Contessa's Court June 2020

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Editor’s Letter I am so elated to have Samuel J. Donovan grace our cover and interview. I am such a fan! This is our biggest issue ever at 402 pages! I think this is my favorite issue so far. I have had an amazing month and I hope you have too. Take care everyone, Wanda

Table of Contents

Page 56 What is FOREX by Gigetta Spear Page 66 My Story by Jordanne Menzies Page 100 Affirmations of love and light by Alisha Powell Page 126 Carnivore or Vegan‌..Say What?! By William Maltese Page 166 Fashion Community Week Page 280 The Champagne in my Fridge by William Maltese Page 302 Bridging the Gap by Brenda J. Burgett Page 310 Helper Hair Box Page 332 Wearing White Right by Cheryl Smith Page 362 Skincare and Wellness by Daisy Vogt Page 376 Interview with Samuel Joseph Donovan by Wanda Julian and Brenda Burgett

A student of the Mage’s Academy is detained by its malicious headmaster. She is spared, though she is forced to prove her worth. Edi Nari—a woman once resigned to a quiet life of study— soon finds herself thrust into a small-scale war against the living dead. Though they are controlled by beings of unfathomable power called liches, something more baleful stirs beneath the land...

Author Page: The Lich’s Thrall: Patreon:

I love them and I think anyone with a baby or toddler needs them! Wanda Julian Editor in Chief

Baby Safety Locks, N

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No Tools Required



Baby Safety Locks, N

Amazon link: Youtube link: Facebook link: Twitter link:

No Tools Required



Baby Safety Locks, N

Amazon link: Youtube link: Facebook link: Twitter link:

No Tools Required



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Citywatch on the air.. the show that takes you thru’ the in’s & out’s of business. We are very pleased to have Contessa’s Court Corner every quarter with Mrs. Wanda Julian.. Editor & Chief of Contessa’s Court Magazine. Mrs. Julian is exactly the type of guest we look for.. Smart & savvy with real style.

We are doing a new segment called Contessa’s Court Corner. Where Wanda Julian will fill us in on what is hot in fashion.

Podcast of the show w/Mrs. Julian… Don’t miss Contessa’s Court Corner with our special guest Wanda Julian!! Don’t miss “Citywatch on the Air.” Here is the podcast! Citywatch on the Air is a great place to feature your product or service, get worldwide audience exposure on a weekly basis for as little as $100.00 (per:30sec spot) with our Contessa’s Court Discount.

Contact us

BellaHoot provides the opportunity to highlight your personal style for any occasion! Our variety of styles is wide and the manicure combination options are endless! Customers can choose from the sheers, solids, sparkles, and stylish strips that most define, accentuate, and showcase their personal image.

With design options from luxurious, sophistication, to wild and free, BellaHoot offers the perfect design for everyone! BellaHoot also offers the foundation you need to build a BellaHoot business. Our opportunity to share our amazing, long lasting, easy to apply nail strips!

BellaHoot offers beautiful manicures and pedicures that ness and perfect for women that are always on the go! O They will hold up against the busiest of hands and feet!

t are quick and easy to apply. We're a family owned busiOur nail strips and dip powders are fun and easy to apply!

In the Forex market, gold is a form o of gold is that it can only be traded a The internationally accepted code fo

The XAUUSD refers to the price of 1 US dollar. ... Many investors conside that buffers them against inflation in crisis. This is due to its ability to incr and economic uncertainty.

Forex trading is not just Gold against countries currency against another c AUDUSD (Australian Dollar against th Dollar against the Canadian Dollar), Canadian Dollar), CADJPY (Canadian just to name a few, there are many m

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We work with an amazing group of p world. With Forex Trading you have any kind of investing there is risk, bu is fun. The rush of a closed profit tra Everyone believes you must spend a in fact we may spend an hour a day and wait, we go about our day and p they are.

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smart phone/laptop/ipad, and int you need. All of this with expert onth. You choose your broker and at you have invested.

The Foreign Exchange Market, or FOREX, has been around for 150 years. Most of us have never even heard or know what FOREX is. FOREX was designed for the insanely rich, banks and big business. It is the difference in currency from one country to another. This is not just individuals exchanging currency for travel but also countries in the purchasing from each other also. This is a $6.6 trillion dollar a day business, that now everyone can access. FOREX can be scary, we all have the fear of the unknown. When done with guidance and experts it is actually no different than anything else. We are not taught by parents or school anything other than the “normal�. Sometimes, especially in times as now, we must think outside the box and know we must take care of ourselves. The FOREX market never waivered and was just as lucrative during this pandemic as it has always been. When stocks have dropped FOREX continued to remain. The profits in FOREX depend on account size and allocation. How the FOREX market works and what we have done ourselves, and figured out, is that you can double your account every month. This is what not just myself and husband have done but so many others. It is truly a way to stay in control of your income, which during this trying time, we have not felt any loss. FOREX is a true way to know you are changing with the times. Gigetta Spear

My Story

by Jordanne Menzies My name is Jordanne Menzies. 16 years ago when I was 18 I was living a great life. I had just graduated from high school, working as a waitress and pursuing my dream of being a fashion model. Being a teenager I thought I was invincible. I thought I could do it all! Little did I know my life was about to get turned upside down. One gorgeous day in October 2003, I woke up at 4am and went to work. After work I drove 4 hours through the mountains for a modeling interview. I was so excited! My life was headed right where I wanted it to be. The interview went well, I had dinner with my dad and headed back home around 10pm. The drive through the mountains is always beautiful. I was making great time since it was at night and not much traffic. My parents offered me a hotel room so I could rest. I was 18 and invincible, I would be just fine. I had to work the next day. They say that bad accidents happen 5 minutes from home. In my case that was true. I was almost home on the interstate going 90mph. My friend was with me for company. She yelled my name as the car was veering towards a guardrail. I overcorrected and the car flipped front to back, side to side. I was not wearing my seatbelt! My body flew out of my car and landed on the other side of the interstate. A semi truck was coming, the driver saw the dust in the air from the accident. She had to slam on the breaks so I would not get ran over. Luckily her husband was an ex sheriff and knew what to do. They saved my life. While this was going on my friend crawled out of the car and was yelling my name looking for me. I will always be thankful that she walked away with a scratch on her forehead. My body did not do so well. I had knee deep wounds, broken ribs, a gash on my forehead and a broken neck! I couldn't breathe on my own or move my body. I was paralyzed from my chest down. I spent 2 weeks in ICU and 3 months at Craig Hospital. Thankfully I don't remember any of the accident, only waking up in the hospital on a ventilator not able to talk. The start to my new life! Being at Craig Hospital was only good because they taught me how to live paralyzed but nothing more than that. My dad and step mom had to buy a new house and renovate the bathroom. I had my own mother in law suite, which was great. I needed my own space. The pain mentally and physically was hard. I fought to be able to breathe on my own again but I will never be able to use my arms or legs. I am a quadriplegic. With all of the pain and the crying and trying to figure out my new life, growth happened. I didn't have to accept my new life but I had to learn life differently. What could I do now? Am I just going to waste away my life drinking and never amount to anything? Live with my parents forever? No way I am way to independent to do that. Plus I wanted to give back to my family for everything they do for me. So I spent 10 years off and on going to college for my associate's degree in early childhood education! Yes I can be a teacher, why not! My breaks in school were because of a pressure sore on my left ischeild. Right on the sit bone. I did a lot of fundraisers to go to Costa Rica and Panama for stem cells. That was the only hope I had for any recovery. It was a great experience that I will never forget. Did the stem cells work? No not really. Mostly because I didn't have any physical therapy where I live to work out and resend those connections to my brain. The pressure sore lasted 3 years. Being on bedrest for 3 years wasn't fun. Losing even more muscle and weight, with all of the infections, I was 90lbs. I'm 6ft tall this was very unhealthy. Finally after 3 years of infection and surgeries I decided to have the flap surgery done. This was a surgery that they pull muscle from your leg and

