendly performance and is available in outputs of 6kW, 10kW, 13kW, and 17kW. These units feature an exceptional seasonal coefficient of performance (SCOP) even in colder temperatures and the Aerona 3 heat pump range ensures required compliance is met in line with Part L of the building regulations. The 13kW and 17kW models are also recognised for their quiet operation by the internationally acclaimed Quiet Mark. The Grant Aerona³ heat pump range is also easy to install and works seamlessly with other Grant heating technologies to create a fully integrated heating solution.
For domestic hot water needs, a stylish Grant Integrated Unit was installed. Designed to work seamlessly with the Grant Aerona³ R32 air-to-water air source heat pump, this unit ensures the homeowner benefits from an efficient and reliable complete heating solution for many years to come.
The chosen heat emitter for this home is the Grant Uflex underfloor heating system, which has been installed throughout the property. The Grant Uflex system provides an efficient heating solution, working effectively with both high and low temperature systems, and is ideal for those who prefer modern, minimalist home decor.
Speaking about the project, homeowner Dermot Gath said, “Since installing the Grant Aerona³ R32 heat pump we have found the heating system to be very cost effective. As a family we knew that we wanted to build a home that was heated using renewable heating technologies to ensure that it was environmentally
friendly. We knew we could trust Grant to deliver what we envisaged to heat our home and so far, we are very impressed with the cost savings we are making on our heating bills and the comfort we are experiencing from our heating system.”
Grant Aerona3 R32 10kW air-to-water air source
To complete this beautiful new build project, the Gath family opted for Grant smart heating controls to control the heating system. The Grant smart heating controls can be set to provide different room temperatures and different time intervals on individual heating zones, with the click of a button.
To avail of Grant’s Integrated Heating Solutions send house plans to heatpump@grant.ie and for more information on Grant’s innovative heating technologies visit www.grant.ie.
Follow Grant on Facebook and Twitter @GrantIRL or Instagram @grant_irl
Think Heating. Think Grant.
Our complete integrated heating packages provide everything needed to build a highly efficient, warm and comfortable home.
Tailored to suit the homeowners’requirements, each Grant heating package is correctly sized and specified, free of charge, to achieve compliance, maximise efficiencies and provide long-term savings.
Packages feature the Grant Aerona3 air to water, air source heat pump, Grant hot water cylinders, Grant Afinia aluminium radiators and the Grant Uflex underfloor heating system. Smart controls are also available.
Trust Grant on the journey to warmth and comfort by sending house plans to: heatpump@grant.ie
Alasdair Henderson, Executive Director, BAM Ireland, speaks with ROBBIE COUSINS about how BAM Ireland has pivoted its operations in the past two years and some of the critical interventions he sees needed to get construction on a more sustainable footing.
Appointed as executive director of BAM Ireland in 2022, chartered civil engineer Alasdair Henderson’s previous roles with the Royal BAM Group had included divisional director of BAM Ritchies, people and culture director at BAM Nuttall, and global director of HR business partnering in the civil engineering business line.
His appointment in Ireland came when Royal BAM had reconfigured its operating structure to focus on growth markets, with the overall group comprising two geographical divisions: The Netherlands and the UK & Ireland. This change meant that resources and expertise could be more easily exchanged when needed between UK and Ireland operations.
The contracting giant was also making a strategic shift to having a longer-term perspective on the industry, becoming a ‘business that carries out projects’ rather than being a ‘projects business’. This subtle but important shift means that Royal BAM has embedded sustainability at the core of its strategy and is now working closer with long-term repeat clients to add value to their operations.
Reflecting on the changes over the past two years, Alasdair Henderson is delighted with how the Irish business performed in 2023, achieving an overall turnover of €506m for the year, with €463m from Irish contracts.
“He explains: “2023 was a hugely successful year for BAM in Ireland. We have pivoted the business over the past two years to become a more customer-focused contracting business, working with a smaller number of customers but looking to carry out more work with each of them.”
He adds: “In the past two years, we have been more selective about the work for which we tender. This has brought the business greater balance sheet stability and a better level of profitability. It also makes the business a more secure investment proposition. We no longer obsess about volume of work in the way we would have in the past. Instead, we focus on strong relationships with industrial and governmental customers who see long-term value in the assets
we are developing for them.”
Alasdair Henderson says that orders have continued to pick up this year, with the first quarter being very successful. “The work we brought in during the first quarter of 2024 is filling our order book not just for the rest of the year but into 2025, 2026 and even 2027.
“I’m very pleased with the transformation. BAM in Ireland also looks to the future with sustainability very clearly at the core of our offering as we work with our customers to reduce the embodied and operational carbon of the projects we build.”
Discussing the management of buildings and infrastructure in terms of financial and carbon costs, Alasdair Henderson points to BAM’s experience in public-private partnerships (PPPs) and facilities management (FM), which he says provides insights into asset operations and maintenance. He adds that a small but growing number of tenders go beyond capital costs to include carbon measures in their criteria.
“When you start talking about the whole-life-cycle cost of a building in terms of financial and carbon costs, a small but growing number of customers in the construction industry are in a position to consider how a building or piece of infrastructure will operate for them across its lifetime. With our PPP history and our FM business, we’ve got a solid insight into how to build assets with embodied and operational carbon costs in mind. In addition to construction, we plan for how buildings or pieces of infrastructure will operate, what works in them and how to procure different elements for reliability and performance.
“At this time, customers are understandably capital-spend focussed. But a growing number of customers are looking at whole life cycle costs and emissions, and when choosing a contractor, sustainability is a key part of the selection process.”
He welcomes what he sees as the change from financial-driven procurement to value-based procurement.
“Currently, about one in five of the enquiries we get has a meaningful way of calculating what the customer wants beyond just financial value. This still means that 80% of enquiries involve financial cost-driven rather than value-driven procurement. But Ireland is changing, changing slowly, but changing.”
Alasdair Henderson comments that the industry-wide challenge with input cost inflation has brought about welcome changes to risk allocation in contracts, but he would like to see procurement and contracts reform happening more quickly.
“Over the past couple of years, we’ve seen the PWC amended to include caps on liability, which is progress. This makes enterprises more insurable and enables a more reliable delivery model.
“Indexation and inflation protection are also being included in these contracts, which is only right. Post 2022, inflation is just a lose-lose for everybody, and it is not a risk contractors can take easily on the nose any more.
“The PWC still needs to be amended to remove fitness for purpose obligations. This is a requirement we don’t see arising anywhere else in Europe, reflecting the industry’s clearer understanding of risk allocation and insurability.
“I welcome the growing use of the NEC form of contract, particularly for public sector works. This incentivised basis of contracting encourages collaboration between parties to achieve the best project outcomes.
“If you add to this an approach that involves an effective twostage procurement process, it would become a very efficient way for Ireland to get better quality and value out of its construction sector.”
He elaborates: “In a two-stage procurement process, the first stage involves the collaborative development of the design and the working through of every aspect of the scope to get absolute clarity. This should result in a clear understanding of the risks before they are then allocated appropriately and mitigated. At the end of this first stage, you can then make a meaningful financial commitment.
If all of this is done well - and things can go wrong at this stageyou have an ideal set-up for stage two, the construction period.
“Construction should run according to plan if all the preparation work is done properly with solid scope alignment between the customer and project team. We know from years of experience that how this process is handled will determine how well projects, large and small, are delivered.”
The case for refurbishment over new build is compelling, especially in the context of sustainability and carbon reduction. The government’s recently unveiled Tom Johnson House office block in Dublin is a prime example of how deep retrofitting can effectively reduce carbon emissions and preserve existing structures. By retaining the building’s exterior and concrete, thousands of tonnes of carbon were saved.
Alasdair Henderson’s perspective underscores the importance of leveraging existing structures. BAM is currently doing this on its UCD Science building refurbishment, where an energyefficient rebuild within the original structure has been chosen over demolition and new construction. The benefits are clear, with significantly lower embodied carbon in the structure and enhanced energy efficiency for the refurbished building.
“What we are doing with the UCD Science Block is not new to BAM. We have been carrying out similar projects in London and the south of England for several years and can lean on expertise and experience from our UK operations for projects in Ireland. However, the projects completed to date highlight the vast potential for similar projects in Ireland’s main cities, where ageing building stock from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s presents an opportunity for transformation. By repurposing these buildings for modern uses, such as energy-efficient residential spaces, Ireland can embrace sustainable urban living while reducing carbon footprints and costs associated with new construction.
He adds: “The shift towards refurbishment aligns with the urgent need to address climate change and resource constraints. It offers tangible environmental benefits and fosters economic efficiency and adaptive reuse of existing infrastructure.
“We now have to turn the discussion about adapting unused city buildings for sustainable urban living into reality. Refurbishment is a practical solution for delivering energy-efficient buildings while minimising carbon emissions.”
Circularity in construction will be a crucial part of the plan to reduce embodied carbon and promote sustainable practices within the industry. Alasdair Henderson highlights the importance of transitioning from a linear make-use-dispose approach to one that emphasises the regeneration and reuse of existing materials.
One key aspect he mentions is the challenge posed by materials integral to a building’s structure.
He explains: “While certain low-level materials, such as aggregates, lend themselves well to circularity through processes like excavation and reuse, others require more careful consideration due to questions surrounding quality, condition, specification and available quantities. This is where the concept of material passports becomes important.”
By providing identifiable characteristics for materials and products used in construction, material passports enable informed decision-making regarding their reuse in new builds.
He continues: “Urban mining, as demonstrated in projects like the Royal BAM-built Circl building in Amsterdam for banking group ABM Amro, showcases innovative approaches to circularity. Royal BAM reclaimed materials from existing structures, such as a timber and glass façade from a Phillips factory for internal partitions. This exemplifies how reclaimed materials
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can be incorporated into new construction projects. A deliberate choice was also made to retain the marks of wear and tear on the partitions to highlight circularity in action, adding authenticity to their reuse while contributing to the overall aesthetic and narrative of the building.”
Alasdair Henderson adds that in the same project, Royal BAM repurposed old uniforms from ABN Amro’s retail bank and jeans donated by bank staff into insulation, a creative circularity solution for reusing materials within a closed-loop system.
Bringing the conversation back to Ireland, Alasdair Henderson comments: “If circularity is to be advanced in Ireland, It is essential that the planned passporting of buildings and their materials is advanced quickly. We need to be able to identify what’s available, assess its recoverability and see how it can be used in design and construction. The establishment of materials exchanges will be a huge part of how we think about circularity in the future. The exchanges will be important to preserve the value of construction products mined from buildings.”
Alasdair Henderson discusses how digitalisation is improving BAM’s efficiency.
“We have made much progress in the digitalisation of our whole construction process. I say digitalisation instead of digitisation,
as there is a clear difference. With digitisation, a paper form has become a PDF form and a manual process is completed on a computer, which is not particularly smart. The digitalisation version of this changes a manual process into a workflow.
“A BAM-specific example would be how we monitor plant and equipment. We carry out weekly inspections of plant and equipment using workflows on iPads. In the past, the manual paper-based process required a skilled fitter with detailed plant knowledge to conduct the inspection, with each inspector carrying out the work in a slightly different order and way. So, there is a loss of consistency and a significant resource constraint.
“With the digitalised workflow, a QR code on a piece of plant is scanned with an iPad. The person inspecting then knows which piece of equipment it is. They follow a standardised inspection checklist. This enables them to view previous inspections, so they know the history and know if issues were previously raised. It also allows the sharing of information directly with the plant team so they can order interventions as required. Crucially, this can be carried out by somebody who has enough knowledge to know what they’re looking at with guidance without being an experienced plant fitter. This, in turn, enables experienced plant fitters to focus on more valuable work.
“We use digitalisation and workflows extensively in the National Children’s Hospital. For instance, every room in the hospital has a QR code on the wall. It can be scanned, and this tells us the room’s current status, what’s been done, what remains to be done and if snags need to be resolved. This feeds back to our central database, allowing us to interrogate every room and have real-time intelligence on the status of the hospital’s 6,000 rooms.”
BAM Ireland employs automation and precast methods to improve construction efficiency and address capacity issues.
For example, manufacturing building elements in factories has allowed it to achieve better quality control and project efficiency in its school building projects, with on-site assembly reducing construction time and costs. Alasdair Henderson says that moving to manufacturing and assembly-based processes has reduced its reliance on artisan construction skills that are in short supply.
“In our school building programmes, we use precast methods. Instead of relying on artisan skills that are in short supply, we
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manufacture in a factory with people who have more stable working practices and aren’t necessarily core construction workers. We then bring the elements to site for assembly. Because of capacity issues, construction has had to become increasingly assembly-based rather than first-principles artisan-built-based. But it also has huge efficiency and safety benefits as it reduces the number of people physically required on sites.”
According to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), there were 449 suicides recorded in Ireland in 2021. Of these, 359, or 80%, were male, and 90, or 20%, were female.
Alasdair Henderson explains that for him, the key to looking after the welfare of the people who work for any construction firm is down to understanding that there are three healths and a safety within the term Health & Safety.
He explains: “Safety is what you understand it to be, but mental health, physical health and occupational health combine to determine the overall health of a person on the team. If you get these three things right, then add safety to them, you have an overall picture of what safe and well means.”
He emphasises that open and frank conversations around difficult topics like suicide are crucial for fostering a supportive work environment. By acknowledging the unique challenges construction workers face, such as loneliness due to extended periods away from home and exposure to high-pressure situations, he says BAM is working to support its employees.
“BAM’s ‘Safe and Well’ campaign highlights that it is not just essential for our employees to be safe; we want them to understand that their wellbeing is a real issue for us.
“As well as seeing our people as individuals and helping them flourish, there are really strong business benefits. Our efficiency and effectiveness on the ground are reliant on workers being in a space where they’re committed to doing their work and they’re mentally present. If there are other things going on about them and they’re distracted by something that is causing them stress, the likelihood of them bringing their best self to BAM and giving us their best is low. But they are also putting themselves and others at risk. So, it’s essential that BAM invests in helping our people to be in a good place.
“When I ask somebody ‘Are you safe and well?’, it has all the
resonance and meaning I would want it to have. When you are on a BAM project, when you are working with BAM, I want you to be safe, and I want you to be well. It’s intuitively right.”
“When I came to BAM Ireland, I had a lot of previous experience addressing staff wellness and the reality of poor mental health elsewhere, in the Netherlands and the UK.
“If you go up to somebody and say, ‘Let’s talk about suicide’, people are always shocked and wary of that conversation. But I have learned over the years that unless you’re willing to talk about the really difficult stuff, you won’t talk meaningfully about anything else and you don’t get to have an earnest conversation around wellness.
“There are a few things that have worked at BAM. One is having a very open and frank conversation around some key topics. Men are four times more likely to take their own lives than women. Construction is male-dominated, so by virtue of that, it’s an issue that affects construction more than others.
“Add to this, many construction people work away from home, spending a week or two at a time away from personal support networks. Whether the macho version of construction wants to discuss this or not, people get lonely. If you are working on a job and it’s not going well, and that’s the only thing you’re doing all week, it dominates your thinking. It becomes the thing you live. So, loneliness and exposure to difficult, high-pressure situations are real. We try to provide as much support as possible so that pressure doesn’t become stress.
“We talk about mental health, pressure and loneliness. We also talk about sleep and the effect of good quality sleep and making sure people wake up in the morning, are able and willing to do the job, and are in a stable frame of mind.
“When we have conversations in our Safe and Well workshops, which we do with everybody in the business, including myself, we ask people to talk honestly about their experiences.
“Unfortunately, many people who work in construction have witnessed accidents or injuries. In our workshops, we often discover what people have done and seen, and only recently have they been given an opportunity to talk about it and get support.
“BAM has an excellent employee assistance programme, but people need to engage with it as early as possible when issues arise. We say, ‘Don’t wait until you get to crisis point to ask for help’. The time to ask for help is when you start to feel a bit difficult.”
He adds that, like with physical health, mental health is a lot easier to maintain than it is to regain. If you let yourself go, trying to lose the weight you’ve gained is hard; maintaining yourself at a good weight is much easier.
“It’s the same with mental health. Wellbeing comes down to talking about it and seeking support when you need it. It is important that people in senior roles, such as myself, share our experiences to give people who might be reticent the confidence and security to feel safe to talk. Make it normal to talk, and you’ll find the rest will happen largely by itself,” Alasdair Henderson concludes.
Irish owned and managed, Automatic are exclusively dedicated to the fire protection business. Our engineers and designers are recognised as experienced and respected individuals among their peers within the construction industry. As a Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) Level 4 Certified contractor (highest accreditation level available), we are permitted to design, install, commission and self-certify all of our works on all categories of sprinkler systems, without third-party certification or supervision.
Pensions have been a hot topic in the media for the past few years, with many articles and discussions about the IORPII Directive and the Government Auto Enrolment Pension scheme, which is now expected to commence in January 2025.
These developments should hopefully raise public awareness of the importance of pensions, but when I asked some of my friends who do not work in pensions if they were paying attention to the changes taking place, particularly around workplace pensions, most of them said “NO! - Its boring and complicated.”
Are Pensions too complicated? Perhaps, but let me try and simplify the topic!
The word Pension refers to the payment you get when you retire. However, it has become synonymous with the vehicle where your money is saved or “invested” to provide this payment when you retire. This adds another layer of complexity. But simply put, a pension is a) saving money during your working life to provide income later in life when you retire and b) using that money as a regular income when you retire.
During your working life, i.e. the preretirement phase, you should be regularly making contributions or “investing” in a pension to provide yourself with a sufficient income in retirement. While the State Pension provides an annual income of €12,927 from age 66, for many, that amount would not be sufficient to replace earned income when they stop working.
That part is easy, do you need more than €12,927 in annual income to enjoy your retirement. If the answer is yes, you need a pension.
Here is where it gets complicated, depending on your employment status, you could be investing in an Occupational Pension Scheme, which could be either defined contribution or defined benefit - or you could be investing in a PRSA.
Each type of pension has its own set of rules regarding who it is for, when you can retire from it how it calculates your benefits.
Susan O’Mara, Business Development Manager, CPAS.
This is where it can begin to seem overly complicated.
If you are an employee, and your employer invites you to join their pension – that will be through an occupational pension scheme. It might be Defined Benefit or the most likely offering with be Defined Contribution – but that is outside your control anyway. So do not think twice. Join the scheme. Easy, not a complicated decision.
One of the main benefits of joining an occupational pension scheme is that your employer will likely contribute to your pension fund as well as you. This means that you can build up a bigger pot of money for your retirement than if you were saving on your own. Another benefit is that your contributions are deducted from your salary before tax, so you pay less income tax. This also reduces the impact of saving for your retirement on your take-home
pay. Additionally, an occupational pension scheme may offer other features such as life cover, sick pay or income protection, or access to a range of investment options. By joining an occupational pension scheme, you are taking a crucial step towards securing your financial future and enjoying a comfortable retirement.
To simplify matters even more, when it comes to choosing how your money is invested, one of the aspects of many occupational pension schemes is the ‘default fund.’ This is the fund that your contributions are automatically invested in if you do not make an active choice among the available options.
A default fund is usually designed to provide a balanced mix of investments that aim to achieve growth over the long term while reducing volatility and risk. Typically, a default fund will have a higher proportion of equities (shares) when you are younger and gradually switch to more conservative assets such as bonds and cash as you approach retirement. This is known as a life-style strategy, and it aims to protect your pension pot from market fluctuations when you are close to retiring.
Pensions can be complicated, however, if you lucky enough to be included or invited into a workplace pension, then it is simple – Join.
CPAS administers the Construction Workers Pension Scheme (CWPS) and CERS.
Contact Susan O’Mara, CPAS Business Development Manager by email susan@ cpas.ie or by direct dial 01 2234942.
Cashflow is the lifeblood of any business, and the construction sector is no exception. Developers and investors constantly wrestle with the challenges of ‘lumpy’ income and expenditure, especially on multi-year and complex developments. Ensuring the optimum balance between long-term financing and day-to-day working capital requirements is a key challenge. Too little liquidity could be challenging for businesses – for their relationships and reputation in the industry – whilst too much feels like ‘paying on the double’ if money is sitting idle, earning no return, as financing costs increase.
Davy has been active in the construction sector over many years, working with business owners and helping raise equity and debt for the sector. 2023 was a standout year in terms of the demand from the construction sector for short-term liquidity solutions in particular. This is consistent with a broader trend across industries that saw Davy channelling over €2.5bn to secure returns of typically 3-4% on short-term funds. The construction sector accounted for approximately 9% of this total, or close to a quarter of a billion euros.
The catalyst for this surge in liquidity solutions was the dramatic change in market dynamics over the last 12-18 months. With 10 European Central Bank rate hikes since July 2022, and a 450 basis points increase in rates, the conversations within the construction sector have intensified.
