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2020 Members’ Forum and GSC
Sydney to host GSC finals and 2020 Members’ Forum
The 2020 Members’ Forum and the finals of the Global Student Challenge will take place in Sydney in June.
The Members’ Forum is an annual gathering of the world’s most senior construction professionals to discuss the biggest issues the industry faces. Each year the forum changes
location to ensure the CIOB is visiting cities and regions around the world to actively develop a diverse and representative voice.
The forum will run from Sunday 21 to Thursday 25 June, 2020.
Running alongside the forum will be the finals of the Global Student Challenge. This event will see the top six ranking teams from universities around the world battle it out for the coveted top prize.
T h e w i n n i n g t e a m s w i l l b e announced on 7 April. They will have been through three phases of the competition since January.
Launched in 2014, Global Student Challenge is an annual competition run by the CIOB that provides built environment students with an opportunity to apply their learning to a real-world scenario of running their own virtual construction company. ● For more information, visit https://membersforum.ciob.org.
Governance CIOB Trustee recruitment 2020 – announcement
The Nominations Committee has now completed its assessment of applications for three Trustees to be elected to the Board from June 2020. The result of that assessment process found fewer successful candidates than vacancies and therefore in accordance with ByeLaw 65(d), the candidates shall be deemed elected without a vote. This decision was ratified by the Board of Trustees on 31 January 2020. For 2020, there will be no requirement for a Board of Trustees’ election.
Virginia Borkoski, Stephen Nitman and Paul Young shall be duly elected to the Board of Trustees from the close of the AGM in June 2020. The committee shall now continue under Bye-Law 67 to propose to the Board of Trustees a further two candidates from the applications based on a skills audit of the full Board of Trustees to ensure we have the required mix of skills and experience.
The membership will be updated following the Board meeting in April.