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Morwesi Ramonyai — “we can save the world with bold solutions”
Morwesi Ramonyai, 40, chairperson of Event Greening Forum, born in Soweto, is passionate about providing affordable access to energy for off-grid and rural communities across Africa.

Ms Ramonyai, an impact entrepreneur, with eleven years’ experience in the green economy, holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Rhodes University and an Executive MBA from University of Cape Town Graduate School of Business. She believes that disruptive solutions are a way to lessen poverty.
Under the watchful eye of Borena Energy, a company she founded, Ms Ramonyai has developed and implemented commercial and rural solar energy projects, installed solar streetlights in many communities and informal settlements, and innovated solar-based solutions for child-headed homes. “We can save the world with bold solutions. The green economy is an answer to Africa’s energy challenges and has potential to eliminate poverty and create much-needed jobs,” Ms Ramonyai said.
She is also a certified carbon footprint analyst who continues to push boundaries. One of her creations is a socio-technical assessment of risk tool meant to help implementers and funders understand what energy interventions are to the relevant community’s social needs. This tool, she says, is catalyst as it provides valuable industry research.
Where did your career begin?
I began my career at a multinational company called Computers Associates (CA) and soon after moved to KPMG. After that I established my first company, Borena Consulting, at the age of 27.
How long have you been in the business events sector?
I’ve been involved in the events industry for the past seven years since 2016. What I enjoy most is my ability to enlighten people about their opportunity to contribute to climate change.
What has been the biggest change you’ve seen in this sector?
The sector has embraced the concept of a lower carbon footprint and it’s been beautiful to witness.
Were you always involved in this sector?
Not always. I was a director at a coal transporting company for five years before I decided to move to renewable energy and sustainability.
Are you married?
I am married to Charslayn Thonga.
What role does your family play in your life?
The concept of family is very significant to me, it’s an anchor. I consider myself a matriarch in my family because I assume the role to lead, even from behind. I also have chosen family and friends so both biological and chosen family fulfil me and are my anchors.
What would you change in your life – if you could – when looking back?
Absolutely nothing. I’m convinced that everything that has happened was meant to be.
Do you have any hobbies?
I love art and I am a collector. I enjoy food, gardening, making stuff as a DIY person. I’ve built my own green home that I live in and have blogged about it on Instagram @mygreenpozi
Do you play any sports?
I walk and hike.
What is your favourite sport?
I like tennis and play it for leisure.
Who is your favourite sportsman/ woman?
My favourite sports person is Lewis Hamilton.
What do you like todo for leisure?
I visit artists privately and frequent art galleries. I dig into my food garden and eat my produce.
What is your secret to success?
I trust my clients to refer me.
What has been the most embarrassing moment in the industry?
Trying to convince a company to sell Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)
What is your pet hate?
Dishonest people and corrupt people, and people who deal in bad faith, green washers.
What is the most memorable place you have ever been to, and why?
Argentina. Very beautiful country that’s honest, authentic and culture rich. Super classy in a very understated manner and does not make noise or seek attention nor validation.
What is your favourite city?
Paris, because I can walk around freely and I am able to explore.
What is your favourite book and film?
Book: The Alchemist. Each time I read it I discover something new. Film: Dead Poets Society – The message inspires me.
How do you relax?
I listen to music and have a glass of wine.
What is your favourite food?
What is the most impulsive thing you have ever done?
Left my job to start a business when I was 27.
Who is your role model?
My mother. She is organised, structured and clear about what she wants. Also mean, shrewd and good at managing money.
What advice do you have for anyone starting out in this industry and hoping to follow in your footsteps?
Invest your time in learning, be patient, align with the right people and remain ethical.
What is your dream for the future?
That everyone would appreciate that everything is connected, and they are part of it through their actions.