Interestingly, these conversations underscore the surplus liquidity present, often surpassing immediate needs. This surplus, a residue of an ultra-prudent approach coupled with historically low interest rates, presents both challenges and opportunities to the construction landscape.
In the face of inflation, this excess liquidity not only risks a loss of value growth and future provision but also jeopardises the purchasing power of ‘idle’ money. Recognising this, Davy has been able to work with the sector to capture low-risk, shortterm returns of 3-4% while maintaining a high level of liquidity – a vital element for a sector that thrives on seizing timely opportunities.
Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance. The value of your investment may go down as well as up.
Warning: The information in this article is not a recommendation or investment research. It does not purport to be financial
This proactive approach to managing liquidity reflects a unique point in the cycle, as interest rates are widely expected to reduce somewhat later in 2024. Though the construction sector has seen substantial investment in more attractive short-term returns, many companies may yet lose out on the opportunities present at this point in the cycle. Inaction is also a decision, and in this instance, it may be a costly one.
Other conversations with clients indicate an inclination towards some rebalancing of short-term funds into longer-term investments at this point in the cycle, while certain structuring opportunities to manage tax efficiently and extract surplus cash from
advice and does not take into account the investment objectives, knowledge and experience or financial situation of any particular person. There is no guarantee that by putting a financial or investment plan in place, you will meet your objectives. You should speak to your advisor, in the context
the business remain hugely relevant and topical.
The right solution for you will depend on your specific situation together with the objectives of you and your business. Our personalised approach, wide investment platform, and team of experienced advisers and specialists will help you understand the best options available.
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Authors: Brian Cox, Director, Davy Private Clients; and Tom Hamilton, Director, Davy Private Clients
of your own personal circumstances, prior to making any financial or investment decision. J & E Davy Unlimited Company, trading as Davy and Davy Private Clients, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Davy is a Davy Group company and also a member of the Bank of Ireland Group.
ROBBIE COUSINS, Editor, Irish Construction News, introduces the Irish Construction News ‘Top 40 Building Contractors 2024’ and explains how the list was compiled.
Irish Construction News is delighted to publish the Irish Construction News ‘Top 40 Building Contractors 2024’. This is a snapshot of general building contractors operating in the Irish construction industry at the end of 2023.
According to the Central Statistics Office, at the end of Q4 2023, the Irish construction sector employed 161,300 people directly (CSO Labour Force Survey, Q4, 2023). This is a drop of 4,100 on the 165,400 employed at the end of 2022. Of those employed, 149,900 were male and 11,400 were female, which is split 92.5% male and 7.5% female.
Ireland’s Top 40 Building Contractors 2024 had a combined turnover of €10.68bn in 2023, an increase of €1.55bn on the €9.13bn Top 40 turnover figure in 2022. In 2023, the Top 40 Irish building contractors reported €7.36bn in construction activity in Ireland and €3.32bn in exported services.
This year, the entry threshold for the Top 40 list was just over €32m.
Irish building contractors continue to meet the construction needs of a broad domestic and international market base. This not only helps to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to Ireland but also showcases Irish building expertise on the global stage.
Foundation Media Ltd, the publisher of Irish Construction News and constructionnews.ie, compiles the Irish Construction News Top 40 Building Contractors listing annually. Companies are listed according to their overall turnover figure (combined Irish and international) for their last trading year. We record each company’s Republic of Ireland turnover and international turnover figure, where available. Turnover figures are sourced directly from contractors. Companies must have their primary business based in the Republic of Ireland to be included in the list.
Foundation Media contacted contractors directly to request available turnover figures for the business year that concluded on 31 December 2023 or their business year-end that was closest to that date. All end-of-business-year dates are recorded in the entries.
The turnover figures requested must relate to Irish-based building contractors or Irish-based subsidiaries of foreign-based building contractors. Companies are also asked to return the overall turnover figures for business conducted in Ireland and internationally. This includes turnover related to direct overseas trade conducted by an Irish subsidiary of a foreign-based company. Each company making a return must have this return validated by a director of the business or accompanied by an auditor’s letter that verifies the returned figures. All returns received were checked and verified by the editor of Irish Construction News.
Rankings for inclusion in the ‘Irish Construction News Top 40 Building Contractors 2024’ listings are based on the overall turnover figures supplied.
The full list can also be viewed online at www.constructionnews.ie/top-40-contractors or scan the QR code.
INTERNATIONAL TURNOVER: €1.0764 (UK €633.3M, Mainland Europe €443.1M) Europe €249M)
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: 3007 Lake Drive, Citywest, Dublin 24, D24 N2HR.
PHONE: 01 409 1500
WEB: www.johnsiskandson.com
LINKEDIN: John Sisk & Son Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: Paul Brown, CEO; Ger Penny, Chief Financial Officer; Donal McCarthy, Chief Operating Officer: Data, Life Sciences & Tech; Steven McGee, Chief Operating Officer: Ireland & UK; Maura Toles, Company Secretary and Chief Legal Officer; Wayne Metcalfe, Director – Health, Safety, Sustainability & Quality; Sean Fitzpatrick, Director Human Resources.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building, Civil Engineering, Fit-Outs, Facilities Management, Offsite Construction.
Dunkettle Interchange, Cork.
Sisk is an innovative, international, construction and engineering business with a long-term vision and 165 years in operation. Sisk employs approximately 2,500 people and is Ireland’s leading provider of construction services, with extensive operations across Ireland, the United Kingdom and mainland Europe. It has the track record, scale and capacity to deliver large, complex, multidisciplinary programmes.
Global clients recognise Sisk as a world leader in safe delivery.
Sisk delivers projects and programmes in key sectors such as data and technology, pharmaceutical and life sciences, infrastructure, transportation, healthcare, commercial, residential, retail, industrial, leisure, education and energy.
Sisk offers a life-cycle approach to construction, from planning and offsite
construction to delivering and fitting out a project safely and sustainably, with technology as a key enabler. It also works with clients to manage and maintain buildings efficiently across their life cycle.
Sisk completed the Project Kells retail and office development in Dublin city centre. It is bounded on two sides by roads and existing buildings. Tracks and overhead lines for Dublin’s Luas transit system also run alongside the site.
The Dunkettle Interchange is the junction of four national roads: the M8 Cork - Dublin Motorway, the N25 Cork - Waterford /
Rosslare route, the N40 Cork South Ring Road and the N8 Dunkettle - Cork city National Route. The Interchange is located approximately five kilometres east of Cork city centre and lies mainly within the Cork City Council administrative area.
This new Mater Hospital building, ‘The Rock Wing’, has been designed, built and delivered on budget in two years under emergency legislation enacted during the first part of the Covid pandemic. In the early part of the response to Covid-19, the lack of bed capacity, particularly in intensive care facilities and appropriate single-bed rooms, was identified as an issue facing many acute hospitals. The new building at the Mater Hospital will cater for an additional 5,000 patients annually in world-class facilities.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €1,277,248,601
ROI TURNOVER: €476,076,112
YEAR-END: 30/04/2024
ADDRESS: Turnpike Business Park, Turnpike Lane, Ballymount, Dublin 12.
PHONE: 01 460 0214
WEB: www.winthrop.ie
LINKEDIN: Winthrop Technologies
KEY EXECUTIVES: Anne Dooley, Chief Executive Officer; Bernard Keane, Managing Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General contractor specialising in data centre construction
Winthrop Technologies Limited, Europe’s leading dedicated turnkey data centre delivery provider, in April 2024 announced a strategic partnership with funds managed by Blackstone Tactical Opportunities. As part of the transaction, Blackstone will acquire a 50.7% stake in Winthrop Technologies, with the remainder of the shares held between the existing shareholders: Founder Barry English, Group CEO Anne Dooley, and Managing Director Bernard Keane. Financial terms were not disclosed.
The partnership is set to accelerate Winthrop Technologies’ growth trajectory, allowing it to capitalise on the ongoing demand for data centres, the critical infrastructure behind the digital economy. The exponential growth in data driven by the AI revolution and increasing cloud adoption are two major trends powering this explosive growth.
Winthrop Technologies will continue to operate under its brand, and, as part of the transaction, the existing leadership will retain a significant minority stake (49.3%), ensuring a continued focus on serving the European data centre market.
Blackstone is aligned with Winthrop Technologies’ growth mindset and will support it in delivering its current business strategy. This will result in additional recruitment for high-quality roles to support projects in Ireland and across Europe.
Anne Dooley, Winthrop Technologies Group CEO, said: “The partnership with Blackstone marks a new era of growth for Winthrop Technologies. This is an investment in the company’s leadership and our team at all levels, who have achieved our strong current market position and will continue to drive Winthrop Technologies
into its next phase.
“Together with Managing Director Bernard Keane and our senior management team, we look forward to working with the Blackstone team to showcase our best-inclass deliver.”
John Paul Construction had another strong year in 2023, with an overall turnover of €708m, of which Irish turnover was €567m, and several key milestones were reached with a healthy pipeline of projects. These include Harcourt Square in Dublin for repeat client Hibernia Reg, data centres - both hyperscale and co-location - and major life sciences facilities in Kilkenny, Limerick, Longford, and Galway.
Managing Director Liam Kenny is optimistic ahead of the company’s 75th anniversary this year. He’s particularly enthusiastic about their first project in mainland Europe - a hyperscale data centre in Germany for a repeat client.
Liam Kenny comments: “This is another box ticked in our sectoral and geographic diversification strategy. Given that our sectoral expertise is now mature, the nut we had to crack with new geographies was localisation. Having invested heavily in that over the past 12-18 months, we’re now on the ground, and it’s going well.”
Meanwhile, at home, he is pleased to see the uptick in residential construction, exemplified by the company’s largest project to date, the Castleforbes Residential Development in Dublin. “Finally, we have some traction on what’s become a national cause,” he says. “Until recently, the free market has struggled to deliver in the numbers required. However, through recent government intervention, we’re now starting to see a pipeline of residential work. It will be great to see the huge skill set the industry has built up in this sector being used.”
Liam Kenny is keen to see the necessary infrastructure follow. “The National Development Plan 2021-20230 and Project Ireland 2040, the National Planning Framework are there, and we’re optimistic that obligations will be met given where Ireland is now.”
As someone who believes the industry has a role to play, Liam Kenny is rightly pleased that John Paul Construction is contributing with its comprehensive upgrade of Rosslare’s Europort. He comments: “Rosslare is our gateway to Europe, and this upgrade should radically improve how it functions.”
The launch of the company’s Sustainability Report earlier this year was another major milestone. “This is a very comprehensive ESG document,” says Liam Kenny. “Sustainability today is much more
(ICE) and several of the businesses it mentors.
“ICE does super work with underserved communities,” he explains. “Everyone involved loved the project, but more importantly, our team learned a lot about the challenges we face as a society and how the right supports can help overcome them. As a result, the project has been a huge catalyst for our ESG efforts as a whole.”
Liam Kenny’s pride in what he calls ‘Our People’ is evident, and he’s clear to include supply chain partners in that. “Without the right people, we can’t do what we do.”
He is aware, however, that holding onto talent remains an ongoing challenge in the industry. “This industry needs to show it’s not just about cranes and house building now. It’s so high-tech.
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Dundrum Business Park, Dundrum Road, Dublin 14.
PHONE: 01 215 6100
WEB: www.johnpaul.ie
LINKEDIN: John Paul Construction
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @johnpaulconst
FACEBOOK: John Paul Construction
VIMEO: John Paul Construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Liam Kenny, Managing Director; Ian Cahill, Financial Director; John Keaveney, Operations Director; Paraic Keogh, Construction Director; John Moran, Construction Director; Niall O’Connor, Construction Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor/General Contractor
“For us, we have to give people what they need and get the worklife balance right. We’re always working on this.”
When it comes to clients, the company takes a similarly proactive approach. “Management here is hands-on. Every member of the leadership team is involved in day-to-day delivery - quality, safety, sustainability, everything. We’re at the coalface. If there’s a problem, a client can pick up the phone to any one of us, and there will be a response.”
Judging by their growing portfolio, the company’s strategy is working. Average project value has more than quadrupled in five years, and project scale and quality are growing, as is repeat business. The clients, it seems, are happy. Even though it celebrates 75 years in business this year, John Paul Construction’s focus is very much on the future.
Celebrating 50 Years as one of Ireland's most trusted mechanical engineering companies.
BMD has been dedicated to the first class delivery of complex projects across multiple industries. On time. Every time. With an impeccable track record over the past fifty years. Our ambitious growth plans are fuelled by our highly talented team who continue to drive our success with passion and commitment. In other words, we love what we do.
YEAR-END: 31/03/2024
ADDRESS: River House, East Wall Road, Dublin 3.
PHONE: 01 874 5411
WEB: www.collen.com
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @CollenConstruct
KEY EXECUTIVES: Neil Collen, Chairman; Kara Stuart, CEO; Derek O’Connor, Managing Director, Ireland & UK; Thomas O’Connor, Managing Director, Sweden; Declan Callan, Legal & Compliance Director; Padraic Regan, Group Commercial Director; Gráinne Dowling, Chief People Officer; Leslie FitzPatrick, Chief Financial Officer; David Barron, Technical Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor
Established in 1810 and still familyowned, Collen has offices in Ireland, the UK, Sweden and Denmark, and it employs 400 people. The company’s clients range from large multinational corporations to private companies and state bodies. Collen has established a reputation for providing complex projects on time and within budget.
Collen is accredited to ISO 19650-2(BIM), ISO 45001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 50001, and in 2021 it achieved ISO 27001:2017 accreditation for its Information Security Management System.
Collen appointed an executive management team headed by CEO Kara Stuart to lead the business. To reflect the growth of its international business, separate managing directors have been appointed for its two main areas of operation: Thomas O’Connor, Managing Director, Sweden; and Derek
O’Connor, Managing Director, Ireland & UK.
To ensure a constant focus on the importance of safety, Collen has developed and implemented a behavioural safety programme, ‘Creating Safer Sites’. This works by changing behaviours through conversations that make a difference. The impact has been visible in the contractor’s safety culture and the quality of the projects it delivers.
Collen has completed a 265-bed Premier Inn and the Freight Building Office (105,000 sq feet over nine storeys) in Castleforbes, Dublin.
This year, it also handed over the Hold Baggage Screening (HBS) project at Dublin Airport to the DAA. This landmark project enables bags to be transferred between T1 and T2, significantly improving baggage delivery times. The scope included 5,000 km of conveyors, 16,000 tonnes of steel, 1,110 km of electrical cabling, and 20 new X-ray machines.
In Ireland, the UK, Sweden, Denmark and Finland, Collen has a number of data centre projects completing and under construction.
ABM Contractors has been providing Main Contractor Services to our clients across Ireland for over 30 years. Utilising traditional build, design & build, modular construction and project management services, we provide comprehensive building services to government agencies, private developers, major retailers and manufacturers.
ADDRESS: Rosemount House, Northern Cross, Malahide Road, Dublin 17.
PHONE: 01 867 3800
WEB: www.walls.ie
LINKEDIN: Walls Construction
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @WallsConstruct
INSTAGRAM: @walls_construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Eugene O’Shea, CEO; Willie White, Chief Commercial Officer; Adrian Corcoran, COO; Frank Kelly, COO; Barry Hennessy, Business Development & Marketing Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
Walls Construction’s turnover in 2023 was €570m, an increase of 21% over the previous year, and the company is projecting that its 2024 turnover will exceed €625m. The business employs almost 500 staff and operates in a range of sectors, including large residential schemes, commercial offices, data centres, education, industrial, leisure, and pharma. The company’s business plan envisages continued steady growth into the future, underpinned by its client base, financial strength, and having the appropriate management structures and resources in place. To that end, in the past 12 months, Walls has continued to retain and attract appropriately experienced senior management which ensures capacity to meet both its growth ambitions and clients’ expectations. Walls continues to meet the targets it set for itself as the business emerged from the pandemic a couple of years ago, as Covid focused the industry’s thinking and elevated the importance of key issues such as the future of work, ESG planning, diversification, and digital transformation.
As part of its strategic response, Walls set targets to increase its activity in certain sectors such as data centres, life sciences and education. Data centres is now a business division for Walls with a workload including the ongoing development of the DUB10 campus for its client Echelon, with two 30MW data halls delivered and another 30MW under construction.
Residential construction accounted for more than 50% of Walls turnover in 2023, and working with government bodies such as the Land Development Agency and other state-backed housing organisations, Walls has strengthened its position in this sector.
Walls continues to deliver medium and large-scale projects for private developers such as Marlet, Park Developments, Royalton, and Ardstone, and recently it commenced a large residential project for Castlethorn in Dublin 11.
Walls also has a strong history in the delivery of third-level educational projects, and this year will see the completion of the new DCU Polaris building on Collins Avenue, and the continuation of the UCD Centre for Future Learning on the Belfield
Walls traditionally had a firm footing in the pharma and life sciences sector. However, there is a renewed focus on pharma and life sciences and a desire to increase its turnover in industrial contracts. This has resulted in the company successfully securing projects with Merch, Bausch & Lomb, and Hovione in the past six months. Similarly, in the food and beverage sector, Walls has been awarded the new Diageo brewery, which is about to commence construction in county Kildare. Winning a strategically important project for such a large global client is another significant step for Walls in its diversified growth plan.
Walls’ client offering is, first and foremost, its people, who are highly qualified in their area of responsibility and professionally driven to deliver the best for their colleagues and Walls’ clients.
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Hartwell Lower, Kill, County Kildare.
PHONE: 045 886 400
WEB: www.ukandireland.bam.com
LINKEDIN: Bam UK and Ireland
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @bamukandireland
KEY EXECUTIVES: Alasdair Henderson, Executive Director, BAM Ireland; John Barry, Finance Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building, Civil Engineering, PPP, Volumetric Housing, Facilities Management focusing on Sustainability, Industrialisation and Digitalisation.
BAM creates, enriches and maintains buildings and infrastructure across the UK & Ireland. For over 150 years, it has been dedicated to enhancing lives by creating sustainable environments and communities where people can live, work and thrive.
Its vision is to build a sustainable tomorrow. It thinks beyond the build and focuses on the bigger impact. It’s how BAM makes the iconic buildings and infrastructure that shape our society.
As part of the UK and Ireland Division of Royal BAM Group, one of the largest construction and civil engineering groups in Europe, BAM Ireland’s success lies in partnering with clients and partners who share its values and prioritise sustainability in achieving their goals.
It delivers equally well for society and its shareholders. In addition to the impressive earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) of €304m in 2023, good liquidity and a strong order
book, Royal BAM Group has also achieved a 56% reduction scope 1 and 2 CO2 intensity from 2015 figures against a target of 50% and retained its coveted CDP ‘A’ rating.
In Ireland, BAM’s team is delighted to continue working with its clients and supply chain partners to deliver vital infrastructure to the communities of Ireland.
BAM Ireland projects on site or recently completed include the New Children’s Hospital, Athy Distributor Road, Waterford Public Infrastructure Project, Lime Street, Green Acre Grange, Newmarket Square, and the award-winning N26 Cloongullane Realignment in Co Mayo.
Speaking about BAM Ireland’s successes in 2023, Alasdair Henderson, Executive Director, BAM Ireland, comments: “2023 was a hugely successful year for BAM in Ireland. We have pivoted the business over the past two years to become a more customer-focused contracting business, working with a smaller number of customers but looking to carry out more work with each of them. To this end, we have been more selective about the work for which we tender. This has brought the business greater balance sheet stability and a better level of profitability. It also makes the business a more secure investment proposition. We have closer relationships with more industrial and governmental customers who see long-term value in the assets we are developing for them.”
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Davitt Road, Inchicore, Dublin 12.
PHONE: 01 455 6270
WEB: www.pjhegarty.ie
LINKEDIN: PJ Hegarty & Sons
KEY EXECUTIVES: John Hegarty, Executive Chairman; Kevin O’Brien, Operations Director (Eastern Region); Maurice Killeen, Operations Director (Southern Region).
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building, Civil Engineering.
Founded in 1925, PJ Hegarty has become synonymous with excellence in the construction industry in Ireland. With a heritage stretching nearly a century, the family-owned company is one of Ireland’s most progressive building and civil engineering companies. Operating from Dublin, Cork, Limerick, and London offices, PJ Hegarty executes large-scale construction projects across Ireland and the UK.
The company employs over 450 skilled professionals, reflecting its capability to manage multiple large-scale ventures simultaneously, supported by its sound financial and management principles. Its portfolio spans various sectors, including pharmaceutical, commercial, high-tech, life sciences, hyperscale data centres, retail, tourism, institutional buildings, refurbishment, and civil engineering projects. This versatility is backed by PJ Hegarty’s adeptness in various construction methodologies, including management contracting, design and build, alliance/ partnering and PPP contracts, and traditional building arrangements.
