《一起走 taskun mudaan》

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先拿便當吧!大家邊吃邊聊。 Grab your lunch first! We’ll chat as we eat.

來的人記得簽一下這個點名單喔! Folks, remember to come sign your name on the roster sheet!

部長,愛心基金會的地方分部 負責人。 Department Head, regional representative of Ai-Hsin Foundation.


我想說明一下,我們 基金會跟高山銀行合作了 將近六年,有幸和各位農友 契作有機米, Thanks to our 6-year partnership with K-Sun Bank, our foundation has had the great fortune of producing organic rice with the Bunun farmers here.

每年都贈送大家種的米給股東, 但由於諸多原因, We give your rice to our shareholders every year, but for various reasons...

不確定明年銀行是否 還會繼續這個計畫。 We’re uncertain if the bank will continue the project next year.

所以呢,想跟大家討論一下,是不是該發展自己的品牌? Lo 這次找了這位有為的設計師來幫忙, And so, we’d like to ask: is it time to develop our own brand? Lo has found an accomplished designer to aid us this time around,

希望可以同心協力做出 主打地方生態特色的品牌, hoping to create, together, a brand that emphasizes the uniqueness of the local ecosystem.


由農友主動向消費者傳達部 落的生態與共同想像, 基金會來做紀錄與宣傳! Farmers will present your tribe’s ecosystem and communal identity to consumers, while our foundation handles the documenting and publicity!

不過早期大家會辛苦一點, 需要有個集合倉庫, 也要租借現成設備給農友共同使用。 However, the early stages might be a bit rough. We’d need a collective warehouse, on top of renting preexisting equipment to share.

還 有, 像 老 蝦 這 樣 有 生 意 頭 腦 的 年 輕 農 友 * 加 入, 跟 大 家 一 起 互 相 合 作 也 是很棒的機會。 Nevertheless, with a business-minded youth like Ol’ Prawn joining us, this is a great chance for mutual collaboration.

* 由於年輕族群嚴重外流,在部落裡,50 歲以下都還被稱 「年輕人口」。 * Due to an outflow of younger demographics, those under 50 are still considered “youths” in Indigenous tribes.

有了品牌後,大家都是股東, 依資源分配股利,這樣就算基金會離開, 部落也有能力從新的願景去傳承下去。 Once we have a brand, you will all be shareholders. Profits will be distributed accordingly, so that even if the foundation leaves, you can still continue with a new vision.


我感覺, 今年就是個契機。 I have a feeling, this year is our moment.

大家,能團結起來共好嗎? My friends, let us unite against this challenge!


部長講得那麼畫大餅,沒想到大家就這樣接受了? That director might as well be offering a pie in the sky, and everyone just bought it?


不要最後沒一個人參加就好笑了! Damn, seriously! Let’s just hope people actually do their part in this project.

但也不能強迫做永續生 態的農友一定要投入成 本⋯⋯ But you can’t force sustainable farmers to sink in costs either...

機器設備跟倉儲 都要想辦法。 We need to figure out the equipment and the warehouse ourselves.

還有啊,我們那天討論到的⋯⋯ Also, going back to what we discussed the other day...


一個月前,花蓮某民宿 One month ago, a hostel in Hualien.

基金會的目標除了打造出一個有力的品牌, 我想更重要的是,要怎麼把用布農傳統特色代 入里山倡議 * 的概念,復育整體地景的生態文化 多樣性,而不單只是「有機」跟品種保留而已。 I think more important than building an effective brand, the foundation’s goal is to incorporate Bunun’s traditional culture into the framework of Satoyama Initiative: rehabilitating holistic landscapes and its eco-cultural diversity, instead of just doing “organic” farming or species conservation.

之前我查資料找到的祭事繪曆,就可以代表 布農傳統文化,家庭菜園則是族人土地利用智慧的 展現,保種田就是推動食農與生態的基地了。要想一個 可以把這些全部串連起來的方法。 The picture calendar I found earlier in my research could represent traditional Bunun culture, while household gardens are the demonstration of the tribe’s wisdom in cultivating their lands. Species Conservation Fields, then, are the basis for agricultural and ecosystem education. We need to find a way to link up all these ideas.


* 里山倡議的目的是邁向人類與自然和諧共生的境地。詳細內容請見書末補充。 *The Satoyama Initiative strives towards a harmonious coexistence between human and nature. See more in endnotes.

嗯~~~跟老人家們一起製作 「符合當代」的繪曆怎麼樣? Hmmm, how about working with elders to produce a calendar that “fits” our times?

以前,繪曆專用於祭儀的紀錄, In the past, these calendars specifically kept track of ritual ceremonies.

