Consultants’ Corner A Bi-Monthly e-Journal from
June-July 2014
Issue 88 | Pages 1– 14
MaGC has launched it‟s new website Please visit our website to know more about MaGC
Public Governance – Consultants’ Role
A consultant's quandary while working with Government
- Karthik M V
- Hamsini
Karnataka Police Department – Process Mapping and Manpower study - Gopal Agarwal, U S Maiya & Jeevan Rao
Consultants’ Corner
From the Editors In this Issue
3 5
Public Governance – Consultants’ Role The role of the Consultants in the domain of Governance and Government
A consultant's quandary while working with Government Smart skills and approach needed for a consultant to handle Government projects and employees
7 9
Tips for submitting reports Basic and valuable tips to prepare and present a professional consulting report to the client
Karnataka Police Department – Process Mapping and Manpower study A case study on the activities and manpower requirements of the Police department
ISO @ MaGC Introduction to the ISO standards and the process to obtain an ISO certification.
This issue of Consultants’ Corner takes off from where the previous issue left off. Staying with the theme of Government Consulting, this issue includes an article on Consulting in Public Governance, a case study on the consulting assignment on the Process Mapping and Manpower study of Karnataka Police Department. Hamsini shares her views on the smart skills and approach needed for dealing with personnel in government assignments. Apart from the theme articles are some interesting reads which include tips and practices on how to present a report to the client. This issue contains an introduction to ISO standards and provides an update on the ongoing ISO implementation at MaGC. The Consultants’ Corner readership has increased dramatically in recent times and the editorial board is really happy about the fact that the authors and the readers have contributed equally in the growth of the magazine. But there are greater heights to scale than what has been conquered so far. Its about time that we get to the next stage of our journey. A journey of reaching out to many more people across the globe, of publishing well researched and articulated articles, of making our presence felt in the consulting world. The
Consultants’ Corner team has already begun this
Don‟t miss the embedded video in this artilcle
journey by making the e-magazine available on popular social media domains and reaching out to new readers every day. We request every MaGCite to do his bit by utilising this opportunity to contribute well researched
Quiz Corner
and thought out articles to
What’s up at MaGC? All events during April and May at MaGC and upcoming birthdays of MaGCites
Consultants’ Corner .
Readers’ Corner If you have any comment/suggestion for the editors, please write to us at Your views and comments on articles featured here are also welcome!
May and June 2014 are LinkedIn months at MaGC. The MaGC page on LinkedIn has been updated and has been given a fresh look. A set of guidelines to update individual LinkedIn profiles has been circulated to all the MaGCites. Follow the guidelines to update your profile. Your updated profile is bound to draw attention to yourself as well as MaGC. The guidelines for setting up and maintaining your LinkedIn profile are available on the DocuMan Knowledge Base under „Information Technology>Social Media‟ folder. You can view the MaGC LinkedIn page at Make sure you click „Follow‟ at the top of the MaGC LinkedIn page.
Consultants’ Corner
Public Governance – Consultants’ Role
Consultant is a professional who provides professional or expert advice in a particular area such as management, accountancy, law, human resources, marketing, finance, engineering or any of many other specialised fields. The Consultant is often engaged for his expert and wide knowledge in his field of specialisation. He acts as an advisor to the client on a specific subject matter.” The above definition given by Wikipedia has missed out a crucial aspect of consulting domain and that is consulting in the field of Public Governance. Public Governance Governance is the process – by which authority is conferred on rulers, by which they make the rules, and by which those rules are enforced and modified. It is the regime of laws, administrative rules, judicial rulings, and practices that constrain, prescribe, and enable government activity, where such activity broadly denotes the production and delivery of publicly supported goods and services*. The new economic era has greatly extended the scope of the term Public Governance. The current day Governments have to not only ensure the rule of land being enforced but also have to ensure the delivery of public services and goods to the society in an efficient, effective and economical way. The Centre/State/Local governments with their existing human resources and quality of skills that they possess at their disposal are finding it extremely hard to ensure the delivery of the social goods/ services to the intended benefactors. To improve their score card and to fulfil their obligation to the people efficiently and effectively present day Governments have found hiring consultants as a useful option. The consultants with their expertise and knowledge deliver the services required effectively and also provide the much needed cost benefit to the Government.