PJ Hegarty’s commitment to excellence is not limited to construction but extends to achieving high environmental, social and governance standards. The company is dedicated to sustainable development, ensuring that each project meets current needs and contributes positively to future generations. Collaborations with multi-
disciplinary teams guarantee that projects are not only innovative but also environmentally sound.
In line with its mission, PJ Hegarty places immense importance on the health and wellbeing of its workforce and the communities it serves. The company’s steadfast commitment to safety is evident in its comprehensive policies and initiatives that ensure safe working environments and promote inclusivity and diversity.
Its focus on safety and wellbeing has garnered PJ Hegarty accolades, including the prestigious ‘Health, Safety & Wellbeing initiative – T/O Over €200m’ award at the Irish Construction Excellence (ICE) Awards 2023.
PJ Hegarty received multiple ICE awards in 2023. Notable among these were the ‘Fit Out or Refurbishment Over €30m’ award for the refurbishment of the Tropical Fruit Warehouse and the ‘Residential Project of the Year’ for the Spencer Place Residential project. Additionally, its impact in the UK was recognised with the ‘2023 Growing
Business’ award from the British and Irish Trading Alliance (BITA).
As PJ Hegarty approaches its centenary, it remains firmly rooted in the principles that have guided its journey: a commitment to safety, sustainability, quality, diversity, and inclusion. The company’s vision for the future is clear – to be at the forefront of safe, sustainable, and innovative construction through its century-long legacy of delivering exceptional projects with its dynamic and diverse people.
Projects recently completed by PJ Hegarty include Block N, Central Park in Leopardstown, Dublin; Zoetis in Tullamore; Midleton Distillery Experience in Cork; and a Boston Scientific administration Building in Cork.
Block N1 at Central Park Business Campus, Leopardstown, Dublin, is an impressive seven-storey targeted LEED Gold and NZEB-compliant building. It boasts many key features, including a main structure and frame constructed of reinforced concrete, aesthetic unitised curtain walling system façade with striking external feature framework and vertical fins, fully glazed feature stairs and panoramic lifts, architectural concrete finish to in-situ and precast stairs, triple-storey glazed entrance, complemented by travertine stone
Block N, Central Park, Dublin
floor and wall finishes and a state-of-the-art mechanical and electrical fit-out.
Its double basement area will provide 474 car parking spaces and equal cycle parking facilities, aligning with its commitment to sustainable transport. The project also includes extensive site infrastructure works such as internal roads, cycle paths, ESB substations, plant rooms, comprehensive civil drainage works and hard and soft landscaping over the podium slab.
The Zoetis state-of-the-art facility in Tullamore will house production lines for Zoetis’ biological therapeutics and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), marking a fourfold increase in the site’s manufacturing capacity.
This project encompasses a range of civil, structural, and architectural (CSA) design and construction elements. It features an 8510-sq-metre single-story biopharmaceutical manufacturing facility, including laboratory and office spaces. Additionally, the development saw the construction of a mezzanine plant room, a new 150-space car park, a sprinkler pump house, a medium voltage ESB substation, and external utility yards.
The Midleton Distillery Experience has undergone a multi-million-euro redevelopment, transforming the venue into a world-class, multi-sensory Irish whiskey experience.
On this project, conservation and
restoration of the existing structures and features were paramount, as many of the original distillery buildings date back to 1794. To preserve the fabric of the historic buildings, improvements and upgrades using like-for-like materials in conjunction with modern construction methods were utilised. The project was constructed with sustainability and efficiency at the fore of the design. Incorporating an efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning system and the retrofit of existing buildings will deliver improved energy performance throughout the venue and help reduce energy usage.
The Boston Scientific Administration Building, located at the Business & Technology Park on Model Farm Road, Cork, spans over 3,000 sq metres. The three-storey building has been seamlessly integrated with existing structures on the site, and it is now the home to a range of modern functional spaces, including a canteen, office space for 88 staff, meeting rooms, support areas and break-out spaces.
Sustainability took centre stage in this project, and PJ Hegarty is delighted the building has achieved LEED GOLD certification. This accomplishment further underlines the contractor’s commitment to sustainable practices and innovation.
The building was constructed with a reinforced concrete frame, exposed board marked concrete internally, and a fully glazed external façade. It is founded on
piles carefully installed to avoid damage to existing underground services to the production building, and mechanical plant equipment and solar PV panels are located on the roof. The project also required the relocation of 35 existing car parking spaces and the creation of an additional 40 spaces within the new parking area. The internal road layout underwent modifications for better traffic flow, and new landscaped areas with boundary planting were installed.
The project was completed within the curtilage of a Protected Structure, honouring the legacy of the ‘Former Munster Institute’ (PS637).
Ongoing projects include a West Pharmaceuticals plant in Dublin; Waterfront South Central, the future European headquarters for a blue-chip banking client in Dublin; the Treasury Building redevelopment in Dublin; MSD projects in Cork and Carlow; a major pharmaceutical project in Limerick; a new Gilead Sciences administration building in Cork; Kilkenny Cheese production facility in Kilkenny; and the expansion of a blue-chip client campus in Cork.
With over 100 years in business, Bennett is a testament to enduring excellence and innovation. Our exceptional team is dedicated to delivering quality builds that stand the test of time. We prioritise sustainability, ensuring every project contributes to a greener future. If you would like to join the Bennett team, visit our website today and explore our exciting career opportunities.
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Forest Park, Mullingar, Co Westmeath.
PHONE: 044 934 6000
WEB: www.bennettconstruction.com
LINKEDIN: Bennett Construction
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @bennettconstr
KEY EXECUTIVES: Paul Bruton, Joint Managing Director; Paul McGee, Joint Managing Director; David Duggan, Financial Director; Jim Bennett, Director; Stephen Bennett, Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General building, residential, commercial and data centres.
Bennett (Construction) Ltd is a leading construction company with a diverse portfolio spanning Ireland and the UK.
In Ireland, Bennett has excelled in data centre construction and residential/retail transformations over recent years. In the UK, its focus is on residential, hotel, and commercial projects, showcasing its commitment to excellence. It is adept at balancing client needs with financial viability, ensuring sustainable success. Its innovative approach and unwavering dedication set the company apart in the industry, shaping the future of construction. Recent projects include:
• Tristan Square, Chapelizod, Dublin: It recently achieved practical completion on this project, which comprised the construction of 180 social and affordable apartments.
• Retail Fitouts for Penneys: It completed fit-outs for several retail units, including stores in Dundrum and Artane and continues its relationship with Primark, currently working on their new store fitout in Bray.
• Oval Travelodge Hotel, London: It handed over this 95-bedroom hotel beside the Oval Cricket Ground.
• Greenwich Millennium Village, Phase 7, London: Bennett completed 241 residential units over two plots, continuing from its previous work on four phases, totalling over 700 homes. Current projects include:
• East Road, Dublin: For Bridge Living
Developments Ltd. Bennett is developing nine apartment blocks and two duplex blocks arranged around a central public plaza, comprising 554 build-torent apartments and 4,000 sq metres of commercial space featuring a café, creche, and retail units.
• Royal College of Surgeons, St Stephen’s Green, Dublin: Nearing the topping out stage, this six-storey above-ground, two-storey below-ground project spans 13,000 sq metres and will offer amenities from research labs to state-of-the-art teaching facilities.
• Camden Yard, Kevin Street, Dublin: For Westridge Real Estate, this large mixed-use commercial and residential project includes over 50,000 sq metres of office space, 299 residential units, a renewed public park, cinema, library, and community space.
• Strawberry Fields, Stapleford, Cambridgeshire: A 147-unit retirement village.
• Present Made of Eddington, Cambridge: Providing 373 homes with a range of amenities and shared spaces.
• 43 Brook Green Redevelopment, London: Redeveloping a 1930s commercial building by removing the existing top floor and providing additional floor space through enlarged floor plates and stepped landscaped terraces, leveraging Bennett’s cut-and-carve experience in the London market.
YEAR-END: 31/10/23
ADDRESS: Wolfe Tone House, Fr Griffin Road, Galway.
PHONE: 091 580800
WEB: www.jjrhatigan.com
LINKEDIN: JJ Rhatigan & Company
KEY EXECUTIVES: Padraic Rhatigan, Chairman and Group Managing Director; Ger Ronayne, Chief Executive Officer; Gerry Kelly, Group Chief Financial Officer; Sean Rhatigan, Corporate Services Director; Lorna Tyrell, Chief Financial Officer; Niall Higgins, Chief Operations Officer; Francis Mulry, Chief Commercial Officer; Deirdre Bennett, Chief People Officer.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor, General Building
JJ Rhatigan & Company (JJR) has been a stalwart of the Irish construction sector for the past seven decades, with its projects defining skylines across Ireland and the UK. As a Tier 1 main contractor, the company consistently strengthens its reputation for being competitive, highquality, safe, sustainable, and innovative.
Over the past decade, JJR has enjoyed steady growth, currently managing 30 projects across Ireland and the UK with a combined value approaching €1.4bn. The company’s impressive achievements in recent years include the construction of over 5,400 private and social homes, 17,000 school places, 20 healthcare facilities, 145,000 sq metres of office and commercial space, 2,500 student accommodation bedrooms, 1,400 hotel bedrooms, and 14 third-level campus facilities.
JJR has a range of major projects completed and currently underway.
August 2023 saw the contractor hand over the €77m Dunlin Village to the University of Galway - a Design & Build project comprising 674-bed spaces across 125 apartments on campus.
Other notable projects delivered in the
HEB1 PPP Project on MTU campus Tralee.
past year include four Design & Build schools for the Department of Education across Limerick and Cork and residential-led mixed-use redevelopments in Maidenhead, Abbey Place and Guildford in London.
In Dublin, projects nearing completion include Trinity College Dublin’s E3 Learning Foundry, a state-of-the-art building at the eastern end of the campus, and a significant
Abbey Place apartments, retail and public realm, Greenwich. London.
housing project for South Dublin County Council in Tallaght, which will provide 133 homes later this year. The company is also on track to complete the Higher Education Bundle 1 PPP by the second quarter of 2025, which will provide facilities focused on STEM, ICT, engineering, and life sciences at six technological universities offering 5,147 additional student places.
Recently, JJR was appointed by the NDFA on behalf of the Department of Education as the Design & Build contractor for Project Nore, the first bundle of its schools building programme. All four school projects in Kilkenny and Westmeath are progressing well.
Over the next eight months, JJR will continue to work on its transformation of Crown Square in Wellpark, Galway, with the 180-bed, four-star hotel on campus due to be completed by the end of 2024. Also in Galway and on the cusp of delivery are the Advanced Technology Unit project for the IDA in Parkmore and 58 much-needed social housing units in Ballybane on behalf of Galway City Council.
The team on the ground in the UK is currently delivering close to 3,000 residential units for the private sector across eight new projects.
2023 concluded with a notable recognition for JJR as one of Deloitte’s ‘Best Managed Companies’, a testament to the dedication of our team and our commitment to its clients and industry. It’s true what they say: ‘The great things we build end up building us’.
Murphy is a leading multidisciplinary engineering and construction company that directly employs over 750 engineers, designers, technicians, managers, and operatives in Ireland. The wider Murphy business provides support with over 5,000 employees between the US, Canada and the UK.
Murphy’s Irish operations have been headquartered in Newbridge, Co Kildare since 1968. Over 50 years on, Murphy has built a reputation for quality and excellence, offering industry-leading services in civil engineering, transport, infrastructure, piling, tunnelling, structural steel, electrical services, pipe fabrication and weld testing, as well as fully integrated turnkey solutions to both the municipal and industrial water sectors, encompassing all aspects of design, construction, operation and maintenance.
Recent Murphy projects include ASU 1 & 2 Commissioning for Air Products, ESB Flexgen for Atlantic Projects; Portloman WTP Commission and Operate, Donegal Villages and Ringsend Phosphate Removal
YEAR-END: 31/12/23
ADDRESS: Great Connell, Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
PHONE: 045 431 384
WEB: www.murphygroup.com/ie
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @MurphyGroup1951
INSTAGRAM: @MurphyGroup1951
FACEBOOK: @MurphyGroup
KEY EXECUTIVES: John G Murphy, Managing Director; James Waddock, Financial Director; Richard Parkinson, Commercial Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor/General Contractor.
for Uisce Eireann; Phase 5 of the Dodder Greenway for South Dublin County Council; Blackglen Road for DLRDCC, Dublin Port Major Projects Framework; and the ongoing Network Services Framework for Gas Networks Ireland; College Ave WTW and Butlers WWTP for South East Water; and the Sellindge Convertor station for National Grid in the UK. This is just a small sample of the breadth of work Murphy is now engaged in throughout Ireland.
Murphy was recently awarded Stillorgan Cycleway, Ringsend SBR Hybrid Upgrade, Donegal Towns WWT Schemes Ph3, Seagahan WTW, Newcastle Tertiary Treatment, along with a number of ECI projects for Northern Ireland Water and South East Water and was successful in achieving a place on the ESB Overhead Line Framework.
Murphy has offices in Newbridge and Newry and has recently opened its newly acquired offices in Cookstown with a view to moving its Dublin-based people there. Murphy enjoys trusted and long-standing relationships with clients such as Gas Networks Ireland, Uisce Eireann, South East Water and Aughinish Alumina Ltd.
In 2023, Murphy completed the construction of a purpose-built structural steel fabrication facility, more than doubling its production capacity, supporting both the Irish and UK markets. For two decades, it has manufactured steel and composite bridge structures in Newbridge for erection across Network Rails’ network in the UK. In 2023 it also commenced the construction of a new stainless steel and pipe fabrication manufacturing facility.
Murphy is committed to delivering a positive and lasting legacy. The company has been investing heavily in its green plant and vehicle fleet in recent years and has switched plant and transport from fossil fuels to HVO to reach carbon neutrality as soon as possible. Managing Director John G Murphy comments: “Our self-delivery model is a major advantage, which allows us complete control of the programme, quality and safety on a project. The driving force behind our success is ultimately our people. Murphy has a reputation for looking after its employees, and for good reason: we see our people as our greatest asset. Our values are often what make people want to work for us and stay with us, so we strive to incorporate them into everything that we do.”
ROI TURNOVER: €140,250,000
YEAR-END: 31/12/23
ADDRESS: Swords Business Campus, Balheary Rd, Balheary Demesne, Swords, Co Dublin, K67 Y2P7.
PHONE: 01 894 8800
WEB: www.ardmac.com
KEY EXECUTIVES: Ronan Quinn, Chief Executive Officer; Alan Coakley, Chief Operations Officer; Roy Millar, Chief Business Officer; Neil Parkinson, Chief Financial Officer; Enda Murphy, Managing Director Cleanrooms; Jason Casey, Managing Director Operations; Michael Quinn, Managing Director Offsite Manufacturing & Engineering; Karen O’Hara, Head of Sales and Marketing.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor
Ardmac delivers high-value workspaces and technical environments in Ireland, the UK, across mainland Europe and further afield. Headquartered in Dublin, with offices in Manchester, Craigavon, Cork, Brussels and Switzerland, the company employs more than 520 people. Ardmac supports projects all over Ireland, the UK, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, and recently in Africa. With a turnover of €230m in 2023, 39% of this resulted from international projects.
Ardmac has been providing high-quality spaces to fast-moving and evolving markets for more than 45 years. It is a leading provider of cleanrooms, data centres, electric vehicle battery facilities, office fitout and modular solutions.
Providing main contracting and trade contracting solutions, the markets served by Ardmac include data centres, semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, EV battery, medtech, and commercial offices. Ardmac has worked on projects for over 80% of global FDI pharma
and technology companies in Ireland and Europe. It has recently worked on cleanroom projects for clients including Bayer, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Pfizer, Abbvie and Boston Scientific, Electric Vehicle Battery Facilities and hyperscale datacentres across the UK and Europe and major commercial office fit-out projects.
Ardmac’s dedicated ‘Safety First’ programme is a significant contributor to its excellent safety performance. Ardmac has won four safety awards in the past 12 months and has just been awarded the RoSPA Order of Distinction Award for Health and Safety performance, which is its 24th consecutive Gold.
In 2023, Ardmac was accredited with the Investors in Diversity Silver Award. Ardmac is fully committed to building on this success by utilising the recent awards and feedback to develop its Equality, Diversity & Inclusion action plans for 2024 and beyond.
A modular project for a pharma client in which 80% of the units were constructed off site.
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Station House, Drumnavanagh, Cavan, Co Cavan.
PHONE: 049 433 1066
WEB: www.elliottgroup.com
LINKEDIN: Elliott Group Construction
INSTAGRAM: @ElliottGroupConstruction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Darragh Elliott, Managing Director ROI; Noel Elliott, CEO UK; Ray Fallon, Group Finance Director; Gary O’Sullivan, Construction Director; Eddie Sheridan, Commercial Director; Matthew O’Dowd, Group HSEQ Director; Eddie Campion, Managing Director UK.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor.
Elliott Group is one of the leading construction companies in Ireland and the UK, driven by hands-on dedication and a commitment to excellence. Its experienced leadership, spanning three generations, ensures the highest standards on every project. Embracing innovation while honouring tradition, it delivers value and quality across industry sectors. With a focus on client satisfaction, Elliott Group continues to lead the industry with integrity and expertise.
Sectorial and regional diversity is of paramount importance to Elliott Group, which has made the conscious decision to
explore opportunities in the energy, data, fitout and food processing sectors. The group is predicted to deliver about €60m of turnover in the energy sector this year, along with €25m in the food processing sectors.
Elliott actively pursues diversification in the industry sectors to prevent overdependence on any single market.
In 2022, it successfully launched a dedicated fit-out division, which has gained a strong reputation for quality as it delivered exceptional high-end commercial and retail
fit-outs. It is currently engaged in a largescale fit-out project at Croke Park.
This diverse sector portfolio allows Elliott Group to harness a wide range of expertise in its team as well as affording an opportunity to invest in solution-based technologies and resources for quality, efficiency and safety.
Elliott Group places a large emphasis on the health and safety of its people and sites, as evidenced by the contractor’s Consistent High Achiever Award from NISO.
Significant investment has been made in improving the environmental and community aspects of construction, which has seen the introduction of SustainIQ, a complete ESG reporting software across the group.
The Elliott Group is headquartered in Cavan and operates from permanent offices in Dublin, Cork, London, and Birmingham. As a result of its experience and expertise across multiple sectors, including data and energy, fit-out, hospitality, residential, industrial, healthcare and more, Elliott has maintained sustained growth across all regions.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €196,693,213
ROI TURNOVER: €196,693,213
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Unit C1, Eastway Business Park, Ballysimon Road, Limerick.
PHONE: 061 310002
WEB: www.conack.ie
LINKEDIN: Conack Construction
FACEBOOK: weareconack
INSTAGRAM: weareconack
KEY EXECUTIVES: Kieran Cusack, Joint Managing Director; Tom O’Connor, Joint Managing Director; Donal O’Donnell, Chief Operations Director; Tom McGee, Operations Director; Paula Shinners, Director of Communications; Frank Geary, Regional Director; Mike Hession, Regional Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building, Main Contractor.
The past year has been transformative for Conack Construction, marked by strategic growth and ambitious projects.
The company welcomed new directors who bring exceptional expertise and enthusiasm to the team. Peter Byrne was appointed as Conack’s new EHS director, dedicated to employee safety and well-being. Oliver Lee was appointed commercial director for the mid-west region.
Chief operations director Donal O’Donnell will lead Conack into a new era of success, while operations director Tom McGee ensures efficiency and excellence.
Conack’s communications director, Paula Shinners, was nominated in the Excellence in Senior Leadership – Contractor Category for the Women in Construction Awards 2024. She is also a member of the CIF ESG Committee. The nomination showcases Paula Shinners’ outstanding contributions to Conack and emphasises the significance of acknowledging and supporting women’s achievements in the construction industry. This recognition honours her outstanding performance and demonstrates Conack’s dedication to diversity and inclusion, ultimately benefiting the company and the broader community. We are truly Building Better Together.
Conack’s recent projects highlight the contractor’s commitment to excellence and innovation. In the education sector, it completed work at the Carlow Institute of Technology and Gaelcholáiste Luimnigh. It is also close to the handover of Crescent College Comprehensive in Limerick.
A recent standout achievement for Conack has been securing the Dexcom Stadium project from Connaught Rugby, which is a significant addition to the company’s portfolio.
Conack’s successes span various sectors, including pharmaceuticals, with projects for Abbott in Sligo and Alkermes in Athlone. Other works include 1BQ in Limerick city centre, the Moxy Hotel in Cork, and the award-winning Kilbeggan Health Centre, which reflects Conack’s ability to secure repeat business from satisfied clients.
