Inside Memphis Business Dec. 2015/Jan. 2016

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Philanthropy THE


Digging Deep for a Greater City

Supplement to Memphis magazine C01_2015_IMB12-01_2015_Cover_v03.indd 1

Bob Fockler


11/12/15 12:21 PM

Regional One Health is creating a new concept for care at our new location in east Memphis, where 385 crosses Kirby Parkway. This modern and convenient health care campus will not only provide primary care, but specialty care, too. New services include internal medicine, cardiology, endocrinology, rheumatology, reproductive medicine, urogynecology, an outpatient rehabilitative medicine center, imaging center, and a pharmacy. It’s not just our job to create new, convenient services that help you live a healthier life; it’s what we love to do.


a new campus IN EAST MEMPHIS.

Learn more at

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Your life. Our passion. Regional One Health 11/12/15

8:35 AM

02 2015

project location client size project type

Eye Specialty Group Memphis, TN Healthcare Realty 6,323 sf Healthcare

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11/12/15 8:36 AM

1661 Aaron Brenner Dr., Ste. 300, Memphis 38120, 901.761.2720 • 417 West Main, Ste. 100, Tupelo 38804, 662.269.4014

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11/12/15 8:37 AM

Philanthropy THE




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10 T H E H O T S H E E T

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20 M E M P H I S B E A T


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62 T H E O F F I C E


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64 B Y T H E N U M B E R S



ON THE COVER: Bob Fockler of The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis. PHOTOGRAPH BY LARRY KUZNIEWSKI


30 features



19 T H E C R Y S T A L A W A R D S


36 D I G D E E P

AFP Memphis and the Crystal Awards are here to uplift Memphis givers.

A year of partnerships and giving back.



25 N E X T G E N L E A D E R S

A new generation of giving changes the landscape. ••• BY LANCE WIEDOWER

30 P R O F I L E : B O B F O C K L E R

The president of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis left a life of high finance for one with a higher purpose.

39 M E I - A N N C H E N

And her Circle of Friends. ••• BY K ATHERINE JONES

45 H E A L T H C A R E


A look back at the biggest stories of 2015. ••• COMPILED BY RICHARD J. ALLEY


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11/13/15 11:29 AM




• • •







Richard J. Alley Brian Groppe Frank Murtaugh Michael Finger, Eileen Townsend Cindy Conner Burnett, Chris Davis, Paul Hopkins, Katherine Jones, Douglas Scarboro, Jon W. Sparks, Lance Wiedower Christopher Myers Dominique Pere, Bryan Rollins Larry Kuzniewski Jeffrey A. Goldberg


March Gates


Margie Neal


Kenneth Neill


Molly Willmott


Jeffrey A. Goldberg Bruce VanWyngarden Jackie Sparks-Davila


Kendrea Collins


Britt Ervin


Lynn Sparagowski


Joseph Carey


Celeste Dixon

There’s a view I have on my morning commute to our offices downtown. In the foreground is Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital with its big, iconic heart set atop like a beacon of mercy. In the background is the skyline of downtown with its brick-and-mortar symbols of commerce and finance. As I began putting together this issue of Inside Memphis Business and looking at the work we’ve done over the past year to highlight the partnerships between corporations and nonprofits, that view took on significant meaning. The nonprofits in Memphis — and there are many, I assure you — are bolstered by the entrepreneurs, CEOs, and the legions who work for them. These not-for-profit organizations are raised up on pedestals and Memphis becomes a beacon of philanthropy, showing the world just what’s in our heart. But what I’ve learned is that the nonprofits, in turn, bolster those bastions of commerce as well. Helping out builds morale and gives those in the trenches and those in the corner offices a better perspective on why they do what they do each day. Everyone knows of Le Bonheur, the city’s Fortress of Solicitude, but there are so many organizations of goodwill that it is easy for the novice to get lost. For the next generation of givers, the young professionals just making their way in the world who are beginning to think of giving back, there are helpful resources available. Over the past several years, the Community Foundation of

D I G Inside Memphis Business is published six times a year by Contemporary Media, Inc., 460 Tennessee Street, P.O. Box 1738, Memphis, TN 38101 © 2015, telephone: 901-5219000. For subscription information, call 901-575-9470. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage paid at Memphis, TN. Postmaster: send address changes to Inside Memphis Business, P.O. Box 1738, Memphis, TN 38101. Opinions and perspectives expressed in the magazine are those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the ownership or management.




Greater Memphis has welcomed these newbies with their GiVE 365 initiative, allowing them to give just $1 per day and help choose where their $365 per year will go. This past November, the CFGM launched two new websites to further the giving power of the next generation: and As Mia Madison, director of the initiative, explained to me recently, the websites “work together to bring the community data that is open and available to them for free, and pair that data with nonprofit organizations that are working on those issues.” The site launched with about 100 nonprofits represented, yet 500 have been targeted and, Madison says, “in the next 10 years, I hope we could have all of the nonprofits in our area.” With the level of giving Memphis is capable of, such a trajectory is certainly not out of the question. As the seasoned givers mentor and make way for those new on the road, the view ahead is easy to see.


A 2012 survey conducted by The Chronicle of Philanthropy ranked Memphis second in that magazine’s list of per-capita charitable contributions for America’s 50 most-populous metro areas. Memphisarea residents and businesses give over $700 million to charity annually. Because of this, Inside Memphis Business in 2015 started working together with local companies to highlight the good work being done in our community. This is our “Dig Deep for Memphis” partnership program. During 2015, we matched every advertising full page purchased by our partners with a donated page for the charitable organization of their choice. We are very pleased with the “Dig

Deep” program and look to expand it in 2016. For further information, contact In the meantime, please join me in thanking our three 2015 Partners — Triumph, CBRE Memphis, and FedEx — for their support of philanthropy in the Mid-South, and their support for Inside Memphis Business. —Kenneth Neill

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11/12/15 3:59 PM

UNRIVALED TALENT. UNMATCHED RESULTS. With a passion for everything that makes our city so special, our firm is the unrivaled leader in commercial real estate services in Memphis. Strategic, forward-thinking and results-driven, our professionals are committed to delivering the best of Memphis to our clients and the community we serve.

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4/22/2015 4:50:42 PM 11/9/15 10:12 AM





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Mind your social resumé One of the first and best lessons I learned about accomplishing things in Memphis is that your social resumé is often just as important as your work resumé. Your social resumé details your engagement with local nonprofits and philanthropic endeavors, and usually is a collection of board service and direct work that you have done to help organizations.

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and Start Co. My board service has allowed Recently, Memphis was ranked me to help the community in significant 2nd out of the 50 most generous of ways, but also create significantly deep major metropolitan areas in the country, relationships that are an important factor according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s in doing business. Although a significant “How America Gives” report. Memphis’ time commitment, these relationships deep commitment to improving our city have been integral to accomplishing goals applies not only to our time, but also to and creating success in my full-time job. our wallets, with Memphians donating 5.1 Philanthropic work provides invaluable percent of their gross incomes to charity. experience and networking opportunities Simply put, philanthropy is in our DNA. that not only help grow the nonprofits, they Increasingly, organizations are recognizing can enhance and grow professional careers. the value of recruiting younger members In turn, additional career growth can lead to their boards, an important trend when to the opportunity for more considering the philanthropphilanthropic impact. ic future. At the same time, While Memphis has a bit more young professionals IN MEMPHIS, YOUNGER of a head start embracing are discovering the value PROFESSIONALS CAN BE younger leaders in comof serving on the boards of parison with other regions nonprofits they are passionFOUND SUPPORTING A of the country, more needs ate about, since it provides VARIETY OF NONPROFITS to be done to ensure the the opportunity to become future of Memphis philanthropic efforts. more fully engaged. In Memphis, younger Now is a particularly opportune time to professionals can be found supporting a engage with the much-studied millennial variety of nonprofits, from organizations like generation, a very entrepreneurial and GiVE365 to the concentrated work of the socially engaged group that prefers to be New Memphis Institute, which yearly places hands-on with philanthropic work. They are hundreds of people on local boards almost enthusiastic about leveraging new tools and seven years earlier than average. According strategies, as well as their peer networks, to to the 2015 “Leading with Intent” study pubcreate a greater impact and turn their ideals lished by BoardSource, board members under into action. They are poised to become one 40 years of age increased from 14 percent in of the most giving generations in decades. 2010 to 17 percent in 2014 across the U.S. Based on my own experiences, I would I joined my first board at the age of 32 wholeheartedly recommend considering when I served as a trustee with St. George’s nonprofit leadership opportunities as a Independent School. I was connected with young professional. To be sure, consider your St. George’s by a mentor who realized the options carefully, based on your passions importance of community connections, and your goals for affecting change. You and I benefit to this day from knowledge want to make sure you are a good fit for the gained while I was on that board. From organization and the organization is a good developing a real-world understanding of fit for you. If you are looking for guidance profit and loss statements to how a board on how and where to find your fit, Volunteer directs the work of the organization, I Memphis has a board connection program was able to serve my community and that offers training and connection opportulearn valuable business lessons. The social nities for individuals interested in nonprofit resumé enhances the work resumé, and leadership positions. See volunteerboth often interconnect over a lifetime. Today, I serve on a number of boards for more information. Or feel free to connect that range from EmergeMemphis, which with me via Twitter @dscarboro. I currently chair, along with the Memphis Regional Chamber, Methodist Healthcare’s Extended Care Hospital, New Leaders Dr. Douglas Scarboro is Regional Executive/VP of the Memphis, Teach For America Memphis, Memphis branch of the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.

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11/10/15 4:47 PM

ŠBlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, Inc., an Independent Licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association.

OF TENNESSEE, FOR building healthier communities. BlueCross supports over 270 organizations dedicated to creating a better, healthier state. Investing over $14 million annually and impacting hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans. BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee is for Tennessee. Learn more about our community impact programs at

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6/25/15 5:12 PM 11/5/15 11:50 AM







Change is afoot with the healthcare industry’s inevitable transformation The U.S. healthcare industry is in the midst of its most volatile and provocative period of transformation since the creation of Medicare in the 1960s. Key drivers of change include state budgetary concerns, a variety of effects from the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), employers looking to control ever-increasing healthcare costs, and the general lack of sustainability in the overall U.S. healthcare economy. These pressures impact the financial

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typically involved larger dominant systems sustainability of everyone involved in the acquiring financially weaker organizations. healthcare delivery system as it exists today, While these more traditional alignment from the large hospital systems to the family forms still exist, more innovative relationpractitioner. Memphis is certainly not imships are emerging focused on scale, popumune from these pressures, and healthcare lation health management capabilities, and providers (hospitals, physicians, and others other new competencies and characteristics. that deliver care) in the Memphis area remain For example, a new generation of physician challenged to provide high-quality healthalignment activity in Memphis over the last care services to Memphis-area residents, several years is evidence of the effects of at lower cost, while dealing with unprecehealthcare transformation dented industry disruption. in the Mid-South. These Healthcare providers are newly forming relationships working to deal with these A C C E L E R AT I N G are increasingly crucial for challenges in many ways. INNOVAT ION BY providers as they work to In particular, healthcare EMPLOYERS IS A TREND successfully manage both payment reform is developing organizational and market-facwith accelerated urgency THAT COULD RESHAPE ing transformational change. and pace, resulting in the THE COMMERCIAL Following the enactment transformation of traditional HEALTHCARE MARKETS. of the ACA, many pundits fee-for-service, volume-based predicted an exodus by employers from payment models to models that are focused their sponsored health plans, but that on delivery of value in many different dynamic has not, in fact, emerged. Rather, contexts. These new and oftentimes quite employers are themselves actively searching complex payment models generally give infor new and innovative ways to drive higher centives for the provider to provide services healthcare quality at lower cost for their in a cost-effective manner while upholding employees. Large and influential employers high quality standards. Such models include like Boeing, Lowes, and Mohawk have bundled payments that pay providers a set modified benefit design, narrowed their fee for all of the services required to treat provider networks, and otherwise driven certain conditions. Until recently, most innovation through their health plans as providers could elect to participate or not a reflection of these efforts. Accelerating participate in these new models. More innovation by employers is a trend that could recently, healthcare purchasers (and, in reshape the commercial healthcare markets. particular, the federal and state governments) In the coming few years, most health are pushing in mandatory fashion for these systems and other providers will seek risk new models. For example, Memphis was capability as reformed payment models recently selected to participate in a mandatobecome more prevalent than traditional ry episodic Medicare payment initiative. This fee-for-service medicine. Purchasers of model pilots bundled payment and quality healthcare will push the industry to do measurement for episodes related to hip and better with less. The highly disruptive nature knee replacements. The future promises of these challenges will require dynamic more of these types of payment models. responses by all industry stakeholders, which In facing these challenges, some healthwill inevitably accelerate transformative care providers are responding in new and change through the healthcare ecosystem. innovative ways. Providers are forming alliances and affiliations across the delivery Paul Hopkins is an audit partner at DHG, and spectrum in ways that would have been has had a primary concentration in the healthcare surprising in the past. Traditional mergers, industry in which he has served for over 20 years. acquisitions, and alignment strategies

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11/12/15 11:26 AM

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11/11/15 8:20 AM

The HOT Sheet Advancement American Board of Dermatology certified dermatologists Dr. C. Brad Bledsoe and Dr. M. Craig Gordon recently joined Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Associates, with offices in Germantown and Olive Branch. Joseph A. Bissaillon has been named as federal program manager focusing on vertical construction projects, and Shannon Lambert was named director of water services at Barge, Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon, Inc. Celtic Crossing Irish Pub and Restaurant announced the promotion of Will Renick to head chef and kitchen manager. The Memphis Zoo announced the addition of Dr. Kimberly Terrell as director of Research and Conservation. In her new role, Terrell will lead programming related to the Zoo’s mission of advancing research, conservation, and education for threatened wildlife and wild places. Eclectic Eye has added Randall Bennett to its team as an Eyewear Architect. Fisher & Phillips LLP announced the addition of associate attorney Gabriel McGaha, and attorney Robert W. Ratton to the firm’s Memphis office. inferno, a full-service advertising, marketing, design, and public relations firm, has appointed Kimbrough Taylor as digital marketing specialist, and Tarryn Sanchez as account executive. Signature HealthCARE at St. Francis announced Michael Stacks as its new CEO. Stacks, a veteran of the U.S. Army, brings nearly a decade of nursing home experience to his role. Memphis in May International Festival has announced advertising executive Penelope Huston as the organization’s new director of marketing. Huston will oversee the organization’s marketing strategy and serve as the spokesperson for the festival. Pickering Firm, Inc., has named Ramona Westerfield as senior inspector on the firm’s transportation team, and Maria Porada as a structural engineer on the facility design team. 10 |

Total protection company State Systems Inc. announced the addition of three new members: Mark Walker Brown, marketing director; Jeremy C. Jones, sprinkler designer and sales representative; and Chad Dunlap Farr, account executive. The University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) has named Kenneth J. Bradshaw to director of Facilities Administration, and Gary M. White to director of Architecture and Planning. Dunavant Logistics, Inc. has added Rangi Gescheit to the Logistics Services & Operations team. The Community Legal Center, a nonprofit legal services agency serving people of limited means in Memphis and Shelby County, has named Anne Mathes as its new executive director following the retirement of Meg Jones after 14 years in that position. ProTech Systems Group, Inc. has announced the following additions: Jon Andrews, account executive, Network Technical Sales and Cloud Services; Joseph Hardin, client services coordinator/sales assistant; and Kathiresh “Kat” Gurusamy, senior voice engineer. National law firm Jackson Lewis P.C. has announced that O. John Norris III has been elevated to litigation manager of the firm’s Memphis office. Norris is an experienced litigator who handles management-side labor and employment cases. Visible Music College has announced that GRAMMY® Award winning saxophonist Kirk Whalum will join the faculty as assistant professor of music, working with students in its newly launched woodwinds and brass concentration. Dr. Noelle N. Trent has joined the National Civil Rights Museum staff as its director of Interpretation, Collections and Education. In this position, Trent is responsible for curating the exhibits, administering the museum’s archival collections, and implementing relevant educational programming for the general public.

