Ealing in Business - Expo Guide 19 Nov 2015

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EXPO GUIDE FREE – please take a copy Visit our website: www.ealing.biz; find us on Facebook and follow on Twitter: @EalingBiz


Local business-to-business exhibition

Thursday 19 November 2015 Ealing Town Hall

Victoria Hall and Nelson Room 10:00am-4:00pm

Contact us MAGAZINES Cover illustration: Ealing Town Hall, where the Expo is being held

INSIDE • who’s exhibiting • layout of stands • timetable of the day • speaker profiles • making the most of your visit

Illustration by Carlene Bender

Read this magazine online at:


The Ealing in Business Expo is supported and funded by Ealing Council Regeneration Department

Page 2 / Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015

19 Nov: timetable of events 10:00am: Doors open for registration – register now at www.ealing.biz 10:30-11:00am: Branding Masterclass – Richard Ward, RAW Unlimited (Nelson Room) 11:00am: Exhibition opens, Victoria Hall, Ealing Town Hall Welcome from Julian Bell, Leader of Ealing Council 12:00-12:30pm: ‘How to build a business and market overseas’ – Sarah Brown, Pai Skincare (Nelson Room) 1:30-2:00pm: ‘Growing a business from your kitchen table’ – Jane Michell, Jane Plan (Nelson Room) 2:30-3:30pm: Speed Networking – hosted by Fabulous Women (Nelson Room) 4:00pm: Ealing in Business Expo 2015 closes

Contents 3 4 5 6 8

Welcome What to expect Meet the speakers See who’s exhibiting Speed networking starters 11 Notes

How to use this Expo Guide 1 Find your stands. For example if you’d like to visit the London Broncos Business Club, check their allocated table number on the fly sheet provided (also posted around Victoria Hall), and then write in where their table is located in the hall, using the layout on this page.

featured speakers, would you? Find out who the speakers are on page 5.

2 Check the seminar times. You wouldn’t want to miss one of the

4 Take note of the adverts. The adverts on pages 4, 5 and 11 highlight useful

5 Save this guide. With all its handy contact details, this Expo Guide may come in handy again soon. Bookmark the online version so it’s easy to find at: contactusealing.co.uk

in Business • Elite Catering • Express Print • Fabulous Women & Marvellous Men • Future Health Management • Go View London • HMRC

• London Broncos Rugby League • Maria Brosnan • Melanie Moss • Michael Beaver • Mighten • Pai Skincare • Pearson Practice • Post Room Ealing

3 Refer to the exhibitor profiles. On pages 6 to 10 are mini-profiles of all the exhibitors. Be sure to at least scan through these – there are some hidden gems in there.

facts about local businesses. Without the support of these advertisers, there would be no Expo Guide! The ads featuring the Expo logo are also exhibitors today.

Ealing in Business

Victoria Hall Table Layout (Subject to change at any point)

Quick-look list of exhibitors (See profiles on pages 6-10)

• Accession • Angle Glass • Ann McLaughlin • Attend IT

• Bocaface • Bridge to Health • City Car Club • Contactus • Doddle • Ealing Chamber of Commerce • Ealing Council • Ealing Mums

Visitor Etiquette Please remember that exhibitors have paid to promote their businesses at the Expo. Visitors may use the speed networking session to publicise their own businesses.

• Igniting Minds • Inside Left • James Dean Digital • Jane Plan • JLB Support Solutions • Karyplus • Law Exchange

Advertiser finder page 4 • Future Health Management • Ealing Chamber of Commerce • Around Ealing • Law Exchange Limited • JLB Support Solutions

page 5 • Go View London • London Host Families • Accession CIC page 11 • Acmmos Media • The Athena Network • InnerVisions

• RAW Unlimited • Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) with Gateway Asia • RedRoutemaster • The Training Pack • University of West London • Viva Videos

Ealing in Business Expo Guide Produced by Contactus. Read this magazine online at:


Contact us MAGAZINES

Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015 / Page 3



ello dear visitor, we’re so glad you’ve joined us for Ealing in Business – the flagship business-to-business event for our West London borough. The expo was designed to draw Ealing-based businesses together: to connect suppliers with purchasers and to showcase just how much talent exists locally. Trading locally has a number of benefits: lower costs, reduced impact on the environment, easier conversations, a more sustainable community, and more. However, it’s not always easy to know what is available locally. Could the skills or services you need be available just around the corner from where you live or work? Where would you find a local web developer, talented graphic designer, trustworthy virtual assistant, or specialist translator, for example? Along with our wide range of exhibitors and engaging guest speakers, there will be plenty of opportunities to start the business conversation and make those connections yourself. Have a good day of meeting, networking and connecting. ealing.biz @EalingBiz ealinginbusiness

TIME FOR BUSINESS Ealing Council Regeneration department, and by extension the Ealing in Business expo, falls within the portfolio of Council leader, Julian Bell. He explains why 2015 is a good year to launch an expo for boosting local small businesses:

The Council is pleased to be working with partners to create an environment in Ealing where enterprises are supported to set-up and continue to flourish. Ealing has seen an increase in the number of start-ups compared to the West London average and we are keen to see this trend continue by supporting initiatives like the Ealing in Business Expo. Events like these are a vital step in attracting businesses to the area and increasing the number of good jobs available to our residents.