attach it over the bone. Muscle gets more blood circulation than other tissues. Mentally preparing myself for this surgery was tough. It was a 6 week stay at the hospital and happened to be in October. The same month my accident happened. Its definitely not my favorite month of the year. I am a dog mom and leaving him for 6 weeks was so hard but I was ready to get this surgery done and back to my life. I almost lost my life again. It was a success!! Having a spinal cord injury level C3,4,5 is complicated. I need help with almost everything. I had to get used to having someone shower me and seeing my vulnerable body. Autonomic dysreflexia is what happens when something is wrong with my body and I have to figure out what. It can cause high blood pressure, sweating, stroke or a heart attack. Very dangerous so I learned early on to be in tune with my body and what is going on. My life finally started to take off when I moved 4 hours from home. It was scary yet so invigorating! I learned a lot, grew a lot, gained more independence and had more opportunities! I lived a dream of being In a fashion show! I couldn't believe it! The fashion show was about empowering women it was so perfect! I wish i would have been able to do more with it but at the time i was still learning life. Living on my own was tough. I had to figure out when to have my caregivers come take care of me and when I was comfortable being alone. Panic and anxiety attacks were the worst. I lived and learned and I'm so thankful for it. The time came to move back home closer to family. I finished school and am still so proud of myself! After graduating being a teacher got put aside. My health still wasn't great and being around kids with germs, I was afraid of getting deathly sick and my health matters to me. So once again I was stuck not knowing what to do with my life. I decided to run for Ms Wheelchair Colorado in 2017 and I won! It was very unexpected. I was just doing it for fun. I didn't have any guidance or know what I was doing. After winning I competed in Ms Wheelchair America. It was tough and I almost quit. The accommodations weren't ideal for my level of injury. I was cold the entire time, which is part of being paralyzed. So my head wasn't in it. I enjoyed meeting everyone who participated. I was also a girl scout leader. Which was fun but so time consuming and nothing about girl scouts is accessible. Sad but true. I didn't have the energy to fix it and make it better. An opportunity working from home came across my Facebook. I was intrigued! Working from home on my phone this had to be my golden ticket! At the same time someone referred me to a job opening as a teacher. I decided to give it a shot and I got the job! Excited and fearful was how I was feeling. After everything I had been through, almost losing my life twice, I had to give it a try. Currently I am a lead teacher at a preschool. I have battled through the germs, only getting severely sick a couple of times. Which makes my immune system stronger. I am also with an amazing company working from my phone. The products have helped my health a lot! Underweight is no longer an issue plus I'm filling my body with the best nutrition and I feel it everyday!! With everything I've been through, I'm forever grateful for what I have. A huge support system, my dog and recently purchased my new house. Nothing can stop me from living my best life!

Balance helps with your digestive system, weight management, improved nutrient absorption, immune support. This helps with bloating and that lower stomach that is hard to get rid of.

Le-vel also known as Thrive Its premium nutrition that fills your nutritional gaps so your body can function properly! For men and women 3 steps done in the first 20min of your day! Super easy! These are the 3 steps. Capsules-take on an empty stomach with a glass of water, first thing after you wake up! This is what it does for your body - weight management, cognitive performance, supports healthy joint function, calms general discomfort, antioxidant support, lean muscle support, digestive and immune support. Lifestyle mix - drink this ultramicronized nutrition 20 minutes after the capsules. It helps your body with weight management, probiotics, mineral dense, lean muscle support, antioxidant and gluten free! It has more vitamins than the capsules! Dft- Derma Fusion Technology- a foam sticker you wear on your skin. Your body absorbs the nutrients. Wear the dft for 8-12 hours after you take the capsules and lifestyle mix. It also helps with weight management, Mental acuity, supports appetite management and supports energy and circulation! Dft's come in many forms. Lifestyle dft, DFT Ultra 2.0 which is bigger, DFT black label which has mood support, Dft Duo Burn puts your body into ketosis, Dft Burn puts your body into thermogenesis. Two different ways your body burns fat. DFT Duo Burn Thermogenesis- helps your body burn fat with 95% forslean extract. DFT Duo helps support your bodies metabolism. These 3 steps help fill your body with much needed nutrients. You will feel amazing! If you need to lose weight this is for you! If you need more energy this is for You! If you need to gain weight this is for you! If you have general discomfort this is for you!

Come join Connie Mathis on Tuesday and Thursday for live jewelry showings. Start time is 7pm EST on her Facebook business page Connie's Country Girl Bling & Things

Come join Connie Mathis on Tuesday and Thursday for live jewelry showings. Start time is 7pm EST on her Facebook business page Connie's Country Girl Bling & Things

My name is Crystal Grider and I am a busy mother of seven children and a home care assistant. I started looking for extra employment opportunities years ago and there were so many work from home businesses that sold everything from coffee to candy bars. I couldn’t find the one for me until two years ago when I was introduced to Monat by a friend. I fell in love with the way their hair products made my hair feel but the real test was to have my picky husband try it. When he got out of the shower, he said that it was the best product he had ever used for his hair. We were sold! I decided that we wanted more than just the product. I wanted to join the Monat team and I haven’t looked back. I am a busy mother and the best part of Monat is that I get to decide how much time, effort and energy I will spend while not taking time away from the family. I am so happy to be part of the team. We Say No To Toxic Ingredients. You’ve learned about the ingredients that make MONAT different. What’s missing? Absolutely nothing - nothing your hair will miss, that is. Here’s a quick list of what you won’t - and will never find in any MONAT product. MONAT products do NOT contain: • NO Parabens • NO SLS/SLES • NO Cyclic Silicones • NO BHT • NO DEA/MEA • NO Phthalates • NO Phenoxyethanol • NO Petrolatum, Mineral Oil, or Paraffin Wax • NO Triclosan • NO Plastic Microbeads • NO Formaldehyde Releasers • •

NO Gluten - We do not add gluten to our formulas and to the best of our knowledge there is no gluten in any of MONAT›s ingredients. NO Harmful Colors - We use safe colorants approved by the FDA, Health Canada and the European Commission.