Looking ahead, Conack remains focused on its environmental,
social, and governance (ESG) objectives, ensuring that sustainability and diversity are integral to its operations. This approach not only enhances its reputation but also attracts environmentally conscious clients and investors.
With its books in a strong position for 2024 and several projects lined up for 2025 and 2026, Conack is well-prepared for the future.
A proactive approach to digitalisation and a commitment to building a talented and diverse team are crucial to its continued success. Inspiring stories of its team members highlight its dedication to professional growth and development.
Conack’s ongoing digital transformation initiative is integral to its strategic objectives. It has successfully integrated new information management systems, fully adopted Procore software, and implemented HammerTech for its health and safety department and its internally developed plant management system.
In summary, Conack’s year of transformation has showcased its strategic growth, commitment to sustainability, and dedication to excellence. With new leadership, innovative projects, and a focus on ESG objectives, Conack Construction is poised for a bright future. Working together, the Conack Construction team will continue to build a better, more sustainable, and inclusive future.
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Ballylahan Bridge, Foxford, Co Mayo.
PHONE: 094 925 6221
WEB: www.willsbros.com
LINKEDIN: Wills Bros Ltd
FACEBOOK: Wills Bros
KEY EXECUTIVES: Charles Wills, Managing Director; James Wills, Company Secretary; Aidan McCaul, Contracts Director; Jonathan Wills, Contracts Director; Gary Curran, Commercial Director; Trevor Wills, Legal Director; Timothy Wills, Operations Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Civil Engineering Contracting.
In business for over 50 years, Wills Bros is a civil engineering contractor at the forefront of national infrastructure development in Ireland and the UK. As a family-run business, Wills Bros takes pride in the high standards it achieves in its projects, which results in numerous repeat contracts in both Ireland and the UK.
Wills Bros’ project experience ranges from road design and build contracts, such as the
recently opened N5 Turlough to Westport Road project in Co Mayo, and the A6 Dungiven and Drumahoe Road, Co Derry, to mining, marine works, road realignments, site developments, water-related services, telecommunications, landfill remediation, leisure and public amenity projects, such as recently completed Kerdiffstown Park project in Co Kildare.
Wills Bros’ client base includes various
local authorities, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Transport Scotland, Department of Infrastructure - Northern Ireland, Gypsum Industries, Irish Water, OPW, Xerox, Microsoft, Apple, Glanbia, Anglo American Mining, Tara Mines, Scottish Enterprise, Port of Cork, IDA Ireland, Dublin Port, Pfizer and many other bluechip multinationals in the technology and pharmaceutical sectors.
Wills Bros’ quality management system is certified to IS EN ISO 9001:2015 accreditation as a civil engineering contractor specialising in design, construction and project management of contracted works. The company employs approximately 400 people, with a safety record among the highest rating levels.
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Ardginny Killybrone Co Monaghan.
PHONE: 047 70709
WEB: www.errigalcontracts.com
LINKEDIN: Errigal Group
KEY EXECUTIVES: Damien Treanor, Joint Managing Director; Cormac McCloskey, Joint Managing Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Specialist Fit-Out and Cladding Contracting.
Salesforce, Dublin, a development for StructureTone.
Errigal was founded in 1996 by coowners and joint managing directors Damien Treanor and Cormac McCloskey.
Errigal stands at the forefront of the construction industry and is renowned for its expertise in full fitout, external façade, ceilings, and bespoke solutions. Its unparalleled track record in these specialised areas extends globally, ensuring exceptional
service delivery across projects of any scale. Complemented by dedicated off-site manufacturing facilities in Antrim and at its headquarters in Monaghan, it operates regional offices in London, Northern Ireland, and Europe, solidifying its commitment to excellence in construction.
Errigal operates a £20m off-site manufacturing facility located on the 70-acre former Enkalon Industrial Estate in Co Antrim, alongside its off-site manufacturing operations in Monaghan. Ongoing development at the site and targeted growth in off-site assembly will enable the contractor to take the opportunity to grow with its clients and achieve an annual turnover of more than £400m over the next five years.
Damien Treanor has over 30 years of experience in the construction industry in the UK, Ireland and internationally. Treanor is dedicated to people, community and industry development and is the driving force behind ‘The Errigal Way’. This ethos is reflected in the team at Errigal, which is committed to doing its very best, however big or small the challenge might be.
Cormac McCloskey is widely known as the operational powerhouse of Errigal. He has steered many of the company’s successful projects with a can-do approach while building trusted long-term partnerships.
YEAR-END: 31/12/23
ADDRESS: Railway House, Station Rd, Loughrea, Galway.
PHONE: 091 880332
WEB: www.glanua.com
KEY EXECUTIVES: Karl Zimmerer, Group Managing Director; Aine Healy, Group HSQE Director; Andrew Young, Managing Director, Municipal; Keith Hayward, Managing Director, Industrial; Brendan Rouse, Operations Director, Industrial; Colm Dillon, Operations Director, Municipal (IRL); Phil Muir, Operations Director, Municipal (UK); John Fox, Asset Management Director; Paul Gardner, Director of Group Development; Craig Barrett, Group Commercial Director; Enda Flynn, Group Director of Finance; Ciaran O’Byrne, Group Director of HR.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.
Glanua is an industry leader in providing innovative and sustainable engineering solutions to design, build and operate critical water and wastewater infrastructure across Ireland and the UK. Glanua is passionate about solving today’s environmental challenges and delivering a decarbonised and sustainable world.
Headquartered in Galway, with a manufacturing facility in Navan, Co Meath and offices in London and Northern Ireland, the company employs over 450 people.
In 2023, the Group underwent a rebrand, consolidating Glan Agua Ltd, Glan Agua UK Ltd, Hydro International Ltd and MEIC Ltd under the unified brand Glanua.
Glanua is the go-to partner for major water utilities in Ireland and the UK, including Uisce Éireann (formally Irish Water), Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, Affinity Water and Northern Ireland Water. In the industrial sector, its clients include prominent names such as ABP, Tirlán, WuXi Biologics, Kerry Group and other key players in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and distillery industries.
From design and construction to operation and maintenance, Glanua offers a full spectrum of services. Its dedicated offsite manufacturing and innovation facility in Navan, Ireland, enables it to excel in Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and machine-building for innovative water and wastewater treatment solutions.
Commenting on the company’s performance in 2023, Karl Zimmerer, Group Managing Director, Glanua, says: “2023 was an exceptional year for Glanua, marked by a 50% increase in turnover to €150m and a team expansion of over 160 members, bringing our workforce to over 450.
“The rebranding and integration under the unified Glanua Group enhanced our collaboration and service delivery, and we are delighted to see our ongoing efforts have guaranteed critical
Inchigeelagh Sewerage Scheme in Co Cork, completed in 2023.
infrastructure improvements, safe drinking water, environmental protection, and sustainable industrial production.”
Recent projects include Glanua’s role as a delivery partner to Uisce Éireann on the 1A Water and 2A Wastewater Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) programme.
Since expanding to the UK in 2016, Glanua has become a Tier One contractor for Thames Water, Yorkshire Water, and Northern Ireland Water. The company is involved in significant projects at Greenwich Pumping Station and Crossness Sewage Treatment Plant, supporting Thames Water’s growing investment in managing wastewater and building capacity.
Additionally, Glanua holds a significant contract with Yorkshire Water, providing tertiary treatment to the Blackburn Meadows Sewage Treatment Plant.
In 2023, Glanua won the Silver Award for BIM Excellence at the Irish Construction Excellence Awards for Uisce Éireann’s ECI Framework for wastewater projects.
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Administration building in a critical environment in London for Telehouse.
Flynn has been in business for 20 years and provides a comprehensive range of mission-critical projects, construction management, fit-out and main
International Rugby Experience, Limerick.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €140,164,069
ROI TURNOVER: €122,021,118
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Flynn House, Blackwater Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11.
PHONE: 01 850 3000
WEB: www.flynnmc.com
LINKEDIN: Flynn Management & Contractors Ltd
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @FlynnManagement
INSTAGRAM: @flynn_pre
KEY EXECUTIVES: Kevin Flynn, Chief Executive Officer; Mick Flynn, Chief Operations Officer; Cormac McKenna, Chief International Officer; Derek Murphy, Chief Financial & Administration Officer; Alan Nevin, Chief Commercial Officer; Keith Oliver, Projects Director; Noel Cusack, Projects Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Critical Environments, Pharma, Data Centre, General contracting, commercial fit-outs.
contracting services. It is an international construction business that executes projects across the island of Ireland, the UK and mainland Europe.
2024 is a big year for Flynn as it marks 20 years in business. The directors of Flynn have diversified the business, sectorally and geographically, over recent years. This has been achieved while maintaining its consistent project approach by forging strong relationships with people, partners, subcontractors and clients. This approach allows Flynn to provide a consistent bestin-class delivery for all clients regardless of sector or jurisdiction.
Recently completed Flynn projects include a Kerrygold facility in Mitchelstown, the award-winning International Rugby Experience project in Limerick; Bishop’s Square, Dublin, a project for the OPW; as well as Chatham House and Abbvie projects, also in Dublin.
Flynn has also completed several missioncritical projects, including data centres in Dublin, London, Frankfurt and Denmark; biopharma projects in Dublin, Limerick and Copenhagen; processing facilities in Kerry and Dublin; and aviation projects in Dublin, Shannon and Cork.
Regionally in Ireland, Flynn is currently working on several pharma projects for Edward Lifesciences in Limerick and Merck Millipore in Cork.
Flynn is an equal opportunities employer
and supporter of the CIF’s #BuildingEquality campaign. It currently employs 175 people. As it extends into new sectors and markets, it has an eye to attracting ambitious and innovative projects, allowing it to offer a diverse range of opportunities to fit a variety of skills and aptitudes. It invests heavily in talent to ensure its team continues to grow professionally and personally.
Flynn takes a holistic approach to sustainability, incorporating this into its company culture and all work it undertakes.
CEO Kevin Flynn comments: “At Flynn, we take our ESG responsibilities seriously. They are at the cornerstone of everything we do.”
Flynn’s in-house environmental sustainability group focuses on its carbon footprint and continually reviews how it can reduce CO2 emissions, waste generation and energy usage across its offices and sites. Flynn has also invested heavily in industry-leading construction technology and associated training to harness the daily innovations redefining the construction industry.
Established in 2011, Vision Contracting Limited is a national main contractor and construction management services company headquartered in Cork and operates across several niche markets.
The company is financially robust and well-managed, boasting solid and steady growth. It has built an impressive track record and reputation, with a turnover of €123.2m in 2023 and a forecasted turnover exceeding €125m for 2024.
With offices in Cork, Killarney, Limerick and Dublin, Vision Contracting is recognised for undertaking complex projects across retail, residential new build, pharma, public works, and refurbishment. Its services include pre-construction, value engineering, and project management.
Having worked together for over 25 years, the founding directors have a broad range of technical, commercial and businessrelated construction experience. This has led to its sustained annual growth over the past decade. Its strategy is to steadily expand operations and capacity focusing on repeat customer business and negotiated construction opportunities within key sectors.
With over 130 employees, Vision
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Melbourne House, Melbourne Business Park, Model Farm Road, Cork.
PHONE: 021 487 4930
WEB: www.visioncontracting.ie
LINKEDIN: Vision Contracting
INSTAGRAM: Vision Contracting
KEY EXECUTIVES: Niall O’Meara, Managing Director; Aidan Drummond, Pharma & Industry Director; Colm Fehily, Commercial Director; Mick Allen, Construction Director; Aidan O’Connell, Construction Director; Diarmaid Daly, Quantity
Surveying Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor/General Contractor, Design & Build Contractor.
Contracting values continuous investment in skills and professional growth.
Managing Director Niall O’Meara says that continuous investment in training and the professional development of staff has been a cornerstone of Vision Contracting’s success as it actively promotes employee career progression. He comments: “The construction industry is evolving rapidly; we are ensuring the company and team have the best skills to compete in the expanding market.”
Vision Contracting is committed to continuously improving, monitoring, and promoting health and safety in the workplace and is also embarking on a companywide transition to Lean construction, which will embed a culture of continuous improvement within the workforce, based on developing existing systems as well as new digital processes and tools.
Vision Contracting has multiple noteworthy National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO) awards. It works to the highest standards with its occupational health and safety, quality and environmental management systems all ISO accredited. During 2023, it digitised its safety and site management systems using the Hammertech software platform.
Vision Contracting has also received a Bronze Award for Investors in Diversity from the Irish Centre for Diversity.
At the Irish Construction Excellence (ICE) Awards 2023, Vision Contracting won the Public Realm category for its Mallow Castle Demesne project. In 2024, it won the won
the ICE ‘Leisure Tourism Project – Over €5m’ award for The Premier Inn, Gloucester St South, Dublin. The previous year, it won the ICE Fit Out and Refurbishment category for the Fexco Innovation Centre and RDI Hub in Killorglin, Co Kerry.
Vision Contracting’s recently completed work includes the University Hospital Kerry Pathology Department extension; Elm Park residential development, Dublin; Coleman Court Student Accommodation, Cork (Design & Build); The Lark Theatre, Balbriggan; and the Premier Inn, Gloucester Street South, Dublin, Ireland’s first A2 BERcertified hotel.
Current projects include the Charlemont Hilton Hotel extension and fit-out, Dublin; Buckley House student accommodation and John Paul II Library refurbishment at Maynooth University; Meakstown Sports and Community Centre, Dublin; Surgical Hub Facility works at CUH Cork; and Woodlands Park residential development in Blackrock, Dublin with RedRock Developments.
Vision Contracting’s clients in other sectors include Eli Lilly in Limerick and Cork; BioMarin; Pfizer, MSD Brinny; and GE Healthcare.
In 2023, Duggan Brothers (Contractors) Ltd reaffirmed its commitment to excellence by safely delivering projects of unparalleled quality, on time, and within budget while prioritising sustainability and collaboration. Despite market challenges like supply chain disruptions and rising costs, its strategic resource allocation maximised operational efficiency, resulting in a steady growth in its turnover in recent years, reaching a peak in its centenary year, a significant milestone.
A major highlight in Duggan Brothers’ year was the completion of the 13,000-sq metre Forensic Science Ireland [FSI] Campus, commissioned by the Office of Public Works (OPW). At approximately €80m capital value, this groundbreaking facility represents the largest single investment in forensic science in the state’s history and showcases Duggan Brothers’ dedication to delivering landmark projects.
Duggan Brothers also delivered the ‘Dominick Hall – Urban Regeneration’ project for Dublin City Council, integrating contemporary architecture within the historic streetscape and
YEAR-END: 31/12/23
ADDRESS: Richmond, Templemore, Co Tipperary.
PHONE: 0504 31311
WEB: www.dugganbrothers.ie
LINKEDIN: Duggan Brothers Contractors Limited
KEY EXECUTIVES: David Duggan, Joint Managing Director; Seamus Duggan, Joint Managing Director; Conor Scott, Financial Director; John Butler, Contracts Director; Eddie Cleary, Contracts Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor, General Building.
enhancing the city’s built environment with 72 social housing units and mixed-use facilities.
The contactor’s achievements were recognised with prestigious accolades, including Contractor of the Year – SME and Industrial Project of the Year for the Forensic Science Ireland Laboratory at the Irish Construction Industry Awards. In addition, Duggan Brothers’ dedication to safety earned it the Health, Safety, & Wellbeing Initiative Award for ‘Bringing Safety back to Site’.
Duggan Brothers project manager Cathal Miller was honoured as Construction Project Manager of the Year for his outstanding contributions, particularly to projects such as the Forensic Science Ireland Laboratory.
These accomplishments underscore the company’s commitment to excellence and safety, driven by initiatives like ‘Bringing Safety back to Site’, transforming its safety culture and earning industry-wide acclaim.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €115,885,598
ROI TURNOVER: €115,885,598
YEAR-END: 31/12/23
ADDRESS: Unit 12 Briarhill Business Park, Ballybrit, Galway.
PHONE: 091 876312
WEB: www.monami.ie
LINKEDIN: Monami Construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Brendan Davey, Director; Bryan Quille, Director; Trevor Cavanagh, Regional Director; Sean Garvey, Regional Director; Darran Hennessy, Regional Director; Robert Conneely, Regional Director; Lorchan Hoyne, Regional Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building.
Monami Construction provides a dynamic, innovative and highly experienced building service to the construction industry. With offices in Galway, Dublin, and Limerick, the company has developed extensive expertise in a wide range of sectors within the construction industry, including commercial, healthcare, residential, hotel and leisure, industrial, and educational.
Established in 2010, Monami Construction is a progressive general contracting company established to deliver quality construction projects on time and within budget.
Monami’s people are its most valuable asset and serve as the foundation on which the company can grow and thrive. Monami employs a dedicated team of highly educated and talented professionals whose individual experience is supported through the company’s integrated quality management structure.
Monami Construction takes a holistic approach to sustainability and safety, incorporating it into the company culture and the works undertaken.
The business operates at a human level, fostering positive relationships while bringing expertise and experience to the forefront. All of its team members hold a pivotal role in the success of the company and in ensuring the successful delivery of projects, underlining its commitment to best-in-class standards of quality and expertise.
Monami Construction is a forward-thinking company that embraces new construction methods and utilises technological advances while ensuring it provides a rewarding place of work for its highly competent and valued team of people.
Brendan Davey, Director, Monami, comments: “At Monami, we place a strong emphasis on ensuring that sufficient financial and managerial resources are assigned to each of our projects to guarantee successful project completion. The integrity of our staff and completed projects form the cornerstone of our established reputation as a quality building service provider. We have built a strong reputation around core values of trust, transparency and reliability, allowing us to deliver quality projects to a continuously expanding and highly reputable client base.”
He continues: “Our ethos is to provide our clients with a superior construction service by continually improving our quality processes, providing exceptional project management capabilities and adding value through proactive and innovative solutions. We have completed
numerous projects for many of Ireland’s foremost companies and institutions, and our continued high level of repeat business and referrals is a testament to our commitment to delivering a bespoke and quality service.”
Monami Construction operates a quality management system certified to the ISO9001 Standard and is a registered member of CIRI (Construction Industry Register Ireland), the national register for competent builders.
In addition, Monami Construction’s health and safety management system is certified to ISO45001 Standard and endorsed by the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH). Its environmental management system is certified to ISO14001 Standard. It is a member of the Construction Industry Federation and Master Builders & Contractors Association.
The S02C Archbridge on the N22 Macroom to Ballyvourney Bypass - Winner of the Overall & Infrastructure Irish Concrete Society Award 2024.
YEAR END: 31/08/2023
ADDRESS: Carranstown, Duleek, Co Meath.
PHONE: 041 982 3682
WEB: www.jonscivil.ie
LINKEDIN: Jons Civil Engineering Company Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: John Pentony, Managing Director. Management Team: John Killen, Barry Mathers, David Lenehan, Gerry Caffrey, Gina Gibbons, David Pentony.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Civil Engineering.
Jons Civil Engineering Company Ltd (JCEL) has been in operation since 1983 and has successfully delivered over 360 major infrastructural projects.
Over the past 40 years, JCEL has specialised in the innovative execution of complex civil engineering works, deploying direct skills and knowledge, as well as its large fleet of modern plant and equipment, to support the infrastructure projects of key clients. These include city and county councils, Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), Office of Public Works (OPW), Irish Rail, Uisce Éireann and the National Transport Authority (NTA), and many private companies.
JCEL is committed to creating a successful and sustainable work environment where everyone is treated with dignity, fairness and respect. Through its projects, it is connecting Ireland’s people and places, providing sustainable transport infrastructure and helping to lower carbon emissions.
Current projects include the Royal Canal Greenway Phase 3 (RCP3), Ulster Canal restoration project, Naas Road Cycle Scheme, Banteer Rail Station, Parkmore Road Bus Connects Scheme, Harry Reynolds Road Cycle scheme, Broadmeadow Way Footbridge, Restoration of Obelisk & Guinness Bridge, Farmleigh (Dublin), Completion of N22 and Motorway maintenance and renewals contracts.
JCEL works to enable collaboration with its partners and key clients to deliver critical infrastructure projects while exercising the company’s values of safety, engineering excellence, respect, collaboration, cost control and efficiency.
International Rugby Experience, Limerick
Terryland Water Treatment Plant intake works project, Co Galway.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Moanbaun, Athenry, Co Galway.
PHONE: 091 844 356
WEB: www.coffeygroup.com
KEY EXECUTIVES: Odran Madden, Managing Director; Simon Coffey, Director of Business Development and Plant; Sean Coffey, Director of Human Resources and IT; Martina O’Connor, Finance Director; Eoin Colgan, Engineering Director; Gary Coffey, HSQE Director; Mark Coffey, Property Director; John Gibbons, Operations Director; Kieran Ryan, Operations Director; Joe Lavan, Commercial Director; Alan Gill, PreConstruction Director; Simon Papiernik, UK Operations Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Civil Engineering.
