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In conversation with… Hein Kern, Head of Sales for Secutel Technologies

Newly appointed Head of Sales for Secutel Technologies, Hein Kern, thinks big.

Undaunted by the demands of his Law at the University of the North West position, which includes (PUKKE), which opened many doors to managing and motivating the him. company’s sales team and helping them “Over the last 20 years I have been meet their sales targets, assisting with employed at many exciting international strategic planning and launching new IT (information technology) vendors. products and services, and ensuring that Most recently I was employed at F5 Secutel continues to provide excellent Networks as Territory Manager for East customer service, he’s also got one eye Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. Prior on expanding northwards. to that I was with Dell Technologies for

“My immediate focus is the continued eight years, firstly as Regional Sales growth in the South African market, but Manager in charge of the EMC Advanced most definitely the longer-term plans Software Division for Sub-Saharan Africa include moving up into the SADC Region and then as Regional Sales Manager for and later East Africa as a start.” the Security Arm of Dell Technologies

Hein grew up in Rustenburg in the (RSA), also looking after Sub-Saharan North West Province. He matriculated Africa.” from Bergsig High School in 1990, after Before that I was with IBM for three which he completed his compulsory years where I was employed as a sales one-year national military service at 14 specialist in the software division. I also Artillery Brigade in Potchefstroom. During spent time at Compuware/Computer this time, he served on the G5 Canon and as an operational medic.

He then went on to achieve a B. Proc Law at the University of the North West (PUKKE), which opened many doors to him.

“Over the last 20 years I have been employed at many exciting international IT (information technology) vendors. Most recently I was employed at F5 Networks as Territory Manager for East Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. Prior to that I was with Dell Technologies for eight years, firstly as Regional Sales Manager in charge of the EMC Advanced Software Division for Sub-Saharan Africa and then as Regional Sales Manager for the Security Arm of Dell Technologies (RSA), also looking after Sub-Saharan Africa.”

Before that I was with IBM for three years where I was employed as a sales specialist in the software division. I also spent time at Compuware/Computer Associates and started off by doing my candidate attorney articles at Malan Attorneys in Attorneys in Thabazimbi.”

What motivates you?

I love learning new things! As a sales manager I enjoy mentoring and coaching others, and seeing my team (and ultimately my company) succeed. I also get enormous satisfaction from seeing happy clients as a result of us delivering on their investments and fulfilling their business needs. This really means the world to me. I also get a kick out of challenging myself with regards to meeting deadlines, targets and goals.

What do you value most in people?

“Honesty and loyalty.”

And the traits you won’t tolerate?

“Dishonesty. Rudeness. Cruelty.”

What do you want to achieve in your new position?

“I am committed to ensuring that Secutel remains successful through our unequalled support and product quality. Add to that ensuring the best possible service from our sales team to clients, and always working towards improving performance and achieving sales goals.”

What is on your personal bucket list?

“Watching the Wildebeest migration in the Masai Mara!”

What is on your bedside table?

“The Bible, a photograph of my family , and Chronicles, Vol 1 by Bob Dylan.”

Who are your mentors?

“From a personal point of view my father, who was one of the most generous and kind-hearted people I have ever met. From a work perspective, I have met quite a few amazing businessmen and women in my time! These include Dayne Turbitt, who is currently Senior Vice President and General Manager at Dell Technologies for the United Kingdom. I reported to him during my time with Dell Technologies. He has played a massive role on how I approach selling, working with clients, and my ‘never say never’ attitude.”

Why choose Secutel as the next step on your career ladder?

“There are a lot of reasons. For one, that Secutel is a privately held South African company with nine service centres throughout the country, including Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, Bloemfontein, George, Polokwane and Nelspruit. Since its inception in 2006, it has built up an impressive client base that includes leading banks, large security service providers, wholesalers, retailers, manufacturers, schools and universities. Also, Secutel has a clear understanding of the challenges associated within the highly complex security technology sector.”

What are the products that most impress you?

“Secutel has dynamic video management, surveillance and cloud analytics systems that make the future available today, affordably and sustainably. Its product range brings intelligence to existing or ordinary cameras by feeding images to the SecuVue Cloud using the revolutionary SecuVue Cloud Bridge to enable surveillance and analytics from anywhere in the world. The company’s technology is mind-blowing: analytics with facial collection and recognition, age estimation, emotion detection, gender detection, license plate recognition and vehicle identification, activity heatmaps, people counting, scene analysis, line crossing and intrusion detection.”

“Add to this the Secutel Visual Verifier, which is the most successful intruder detection system available on the market today. It is a purpose-built intruder detection system with instant visual verification of a potential intrusion. The system is designed for African conditions and caters for up to 72 hours battery backup and GSM down to GPRS level for data communication from even the remotest areas.”

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected Secutel?

“We’re seeing growing demand for secure mobile and biometric access control systems, and in particular touchless technology. Secutel is meeting this demand with products such as NoKey, an enterprise grade, keyless biometric access control solution with fingerprint and facial recognition. The NoKey solution integrates with the Secutel Visual Verifier and SecuVue systems, which enables visuals of all entries and exits. It can also automatically arm or disarm intruder detection systems.”

Does Secutel also service South Africa’s guarding sector?

“Yes. Secutel’s Guard Tracking and Management system, which is the most advanced on the market, comes with a number of highly relevant, cutting-edge components: real-time GPS tracking, data and push-to-talk voice communication, and instantaneous uploading to the cloud of snapshots and video clips. Through the use of virtual waypoints, route planning and scheduling, guard time and attendance is automatically updated and maintained. Our research and development team constantly improves and adapts solutions to remain in line with technological advancements and changes and we compete favourably with global players. I am very proud to be part of this amazing, dynamic company.”

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