• •

NO Harmful Fragrances - We use fragrances with ingredients approved as safe by the Research Institute for the Fragrance Materials (RIFM) and the International Fragrance Association (IFRA). RIFM is the scientific authority for the safe use of fragrance materials. NO Animal Origin NO Animal Testing- We do not test finished products and ingredients used for cosmetic purpose on animals. Ingredients- We use vegan materials in our MONAT formula

REJUVENIQE OIL nourish and energize your scalp with an invigorating blend of 13+ Natural Plant and Essential Oils rich in omega fatty acids, antioxidants and nutrients highly compatible with the skin and hair. As a result, the hair looks instantly healthier with long-lasting shine. REJUVABEADS selectively targets and mends split ends and other damaged or stressed areas along the hair shaft, eliminating breakage and frizz, decreasing friction, increasing shine and helping improve color. Independent testing has demonstrated a 100% mending of split ends 3mm long and under within one minute following application. Hair is left stronger, more flexible, manageable and resilient. The effects last for days (about two to three washes) and are enhanced with repeated use, without creating build-up, oiliness or heaviness. Leaves hair silky smooth, polished and protected from further damage.

VOLUME SYSTEM For Density, Strength and Manageability. Is your hair lacking its usual oomph? Do your tresses seem to lack the inspiration to tell the well-defined hair story you want to tell each and every day? Could you use a little extra assistance in achieving a new level of chic by maximizing your hair’s individual strand potential? A single use of the MONAT Volume System will have you saying, “Oomph, hair it is!” Actions speak louder than words. Lucky for you, our Volume System delivers. The perfect match for fine, limp hair, this system boosts hair’s density, strength, and manageability. Maximize your individual strand potential with products designed to amplify the oomph. HYDRATION SYSTEM Provides brilliance, strength and vitality to lackluster strands. Is your hair feeling out of sorts? Can it use a little fine-tuning to help restore each lusterless strand back to a lustrous state of hair-being? Use all three of the products in MONAT’s Hydration System to bring back your vibrant, bouncy, shiny hair making it feel aaaall good. Three steps; that’s all it takes to get your hair back to good. If your hair is missing the luster it once had, Hydration System will restore it to its bouncy, shiny, and vibrant state.

CLASSIC CONFIDECE SYSTEM Do you tend to gravitate towards the oldies, but goodies? Do you project the kind of self-assurance that makes others want to know your innermost-hairsecrets? If not, MONAT has a fabulous duo of products that can help you get recognized as the standard authority on extraordinary hair.

The MONAT Junior line treats your children’s unique hair, which is naturally finer and more fragile than adults’ hair. Plus, the line’s highly concentrated formulas allow you to use less product to get the job done. The MONAT Junior products are tear-, sulfate– and paraben-free, safe and gentle for children ages three and over. Dermatologist and ophthalmologist tested. As parents, we do everything we can to keep our children safe. It’s time to make sure your little one’s haircare products make the cut. Introducing the MONAT Junior line, featuring shampoo, conditioner, and a detangling spray specifically designed to care for children’s uniquely fine and fragile manes. Say goodbye to icky chemicals found in mainstream products and hello to super safe haircare products for your mini-me. In addition to being dermatologist & ophthalmologist tested, they are tear-, sulfate and paraben-free – proof that sometimes, great things come in small packages.

BE GENTLE ROUTINE Skin that’s hydrated not only looks healthier, it’s also more resilient. This gentle routine is designed to soothe and hydrate your skin with the finest naturally based ingredients for a renewed, healthy-looking, youthful complexion. Made with the most sensitive skin in mind, it’s Mother Nature-approved.

BE BALANCED ROUTINE Healthy-looking skin is flawless and refined. Unearth a balanced skincare solution with a clean, simple approach made just for you. Age-blurring effects nourish and hydrate the skin you’re in, giving you a brightened, renewed and healthy-looking complexion. These are your skin essentials—made with advanced skin technology and the finest naturally based ingredients. Make everyday self-care a mindful micro-moment. Reveal fresh, healthy-looking skin that reflects your personalized routine and youthful spirit. Put your best face forward: Cleanse, Prepare, Treat, Replenish.

MONAT PET GENTLE CLEANSING DOG WASH Gently and effectively cleanses: Dirt, grime, and oils Softens, shine, and smooths: Dog coats are velvety and manageable Moisturizes and soothes: For a health-looking coat of hair Smells “paws”itively amazing: Gardenia scented shampoo for a clean, fresh dog Naturally-based, Sulfate-free, pH-balanced formulas Made for dogs of all hair lengths MONAT PET FRESHEN UP DEODORIZING SPRAY Deodorizing: Scavenges and kills odors on dogs and dog accessories Fast-acting: Knocks out offensive odors and funk in no time Smells “paws”itively amazing: Freshly scented, with a hint of Gardenia, for a clean, fresh smelling dog Tested on humans. Loved by dogs: Tested on humans, safe to use on dogs of all types and fur lengths.

Rarity Nails are perfect for when you want beautiful nails at home. They are free of 17 toxins and come in over 225 colors and styles. They are best applied right before bed so that they have time to cure to your own nails. You can apply a top coat after 24 hours if you choose to do so. You can add little crystals to the nail strip to add a bit of bling. They are made for any type of nail and children too. You can also create your own style of nail by putting some of our strips over the top of a solid strip, or mixing and matching the sets. Each set comes complete with a set of 18 nail strips, a file. alcohol pad and cuticle stick and are just $5 each. You can have great looking nails every week as they last 7-10 days!! If you would like to purchase a set for yourself or as a gift simply go to my website at

Owner and Founder Alisha Powell Holistic Heartfelt Healing branched out and GypsyQuartz was launched! This combines my holistic approach with alternative healing methods and for unleashed energetic transformation.

Gypsy Quartz

Affirmations of love and light, Gypsy Quartz was created for you sweet soul! To introduce the metaphysical properties of crystals and to allow you to heal from within and reclaim your power as we navigate the world around us.