Coffey is a family-owned water infrastructure and civil engineering specialist founded in 1974, that delivers innovative solutions across all the major construction sectors in Ireland and the UK.
Quality, efficiency and safety are at the core of its operations, driving a commitment to complete projects on time and within budget. Coffey nurtures a culture of critical thinking and creative problem-solving, enabling it to provide clients with an analytical, ingenious approach to design and construction for a competitive edge. With a directly employed, extensively trained workforce, Coffey ensures adherence to the highest standards of safety and quality management.
Coffey’s Integrated Management System meets rigorous ISO certifications for occupational health and safety, environmental sustainability, collaborative business relationships, quality assurance, and energy optimisation. This uncompromising dedication to professional excellence makes Coffey a trusted name in civil engineering ingenuity.
Coffey’s range of services includes: Water supply and wastewater collection infrastructure Road and bridge construction Turnkey design, build and operation of water and wastewater treatment plants Utilities, renewable energy and power Specialist engineering techniques Design and construct projects.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Clonminch Hi-Tech Park, Tullamore, Co Offaly.
PHONE: 057 935 2761
WEB: www.townmore.ie
LINKEDIN: Townmore Construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: James Godley, Managing Director; Kevin Enright, Commercial Director; Sean Corroon, Group Financial Director; Seamus Quirke, Construction Director; Jacqueline Screeney, HR Director; Mark Cronin, Associate Director; William Finlay, Commercial Manager; Finbarr Marrett, Engineering Manager.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contracting, Management Contracting, Design & Build, Cleanroom Construction.
Townmore Construction was established in 2008 in Tullamore. Since then, Townmore has developed into an international business, operating across Ireland and the UK, delivering projects in value up to €100m. The company has offices in Dublin, Cork, London and Tullamore.
With over 100 staff members, Townmore has a strong reputation in numerous sectors, including residential, hospitality, healthcare, education and specialist cleanroom works. Townmore established its specialist cleanroom division in 2017. This has developed a strong offering, with many repeat multinational clients, including West Pharma, Viatris, GSK, Jabil and Merck.
In recent years, Townmore has become one of Ireland’s foremost residential building contractors, delivering apartment and housing projects across Dublin, Kildare, Laois, Tipperary, Limerick and Cork. The company currently has close to 1,000 units under construction. It has also delivered 200,000 sq feet of healthcare space in recent years, with a further 90,000 sq feet underway.
Townmore has invested heavily in modern methods of construction in recent years, utilising full architectural precast panels, bathroom pods, etc. This has allowed the company to scale up the business while ensuring safety and quality are held to the highest standards.
Townmore recently delivered Ireland’s first purpose-built shared living scheme in Dun Laoghaire for Niche Living.
Tallaght, Dublin 24
YEAR END: 31/10/2023
ADDRESS: Unit 2B, Feltrim Business Park, Drynam Road, Swords, Co Dublin.
PHONE: 01 890 0919
WEB: www.abmcontractors.com
KEY EXECUTIVES: Pat O’Neill, Company Director; Sean Minihane, Company Director; Brendan O’Neill, Company Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building, Civil Engineering.
Established in 1994, headquartered in Swords, Co Dublin, and operating internationally, ABM Group is a market leader in construction, civil engineering and the manufacturing of precast concrete and bridge formwork products. It has been delivering construction and civil engineering projects to government agencies, private developers, major retailers, and international civil engineering contractors for over 30 years.
The contractor has demonstrated its infrastructure capabilities by consistently delivering for clients such as the Department of Education, where ABM has completed over 2 million sq feet of school projects to the value of circa €300m. It has also provided social housing for numerous local authorities as well as developing key projects at Dublin Airport and for Irish port companies.
In the UK and Eastern Europe, ABM continues to build upon established relationships with the leading civil engineering contractors and consultants, participating in many strategically important road, rail and port infrastructure projects.
Extension at St Laurence O’Toole School, Dublin.
YEAR END: 31/12/23
ADDRESS: Units 19/20 Balbriggan Business Park, Balbriggan, Co Dublin.
PHONE: 01 690 5716
WEB: www.ganson.ie
LINKEDIN: Ganson Building And Civil Engineering Contractors
KEY EXECUTIVES: David Rogers, Joint Managing Director; Paul McQuaid, Joint Managing Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building, Main Contractor.
Ganson Building & Civil Engineering Ltd was established in 2003 by joint managing directors David Rogers and Paul McQuaid. Both have over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, managing small- medium- and large-scale projects across Ireland and the UK in value from €500,000 to €45m.
With offices in Dublin and Castlewellan, Co Down, Ganson undertakes projects for public and private clients throughout Ireland and the UK. The contractor offers a full range of construction services, including management contracting, construction management, design and build, partnering arrangements and traditional contracting.
It has recently completed works in the education, healthcare, residential, restoration/refurbishment, hospitality, commercial, industrial, and pharmaceutical sectors.
The majority of Ganson’s workload comes from repeat business, which the contractor’s joint managing directors attribute to Ganson’s competitive edge and reliable execution of projects.
David Rogers explains: “We attribute our continued success to our teams’ vast experience and their relentless attention to detail. We complete all of our projects to the highest standard, on time and within budget, meeting our overriding goal of ensuring client satisfaction on every project.”
Ganson is certified to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 standards. It has had Safe-T-Cert accreditation since 2012. It deploys significant resources to maintain a safe working environment for all employees and ensure best practice is adhered to in all areas of health and safety.
Ganson continues to invest in modern business practices and management techniques to ensure that it remains at the cutting edge of its industry.
Paul McQuaid explains: “Looking to the future, we continually analyse how we operate with a view to growing the business in a sustainable way to deliver in new and innovative ways. Our goal has always been to deliver quality projects and value for money to our clients.”
Apartment development on Malahide Rd, Dublin.
YEAR END: 30/06/23
ADDRESS: Athlone Road, Longford/Blanchardstown, Dublin.
PHONE: 01 885 0432
WEB: www.gemgroup.ie
LINKEDIN: Gem Construction Co Ltd
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @gemconstruction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Martin Healy, Managing Director; Vincent Fay, Financial Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building, General Contractor.
Since 1978, GEM has been more than just a main contractor, it has built a reputation as a trusted Irish construction industry partner. GEM Construction has established itself as a key player in the residential sector with a steadfast commitment to excellence and a strategic alignment with the government’s Housing for All initiative.
At the heart of GEM’s success lies its team’s unwavering dedication to delivering exceptional results. The company’s impressive track record speaks for itself, with an average delivery of 10 residential units per week. GEM Construction’s ability to consistently meet this target is a testament to its expertise and efficiency in executing projects. Setting itself apart from competitors, GEM operates as both a developer and a construction firm, with an integrated design and build approach that offers significant advantages. By combining these two disciplines under one umbrella, the company achieves enhanced efficiency and streamlined processes. Dealing with stakeholders from an early stage empowers GEM to proactively address potential issues, resulting in successful project outcomes.
GEM’s expertise and reputation have led to exciting collaborations with prestigious entities such as local authorities, including Meath County Council, Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council and approved housing bodies, including Cluid and Tuath Housing, together with private clients. The company’s construction team is currently engaged in developing processes for upcoming projects, demonstrating its continued growth and influence in the industry.
At the heart of GEM’s achievements lies a commitment to integrating development and construction expertise, empowering the company to deliver exceptional results. By managing all aspects of its projects in-house, GEM ensures direct control and accountability, avoiding dependence on external entities.
With an unwavering dedication to quality, efficiency, and stakeholder collaboration, GEM continues to shape the Irish construction landscape, fulfilling housing needs and contributing to the realisation of the government’s Housing for All vision.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Drangan, Thurles, Co Tipperary. PHONE: 052 915 2166
WEB: www.clancy.ie
LINKEDIN: Clancy Construction
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @Clancy_Drangan
FACEBOOK: Clancy Construction
INSTAGRAM: Clancy Construction47
KEY EXECUTIVES: John O’Shaughnessy, Managing Director; Declan Fitzpatrick, Construction Director; Chris Chambers, Dublin Regional Director; John Corcoran, Financial Director; Alan Darmody, Executive Commercial Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor, General Building, Fast-Track Construction.
Clancy is one of Ireland’s leading construction companies. Originating from Tipperary and now with a significant presence in Dublin and Cork, it operates throughout Ireland in the restoration, retail, medical, food and residential sectors and is proud of its reputation for dedicated attention to detail when it comes to project management and the quality of its work.
Clancy strives to infuse every aspect of its business with a focused commitment to safety and quality standards.
Clancy’s origins date back to 1947, and with history comes experience. The contractor incorporates its 75+ years of experience into delivering a service that meets every client’s needs through partnership and collaboration.
Clancy has an extensive portfolio of projects across multiple sectors, including residential, student accommodation, commercial, healthcare, conservation, restoration, education and hospitality.
Clancy’s work in these sectors has been an integral part of its growth and has always aligned with its six core values, which are at the heart of everything it does. For Clancy, these six core values – ‘Safety’, ‘Professionalism’, ‘Quality’, ‘Sustainability’, ‘Commitment and Loyalty’ and ‘Teamwork/Collaboration’ – are critical to its continued success and every decision it makes as a business and in its project work is based on these core values.
Clancy Construction is led by a strong senior management team that shares a vast amount of knowledge and expertise. Managing Director John O’Shaughnessy comments: “At Clancy, we have a deep passion for delivering quality construction. Our commitment ensures clients receive the best possible service. Our highly skilled team of over 180 construction professionals, tradespeople and operatives are adept at delivering a wide mix of project types using modern and traditional building skills, as required.”
Building for Trinity College Dublin.
Clontarf-to-City-Centre Cycle Scheme, Dublin.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €67,854,000
ROI TURNOVER: €67,854,000
YEAR END: 31/01/2024
ADDRESS: Unit R, M7 Business Park., Newhall, Naas, Co. Kildare. PHONE: 045 981900
WEB: www.clonmelent.com
LINKEDIN: Clonmel Enterprises Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: Eamonn Stapleton, Managing Director; Niall Mc Elwaine, Director; Tom Corcoran, Director; Brian Gravin, Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor, Civil Engineering.
2023 was a busy year for Clonmel Enterprises Ltd with the high-profile Clontarf-to-City-Centre Cycle Scheme continuing construction from Fairview along into Connolly Station with the inbound section substantially completed in 2023 and works switching over to the outbound section towards the end of the year. This scheme sees improvements to the pedestrian, cyclists and public transport links from north Dublin into the city centre.
January 2023 saw the completion of another high-profile project, which was undertaken at Liffey Valley Shopping Centre. This scheme comprised the expansion of the parking facilities at the shopping centre, along with the construction of a new bus interchange and improvements to the pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure surrounding this busy shopping centre. The bus interchange at the centre will form part of the BusConnects plans.
Other projects commenced in 2023 included a section of the Dodder Greenway from Herbert Park to Anglesey Bridge in Donnybrook; the Port Authority Northern Access Route in Drogheda, which provides a new link road in Drogheda; Druids Glen Phase 2, which is a new bridge and link road to allow for development in Loughlinstown; the redevelopment of Belgard Square in Tallaght, including the provision of a new playground at the Innovation Centre; and the construction of a new machinery and regional salt barn and offices for Kildare County Council in Naas.
All these projects were undertaken in a collaborative manner, which embodies Clonmel Enterprises’ company motto of working with clients to deliver for them.
INTEGER, IDA Business and Technology Park, Parkmore East, Galway
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Head Office: 43 Lower Salthill, Galway./ Dublin Office:
70 Waterloo Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
PHONE: 091 524455 / 01 901 1290
WEB: www.stewart.ie
LINKEDIN: stewartconstruction
INSTAGRAM: @stewartconstruction_ireland
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @Stewart_Constru
KEY EXECUTIVES: Paul Stewart, Chairman; Brian Gorman, Managing Director; Gerard Conway, Financial Director; Roy Pickford, Construction Director; Tracey O’Mahony, Legal Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: General Building, Main Contractor.
Stewart Construction, a fourth-generation family-owned contractor, was founded in Galway in 1902. Its success is driven by robust management and expertise in Design & Build (D&B) solutions, fostering long-term client relationships.
To support the Carbon Roadmap to 2030, Stewart Construction embraces sustainable construction, automated technologies, and modern methods of construction, such as offsite fabrication for various projects. Stewart Construction is a multi-award-winning national contractor with a specialist fit-out division. It handles medium and large-scale projects across sectors.
Notable projects include:
INTEGER: Build and fit out of a two-storey medical device manufacturing and research development facility for INTEGER, a leading MDO manufacturer. The facility was developed on a greenfield site at IDA Business and Technology Park, Galway.
NYX Hotel, Portobello, Dublin: Owned by Leonardo Hotels (formerly Jurys Inn) and delivered on a B&B basis, this new sixstorey, 175-bedroom hotel overlooks the Grand Canal at Portobello Harbour.
Home2 Suites by Hilton, Dublin: Recently commenced work at the existing Telephone House building, Marlborough Street, Dublin. Works include full refurbishment and expansion (D&B) of a ninestorey office building into a 290-bedroom/suites hotel.
Mercy Secondary School, Kilbeggan: A new 650-pupil school building on a greenfield site.
Central Plaza, Dame Street, Dublin: LEED Gold redevelopment project and last year’s ‘Project of the Year’ at the Irish Construction Excellence Awards, one of the largest redevelopment projects Dublin city centre has seen.
MEDTRONIC: Fast track fit-out for global healthcare technology leader,
GRIFOLS: A continued partnership with the pharmaceutical company saw the delivery of an additional biopharma facility at Grange Castle, Dublin.
ALDI: Delivered over 90 stores to date.
Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál Secondary School, Blarney, Co Cork.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Unit 1, Building 2500, Avenue 2000, Cork Airport Business Park, Cork.
PHONE: 021 497 5979
WEB: www.mmd.ie
LINKEDIN: MMD Construction Cork Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: Tomás O’Donovan, Managing Director; Patricia Harrington, Financial Director; Kevin O’Leary, Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor, Civil Engineering.
MMD Construction is a progressive building and civil engineering contractor based in Cork. It offers a broad range of construction and construction management services in areas such as residential, pharmaceutical, healthcare and civil infrastructure.
MMD Construction recently completed the construction of Scoil Mhuire Gan Smál Secondary School located in the heart of Blarney, Cork, Scoil an Athar Tadgh, in Carrignavar, Co Cork, and the FOTA Wildlife Part Education Centre. These significant projects are a testament to MMD Construction’s commitment to excellence in educational infrastructure and community development.
MMD Construction also completed two ALDI stores and delivered a significant expansion to the Architectural Metal Systems aluminium extrusion plant. These projects mark a significant milestone in MMD Construction’s commitment to delivering exceptional construction solutions that empower businesses to thrive.
MMD Construction was the main contractor and design lead for the works at Springville House, Blackrock, Cork. The development comprised the change of use of Springville House from a former multi-storey office building to a residential accommodation scheme for the Cork City Council and Tuath Housing Association. The innovative and sustainable development, aimed at older adults wishing to right-size their accommodation requirements, will help alleviate pent-up demand for housing in the city.
MMD Construction is currently on site, working on several exciting projects throughout Cork. These include a 98-unit Design & Build housing project for the Land Development Agency, a 78-unit housing development for Cork City Council, and a new helipad at CUH.
Tomás O’Donovan, Managing Director, MMD Construction, explains: “From inception to completion, our experienced, skilled professional staff offer expert advice on buildability, alternative construction methods and materials. We take pride in our capacity to apply optimum professionalism in the management of all projects.”
TOTAL TURNOVER: €61,191,277
ROI TURNOVER: €60,750,000
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Paragon House, Cork Road, Waterford.
PHONE: 051 373713
WEB: www.DFL.ie
LINKEDIN: David Flynn Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: David Flynn, Managing Director; Thomas Holden, Contracts Director; Ken Flynn, Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor.
David Flynn Ltd (DFL) is one of the top building contractors in Ireland, with offices in Waterford, Dublin and London. It will celebrate its fortieth year in business in 2025, and its proven ability to work collaboratively with clients, design teams and suppliers is fundamental to its continuing success story.
It is known for “Delivering Quality Projects Safely and on Time”. The company ethos is to “Find a way, not an excuse”. Its success is underpinned by its staff’s dedication, quality, and expertise, as well as its skill in providing cost-effective solutions to construction challenges.
In 2023, DFL handed over three new nursing homes. These projects delivered 273 ensuite bedrooms for older people requiring continuous care in Tramore, Waterford & Kilkenny.
DFL’s Industrial & Pharmaceutical division is currently involved in a major expansion at Integer in New Ross, where it is completing a 10,000-sq metre extension to the client’s medical devices facility, including a 700 sq metre ISO class 7 cleanroom, a turnkey project.
Over the past 12 months, DFL has also delivered multiple projects for clients such as SSE Great Island, Abbott Vascular Clonmel, Medite Clonmel and Teva Pharmaceuticals.
DFL Fitouts & Joinery Ltd is a specialist fit-out division based in Waterford Business Park. It supplies the hospitality, leisure, education, retail and healthcare sectors in Ireland, England, France and Germany. It is a one-stop shop for all fit-out and joinery needs, and everything is manufactured in-house in DFL’s 40,000-sq foot modern joinery workshop.
Greenside Building, Cuffe Street, Dublin, for KC Capital.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: 10 Greenhills Business Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
PHONE: 01 462 7131
WEB: www.townlink.ie
LINKEDIN: Townlink Construction Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: David Caulfield, Managing Director; Joe McCarron, Chairman; TJ Walsh, Non Executive Director; Joe Boyle, Commercial Director; John Barden, Construction Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor.
With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, the senior management team at Townlink Construction has a proactive, professional, personable approach with a hands-on involvement in all projects.
Townlink continues to deliver excellence in construction and grow the company through repeat business with trusted partners. It has a diverse range of projects, including the Academic Hub & Library project on the Grangegorman Campus for GDA, Niche Living Rathmines and Niche Living, Merrion Road for Bartra, Drogheda Civic Office for Louth County Council, St Finbar Court apartments for Dublin City Council, Greenside Office Building for KC Capital, GE Medical projects and several energy retrofit projects.
During the past year, Townlink has focused on managing how it can reduce its activities’ impacts on the environment. To this end, it has a sustainability strategy with specific goals that its teams are implementing. Many of its projects are being delivered to attain LEED accreditation, and it is also implementing the Considerate Constructor scheme on many projects.
Townlink’s ESG policies are designed to bring together its people, supply chain and design team partners to deliver on its objectives and the objectives of its clients.
Townlink continues to invest in its people, and the senior management team values everyone’s contribution. With over 80 construction professionals working for it, it has the experience and knowledge to deliver complex and challenging projects to an excellent standard.
Townlink Construction’s outlook for the year ahead is very positive, with continued and controlled growth expected.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €53,040,000
ROI TURNOVER: €53,010,000
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Drennanstown, Rathangan, Co Kildare.
PHONE: 045 524520
WEB: www.arkil.ie
KEY EXECUTIVES: Seamus Mannion, Managing Director; Paul McGlynn, Financial Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Civil Engineering.
Arkil Ltd has built on its strengths as a specialist road surfacing contractor to become a multi-disciplined, national civil engineering business.
Coupled with its traditional road and pavement building experience, it has developed these skills to move into other work areas, particularly civil engineering, groundworks and infrastructure schemes.
Not limited to large projects, Arkil also has a minor works division that operates across the country, bringing the same advantages and meticulous customer care it offers to major projects.
Arkil has extensive experience in value engineering and partnering and has gained an excellent reputation for delivering quality within time and with significant cost savings. This has been achieved through close liaison with all parties under formal or informal partnering frameworks.
Recent projects carried out by Arkil include Glasslyn Road Cycle Lane in Bandon, Co Cork. This work involved the construction of segregated 10mm SMA red cycle tracks. These visually aesthetic cycle lanes segregate cyclists from live traffic and contribute to the objective of decarbonising the transport network.
In 2023, Arkill was awarded a €4m contract by Laois County Council to complete a 2km stretch of road as part of the ‘N77 Abbeyleix Road (Portlaoise) Rehabilitation and Enhancement Scheme.
Arkil Ltd is proud to be a sponsor of the Lighthouse construction sector charity, aiding Lighthouse in providing a huge range of proactive support resources for the construction community, including a 24/7 Construction Industry Helpline and complementary app and free wellbeing and mental health training.
28,000-sq foot high-specification office fit-out for Pinterest.
YEAR END: 29/02/2024
ADDRESS: Longtown, Straffan, Co Kildare.
PHONE: 045 861799
WEB: www.tandi.ie
LINKEDIN: T I Fitouts Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: Dave Merriman, Director; Enda O’Brien, Director; Quentin Crinnigan, Operations Director; John Kelly, Technical Services Director; Noel Haverty, Surveying Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor, Fit-Outs.