Local businesses network at the Ealing in Business launch event on 22 June

Expo organisers – here to help you Ealing Council commissioned a team of local businesses to stage the Ealing in Business Expo – here is the team of organisers, happy to help with any query you have today Carol Sam Ealing Council economic regeneration manager

Carlene Bender Editorpublisher, Contactus Ealing magazine

Glenda Shawley The Training Pack

Shelley Henderson Co-founder, Ealing Mums in Business

Ealing Council’s Economic Regeneration Team has secured funding to provide practical support to businesses of all sizes in Ealing, helping to drive growth in the local economy.

Contactus magazines advertising service promotes local businesses “in print, online and in person” through a combination of print media, and offline and online networking.

Glenda has been in business in Ealing for more than 23 years. She offers training, marketing support and consultancy to small and start-up businesses in the borough and beyond.

As well as networking events for a vibrant local business community, Ealing Mums in Business offers training and business support and are organisers of the popular Northfields Night Markets.





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Healthier jobs If you are struggling with a health issue that has not been solved by conventional methods, contact Christina Martin. For corporate clients she provides on-site naturopathy, nutritional therapy and stress management. futurehealthmanagement.co.uk @ecmartin1 futurehealthmanagement

Christina Martin DHNP, AIT, SNHS Dip Advanced Nutrition • naturopath • nutritionist • biofeedback • health tests • Native Elements supplements Get in touch: 020 8991 1490

Business exhibition in Victoria Hall

What to expect Registration opens at 10am but if you pre-registered at ealing.biz, your name will be on our entry list at the Town Hall entrance. Say hello to the Expo organisers and enter the exhibition in Victoria Hall, or, if you’re in time for a seminar, the Nelson Room. Use this Expo Guide and check the information on display to find the stands that you’re keen to visit. Listen out for announcements of upcoming seminars and the speed networking.

Your virtual assistant

jlbsupportsolutions.co.uk J L B Support Solutions provides a range of virtual support solutions for business: “Your time matters, I can optimise it.” Call Joanne 07713 054195

Visitor Tip 1 Please tweet about the Expo, using the hashtag #Ealingbizexpo

Talk business Around Ealing Translations Ealing Chamber of Commerce, a local branch of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is a premier networking and business organisation. “Come and see us at the Expo and find out how we can help you grow your business,” says manager Vesna Nall. ealingchamber.org @EalingChamber

ompany’s profile usiness time and money business contacts Raise your company’s profile Save your business time and money Make new business contacts

of Commerce is a(0)20 premier networking T: +44 7556 2394 and business ion which E: hasvnall@ealingchamber.org played an active role in the local business 1902. W: ealingchamber.org

a local branch of London Chamber of Commerce and which gives you access to a network of thousands of

With a circulation of 137,500, Ealing Council’s award-winning magazine, ‘Around Ealing’, reaches every home and business in the borough. “It’s a surefire way to reach your target market,” says editor Richard Nadal. Adverts start from £500 for a quarter-page. ealing.gov.uk/advertising @A_E_Extra

Single advertisement (per 1 issue)

Law Exchange Limited specialises in providing language services for the legal, medical, financial and technical sectors. “We connect clients with experts in their fields who have in-depth knowledge of differing professional and cultural requirements.” www.lawexchange.co.uk Law-Exchange-Ltd


Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015 / Page 5

Meet the speakers Our speakers are all Ealing-based business-owners who have moved their companies from start-up to success, and are here to share their experiences – to inspire and educate. Seminars will take place in the Nelson Room.