New Ballet Ensemble & School has announced the following additions to its team: Julie Goebl, director of administration and philanthropy; Leann Grabski, director of education part-

nerships and programming; Lina Malavé, education and marketing associate; Andrew Inglis, finance and business operations manager; and Jessica Trivizas, intern.

Appointments James “Jim” R. Newsom III, of Harris Shelton Hanover Walsh, PLLC, was recently named the new Chancellory Court judge for the 30th Judicial District, which serves Shelby County.

Awards William B. Howard Jr. was included in the 2015 list of “Best Financial Advisers for Dentists.” He is president of William Howard & Co. Financial Advisors, Inc., a fee-only financial planning and investment advisory firm located in East Memphis. Marie Chisholm-Burns, PharmD, MPH, MBA, FCCP, FASHP, dean and professor in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), has received the Chauncey I. Cooper Award from the National Pharmaceutical Association (NPhA). The award is the highest recognition given by the nationwide organization of pharmacists founded in 1947 to promote excellence and uniformity among minority health professionals, improve the quality of health care in minority communities, and advance the standards of pharmaceutical care among all practitioners. The UT Institute for Research, Innovation, Synergy and Health Equity (iRISE) at UTHSC has selected two winners of its 2015 Career Development Awards, also known as the KL2 Program: Kunal Singhal, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Physical Therapy, College of Health Professions; and Gregory Vidal, MD, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Medicine-Hematology, College of Medicine. Each will receive up to $130,000 annually over two to three years. Memphis in May International Festival collected 16 Pinnacle Awards at the International Festival & Events Association’s 60th Annual Convention & Expo in Tucson, Arizona, this past September. The professional competition collects entries from the world’s leading festivals and events in 68 award categories. Memphis in May winning categories include “Best Educational Program,” “Best Event Website,” “Best Overall Sponsorship Program,” and “Best Volunteer Program,” among many others. International Paper won the “Smartest Company in Memphis” award at the 18th Corporate Knowledge Bowl at the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library.

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11/12/15 10:09 AM

MEM Passion, perseverance, heart. This is what we call “grind” in Memphis. It’s not new to this city; it’s a rite of passage. It’s with this grit and grind that Memphis International Airport’s reinvention takes off. More airlines, more flights to more destinations and lower ticket prices are just the beginning. There’s a lot more in store, Memphis.

We’re YOUR airport. And now, find every Memphis flight on one website, the NEW

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10/15/15 4:24 PM 11/5/15 11:51 AM

The HOT Sheet contin u ed from page 10 Ring Container Technologies of Oakland, Tennessee, has structured a $500,000 Challenge Grant with the Wolf River Conservancy to help purchase and preserve pristine wetlands bordering Shelby and Fayette Counties with additional funds raised to support the organization’s mission of conservation. Pinnacle Financial Partners has been named the No. 3 “Best Bank to Work For” in the country in 2015 by American Banker and Best Companies Group. Signature HealthCARE, which operates five nursing home facilities in the Mid-South area, announced it was recently recognized with industry awards from both Modern Healthcare and Providigm. The Peabody Memphis’ afternoon tea service was included in Trivago’s list of “Hotels with Afternoon Tea Fit for Royalty,” and the “Hotel with the Most Character” in SAVEUR’s 2015 Good Taste Awards. AutoZone was one of 10 U.S. companies honored for its exceptional commitment to the arts by Americans for the Arts at the BCA 10 gala in Washington, D.C., this past October. William Brigance, general manager of City Auto Sales, LLC, has been selected by Auto Remarketing as an honoree in the inaugural “Remarketing & Used-Car Industry’s 40 Under 40.” The National Civil Rights Museum has been recognized as a winner in the 2015 TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice™ awards for museums. The museum ranked 25 out of 600 institutions listed on TripAdvisor. Rachel Guenther, technical liaison engineer at Thomas & Betts (T&B), a leading manufacturer of electrical components, was named among the Independent Electrical Contractor (IEC)’s 40 Under 40. Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz has announced that 264 of its attorneys have been selected by their peers for inclusion in the 2016 edition of The Best Lawyers in America. Twenty-five of the firm’s attorneys were also recognized by Best Lawyers® as “Lawyers of the Year,” a designation given to a select group of individuals in high-profile specialties in large legal communities. Design firm A2H, Inc. was recognized by the American Society of Landscape Architects — Tennessee Chapter (TNASLA) for its work on the recent downtown revitalization of Milan, Tennessee. The award was in the Built-Urban Design category.

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Researchers at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) have won the following grants: Detlef Heck, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology in the College of Medicine, and his research team, received $418,000 from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, a subsidiary of the National Institutes of Health, to study which areas of the brain are affected in mild traumatic brain injury, and whether their inability to synchronize and communicate can explain the psychological consequences of traumatic brain injury. Professor Audrey Zucker-Levin, PhD, PT, MBA, GCS Emeritus, and Associate Professor Phyllis Richey, PhD, have been awarded a $1.5 million grant to study the effectiveness of one of the newest prosthetic feet on the market — the microprocessor-controlled prosthetic foot (MPF) — for use with military veteran amputees who have limited mobility. Michio Kurosu, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences in the College of Pharmacy, has received a grant totaling $431,000 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH), to develop new antibacterial agents for infections caused by deadly superbugs — bacteria that have become resistant to multiple antibiotics. Junling Wang, PhD, a professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, has received a $987,562 grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIH), to research more equitable and effective eligibility criteria for medication therapy management for Medicare beneficiaries. Catherine Kaczorowski, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, has received a $418,000 grant from the National Institute on Aging (NIH), to further her research of Alzheimer’s disease and memory failure. Alex Dopico, MD, PhD, distinguished professor and chair of the Department of Pharmacology in the College of Medicine, has received a grant totaling $100,000 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) to study the effect on arteries in the brain of alcohol and caffeine when they are consumed together. The award comes in response to a competitive funding opportunity issued by the Office of Dietary Supplements of the National Institutes of Health.

Professors Jennifer Martindale-Adams, EdD, and Linda Nichols, PhD, received a grant totaling $371,263 from the Rx Foundation to fund work with family caregivers of those with dementia who are at risk for depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, increased illness, and hospitalization in partnership with the Tribal Public Health Nursing Program of the Indian Health Service (IHS) and the Native American Caregiver Support Program of the Administration on Aging (AoA), part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living. UTHSC received $344,224 to support prenatal care among women who are at risk of having preterm births. Funding is provided through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, under the Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns Program. Linda Moses-Simmons, MD, an assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine, will spearhead the three-year project.

Inked Good Shepherd Health, Memphis’ first membership and charity pharmacy, opened in Hickory Ridge Towne Center. Carlisle Corporation announced that award-winning Memphis chefs, Michael Hudman and Andrew Ticer, will open their fourth restaurant in The Chisca on Main. Named Catherine & Mary’s, this restaurant will join LYFE Kitchen on the first level of the historic property and offer traditional Italian cooking through the lens of the American South. Frost Bake Shop expanded its Williams-Sonoma sweet food product assortment and is now selling cakes, cookies, cheesecakes, and other desserts on the national retailer’s website. GLO airline has announced daily, non-stop flights between Memphis and New Orleans. IMC Global Solutions (IGS), a member of the IMC Companies family of brands, announced that it has officially acquired Global Shippers Association (GSA), an established leader in the import of home furnishings. This acquisition will more than double the size of IGS. Southern College of Optometry introduced MobilEYES, its recently acquired and re-branded mobile eye exam unit, at an on-campus event. The unit is new to SCO, having been officially acquired in late 2014 from

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11/12/15 10:09 AM

Douglas & Dan know business is built on relationships. They work hard to build those relationships with their clients over the long-term. So when they started their real estate company, they knew they needed a banking partner whose approach was the same. See Douglas & Dan’s story at

The My Triumph campaign exists to spotlight everyday people fulfilling their dreams. These are our customers, and these are their stories of triumph. What’s your triumph? MBQ_FullPage_TrimSize_9x25_11x125.indd 1

11/13/15 8:05 AM

The HOT Sheet Waddell & Associates, Inc.

is not an Outcome, “Performance It is a Discipline.” - David Waddell

W&A exiStS to imProve liFe by ProviDing ClArity to remove FeAr... Providing this city and its citizens with financial clarity.

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W&A’s wealth strategists have earned designations in their fields from national, accredited organizations, including CPA, Certified Financial Planner™, Chartered Financial Analyst®, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™, Personal Financial Specialist designations and J.D. As a client of Waddell & Associates, you enjoy unlimited access to all of our intellectual capital!

CNBC ranks W&A

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Perry Green CPA • CFP® • CFA®

S.A.V.E. (School Advocates for Vision and Education), and will be used to reach schoolchildren, seniors, the working uninsured, and other members of the community without adequate access to vision care. Resurrection Health has announced the acquisition of Resurrection Family Medicine, a nationally recognized family medicine residency program formerly hosted through Christ Community Health Services. The three-year, fully integrated and individually tailored residency program was one of a select few programs in the country funded through the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education program, a $230 million, five-year initiative as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, created to increase the number of primary care residents trained in community-based settings. Pigtails & Crewcuts salon for kids has opened at 3108 Village Shops Drive in Germantown.

Mark sorgenfrei, Jr. CPA • PFS • CFP®

Phyllis scruggs CFA® • CFP®

sharon Tyson Senior Operations Associate

Tripp Yates

Timothy W. ellis, Jr.

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CPA • Financial Planner

Registered Paraplannersm

Wealth Management Firms for 2015

I Love Juice Bar has opened at 553 South Cooper in Midtown. American Wing Co. has opened in the Food Court at Oak Court Mall, 4465 Poplar Avenue. Benson’s Pharmacy, located at 3081 South Perkins Road, was opened by owners Dr. Coby and Cindy Benson.

s e rv i c e s Asset Management charitable Gift Planning estate Planning Business consulting retirement Planning General Financial Planning employee Benefit Planning Life insurance Needs education Planning Business succession Planning concentrated stock Positions

contin u ed from page 12

Lynne Thacker

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Operations Associate

Lanie Oberg Executive Assistant

* Waddell & Associates (“Waddell”) is an SeC-registered investment adviser. the “top 100 Fee-only Wealth managers” is granted by CnbC, an independent association unaffiliated with Waddell. the CnbC Digital team, along with meridian-iQ created the top 100 Fee-only Wealth management ranking based on scores for the following measures weighted according to a proprietary formula to arrive at a final total rank: AUm, staff with professional designations, average account size, client segmentation, growth of assets, years in business and other key factors. Additional information on the factors involved for inclusion in this ranking can be found at the following location:

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Milestones Central Defense Security is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Since the company’s founding in 2005, it has opened four additional branches in three different states, including North Little Rock, Arkansas; Nashville; Lubbock, Texas; and Plainfield, Indiana. Allworld Project Management, offering a range of services from construction management to engineering to GIS mapping to software development, celebrates five years in business.

For a complimentary strategic analysis, please call W&A at 901.767.9187. 5188 Wheelis Drive • memphis, tn 38117 7100 executive Center Dr #200 • nashville, tn 37027

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Selected news items you might have missed since our last issue. Powered by TEAMwork

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Signature HealthCARE at St. Peter Villa in Midtown sells for $13 million. A Delaware limited liability company, 141 North McLean Boulevard LLC, buys the 180-bed nursing home and rehab center from HCRI Tennessee Properties LLC, also a Delaware-based LLC. The $12 million loan is secured through the Bank of Texas. The 46,000-square-foot facility sits on nearly four acres at the southwest corner of McLean and Poplar Avenue. Signature HealthCARE LLC, based out of Louisville, Kentucky, will continue managing the property.


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The LPBC works to foster collaboration between government, education, nonprofit and business. Visit to learn more and sign up for our newsletter. Tell us about your efforts, join us for events, and let’s work together to make a difference! /thelpbc

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Christian Brothers University files a $5 million building permit application with the city-county Office of Construction Code Enforcement to begin work on the $8 million, 40,000-squarefoot Rosa Deal School of the Arts. Grinder, Taber & Grinder Inc. is listed as the general contractor, and construction is expected to last for 14 months with the first classes in the building commencing spring of 2017. The three-story arts building will house offices and facilities for several departments, and is a major feature in CBU’s $70 million capital campaign for campus improvements.


U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen announces that Memphis International Airport will receive $1.4 million in federal funding to go toward installing newer and more efficient air conditioning units in three jet bridges. This funding comes from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Voluntary Airport Low Emission program, designed to reduce emissions and improve the air quality in and around the airport.


The Downtown Memphis Commission board unanimously approves Terence Patterson as the new president of the DMC. Most recently, Patterson served as treasurer of the Center City Development Corp., one of several subsidiary bodies of the DMC, and is education program

director for the Hyde Family Foundations. He received a bachelor’s degree in government from Harvard University and an MBA in finance and marketing, as well as a juris doctor, from Northwestern University. Boards Patterson sits on include Shelby County Schools Teacher & Leader Effectiveness Advisory Board, KIPP Memphis Collegiate Schools, and Green Dot Public Schools Tennessee.