T&I Fitouts is one of the leading fit-out contractors in the country, working across numerous sectors, such as commercial office, retail and hospitality, government works, data centres, healthcare, and pharma.
T&I’s diversity means it can offer a single delivery approach for its clients. From offices and labs to restaurants and hotels, it can service its clients’ needs with a multidisciplinary team in every sector.
T&I’s expertise in sustainability, carbon engineering, smart buildings, and Lean delivery ensures it is at the cutting edge of the sustainable future of the construction industry.
The contractor’s proactive and not reactive approach puts it at the forefront of fitout delivery in the country.
Its commitment to quality shines through in the projects it delivers, with multiple wins at this year’s Fitout Awards for hospitality, commercial office, education and commercial office works, as well as winning an ICE award for its work. This is recognition of the company’s and its team’s quality and dedication to excellence across all sectors.
T&I Fitouts never rests on its laurels and strives to be the best in the market, whether through the development of its own first-in-class software management systems specifically for fitouts, sustainability initiatives or the quality of its delivery. T&I Fitouts takes pride in continually improving client services across the board and, by extension, enhancing their end users’ experiences.
Advanced Technology Unit in Dundalk for Wasdell Europe Limited.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €51,250,000
ROI TURNOVER: €51,250,000
YEAR END: 31/03/2023
ADDRESS: Sansheen Business Campus, Strandhill Road, Sligo.
PHONE: 071 916 2206
WEB: www.kilcawleyconstruction.com
LINKEDIN: Kilcawley Construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Fergal Meagher, Managing Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contracting, Civil Engineering.
Kilcawley Construction is a family-owned business based in the north-west of Ireland, with its head office in Sligo and a regional office in Maynooth.
Established in 1934, Kilcawley celebrates 90 years in the Irish construction sector in 2024. The founders made “Excellence in Construction” their mission, which is still the business’s core philosophy today. The senior management team takes their business seriously, and the philosophy of Excellence in Construction is intrinsic to how the contractor approaches each and every project.
Kilcawley Construction provides a comprehensive construction service in various sectors, including commercial, educational, pharmaceutical, healthcare, hospitality, residential & energy, for public and private clients.
Its portfolio includes new construction, renovation and expansion, along with civil and infrastructural upgrades - integrating sustainable/LEED practices, utilising BIM and innovation to deliver successful, quality projects.
Recent projects include an €8m three-storey open plan commercial office building, with associated staff car parking spaces, hard and soft landscaping works at Athlone IDA Business & Technology Park; an ICE extension at Sligo University Hospital and the construction of an Advanced Technology Unit in Dundalk for Wasdell Europe Limited.
Over the past 90 years, Kilcawley has modernised and grown sustainably, having been restructured to meet the challenges of an ever-evolving Ireland and the needs of a modern marketplace.
Kilcawley Construction is committed to sound environmental performance by controlling the impacts that its activities have on the environment in accordance with good industry practice, and in line with its Safety and Quality Management Systems, has integrated Environmental Systems into its operations.
Greenhill Road residential development, Wicklow, for Wicklow County Council.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Unit 8 Clonard Village, Clonard, Wexford.
PHONE: 053 912 6000
WEB: www.clearydoyle.ie
LINKEDIN: ClearyDoyle
KEY EXECUTIVES: John P Doyle, Joint Managing Director; Brian Byrne, Joint Managing Director; Jim Lennon, Financial Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor.
ClearyDoyle is recognised and respected by clients, design teams and peers throughout the Irish construction industry. It has a long history of delivering high-quality construction projects over the past 60 years, spanning its principal commercial, residential, fit-out and conservation sectors.
ClearyDoyle offers a fresh perspective while focusing on its core values of quality, reliability and teamwork.
It is committed to the goals of the government’s Housing for All plan. It has delivered numerous A-rated residential developments for local authorities and housing bodies in the east and south-east of the country, as well as homes for private buyers.
Many of these residential projects are delivered under a Design & Build contract, where ClearyDoyle has excelled by building compliance samples of every element of the build, including interior and exterior features such as kitchens, bathrooms and wall buildups, as well as infrastructural elements such as water and wastewater pipework, paths, and electrical supply boxes and ducting. This innovative approach facilitates early sign-off, facilitating a more cost-effective and quicker build, and results in minimal waste being produced on site.
ClearyDoyle’s recently completed A-rated social and affordable housing projects include the Greenhill Road housing development, Wicklow, which won the ‘Judges Silver Award’ for Residential Developments at the Irish Construction Excellence Awards 2024; Cedar Court apartments, Bray; and Avondale housing, Rathdrum. In other sectors, its recent work includes Newbridge Business Centre renovation; the construction of a Trinity Hire outlet with a floor space of 1,180 sq metres in Wexford; and the construction of a new extension and upgrade of the existing Henkel R&D building in Tallaght.
ClearyDoyle is a member of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF), Construction Industry Register Ireland (CIRI), Irish Home Builders Association (IHBA), and the Master Buildings and Contractors Association (MBCA).
A common purpose motivates ClearDoyle’s experienced team of directors, project managers, site managers, engineers and quantity surveyors to deliver better projects for its clients;
The contractor’s strong and sustained revenue growth over the past number of years has enabled it to build its turnover capacity of €60m per annum.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Unit 13 Castlebar Retail Park, Breaffy Road, Castlebar, Co Mayo.
PHONE: 094 902 4663
WEB: www.shareridge.ie
LINKEDIN: Shareridge
KEY EXECUTIVES: Paul McNamara, CEO; Sergei Nemich, Operations Director; Joan Hanrahan, Finance Director; Gary Conlon, Contracts Director; Sarah Gallagher, HSQE Director; Tony Geraghty, Commercial Director; Alicia McNamara, HR Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contracting/Civil Engineering.
Shareridge, one of Ireland’s fastest-growing civil engineering firms, excels in water conservation, infrastructure development, urban revitalisation, and street refurbishment. Known for its modern approach and professionalism, the company has established itself as a leader in delivering complex, sustainable projects.
Notable current projects include the Windmill Hill Reservoir in Co Meath, enhancing regional water management, and the Ennis Public Realm Regeneration, which is revitalising urban spaces and upgrading existing services. Additionally, the Mill Road Active Travel Scheme in Limerick promotes safer and more sustainable transportation options through upgraded pathways and safety measures.
Shareridge plays a vital role in Uisce Éireann’s 21/050 Multi Supplier Framework, a national initiative for water and wastewater services that supports Uisce Éireann’s Network Capital Programmes. This includes managing water networks, new connections, and wastewater treatment, facilitating infrastructure growth and development across Ireland.
As part of this framework, Shareridge contributes significantly through various vital programmes:
• Leak Reduction Programme - Enhancing the efficiency and sustainability of the water supply network
• CDS – New Connections - Ensuring efficient service delivery and infrastructure expansion for new developments
• Wastewater Network: Upgrading and expanding wastewater treatment and disposal systems
Furthermore, Shareridge contributes to the Treated Water Storage (TWS) and Water Rationalisation Programmes, particularly the TWS East Midlands project, as part of Uisce Éireann’s Multi Supplier Framework for Sewer Rehabilitation and Civil Engineering Works.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: 9 Cookstown Industrial Estate, Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
PHONE: 01 466 5555
WEB: www.manningsgroup.com
LINKEDIN: Mannings Construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Colm Delamere, Managing Director; Ronan Quinn, Financial Director; Sinead Savage, Associate Director (Business Development); Trevor Drew, Associate Director (Estimating); Declan Brady, Associate Director (Health and Safety).
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor & Design Build Contractor.
Established in 1975, Mannings Construction Group is an innovative main contractor and design/build partner providing fast-track and value engineering solutions to clients throughout Ireland and the UK.
The firm operates across a range of sectors, including retail, logistics, technology, office, pharma, health, mixed-use and residential. It has the capacity to deliver projects ranging in value from €100,000 to €70m.
A large proportion of Mannings’ business stems from repeat orders from existing bluechip clients who value the company’s ability to consistently deliver projects within tighter timeframes without compromising on cost or quality.
Multi-storey carpark and retail units at the Crossings, Adamstown.
Royal Irish Academy of Music, Westland Row, Dublin. McKee Barracks Refurbishment, Dublin.
ROI TURNOVER: €€32,343,811
YEAR END: 31/03/2023
ADDRESS: Longraigue, Foulksmills, Co Wexford.
PHONE: 051 565 615
WEB: www.mythenconstruction.ie
LINKEDIN: Mythen Construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Billy Mythen, Managing Director; Maurice Mythen, Contracts Director; Leonard Daly, Commercial Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor.
YEAR END: 31/12/23
ADDRESS: 57 Briarhill Business Park, Ballybrit, Galway.
PHONE: 091 780800
WEB: www.purcell.ie
LINKEDIN: Purcell Construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Derek Timlin, Managing Director; Gerry Dolan, Construction Director; Alan Lawless, Construction Director; Maria O’Connor, Financial Director; Tom O’Sullivan, Estimating Director; Tom Whelan, Commercial Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor/General Contractor .
Employing over 85 people directly, Purcell Construction operates nationally with offices in Galway and Dublin.
Purcell Construction was established in 1988 and has since grown to become a leading contractor. Operating from its head office in Galway, with a regional office in Dublin, it has worked nationwide with some of Ireland’s leading design and project management teams, completing many prestigious and award-winning projects.
It is proud of its reputation as a people-focused, progressive and professional company with a high level of experience and expertise in the following sectors:
Civic, Amenity & Transport Conservation and Restoration Residential & Accommodation Healthcare Life Sciences Education Tourism and Leisure Commercial and Fit-out.
Purcell’s core objective is to meet and exceed its clients’ expectations, which is inherent in everything it does.
Established in 1994, Mythen Construction Ltd has grown to become a nationally recognised main contractor, completing hundreds of projects across all fields in both the public and private sectors, with project values ranging from €250,000.00 to €30m.
It has a reputation for ensuring every project is delivered safely, to the highest standards and in accordance with agreed programmes and budgets.
Mythen brings a unique energy and vision to every project, striving to deliver beyond customers’ expectations. In all of its undertakings, the principle of value for money, quality customer service and on-time completions have been applied to ensure a seamless project delivery for customers.
Its recently completed portfolio of work includes:
• The award-winning St Johns College Refurbishment & New Residential project – Waterford
• Award-winning Butler’s Gallery, Kilkenny
• Brewhouse Refurbishment & New Build Abbey Quarter, Kilkenny
• St David’s School, Greystones, Co Wicklow
• Oldtown Housing Development comprising 110 energy-efficient, quality homes in Naas, Co Kildare
• Martins Special School, Waterford
• 7,500-sq metre Nolan Transport Warehouse, Wexford
• Refurbishment of McKee Barracks, Dublin
• New Mortuary Building University Hospital, Waterford
• Kellys Hotel Resort – Ivy Function Room and associated bedrooms, Rosslare, Co Wexford.
Mythen Construction Limited is an A-rated Safe-T-certified company that operates with a total commitment towards health, safety and wellbeing. It is ISO 9001: 2015 registered for its management systems. It is also a member of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF) and Construction Industry Register Ireland (CIRI). It is also a National Irish Safety Organisation (NISO) member. Health, safety and welfare at work are major considerations in procuring and appointing its chain suppliers.
Mythen Construction also invests in technology to ensure that it offers the latest efficiencies throughout all aspects of each project from inception to final completion.
ROBBIE COUSINS, Editor, Irish Construction News, introduces the ‘Irish Construction News Top 20 Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Contractors 2024’ and explains how the list was compiled.
Irish Construction News is delighted to publish the Irish Construction News Top 20 Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Contractors 2024 listing. This is a snapshot of the overall Irish M&E sector at the end of 2023.
Irish mechanical, electrical, and process engineers continued to make significant strides domestically and internationally in 2023. A substantial portion of their income continues to be derived from overseas projects. This success is largely due to strong relationships forged with foreign direct investment clients in Ireland, who have subsequently required their expertise across Europe and further afield. Irish M&E contractors’ unique insights and capabilities in sectors such as data centres, life sciences, and pharmaceuticals are evidenced by their impressive delivery records.
Additionally, Irish M&E contractors have been at the forefront of innovation and sustainability, setting industry standards. Many have invested heavily in offsite fabrication facilities and are committed to maximising their teams’ potential through comprehensive in-house career and personal development programmes.
Ireland’s Top 20 M&E Contractors achieved a combined turnover of €5.75bn in 2023, marking a €550m increase from their €5.2bn overall turnover in 2022. They generated €3bn from domestic activities and €2.75bn from exported services.
The threshold for inclusion in this year’s Top 20 was just under €22m.
Foundation Media Ltd, the publisher of Irish Construction News and the constructionnews.ie, compiles the Irish Construction News Top 20 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Contractors Listing 2024.
Contractors are listed according to their overall turnover figure (combined Irish and international) for their last trading year. We record each company’s Republic of Ireland turnover and international turnover figure, where available. Turnover figures are sourced directly from contractors. Companies must have their primary business based in the Republic of Ireland to be included in the list.
Foundation Media contacted M&E contractors directly to request available turnover figures for the business year that concluded on 31 December 2023 or their business year-end that was closest to that date. All end-of-business-year dates are recorded in the entries.
The turnover figures requested must relate to Irish-based building contractors or Irish-based subsidiaries of foreign-based M&E contractors. Companies are also asked to return the overall turnover figures for business conducted in Ireland and internationally. This includes turnover related to direct overseas trade conducted by an Irish subsidiary of a foreign-based company. Each company making a return must have this return validated by a director of the business or accompanied by an auditor’s letter that verifies the returned figures. All returns received were checked and verified by the editor of Irish Construction News.
Rankings for inclusion in the Irish Construction News Top 20 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Contractors Listing 2024 are based on the overall turnover figures supplied.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
SECTOR: Specialist Contractor.
KEY EXECUTIVES: Eoin Vaughan, CEO; Frank Quirk, COO; Alan Gorman, Managing Director, Enterprise Data Centre Division; Alan Clinton, Managing Director, Data Centre and Building Services Division; Rory O’Brien, Managing Director, Critical Data Infrastructure Division; Gerry O’Donnell, Managing Director, Hyperscale Division; Tony Duddy, Managing Director, Life Sciences Division; Stephen O’Shea Managing Director, Semiconductor Ireland; Stefan Zoller, Managing Director, Semiconductor Germany; Colin Keane, Managing Director, Power.
ADDRESS: Mercury House, Ravens Rock Road, Sandyford Business Estate, Dublin 18, D18 XH79.
PHONE: 01 216 3000
WEB: www.mercuryeng.com
LINKEDIN: Mercury Engineering
FACEBOOK: Mercury Engineering
INSTAGRAM: Mercury Engineering
Mercury is the European leader in construction solutions. It builds and manages engineering and construction projects for the world’s leading corporations.
Its solutions help deliver technologies and life-changing advancements that connect people, communities, and businesses, giving them the power to achieve incredible things. Its people have the courage to be innovative. Their determination and sharp focus enable it to deliver with certainty, time and time again.
Mercury delivers its clients’ vision through leading-edge construction solutions. Its commitment to the client puts them at the centre of everything and positions it as a
strategic partner.
The company encourages and backs its people to realise their vision of themselves. It places them at the heart of what it does, providing challenging opportunities to develop within a great team in a supportive environment that allows them to reach their full potential.
Mercury goes beyond the call of duty with a bold promise that it will always deliver. This serious dedication turns clients into partners, people into teams, and builds relationships that thrive.
Over 2023, Mercury’s teams worked over 13.5 million hours across multiple complex sites in Europe and achieved its best safety performance in the past six years. Delivering this performance on its most important metric demonstrates its commitment to its anchor value, WorkSafe|HomeSafe.
At Mercury, safety is a mindset that underpins everything it does, and it will continue to promote this dedication across all of its projects.
Mercury is committed to its sustainability strategy with a focus on embedding the ESG requirements into its business model.
In 2023, it scored an overall ‘B’ from the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for
its carbon management practices. The CDP recognises the impact of Mercury’s coordinated efforts to tackle issues related to climate change.
Last year, the company partnered with
more than 60 organisations across Europe, contributing €420,000 to support in their journey to fight poverty, hunger, social and gender inequalities.
Mercury is committed to adopting and
promoting good corporate governance approaches across all its operations, guaranteeing a safe and sustainable environment for its clients, employees, value chain partners, and the communities in which it operates.
Mercury has evolved into a pan-European company operating in 16 countries with a diverse workforce of 3,000 people representing over 50 nationalities. As it continues to expand its workforce, diversify into increasingly complex technologies and deliver for its clients in the demanding data centre, semiconductor, and life sciences sectors, Mercury sees it as its duty to continue supporting its people to realise their vision. Only by building a dedicated, empowered workforce can Mercury continue to deliver and maintain its exemplary reputation wherever it goes.
Thanks to its people, it can make this happen.
We are an international specialist contractor providing fast track modular construction services to blue chip clients throughout Ireland, UK, Europe and the Middle East. We allow you to maximise the potential of your project through cutting edge design and manufacturing processes.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €1,027,000,000
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Jones Engineering House, 83 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4.
PHONE: 01 474 9800
WEB: www.joneseng.com
LINKEDIN: Jones Engineering
KEY EXECUTIVES: William Harrison, Chair; Stephen McCabe, CEO; Shane Gillece, COO.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical, Electrical, Process, Fire Protection Contractors, Offsite and Modular Construction.
Jones Engineering, headquartered in Dublin, is a global engineering contractor with extensive operations spanning Ireland, the UK, Europe, and the Middle East. Specialising in multidisciplined engineering contracts, the company offers a comprehensive range of engineering and building services across
various sectors, such as life sciences, hightech manufacturing, data centres, and renewable energy.
With a workforce exceeding 4,200, Jones Engineering is an equal opportunities employer committed to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of diversity and inclusivity within its workplace. The company’s rich history, dating back to 1890, reflects its enduring commitment to excellence, innovation, and talent development, underscored by the leadership of its experienced management team.
Embracing sustainability as a core value, Jones Engineering has established a responsible business framework aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through initiatives focusing on People, Planet, Products & Services and Community, the company aims to make a positive impact in areas such as health, economic growth, climate action and social equality.
Renowned for its diverse and skilled workforce, Jones Engineering leverages its global talent pool to undertake projects of any scale or complexity, adapting seamlessly to local requirements and exceeding client expectations.
As the company continues to expand its global footprint, it remains at the forefront of innovation, investing in research and development to deliver cutting-edge engineering solutions that address both current challenges and future needs.
Through its unwavering commitment to excellence, reliability, and client satisfaction, Jones Engineering has solidified its reputation as a trusted partner in the global engineering landscape, driving efficiency, sustainability and performance in projects worldwide.
Kirby Group Engineering is a privately owned Irish firm with an enduring reputation for delivering world-class projects and real value for its clients.
Started by Tom and Michael Kirby in Limerick in 1964, the company directly employs over 1,500 staff across Europe, with total revenues of more than €630m.
Kirby is a leading provider of mechanical and electrical engineering contracting services, as well as specialist power (high voltage (HV) and medium voltage (MV)) design and construction services, with clients across sectors including life sciences, industrial, power and renewables, and data centres.
Since its establishment 60 years ago, Kirby Group Engineering has consistently stayed true to its core values of ‘People’, ‘Safety’, ‘Quality’, ‘Delivery’ and ‘Value’.
Kirby provides its engineering and construction services to the world’s leading companies.
Some of the recent projects in Kirby’s portfolio include many large-scale leading-edge data centre projects for confidential clients, world-leading semiconductor projects and a number of major life science projects.
Within its power and renewables division, Kirby recently delivered key technologically advanced battery storage projects and numerous electrical substations, as well as work on key interconnector/ distribution projects.
Kirby has embraced the possibilities of digitalisation within engineering, using state-of-the-art 3D technology to facilitate off-site manufacturing wherever possible. This has enhanced quality and safety as well as offering a more efficient and cost-effective service to its valued clients.
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Raheen Business Park, Raheen, Limerick.
PHONE: 061 226060
WEB: www.kirbygroup.com
LINKEDIN: Kirby Group Engineering
KEY EXECUTIVES: Mark Flanagan, Chief Executive Officer; Jimmy Kirby, Executive Chairman; Henry McCann, Group Operations Director - Chief Executive Officer (Designate); Donal Lynch, Group Finance Director; Conor O’Brien, Group Commercial Director - Chief Commercial Officer (Designate); Aidan J Kerins, Group Business Development Director; John Grogan, Group Engineering Director - Chief Operations Officer (Designate); Derry McMahon, Company Secretary.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Specialist Power Design and Construction Services.