如果說,用繪曆的概念創作出各種作 物的耕作期程,還有近代農耕元素像 耕耘機、趕鳥的鞭炮等等呢? Say, what if we use the calendar to depict all sorts of crop cycles, and modern agriculture elements like tillers or the bird-deterrent firecrackers?

還可放在保種田或菜園 供遊客認識作物。 We could put it up in the fields or food gardens for tourists to get to know the crops.

* 第二格:手持祭事曆的布農族加年端社 mangdavan 家族成員。 ( 參考:台湾蕃界展望,理蕃之友發行所,1935 年 )

* Second panel: Member of a Bunun priest clan Mangdavan, holding a ritual calendar in Kanetowan, Nantou county.

Reference: Taiwan Bankai Tenbo (Taipei: Friends of Aborigine Administration Publisher, 1935)


可以試試⋯⋯再加上動物! 這樣就完成了地景多樣性的繪曆了! We could try... and add in animals! Now we’ve completed the calendar of biodiversity!

一旦注意到繪曆,就會發現這元素早就在布農族 的地盤處處可見了。一直在身邊,只是大家好 像都只當裝飾。 Once you see the calendar, you realize that the images inside have always been present throughout Bunun land. So ubiquitous that people simply took them as decoration.

米的品牌包裝也可以用上繪曆,串連文建站農友畫 的圖像,再附上吸引人的在地故事。 Our rice package’s branding can also incorporate these calendars. Link it up with drawings by TCHS’s elders, and tag on some interesting local tales.

除了概念的整合外, 工作方法的傳承也很重要! Aside from having a coherent concept, passing on the ropes is equally important!

不能創生團隊走了後,計畫就斷掉, 培力的工作要想好,讓在地人繼續運轉。 This project can’t stop when the founding crew leaves. Community empowerment must be thought through, so that locals could continue the project themselves.

沒錯!這超重點! You’re right! This is absolutely crucial.

你知道土製設計嗎? 我超討厭他們。 Do you know FEED Design? I hate them so much.

啊啊知道,在社群網站有夠紅 的,每次東西出來都得到設計 界好多迴響耶! Ohh I know them! They’re super famous on social media, every time they release a new product the design world goes wild.

是啊,他們幫政府單位做很多案子, 年曆、周邊產品一直出。 Yeah, they’ve done a lot of government cases, and keep pumping out calendars, merchandise, so on.

但是, 我要說一句, But, I must add,

這對於地方真的有幫助嗎? Do they benefit local communities at all?


嗯⋯⋯有成功讓文青和中產階級買 單的樣子。 Right...... they’re certainly successful at luring in hipsters and the middle class.

對啊!幹! Exactly! Fuck!

只是打中仕紳潮流,完全沒有 系統性地幫助地方。 All they do is target bourgeois trends, there’s no systematic aid given to the local at all.


自己口碑做完之後,繼續拿下一個案子 而已,而地方的困境呢?一樣無法改變。 They hype up their own rep then take up the next case. And local difficulties? Those remain the same as ever.


當然,設計門面的確很重要, 但是地方創生到底是在「創」什麼, 不是只創自己的生計而已! Of course, design and aesthetics are important, but what exactly is local revitalization “vitalizing”? You can’t just vitalize your own business.

哎⋯⋯人家也真的是有一 套。搞不好賺的也是有用 在地方上⋯⋯ Ugh....... You gotta give it to them. Maybe they spend their profits locally...


Bullshit! I have zero respect for them!

回來回來! Let’s reel it in!


在工作的傳承之前,要先確立方法與步驟。首先從傳 統 的 布 農 族 料 理 開 始, 目 前 有 三 位 tina 答 應 來 分 享 自家相傳的豆豆湯食譜,並舉辦一場品嚐大會。 Before thinking about passing on the ropes, we need to establish the methods and the steps. Let’s start with traditional Bunun cuisine: we currently have 3 tina who agreed to share their family bean soup recipes, and organize a tasting party.

巡守隊那裡,也已經麻煩老蝦召集隊員, 一起在保種田建個開放空間供大家使用。 As for the park rangers, we’ve asked Ol’ Prawn to gather a team to build an open space in the fields for everyone.


* 喵~ *meow*

再搭配實地的生態導覽, 還有小明的加入⋯⋯ 看看可以產生些什麼火花。 Paired with on-the-field eco-tours, and Lil Mike’s participation... we’ll see what kind of sparks they create.

小明? Lil Mike?


豆豆標本盤的設計我回去想想, Lo 你再問看看小明哪天可以來。 I’ll think about the design for the bean specimen display when I’m home. Lo, ask Lil Mike which day he can come over.

阿多的繪曆課程設計 就自己再加上去,檔案有分 享給你了。 Adoor, add in a course design for the picture calendar sometime, I’ve shared the document with you.