Areas of Governance Consulting Consultants provide valuable services in the area of Public Finance, policy making on various governance issues like investment, infrastructure development, town planning, accounting, governance transparency, training and skill development of Government staff, IT services for governance, efficient service/product delivery to the beneficiaries and so on. Bottlenecks in Public Governance The existing government set-up has a lot of bottlenecks and incapacities to address various issues of governance. Some of the bottlenecks faced by the government organisations are: a. Skills scarcity – There is a huge shortage of skills in the government sector which is impacting the running of the government system. E.g. the existing accounts staff of BBMP (Bangalore Municpal Corporation) is unable to efficiently handle the accounting systems and hence a consultant has been hired to maintain their receipts accounts and payments accounts. b. Cost of services – The professional expert services required for the Government comes at a huge cost if the professionals are employed full time. The retention cost to be paid to the resource after the project is complete can also be huge and draining on the exchequer‟s wallet. c.
Unavailability of time of in house domain experts Some of the government officials are experts in a domain area. But they are hard pressed for time. contd on next page..
* MENAEXT/ EXTMNAREGTOPGOVERNANCE/0,,contentMDK:20513159~pagePK:34004173~piPK:340037 07~theSitePK:497024,00.html & http:// stories/2002050900032500.htm
Listening is being able to be changed by the other person. - Alan Alda
Consultants’ Corner They are tied up with their day to day responsibilities and can hardly devote sufficient time for any other work in their domain field. Hence their services cannot be made available by the Government.
Outsiders‟ view is not there – Majority of the time, outsiders‟ view is not obtained by the Government and more often than not the decision taken proves to be incorrect. An outsider‟s view gives a fair and realistic advice on various governance issues as he generally has no bias towards any policies/ people. The advice given is often implementable at the ground level.
d. Information on the best practices followed – The officials of the government are not aware of some of the best practices that are followed around the globe in the field of governance since they have limited resource and time to get information on the same. e. Domain expertise – Domain expertise is not abundant in the government sector. In fact many of the government departments do not consider recruiting an in house domain expert. For example there is no single Chartered Accountant or a Finance Professional in the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike which manages finances to the tune of Rs. 4,000 crore every year. f.
Legal, Contractual and Statutory requirements – In the present day scenario, some of the lending agencies like the World Bank, ADB etc., are insisting on hiring a consultant by the Government. They lend grants and loans to the government only if an outside consultant is hired.
Consultants’ remove the bottlenecks 1.
Domain expertise – Consultants bring with them the best domain expertise and knowledge which can be applied and implemented by the government. The consultants have the best techniques and tools for delivering their services efficiently and effectively which is very often missing in the government sector. The advice given by the consultants are often implementable on the ground. A consulting service usually delivers on the objective of the assignment. Quality of services – Many of the times the quality of the services delivered by the consultants are better than the services provided by the resources of the government. The Consultants also give the much needed outsider‟s view to the Government before the Government takes any decision.
This is primarily because of the domain knowledge, information on the best practices and expertise that the consultants have at their disposal. 2. Cost! -The overall impact of the consultant is that Government can access deeper levels of expertise at a cost which they can afford. The cost of hiring a consultant when compared to the services they deliver is definitely worth investing in. 3. Accountability – Quite often the accountability aspect is missing in the government sector. Establishing accountability and enforcing suitable action against the employees is a task in itself. However, the consultants being bound by the terms of reference mentioned in the contract are held accountable for the services they provide. The consulting services being provided to the Government is growing day by day. Infact Central/State/Local governments are seeking varied services from the Consultants. The government sector has appreciated the efforts of the Consultants in providing valuable insights about various governance aspects. The Consultants too are constantly undertaking research, developing various techniques for improving public governance as they are turning out to be a huge potential area of consulting in the coming years.
