Contraband Magazine July 2010

Page 1

A Power Source

ABA Appoints Harold Whaley Vice President of Special Projects

Freedom to Dream: a Story of Perseverance

SO NOW WHAT? Marketing Independent Music

APPLE Inside iPhone 4: FaceTime video calling

Contraband Magazine July 2010


ON THE COVER MAYA Japanese actress/model Photographer Andrew.K


Feature Inside iPhone 4: FaceTime video calling By Daniel Eran Dilger

12 16

Health & Fitness

Cycle Your Way To Good Health by Joanna Nicholas

ABA Appoints Harold Whaley Vice President of Special Projects


Freedom to Dream:


SO NOW WHAT? Marketing Independent Music

a Story of Perseverance by Janet McCarty Smith


Stephen Jones Editor in Chief

Jon L. Miller Associate Editor

Hank Byrd Entertainment Editor Harold Whaley Digital Advisor Janet McCarty Smith Content Editor Anthony Jones Jr Reporter Charles McGhaw Graphic Designer DeLaney Milan Contributing Editor DeLaney Milan Contributing Editor Joanna Nicholas Health & Fitness Jess Jones Marketing Associate

Contraband Magazine welcomes submissions from models and members of the creative community. All model submissions must be accompanied by (1) proof of age (18 or older) and (2) a copy of the model始s release form. Submissions for models under the age of 18 must have the signature of a parent or guardian. Contraband Magazine is not responsible for the return of unsolicited material. Please follow these submission guidelines and submit to:

Watch the Iphone 4 Video

Inside iPhone 4: FaceTime video calling By Daniel Eran Dilger Published: 06:00 PM EST Playing up his characteristic "one more thing" showmanship, Apple chief executive Steve Jobs introduced FaceTime for the new iPhone 4 as an easy to use video chat app that works over WiFi. Here's why it matters, how it's open, why it's currently WiFi only, and how it stacks up to other Voice over IP video calling apps such as Skype. FaceTime & iChat AV Apple revealed FaceTime as an iChat-like service exclusive to the new iPhone 4 hardware. It's not exactly iChat though, and although it shares a lot in common, there's currently no talk of any ability to chat from iPhone 4 to desktop Mac iChat clients (although this is almost certain to happen over the next year as iPhone 4 launches). Apple's Mac iChat was originally an IM client for AOL's proprietary AIM network. Apple later extended iChat to support open XMPP "Jabber" instant messaging. It then added support for the Internet Engineering Task Force's SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) in iChat AV, in order to do standards-based video chat and video conferencing. As a video conferencing product, Apple's Mac iChat AV client provides exceptional picture quality at little cost but runs into a lethal natural barrier on today's Internet: NAT (Network Address Translation). The routers at both corporate and home networks often hide internal IP addresses from the open Internet, making things difficult for video chat applications that want to act as both a server and client with bidirectional rich media streams to some other host across the Internet.

The NAT problem For iChat AV to reliably connect with other clients (including compatible PC clients running the same complex suite of video chatting standards, such as AOL) across the Internet, it usually has to transverse NAT. That's particularly complex because everyone's NAT works a bit differently, and there's so many technical issues involved with handling different types of routers and their different implementations of NAT. There are different kinds of NAT, and no complete standards in place on how to implement them for ideal interoperability. Additionally, the security policy a company establishes for itself might rule out individuals from setting up their own server, which is a problem for video chat because iChat AV needs to act like a server for a remote client to initiate a transaction with it. Apple's iChat uses its own SNATMAP protocol to allow a client to determine its external IP address and open a port mapping that remote hosts can use to return communications through the firewall. Apple also uses UPnP (Universal Plug n Play) a Microsoft-originated standard for NAT port traversal supported by a variety of consumer router/firewall makers. These are used to punch iChat AV's traffic through NAT routers, but they aren't always supported by enterprise routers or some models of home router appliances. In Mac OS X Leopard, Apple improved things by adding support for ICE (Interactive Connectivity Establishment), an emerging IETF NAT traversal standard, but there are still vexing problems for non-technical consumers trying to set up a simple video chat.