也是這個部落的布農族青年,現在 在南部做原民創意料理。他的經歷真 的很傳奇~ He’s also a Bunun youth from this tribe, off in the south doing creative Indigenous cuisine right now. His experiences are quite extraordinary!

⋯⋯小明 是誰啊? ... Who’s Lil Mike again?


怎麼說? How so?

下次碰到叫他自己跟你說。 Ask him about it yourself next time.

喔⋯⋯ 那除了遊程會有收入, 賣米⋯⋯好回收成本嗎? OK... so, besides tourist revenue, does selling rice... return a profit?

主要是先把保種計畫 還有品牌形象做起來囉。 We’ll focus on establishing the species conservation project and building up the brand, first.

不過老實說,米在台灣到處 都過剩,其實很難銷。 But in all honesty, there’s surplus rice all over Taiwan, it’s actually a difficult sell.


而 且 被 冠 上「 池 上 米 」 才 賣 得 好, 在 東 部 到 處 都有「種」池上米啊! You only make sales if you call your grains “Chishang Rice” anyway, and they already “grow” Chishang Rice everywhere around eastern Taiwan!

莎拉,民宿老闆。 Sarah, hostel owner.

晚餐好囉,來吃唄! Dinner’s ready! Come out and eat.

喔喔! Oooh,

耶~ Yay~


你們看過一本書叫 《末日松茸》嗎? Have you read a book called Mushroom at the End of the World?

在書店有瞄到, 封面好吸引人。 I’ve caught a glimpse at bookstores, the cover was very intri-guing.

覺得裡面的情境可以放到部落呢! I feel like the scenes in that book could be taking place here!

從破敗廢棄之地中才能生長出來的寶物「松茸」,在日本、美國、加拿大、 雲南牽起了全球性的經濟連動。 各種採集的社群存活在正規社會之外,採集者全員皆享受著自我實現的狩獵 樂趣,把採到的松茸一層一層送上餐桌,金錢的交易變成只是戰利的附屬品, 成功在世界邊緣迴避了資本主義的異化⋯⋯ Matsutake, the invaluable morsel that grows only in ruined wastelands, has triggered a global economic movement in Japan, the U.S., Canada, and Yunan in southern China. All sorts of harvesting communities exist outside of modern society, relishing in the joy of selffulfillment through their hunt, heaping matsutake mushrooms onto the dinner table. Money becomes a subsidiary bounty, and they’ve successfully avoided capitalist alienation on the margins of this world...


其實英文標題 The End of The World 指的是世界的盡頭,或者世界的邊緣,而非 末日。 Really, “the End” in the title means more like “the Edge” rather than “the Apocalypse”.

原住民部落在許多意義上來說, 也是處於邊緣性的呢! 妳有聽過「隘勇線」嗎? In many ways, Indigenous tribes also exist on the margins. Have you heard of the “Yi-Yong Frontier?”

啊!會通電的那個嗎? Oh! You mean the electrified wires?


對,日治時期將原住民居 住的山地區域與其附近山腰或平地, 利用鐵絲電網、木牆或哨站做出明顯的界 線切割,把原住民阻隔在已經佔領的區域外。 Yes. Japanese Colonists had encircled Indigenous territories in their mountains and surrounding flatlands, using electrified wires, wooden fences, and outposts to mark out clearcut borders. Indigenous people were blocked out of settler-occupied territories.

後來,原住民的反抗弱 化了,這些隘勇線便逐步裁撤。而 我們工作中的這個部落,可是最晚拆掉的 地區呢!布農族很悍,為了守住自己的文化, 對抗日本政府非常久。 Later, as Indigenous resistance dissipated, these frontier lines were also abolished. But, the tribe we’re working with right here was actually the last to have their fences taken down! The Bunun is a fierce tribe: they fought the Japanese for a long time in order to protect their own culture.

的確是夠悍也夠邊緣沒錯,不過 跟書不一樣的是⋯⋯ It’s true that they are tough and edgy, but what’s different from the book is...

部落,什麼都沒啊! These tribes? They have nothing!

啊! Uh!

應該說「還沒」,因為不像書上,有松茸這種 高經濟價值的東西嘛! I mean, “not yet,” cuz it’s not like in the book where they have matsutakes, or something of high economic value!


光維持生計都⋯⋯ Even to make a living...

啊!你有買這琴酒! Oh! You bought this gin?

雖然噱頭是有加海帶,但沒啥海 味,果香倒是很濃⋯⋯ Although its gimmick is seaweed infusion, I can barely taste the sea at all. But the fruit notes on the other hand...

幹我最近才看到介紹, 瓶子有夠美的! shit! I came across it recently, the bottle is gorgeous!


唉⋯⋯ *Sigh*

那天晚上,我做了這樣的夢。 That night, I had a dream.



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