Karthik M V can be reached at
We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open. - Harry Edwards
Consultants’ Corner
A consultant's quandary while working with Government
t was about seven years ago when I had my first rub-off with a government official. As is the case with most CA students, it was a tax representation for a fairly high-profile client with significant sum of money coming under the lens of the income-tax officer. While the fight went on even after I obtained membership from the CA Institute, it didn‟t take me much time to resolve that I would never interact with government officials again in my career.
Consultants undertaking assignments from the government, whether at state or centre level, are very often faced with this question. On the apparent side, it may seem as though consultants consider it a curse to work with the government. However if the truth be said, each of us enjoy working with government officials and those of us who don‟t, secretly hope to be engaged for at least one assignment with government. So why this double standards?
Destiny has it otherwise though. In fact I have been working with government officials since day 1 of my career and in the last two years, the interaction and working relationship has only thickened. As CAs, any discussion around our clients is one of the favourite
Consultants may have to spend considerable time in explaining to these officers the why they need this information, how the officers should extract it and the format in which the information must be replicated and so on.
Firstly, there is a sense of intellectual comfort that one can enjoy while working with private sector clients. This comfort is often compromised while working with the government. Let us take the case where a consultant has been appointed by the Commissionerate of Municipal Administration (CMA) to furnish on a report on the effective utilisation of Grants sanctioned by CMA to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs). An exercise such as this would involve lot of data collection. While in private sector, relevant details may be gathered from one source, it may not be the case with the government. Project initiation itself could be labourious as data must be gathered from various sources and at various levels. chit-chat topics and when someone in the group makes a declaration that his firm is working with the government on a certain project, it surely would lead into a longer conversation. And not just that, “but how do you deal with those guys, they are such a pain”, is a definite complaint that one can expect to hear in such a conversation.
Again, one cannot be certain that all relevant officers would possess the right kind of knowledge to understand the data requirement and furnish the same with a reasonable time. contd on next page..
Life is a miracle, and being aware of simply this can already make us very happy. - Thich Nhat Hanh
6 Secondly, meeting the relevant officials and gathering data from them is like a game of poker. If fixing an appointment with these officials is a task, the officials honouring the meeting and helping the consultant with the required data is still a prayer. Officials at the ULB level will most likely be caught up at the Collector‟s office or busy with their MLAs. Area visits, district meeting and so on also keep them away from their offices. Well, it is not any easy to secure a meeting with officials in the CMA‟s office either. Data collection from the CMA involves equal amounts of patience and perseverance as it takes at the ULB level.
Consultants’ Corner The above points are only excerpts with regard to the negative list that one can talk about in government consulting. Despite these negatives, every consultant secretly clamours to work (often) with the government. While the advantages of government consulting may not be too many in number, they can have far-reaching impact on the financial health and credibility of the consultant. Government consulting assignments may not be very rewarding for consultants. However, the concept of bad debts never arises with such clients. The government may delay the payment, but never default it. Further, a certificate of completion from the government speaks volumes about the consultant‟s quality of work and efficiency and significantly adds to the credibility of the consultant. In fact, it is this boosted image which helps a consultant to reach out to more clients including the ones in private sector within the country and overseas. Since government consulting assignments are highly result-oriented, the problem of scope-creep can be avoided.
Another factor which irks most consultants is the interference of local politicians or social activists in case of sensitive projects which involve assessing the income/expenditure of the ULB/CMA or that can have socio-economic impact on people in the ULB. Sometimes projects which are likely to improve the operational efficiency of ULB or that can have a significant impact on the day-to-day functioning of the ULB are also faced with opposition from the locals. Lastly, even if a consultant braves himself through these hardships, the reward for the brave attempt is often viewed as a paltry sum. Though quoting the professional fees has become a rather sticklish issue with most clients (whether private sector or government), it is a more sensitive factor while dealing with the government. While there are a million statutory auditors competing against one another, there are far fewer consultants scrambling for government assignments. But yet, on certain occasions the consultant may be left with little option except to reduce the mark-up on the fees in order to bag the contract. This may be irrespective of the reputation of the consultant and his firm. A situation of this sort does not happen too often with private sector clients.