Growing up I was always the sensitive kid. I was told “You are fine. Suck it up. Keep going”. I think for most of us we are taught to shut down our awareness of energy and stick to “the script”, act a certain way, think a certain way. As young children, especially, we are as close to pure source energy as we can be. This before the conditioning of our role models has really sunk in. With that being said we find it challenging to question how we feel and what is happening around use. From childhood to this day I can walk into a room and feel the energy, the vibration off every single soul in the room. I have always had this sense of knowing that I could not explain. Then one day, I was told that I was an Empath. This put into perspective the way that I was able to see the world differently than other people. It helped me to realize this innate gift within myself that allowed me to be in tune with my senses, and the entire range of emotions, and explained why I processed things, neurologically heightened, from the average person. Almost daily I used to feel like my body was being hijacked when I entered a room. There was this surge through my body as I absorbed the mental frequency of others. We all can do this. I guarentee it has happened to you before. You walk into a room and someone has just had a dispute. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a butter knife. In this instance you have felt the energy of the room. Our bodies are very accurate and sensitive instruments that measure and communicate with all that surrounds us. Here is what I have learned that will change the way you process your world! If everybody in the world understood the energetic nature of our world, the reality you experience would have a different lens to it. Everything is energy! When we walk into the kitchen to get a cup of milk, it takes energy. That is a given. But let’s break it down. Energy required to lift the arm, reach for the handle, pull to open. Then energy to open the cap and pour it into the cup to be drank. Another round of energy to lift the cup to your mouth and use the muscles in your throat to swallow and consume the liquid. We all know this; it is not a new discovery. Here is the challenge, what does it really mean? Our energy impacts and affects the things around us! As an Empath, I felt more than most and consequently was out of balance energetically more often than not. I found crystals to help me be balanced within my body. Most adults, who are not versed in vibrational energy, respond to people and situations based

on actions rather than taking note of the energetic exchange happening before them. Black and white thinking. I wanted a glass of milk so I got one. In this instance of the scenario above, the room wasn’t where I wanted to be so I left. There is no desire to look and feel into it… because they are caught up in the “script” of how life “just is”. They have accepted this as their reality. Until we wake up and begin to be conscious, we don’t realize how much unconscious we’ve been living with. So, how can you take better care of managing your energy so that you are not meeting life with resistance, but are able to shift your energy, your vibration, in order to feel and experience the way you want your life to be? Step 1: Awareness Take note of how you are feeling during and after an exchange of energy. Slow down to process what is happening within and around you. Step 2: Reflection Take conscious note of how you are feeling and what actions you are choosing. Those actions are creating your reality. Do a body scan! Where are you feeling stuck in your body? Step 3: Redirection If you do not like your reality, you have the power to create a new one! Don’t like the way things are going? Time to change your thoughts, your actions. Change your energy, change your world! Your thoughts (which are energy) create your feelings, your feelings create action, and your actions creates results! So how can crystals help your energy? This is where crystals come into practice!!! Crystals contain healing properties ranging from bringing inner peace, assisting in manifesting a life of abundance, dispelling anxiety, activating and harnessing the power to speak up for yourself, the list is endless. Crystals have their own particular vibration and frequency, which arise from their molecular composition. From the way they move and interact, these vibrations and energies work in uplifting your mood, mind and health. Like other forms of alternative therapy, crystals work by channelizing your energy levels, thereby, focus on healing your body from the inside. In a considerable manner, often the way oils or aromatherapy work for healing. Crystals act as a power hold for healing as they are able to omit positive energy to flow into the body and do away with the negative, toxic energy. The body has 7 Chakra’s, which are like swirling wheels of energy where the physical body and consciousness meet. When aligned our energy flows upward. If one chakra is out of balance you will energetically be misfiring your cylinders. You become out of balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual well being. They can be healed and balanced using crystals!!!  Feeling like you just don’t care anymore (autopilot taken over your life – Crown Chakra)  Are you lacking peace / feeling stuck in the unknown? (Probably have a lot of mental chatter in your head - 3rd Eye Chakra)  Are you having trouble trusting? (Is your heart aching – Heart Chakra)  Not speaking up for yourself? (lump in throat – Throat Chakra).  Trouble with will power (eating your feelings away – Solar Plexus Chakra)  Anxiety bothering you? (you probably feel like butterflies are in your belly – Sacral chakra).  Stress levels high? (chances are you are also having low back pain – Root Chakra) Crystal healing as an effective form of practicing self care is becoming incredibly popular! The

daily carry or wearing of crystals is an elegant and subtle reminder of our intentions. They allow us to connect with our energy, heal our unbalanced chakras, and to act in a way that is aligned with the reality we are trying to create.

Azurite Chrysocolla (Retail $75.00) ♥ Strength ♥ Inner Wisdom ♥ Self-control ♥ Calms Emotions ♥ Truth Azurite Chrysocolla is first and foremost a stone of communication. Its very essence is devoted to expression, empowerment and teaching. The serenity of the turquoise-blue color discharges negative energies, calms the mind, and allows truth and inner wisdom to surface and be heard. It emphasizes the power the power our words and actions have on those around us. It encourages compassion, strengthens character, and helps us recover our natural spontaneity as we are reminded to check in with our energetic frequency. Physically, Chrysocolla can help with ailments of the lungs, back and stomach. It alleviated rheumatism, arthritis and painful joints.

Rutilated Quartz (Retail $65.00) ♥ Protection ♥ Determination ♥ Self-control ♥ Strength of will ♥ Self-reliance Rutilated Quartz is an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses our energy fields. Draws off negativity and helps us in letting go of the past. Rutilated Quartz gives protection against the ill thoughts of others. It helps to reach the root of problems and facilitates transitions and a change of direction. Soothes dark moods and acts as an antidepressant. Rutilated Quartz relieves fears, phobias and anxiety. Promotes forgiveness at all levels. Physically, Rutilated Quartz can adjunctly help treat respiratory tract and bronchitis, has been known to stimulate and balance the thyroid.

To SHOP GypsyQyartz please visit Facebook: To register for the upcoming course on Chakra’s please visit my website:

Aurore Pilon Senior Director Independent petPro call or text 705-507-9311

Aurore Pilon Senior Director Independent petPro call or text 705-507-9311

Aurore Pilon Senior Director Independent petPro call or text 705-507-9311

We’ve meticulously worked to create non-psychoactive products that are fast-acting and extremely effective. Made using only the finest ingredients we verify our quality through testing, from seed to finished products. Our plants are chosen based on their high cannabinoid and terpene content so we can produce the purest products possible.

Light up and join our culture! There's a magical quality to candlelight – a softness, a glow, a movement. The atavistic attraction of fire is impossible to attain with anything other than real flame. There’s nothing quite like getting home after a long day at work and lighting one to lift your mood and relax. There's something so calming about candles. As soon as you strike that match and light the wick, your space is instantly transformed into a sanctuary of serenity. The warm, mesmerizing flame comforts you while the soothing aroma fills your personal haven with a captivating fragrance. It's likely that candles are featured in your interior decor. Candles are in nearly 90 percent of homes, but they're not all made equally. Many candles contain paraffin wax, a hydrocarbon mixture that's harmful to the environment. Our candles are made from 100% soy wax – highly acclaimed JIC wax!

Calling all Crafty Mommas! New DS Company is looking for crafters who are ready to start a new opportunity for Free, that you can do from home, in your Spare time! fill out the form below to learn everything you need to create your own company today!

