3 minute read

Business Events Africa asked a few Barmotion team members to take a trip down memory lane.

Janine Cameron, senior manager at Barmotion, Johannesburg

How long you have been with Barmotion?

I have been with Barmotion for almost nine years now.

In one sentence describe Barmotion.

Barmotion is a mobile bar and hospitality company that pushes the boundaries of client branding, introducing new branding opportunities and ideas to clients.

What makes Barmotion unique?

We never say no, when clients call with over the top, out of the box ideas we immediately jump on board and challenge ourselves to meet the brief as best we can.

What is your favourite Barmotion product and why?

This would have to be our Cheese Boards, I love cheese! We have so many different options and pairings to try – and they just look gorgeous.

Most memorable event?

There have been so many for me over the years, but one that sticks out would be with VWV at the IBM conference – pulling an event together with 11 bars, 22 staff, 3500 coffees and serving at 06:00 was definitely a big success and one I will remember forever.

Raquel Ah-Dong, senior events manager Barmotion, Johannesburg

How long you have been with Barmotion

I have been with Barmotion for five fabulous years. I have a family away from home.

In one sentence describe Barmotion.

Barmotion to me is a fun, dynamic and extraordinary company that provides the best kind of hospitality there is to offer, from our delicious range of products to our vibrant staff.

What makes Barmotion unique?

I think it is our strong passion and drive that makes us unique. We are passionate in what we offer and ensure that we go above and beyond our clients’ needs. Our passion for people and our accommodating nature is what clients love about us. I also think our staff play a huge role in making Barmotion unique. Our clients absolutely love the staff that stand with them at their events.

What is your favourite Barmotion product and why?

Wow, this is a tough one. I have so many. If I really had to choose, I would say our banana & caramel crepe. It is absolutely delicious and if you have a sweet tooth like me it will be right up your alley.

Most memorable event?

Again, this is a tough one. Every event is memorable. We give it our all every time. I must say I definitely love being a part of the Clicks Conference. It’s one of our biggest conferences and we provide hospitality to so many of the stands while having other events on the go. I love it because it’s all hands-on deck and the way we run together as a team is amazing. Again, it’s my family away from home, which makes it so much easier to get your job done because you meet on site at 6 am and leave the site together at 11 pm.

Kelly Papas, Events manager, Cape Town

How long you have been with Barmotion?

Since 1 April 2015 – five years.

In one sentence describe Barmotion

Barmotion is a fun and innovative company providing various hospitality solutions for any event.

What makes Barmotion unique?

Our service offering can be customised to each client’s needs, and we stay relevant to the changing trends.

What is your favourite Barmotion product and why?

Chai latte – I am a bit of a fanatic and have tried many from different places, but none seem to beat Barmotion’s delicious chai latte made by our professional staff.

Most memorable event?

ABSA relaunch event.

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