In other words, it is far more practical for a consultant to execute an assignment exactly as per terms quoted in the engagement letter in case of government assignments whereas in private sector scope-creeps are an understatement and leads to much higher margin erosion. It is for this reasons that consultants associate themselves with the government and continuously engage with government consulting assignments. Finally, as Chartered Accountants, it is not difficult to establish trust and credibility with private sector clients, though retaining the same could be a fight given the amount of competition. However in case of public sector, while it might take a little longer to cement the trust and credibility, it might take a lifetime to break this established bond.
Hamsini can be reached at
If we can transform ourselves, we have the potential to change the world. - Laura van Dernoot Lipsky
Consultants’ Corner
Tips for submitting reports
s consultants we regularly submit reports to clients. These submittals may be of the nature of reports of different kinds, manuals, process documents and so on. Needless to say, the contents of the report need to be up to the client‟s expectation for the report to be received well. In addition to content, there are a set of intangibles which can tilt the scales in favour of the consultant. This article discusses some such good practices in reports submission. These are not universal principles. The reader is advised to apply these practices with discretion as the situation demands. Further, please remember that none of these practices can compensate for a badly prepared report. Let‟s look at each of the practices: Titling – The report title needs to indicate what it is about. For example, titling a document „Process Mapping‟ which in reality contains much more than just process charts would be misleading; a better title would be „Business Process Document‟. For report submissions in Government projects, give the same title as mentioned in your Terms of Reference. Version - The title should clearly indicate whether it is a draft being released for discussion or a final report. Mention the version number where relevant. Where the terms of reference require the submission of a draft as well as a final report, make sure both are submitted even if the changes are minimal. This will avoid a lot of explaining at a later stage. Client logo and name – Always carry the client name above your own. Spelling mistakes and errors (eg: Limited instead of Private Limited) and distortions in client logo definitely do not make for a good start to the document. You logo and name – Do not Remember, a make your logo and name too report is your prominent. Mention your name document but a and logo on the cover page manual is the only if you believe it is legiticlient‟s document mate to do so. While all reports prepared by you can carry the consultant‟s logo, manuals and process documents developed for the client need not contain the consultant‟s logo. It is a matter of judgement when and where to carry your logo. Apply the same judgement for the inside pages of the report as well.
Background – There needs to be a section on the background to the whole exercise which has led to the report. It is common for key client personnel to change during the course of the assignment. A little background sets the context for a reader of the report. Submission – It is always good to submit an editable copy of the report if you expect the client to go through and give comments. Sending a PDF might make things really difficult for him. Always offer to submit a hard copy particularly if the client coordinator is not computer savvy. This will spare him the ordeal of printing your report. With government clients, be prepared to entertain requests for additional hard copies. Late submissions are acceptable only when there are genuine reasons for delay and the client is kept informed throughout (not at the time of report submission!) the assignment. Always submit the reports with about 3 to 4 days to go to the actual submission date. Submitting too early can also put off some clients. Submittals to Government always need to go with a covering letter and must be acknowledged by the client. Avoid Saturday evenings and Monday mornings as far as possible. Nobody likes their weekend or week beginning to be saddled with a big report from a consultant. If you are sending the soft copy in advance, mention in the email that you will be submitting hard copies. Quality and presentation (hard copy) – Even while !!Remember!! submitting draft copies More people read the pay attention to the look draft report than the and feel of the report, the final report quality of paper used, the printing and the binding, Put the report into a clean, neat envelope. contd on next page
The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. - Hans Hofmann
Consultants’ Corner
If you expect the client to give a lot of comments on the report, provide a spiral bound, black and white copy of the report in addition to the colour printed one.