With the quarantine there is a lot of depression and anxiety Try Diamond Painting, it just might help. If anything you will have a cool painting that you did your self

Do you have a gift you need to buy for that special someone Kit includes everything you need to finish your painting. Order TODAY! and get an extra cute Diamond pen with your order Order here

Carnivore or Vegan … Say What…?! WILLIAM MALTESE

After seven cookbooks under my belt, and having spent more than a little time on ranches, I’m not one of those people who think meat just magically shows up, plastic-wrapped, on grocery shelves. I’ve seen points of origin: i.e. live cows, lambs, chickens, pigs, even ostriches, and buffaloes. I’m well aware of the slaughter process for fowl and livestock that can often turn a carnivore into a vegan. The conversion, possibly, no big surprise, since it’s not unusual for someone cityborn and city-bred never to have had much opportunity to herd cattle, tour slaughterhouses, or visit meat-processing plants. More surprising to me — although, I don’t know why, since, in this day and age, it’s not all that likely that cityborn and city-bred are likely to have had ready access to a farm or orchard — has been how many people haven’t a clue as regards certain things about their fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This was no more fully brought home to me than when I requested that a banana plant with a bunch of bananas appear as part of the cover graphic for my novel SS MANHUNT which takes place in South America. The initial result was a bunch of bananas growing wrong-side-up. FYI: In reality, bunches grow pointing up, not down. More recently, while I was in Hawaii, I heard a woman all agog when confronted with a field of pineapples, one to a plant, when she’d always thought they grew on trees. Brussel sprouts, that look like little cabbages, do not grow one to a plant, like their larger-headed (used for coleslaw) cousins, but spiral along a stalk. Capers are the pickled or salt-packed flower buds of a thorny shrub that grows weed-like all along the Mediterranean coast. Hominy is made from whole kernels of corn that have first been soaked in lye or lime solution to loosen the hulls and soften the kernels. Try making it yourself, considering the necessity of using caustic alkalis, and it can be corrosively dangerous to your insides. Too many Brazil nuts (approximately 140) can kill you, in that the nut contains the radioactive toxin selenium. And that’s just to mention a few. So, the next time you’re out grocery shopping, think not only about the meat you buy (or don’t buy) but, also, about those available vegetables, nuts, and fruits. There are all sorts of interesting things, regarding the food you eat, about which you may really know nothing at all. —William Maltese is the author of seven cookbooks available at

Tiffany Labute Independent Scentsy Consultant

Tiffany Labute Independent Scentsy Consultant

Tiffany Labute Independent Scentsy Consultant

Tiffany Labute Independent Scentsy Consultant

Pink Zebra offers a proprietary blend of paraffin and soy wax Sprinkles, candle kits, fragranced lotions, and home décor products. You can personalize your fragrance with Sprinkles, by easily blending the scents together. Simmer Pots, Simmering Lights, Sprinkles, candle kits, fragranced lotions, hand soaps, Soaks, and home décor products. You can personalize your fragrance with Sprinkles, by easily blending the scents together. HEREOS program around single mothers and parties. The Company provides a day of daycare for every $500 party that may be awarded to any qualified single mother. Pink Zebra has many ways to sell amazing products and to earn great commissions and bonuses. Parties are certainly the foundation. Home Parties, Parties-On-The-Go, Facebook Parties, Catalog and Basket Parties are all ways to party Pink Zebra style. In addition, there are events, customer sales, website sales and Fundraiser sales. Pink Zebra is unique in the direct sales industry in the ability to offer a Company-sponsored Fundraiser program. This unique program supports all aspects of fundraising while supporting the Consultants with commissions and sales tools. Simply put, there is an EZPZ way for anyone to sell products! Your initial investment is small ($99 or $199) and your enrollment kit will provide you everything you need to jumpstart your business. Within your first three months, depending on your activity as a new Consultant, you have the opportunity to earn up to $1,300 in cash and FREE products through the Company’s Quick Start Incentive Be Your Own Boss If you currently work outside or inside your home, but you want the chance to own your own business, Pink Zebra can help you realize your dream. How do you get started? Simply go to and click on ‘Join Now’. Karen Wagner 507.649.0689


AN EXQUISITE 3-DAY SPRING FASHION MARATHON IN SAN FRANCISCO We are excited to invite you to the Fashion Community Week taking place between; March 15 through 17th, 2018 in San Francisco. After achieving growth and success for five consecutive years, we are happy to present our biggest Fashion Community week yet, this year! th

Fashion Community Week is the Global ‘Intersection’ of Fashion in San Francisco, offering business and marketing platform for Fashion, Beauty and Technology industries. The organization received an award by the late Mayor Edwin M. Lee of City of San Francisco for its commitment towards building a fashion community and offering legitimate fashion platform in San Francisco. Since 2013, Fashion Community Week has represented many San Francisco local Fashion designers and welcomed designers from Global Fashion Industry as well. These global designers have participated from Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia, Middle East, South & North America; many coming from under represented backgrounds. Due to the popularity of our Fashion week, starting this year we will be holding the Fashion Community Week twice per year in San Francisco. The 3-day Spring show will commence with a Fashion Industry conference followed by series of exquisite Fashion Shows representing Local and Global Fashion on the runway. Just as every year, the proceeds from our Fashion Week will be benefiting three selected local charitable organizations. The 3-day Fashion extravaganza will be taking place at prominent locations of San Francisco. All details are available on the website at: and you may Contact (Varsha.V) directly at for further inquiries. We look forward to seeing you during our Spring Fashion Marathon of Fashion Community Week 2018! ####

 groups/2291022650988024/learning_content/ groups/397309254391937/

The Champagne in My Fridge WILLIAM MALTESE

Early on, I became an aficionado of champagne and of everywhere-else-in-the-world sparkling wine, beginning when my cousins and I absconded with a bottle at my brother’s wedding and finished it off under a buffet table in the kitchen. While my school days, through university, mainly revolved around beer and keggers, I could still be found, on many occasions, with a champagne bottle fisted in one hand and a plastic “glass” in the other. My military service at Yongsan District Command in Seoul, Korea, was self-indulgent in exploring the cheap liquors and liqueurs available, as well as the exotic drinks — think flaming pousse-café — that could be concocted from them. Although, that same time period accounted for my first discovery of pink champagne, at the Walker Hill resort, which, in turn, accounted for my first major hangover that was so bad I was determined not to roll my sorry ass out of bed to make reveille. I was saved from disciplinary action, possibly even court marshal, by the weather being so bad that reveille was called off. During my early writing days, you could find me, most afternoons, holed up and scribbling erotica in my group’s favorite Seattle watering hole, having ordered a bottle of its very cheap champagne, which I made more smoothly palatable by adding a spoonful of beer to each poured glass. While sailing around the world on P&O cruise ships, I drank Bollinger all of the way. I had Cristal at the Casino de Monte-Carlo in Monaco. You could find me drinking Moët & Chandon at the Golden Globe Awards (FYI: I had not been nominated). When I learned my co-author of Back of the Boat Gourmet Cooking had never tasted Dom Perignon, I bought her a bottle for her birthday, and, after her very first sip, she refused to share. I enjoyed Krug while hot-air ballooning over the vineyards of France. I sipped chilled Piper Heidsieck while staying at Le K2 Palace and skiing Courchevell1850, France. And, color me gobsmacked when I returned to my hometown — hinterland Spokane, Washington, U.S.A. — to discover that it had not one but two vintners who could boast production of a not-all-that-bad-at-all sparkling wine That said … When I walked over to my refrigerator and opened its door, just a minute ago, what I saw were two rows of chilling Veuve Clicquot … and a bottle of Segur Viudas Cava Brut, the latter brought back to me by friends from Spain. Veuve Clicquot has become my go-to every-day champagne. It’s delicious, doesn’t need a spoonful of beer to smooth it out, but doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. Ever since I first had a taste of it, at a posh English country home lawn party, and started serving it at all my get-togethers, it has never disappointed. —William Maltese is the author of the WINE TASTER’S DIARY series of wine books which can be purchased on amazon. com