Mayor A C Wharton announces that the controversial contract between Taser International and The Carter Malone Group has been canceled. The decision was made by “mutual consent” of both parties, it is reported. Taser provides the Memphis Police Department with body cameras, but also had a contract with The Carter Malone Group marketing firm, which is headed by Wharton’s campaign manager, and former Shelby County commissioner, Deidre Malone.


The Memphis Symphony Orchestra announces the appointment of Robert Moody as principal conductor. Moody’s tenure, which stipulates a two-year contract, is to begin with the 2016-2017 season. He has served as a guest conductor for MSO since 2006, leading masterworks, chamber, and pops performances. Previously, he was music director of the Winston-Salem Symphony since 2005, artistic director of Arizona Musicfest since 2007, and music director of the Portland (Maine) Symphony Orchestra since 2008. Moody will conduct four of six First Tennessee Masterworks concert weekends, one pops concert, and one of the Paul & Linnea Bert Classic Accents performances during his first season.


In an effort to make the Shelby Farms Greenline more accessible to all neighborhoods along the 6.5-mile route from Shelby Farms Park to Tillman Street, Shelby County commissioners approve a $100,000 grant to-

ward an ADA-accessible entry point at Perkins Road north of Princeton Road. When complete, it will offer Greenline access to the surrounding Avon residential area. Ritchie Smith Associates architects has already completed the design. The Shelby Farms Park Conservancy will raise another $70,000 through an ioby crowd-funding campaign and the conservancy’s website,, to start construction on the access point. Commissioner Heidi Shafer, whose district includes the area, proposed the grant using her share of a fund the commission established last year.


St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital continues its rapid downtown escalation, announcing plans for a new three-story, 60,600-squarefoot data center on its campus. The building is planned for the four-acre lot at the northeast corner of St. Jude Place and Danny Thomas Boulevard that ALSAC, the fundraising arm of St. Jude, purchased in March. Construction is expected to take place next year. The City of Memphis owned the property and sold it for $660,000, along with its Public Works building that still stands at the eastern part of the site and will be repurposed for support operations.


Malika Anderson is named as the new deputy superintendent of the state-run Achievement School District, the district designated for the bottom 5 percent of schools in the sate based on student achievement. Anderson replaces Chris Barbic, the district’s first leader, and is an appointment by Governor Bill Haslam and Tennessee Education Commissioner Candice McQueen. In an open letter, Anderson states: “We will continue to go where need is concentrated, ensuring every Priority School in Tennessee is improving because we believe that families and students in these schools deserve nothing but the best.”

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11/12/15 10:07 AM

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11/12/15 8:39 AM



l a t s y r C ards Aw

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presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals —Memphis Chapter

For a city as charitable as Memphis, there might not seem any need to promote giving among the area’s corporations and foundations. But because the need never stops, neither does the giving, and the Memphis chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) is here to nurture those who look out for the community. It’s a mission first established by the international organization in 1960 when it was known as the National Society of Fund Raising Executives.

AFP Memphis and the Crystal Awards are here to uplift Memphis givers.

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“It’s to promote philanthropy and philanthropic giving,” says John Thatcher, past president of AFP Memphis, and manager of donor relations for the Church Health Center, adding, “It promotes the ethical practice of fundraising through education, networking, and the donor bill of rights.” AFP International advances philanthropy through its nearly 30,000 members in more than 200 chapters globally. The Memphis chapter boasts 159 members and conducts meetings and workshops for those members to share strategies and information. The memberships are individual, though there are group packages with Ducks Unlimited and ALSAC/St. Jude among the largest. Locally, the organization hosts luncheons and breakfasts focusing on professional development and bringing in speakers who can best illustrate the challenges and rewards of fundraising today. Dr. Kenneth Robinson, the new president and CEO of United Way of the Mid-South, was called upon recently to speak at the group’s luncheon. “That’s an organization that’s going to affect several of our membership organizations,” says Melissa Whitby, vice president of development for BRIDGES,

and president-elect of AFP Memphis. The AFP of the future (with newly elected president Bonnie Hollabaugh of Christ Community Health Services) hopes, through mentoring programs, to focus on the young people just coming out of school and with an eye to fundraising as a profession. “Out of all the jobs in nonprofit, I feel like fundraising has the greatest pressure,” says Whitby. “A lot of people new to the profession are unprepared for such pressure and move in and out quickly, so we’re trying to prepare them and give them what they need to be successful and stay where they are.” Those who do stick with it, even if it isn’t as a profession, but a personal need to give back to the community, may be awarded through the AFP and its Philanthropy Day. Held on Nov. 10th, the Crystal Awards celebrated its 25th year by recognizing those who champion philanthropy through leadership, fundraising, and volunteering. On the following pages, you’ll read about those winners and learn a little about why they do what they do, and how their work and commitment makes the Memphis community better. To learn more about AFP Memphis and the Crystal Awards, please visit

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ng i d n a g t s t Ou Younropist h t n a l Phi

Ever since the G O L D S M I T H F A M I LY F O U N D A T I O N was born as the Goldsmith Foundation in 1944, it has had an ongoing impact on a variety of institutions. Each year, it gives funds to dozens of groups, most prominently the Goldsmith Civic Garden Center at Memphis Botanic Garden. “That’s one of the most visible,” says Harry L. Goldsmith, president of the foundation, “but the full list shows the gamut of many groups in the community. There are so many good things to give to, it makes it hard to choose.” The Goldsmith’s department store was founded in Memphis in 1870 by German immigrant brothers Jacob and Isaac Goldsmith. Harry says he’s the third generation to be president of the Foundation that expects to continue its philanthropy. “We have members of the fifth generation that are entering and involved with our philanthropic goals,” he says. “Our retail business was successful, so our purpose is to give back some of what we’ve been fortunate to have been given, and Memphis has been very good to my family.” He says the Foundation mostly works in a quiet way. Unlike some similar organizations there is no specific target for its gifts. “We just provide funding for the things we believe in,” Goldsmith says. Some of the Foundation’s most substantial gifts have gone to Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital Foundation, the Lorraine Civil Rights Museum Foundation, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, Inc., Memphis College of Art, Memphis Jewish Community Center, Memphis Jewish Federation, Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association, Shelby Farms Park Conservancy, and United Way of the Mid-South. 20 |

J O S H U A S P O T T S grew up with a sense of

philanthropy that was particularly shaped by his mother, who was active with the American Heart Association among other charities. “I was inspired by her abilities and consistent focus on helping other people,” he says. After growing up in Eastern Arkansas, he settled in Memphis in 2007 and immediately looked for ways he could contribute. “One of the first was a fundraiser for Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital,” he says, “the Wine, Women & Shoes benefit,” which featured wine tasting, entree sampling, and a shoe fashion show. His work for the organization was so effective that he was asked to be part of a young leadership board there and is now chairman of the Associate Board for Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital Foundation. “We oversee various functions,” he says, “including the Big Wig Ball, YALL (Young Adult Le Bonheur Leaders), and serving as a liaison to the Foundation Board.” Spotts, who is in residential real estate, is involved with several other charitable efforts, driven, he says, by a sense of being all-inclusive. “I recently heard someone say, ‘Don’t get a higher wall, build a bigger table,’” he says. “Memphis provides that opportunity. I can’t think of anyone I’ve ever worked with on any committee or board who hasn’t felt good about doing something for somebody else. When the opportunity arises to give back, I’ve never felt remorseful for giving time and energy and money.” It is, for him, a fact of life. “If I can help someone, that’s what we’re here for, not a rat race.”

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g n i d n pist a t s Outanthro Phil

The kind of philanthropy practiced by B O B B U C K M A N and his wife J O Y C E M O L L E R U P is one of opening windows. “We want to open windows for people who can do things for others that are unusual,” Buckman says. “I’m more interested in things that produce change rather than pure philanthropy.” The couple’s focus on educational institutions is something shared with that of his late mother, the well-known Memphis philanthropist Mertie Buckman. “Her philanthropy and the direction she chose had some influence,” he says. “A lot of it also has to do with the values my wife and I believe in. We tend to walk the same path.” One of the endeavors he points to is a program the couple established several years ago at Furman University and Christian Brothers University. Each school selects five students between their junior and senior years. The Furman Fellows at the South Carolina school and the Lasallian Fellows at CBU “are who the schools consider outstanding in their values and are unusual students who the schools want to put forward as good examples of what they want to achieve as institutions. These kids are amazing and doing some unusual things, making change while they’re students.” The couple has, among other things, funded professorships at Rhodes College, the online learning program at Asbury Theological Seminary, and, working with the Church Health Center, a digital network to connect nurses worldwide. “The best way I can describe our philanthropy,” Buckman says, “is we look for what can change things for the better. It just comes naturally.”

B R A D B A K E R , the CEO of M I D - S O U T H L I O N S S I G H T & H E A R I N G S E R V I C E , has

had the spirit of philanthropy as long as he can recall. “My mom and dad were members of the Lions Club in Truman, Arkansas. Growing up we were involved with that and our church. I got what I guess you’d say ‘the calling’ to help people in whatever I did.” Mid-South Lions provides assistance and resources to indigent people who are sight- or hearing-impaired. “My dad got involved with the Lions Club in 1964 when I was 12 or 13,” Baker says, “so I’ve been involved with them for a long time and then on my own with other service organizations. But I’ve always been involved in raising money.” In doing that fundraising for 25 years with the MidSouth Lions, “I’ve helped a lot of people and I try to go out of my way to make a positive difference in people’s lives. It’s nice to be recognized with this honor, although we don’t help people for the recognition. But it satisfies something in ourselves to help another.” He remembers one particular event that crystallized that spirit of philanthropy for him. “This happened to me right after I joined MidSouth Lions,” he says. “A nurse was speaking to the Missouri convention and said she was losing her sight, losing her family, and losing her home. She said she had asked God to send an angel. He refused, she said — but he did send the Lions. It was then I realized what I was doing was making a dramatic difference in the lives of others.”

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C A R O L K I R B Y was not necessarily destined to be

ng i d n ta ising s t u O ndra ive Fu xecut E

P A T H A L L O R A N is not one to do a job halfway. In the early

1980s, when the Board of Directors for the Memphis Development Foundation was looking for someone to restore the Orpheum Theatre and get it up and running, he told them: “I’ll do it for two years. If I can’t raise $6 million in two years, you need to find someone else.” They didn’t need to. This year, after more than three decades, he’s decided to retire, and even now he’s still running at full speed. “The last three years I’ve been working on the Halloran Centre for Performing Arts & Education at the Orpheum,” he says. The project, which opened in September, offers performing arts programs for students, teachers, and families. Since he took over the Orpheum, he’s raised about $1 million a year, plus millions more for two renovations of the theatre and another $14.5 million for the two-story, 39,000-square-foot center. For Halloran, “retirement” is relative. He says he’ll be “a very parttime consultant with the center,” while tending to his recently opened art and antique store — Pat Halloran’s Art Attack — on South Main. “I’m just one of these guys who doesn’t mind raising money,” he says. When he was attending the University of Miami, he raised funds for the institution. After that, he ran Phi Kappa Alpha fraternity for 11 years, raising millions for its education programs. He’s done political fundraising and run for office himself. Shy he is not. “Memphis has so many good causes and important problems that need people to help raise money,” Halloran says. “Government can’t pay for everything, so philanthropy and fundraising are the only parachutes that are going to save this community. And that’s up to those who can commit and contribute and raise the funding.” 22 |

a fundraiser. The development director of the Memphis Oral School for the Deaf was, for 10 years, a marketing and promotions director for radio stations. “I promoted a lot of nonprofit fundraising events and saw the work they did, not thinking I’d be on that side of it,” she says. But through those contacts, she was asked to become executive director of the Ronald McDonald House of Memphis some 25 years ago, and that set her on a new direction. “I saw the good side of people and the community,” she says, “small and large organizations and individuals doing so many good things.” Getting the Ronald McDonald House launched her into events and fundraising. “So much of the field is being able to introduce your organization to people who are interested in your mission and telling your story and getting people involved to support what you do,” she says. “Through those individual, foundation, and corporate contacts, plus event sponsorships, donations, and volunteering all wrapped together, hopefully it leads to some success.” Philanthropy, Kirby believes, is critical to the survival of Memphis. “There are so many needs,” she says, “and some organizations can only do so much, but if not for what they do, there would be an even greater need for social services and activities and the arts. It’s such a broad range, from taking care of basic necessities to adding to the quality of life.” She says that with people giving so much of their time, that she’s honored to be recognized. “I’ve worked with some great people in the field and been inspired by them.”

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The statement of purpose of D E LT A D E N T A L O F T E N N E S S E E makes it clear what its priorities are. The

g n i d an tion t s t Ou rpora Co

For S U S A N S C H E I D T A R N E Y, giving is in the blood. “In my family,” she says, “you’re born into it.” Her parents are Honey and Rudi Scheidt, noted for their philanthropy over the years to Memphis causes. So picking up on that was a natural thing. “When I turned 23, I joined the Junior League and received fabulous training,” Arney says. “That helped me become a much better volunteer and I gained confidence to raise money.” Among other commitments, Arney has served as chair of the Memphis in May Board of Directors, is on the Memphis College of Art Board, and is event co-founder and chair of “ONE Night,” Regional One Health Foundation’s annual fundraiser. The key to being a successful volunteer fundraiser, she says, is that you have to love what you’re raising money for. “If you believe in the cause, then it’s easy to sell it.” Still, she says, no matter what, her stomach gets in knots, even when she’s calling on a friend. But she discovered long ago what it takes to stack the odds. “Years ago, I came up with an idea to have a corporate sponsor for an event,” she says. She got all the information and called on a friend to practice on. “I forewarned her what I was doing and raising funds for.” When she finished, her friend took out a checkbook and wrote a check for the amount she needed. “I’m still remembering that,” Arney says. “I prepared.” “Memphis is an incredible city to represent a nonprofit,” she says. “It’s one of the most generous cities whether rich or poor, or from any cultural background. They all want to support Memphis.”

business provides for oral healthcare not only through its dental benefits programs, but also through philanthropic efforts. President and CEO Dr. Philip A. Wenk says, “One of our axioms is that we are a difference maker.” The company decided it could best do that by focusing on children’s hospitals, educating young people in dental schools, and helping the charitable dental clinics for the working poor in the state. Delta Dental has given substantially to improve dental schools in the state, particularly by providing state-of-the-art equipment. It has provided ambulatory facilities for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. “On top of those,” Wenk says, “we donate money directly to their operations and support fundraising activities across the state.” In supporting charitable dental clinics, Wenk says at first they weren’t certain how many such facilities existed in the state. “We thought maybe 10, but there were 20,” he says. Whatever it was going to be, Delta Dental was prepared to step up. “We’ve spent $1.1 million in capital improvements where they do good care for the working poor and we give them operating funds to keep their doors open.” Early in his dentistry career, Wenk practiced in a small town and says about 10 percent of his work was for those who couldn’t pay. “It was a thing you did,” he says. Similarly, the vision of Delta Dental is guided by corporate citizenship, where the company understands what the various communities need and then strive to meet the need.