To run alongside other schemes for nurturing talent, such as its successful apprenticeship and graduate programmes, Kirby introduced a female bursary programme in 2022. The company has supported nine third level students so far from third-level institutions across Ireland as part of its ongoing drive towards gender diversity in the fields of engineering and construction. The bursary scheme was open to women studying electrical, mechanical or building services engineering. This offers academic scholarships, along with paid placements on some of Kirby’s international projects with mentorship and guidance from senior engineers.
Kirby has a strong history of leading community and charity projects. The annual Kirby Way Cycle has raised over €500,000 since it started in 2022. Participants from all levels within the company take part in the event that brings together colleagues and their families to raise money for good causes.
Continuing its tradition of supporting those in need, Kirby donated more than €130,000 to charities in Ireland and abroad last Christmas, with The Irish Cancer Society, UNICEF, The Society of St Vincent de Paul, the Irish Red Cross and Bird Watch Ireland benefiting from the donations.
Last year, Kirby opened its first office in the southern hemisphere, which executive chairman Jimmy Kirby was delighted to see: “We have grown steadily since 1964, and extending our operations to South Africa has been a progressive step in that growth. The Cape Town office has become an important part of how we deliver on our overall value proposition. It demonstrates the ambition of Kirby Group Engineering to continue our successful growth for many more exciting decades to come.”
Dornan Group is a leading mechanical, electrical, and HVAC engineering and construction company renowned for its exceptional projects across various sectors in Europe. The company’s primary focus lies in the data centre, life science and commercial sectors, which have shown significant growth.
Following Brexit, FDI in the UK is once again increasing and Dornan has several hyperscale data centre clients investing there. With over a decade of experience in this market, Dornan is well positioned to benefit. The company is also completing various hyperscale data centre projects in The Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark.
In the life sciences area, Dornan is working with Eli Lilly in Limerick, Fuji in Denmark, and Lonza and Bristol Myers Squibb in Switzerland. With a notable presence across various regions, Micheál O’Connor, Group Managing Director, also notes Dornan’s largestever European life science project, valued at over €150m, was secured this year.
Dornan expects revenues to hit €700m in 2024, doubling in size over four years, with a target of adding €100m in 2025. Dornan is actively hiring to expand various aspects of the business and enhance specific skill sets. To achieve this, Dornan has broadened its recruitment efforts to include regions beyond Europe, such as Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This strategy has proven successful in finding personnel who share Dornan’s work ethic and approach to construction and engineering.
At the core of Dornan’s operations lies a firm commitment to safety. Its exceptional teams, comprising talented and diligent professionals, consistently go above and beyond to uphold the highest safety standards in every project. Dornan was recently, nominated at the Health & Safety Excellence Awards 2024 in Dublin and shortlisted for the ‘Health & Safety Excellence Award - Construction (Large Organisation)’. Dedication and hard work ensure safety is always Dornan’s top priority. Its goal is to consistently deliver quality projects, embedding the highest standards of environmental, health and safety into its processes and fostering a rewarding work environment where its people thrive and can pursue their career goals.
Dornan is actively striving to attract young individuals and women
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: 10 Eastgate Avenue, Eastgate, Little Island, Cork.
PHONE: 021 233 0900
WEB: www.dornangroup.com
LINKEDIN: Dornan Engineering Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: Brian Acheson, Chief Executive Officer; Micheál O’ Connor, Group Managing Director; Joe Conway, Head of Business Development, Ireland.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical, HVAC & Electrical Installation.
Health & Safety Excellence Awards 2024.
Dornan Group was awarded the
to the industry through summer placements for college students. These placements familiarise students with the company’s culture and support them throughout their studies, aiming to recruit them upon graduation. Encouraging STEM pursuits, particularly among women, is a key focus. Micheál O’Connor comments: “We’re pleased to see more women on our sites and an increase in the number of young women pursuing apprenticeships.”
Dornan has invested heavily in the wellbeing of its staff in recent years – something that has not gone unnoticed by the wider world.
The company was awarded the ‘Best Place to Work’ accolade for 2024 in Ireland’s large organisation category, affirming its dedication to fostering a supportive and dynamic workplace. Additionally, Dornan’s emphasis on employee wellbeing earned it a Gold accreditation for ‘We Invest in Wellbeing’.
Micheál O’Connor highlights Dornan’s commitment to supporting employees in the demanding industry, emphasising the importance of creating an emotionally safe environment where individuals can thrive.
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Unit 9A Cleaboy Business Park, Old Kilmeaden Road, Waterford.
PHONE: 051 359500
WEB: www.suireng.ie
LINKEDIN: Suir Engineering
FACEBOOK: Suir Engineering
KEY EXECUTIVES: John Kelly, CEO; Brendan Moley, COO; Ronan Tyrrell, CFO; Patrick Aylward, Managing Director, Pharma and EP&R; Fintan McCleane, Commercial Director; Mark Duffy, Scandinavian Regional Director; Claire Cusack, HR Director; Andrew Norris, QEHS & Continuous Improvement Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Process Engineering.
As one of Ireland’s leading engineering services providers, Suir Engineering’s expertise focuses on four key sectors: pharmaceutical, food and beverage, energy, power & renewables and data centres.
This focused approached has contributed to the company’s strong 2023 financial performance, which saw revenues grow 41% year-over-year and returning a €429m turnover.
Suir Engineering’s success is underpinned by strong relationships with recurring customers, in Ireland and overseas. By meticulously analysing each client’s operations and requirements, Suir Engineering ensures tailored and sustainable solutions that consistently meet and indeed exceed customer expectations.
Established in Ireland in 1984, Suir Engineering has expanded its operations internationally, reaching countries such as
Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and, more recently, the UK and Finland. This global footprint allows the business to manage complex projects seamlessly, consistently delivering exceptional results.
Recent projects in Ireland have included the Castlelost Flexgen project in Co Westmeath, which will enhance electrical capacity during high-demand periods; STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) solutions to improve grid stability and power quality; and development of a production facility at Kilkenny Cheese Plant.
Projects in the UK include the Botly 50MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), which significantly bolstered energy storage infrastructure. The Suir Engineering team’s expertise also played a crucial role in data-
centre fit-outs in Germany, Denmark, and Sweden.
As Suir Engineering marks its 40th year in business in 2024, its commitment to quality, safety, and innovation has propelled the company to the forefront of the industry.
Under the guidance of CEO John Kelly, Suir Engineering remains committed to expansion with plans to increase its workforce from over 1,500 to more than 1,700 in 2024, which is central to the company’s overarching growth strategy.
ROI TURNOVER: €124M (Estimated)
YEAR-END: 31/03/2024
ADDRESS: Clyde House, IDA Blanchardstown Business and Technology Park, Snugborough Road, Dublin 15.
PHONE: 01 860 0520
WEB: www.designergrp.com
LINKEDIN: Designer Group
KEY EXECUTIVES: Michael Stone, CEO; Paul Nicholls, Managing Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical & Electrical Engineering, Process Engineering.
Founded in 1992, Designer Group, an Irish-owned electrical and mechanical company, has evolved from a local contractor to an international leader in engineering. Through strategic expansions and a commitment to operational excellence, the company has consistently delivered quality solutions worldwide, driven by innovation, people, and sustainability.
Twenty years ago, Designer Group expanded into the UK, marking the start of its international journey. This pivotal move was followed by a significant milestone in 2012 when the company delivered the International Broadcast Centre for the London Olympics. Over the next decade, Designer Group completed numerous award-winning projects, establishing itself as a trusted MEP contractor across the UK.
Continuing this path, Designer Group extended its services to Africa in 2013 and to Mexico in later years.
Collaborating with Diageo and Tullow Oil, the company delivered sustainable programmes that upgraded facilities in
Kenya, Uganda, and Mexico. These projects not only aligned with clients’ sustainability policies but also enhanced operational efficiency and environmental responsibility.
The company’s expansion into Europe further demonstrated its growth. Designer Group constructed data centres in Norway and Sweden, incorporating innovative snowmelt technology to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact. In a short space of time Designer Group have delivered over 50MW of DC space in Europe, highlighting its sector adaptability and commitment to deliver fast-paced projects.
To maintain its leadership in the M&E sector, Designer Group continuously reviews and refines its operations. This commitment to excellence is evident in the company’s recent ‘Operational Excellence’ journey, which ensures precision and high standards
in every project. Workshops and training programmes are integral to Designer Group’s approach, fostering continuous improvement and professional development. This ensures meticulous attention to detail and a reliable management team focused on clients’ needs. The company’s commitment to innovation, inclusion and investment in its people is central to its strategy, enabling it to stay ahead in a competitive market.
Designer Group has also embraced modular solutions and off-site manufacturing (OSM) to enhance efficiency and quality. By prefabricating components in a controlled environment, the company minimises on-site disruption, reduces waste, and accelerates project timelines.
Designer Group’s dual focus on sustainability addresses both internal and external aspects. Internally, the company has implemented a comprehensive sustainability policy to minimise its environmental footprint, reduce energy consumption, and manage resources responsibly.
Externally, Designer Group ensures clients’ projects meet high standards of quality and efficiency while integrating sustainable practices. By prioritising operational efficiency and environmental considerations in every stage of project planning and execution, the company helps clients achieve their sustainability goals. By continuously innovating and investing in its people, Designer Group is well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of clients and address future challenges in the industry.
ROI TURNOVER: €115,873,641
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Block10a, Cleaboy Business Park, Old Kilmeaden Road, Waterford.
PHONE: 051 508 009
WEB: www.stsgroup.ie
LINKEDIN: Specialist Technical Services (STS Group)
INSTAGRAM: @stsgroup
KEY EXECUTIVES: Richie Hogan, Managing Director; Liam Linehan, Business Development Director; Terry Kelleher, Finance Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Electrical and Instrumentation Installation Contractor.
STS Group continues to be one of Ireland’s leading electrical and instrumentation installation contractors, with over 1,600 employees working on some of the world’s most prestigious projects in the life sciences, data centre, transmission and distribution, and food and beverage sectors.
Repeat business remains a key driver to the company’s success, coupled with the addition of new clients and regions over the past 12 months.
Sectorally, the data centre market has remained stable, with clients pushing ahead to build additional phases across existing campuses along with new developments domestically and internationally. The life sciences sector continues to grow with 2023 consisting of investment in both new production facilities and capacity expansion programmes throughout mainland Europe. 2023 saw the company commence work on its first project in Denmark for an internationally renowned contract development and manufacturing organisation (CDMO) in the life sciences sector, which STS is progressing across 2024.
STS offers excellent career progression opportunities alongside tailored professional development and training to support employees to grow in field and office-based roles. The company is also one of the largest employers of electrical apprentices in the south east of Ireland with over 230 apprentices currently employed across Ireland, Europe, and the Middle East.
YEAR-END: 31/07/2023
ADDRESS: Dungarvan, Co Waterford.
PHONE: 058 41199
WEB: www.radleyeng.com
LINKEDIN: Radley Engineering Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: John Radley, Managing Director; Thomas Radley, Managing Director; Brian Gill, Finance Director; Kevin Walsh, General Manager/Director; Caimin Radley, Projects Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical Manufacturing, Fabrication, and Installation.
Founded in 1972, Radley Engineering is one of Ireland’s leading mechanical engineering companies.
Radley Engineering has a track record in delivering projects across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, oil/gas, pharmaceutical, biopharma and food/dairy.
Radley’s wide range of services includes:
• Process and utility pipework fabrication and installation
• Process equipment rigging and installation services.
• Process vessel design, manufacture, and installation.
• High purity systems, including passivation and soft part change out
• Off-site manufacturing (OSM)
• Managing multi-disciplined subcontractors, including HVAC, scaffolding, cranage, insulation, painting, NDT, etc
• Commissioning support.
• Design and engineering
Radley Engineering is a customer-focused company that has delivered and continues to deliver critical projects to its clients. Its
Radley Engineering’s fabrication works in Dungarvan.
client list includes many leading multinational corporations with whom it collaborates on design and engineering through early contract engagement.
Radley Engineering encourages and promotes early contractor engagement, modular design, and an integrated project delivery (IPD) approach by offering modular construction experience to maximise off-site manufacturing (OSM) opportunities for its clients.
Its goal is to enhance safety, quality, cost and scheduling during the construction and turnover phase of clients’ projects.
Most of Radley Engineering’s business comes from repeat clients in Ireland and Europe. Recent large-scale projects include pharmaceutical projects for Eli-Lilly in Kinsale, Bio-Cork in Ringaskiddy, and MSD at its Carlow and Ballydine sites.
King & Moffatt Building Services is an award-winning international mechanical and electrical contractor with over 45 years of experience delivering excellence. The contractor has its own in-house MEP Design and BIM teams and a dedicated 40,000-sq foot offsite prefabrication facility.
This past year has seen many exciting and new developments for the company. It has expanded its Carrick on Shannon headquarters, adding a new floor of office space to accommodate its growing team. It also has invested in further developing its offsite prefabrication facility and training facilities, and it opened new offices in Frankfurt and Wolverhampton to facilitate its international growth.
In Ireland, King & Moffatt has continued to be involved in highprofile mechanical and electrical projects such as Project Loco, Athy; Smyth’s Distribution Centre, Dundalk; Technimark facility, Longford; Quantum Business Park, Dublin; Bonham Quay, Galway; and a Domino’s production facility, Naas.
King & Moffatt has delivered a number of key projects in the UK in the past year, including LIDL RDC Luton, which was King & Moffatt’s largest project to date, as well as HelloFresh in SmartParc, Derby; and OICP Bristol for Oxford Instruments.
It also has several major projects in its pipeline in the UK for the next year, including Three Chamberlain Square; Kettering General Hospital; Amazon, Hull; Greggs, SmartParc Derby; Telehouse Docklands, and LIDL Belvedere RDC.
King & Moffatt has also been active on multiple data centre sites in
TOTAL TURNOVER: €123,640,000
ROI TURNOVER: €53,290,000
YEAR-END: 30/06/23
ADDRESS: Attirory Business Park, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim.
PHONE: 071 962 0378
WEB: www.kingmoffatt.com
LINKEDIN: King and Moffatt Group X (FORMERLY TWITTER): king_moffatt
KEY EXECUTIVES: Pat King, Group Co-CEO; Brendan Sweeney, Group Co-CEO.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Design, Installation and Maintenance of Mechanical and Electrical Services, Offsite Prefabrication.
Frankfurt in the past year, and it has several new large-scale projects starting in Germany and the Netherlands.
To this end, it has continued to grow its local teams on the ground in mainland Europe, which has served the company well as it continues to expand in the market. It has also expanded internationally in the past months and will deliver a project in North America for the first time this year in Toronto, Canada.
King & Moffatt has been recognised with several awards in the past year, including the “Digital Transformation” award at the Sisk Awards 2023 in November. The award not only demonstrated its ability to embrace and develop cutting-edge digital solutions but also celebrated how it has worked closely and collaboratively with key client John Sisk & Son over the past decade.
King & Moffatt’s BIM team was shortlisted in the “BIM Excellence” category at the Irish Construction Excellence Awards 2024 for its work on Bristol OICP.
King & Moffatt was also recognised for its commitment to Health & Safety, winning the “Regional North West” award and the “Consistent High Achiever” award at the NISO Awards, as well as the RoSPA Gold Award in the UK. The contractor also was shortlisted for its efforts in Sustainability in the Green Awards 2023.
Founded in 1979, MSL Engineering Ltd is a full-service mechanical engineering contractor operating across a wide range of industry sectors. With over 40 years of construction and engineering expertise and a flexible project management approach, MSL delivers best-in-class projects utilising BIM and modular fabrication processes to the highest standards of workmanship, safety, quality and reliability.
MSL Engineering specialises in the fabrication and installation of process, utility and high-purity pipework, platforms and steelwork, and equipment installation across many industry sectors.
MSL’s services offering includes modular fabrication and assemblies, managing multi-discipline subcontractors including HVAC, scaffold, craneage, insulation, painting, NDT, etc, while utilising BIM and 3D modelling design processes.
With a workforce of over 700 people, MSL has grown to become one of the leading players in an industry that has seen parallel growth in the pharmaceutical, biopharma, semiconductor, chemical, oil and gas, energy, data centre and food & beverage sectors.
Originally established to provide craft support to the fledgling but now defunct NET plant in Marino Point, Cork, over time, the business expanded its client base and developed a reputation for reliability, engineering excellence, and the ability to get the job done.
Retaining the roots of the original founders of the business, the company is a wholly owned Irish entity, and it has organically evolved from providing support services to local industry to a position where it now competes successfully for large-scale engineering projects and provides a full range of engineering and constructability solutions to clients throughout Ireland, the UK, Europe and the US.
Working in inherently hazardous industries, the business has always taken an uncompromising approach to safety. This can be seen in its high standards and long-standing safety record, its ISO45001accredited safety management system and its behavioural safetybased systems of work.
YEAR-END: 31/03/2023
ADDRESS: Kingport Business Park, Ringaskiddy, Co Cork.
PHONE: 021 451 3550
WEB: www.mslengineering.ie
LINKEDIN: MSL Engineering Ltd
X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @mslengineering
YOUTUBE: MSL Engineering
KEY EXECUTIVES: Brian McGrath, Managing Director; Leonard Cronin, Operations Director; Kevin O Sullivan, Commercial Director; Dave Ronan, Projects Director; Conor McGrath, Production Director; Richard Lane, Chief Financial Officer; Dermot Connolly, Systems & Procurement Director; Pat O’Flynn, EHS Director; Orla McGrath, HR Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical Engineers and Contractors.
MSL’s desire to continuously improve to stay ahead of the competitive curve has led it to identify and invest in new business processes in recent years. As a result, the company significantly increased turnover and expanded its area of operation to include the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, and Denmark.
MSL encourages and promotes early contractor engagement and an integrated project delivery (IPD) approach by offering modular design and modular construction experience to maximise offsite manufacturing and fabrication (OSM) opportunities for clients.
The company’s investment in digital technologies means MSL continuously improves its BIM offering to clients and its digital project delivery (DPD) capabilities.
Reflecting strong growth, MSL has invested in a modern 140,000-sq-foot fabrication facility in Ringaskiddy, Co Cork. This facility, adjacent to the newly relocated Port of Cork, includes a largescale modular fabrication workshop, a piping fabrication workshop and an 8,000-sq-foot clean piping workshop. This enables MSL to continue to service all its existing clients and expand and develop relationships with new clients in Ireland and abroad.
Brian McGrath, Managing Director, MSL, comments, “Our focus in developing a standard of performance is to ensure all MSL personnel are empowered to achieve their full potential and are recognised for doing so. Our performance standard defines how well each function or task must be performed in order to meet or exceed expectations, thus ensuring our standards are best in class.”
With continued growth, a new modern fabrication facility, ISOaccredited management systems in Safety (ISO45001), Quality (ISO9001), and Environmental (ISO18001), and investment in new innovative business processes, MSL Engineering Ltd continues to challenge itself to deliver the highest standard of service that its clients require.
BMD cleanroom facility.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: 8 Eastgate Avenue, Little Island, Cork, T45NF24.
PHONE: 021 486 9500
WEB: www.bmd.ie
KEY EXECUTIVES: Kevin McCarthy, Managing Director; Paul Keegan, Offsite Manufacturing Director; Kieran Murphy, Director, Munster Region; Kevin McKiernan, Director, Eastern Region; Dominic O’Sullivan, Engineering Director Kieran Horgan, Finance Director/Company Secretary; Frank O’Keeffe, Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Process Mechanical Contractor.
Founded in 1974, this year marks BMD & Company Limited’s 50th year in business as one of Ireland’s leading process mechanical engineering contractors. BMD has a track record of consistently delivering projects to the highest safety and quality standards across a wide range of industries, including the life sciences, semiconductor and chemicals sectors.
BMD provides a comprehensive service offering across the full lifecycle. Services include but are not limited to:
• Preconstruction studies
• Mechanical design services (LOD 200 to LOD 500)
• Process equipment rigging and installation services
• Process and utility pipework fabrication and installation
• High-purity systems and specialist services, including passivation
• Off-site manufacturing (OSM)
• Production and utility plant maintenance services
BMD’s customers include many leading multinational corporations. It also collaborates with its customers’ design and engineering partners on early engagement construction activities to accelerate project programmes through the optimal application of OSM via prefabricated modular racks, pre-assembled units, and prefabricated elements.
BMD continues to experience strong growth across the sectors it serves. One of the highlights of 2023 was BMD’s ability to accelerate growth in its capacity to deliver projects of significant scale in multiple sectors while continuously improving the standard of services delivered.
Even with a challenging labour market, BMD has seen significant growth in its staff numbers. It is delighted to see so many talented and ambitious people choosing BMD to continue their career progression.
As a sign of its continued growth and ambitions, in March 2024, BMD announced the opening of an office at Carrig House, Raheen Industrial Estate, Limerick, to add to previously opened offices in Cork and Dublin. BMD’s Limerick team looks forward to building long-term partnerships with customers in the western region.