Newest Addition To Contraband Magazine Staff

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Contraband Magazine July 2010

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Contraband Magazine July 2010

Cycle your way to good health... FAST! Joanna  Nicholas  BSc Â

Get back in shape with these high intensity cycling workouts. Bored  with  long  cardio  sessions  that  GRQÂśW JLYH \RX UHVXOWV" 3HUKDSV LWÂśV WLPH to  mix  it  up  a  little  by  adding  bouts  of  high  intensity  efforts  into  your  sessions!    Interval  training  is  great  for  burning   maximum  calories  in  minimum  time.  It  works  by  simultaneously  combining  high  intensity  bouts  of  exercise  followed  by  lower  intensity  bouts  (active  recovery).  During  the  high  intensity  phases  the  body  is  forced  to  work  harder,  placing  more  stress  on  the  muscles,  heart  and  lungs,  therefore  using  more  energy  and  burning  more  calories.  During  the  low  intensity  phases  the  body  is  able  to  recover  before  pushing  hard  again.   A  study  at  the  University  of  New  South  Wales  found  females  that  completed    interval  training  three  times  a  week  for  15  weeks  had  greater  fat  loss  results  than  those  that  performed  steady  state      aerobic  exercise.  The  subjects  completed  8  seconds  of  high  intensity  followed  by  12  seconds  active  recovery  on  a  bike  for  20  minutes.  [1]   ,I LWÂśV IDW \RX DUH ORRNLQJ DW EXUQLQJ WKHQ keep  the  work  phases  short  (less  than  15  seconds)  and  recover  for  1.5  times  the  work  phase.  E.g.  6  seconds  work  :  9   seconds  rest  or  8  seconds  work  :  12   seconds  rest.  A  University  of  Western  Australia  study  found  that  in  short  interval  exercise  (6s:9s)  fat  oxidation  was  three  times  higher  than  in  long  intervals  (24s:36s)  when  subjects  completed  40  minutes  of  intermittent  intervals  [2].    Ready  to  spice  up  your  workout  and  burn  maximum  calories? Â


Try  these  awesome  workouts  on  the  bike:   5  minute  warm  up  (4/10)  *  8  seconds  work  (9/10)  :  12  seconds  recovery  (3/10)  Repeat  for  20  minutes  3  minute  cool  down  (3/10)  2  minutes  of  static  stretching  (thighs,  calves,  glutes)   5  minute  warm  up  (4/10)  12  seconds  work  (9/10)  :  18  seconds  recovery  (3/10)   Repeat  for  20  minutes  3  minute  cool  down  (3/10)  2  minutes  of  static  stretching  (thighs,  calves,  glutes)    [1]  Trapp,  E.G.,  Chrisholm,  D.J.,  Freund,  J.,  Boutcher,  S.H.  (2008).  The  effects  of  high  intensity  intermittent  exercise  training  on  fat  loss  and  fasting  insulin  levels  of  young  women.  International  Journal  of  Obesity,  7.   [2]  Christmass,  M.A,  Dawson,  B.,  Arthur,  P.G.  (1999).  Effect  of  work  and  recovery  duration  on  skeletal  muscle  oxygenation  and  fuel  use  during    sustained  intermittent  exercise.  European  Journal  of  Applied  Physiology,  1.   *  Perceived  Rate  of  Exertion  Scale²a  10  point  scale  used  to  gauge  the  intensity  of  a  task.  1/10  being  feeling  nothing  at  all,  3/10  being  moderate,  4/10  being  some  what  hard,  9/10  being  very  hard,  10/10  being  very,  very  hard.  Â


Contraband Magazine July 2010

Contraband Magazine July 2010

Photographer Mexico City, Mexico

Spotlight Francisco Medina

I have been a huge fan of Francisco Medina始s work for a few years and have watched him develop into one of the most creative photographers I have ever seen. His work is emotionally captivating from a very unique perspective. Having known Francisco since he was only 6 years old I have a special bond with the artist and his work. Contraband Magazine July 2010

-Stephen Jones

ABA Appoints Harold Whaley Vice President of Special Projects

Photographer Stephen Jones

Indianapolis, IN. The American Basketball Association (ABA) today announced that Harold Whaley has been appointed Vice President of Special Project for the league. "Harold has been working closely with Spyder Hughes and Roland Turner in ABA entertainment," stated Joe Newman, ABA CEO, "but his talents extend far beyond entertainment that we felt he could be a great asset in a variety of initiatives. What a tremendous person and what a great background. We are very excited to have "Hdub" as part of our management team."