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11/11/15 8:23 AM

A New Generation of Giving Changes the Landscape

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Memphis has a long-standing reputation as a charitable community, with an abundance of nonprofit organizations that are supported by hundreds of family foundations, and a multitude of individuals and corporations. That reputation has been built on the backs of hard-working Memphians who have put their financial support and time behind organizations doing good for the community. But in a post-recession environment where Memphians in their 30s and 40s are taking charge, a shift is occurring. And millennials can be given credit for part of it. They might not always have the financial ability that comes from an established career, but they are finding their own ways to contribute.

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Bob Fockler is president of the Community Foundation for Greater Memphis. Founded in 1969 by business and community leaders who wanted to drive charitable giving in Memphis, today the foundation organizes some 1,000 individual foundations under its roof, accounting for $114 million in 2014. There are about 800 families who have funds with the Community Foundation. “It’s been said that Memphis is a very generous city,” Fockler says. “Part of the reason is so many more of us have ties to this city. I think we’re small enough that the needs are more obvious here, but also we’re small enough that the notion is those huge problems aren’t insurmountable. We can do something about it.” One of the many ways the Community Foundation does something, particularly with younger givers, is through its GiVE365 program. The foundation organizes it as a way to bring in the younger generation, introducing them to charitable giving in Memphis by giving $1 per day and then having a hand in picking what organizations receive the money. There are about 270 people who commit 26 |

“[The current generation of givers] want to make a connection and they want to continue to make that connection to stay involved. They want to know what you’re going to do and how you will use their gif t.” —SAR AH PETSCHONEK to give $365 in a year. “It takes $10,000 to open a fund, but only $365 to get involved there,” Fockler says. “It helps them learn to contribute but also to get involved. It’s an activist model. They get together to decide how that money should be spent.” Half the money goes to a grant pool and

half to build an endowment that Fockler says is growing quickly. Currently, the balance of the endowment is $461,000. The Kemmons Wilson Family Foundation was created by Kemmons and Dorothy Wilson in 1960. The founders of Holiday Inn were active in the foundation until their deaths. Their children continue to be active and serve on the board of directors. Lauren Young is the third generation of the family, one of 14 grandchildren. Today, serving as the first director of the foundation, she is proving now is the time to shine for 30-somethings in Memphis. Young says it’s important to not only tell the family’s story in the city but to set an example for younger Memphians, including their own children. It’s called the Next Generation, and once the children hit the sixth grade they go through a program that educates them on the importance of giving back to the community. “We want them to understand the importance of being born into this family and what my grandfather sacrificed,” Young says. “We use our foundation to share our faith and the gift of philanthropy.” Jeremy Park is president of the Lipscomb

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Pitts Breakfast Club and author of Giving Back With Purpose: Fueling Growth Through Community Involvement. One trend he has observed in the Memphis giving arena, particularly as it relates to professionals in their late 30s and early 40s, is what he calls “philanthropcapitalism,” where consumers make purchases based on a company’s involvement. “Businesses now are figuring out ways that, regardless of what they sell, a percentage will go in a charitable coin bank so they’re not waiting until the end of the year and see how things stand,” he says. “That is a great talent attraction. With every transaction you’re automatically giving. There are a lot of movers



GIVE 365



and shakers pushing their companies to adopt this and it’s really pushing social change.” Park agrees that now is the time for a shift. “Look at Pitt Hyde and Fred Smith. You have an older group that was heavily focused on giving,” Park says. “Our generation, we have to pick up that torch. There are a lot of my peer group in the 35 to 45 window that understand because we have small kids. We want them to grow up and be proud to be from Memphis. We’re doing what we can to work on collective impact. We don’t have infinite resources to force collaboration and take an issue-based approach. “Money is a great resource but it doesn’t change a problem. People do. We as a society are realizing you can have all the money in the world but if you don’t have the right people you have diddly squat.” But Memphis seems to be full of the right people. Fockler says he estimates that with 800 families involved in the CFGM, for a city the size of Memphis that is a disproportionally large number of people. In terms of assets, he says the Community Foundation is the 35th largest in the U.S. from a city that hovers around 50th in population. Okay, so not everyone has the financial

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means to get deeply involved and that’s why Sarah Petschonek created Volunteer Odyssey. She volunteered with 30 organizations over a 30-day period in late 2012. What she discovered is it’s hard to find quality volunteer opportunities. So she set out to change that. Among some of its programs, Volunteer Odyssey offers a job-seekers program as well as a calendar that lists volunteer opportunities with some 60 nonprofit organizations. “A lot of people want to help but they don’t know how to get started and that’s enough of a barrier to prevent people from starting,” Petschonek says. “If you volunteer at one place and don’t like it, people might think that volunteering isn’t for them. We don’t want that so we connect people to a variety of places.” Petschonek says that oftentimes people want to get involved, but they just don’t know how to start. She says some 80 percent of millennials say they’d volunteer if they just had an invitation. ArtsMemphis is looking at how it can tap a new generation of supporters. The organization has been serving the Memphis arts community for more than 50 years and depends on individual, corporate, and foundation support. “Our goal now is how do we develop those new supporters,” says Elizabeth Rouse, president and CEO at ArtsMemphis. “It’s not just people who will write a check, but they want to be supportive. They want to be involved as volunteers, committee members, grant panel members. We see people actively engaged and not just financial supporters.” That is part of the makeup of younger givers, particularly millennials. Writing a check to an organization they believe in is one thing. But they want to see how the money is spent, oftentimes even wanting to get their hands dirty, so to speak. Young professionals are different givers than their parents, Petschonek says. “Our parents will latch on to a nonprofit and give for 30, 40 years. They’re making a lifetime commitment. This generation doesn’t do that. They want to make a connection and they want to continue to make that connection to stay involved. They want to know what you’re going to do and how you will use their gift. If you don’t show that, they will lose interest and go on to something else.” Financial support is still vital and the foundations are vital in keeping many organizations going. But individuals can give, too. Rouse says it doesn’t have to be one big, annual donation. Smaller, monthly financial gifts are just as important. And one way ArtsMemphis is reaching a younger generation is through events that are fun, educational, and moneymakers. “Take Opera Memphis as an arts organization that is shifting its whole model and really working on opportunities for people

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of all ages, but especially younger people,” Rouse says. “It’s not about sitting at an opera. Meeting before and having food at food trucks outside [Germantown Performing Arts Center], experience the opera and then afterwards have activities happening in the lobby. It’s an experience. You’re one-on-one with, and meeting the singers. You can look at what it means to experience a performance or what it means to write a check.”

THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME We Get That! “It’s not just people who will write a check, but they want to be supportive. They want to be involved as volunteers, committee members, grant panel members. We see people actively engaged and not just f inancial supporters.” —ELIZABETH ROUSE A younger generation of Memphian has come to expect full access to information, and that goes for the giving front. “They want to know more about the organizations they give to, whether it’s rolling up sleeves and getting involved or just better financial reporting,” Fockler says. “The younger generation wants to see where their money is going. They want transparency.” Young says it helps that Memphis is progressive in collaboration. “People care about the cause and the issue,” she says. “Memphis givers really get involved. What I hope it will do for the next generation is that it will continue to widen the picture. I don’t think people are scared to get involved when the quality organizations in our city are cranking out such great work. We have people flooding to this city for the great nonprofit work. And I think millennials get excited about that.”  •

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— P R O F I L E —

Bob Fockler

The president of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis left a life of high finance for one with a higher purpose. Bob Fockler never meant to follow in his father’s footsteps as president of the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis (CFGM). In fact, he recalls having difficulty explaining what his father did for a living to his classmates at Memphis University School in the mid-1970s. Some 25 years later his father’s replacement, Gid Smith, former executive director of the Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA), pulled Fockler aside and said he should consider leading the Foundation when Smith retired. Fockler scoffed at the idea. “I told him I was on an upward career path and fulfilling all my hopes and dreams in the financial industry,” recalls Fockler. “Gid smiled and said something along the lines of, ‘When I’m ready to leave, you’re going to want to do it.’” Today, after nine years at the helm of the CFGM, Fockler says this is the job he’d been preparing for all of his life. He just didn’t know it. At the same time he points out that the Community Foundation is a vastly different organization now than it was when his father moved his family to Memphis from Cleveland, Ohio, to help build the fledgling organization. “The community foundation my dad ran was pretty small,” says Fockler. “They had assets of about $1 million when he took over in 1974, and it was at $20 million when he left in 1989 to concentrate on estate law. Now that’s a growth rate of 20 times but still a small foundation.” The differences between the CFGM of today, which has assets of more

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than $400 million, and the organization Fockler’s father led are not just financial. “The needs of the community between his era and my era are very different,” Fockler says. “I know I’m not qualified to lead the organization he led. I’m not sure he would feel qualified to lead it today. While we have sat in the same chair and had the same job, the requirements have been very different, which is ironic.” Fockler began college at Princeton with the goal of attending law school. A cross-country car trip the summer before his senior year gave him time to consider his future. “I was driving through Kansas while my roommate napped. I realized not only did I not want to be a lawyer, I didn’t want to go to law school.” As he neared graduation in the spring of 1981, Fockler knew he had to make a decision about his future and, more importantly, secure a job. Interviews with financial organizations in New York and in Memphis had

convinced him that he was not meant to be a New Yorker and that there were greater opportunities with the relatively smaller banks in Memphis. “My fear was if I went to a big bank in New York, I would end up stuck doing something I wasn’t sure I wanted to do,” Fockler says. “Because the banks here were smaller, I figured I’d have more latitude to figure out what I wanted to do and do it, which turned out to be the case. “I had gotten engaged in November and planned to be married in August. If I didn’t have a job, I figured they were going to pull the rug out from under the wedding. “In my family, when you have a deadline, results happen,” he continues. “I found a summer job in Memphis at Union Planters starting in July and the wedding went off as scheduled.” Little did Fockler realize at the time that the job at UP would lead to his first step on the road to serving as head of the CFGM. He was asked to participate in the United Way of the Mid-South’s loaned executive program. The program is designed for private businesses to allow their top employees to work for the nonprofit for a set period of time while continuing to be paid by their employer. Serving in this capacity enabled him to see the community’s needs first hand. “At that time it was unusual for young people to get directly involved in the community at the grassroots level,” he says. “I was 23 years old and

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The walls of Fockler’s office are filled with photos depicting the very essence of Memphis. Despite many with a historical context, his passion is the future of the city and the challenges and opportunities to be found there.




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making presentations to three shifts at Cleo Wrap, showing the United Way film around the clock. I saw what the city was like in terms of who’s working and earning a living, and the needs of the community. “If I hadn’t gotten involved with United Way at an early age, I would have been living in East Memphis and commuting to my office downtown and would never have seen anything more than a mile off the Poplar corridor.” After his stint as a loaned executive, Fockler remained active with United Way, serving in a number of functions including 10 years on the Board of Directors. He continued his career in the financial services industry, working at Morgan Keegan and later at FTN. He also was asked to join the Board of Directors at the Community Foundation of Greater Memphis. “I had been on the CFGM board for five years when the position of president became available. I was asked to chair the search committee but I declined because by that time I knew I was going to apply for the position. I had realized that while investment banking was something I was good at, it wasn’t necessarily what I liked. What had been more of a hobby up until that time — working in the community — was my real passion. A year and a half later, after conducting a nationwide search, the Community Foundation offered me the job of president.” Fockler’s comfortable office at the Founda-

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tion’s headquarters in Midtown Memphis reflects his continuing interest in history and in Memphis. A framed copy of Jerry Lee Lewis’ “Great Balls of Fire” record and Elvis Presley’s Blue Hawaii album cover hang alongside artwork featuring the early days of Memphis. One historical photo showing a news shot of the year’s first bale of cotton is obscured by dozens of randomly placed sticky notes, each with a word or phrase in Fockler’s handwriting. Bandwidth. Boot camp. Moon mission. Visioning. Collective impact. All have a place on the sticky note montage. “It makes me crazy when I hear a word I’ve never heard, then I start hearing it multiple

“I h a d r e a li z e d t h a t wh il e i n v e s t m e nt b a n k i n g w a s s o m et h i n g I w a s g o o d a t , it w a s n’t n e c e s s a r ily wh a t I li k e d .” — BOB FOCKLER times in one day,” he explains. “That’s the time-out space for those buzzwords.” While the art depicts Memphis of bygone days, Fockler’s passion is the future of the city. “The most important thing that’s happened in the 41 years I’ve been in Memphis is the renewed focus on public education in general. This city has come together over education in a way that it’s rarely come together around anything. “I believe it’s working, but it’s not a shortterm effort. We’ll know if we’ve been effec-



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Think Outside the Box.

tive in 10 to 20 years. We’ll keep working and tweaking until we get it right. Education is everything. It relates to issues of employment, poverty, crime, even public health. If we can fix education, we’ll have a smarter workforce, which means we can attract more companies and have better jobs so we can fight crime better and reduce all other issues related to socio-economic classes.” Fockler and his wife, Tina, who met while they were students at Princeton, plan to be around to see those changes. Both sets of parents live in Memphis. Their daughter, Katherine, a graduate of the University of Richmond, returned to Tennessee after spending five years in Washington, D.C., and has settled in

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by Joy Bateman A new restaurant guide with signature recipes At bookstores and gift shops 34 |

The Community Foundation of Greater Memphis offices in Midtown. Founded in 1969 with a $1 million gift from Abe Plough, the CFGM now has assets of $400+ million.