Presentation (soft copy) – Give the file a proper filename. Your file is most likely to first land on the client‟s desktop. An easily identifiable name will ensure that your file is easily found later. You might have adorned your cover sheet with beautiful images, but if it is going to make the file size large, your client is going to curse you. Not all clients might be as fast as you are in getting the latest version of MS-Office. So, send the file in a format most versions of MS Office can open.
Mapping table – While sending subsequent versions of the same report, include a table of changes made since the last report. It makes the client‟s job of review easier.
Also ensures he does not review all over again
Follow up – It is a good habit to give your client a follow up call informing that you have sent the document. In any case, if he does not acknowledge your submittal in two day‟s time, pick up that phone and call him. Indicate a time by when you would like to get his feedback on the document. That will help him plan accordingly. Also, ask for a time when you can visit the client and take him through the report. This will give you an opportunity to highlight the important areas of the report and draw his attention to critical aspects. There might be many more of such small tips which can make the entire report submission a smoother affair for both the consultant as well as the client. Please do share your tips on this forum.
If you can help it, don‟t send the file in parts (reports, annexes etc.). If your report has to be read with some other document (say, some report), try to send the reference document also. The client will appreciate it.
Ashok Rao can be reached at
Real Prosperity A rich man asked Sengai to write something for the continued prosperity of his family so that it might be treasured from generation to generation. Sengai obtained a large sheet of paper and wrote: "Father dies, son dies, grandson dies." The rich man became angry. "I asked you to write something for the happiness of my family! Why do you make such a joke of this?" "No joke is intended," explained Sengai. "If before you yourself die your son should die, this would grieve you greatly. If your grandson should pass away before your son, both of you would be broken-hearted. If your family, generation after generation, passes away in the order I have named, it will be the natural course of life. I call this real prosperity."
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. - Paulo Coelho
Consultants’ Corner
Karnataka Police Department –
Process Mapping and Manpower study
overnment assignments are by themselves challenging, more so when it is with the Police Department. The MaGC team had the unique experience of working on two challenging assignments with the police department in Karnataka. One was a Process Mapping of a police station and other involved a manpower requirement study of a police station. 1. Process mapping of a Police Station Different activities are carried out by different sections in a Police station. There is no process documentation which covers the different activities being carried out in any Police station. It is all in multiple rules, regulations and orders. MaGC was given the assignment of documenting the processes in a police station. The assignment required the team to first understand the existing processes. This was done through a series of discussions with Police constable/Head constable/ Assistant Sub Inspector or Sub Inspector of Police or Police Inspector (SHO - Station House Officer) in the police station. The functions of police staff were classified under different categories and documented in the form of Process Maps. A comprehensive process document was created by MaGC. The entire document was validated with the Heads of the Police Station and their suggestions for improvement were obtained.
The document contained process flowcharts covering the information flows and detailed narrative descriptions of each process. The documents/registers involved in each process were also identified and sample templates were given. Key activities which are done in PoliceIT (the in house process automation software) were also mentioned. 2. Police Station - Manpower Requirements Study This study was undertaken in two police stations in Bangalore, viz., Banaswadi and Rajagopalnagar. It covered a total of 170 police personnel. The study was focussed on collecting data on the work done by police personnel and the time taken for different types of duties. The information was collected by administering work study questionnaires and holding personal interviews. The team collected data on the total hours of work carried out by police personnel in all sections of a Police station every day. The information collected during the work study was analysed and the time required for performing each type of duty was worked out.
Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom.
