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In conversation with... Dilnaaz Ally

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Going into level 4

Going into level 4

Cofounder and CEO of MRU Emergency Response Unit

Dilnaaz Ally cherishes her childhood memories which include traveling across the globe and learning to ski with her family, riding motorbikes with friends and sky diving with her sister.

Not for the little tomboy a girlie career – fascinated by the police and detective programmes she watched on television as a child, she decided from early on that she was going to be part of an exciting and productive career.

Early years My involvement in the security industry started at the age of 18 years after finishing school. The peaceful neighbourhood of Lenasia in Gauteng, where I grew up, was rapidly changing as a result of an increase in violent criminal activities. I remember thinking to myself that something needed to be done – even if it was a small contribution that I could make – to improve the situation.

That was the beginning of my journey to proactively fight crime as well as support victims by offering assistance in whichever way I could.

As the years passed, I took part in high visibility patrols, trained through ER 24 to be able to offer medical assistance as a first aider, arranged disaster management support and organised anti-crime events.

Then, yearning to help on a much larger scale, I initiated a partnership to found the MRU Section 21 non-profit organisation. It grew rapidly, supported by an upstanding group of business and working people who shared the same vision as we did. They gave us the most valuable gift they could give: their time and dedication to assist victims affected by crime.

MRU was the first entity to introduce two-way radios into the community. We acquired them from Multisource (now known as Critical Communications), with whom we still have a strong business relationship. This allowed us to mobilise assistance quickly and it led us to our next goal: getting a dedicated fire engine for Lenasia and the surrounding areas to deal with high volumes of road accidents and fires in the nearby informal settlements.

In December 2011 this desperately needed service became a reality as our own fire engine drove into town!

MRU Emergency Response Unit My husband and I established the company MRU Emergency Response Unit, which caters not just for the corporates but also for the security needs of clients with various incomes.

Having a diverse background in security training, from tactical to investigative DNA crime scene management, we are able to offer a vast array of services.

We are also affiliated to the BAC E2 Project, whose support is indispensable and allows us to provide specialised assistance to businesses and the public in general.

In addition, we assist with one of the most important elements of security: the control room.

Knowing and understanding how complex, convoluted and daunting the set-up and management of the control room can be, we have assisted a number of companies with the MRU control room toolbox solution. It is an easy all-in-one setup that includes training and 24/7 support for companies that want their own inhouse or a remote (off-site) security control room set up and operated successfully.

My tactical training and competencies in a variety of firearms including shotguns, rifles, carbines and handguns, permits me to carry out an array of assignments. The MRU Emergency Response Unit is not limited to any specific type of security – we offer a range of specialised services that are tailored to meet the ever-changing needs of our clients.

I work with an amazing team and believe it’s of the utmost importance to know every operational aspect of the business as well as what’s happening on the ground – I also believe that an open-door policy works best.

Having to turn any dream into a reality takes a spark of hope and powerful determination. In this industry, you have to be on top of your game to succeed, and you have to think ahead. Yes, there are times that your plan won’t work out as envisaged but the important thing then is to always have a plan B that’s ready to be actioned!

There is no such thing as a typical work day for me. From enjoying a cup of Chai Latte to evaluating and constructing business development strategies, analysing investigative projects, organising and integrating plans for our different specialised security assignments, and engaging with clients, I am constantly on the go.

Each security assignment comes with a different plan, a different strategy, a different actioned operation – it varies from day to day, which I love.

Our latest project We launched our latest project a few weeks ago. It’s called the MRU Evacuation Plan and it’s aimed at providing tailored action plans for executives and their leadership teams so that they’re prepared for any emergency, whether it’s protest action, riots or violent internal or public disruptions.

These are terrifying scenarios that can nevertheless be mitigated with the right plans in place. MRU’s Evacuation Plan includes evacuation procedures and access to safe locations using GPS, satellite phones and other innovative products to grant them access to the essentials needed in order for them to be operational the next day.

It also trains key personnel on how to operate in the event of catastrophes so that they and their teams can act swiftly and vacate the premises safely. We believe that pragmatic planning will give our clients peace of mind and the ability to rebound from potentially disastrous events.

Challenges Being successful in the security industry is not about muscular physiques, as once believed. Although the industry was maledominated for years, it’s now thriving, with an influx of proficient females who are succeeding through proven skills, driving passion and exceptional talent.

Your goals Criminals are becoming more and more dangerous and resourceful, so it’s critical for us to be proactive. My long-term goals include getting more involved with strategising and developing cutting-edge anti-crime technology that will allow us to fight crime using innovative, hitech solutions.

Your thoughts on SA’s security industry The negatives include the irregularities that are directly contributing to the increase in the crime rate.

The positives include the enhancement of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSiRA) with particular regard to the training it offers and its role in clamping down on non-compliant security companies. Our industry has gone through a major clean-up which is benefitting the safety, security and quality of its service to the public.

South Africa’s security industry is one of the largest in the world and I believe that it has the potential to become a world leader in terms of setting training, educational and procedural standards. We’re developing extensive competencies, expertise and experience within all levels of combating crime.

Your advice to the youth of today Get involved in a career within the security industry, train with passion, carry out your duties not to be noticed but to be noteworthy, whether it’s your own business or through employment.

Remember, it’s not just about your security assignment, it’s also about your genuine concern for your clients, understanding what their needs are and that their lives and property matter!

Your inspiration Everyone finds inspiration through something truly meaningful to them in life. I find that the best inspiration comes from my quiet, reflective time with my Creator, rather than from the things created.

Interests and hobbies I love competitive sport and the outdoors with my family, whether it’s Go Ape or hiking through the forest, boat rides on the river or jet skiing at sea.

Personal goals and dreams Believing that it’s important to keep stepping forward, I usually set a five-year personal goal plan. I have reached my fifth year and I am grateful for having achieved what I set out to achieve. It’s now time to set new goals!

The characteristics and attributes you value most in people I value people who are fervently determined and have an authentic mind-set.

The traits you dislike most Procrastination!

Your expectations post- Covid-19 lockdown There is a probability that many smaller businesses will suffer greatly as a result of the lockdown with some going out of business completely. Our focus would be to find solutions through different avenues to assist our customers and the small companies.

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