Nashville. Their son, Ted, who holds undergraduate and masters degrees from Boston College, is now teaching history at Memphis University School. “It’s a fun time to be in Memphis,” Fockler says. “When my family moved to Memphis, we were still in the hangover period from the sanitation strike. We felt like every place was better than Memphis. But the truth is that there’s not another place like Memphis. What makes us unique is not always good, but we’re working on that. Memphis is different and insists on being different. It’s real. I like that about us.” And as for his role at the Community Foundation? It seems to be set as well. “I have no problem figuring out why I get up in the morning,” Fockler says. “After returning from my most recent vacation, I was home for about a day when I realized the thing I looked forward to was getting to go to work the next day.”   •

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riumph Bank is proud to support I NSIDE M E MPHI S B USINE S S ’ “Dig Deep for Memphis” campaign this year. As a locally owned bank striving to provide an extraordinary experience for our customers, the Triumph team also serves our Memphis community, digging deep with our selected local community partners in both the Binghampton neighborhood and in South Memphis to help promote educational and economic growth. Triumph began working closely with Binghampton Christian Academy “BCA” in 2014, when we partnered with Agape North to give logoed polo shirts to each student. Since then, we have provided funds to help the school boost their campuswide wireless internet, served meals and provided activities where our team has gotten to know the students and build relationships with them. Boy Scout Troop #33, comprised mainly of students from BCA, is one of two troops that Triumph has adopted this school year. Our team of volunteers meets monthly to teach FDIC’s Moneysmart Financial Literacy Program where the scouts can earn their Personal Management merit badge. In South Memphis, Triumph has also partnered with Advance Memphis, an organization that works to develop transformational relationships with the adults in the neighborhood and promotes economic development in 38126. Our team has been involved in projects ranging from building a fence and cleaning up their community garden that helps to feed the neighborhood, to supporting their Work Life classes where the students learn skills that help them be successful in the workplace. Giving back to the community is part of the team culture at Triumph, and we are proud of the great work our partners do to “Dig Deep for Memphis.”

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Community Partnership & Dig Deep A Year of Giving Back

In an interview with Fortune magazine last August, hedge fund manager Paul Tudor Jones, whose family owns The Memphis Daily News and who founded New York City’s Robin Hood Foundation, discussed his plans for a new rankings list tentatively titled the “Just 1,000.” Modeled on the Fortune 500 list, Tudor’s would grade companies according to fair wages, sustainability of products, and how they give back to the community. In other words, a true moral compass for investing. To many, this idea of corporations as catalysts for good in the community may appear to be a 180-degree turn from what we think of the investment firms and banks that led us by the ears to the Great Recession of 2007. However, Rich Karlgaard, publisher of Forbes magazine, puts forth in his book, The Soft Edge: Where Great Companies Find Lasting Success, that the most enduring companies have leveraged their values alongside strategy and execution to maintain stability during difficult times. “The more you physically get involved, the more people you meet, and that’s where giving back will get you ahead,” says Jeremy Park, president of Lipscomb Pitts Breakfast Club and the author of Giving For Growth: Achieving Success Through Giving Back. “It’s really important for the community to see companies actively engaged out in their neighborhoods.” Locally, a glimpse of what that social index Tudor proposes might look like can be seen in the pages of this magazine. For the past year we’ve run a feature called Community Part-

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nership, looking at the relationships between corporations and the nonprofits they work alongside. In IMB’s year-long “Dig Deep” advertising campaign, inaugural partner organizations FedEx, Triumph Bank, and CBRE|Memphis purchased full-page ads and were given a full-page each to tout the nonprofits of their choice. This level of public awareness, says Wade West, chairman of Memphis Gridiron Ministries, is “paramount.” “While our board and our volunteers do a great job of networking among their friends and peers, it’s important for us as an outreach ministry that’s community-based to have as much exposure as possible to the corporate community, as well as individuals within the Memphis area.” Memphis Gridiron Ministries is focused primarily in the Binghampton neighborhood and believes that “when presented right, tackle football provides a unique environment to mold and shape the character of young men and prepare them to be successful in life.” They have several corporate sponsors, including CBRE Memphis,

which sees such a partnership as part of their core RISE values: Respect, Integrity, Service, and Excellence. “Our work with Memphis Gridiron Ministries falls under the ‘service’ category,” says Laura Fenton, director of marketing and research for CBRE. “We made an extensive list of all of the places we thought we could help and then we narrowed it down to some organizations that our employees already volunteer with or are passionate about.” Those other organizations include The Exchange Club Family Center, Girls Inc., Streets Ministries, and Literacy Mid-South. Triumph Bank is another example of a local company reaching out to the community. President Will Chase says, “We’re not a really big bank . . . we only have 92 employees so we have a small number of people in relation to some of our competitors and our budget would be smaller. So based on that, we try and find things that we can do that our employees have been involved with and they have a say in some of the activities that we engage in. So Binghampton is a great example.” They’ve partnered with Binghampton Christian Academy, the only residential dorm program of its kind in the city, and provided uniform shirts for every one of the 135 students through Agape North, the locally owned clothing manufacturer that donates one uniform for each one sold. “We are a school that has no endowment, so our students only have to pay $100

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per semester per family. So when we have a group like Triumph come alongside us and take a look at the needs we have for our students, it makes such a difference.� Agape North was the focus of IMB’s June/July issue of Community Partnership, where it was reported that they’d given away nearly 30,000 school uniforms, with 70 percent being local. “People want to be a part of this,� cofounder Joe Williams said at the time. “People want to give back.� Other Community Partnership features looked at the philanthropic work of ServiceMaster, inferno, Duncan-Williams Inc., and Nike. Nonprofit organizations include Girls Inc., Latino Memphis, Live at the Garden, and Hope House. Some of this help comes in the way of funding, while much is through volunteering. People these days want that hands-on approach of giving back, Park says. “It used to be when we talked about corporate philanthropy it was cutting a check; well now it’s about physical engagement. We need to be involved because our people are the problem solvers. Any business leader, when you ask them what’s important outside of their corporate success and family success, the first thing they’re going to talk about is community engagement. They understand that the more the community does well and thrives, the

“It’s really important for the community to see companies actively engaged out in their neighborhoods.� — JEREMY PARK more their company is going to thrive.� Triumph knows the importance of being smart financially and that there is no such thing as beginning those lessons too early. “The Boy Scouts [Chickasaw Council] have a terrific financial literacy program. They just need some financial resources and some people resources, and so we’re working with them,� Chase says. “We’re happy to be involved with them. The thing we try to do is to find where we have some knowledge somebody can use to help make an impact. We live here, we work here, and we’ve invested here. Our customers are here, our stockholders are

here; the more our city prospers, the better off everybody is.� In his intro letter to the Dig Deep campaign, Contemporary Media Inc. publisher Kenneth Neill writes that “few cities in America have as rich a tradition of charitable giving as ours does.� And when you broaden that view out to our tri-state area, the numbers can be staggering as the Alliance for Nonprofit Excellence reports for fiscal year 2014: “Mid-South nonprofits are a force to be reckoned with, numbering almost 5,200 with combined assets of $14 billion. In the Memphis MSA, nearly 45,000 people are employed in the nonprofit sector, representing almost $1.7 billion in annual payroll.� Memphis is lucky to have the twin titans of FedEx and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and when the two partner, as they have this year in the Dig Deep campaign, the goodwill and influence is truly inspiring. It’s a relationship built upon the foundation of community. “Trust is such a huge piece of this now,� says Park. “You’re out there doing it for all the right reasons, making a difference, trying to serve, trying to lift our community, and in the end you end up building amazing relationships and those relationships ultimately pay off as a business to be able to grow and thrive and be sustainable.�

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Memphis Area Legal Services Strengthens Our Community by Offering Innovative Solutions to Legal and Economic Challenges Help Us Make a Difference WE ARE A NONPROFIT LAW FIRM THAT HAS A PROVEN TRACK RECORD OF SUCCESS WITH OVER 45 YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE.

MALS turns potential tragedies into justice for those who can’t afford legal services and has helped thousands of people in our community in the following ways:

 MALS is part of the first medical-legal partnership in the Memphis area. Our partnership with Methodist Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law will help improve the medical outcomes for families through focused legal interventions.  MALS helped to obtain, restore or preserve over $1,636,447 in benefits that have been reinvested in the community.  MALS is a partner in this community’s coordinated response to elder abuse. Our efforts ensure that seniors can be free of physical mistreatment and financial exploitation.  MALS provides quality legal representation in the following areas: consumer, housing, family/domestic violence, disability and veterans’ issues. We saved our clients $8,173,766 last year.  MALS impacted the lives of more than 7,000 individuals last year through its work.

More . . .

 In one year, we saved local homeowners more than $2 million through foreclosure mitigation and loan modifications.  In the last year, we have assisted more than 100 women and their children to leave abusive partners and successfully rebuild their lives.  Annually, MALS helps more than 100 Veteran families to regain housing stability and exit homelessness.  Last year, MALS handled almost 5,000 civil, legal cases for individuals and families that could not afford representation.

 For every $1 invested in civil legal aid in Tennessee, the state receives an $11 financial benefit.



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Mei-Ann’s Circle of Friends A study by the Bank of Montreal’s Wealth Institute in 2015 revealed that women, for the first time, control the majority of wealth in the United States at 51 percent. This growing influence of women over financial decisions has another important impact: their influence on philanthropic efforts nationwide. In Memphis, women have long led charges to improve the city through philanthropic efforts, from the Le Bonheur Club’s historic support of the renowned local children’s hospital to the Junior League’s efforts to train highly qualified volunteers to give back to the community. There are countless groups that bring Memphis women together to better the city in myriad ways. One of these groups specifically incorporates the model of women philanthropists from diverse backgrounds. It arose five years ago from the need to embrace a new face in the city’s cultural landscape — an enthusiastic female leader serving in a historically male role. When Mei-Ann Chen joined the Memphis Symphony Orchestra (MSO) as music director in 2010, she was one of only four female conductors in the nation at the time and the first female ever to lead the MSO. MSO Advancement Specialist Ellen Rolfes felt a need to surround the new conductor with the support of a city and all of the diversity Memphis has to offer, along with finding new ways

to support the Symphony financially. “She was a minority woman stepping into a circumstance where she had no one like she was,” Rolfes says. “I thought, ‘What if we could galvanize a group of women around her who are accomplished leaders in our community, who could stand up and buoy her up?’ We painted this picture and that was the beginning.” With a mission of creating intentional inclusion through the arts, MeiAnn’s Circle of Friends (MACF) was born. For $1,000, membership in the Circle is open to any woman in Memphis who wants to make a difference through the arts and embrace the core value of inclusion. With 30 founding mem-

bers, the group brought in $30,000 for the Symphony in its first year. Today, MACF is made up of nearly 150 diverse and successful women. Its membership includes philanthropic leaders like Gayle Rose and Barbara Hyde, and represents organizations from BRIDGES to Regional One. For the Symphony, MACF fi lls a multitude of needs — some intended, and many the serendipitous effect of bringing powerful, socially conscious women together with a purpose. MACF is a support system, a sounding board, and, perhaps most importantly, a highly connected street team to advance MSO and the ideal of inclusion throughout the city. Each of these women brings not only themselves, but their networks to the organization, weaving the Symphony into the pieces of their Memphis. They are the venues that host visiting musicians, the friends they recruit to join, the companies they connect with to provide sponsorships, the events in their own worlds where they invite Symphony musicians to perform. “Women are natural conveners who form circles of friends to enrich their lives,” says Julie Ellis, MACF co-chair and an attorney at Butler Snow law firm. “It is music that is often the unno-

ABOVE: (front) Mei-Ann Chen; 2015-2016 co-chairs (back, l-r): Belinda Anderson, Julie Ellis, Gayle Rose (board chair), and Tish Towns.

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“If you could have seen that magical night of the sea of humanity, black and white and purple and green, sitting there together, en joying this music and voice and dance. It was so beautif ul. It’s how it’s supposed to be.” — ELLEN ROLFES


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ticed thread that has helped the creative influence in these women’s lives from childhood to today. Mei-Ann’s Circle of Friends is filled with innovation for community engagement through the Memphis Symphony Orchestra.” One of the central goals for the group is for its membership to represent the cultural diversity that it aims to engage throughout the city. By inviting understanding and cooperation in their own lives, these women are able to further the principle of inclusion in their daily interactions. The members of MACF also drive their mission forward both financially and through a series of annual membership events, gathering ideas to impact the city through the Symphony. One of the biggest events to come from this discourse is the group’s free, annual community concert, bringing the community together to showcase diversity and inclusion through music. The series began in 2014 with Rebirth of the Dream, a concert composed by Paul Brantley, combining an orchestra and a gospel chorus to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream for equality. This year’s event, Memphis

Yehoshua Levine, MD

Renaissance and Harlem, brought together MSO and the New Ballet Ensemble on a September night at the Levitt Shell. More than 5,000 people came out to celebrate the work of African-American composers and artists like Margaret Bonds, a friend of Langston Hughes who put his poetry to music but was never recognized during her lifetime because of racism and prejudice. For Rolfes, the Renaissance event was a tangible expression of the diversity and cultural inclusion MACF members work so hard to create in Memphis. “We try to make [community concerts] an audience that reflects the face of our community,” Rolfes says. “If you could have seen that magical night of the sea of humanity, black and white and purple and green, sitting there together, enjoying this music and voice and dance. It was so beautiful. It’s how it’s supposed to be.” Corporate sponsorships also provide es-

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Our reputation for reliability extends well beyond delivery routes. FedEx is proud to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and other worthy causes in our local communities. If it’s important to you, it’s important to us. ©2015 FedEx. All rights reserved.


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MACF drives its mission forward through a series of annual membership events. This year’s event, Memphis Renaissance and Harlem, brought MSO and the New Ballet Ensemble together at the Levitt Shell.

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sential support for MACF’s work. Multiple organizations joined MACF as Dreamkeeper Collaborators for the Rebirth of the Dream event, and sponsorships also allow women to join the organization regardless of financial status. One of the group’s newest initiatives is the implementation of a Little Sister program, offering a reduced membership fee for women under 35 with support from SunTrust Bank. Rolfes is passionate about creating an environment that allows for the transfer of knowledge between generations and the impact that can have for each side. Symphony COO Jennifer Bradner also feels this is an important step toward inclusion for all groups. “We are expanding from intentional inclusion of race and culture to age and inter-generational mentorship,” Bradner says. “Women helping women broaden their network and access to leadership while creating a common goal, using the instrument of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra.” In 2016, Mei-Ann Chen will finish her time as music director for the Symphony. She will stay on as Conductor Laureate, Bradner says, joining the musicians for a special concert annually. Chen has attended every event her Circle of Friends has hosted over the last five years. Throughout changes within the Symphony and other challenges, MACF has kept her going. Chen has demonstrated her own ideals of inclusion and cultural diversity throughout her time leading the MSO, inviting artists like 14-year-old cello prodigy Sujari Britt to perform in Memphis this year. “Mei-Ann’s passion is in diversity and multicultural fusion, bringing the community

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Is health care reform causing you heartburn and indigestion? together and celebrating different cultures,” says Bradner. “[Mei-Ann’s Circle] is like a quilt for her. You have these women who are surrounding themselves to say we support you, we have your back, in a position that’s historically male-dominated.” While its namesake may be moving on, MACF will continue to surround the organization and its work to cultivate inclusion

“Mei-Ann’s passion is in diversity and multicultural fusion, bringing the community together and celebrating dif ferent cultures,”

We can help.