- William James
contd on next page
Consultants’ Corner
The typical duties of police personnel were categorized into Fixed duty, Variable duty and Special duty and the unit times were calculated accordingly. Expert inputs were obtained for arriving at assumptions where the data was insufficient or unstructured or where estimates had to be made based on experience. The methodology followed for the Manpower requirement study was as follows: 1. Categorising duties as regular duty, routine duty, occasional duties and special duties; 2. Working out total hours of work necessary for carrying out these duties; 3. Working out additional man power required if Police staff work daily for 8 hours and take leave as per leave entitlements prescribed in the Karnataka Civil Service Rules, 1958 (as against the 12 to 14 hour duty being performed currently with hardly any leave); 4. Discussion with Ex-DGPs of Karnataka and Kerala Police departments; 5. Inputs from retired Police officers who have in depth knowledge of working for different Police departments. The output was a Manpower Estimation Model which when given certain inputs relating to a police station such as population, crime rate, number of beats etc. can give a reasonable estimation of the manpower required at each cadre. This assignment was different compared to other government consulting projects in many ways. For one, the cooperation levels of the police staff at all levels was excellent. There was an urge in them to see the assignment succeed and achieve its objective. There was free sharing of information by the department and the officers. There was active involvement of the senior and retired personnel when various logical assumptions were required to be made. The assignment did not suffer even though the key police personnel changed many times during the assignment.
The inherent nature of policing as a function makes a scientific work study very difficult. Unlike an industrial environment where the outputs are clearly defined, the outputs of policing are not easily quantifiable. This makes a work study in its true sense impractical. However, this study gives a good starting point in efforts aimed at addressing the issue of inadequacy of police manpower. Certain additional issues such as limited promotion opportunities for Police personnel, long hours of working (12 hours a day), inability to avail leave, inadequate family and social life etc. came up and were listed in the study report. There is a general perception that police personnel are very difficult to deal with. The MaGC team was also very apprehensive about being able to get the required inputs. But while executing the above two assignments, we were in for a pleasant surprise. The police staff were not only very co-operative but also furnished all the details required for execution of our assignments. They saw value in the work we did and appreciated our efforts whole heartedly. Probably a bit of this had to do with our approach – we tried to understand their genuine problems and work towards addressing them rather than get the study over with. The role of a consultant is to identify and address the client problems and not to tick off his terms of reference. This approach could be very effective in all our consulting assignments whether government or private.
Gopal Agarwal, U S Maiya & Jeevan Rao Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time, and always start with the person nearest you. - Mother Teresa
They can be reached at &
Consultants’ Corner
11 System in line with the Quality Manual, auditing the Quality Management System internally and subsequently by the Certifying Agency and finally getting the Quality Management System Certified.
aGC has had a track record of providing quality consulting solutions to its clients. Building on the MaGC mission of working towards client happiness we have taken up the implementation of a Quality Management System (QMS) in line with the ISO 9000 Quality Management Standard. What is ISO all about and what does it mean for us? Read on to find out. What is ISO? ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization. ISO publishes standards in various areas such as Quality management, Environmental management, Social responsibility, Information security and so on. To know more about ISO (the organization) and what it does see the Youtube video alongside. To see the complete list of ISO standards, check the following link: standards.htm.
What is ISO 9000 Certification? ISO 9000 is a family of standards issued by ISO relating to Quality Management. ISO 9000 Certification involves a process by which an organization establishes a Quality Management System internally and gets it certified for compliance to the ISO 9001:2008 standard. ISO Certification gives the confidence to customers and other stakeholders interacting with the organization that the organization meets a certain minimum standard of quality in offering its products and/or services. What is the path for ISO 9001 Certification for MaGC?
MaGC has decided to implement ISO 9001:2008 QMS for its Consultancy, Training and Publication functions in the first phase. The implementation will extend to all other areas including support functions subsequently. The implementation will happen simultaneously in Chennai and Bangalore offices. Where are we now in this whole process? MaGC has setup an internal implementation team. The team began with a Study Circle Session on ISO, its implications and the roadmap for ISO Certification at MaGC (for those of you who missed the study circle you can access the study circle presentation on myncrcl). The team is now working on preparing the Quality Manual. The Quality Manual should be ready in its final form by mid of June. We are then Ready for Implementation. Once the manual is adopted internally, implementation will begin. Implementation will involve carrying out our day to day working in accordance with the Quality Manual. After implementing the manual for two months, we will undertake an internal audit to assess to what extent we have been able to implement the manual. We need to fine tune the manual where required and address implementation lapses if any based on the audit. We are then Ready for Certification. At this stage, the Certifying Agency will come to MaGC offices and conduct an audit to see whether we have actually implemented the Quality Management System and are following it. If satisfied about the implementation, the agency will issue a certificate. We are then ISO 9001:2008 Certified. -contd on next page..