Hello my name is Dana Setola and I am an Independent Wellness Advocate with doTERRA What Are Essential Oils? If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Essential oils provide plants with protection against environmental threats and play a role in plant pollination. In addition to their intrinsic benefits to plants and being beautifully fragrant to people, essential oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health-care practices. How Do I Use Essential Oils? Essential oils are used for a very wide range of emotional and physical wellness applications. They can be used a single oil at a time or in complex blends in one of three methods: Aromatic Certain essential oils, when diffused, can be very stimulating, while others can be calming and soothing. Diffusing essential oils can also cleanse and purify the air of unwanted odors. Topical Essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin and can be safely applied topically. Internal Certain essential oils have a rich culinary history and can be used as dietary supplements for targeted wellness. Essential oils are both exciting and promising when it comes to taking care of your own and your family’s health. Whether you’re applying essential oils topically, enjoying the aromatic benefits through diffusing, or taking essential oils internally, the positive effects of essential oils are boundless. That’s why you’ll want to ensure that the essential oils you are using are capable of delivering on their promise. You’ll want to make sure that you are choosing essential oils for their potency and their purity.



$195.00 125 PV

ESSENTIAL OIL SINGLES 5 mL: Frankincense, Lemon, Lavender

ESSENTIAL OIL SINGLES 5 mL: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Oregano, Frankincense

ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS 5 mL: dōTERRA On Guard®, dōTERRA Balance® OTHER PRODUCTS Deep Blue® Rub, dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack® (including xEO Mega®, Alpha CRS®+, Microplex VMz®), DigestZen TerraZyme®, PB Assist®+ SKU: 60209837

ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS 5 mL: Deep Blue, dōTERRA Breathe®, dōTERRA On Guard, DigestZen® OTHER PRODUCTS Brevi® Stone Diffuser

SKU: 60211452


ESSENTIAL OIL SINGLES 15 mL: Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Frankincense, Tea Tree, Wild Orange ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS 10 mL: PastTense® 15 mL: dōTERRA On Guard, dōTERRA Balance, DigestZen, AromaTouch®, dōTERRA Serenity®, dōTERRA Breathe

DŌTERRA ON GUARD PRODUCTS dōTERRA On Guard Beadlets, dōTERRA On Guard Toothpaste, dōTERRA On Guard Hand Wash with 2 Dispensers, dōTERRA On Guard Mouth Wash, dōTERRA On Guard Sanitizer Spray, dōTERRA On Guard Softgels OTHER PRODUCTS dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack, DigestZen TerraZyme, Deep Blue Rub, dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil (4 ounces), dōTERRA Salon Essentials® Protecting Shampoo, dōTERRA Salon Essentials Smoothing Conditioner, dōTERRA Lumo® Diffuser, dōTERRA Spa Hand & Body Lotion, Wooden Box, dōTERRA Breathe Vapor Stick, Correct-X®, PB Assist+

SKU: 60209826

© 2020 dōTERRA Intl, LLC, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062, 800-411-8151,

Enrollment Kits_US_030320

Why Be a doTERRA Distributor? Once you have experienced the joy of empowering others through dōTERRA essential oils, starting your own dōTERRA business is the natural next step. Embarking on this business venture will open you to greater financial opportunity and help you achieve your own personal goals for success. Through the dōTERRA business opportunity, distributors have the freedom to cater their dōTERRA business plan to fit their lifestyle needs. With a dōTERRA business, you can reach new financial goals, spend more time with your loved ones, include your family in your business, work from home, and develop leadership skills—all while elevating others with a product you believe in. Starting a dōTERRA business can also be a motivational and inspiring experience in itself. When you achieve your business goals, you have the opportunity to see others experience their own successes, whether that be through helping others achieve financial freedom or giving someone a product that changes their lives. By being a dōTERRA distributor, you can be an ambassador for change in the lives around you. I have for a long time wanted to learn about essential oils well. When I found doTERRA I found I could learn how to use it for myself and also help others. So I look forward to helping you if it’s to just using the product for yourself and or also become a Wellness Advocate yourself and help you and your family. You will be able to reach me at I look forward to hearing from you until then. Dana Setola

“The creation of quality, beautiful furniture and interior designs is my passion and my joy.” Susan Farley 8R Furniture and Finishes is a full service interior design and furniture art provider. I’ve got you covered from inventory pieces or custom creations to complete interior redesign. I treat every piece like it’s going in my own home. Every project is designed to your specifications with love and attention to detail. 8RCustomDesigns


8RCustomDesigns 803-504-1595

8RCustomDesigns 803-504-1595

Bridging the Gap With

Brenda J. Burgett “What do you mean I can only buy two rolls of toilet paper? There are no paper towels? What in the world is the matter with you people? I demand to talk to your manager! No way you are the manager. You are twelve years old. You can’t fool me now get me a manager!” Guess who that was? A good friend? Well there are just somethings you don’t ever need to admit to. It had been awhile since I had listened or watched any form of news, and Yes, I knew there was this virus thing but seriously? This is intended to find something positive or at least a relief from the truly serious event we are currently walking through. So please cut me some slack if I say something that is not funny in your opinion. I am wearing adorable little outfit coordinated masks and designer latex gloves. I practice social distancing unless you are someone I am use to hugging, in which case you may want to stop me from our usual hug. The masks are a slight concern when I start to feel faint after three trips down the grocery store isles. It occurred to me just before I lost consciousness, that we exhale carbon monoxide. Oh, no I may have asphyxiated myself in an effort to show respect for others and be the new Politically current person I am expected to me. I wonder if the expert has factored that in? I have become a kinder person with this stay at home and to shelter in place suggestion. There isn’t one speck of dirt in my , house or car. I cleaned my closet and I have three outfits that got to stay. When I see anyone that isn’t on my computer, I may go a little overboard? I tell them my life story since sometime in February, (of this year.) and my political view on the 1961 presidential election. I have learned that you must listen to what side of the canal your visitor is on, or it could get you hurt or at the very least blocked on social media. That is hard for me since I can see the merit with both sides of the jungle. So, it seems safe to talk about the 1961 election. It’s fun to watch the faces of my captive audience as they seem to be wondering if I may have been alone too long. The kindness in others is worth mentioning. I had a fellow shopper share their toilet paper with me. I got eight rolls and they kept eight. It was a tearful moment for both of us. The stores have special Be safe. times to shop, if you are a senior person. Just a word of caution for the weak of heart. Never crowd in line or ever accidently or on purpose go down the wrong direction of the lisle! It is painful to be rammed with a shopping card driven by a masked, gloved rusty- generation person. I should probably say I am a card-carrying member of the group. Recently I learned it was not permitted to sing without a mask while driving your car with the window down! I will pass this on for the good of tribes? We are a mostly, kind and generous nation. We show respect and care about our fellow earth travelers. This time will end and we pause to think about those who have lost their lives to this cruel virus. We will be grateful for what we have and stay tuned to the latest reports on what we can or cannot do. That can be forgone if we have a friend who likes to share the latest gloom or good stuff. Be safe my friends and remember kindness is what lasts! We can all be a force to bridge the gap of differences.