— JENNIFER BR ADNER through the arts in Memphis, carrying forward Chen’s legacy and the origin of their efforts. Mei-Ann’s Circle of Friends is a unique philanthropic model for symphonies nationwide. For other cities to implement a program like this one, Bradner says they have to find their own unique need to meet — for Memphis, it was cultural inclusion, but another city may need a different light to shine through their own deepest darkness. Whatever the cause driving it forward, the accomplishments the women of MACF have made in Memphis undoubtedly demonstrate the idea’s potential. “Together, we are a force to be reckoned with,” Belinda Anderson, co-chair, says. “And we are at work.”

Developing an employee benefits solution in the current U.S. health care system is complicated. The Lipscomb & Pitts Employee Benefits Division is equipped to help you stay in compliance while understanding the new legislation and how it will affect

For more on Mei-Ann’s Circle of Friends, please visit D EC E M B E R 2 0 1 5 /J A N UA R Y 2 0 1 6 | IN S ID E M EM P HI S B U S IN E S S .C O M |

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The mission of the BDC is to improve the quality of life in the Binghampton Community. As a community-oriented and faith backed entity, the Binghampton Development Corporation (BDC) is working to be an instrument of God’s love to reach those in economic oppression.


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and now serves as a national leader in orthopaedics, sports medicine, teaching, and research in orthopaedic surgery. Located at 8000 Centerview Parkway in the Germantown Park business complex in Cordova, the new clinic offers comprehensive care for both common and complex disorders ampbell Clinic opened the of the neck and back. The space houses three doors to a state-of-the-art Spine Censpine surgeons, five physiatrists, a mid-level ter in late spring 2015 in response to reprovider, and a team of physical therapists gional demand from patients for more specialwho focus on issues of the back. In addition to the physical therapy floor, the facility also ized treatment for back and spine issues. This includes an X-ray suite and procedure room. is the first such sub-specialized facility that Campbell Clinic has operated. It “We treat some of the most also has four other orthopaedic challenging and complex spine clinics and two surgery centers cases in the entire region,” says in the Mid-South. Fred Azar, MD, chief of staff for For many years, Campbell Campbell Clinic. “Many of our Clinic has employed a dedicated patients wind up not needing team of surgeons and physiatrists surgery, but if surgical intervenwho specialize in spinal care. tion is appropriate, we employ However, given the highly spethe most modern techniques cialized nature of this practice and highly qualified orthopaearea and the growing population dic spine surgeons in our area.” of patients who suffer from neck, In addition to general spinal arm, back, and leg pain associathealth issues, the Campbell ClinFred Azar, MD, chief of staff ed with spine disease and injury, ic Spine Center treats herniated for Campbell Clinic. discs, degenerative disc disease, the Campbell Clinic Spine Center bone spurs, spinal tumor, stenosis, neck and was established to offer a centralized destiarm pain, and back pain. Treatment options nation to care for patients with this special focus in mind. include physical therapy, injection therapy, Campbell Clinic is one of the oldest medphysical medicine and rehabilitation, spine ical institutions in Memphis, having been surgery, and minimally invasive spine surgery. founded in 1909 by Willis C. Campbell, MD, “Optimal spinal health is vital to one’s over-



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all well-being,” Azar says. “Neck and back problems can be debilitating, so it’s imperative that they are treated appropriately. Our new spine center enables patients to receive integrated spine care under one roof. From the visit with their physician to their X-ray, all the way to their physical therapy appointment, this facility combines convenience with high-level orthopaedic expertise.”

The new Campbell Clinc Spine Center at 8000 Centerview Parkway in the Germantown Park business complex.

Other locations are in Germantown, Collierville, the Medical District, and Southaven, Mississippi. For more information on the Campbell Clinic Spine Center, please visit



arlier this year , Baptist Memorial Health Care unveiled a new addition to the Baptist family — the Spence and Becky Wilson Baptist Children’s Hospital. Located adjacent to Baptist Women’s Hospital, the Spence and Becky Wilson Baptist Children’s Hospital is home to a 17,000-square-foot emergency room, which includes 10 bays for patient care and a 2,000-square-foot diagnostics area. In addition, the pediatric facility offers a 12-bed inpatient unit, outpatient pediatric surgery, and the Pediatric Eye Center, the first comprehensive eye center for babies and children led by Jorge Calzada, MD, of the Charles Retina Institute. “Our vision was to bring pediatrics from Baptist Memphis over here to join Baptist Women’s in order to grow these services and be able to provide that continuum of care that our families and pediatricians have continuously asked us for,” says Anita Vaughn,

CEO and administrator of Baptist Women’s Hospital. Pediatric services were originally housed at Baptist Memorial Hospital-Memphis until plans were initiated for the new Children’s Hospital. With the generous gift from long-time Baptist supporters Spence and Becky Wilson, the Children’s Hospital is able to provide more extensive care to the 5,000 babies a year who are born at Baptist Women’s Hospital. Baptist first broke ground on the pediatric emergency department in July 2013, and held the grand opening ceremony for the whole community this past January. Since then, the Children’s Hospital has seen a tremendous volume of patients. “When you open a pediatric ER that was functioning as part of an adult ER, and you give it a separate identity, the statistics across the country show that the number of patients will double every year for the next three years,” says Melissa Nelson, assistant administrator at Baptist Women’s Hospital. For the past two months, Vaughn and her administration team have been actively preparing for a pediatric surge by continuously recruiting experienced staff, ordering more equipment and supplies, and developing a thorough plan for the remaining three floors of the hospital.

Baptist Memorial Health Care records 92,000 pediatric visits system-wide.

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hen Crosstown Concourse opens in early 2017, Church Health Center will consolidate its myriad services from disparate properties into this one centralized location, filling 120,000 of the total 1.5 million square feet the citadel on Cleveland Street houses. Within that space will be doctors and nurses, dentistry, space for exercising, and kitchens for nutrition classes. But there will also be something new for CHC. Announced this past year is the Family Medicine Residency, a major initiative aimed at improving health and access to healthcare in Memphis. In conjunction with Baptist Memorial Health Care, the Residency’s mission is to provide family medicine resident education in an environment of high-quality patient care across clinical continuums, which will emphasize both the holistic approach to comprehensive individual health, and the coor-


“To date, we have 90 percent of the specialty coverage we need, including cardiology, neurology, ophthalmology, ENT, and general surgery,” says Nelson. “The pediatric specialists on staff have been phenomenal, and the coordination of care has allowed us to be prepared for increases in patient volume.” Baptist records 92,000 visits with pediatrics in their entire system, and Vaughn says the numbers alone demonstrate the need for a pediatric hospital. Nelson adds that the hospital has received extremely favorable feedback from patients, physicians, and the community with satisfaction reviews being in the 93rd percentile. After being open for an entire calendar year, Vaughn and her administration team will take a look at what needs to be the next phase for the Spence and Becky Wilson Baptist Children’s Hospital. For now, she says they are continuing to focus their attention on meeting the needs of their patients, physicians, and nurses. “What’s astounding to me is not only how fast we’ve grown in the short amount of time we’ve been open, but the commitment of people to make this prosper,” says Vaughn. “Between the doctors, nurses, and all of the other departments, it’s these people who want to see this hospital succeed and who go above and beyond to make it happen.” For more information on the Spence and Becky Wilson Baptist Children’s Hospital, please visit

“We are grateful to have Baptist as a partner,” says Church Health Center CEO Scott Morris, MD.

dination and collaboration required across disciplines to improve outcomes for diverse populations. Graduating family physicians will be prepared to practice the art of family medicine, while mastering the science and technology of the evolving healthcare system in order to become leaders in advanced primary care practices for the community. Approval from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education got the ball rolling for the first group of four residents to begin work in July 2016. The program will then grow by four new residents in 2017 and 2018, as the CHC begins to operate from its new home in Crosstown. Recruitment for the first group of residents is already under way. Residents will be trained in the CHC’s integrated, whole-person model of care, which is based on CHC’s mission and its Model for Healthy Living. The Model identifies the core areas of a person’s health — movement, medical, work, emotional, nutrition, friends and family, and faith life. Training will also place

an emphasis on serving the underserved. The idea for the partnership came when Anne Sullivan, MD, Baptist’s chief academic officer and a primary care physician with Baptist Medical Group-Family Physicians Group, heard CHC CEO Scott Morris, MD, speak about caring for the underserved in Memphis, and providing affordable healthcare to the uninsured working people and their families in the area. She approached him about creating a partnership between Baptist and CHC to create a family medicine residency program. Baptist is funding the program and providing inpatient experience and supervision. Residents will also gain experience at local physician offices. Baptist and the CHC share leadership for the program, and Sullivan is the program director. “We are grateful to have Baptist as a partner,” says Morris. “Together, we will attract the best and brightest to learn and work with us at Crosstown, with all the advantages that

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come from our many community partners, along with our committed volunteer primary care and specialty doctors. The young doctors in our residency will also learn to love Memphis, and they will want to stay. In the long run, we will grow our physician strength in family medicine and begin to significantly address Memphis’ shortage of access to primary care physicians.” “Primary care physicians are such an important part of our community, and we’re happy to do whatever we can to bring more of them to Memphis,” says Paul DePriest, MD, executive vice president and COO for Baptist. “This partnership will provide some of Memphis’ most underserved citizens with physicians who can help keep them healthier.” “This effort has the full support of the Memphis hospital community because, as a city, our shortage of doctors is something we are all working hard to address,” Morris says. “We need more doctors to care for the people of Memphis. It will take the collective effort of the entire Memphis medical community, but Memphis is a can do city, and for almost 30 years we have been blessed to have so many allies in carrying out our mission.”

Le Bonheur destination programs undergoing expansion include mechanical circulatory support, cardiovascular genetics, adult congenital heart disease, heart transplantation, neurodevelopment, single ventricle, sports cardiology, and obesity. Another specialty is cardio-oncology, in conjunction with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital where Towbin holds the post of chief of Cardiology. Many Le Bonheur and UTHSC physicians hold joint appointments at St. Jude. “We have the surgical and medical teams in place to look beyond patient survival — now it’s about lifestyle and giving children and adults with congenital heart defects and heart muscle diseases a great quality of life,” says Towbin. To build these programs, the Heart Institute expects to recruit 25 cardiologists in the next five years, and five of those within the next few months. Interventional Cardiologist Thomas Fagan, MD, moved his family to Memphis from Children’s Hospital Colorado just three months after Towbin began calling. Towbin has been



hen parents of children with congenital heart defects begin the frantic search online for information about experts to treat their child, they learn that some of the country’s premier pediatric cardiologists and cardiac surgery pioneers are based at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Now, Le Bonheur is building on that strong foundation and setting a new course for the hospital’s Heart Institute. The 150-member Heart Institute at Le Bonheur has many board-certified pediatric specialists who have determined they will transform the way they care for children and adults with congenital heart defects. The Heart Institute is led by executive co-directors Christopher Knott-Craig, MD, and newly recruited Jeffrey A. Towbin, MD, an internationally recognized expert in cardiomyopathy and heart failure in children. Knott-Craig has pioneered some of the most complex congenital heart defect procedures and is one of the country’s most successful cardiac surgeons. Some programs and expertise mean that families will search online and then travel to have their child treated by these experts. The 48 |

Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons discuss patients’ heart problems.

one of Fagan’s mentors and quickly sold him on the vision for the Heart Institute. Fagan is now Le Bonheur’s medical director of the Catheterization Lab. Fagan is taking the reins from Rush Waller, MD, the new medical director of the institute’s Adult Congenital Program who is working to build a robust program that supports the ongoing and complex needs of adults living with congenital heart disease. He will lead the program with Cardiologist Ryan Jones, MD, and Umar Boston, MD, the hospital’s new surgical director of Heart Transplant and Mechanical Circulatory Support. Towbin has also begun hiring research scientists through Le Bonheur’s Children’s Foundation Research Institute to continue his work in gene discovery and the mechanisms of cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death, vascular disorders, and congenital heart disease; as well as viral causes of myocarditis, cardiomyopathies, transplant rejection, and transplant coronary disease. Heart Institute leaders expect exponential

growth in the next few years, with the foundation of new approaches and the addition of new programs and facilities. As children and adults living with congenital heart defects and cardiomyopathies look for subspecialized care, Le Bonheur will build programs to meet those needs.



his past November, West Cancer Center celebrated the grand opening of its new East Campus located at 7945 Wolf River Boulevard. The 123,000-square-foot facility combines many of West Cancer Center’s physicians and researchers all under one roof, and for the first time patients now have access to multispecialty services including medical, surgical, diagnostic, and radiation oncology, in addition to West’s clinical research program, all delivered at one location. The result is a collaborative environment that both fosters West Cancer Center’s comprehensive approach to treatment and transforms the delivery of oncology care in the Mid-South. “This marks another milestone in the transformation of how we care for and treat our patients,” says Erich Mounce, CEO of West Cancer Center. “By physically combining the forces of our multidisciplinary specialty teams into one facility, we are creating an environment that truly fosters collaboration and produces a unique understanding of what each specialty requires, allowing everyone to perform at their highest level.” The facility is a tangible result of an innovative partnership between Methodist Healthcare, the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), and West Clinic, who joined together in January 2012 to form West Cancer Center. This partnership unites the foremost leaders in education, research, and patient care to advance the field of oncology. Combining the nation’s premier oncologists and researchers with the leading experts in radiation and surgical oncology fosters a collaborative environment resulting in overall improvement in patient care. The new West Cancer Center location draws upon all three organizations to house both clinical and research services, numerous care support resources, innovative drug therapy, a comprehensive breast center, and survivorship services in order to better meet the needs of an expanding patient population. The American Cancer Society expects the

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number of new cancer cases diagnosed in the Mid-South to exceed 72,000 this year. The number of new cancer cases is expected to rise by 70 percent over the next two decades. By bringing every aspect of cancer care under one roof and creating one treatment home for all stages of the journey, care is much more accessible for patients, especially for those with tight financial budgets who find it a challenge to travel to multiple sites of care. It also helps to create a streamlined navigational process for patients, which can be extremely confusing due to the complex nature of cancer care. “Our mission at Methodist Healthcare is to provide high-quality healthcare for everyone who needs it, regardless of their ability to pay,” says Gary Shorb, CEO for Methodist Healthcare. “The multidisciplinary approach at West Cancer Center will provide accessible and unparalleled cancer care for the entire Mid-South and beyond.” West Cancer Center’s research program combines clinical research in the patient-focused setting with translational methodology in the UTHSC laboratories — creating a true bench-to-bedside model to deliver the most innovative and effective care for patients. “We have an extraordinarily dedicated team of professors and researchers who are searching for and discovering medical break-

throughs,” says Steve Schwab, chancellor of UTHSC. “By partnering with West Cancer Center and Methodist, we have the ability to advance healthcare and impact patients’ lives through personalized clinical trials and life-saving research.”



his was a year of transformation on several fronts for the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC), which annually educates approximately 4,000 students, is responsible for 26,700 jobs across Tennessee, and contributes $2.7 billion to the state’s economy. With record enrollment in many programs, expanded educational locations, updated teaching methods, stronger clinical partnerships, broadened research activities, and unprecedented construction, the 104-year-old university has moved aggressively to boost its presence on the state, national, and global stage as a health-

UTHSC Chancellor Steve Schwab, MD, speaks to faculty and staff at the annual State of the University address.

care educator, provider, and innovator. “We think we’re in the best position we’ve ever been in,” Chancellor Steve Schwab, MD, told faculty and staff in his annual State of the University Address in August. ◗◗ UTHSC extended its educational reach across Tennessee. The main campus in Memphis remains home to six health science colleges — Dentistry, Graduate Health Sciences, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing, and Pharmacy. With expansion of the College of Pharmacy into Nashville and UTHSC’s stronger alliance with Saint Thomas Health system there, the state capital joined Knoxville and Chattanooga as a clinical education campus.