Whaley began his career in the entertainment industry in 1985. After joining the US Navy in 1982, he was introduced to the music industry in the Philadelphia area and worked closely with Jean Carne, Patti LaBelle, Al Green, GQ, Heatwave and Denise Williams as a background vocalist. After serving 11 years in the military, he retired early from the Navy to pursue his passion of music and was soon signed as a producer/artist with So Cal independent record lable Deemo Records. He was embraced by the city with the awarding of the San Diego Music Award in 1999 and Deemo Records would eventually become a subsidiary label under Solar/Hines/Epic out of LA. The infamous Death Row records crossed his path when Harold joined a team of producers who worked on the Platinum CD "Murder was the Case." A online poll nominated Harold as "Breakaway Artist of the Millennium" in 2000. 16

Learning to market and sell his own music and products was a goal that Harold saw as achievable via the Internet and mobile markets. On the journey to becoming an internet marketing genius as some have labeled him, he set out to master online design, on line marketing and mobile technology, eventually designing award-winning websites for Gospel Superstar CeCe Winans and Motivational Speaker Les Brown. In 2002, the television show, "Tee'd Off," was the first nationally syndicated project he produced and late 2002 saw him receiving the position of Program Director for the Urban Network Magazine's two Online Radio Stations. This was the first nationally distributed magazine with an online radio station. 2005 brought in the mobile marketing era and Harold started a company called "Spirit Test" that provided spiritual text messages daily to the mobile phone. It is now being used by spiritual organizations throughout the world and he is known as one of the foremost authorities on moblile marketing. For the past seven years, he has been creating virtual businesses and showing entrepreneurs how to maintain a virtual business that can be both entertaining and financially rewarding. Creating unique virtual platforms that range from Convention Centers to Night Clubs, he understands the virtual environment in the now and the future of the internet. With energy costs rising, and expensive travel cost, the virtual space is the perfect complement to effectively conducting green technology business. He has designed theatres for the legendary Cash Family (Johnny Cash Estate) and has implanted his creative spirit and vast knowledge to the ABA as a partner in ABA Entertainment. And now, he will apply those same unique skills as ABA VP of Special Projects. One of his first initiatives was to create the ABA iPhone Application that has placed the ABA into the technology world. It will be introduced on July 12th. Fans will be able to purchase tickets from their mobile device and keep in touch with their favorite teams, players and more. He has brought an intricate piece of the puzzle of stickiness to the basketball world. "Future technology is an ever-iimportant facet," stated Whaley. "And this modern day digital concept is the poster child for it. Our plans are to change the landscape of professional sports - with music, entertainment and the use of the internet and advanced technology. The ABA is unique. There has never been anything quite like this league and I am going to do everything I can to maximize its potential in many new frontiers." For more information, email or visit, or call 619 717 6019 or visit

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GFD.CC Fellow Filmmakers GFD.CC Dear Fellow Filmmakers, Help spread the word! is on the scene looking 4 filmmakers and movie takers. Send out these desktop photos to anyone you think may like one.. And ask them to spread the word. Help me in my quest to put an end to 1 way distribution by making GFD.CC a household name. Made by and 4,”True Independent Guerrilla Filmmakers”. This is your site, where you can sale your movies without getting pimped for your hard work. The revolution is now and hell yeah it is being televised, so you need 2 tune in sweet pea. Lets stop singing and start swinging. Protect your Blood Money by any means Necessary. Fight now or you will still be crying latter. GFD.CC needs revolutionaries now. But we must stand together and hold are ground if we ever want 2 be paid when we put our films down on a distributors desk. When I was at the 2006 Film Festival De Cannes last May I heard it from the horse’s mouth, "Tony, I'll tell you straight. Why would I buy a film when I can get ten for free and keep all or most of the money?" So who's pimping and who's slipping-you decide. Remember fellow artisans, this is the business of show. So lets show them we mean business. Sincerely, General Tony Topaz Filmmaker GFD.CC TT

Contraband Magazine July 2010

Freedom to Dream: a Story of Perseverance by Janet McCarty Smith During the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” The evidence of truth in Dr. Kingʼs words has been well established in the life of former track & field Olympian, Madeline Manning Mims, who has been classified as one of the first female American world-class middle distance power runners in U.S. Olympic history. Her legacy continues to impact athletes and others long after her retirement from the sport as an athlete. Could it be her 800 meter victory in the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, in which she won by more than 10 meters and set an Olympic record of 2:00.90? Perhaps, it was the American sub two (2) minute (1:57.90) record she set in the 1976 Olympic Games. Or maybe it is her outstanding leadership as a member of four (4) U.S. Olympic teams (1968, 1972, 1976, & 1980 [President Jimmy Carter boycotted the 1980 Games in Moscow.]), and womenʼs team captain for the last three (3) of those Olympiads. Contraband Magazine July 2010