What is Helper Hair Box? Founded by Heather Scott @prettywigstoyou it is a subscription box for both women and children with hair loss, that will be going on kickstarter early June! Heather has made it her life’s mission to help others feel beautiful and confident about their hair loss! Having alopecia since age 3, children with hair loss hold such a soft spot in her heart. Her mission is to donate a box to a child with hair loss for every 6 boxes purchased. And a wig will be donated to a child for every 12 boxes purchased. We will have a request form set up for parents to receive a free box and or a free wig! Women’s boxes will be filled with accessories, make up, helper hair, accessories and inspirational books. Children’s boxes will be filled with hats, scarfs, fun accessories, books and items to remind them how beautiful they are with or without hair! Please join us in sharing our mission when we are ready to launch on kickstarter! Who are these boxes for? The women’s boxes can be for yourself, your wife, sister, daughter, mother, neighbor, friend, cousin, aunt, anyone who is going through any kind of hair loss! From cancer treatments, Alopecia, Trich (hair pulling), thinning hair, etc Each box is custom to the woman receiving the box. Whether she wears hair, rocks the bald look, favorite colors and hair colors will all be selected so we can ensure you have the perfect box for your needs! Our children’s box will be the same! They will be custom to each child, but more so to encourage positive self esteem and confidence about their hair loss! The child’s favorite colors and their type of hair loss will be noted in a survey! Who purchases the children’s boxes? Parents of the child, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, friends etc! Who will our donated children’s boxes go to? We will have a sign up page where parents can request a free donated box from us or a free donated wig! We will be working with Alopecia support groups and also children’s cancer hospitals also! Our goal is to reach as many children with hair loss as possible To find out more visit @helperhairbox on FB and IG

To find out more visit @helperhairbox on FB and IG

Country Scents Candles (CSC) is a USA based direct sales company. We specialize in 100% soy candles and wax melts. We also have gourmet coffees, naturally based bath/spa products, personalized stuffed animals and bag, and home decor. Prices of the products start out at $5 and go up. We even have some great bundles already saving you more money. Besides the wonderful products, we have an amazing business opportunity. About the CSC Opportunity Free to enroll Kits available ($25-$100) Free website Personal Discount 25% Commission Freedom to work your business when you want... if you want—just stay active (1 purchase every 6 months Jan 1- June 30 & another July 1-Dec 31) Build a team and get: A percentage of their sales Enter Fast Start Program Leadership Rewards...including cash bonuses Have products in store fronts without having to jump through corporate hoops If you are ready to purchase or share 100% soy candles, wax melts, gourmet coffees, personalized items, home decor, bath products and more... Reach out for a first time buyer coupon. Melanie Silvestre

- Books from babies to teenagers - I can help with dealing with big emotions, the loss of a pet, new experiences, interests from animals to computers to building and more, learning to read and more! - My specialty is to work with each client and figure out what the children in their lives need from a book. Melissa Flickinger

Wearing White Right By Cheryl Smith

We're after Memorial Day so we should be good right? The answer is pretty much as a consensus, yes. And just how was the mindset of not before Memorial Day or after labor Day set and who set it anyway? It was actually put in place around the 1930's when only the ultrarich and elite would sport their white linen and gabardine. The lighter clothing signified a look of leisure while the working class was mostly garbed in darker colors in those days. While there are many schools of thought most fashion experts have adopted; it really depends on the temperatures and the weight of the fabric. If it's still cooler white linen is definitely passe. However nowadays lighter fabrics in white are worn as early as Easter. The secret is if the temperatures are not warm to pair white with a jewel tone or something darker so you don't look like your off-season. And now we do have what's known as winter white. So many of us have adopted the practice of wearing white in the winter months as well. As for this personal stylist one of my favorite pairs of jeans are my white and I will wear them all the way through winter, as long as it's not sloppy, muddy and or extremely cold temperatures. According to Bronwyn Cosgrave, author of The Complete History of Costume & Fashion: From Ancient Egypt to the Present Day, fashion rules are meant to be broken by those who can pull it off, notes Cosgrave, and white "looks really fresh when people aren't expecting it." There is still one hard fast rule and that is you should never outshine the bride and wear white to a wedding. There are those who do and it is a huge mistake and disrespectful for the bride. After all the significance of wearing white to your wedding is to show the purity of the ceremony and the start of marriage union. So I say set your own fashion pace as white looks great on that tan and it looks fresh! Just remember to be cognizant of your fabric, and not covering yourself completely in white. That is definitely a fashion faux pas according to everything this stylist researched.

Styling done by Cheryl Smith

My website is We offer custom decals, tumblers, shirts and more. We work with you until you are happy with the design. Get those personal gifts for loved ones, friends or team members

My website is We offer custom decals, tumblers, shirts and more. We work with you until you are happy with the design. Get those personal gifts for loved ones, friends or team members

My website is We offer custom decals, tumblers, shirts and more. We work with you until you are happy with the design. Get those personal gifts for loved ones, friends or team members

My name is Chen Guetta, I am 30 years old from Israel. I am a Landscape architect and artist. I have ptsd and fibromyalgia, When I was 18 years old, I day art is my therapy, my cure.

joined the Israeli army and In my military service, To

Two-in-One - enjoy the benefits of topical application and inhalation from one roll-on blend Help promote tranquility and serenity, making you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer Can help relieve the severe symptoms of migraines, tension, cluster, sinus and common headaches Convenient - can take them everywhere, can even fit in your pocket Can be used anywhere Neat Application

Fast acting powerful craving control effect Two-in-One - enjoy the benefits of topical application and inhalation from one roll-on blend Refreshing, energizing, and revitalizing Convenient - can take them everywhere, can even fit in your pocket Can be used anywhere Neat Application

Terra Instant gratification product that aids in weightloss, mental clarity, focus, stress reduction, energy and anxiety/ depression. It comes in coffee, hot chocolate and lemonade!! We have samples available as well in 2 and 4 day trials. I'm Terra a wifey to my soulmate and momma of 3 girls!! I was on the verge of divorce, tired of being unhappy, no energy, huge emotional eater, anxiety through the roof, over weight and wanted a CHANGE! Well all that changed for me November 2018 when I tried a 2 day sample of happy coffee. I was like this can't be real I felt amazing, energy through the roof, I wasn't eating everything in site, I was happy, calm, my kids said mom you are different, right then I knew I needed this in my life. So the next day I made a huge decision to join. Within 2 weeks I was down 5lbs. December I had my hubby try for 8 days and he was down 10lbs. January I had made enough money to buy product for both of us. By march my hubby who has PTSD, bipolar, serve anxiety, and maniac depression went off all his meds! Im down almost 30lbs now and my hubby is down 55lbs! This coffee has absolutely changed our lives and saved our marriage!! So if your ready let's do this!! Its not just coffee it my saving Grace!