Complex mechanical/process works for a KDP manufacturing facility in Newbridge.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: 16 Fonthill Industrial Park, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.
PHONE: 01 626 1144
WEB: www.leolynch.com
KEY EXECUTIVES: Philip Smith, Managing Director; Karl Brennan, Finance Director; Trevor McPhillips, Commercial Director; Brian Priestley, Engineering Director; Michael O’Hara, Sales & Marketing Director; Shane Gillece (Jnr), Operations Director; Sam McGill, Operations Director UK; Christie Idemudia, HR Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical & Process Engineering Services.
Leo Lynch is a specialist mechanical and process engineering contractor. Founded in 1956, It has decades of experience delivering high-performing construction solutions to the world’s most dynamic industries and clients. Committed to continuous improvement and innovation, it consistently provides exceptional quality and industry-leading engineering solutions at pace and scale.
Approaching 70 years in business, the foundations of the company are the enduring client relationships based on the quality of Leo Lynch’s performance working to the most exacting global standards. At the heart of this approach is building strong and highly valued partnerships with all its clients by delivering safe, good-value, and outstanding quality projects and demonstrating commitment, flexibility, and care in everything the contractor does.
Leo Lynch’s proud heritage as a family business still informs its culture today. It attributes much of its success to continuing to take personal ownership of projects and actively nurturing collaborative, cohesive teams.
Leo Lynch operates at the forefront of best industry practice. It is an ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 accredited company, and its health and safety management system operates in accordance with the Safe-T-Cert system. It is also an active member of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF).
With its skilled technical resources, extensive experience and proven track record working successfully in highly challenging operational environments, it is involved in delivering some of the world’s most complex projects.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €72,976,000
ROI TURNOVER: €36,978,000
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Dartmouth House, Kylemore Road, Dublin 10.
PHONE: 01 460 1556
WEB: www.lynskeyeng.ie
LINKEDIN: Lynskey Engineering Ltd
KEY EXECUTIVES: Sean McElligott, Managing Director; Kevin Carolan, Company Secretary; John Brierton, Director; Bernard Corrigan, Director; Noel Gavin, Director; Eamonn Heery, Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical Engineering.
Lynskey Engineering Ltd, founded in 1964, is one of Ireland’s leading mechanical engineering contractors. It has a reputation for quality installations delivered on time and within budget.
Lynskey operates on the basis of delivering quality design, construction, installation and maintenance of mechanical systems within Ireland and mainland Europe, and in the process, building sustainable relationships with clients, its supply chain, employees and site teams to deliver class-leading projects in a spirit of cooperation.
Lynskey Engineering provides services to a broad range of sectors, including data centres, industrial facilities, commercial developments, retail, healthcare and hotels.
In 2023, overseas work took place in the UK, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and France. In Germany, Lynskey has undertaken some of its largest projects and has had a continuous presence there since 2010.
The company completed a 27MW data centre in Frankfurt at the end of 2023 and has commenced another data centre in the region, this time 20MW.
Recently completed projects include data centres in Ireland, Germany and the UK; retail stores in France, Slovakia and Hungry; and an innovation and manufacturing facility for INTEGER’s medical devices campus in Galway.
Current projects include a power generation plant in Dublin; data centres in Ireland, Germany and the UK; retail stores in Italy, the Czech Republic and the UK; Blackrock Clinic extensions; and various fit-outs at The National Children’s Hospital.
As part of an industry move towards modern methods of construction (MMC), the proportion of Lynskey projects being undertaken off site is increasing. Off-site fabrication is yielding improvements in the timescales for project delivery, while quality is also being improved.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €46,502,840
ROI TURNOVER: €46,502,840
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Unit 1 The Business Centre, Stadium Business Park, Ballycoolin Road, Dublin 11.
PHONE: 01 882 9700
WEB: www.cjkengineering.ie
INSTAGRAM: cjk.eng
FACEBOOK: CJK Engineering
KEY EXECUTIVES & JOB TITLES: Vincent Bruen, Managing Director; Conor Kearney, Executive Director; Tom Coyne, Construction Director; Dave Flanagan, Construction Director; Des McCarthy, Construction Director; Aidan Lee, Construction Director; Paul Carberry, Commercial Director; Eamonn Thornton, Operations Director; Aidan Bird, Pre-Construction Director; Colm Maher, Mechanical Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation Contractors.
CJK is an Irish-owned mechanical and electrical services contractor established in 1998. Based in Dublin, the company has steadily expanded its operations over the past 24 years and employs 350 people.
With a projected turnover of €69m for 2024, CJK’s success results from its dedication to building lasting relationships and a commitment to excellence in the data centre, industrial, pharmaceutical, aviation, educational, public and commercial sectors. It partners with private clients, electrical consulting engineers, building contractors, architects and quantity surveyors to deliver best-in-class mechanical and electrical services.
CJK’s portfolio of recent projects includes the completion and ongoing works of several pharmaceutical, data centre, industrial and commercial projects for clients Amgen, Astellas, MSD and Takeda, as well as works for Dublin Airport, Pinterest, Facebook, Beaumont Hospital, and the OPW.
CJK is led by a multidisciplinary senior management team from diverse backgrounds, steered by managing director Vincent Bruen. They embody CJK’s values and are committed to attracting, retaining and progressing talent within CJK.
CJK lives by its values - People, Respect, Energy, Quality and Knowledge – which form the foundation of how its management team grows the organisation. As a result, CJK has a reputation for its unique culture underpinned by its commitment to its employees.
Bonham Quay, Galway.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €41,930,189
ROI TURNOVER: €41,930,189
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: East Point Business Pk, Dublin Rd, Loughrea, Co Galway.
PHONE: 091 880340
WEB: www.doconnor.ie
KEY EXECUTIVES: Dominic O’Connor, Managing Director; Mike Martyn, Operations Director; David Twomey, Commercial Director; Keith O’Connor, Estimating Director; Tony O’Dowd, Contracts Director; Frank Beechinor, Pre-Construction Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical Services.
Established in 1999, Dominic O’Connor Ltd has built a solid reputation for specialist commercial and industrial engineering services in the building industry. The company has worked on prestigious projects involving complex steam, water, air, and heating installations. It also has a maintenance division for a full range of mechanical services.
With extensive experience in design and installation, Dominic O’Connor manages projects from initial planning and estimation to completion. It provides services on a nationwide basis, and has completed projects for major contractors and businesses in every county.
Dominic O’Connor supports client design teams and builders across regions and recently opened a regional office in Wilton, Cork, to complement its head office in Loughrea, Co Galway. Its skilled team provides mechanical services to new builds and existing buildings, including hospitals, pharmaceutical plants, hotels, and commercial properties. The company is fully certified under the Safe-T-Cert scheme and holds ISO9001, ISO14001, and ISO45001 certifications.
Dominic O’Connor has extensive experience in educational, healthcare, pharmaceutical, commercial, and residential buildings nationwide. Recent notable projects include Meira GTX, Croom Hospital Operating Theatres and ward beds, Mercy University Hospital Operating Theatres and ward beds, Limerick ETTS, NUIG student accommodation, Bonham Quay, and Carrigaline Nursing Home.
The company has a solid workload in decarbonising public buildings for the HSE & DOE, including projects at Croom Hospital, Scoil Chuimsitheach Chiaráin, St Anne’s Killaloe, Cornafulla NS, Catherine McCauley Limerick, and Scoil Mhuire Abbeyleix. It acted as the main contractor and PSCS while completing mechanical works on these projects.
In 2023, Dominic O’Connor was nominated for two Irish Building & Design Awards: ‘Retrofitting/Renovation Project of the Year’ for Scoil Mhuire, Abbeyleix, and ‘Lean Construction Initiative of the Year’.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Clogheen Business Park, Blarney Road, Cork .
PHONE: 021 421 1000
WEB: www.rockwell.ie
LINKEDIN: Rockwell Engineering
FACEBOOK: Rockwell Engineering
INSTAGRAM: Rockwell Engineering
KEY EXECUTIVES: Garret Murphy, Managing Director; Sean Little, Director of Operations; Conor Hennessey, Strategy and Development Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.
Rockwell is a trusted delivery partner for design, installation and commissioning of HVAC, utility, pipework, and decarbonisation solutions across all industries.
Spending much of its 40-year history as a mechanical subcontractor, Rockwell has cemented its place as an industry leader. It has completed and continues to deliver large-scale projects to many of the blue-chip pharmaceutical, life science and technology companies that establish production and research facilities in Ireland. These include Eli Lilly, Pfizer, and Stryker, to name a few.
In the latter stages of 2023, long-time managing director Martin Conheady handed over control to his successor, Garret Murphy, who brings over 20 years of experience to Rockwell, having overseen large-scale construction programmes for national, multi-national, and semi-state organisations.
Garret Murphy is not the only addition to Rockwell’s senior leadership team. Sean Little joins the Cork firm as director of operations, and Conor Hennessey joins as the company’s inaugural strategy and development director.
Rockwell’s new senior leadership team is focused on company growth and expansion over the next five or so years, and the company is already trending in that direction. In 2023, Rockwell saw a 20% increase in turnover and a 30% increase in headcount.
Also, in 2023, Rockwell began a significant marketing effort reinforcing its identity across all of its sectors of excellence, culminating in a rebranding process in early 2024.
YEAR END: 31/08/2023
ADDRESS: Clonlara House, Clonlara Road, Baldonnell Business Park, Dublin 22.
PHONE: 01 413 1000
WEB: www.tritech.ie
LINKEDIN: Tritech Group
KEY EXECUTIVES: Joe Delaney, Managing Director; Peter Keane, Maintenance & QEHS Director; Fergal Reilly, Electrical Director; Chris Duffy, Electrical Operations Director; Stephen Keane, Mechanical Operations Director; Barry Kennedy, Commercial Director; Rory Daly, Construction Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical, Electrical and Maintenance Engineering Contracting.
Tritech is a mechanical, electrical and maintenance contractor founded in 1999.
The company has a reputation for providing specialist mechanical and electrical engineering services, reflected in its strong year-on-year growth.
Having ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System accreditation across all service divisions has enabled it to demonstrate that it has an independently verified and structured approach to completing projects to the highest standards.
Tritech continually evaluates new products, technologies and innovative solutions in service execution to exceed expectations while delivering quality and value.
The company’s success is based on the extensive experience of its highly skilled staff.
The senior management team, many of whom have come through the Tritech system, nurtures a corporate culture that respects and embraces diversity and facilitates each employee in becoming the best at what they do and a respected member of the Tritech family. To this end, Tritech also provides continuing professional development for its staff through accredited training courses.
Tritech managing director Joe Delaney says that Tritech’s mission is to deliver complex engineering projects that deliver on building optimisation. “We do this while, at the same time, building strong relationships with our clients and forging solid working partnerships with design team members and real estate professionals.”
He continues, “What keeps this two-pronged mission on course are our five guiding principles: People, Process, Performance, Partnering and Prevention. The first of the five Ps - People - is the most important part of our business. Without the trust and respect of our clients, our partners, and most importantly, our staff, we could not do what we do so well.”
Recent projects completed by Tritech include the expansion of the Integer facility at Project Dunbrody; mission-critical data centre for Elavon; Cat A and Cat B office fit-out of Etsy EMEA offices, Chancery Lane, Dublin 8.
Weltec Engineering was the mechanical contractor on Bausch and Lomb’s Area 10 project in Waterford.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €34,409,504
ROI TURNOVER: €34,409,504
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Six Cross Roads Business Park, Waterford.
PHONE: 051 594000
WEB: www.weltec.ie
LINKEDIN: Weltec Engineering. X (FORMERLY TWITTER): @WeltecEng
KEY EXECUTIVES: Ger O’Leary, Managing Director; Shane Ryan, Operations Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical, Electrical, Process Engineering.
Weltec Engineering, established in Waterford in 2000, is a leading mechanical, electrical, and process engineering company on target for a turnover of €40m this year.
Founded by engineers who take a hands-on approach in its management, it specialises in M&E services to the pharma, medtech, life sciences, and advanced technology sectors.
Weltec is focused on delivering quality projects safely, on time and within budget. It has been recognised year after year with Health & Safety awards, including being the first M&E contractor to win the All-Ireland Presidents Safety Award twice in three years and the overall All-Ireland Bronze Award twice, including most recently in 2023.
Using BIM and virtual design and construction (VDC), Weltec engineering enhances project efficiency and communication. It offers off-site fabrication with advanced 3D modelling and modular construction, reducing timelines and improving safety and quality. It has a variety of specialist workshops that cater to clients’ requirements, improve productivity, and maximise quality in a controlled environment.
Weltec recognises the responsibility placed upon all of us to protect and enhance the environment for future generations and understands the vital role it has to play to help ensure the long-term sustainability of the construction industry. Its progress in sustainability has been recognised with recent NSAI 5001 Energy Management certification, which adds to its existing ISO 14001 Environment Management certification.
It is also a member of the recently established Supply Chain Sustainability School Ireland and supports local community organisations in the areas in which it works. Many of these organisations have strong links to team members, giving Weltec a greater social connection than fundraising alone can do.
Weltec Engineering is proud to have a diverse and inclusive workplace that values the contributions of all its employees. It has received the Investors in Diversity Bronze award and actively promotes greater female participation in the construction industry.
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: T22 Maple Avenue, Stillorgan Industrial Park, Co Dublin.
PHONE: 01 295 2721
WEB: www.tbourke.com
LINKEDIN: T Bourke & Co Limited
KEY EXECUTIVES: Niall Bourke, Managing Director; David Bourke, Director; David Doherty, Business Development Director; Patrick O’Reilly, Finance Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering.
TBourke is one of Ireland’s leading mechanical and electrical services contractors. Established in 1968, the company has a reputation for high-quality installations and has experience across all industry sectors, from residential and commercial to process and pharma. Its client list and experience cover national institutions and international customers. The company operates out of bases in Dublin and Limerick.
T Bourke has built up an enviable reputation for quality services and has successfully undertaken many major projects in the areas of mechanical services, air conditioning, electrical services and process engineering for commercial, industrial, pharmaceutical and medical clients.
The company’s success is based on the extensive experience of its quality, technical and project management staff. It ensures a continuation of the high standards of service offered to clients by a process of constant training and improvement of staff and the company’s quality system.
T Bourke was involved in the recent deep retrofit of Tom Johnson House in Dublin, which saw the government offices as a Public Sector Retrofit Pathfinder Project. T Bourke carried out the original project in the 1970s and was delighted to be involved in this transformative redevelopment of such a building.
This installation included multifunction chiller heat pumps, an automated façade providing natural ventilation and a solar PV array. The BER rating is expected to be A2, with a 40% reduction in annual energy costs. The building will be an asset for the OPW for many years.
TOTAL TURNOVER: €21,930,549
ROI TURNOVER: €21,930,549
YEAR END: 31/12/2023
ADDRESS: Unit 9, Whitestown Business Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
PHONE: 01 413 3828
WEB: www.mastertech.ie
LINKEDIN: Mastertech Group
KEY EXECUTIVES: Shay McConnell, Joint Managing Director; Aidan Conway, Joint Managing Director; Barry Smith, Director, Mastertech MEP; Aidan Elliffe, Director, Mastertech HVAC; David Conway, Director, Mastertech HVAC; Paul Kane, Head of Commercial Development; Jonathan O’Neill, Financial Controller.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Mechanical & Electrical Engineering.
The Mastertech story dates back to 1989 when Masterair Services was founded to offer an air-handling maintenance service for plant assets manufactured by Masterair Sales Ltd. Over time, it expanded its team of technicians through a wellstructured apprentice programme. As demand for services increased, the company also grew its service offering.
In 2015, after a management buyout led by joint managing directors Shay McConnell and Aidan Conway, the company rebranded to Mastertech, a brand that is now widely recognised across the industry.
Mastertech specialises in installing and maintaining heating, cooling, and ventilation systems for various sectors such as commercial and industrial buildings, data centres, education, and medical facilities. With a team of over 150 people, the company has over 40 apprentices in plumbing, mechanical, electrical, air conditioning, and refrigeration.
Through valued clients, it has key projects across data centre, retail, hospitality and healthcare sectors.
Recent projects include the Marker Hotel in Dublin’s docklands, where a focus on system efficiency and sustainability was key. Mastertech has also worked extensively for Carton House, conducting a complete mechanical and electrical upgrade, which also includes a service and maintenance contract.
Mastertech Group, a member of the CIF, achieved notable milestones in 2023 across the group. These included winning Specialist FM Service Provider at the National FM Awards.
Mastertech also launched a Sustainable Solutions Division, which specialises in the specification and installation of solar PV and electric vehicle (EV) chargers.
The contractor’s goal for expansion includes partnerships with leading international brands and partners to promote sustainable solutions.
12 Ellott Group €215,000,000 €150,000,000 €65,000,000
13 Conack Construction
14 Wills Bros €185,000,000
18 Vision Contracting
19 Duggan Brothers (Contractors) Ltd
20 Monami Construction
23 Townmore Construction
24 ABM Group
25 Ganson Building & Civil Eng Contractors Ltd
26 Gem Construction Company Limited
€119,000,000 €119,000,000 –
27 Clancy Construction €76,000,000
28 Clonmel Enterprises Ltd
29 Stewart Construction
€73,000,000 €24,000,000
€66,000,000 €66,000,000
30 MMD Construction €62,600,000
31 David Flynn Limited €61,191,277 €60,750,000 €441,277
32 Townlink Construction Ltd
33 Arkil Holdings Ltd (Arkil Ltd, Plant Hire Ltd)
34 T&I Fitouts Ltd
35 Kilcawley Construction
36 ClearyDoyle
37 Shareridge Civil Engineering
38 Mannings Construction
39 Purcell Construction
40 Mythen Construction Ltd
€53,010,000 €30,000
€51,250,000 €51,250,000
€50,000,000 €50,000,000
€49,800,000 €49,800,000
€48,000,000 €30,000,000 €18,000,000
1 Sisk
2 Jones Engineering Group
3 Walls Construction Ltd
4 John Paul Construction
5 Winthrop Technologies Ltd
6 BAM Ireland
7 PJ Hegarty & Sons UC
8 Kirby Group Engineering
9 Mercury Engineering
10 Suir Engineering Ltd
11 Bennett (Construction) Ltd
12 JJ Rhatigan & Company
13 Murphy
14 Collen Construction
15 Conack Construction ULC
16 Radley Engineering Ltd.
17 Ellott Group
18 Wills Bros
19 Ardmac
20 Dornan Group
20 Designer Group
22 Vision Contracting
23 Flynn
24 Duggan Brothers (Contractors) Ltd
25 Monami Construction
26 STS Group
27 Jons Civil Engineering Company Ltd
28 Glanua
29 Coffey
30 MSL Engineering Ltd
31 Gem Construction Company Limited
32 BMD & Company Ltd
33 Townmore Construction
34 Clancy Construction
35 Ganson Building & Civil Eng Contractors Ltd
36 ABM Group
37 Clonmel Enterprises Ltd
38 Stewart Construction
39 LeoLynch
40 MMD Construction
41 David Flynn Limited
42 Townlink Construction Ltd
43 King & Moffatt Building Services
44 Arkil Holdings Ltd (Arkil Ltd, Plant Hire Ltd)
45 T&I Fitouts Ltd
46 Kilcawley Construction
47 ClearyDoyle
48 Shareridge Civil Engineering
49 CJK
50 Purcell Construction
€1,394,800,000 General Building
€578,000,000 M&E Contracting
€571,000,000 General Building
€567,000,000 General Building
€476,076,112 General Building
€463,000,000 General Building
€403,000,000 General Building
€401,900,000 M&E Contracting
€343,000,000 M&E Contracting
€308,900,000 M&E Contracting
€274,000,000 General Building
€251,500,000 General Building
€217,500,000 General Building
€203,000,000 General Building
€196,693,213 General Building
€151,900,000 M&E Contracting
€150,000,000 General Building
€145,000,000 Civil Engineering
€140,250,000 General Building
€130,000,000 M&E Contracting
€130,000,000 M&E Contracting
€123,200,000 General Building
€122,021,118 General Building
€119,000,000 General Building
€115,885,598 General Building
€115,873,641 M&E Contracting
€115,000,000 Civil Engineering
€110,000,000 Civil Engineering
€104,200,000 Civil Engineering
€97,000,000 M&E Contracting
€91,200,000 General Building
€86,800,000 M&E Contracting
€82,000,000 General Building
€76,000,000 General Building
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€67,854,000 Civil Engineering
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€65,000,000 M&E Contracting
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€53,290,000 M&E Contracting
€53,010,000 Civil Engineering
€52,000,000 General Building
€51,250,000 General Building
€50,000,000 Main Contractor
€49,800,000 Civil Engineering
€46,502,840 M&E Contracting
€43,600,000 General Building
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