Visitor Tip 2 There’s space to make notes on the inside back cover of this guide

Richard Ward RAW Unlimited

Sarah Brown Pai Skincare

Jane Michell Jane Plan

“How to build a business and market overseas” 12-12:30pm

“Growing a business from your kitchen table” 1:30-2pm

Rich has over 20 years’ experience in branding large and small businesses. He has also lectured at the British Library on the Innovating for Growth programme. With his brother Andy, Rich runs RAW Unlimited, a boutique brand and environments agency in Ealing. rawunlimited.co.uk

Sarah launched Pai Skincare in 2007 as a solution to her own sensitive skin. Originally produced from a converted garage in West London, Pai now employs 27 staff and exports to 40 countries. Sarah will be giving an insight into building a business and how to market overseas. paiskincare.com

Jane started her business in 2010 after a friend asked for help in losing weight. Jane knew that healthy food and portion control was the key, and devised a detailed eating plan. In the first week her friend lost 4lbs, in a month 12, and Jane hasn’t looked back since. She will be sharing some of the lessons learned on her journey. janeplan.com

Get Go View

Family hosts

Print work

Go View London is an Ealing success story, now with 11 employees under their wings from independent start up status five years ago. Visit their stand to find out more and pick up some great advice for your business. www.goviewlondon.co.uk @goviewlondon goviewlondon

Ealing Broadway company London Host Families Ltd “specialises purely in host family accommodation” for people working or studying in London for more than a few weeks. The agency also caters for visitors on business courses who prefer to stay with a family. www.londonhostfamilies.com LondonHostFamilies

Paul Cowling of Accession CIC, based in West Ealing, will be available at the Expo to advise on your business design and print needs. “Email me at pcowling@ accessioncic.com to let me know you’re coming,” says Paul. www.accessioncic.com @accessioncic accessioncic

“Branding Masterclass” 10:30-11:00am

For no obligation advice on sales, lettings or management please call 020 8992 0333 or email enquire@ goviewlondon.co.uk

off all Design and Print work ordered by 18th December Accession Design & Print Studio

Call: 0208 579 3164

Page 6 / Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015

Nearly 40 Ealing-based businesses have taken stands at the Expo to promote what they offer to other local businesses. Have a look here to see which ones you’d like to find out more about, and which ones you could already collaborate with.

Accession Social Enterprise

Angle Glass

design and print services

stained glass design, restoration and advice Come along to Victoria Hall and meet:

Be sure to introduce yourself to:

Paul Cowling

Jens Marott

See who’s exhibiting


Zoe Angle



Ann McLaughlin Physiotherapy

Attend IT


physiotherapy practice

your in-house IT department

Spanish food business catering

Come along to meet her team:

Come and talk tech with:

Ann McLaughlin

Adam Shailes

Be sure to introduce yourself to:


Visitor Tip 3 Some exciting prizes to be won today. Listen out for announcements! Visitor Tip 4 The Victoria Hall stage area is a ‘chill out zone’ Use this space for mini 1:1s, to sit down and catch your breath for a minute, and of course to read through this Expo Guide


Andrés Flatt


Bridge to Health clinic

City Car Club

osteopathy, massage, nutrition and more Be sure to introduce yourself to:

car and van usage without ownership

Mathieu Rossano


Come along and meet:

Tony Barnard



Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015 / Page 7



Ealing Chamber of Commerce

advertising and publishing

parcel services

business support and networking

Stop by anytime to speak with:

At the Expo you’ll get to meet:

Carlene Bender

Zak Presky

Be sure to introduce yourself to:

Vesna Nall

Contact us EALING Local business magazine



Ealing Council

Ealing Mums in Business

economic regeneration department Today is an opportunity to talk with:

training, business advice and networking Come along and meet:

Carol Sam

www.ealing.gov.uk/ info/200142/regeneration

Shelley Henderson


Elite Catering

Express Print

corporate and social event catering

printing and branded merchandise

Be sure to introduce yourself to:

This is your chance to speak with:

Sue Hutt


Shereen Presky



Visitor Tip 5 Don’t trust it all to memory: make notes We’ve provided a little ‘emergency space’ on the inside back cover of this guide, but making the effort to write down people’s names and contact details – and some distinguishing feature about them – will help you remember them later on when you’re ready to do some essential following-up

Fabulous Women and Marvellous Men networking Say hello to:

Jane Hardy


Page 8 / Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015


Future Health Management

Go View London

HM Revenue and Customs

nutrition, stress management and more Be sure to introduce yourself to:

estate agents

support for businesses

Come and have a chat with:

Be sure to say hello to:

Donald Collins

Vijay Chadha MBE

Christina Martin




Igniting Minds

Inside Left

James Dean Digital

leadership coaching, training and more

online and website support

websites, SEO, cloud computing and more

Have a chat with:

Do stop to say hello to:

Come and meet:

Jacqueline Davis


Jane Plan

Jim Christian and Dean Henderson

Kelly Ohlmus



Speed networking starters Here are a few tips if you’re planning to join in the speed networking session at 2.30pm, run by Fabulous Women networking organisation:

diet delivery Come and listen to Expo speaker:

• you’ll need many more business cards than you ever imagined

Jane Michell

• remember to give the other person a chance to speak too!


Speed networking in the Nelson Room

• don’t hold up the line: switch chairs when the buzzer goes • note that you won’t actually get to meet everyone in the room • use the time to connect; chat later.


Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015 / Page 9

JLB Support Solutions


virtual assistants

personal protective equipment and workwear Come and meet:

Make a connection with:

Joanne Brianti


John Cosgrove


Visitor Tip 6 ‘The money is in the follow-up’ There’s no point coming to the Expo, meeting and networking with all these exciting business-owners, and then doing nothing about all those new contacts gained. Here are three ideas for keeping in touch with new Expo friends: 1 follow them on social media 2 call to arrange a 1:1 3 take them up on an offer

Law Exchange Limited

London Broncos Business Club

Maria Brosnan Photography

legal, financial, medical & technical translations On this stand you’re likely to meet:

business networking with the rugby league club Come and meet:

wedding and portrait photographer

Emilie Kronfli

Tom Hamlyn Williams

Exchange contact details with:

Maria Brosnan



Melanie Moss

Michael Beaver & Co.


portrait and still life photography


business consultancy

Be sure to introduce yourself to:

Come to Victoria Hall. you get to meet:

Take the chance to say hello to:

Melanie Moss

Michael Beaver




Vanessa Guthrie


Page 10 / Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015

Pai Skincare

Pearson Practice

Post Room Ealing

organic skincare range

executive coaching

postal services for business

Here’s our midday speaker:

At the Pearson Practice stand you’ll probably meet:

Come along to the Expo to meet:

Sarah Brown

Carol Pearson



Shital Manro


RAW Unlimited

RBS & Gateway Asia


branding communications

Royal Bank of Scotland; business consultancy Come and meet:

bus hire for events, training, product launches and more Be sure to introduce yourself to:

Visit the Nelson Dotoyou Room hear need our speaker:

a hand to grow your Rich Ward business? !

Ash Verma

Adam Shailes

Take mine


! ! !

www.gatewayasia.co.uk www.business.rbs.co.uk

The Training ! Pack marketing planning, t’s!your!marketing!message!and!who! implementation ds!to!hear!it?!We’ll!help!you!to!stop! and training ing!money!on!ineffective!marketing.!! Be sure to



introduce yourself to:

University of West London

Viva Videos

The Claude Littner Business School

business, marketing and story telling videos Swap contact details with:

Come and talk to:

Aqbal Mohindroo

Glenda Shawley Book a consultation now



www.facebook.com/thetrainingpack! !


Valerie Smith



Ealing in Business Expo Guide / 19 November 2015 / Page 11

When what you need is a custom-built website

Website Design | Software | E-commerce

ompanies come to us when they’ve outgrown the WordPress or DIY websites they had when they were start-ups,” explains Russel Awal, chief consultant at Acmmos Media. “As your business grows, your website ought to be able to grow with it.” “The main advantage of having a custom-built website is its adaptability,” he continues, “especially if your business is going into e-commerce, or if you’re offering discounts or special deals Russel Awal: original websites through your website. and apps “You can have a lot more features on a website that’s built from scratch, which would become quite expensive if you had to buy them all as separate plug-ins.” Acmmos Media are also expert at building and developing custom applications (apps). Contact Russel by phone at 079 8432 1356. www.acmmosmedia.co.uk @AcmmosMedia AcmmosMedia

Bespoke web and software development company in West London


Athena power In-depth design “Face to face networking is one of the most powerful ways to market your business,” says Jo Sumner, West London Regional Director of the women-only The Athena Network. Contact her if you would like to visit a meeting. theathenanetwork.co.uk/ JoanneSumner @AthenaWLondon The-Athena-Network-West-London


InnerVisions offers a more intelligent, multi-dimensional, marketing-savvy and commercially-aware approach to corporate identity. “I highly recommend them if you want someone to lift your brand and help take your company forward,” says Felicity Sandford of Yourstage Drama. hi.innervisions@gmail.com

Monthly networking for business women DESIGN THAT MEANS BUSINESS

Where we meet in: EALING 3rd Tuesday of the month 12noon-2pm The Grange, Warwick Road, Ealing W5 3XH

Specialising in corporate identity, branding and all marketing communications to help grow your business InnerVisionsGraphics 07711 515631

Thank you for visiting the 2015 Ealing in Business Expo

What do



have to offer you? Come in and find out at Ealing in Business, a brand new business to business exhibition

Thursday 19 November 2015 10:30am - 4:00pm Ealing Town Hall For details, visit www.ealing.biz


Do you need a to grow busi !


Take m


! ! !

Ealing in Business is brought What’s!your!marketing!message!and!w to you by these organisations, needs!to!hear!it?!We’ll!help!you!to!stop working in partnership wasting!money!on!ineffective!marketin

! Contactus EALING business Book aLocal consultation magazine

Thu 19 Nov | www.ealing.biz Support sponsor: London Broncos Business Club


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