Skincare and Wellness By Daisy Vogt

Whether you are working as a managing executive; balancing school and a 9-5 job; or are a stay at home mom dealing with three kids, as women we often forget that our own skin can have such a huge impact in our outlook on life… That is, until the moment of truth is staring right back at us and we wonder where this person in the mirror came from? Not many of us will admit - but there is a point in most our lives when we looked in the mirror and saw a spot, wrinkle or baggy eyelid that was not there before. It is the first hint for many of us that we have not been taking care of ourselves as well as we should have. And even though we say that beauty starts on the inside – it is also widely accepted that if you are happy with what you see when you look in the mirror, it can have amazing benefits for your self-esteem and even for your mental health! In school, I do not remember being taught that our skin is an organ – but then again, maybe I just was not paying enough attention in biology. Now I scold myself, because this organ is our first line of defense against the dangers of this world and needs to be treated with so much more care than we tend to give it. There are two main points that need to be understood if you want to make sure your skin is getting what it needs. Some general knowledge and easy tweaks in daily habits can help you be so much more successful in helping this vital organ be the strongest it can be. First point, we must remember that every day we are bombarded with toxins, chemicals and bacteria that keep our skin working overtime. From blocking UV rays, to adjusting to temperature changes, blocking out poisonous chemicals and air pollutants – it NEVER gets a break! As women also often apply toxic products on their faces, and are more exposed to them in the household, it is even more important to be aware of this. And although it might be overwhelming to start ‘cleansing’ the house of toxins – it is never too early to start washing your face before bed, exfoliating once a week, and moisturizing and applying sunscreen daily! Plain and simple. Help your skin a little every day and you will start to see results! Once you are ready to take it to the next level, then I recommend you start doing more research. You will find that many products on the market are not typically the best. Most contain synthetic fragrances, parabens (preservatives), and even formaldehyde! You know - that stuff they put in dead people? Why would you want that on your skin? But there is hope, there are many products made with natural ingredients and proven to bring you the results desired! Look up what you need and check out the Think Dirty app before you buy anything, it will tell you exactly how safe it is to put on your face, body and hair. The second point that needs to be explored is what you feed your body. Teenagers are prone to acne, but then again most also live off fatty fast food, sugar and pizza. Could there be a connection? Many times, the dark circles under your eyes, acne outbreaks or dried skin can be solved by dietary adjustments such as adding greens, cutting dairy or increasing water intake. Since the skin is an organ it received its nutrition though our gut like all the others, giving it what it needs to keep its strength, elasticity and color could be a couple of tweaks away. Consistent little changes can lead to big results, so I encourage you to start making those adjustments. Apply that sunscreen before you leave house, it could help you have more time to spend with your family. Stop adding milk to your coffee and it could clear up your eczema and help you have more self-confidence. Take positive steps to make yourself feel better in your own skin and your life could take on a whole new form. For more information FB/Insta – Activated Life by Daisy V. Daisy is a born German, but has lived in many different countries and cultures, from Kenya to Thailand, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and most recently Jamaica. Now she resides with her husband, 2 kids and 2 fur babies in Orlando, Florida. She cares for her 17 year-old step son and is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, helping moms use mind and biohacking techniques to activate themselves to their fullest potential.

Available in the UK and Europe only

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Interview with Samuel Joseph Donovan By Wanda Julian and Brenda Burgett

What was it like to be on Project Runway: Under The Gunn? It was really a dream come true. I was just out of college, very unsure of myself and my skills, and I was just thrilled to be able to put my experience pulling all-nighters to the test! Project Runway works in a way that was very similar to my working style back then--last minute ideas, and quick turnaround. I had a lot more fun designing on All-Stars 5, however, because on Under the Gunn I was still trying to sell a version of myself I thought the judges would like/take seriously. On All-Stars, I just had a lot of fun creating, and seeing where each design would take me. How would you describe yourself? I think it's surprising to a lot of people who have watched me on Project Runway over the years, but I am a massive introvert. I love people, but social situations can really be a drain on my energy levels over time. When did you realize you wanted to be a designer? I think it's an ongoing process of self-discovery, but if I had to choose one moment in time where I obsessed over a design element in a piece of clothing, it was watching Sleeping Beauty as a kid. In the film, two of the fairies fight over whether Sleeping Beauty's dress should be blue or pink--I have always been very adamant it should be the former, because pink is too expected for princesses.

How long have you been a designer? I mean, if we're judging from my Sleeping Beauty days, almost 25 years now! I jest. I probably started making and designing clothes consistently when I was 12 or 13, so I guess almost 17 years now. What would you want to be known for? I'm not sure I care to be "known" for anything, but I would love to help dismantle mass-consumption fast fashion. It's destroying the planet. Would you ever want to do reality TV again? I love reality TV. I have a serious competitive side from being raised in Boston, and I love interacting with the fans of the show who resonate with me. The best thing about being on the show was the connections I was able to make with people afterwards about our shared experiences. Who would you love to design for? I'm still trying to convince my mother to let me design something for her, but in the meantime, I'd honestly love to start making more of my own clothes. In terms of celebrities, I'd love to follow in Christian Siriano's footsteps of designing custom looks for people who feel like they're invisible to fashion. What do you consider your biggest challenge right now? My biggest challenge right now is choosing a next step. I've been a teacher for the past few years, but I've felt myself getting pulled in several different directions. I'm just hoping I can do a few more cool things in sustainable fashion design.

What do you do for fun? I write! I blog, I write short stories; I love creating characters. I think that's why I love fashion design: every design is a new chance to tell a story. I also rank and recap RuPaul's Drag Race with my friend Lucas (aka, Shakaren) on my YouTube channel to pass the time during this crazy social isolation period. What makes you happy? My younger cousins provide a lot of ridiculous social media content for me to laugh at. Also: dogs and cats. What are you passionate about? Ridding the world of fast fashion & Sleeping Beauty's dress being blue. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I don't know, maybe Germany. Maybe married to an unspeakably wealthy Parisian artist. Either way, I hope I'll be in better shape than I am now. My social media is @samueljdonovan on twitter and instagram, and my youtube channel is Samuel Donovan

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