The new Translational Science Research Building at Union Avenue and Manassass Street on the UTHSC campus.

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◗ UTHSC achieved a graduation rate of 96 percent and a first-time board pass rate of 97 percent. The numbers reflect UTHSC’s commitment to innovative models for education that focus on collaborative learning among the various colleges to prepare students to work in medical teams to provide the best patient care. ◗ In February, the bright orange UT icon went up on Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare’s flagship hospital in Midtown — now referred to as Methodist UT Hospital. The signage is evidence of the increasingly strong clinical practices at partner hospitals that allow UTHSC-affiliated physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other health professionals to provide cutting-edge care to patients, while training the next generation of healthcare providers. Other partner teaching hospitals in Memphis include, Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Regional One Health, and the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. UTHSC also has relationships with Baptist Memorial Health Care, Saint Francis Hospital, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, where most of the research scientists also have UTHSC faculty appointments.

◗ Bucking national trends, research dollars rose to more than $92 million. ◗ Demolition and new construction changed the face of the campus. As part of a Campus Master Plan unveiled last year, unused buildings were razed, and the campus moved ahead on more than $250 million in construction. The work included completing a Translational Science Research Building that is attracting top-level researchers to campus; beginning a Multidisciplinary Simulation Center to provide high-tech training for students of all six colleges; and retrofitting an existing building as the Plough Center for Sterile Drug Delivery Systems to boost UTHSC’s pharmaceutical manufacturing and training efforts and income. ◗ Students, faculty, and staff from all the colleges provided hundreds of hours of community care at health fairs, fundraisers, and special events. And new campus clinical and research initiatives are focusing on health disparities and diseases that plague our community, including breast cancer, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, colon cancer, addiction, and mental illness.

Regional One Health’s east campus on Quince Road.



his year has been one of growth and expansion for Regional One Health. Throughout its more than 180-year history, Regional One Health has provided a wide range of health services to citizens of the Mid-South. Until recently, though, the majority of these services were offered on the main campus where its flagship acute care

“We opened Harbor of Health [in Harbor Town] with a new framework for service delivery,” says Susan Cooper of Regional One Health.

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are planned for the near future. Harbor of Health offers extended hours to fit the busy schedules of patients, as well as same day appointments. The office is open for early morning and evening appointments. Expanding services into different areas in the community in 2015 is one way Regional One Health is making an impact in the health and well-being of the people they serve. “Our mission is to help our community be healthier,” says Coopwood. “Historically, our community has been defined by our geographic location, but our real community is the whole Memphis area. This move aligns very well by expanding our reach further into the community we call the Mid-South.”



ast March, Saint Francis Hospital-Memphis was host to a team of Mid-South vision specialists who successfully implanted a mini telescope in the eye of a patient with end-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD). The patient, 74-year-old Peggy Ryan, was the first patient in Tennessee to receive this revolutionary device since it received FDA approval. It was surgically implanted by Saint Francis Hospital-affiliated ophthalmologist Subba Gollamudi, MD, with a medical team that included Cynthia Heard, OD, and Orli Weisser Pike, OT. Approximately 500 patients around the country have received the telescope implant, and the Memphis team is one of 100 teams nationwide to offer the procedure. The first-of-its-kind telescope implant is FDA approved for patients age 65 and older, and is currently the only surgical option that improves visual acuity by reducing the impact of the central vision blind spot caused by end-stage AMD. The cost for the telescope implant and visits associated with the treatment program are Medicare eligible. “We are pleased that Dr. Gollumidi chose to premiere this important surgery at Saint Francis,” says David Archer, CEO. “This is consistent with our commitment to bring


hospital, Regional Medical Center, is located. In 2015, Regional One Health expanded its footprint in the Mid-South, opening new locations and services from Harbor Town to East Memphis to better serve the healthcare needs of the community. A long-range goal is to help individuals manage their health to avoid preventable hospitalizations. To meet this goal, Regional One Health is focusing on creating convenient health services in an outpatient setting. Regional One Health’s east campus is located on Quince Road, near Kirby and Highway 385. The east campus houses several unique outpatient services including a new reproductive medicine program, urogynecology, outpatient physical rehabilitation, a multispecialty care site, and a pharmacy. An imaging center and other UT Regional One Physician practice sites will be added in 2016. The Center for Rehabilitative Medicine at the east campus offers traditional as well as more unique, innovative services in step with physicians and the team consisting of physical, occupational, and speech therapists. The multispecialty clinic is a one-stop shop for primary and multispecialty care, anchored in primary care and internal medicine. The clinic is staffed with medicine services such as internal medicine, cardiology, endocrinology, and rheumatology. “We are creating an innovative model for providing access to a modern and convenient healthcare campus where you not only go for your primary care but your specialty care too,” says Reginald W. Coopwood, MD, president and CEO of Regional One Health. “To be able to take our world-class expertise and offer services into another geographical location will greatly benefit Memphis as we introduce a different model for delivery of outpatient services.” The building underwent major renovations inside and outside. Approximately 50,000 square feet is occupied by the health system. This space was converted to medical offices and designed to create a comfortable environment for patients. On the outside of the building, a new drop-off area and canopy were constructed. On the other side of town, Regional One Health opened a new primary care experience — Harbor of Health in Harbor Town. “We opened Harbor of Health with a new framework for service delivery,” says Susan Cooper, senior vice president of ambulatory services at Regional One Health. “From the personalities and expertise of the providers to the business operations of the practice, we are creating a healthcare experience focusing on the needs and priorities of our patients.” Harbor of Health provides primary care service, including pediatrics, and is staffed by two nurse practitioners. Additional providers, including a certified nurse midwife,

medical firsts to the Memphis community. We are pleased to be a part of this milestone for AMD patients.” Smaller than a pea, the telescope implant uses micro-optical technology to magnify images that would normally be seen in one’s “straight ahead,” or central, vision. The images are projected onto the healthy portion of the retina not affected by the disease, making it possible for patients to see or discern the central vision object of interest. Patients with end-stage AMD suffer from a central blind spot. This vision loss makes it difficult or impossible to see faces, read, and perform everyday activities such as watching TV, preparing meals, and performing selfcare. The telescope implant has been demonstrated in clinical trials to improve quality of life by improving patients’ vision so they can see the things that are important to them, increase their independence, and re-engage in everyday activities. It also may help patients in social settings as it may allow them to recognize faces and see the facial expressions of family and friends. “This telescope technology can completely change an AMD patient’s life,” says Gollamudi. “For those patients who are candidates for the procedure, it truly is a miracle. We are honored to be the first team in Memphis and Tennessee to make this gift available to one of our patients.”



ethodist Healthcare has become the first healthcare organization in Tennessee, and the MidSouth, to join the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a national network of healthcare providers committed to better serving patients and their families through collaboration. This collaboration gives Methodist Healthcare access to the latest Mayo Clinic knowledge and promotes physician collaboration that complements local expertise. Through shared resources, more patients can get answers to complex medical questions while staying close to home. “The relationship with Mayo Clinic places physician-to-physician collaboration at the pinnacle of providing high-quality, patientand family-centered care for all of Methodist’s patients,” says Michael Ugwueke, president and chief operating officer of Methodist Healthcare. “More than a relationship between two well-known organizations, this is truly a collaboration for sharing medical knowledge and Mayo Clinic expertise, while

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providing tools and resources for our physicians to further enhance patient care.” As a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, Methodist Healthcare works with Mayo to share medical knowledge and collaborate in ways to benefit patients and their communities. Network tools and services include eConsults that will allow Methodist Healthcare physicians to connect electronically with Mayo specialists and subspecialists when they want additional input on a patient’s care; AskMayoExpert that provides Methodist Healthcare with point-of-care, Mayo-vetted information on disease management, care guidelines, treatment recommendations, and reference materials for a variety of medical conditions; and eTumor Board Conferences that allow Methodist Healthcare physicians to present and discuss management of complex cancer cases with a multidisciplinary panel of Mayo Clinic specialists and other network members.




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Methodist Healthcare providers are also able to consult with Mayo Clinic on operational and business processes, access Mayo’s extensive library of patient education materials, and view archived grand rounds presentations featuring Mayo physicians and scientists. “Mayo Clinic and Methodist Healthcare have long been committed to offering patient-centered care,” says David Hayes, MD, medical director of the Mayo Clinic Care Network. “We are very pleased to build on that shared value and formalize our relationship. We look forward to helping patients get the right care when and where they need it.” To receive a Mayo consult, patients must go through a Methodist-aligned physician, and the physician will send the patient’s medical records to the appropriate Mayo physician to review. The two physicians will schedule a time to discuss the patient’s medical care. After this consultation, the patient’s local physician will share the results and discuss the next steps. Ugwueke says that being a part of the Mayo Clinic Care Network is all about advancing medicine and keeping patients — and care — close to home.

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Industry Perspectives is your peek into the crystal ball of commerce and at what the major players see on the horizon. This special advertising section from Inside Memphis Business puts business executives in the forefront of today’s news, each with an insider’s perspective of the leading industries in Mid-South. As the IMB editorial team looks back at a year of partnerships, giving back, and healthcare, these visionaries look forward to how their respective companies will help shape the business community in 2016.

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Employee Benefits — Retirement Planning:

The Barnett Group Employee Benefits and Retirement Planning Going into 2016, what are your clients most concerned about regarding health care trends? Employers and employees are concerned about rising premiums, which have and may continue to rise by 15 percent on average. The changes to Affordable Care Act compliance are a big concern for employers, as there are many different rules for different companies. We’re guiding clients through the ACA changes and developing strategies that make health care costs work for both the company and the employee. As the economy improves and companies reinstate or expand financial benefits for employees, what advice would you give to employers and employees? There are a great number of options and strategies to consider, and all plans are not the same. Knowing what to expect and understanding plan information, like fee structures and requirements from the Department of Labor and IRS, are examples of details that sometimes trip employers up. We work with money-management firms that offer fiduciary protection programs to assist employers in reducing their risk, as well as overall compliance management. Employers should ensure that

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things like hidden bundled fees and restrictive plan options aren’t hindering employees’ investment goals. Employees should enroll in financial benefit opportunities as soon as they are eligible. We encourage employees to always take advantage of an employer match. It’s usually only a small percentage of their paycheck, and it can make a huge difference in the long run. With news surrounding the volatile global markets, what do employees need to know about their investments? Stay the course, and don’t let the news scare you. We have been reassuring clients that the recent volatility is a normal market cycle and will correct itself. In cases like this, it’s always a good time to consider your risk tolerance and make adjustments if it has changed.

BARNETT GROUP | 901.365.3447 7906 Players Forest Drive Memphis, TN 38119

11/9/15 10:09 AM




Anthony Clark Market Managing Partner Dixon Hughes Goodman Anthony is the Market Managing Partner of the Memphis and Dallas/Fort Worth markets of DHG. He has more than 30 years of public accounting experience in all areas of forprofit and not-for-profit organizations. How do your client engagements usually begin? Although we’re the largest accounting firm in the region, we work with businesses from every point in the spectrum — burgeoning entrepreneurs and established national companies alike. What all of these clients have in common is a desire to operate at their highest possible level. They may not know where to begin, but it usually starts with a phone call. What are the barriers your clients face when reviewing their accountancy practices? Unless there are major, obvious issues, a business’s approach to its accounting policies and practices tends to stay the same year after year. Unfortunately, tax laws and business regulations don’t stay the same. So while they’re aware that the climate is constantly changing, many businesses feel overwhelmed by the process of re-examining their needs beyond the minimum required to maintain compliance. We want to help our clients look beyond short-term fixes and stay agile for the long haul. What is the most rewarding aspect of your practice? I enjoy being able to find opportunities for our clients to operate more efficiently and effectively. We build their confidence in our ability to save money and improve profitability, which gives them the freedom to focus on their core business. | 901.761.3000 999 S. Shady Grove Road, Suite 400 Memphis, TN 38120

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Wealth Management:

Guidingpoint Financial Group A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Advisors, Inc. Douglas & Associates and Cole, Simonetti and Terry joined forces in 2015 to form Guidingpoint Financial Group, a financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. By combining these two long-standing financial advisory practices, Guidingpoint Financial Group, now with more than 215 years of combined financial services experience, positions itself as one of the premier financial advisory practices in the Memphis area. Guidingpoint Financial Group advisors include: Private Wealth Advisors Darrell Douglas, CFP® and Katie Cole, CFP®; and

Financial Advisors Susan Babina, CFP®; Brian Douglas, CFP®, CRPC®, ADPA®; Christopher Kauker, CFP®; Madeline Simonetti, CFP®; Julie W. Terry, CFP®; Jimmy Shamoun; and Michael Turner, CFP®. One of the largest areas of focus for Guidingpoint Financial Group is retirement. Guidingpoint Financial Group financial advisors offer advice on retirement savings and income strategies and have the knowledge base and resources to help their clients feel more confident about their future and an enjoyable retirement. Guidingpoint Financial

Group is dedicated to the Memphis community and their clients’ quality of life. Guidingpoint Financial Group holds complimentary monthly informational and social events for clients and their friends. Some of the topics have been: • Financial strategies for women • Generational Wealth Conversations • Capitol Hill updates • South Main Trolley Tour Art and Social • Tailgating Secrets with Chef Eric RSVPs are accepted for events and the event calendar is available on the Guidingpoint Financial Group website at There is no cost or obligation for the events.

_______________________________________________ Guidingpoint Financial Group A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.