May the beauty you love be what you do.
Getting ISO 9001:2008 Certification is a long process. To explain in simple terms, it involves preparing a Quality Manual, implementing a Quality Management
- Rumi
Consultants’ Corner We need to ensure that we keep improving our Quality Management System by continually assessing its effectiveness and bringing in improvements. What does it mean for each of us? For each of us MaGCites, it is a great experience to be part of the QMS implementation and Certification process. There is going to be a flurry of activity once the implementation starts. Initially project leaders will see the documentation requirements (mostly soft copies) increase. Soon you will realize that the benefits far outweigh the efforts. The QMS will definitely bring about an organized way of project planning, execution and close out. One thing is guaranteed – it will be a good learning experience.
What does it mean for MaGC to be ISO Certified? ISO 9001 Certification will be a matter of pride for MaGC. It would mean that we have taken our commitment to quality and customer focus to the next level. It is also a great responsibility to maintain the Certification. It will mean a change in the way we do things day in and day out. It brings a certain amount of discipline and rigour in our functioning for which we need to be prepared. ISO is not just about getting the Certification once. A strong focus area of ISO 9001 is that there is a system of continuous improvement established within the organization.
Reference To know more about ISO and what it is all about, see the links below:
Ashok Rao can be reached at
1. Which model has become the largest selling two wheeler in Indian market ? 2. What is unique about the Indian site raftaar dot in ? 3. RBI has granted two companies banking licences. Name them. 4. Independent India‟s first voter Shyam Sharan Negi is featured in a TVC. Name the advertiser 5. HourlyNerd is making a consulting business out of renting McKinsey Moms. Who are McKinsey Moms? Send in your answers to the editor at Participants with the correct entry will be awarded with a Recognition Certificate by MaGC.
Right answers for the previous issue quiz was given by Srinidhi Ravikrishnan !!! Congratulations !!!
Last issue answers. 1 Patna; 2.Indonesia, Turkey, Brazil and South Africa; 3. Only notes after 2005 will have their year of printing in the back in small font size; 4. Sons of Sun is a group of countries who have high solar energy potential. This group will come together to do R & D in solar power; 5. They ran out of tomato ketchup
Consultants’ Corner
What’s up at MaGC? Mr. Suresh has undergone The Social Accounting and Audit (SAA) Master Class training, a two day training programme conducted by the Centre for Social Initiative and Management (CSIM) and Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA) as part of initiative by Social Audit Network (SAN), India. The course is a preliminary course leading up to the Certification as an accredited Social Accountant which enables Mr. Suresh to offer solutions to clients in Social Accounting and audit.
Due Diligence and Valuation project for a residential school in Kothagiri, Nilgiris. Team - Suresh, Praveena and Vinod Karthik M V & Mahesh at the Davanagere Taluk Panchayat office from 26th to 31st May 2014 as part of the TP Accounts Manual Pilot Project
Prasad T S joined MaGC Bengaluru as Principal Consultant-Governance on 7th May 2014 We extend a very warm welcome to Prasad!! Prasad can be reached at
Birthday wishes
Babajhan S - 1st Jun
Yallappa Hygadi - 1st Jun
Roopashre T - 4th Jun
Ravikrishnana N C - 1st Jul
Gangadhar H - 1st Jul
Padmaja - 21st Jul
Our Mission is to apply our professional capabilities with a holistic approach for the happiness of clients, through values and social commitment.
Editorial Board
C S Suresh, Executive Director Ashok Rao, Executive Director
Editors Vinod M, Consultant Karthik M V, Consultant
Published by MaGC Private Limited, Chennai & Bangalore
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