901.312.5060 138 Timber Creek Drive Memphis, TN 38018 465 South Main, Suite 101 Memphis, TN 38103 1011 Bay Street, Suite 304 Beaufort, SC 29907

Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. owns the certification marks CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and CFP (with flame design) in the U.S. Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc., Member SIPC and FINRA. © 2015 Ameriprise Financial, Inc., All rights reserved.

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11/13/15 8:12 AM





Valerie Morris, President Patrick Collins, Executive Vice President Morris Marketing Group Maximize Marketing Dollars Experienced in corporate environments overseeing marketing, communications, sales, social responsibility, and government relations during national economic uncertainty, Morris Marketing Group approaches today’s marketing and promotional challenges holistically and frugally to maximize exposure and marketing spend for Mid-South companies and non-profit organizations of all sizes. Organizations today have a wealth of opportunities and outlets to appeal to their constituents and to communicate the unique selling proposition and mission of the business. Morris Marketing Group assists clients in focusing on the most effective, nontraditional, and multichannel marketing strategies to reach customers frequently and in a meaningful fashion to maximize conversion and brand sentiment.

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Delivering Results “We pride ourselves on delivering results in the form of increased sales, bottom-line savings, increased audience and brand exposure, effective and advantageous crises communications, increased donations or grant allocations, and increased resonance for brand identities,” said Valerie Morris, President of Morris Marketing Group. Hands-on Approach “What makes Morris Marketing Group unique is our hands-on approach both with client service and strategic and tactical implementation. We joke that our shared ‘roll your sleeves up and get it done’ attitude and multitasking abilities are probably due to both our restaurant and customerservice experience from previous careers, but we are both very committed to a job

well done and take pride in the fact that no matter what the task is, if it needs to get done, we make it happen,” said Patrick Collins, Executive Vice President of Morris Marketing Group. | 901.425.3770 456 Tennessee Street, Suite 102 Memphis, TN 38103

11/13/15 12:16 PM




Population Health:

Susan Cooper

, RN, MSN, FAAN Senior Vice President and Chief Integration Officer Many have heard the term “population health,” but what does it mean for our community? Population health isn’t just about eliminating disease, it’s about the population’s ability to manage their health the best they can with the resources they have. To address the Mid-South’s health needs from a holistic perspective, we have to make it easier for patients to get the right care at the right time. At Regional One Health we have embraced this approach to care with the creation of our east campus, a true “medical neighborhood,” at 6555 Quince Road. Our health system occupies 50,000 square feet of space for outpatient services

such as internal medicine, a center for rehabilitative medicine, multispecialty clinic, women’s services, a pharmacy, and an imaging center coming soon. At this new facility, when patients are referred to a specialist, they can often see that specialist right away in the same exam room (instead of waiting a few weeks for a new appointment), and then pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy before ever leaving the first floor. The east campus isn’t the only location where we’re making healthcare easier. We recently opened Harbor of Health, a clinic in Harbor Town, with the priorities and needs of the community at the center of its care model. Patients can make same-day

appointments or simply come to the clinic as walk-in patients from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Weekend hours will soon be available. These initiatives were developed by listening to our community. We want to know what services our patients need and how we can best deliver them. When the best care choice becomes the easy choice, we’ll experience a healthier Mid-South. East Campus: 6555 Quince Road Memphis, TN, 38119

Susan Cooper, Regional One Health’s Chief Integration Officer, with Amanda Best, CFNP and Syed Raza, MD, who see patients at Regional One Health’s new east campus.

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11/13/15 10:41 AM




Real Estate:

Joshua Spotts Realtor What advice would you give someone who is looking for help to buy or sell their home? Buying or selling a home is more than a financial transaction. A successful partnership between client and realtor means a shared passion for a common goal. Clients need someone who will listen, learn their needs and desires, and work closely with them. I strive to get the job done and be responsive to all their real estate needs, but also provide prompt service, personal guidance and professional competence from contract to settlement. How will a buyer or seller know when they’ve found the right agent to represent them? Ideally, an agent that is passionate about their job, loves their neighborhood and keeps up with the latest trends and strategies is the strongest partner for someone who is buying or selling a home. I am a native Mid-Southerner and I love Memphis. I am raising my family here and I am a passionate advocate for many organizations in our community. My goal is to share that passion with clients to help them find their dream home. What are some of the new tools available to buyers and sellers in the real estate industry? Our society is mobile and business transactions take place virtually everywhere. I offer my clients cuttingedge technology, including a custom app that allows mobile-device users to view real estate listings based on their location, then contact me with the single push of a button. My clients have had particularly good results with this and other services I offer. (E) | (W) 901.361.4211 (C) | 901.756.8900 (O) 6525 N. Quail Hollow Road, Memphis, TN 38120

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11/13/15 8:12 AM





Kirk Johnston Managing Partner | Vaco Memphis How does the Mid-South job market compare to others across the country? We are proud to report that Memphis is a candidate’s job market. The Bluff City has even been listed among Glassdoor’s top 25 best cities for jobs. Vaco Memphis serves a broad range of industry sectors, such as technology, accounting, healthcare, marketing, and logistics, and we have noted increased demand in all of them, especially in the finance and technology industries. We’re trending in line with national data that reports demand in both those sectors across the country as well. The Memphis

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market is beginning to strongly favor the choices of job candidates, and it shows no sign of decelerating anytime soon. What hiring trends should we look forward to seeing as we begin 2016? As we take a look into 2016, it is clear that we are a society driven by technology in almost every sector of business and life. Given that, we will continue to see an increased demand for IT and other technologyfocused jobs. Also, as more of our personal information is recorded digitally through electronic medical records, online banking, and mobile

payment systems, we are seeing an increased demand in digital security and risk solutions positions. These jobs will also be especially important as the first generation of ‘mobile-only’ users enters the job market and wireless security becomes even more critical. How can Mid-South businesses expect to meet this increasing demand in multiple sectors? Businesses should identify opportunities for job creation and growth in these sectors and be prepared to be aggressive in finding the right talent. A company like Vaco Memphis can connect

businesses to the right resources at the right time. We combine the local marketplace knowledge and relationships of a boutique firm with national reach and resources to deliver exceptional, targeted results to our Memphis-area clients. 901.333.2250 6000 Poplar Ave., Suite 216 Memphis TN, 38119

11/10/15 7:59 AM




Vein Treatment:

Sushma Parekh, MD Board Certified Radiologist, Owner | Vein Memphis, LLP The Problem Contemplate this statistic: 75 percent of women over the age of 40 with two or more children will suffer from venous insufficiency at some time in their lives. This manifests itself in a myriad of ways — cramping of legs, spasms, restless leg syndrome, swelling of ankles, hyperpigmentation of lower extremities, ulcers in legs, spider veins, and varicose veins. Most of these symptoms often get overlooked or misdiagnosed as aging, fatigue, or ignored as cosmetic issues even by physicians. In fact, these are caused by a real condition called venous reflux or venous

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insufficiency, and can have severe and chronic debilitating consequences if left untreated. The Solution At Vein Memphis, Dr. Sushma Parekh and her highly trained and experienced staff can diagnose the root cause of these symptoms and have the most technologically advanced equipment to treat this condition. Fellowship-trained in diagnostic ultrasound and ultrasoundguided interventional procedures, Dr. Parekh has helped hundreds of patients in the area with varicose veins and venous insufficiency using the “Endovenous Laser Ablation Treatment” procedure

that eliminates the root cause of this entity. This is considered a medically necessary procedure and is covered by most insurance carriers. The clinic also performs sclerotherapy for spider veins and is Memphis’ only All-Woman Team in this field. 901.333.2525 7656 Poplar Pike Germantown, TN 38138

11/13/15 10:41 AM

The Office Charlie Newman Burch, Porter & Johnson Law Firm

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Every surface of Charles Newman’s office is full of stories. The office itself occupies the southeastern corner of the architecturally distinctive Burch, Porter & Johnson Building, a 125-year-old converted men’s club, situated at the northern edge of Court Square, in downtown Memphis. History happened here. E.H. Crump was a Tennessee Club regular. Temperance firebrand Carrie Nation railed against demon alcohol on the building’s steps. In the twentieth century it became one of the most active and progressive law firms in America. The office itself is comfortably






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stoic, with natural light streaming in from large windows. Decor is minimal and even the clutter — what little there is — seems deliberate and orderly. Newman, a past president of the Memphis Bar Association, joined the Burch, Porter & Johnson Law Firm in 1965 and quickly distinguished himself in virtually every area of commercial litigation. He’s probably best known for groundbreaking contributions to the field of environmental law, beginning with the landmark Supreme Court case Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe, which saved Midtown’s Old Forest from proposed interstate expansion.

“I sort of fell into this Overton Park thing when I was very young and it led to a lot of other stuff,” says Newman, who has also worked to preserve Shelby Farms, and to create a series of walking/biking trails that will eventually stretch from Memphis’ Harahan Bridge all the way to the Louisiana border. The entire western wall of Newman’s office is taken up by framed photographs and vintage editorial cartoons expressing decidedly negative views of Citizens to Preserve Overton Park, whose activist base was often described disapprovingly by local media as “old ladies in tennis shoes.”

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1. Railroad spikes: Given in recognition of work Newman did in the creation of the Shelby Farms Greenline. He was brought into the fold of the Shelby Farms conservation movement by Lucius Burch in 1971. 2. Photo: (l-r: Rev. James Lawson, Andrew Young, Lucius Burch, Newman, Mike Cody) Taken April 4, 1968, going into federal court the morning after BPJ’s initial meeting with Dr. King. “The city had gotten a temporary restraining order and was trying to get an injunction against King’s march on the theory that it


“All of these cartoons were done by Draper Hill,” Newman says, pointing out details in the work. The topmost image in the collection is a black-and-white drawing of President Richard Nixon telling Secretary of State Henry Kissinger that he might need to settle a transportation dispute down in Memphis. The real treasures, however, are situated just below the cartoons on a bookshelf displaying honors, awards, and a fading black-and-white photo of Lucius Burch standing beside an enormous fish. “Lucius was a consummate outdoorsman,” Newman says, touching a pair of inscribed railroad spikes. “He was also a great early conservationist and starting in 1971 he got me involved in the Shelby Farms effort.” The railroad spikes were given to Newman in recognition for the work he did to assist in the creation of the Shelby Farms Greenline. A gavel on the table is made out of wood from a wrecked Spanish galleon Burch discovered off the coast of Ireland. It sits to the left of a framed

would present an unacceptable risk of civil unrest. At the end of the day the judge indicated he would lift the injunction, but as we were walking back down to this office, we heard sirens. King had been shot.” 3. Painting: Portrait by family friend Mary Keegan of Newman and Burch on the porch of a cabin on the farm

photograph of Newman with the BP&J legal team and members of Martin Luther King Jr.’s entourage. “On April 3, 1968, Lucius called me to come into his office,” Newman says. “He said, ‘Let’s go get in the car, we’ve just been hired by Martin Luther King.’ So we went to the Lorraine Motel that afternoon, sat on King’s bed, and met with him and Andrew Young and lots of other guys in that tiny little hotel room. This picture was taken the next morning going into federal court. The city had gotten a temporary restraining order and was trying to get an injunction against King’s march on the theory that it would present an unacceptable risk of civil unrest. At the end of the day the judge indicated he would lift the injunction, but as we were walking back down to this office, we heard sirens. King had been shot.” Newman pauses briefly to reflect. “You know, it wasn’t a huge or difficult or complicated piece of legal work we did that day. But it was a dramatic encounter with history.”  •

in Hardeman County left to the younger attorney by his mentor. 4. Gavel: Made from the wood of a wrecked Spanish galleon discovered off the coast of Ireland by Burch, consummate outdoorsman, adventurer, hunter, and scuba diver, and Newman’s boss and colleague. 5. Political cartoons: “The Commercial Appeal was relentlessly against us and our clients, what we were trying to do,” Newman says regarding the fight to save Overton Park. But at the end of it all, cartoonist Draper Hill, who Newman suspects was sympathetic to their cause, but “just doing his job,” drew this less-derisive cartoon celebrating the landmark Supreme Court case that would end the fight.

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11/9/15 4:55 PM





Mid-South philanthropy at a glance. NUTS & BOLTS2 5,200 — number of nonprofits in the Mid-South. $14 billion — combined assets of Mid-South nonprofits.

$1.7 billion — annual nonprofit payroll. 45,000 — people employed in the nonprofit sector in Memphis MSA.

$19.39 — average per hour, nonprofit wage in Memphis MSA. 250,000 — volunteers. 29 million — hours of volunteer service provided. $620 million — value of volunteer service hours. 300 — hours per month 40 percent of large ILLUSTRATION BY DREAMSTIME

organizations spent on grants management.

FOCUS1 39% — human services. 35% — children and youth. 29% — advocacy. 28% — education. 15% — youth services. 58% — primarily serving low-income and/or



improve/increase programs/services offered.

20% — 20-60 percent of their budget comes


6% — 60 percent-plus of their funding comes

86% — nonprofits with fewer than 50

from government grants or contracts.

full-time employees.

20% — gross annual revenues of

86% — use volunteers. 30% — those with volunteers providing more than

no more than $250,000.

34% — availability of jobs. 26% — strong, well-performing schools. 23% — affordable housing. 22% — job training. 21% — access to healthcare. 20% — crime reduction/public safety. 17% — access to cultural opportunities. 17% — childcare/after-school care. 15% — availability of public transportation. 15% — mental health services. 13% — access to healthy food. 13% — recreational opportunities. 11% — senior care. 9% — substance abuse services. 3% — availability of commercial

33% — gross annual revenues

goods and services.

disadvantaged populations.

CHANGE2 72% — nonprofits facing increased service demand in FY 2014 (slightly down from 74 percent in 2013 and 2012). 62% — say fundraising results were better in FY 2014 than 2013. 54% — added new programs/services. 53% — expanded existing programs/services. 53% — increased number of people served. 48% — partnered with another organization to 1

20% — more than 50 years. 31% — between 25 and 50 years. 38% — between five and 25 years. 10%+ — less than five years.

FUNDING1 38% — receive no funding from government grants or contracts. 26% — up to 20 percent of their budget comes from government grants or contracts. from government grants or contracts.

20 percent of their labor.

between $250,000 and $1 million.

33% — expect their number of employees

39% — gross annual revenues between $1 million and $10 million.

to increase this year.

63% — organizations with a female executive director. 13% — executive directors are of a

7%+ — gross annual revenues of more than $10 million.

racial or ethnic minority.

64 |

1 Source: 2014 Tennessee Nonprofit Compensation Survey by Watkins Uiberall

Source: Inside the Mid-South Nonprofit Sector, 2014, by the Alliance for Nonprofit Excellence


*Percentages are based on the number of survey respondents.

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11/10/15 4:53 PM




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