And let us not forget the countless national and international accolades and accomplishments that accompany her career as a student athlete at John Hay High School in Cleveland, Ohio all the way through her retirement. It could also be the fact that to date, Ms. Mims is the ONLY American woman who has brought home the Olympic Gold in the 800 meter run – that is 42 years standing. These achievements and more have solidified Ms. Mims as one of Americaʼs Greatest Olympians – on and off the track. Madeline - as she likes to be called by friends - is a global motivational speaker, an author, dancer, and a phenomenal vocalist and Gospel recording artist. She has recorded seven (7) CDs to date, and continues to travel the globe sharing her testimony and her gift of song & dance. She is also an advocate for sports chaplaincy, and has served as the Womenʼs Chaplain for multiple U.S. Olympic teams under the U.S. Council for Sports Chaplaincy (USCSC) – the organization 24

which she founded in support of the needs of athletes in all sports. In November, 2009, Madeline shared an “Evening of Thanksgiving” with the public at the Mabee Center on the campus of Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event was an effort to raise awareness of the needs of elite athletes, and to encourage fi n a n c i a l s u p p o r t f o r t h e USCSC. The evening included an array of entertainment from soloists, to choirs, dancers, stomp teams, drum line, Olympic honors and acknowledgments of personal friendships. Most impressive was the presence and support of her teammates and friends from her days as Lady Tigerbelle under Coach Ed Temple at Tennessee State University, and the 1968 U.S. Olympic Team: Wyomia Tyus, Edith McGuire-Duvall, Ralph Boston, John Carlos, Tommie Smith, Chandra Cheeseborough, Dick Fosbury and Mel Pender. The line-up also included Olympians whom she has mentored: Carl Lewis,

Kenny Monday (Wrestler – U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist) and Terrence Trammell, as well as legendary recording artist Andre Crouch. Madeline also shared the stage in a trio performance with fellow artists Ms. Ernestine Dillard and Mrs. Sarah Jordan Powell. No matter how grand the event, the moments always capture the essence of Madelineʼs personality as the happy, pleasant and witty “girlfriend,” to the graceful, yet authoritative team captain and motivator. Perhaps, Madelineʼs greatest visible strength has been her courage and commitment to overcome obstacles and obtain a dream. At age three (3), she was diagnosed with Spinal Meningitis, and not expected to regain her normal mental and physical capacities. Madeline also grew up in one of the many rough neighborhoods, or “ghettos” of Cleveland, Ohio. Though she witnessed and was surrounded by much negative activity by default, she acknowledges the prayers and presence of her mother Queen Manning, her grandmother, Emma and her great grandmother, Rose (who lived to the age of 125) for her ability to overcome and persevere through these and many other obstacles that would come her way later in life by instilling in Contraband Magazine July 2010

her discipline, obedience and a strong work ethic. These character traits were evident in Madelineʼs dedication to be a student athlete in high school and beyond. Her day usually consisted of several hours on a commuter train beginning very early in the morning – to get to school, then to practice and back home. She studied and did her homework on the train; arriving home very late at night…only to awaken to do it all over again the next day. Her dedication paid off as she began smashing local high school and national records, and establishing her name as a household phenom. Her sub 53 second time in the

440 yard dash caught the attention of Tennessee State University coach, Ed Temple, who offered her full scholarship to the University. The rest, shall we say is…well – HISTORY! Throughout her career as an artist, an athlete, an advocate, and speaker, Madeline has managed to balance family and friendships, as well as be significantly available to and involved in her community –

especially as a coach and mentor to children. Her own children, John Jackson, III and Lana Mims have carried on the family torch in the sport by excelling in their individual events as Junior Olympians, collegiate athletes and coach (John). Madeline, through her courage, commitment, determination, talent and discipline has globally inspired others, specifically women and young girls to run long distances – both in the sport and in life. She is loved, respected, and honored as one of the GREATEST women to grace the sport of track & field, and has certainly stood higher and longer than most “at times of challenge and controversy.” – J.McCarty Smith **for more information about Madeline Manning Mims and the US Council for Sports Chaplaincy (USCSC), visit: Some of Madelineʼs many awards and Hall of Fame Honors: 1967 & 1969: North American athlete of the year; 1982: AllAmerican All-Star Indoor track & field team; 1984: National Olympic Sports Hall of Fame (USA Track & Field, Inc.); 2000: Honored as an Olympic Legend during the Olympic Games in S y d n e y, A u s t r a l i a ; 2 0 0 5 : Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame; 2008: Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame; 2008: Honored in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio by the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Cleveland Browns; Oral Roberts University Sports Hall of Fame

SO NOW WHAT? Marketing Independent Music by HANK BYRD

So you have made the perfect CD. Every line has been rapped or sung to perfection, the mix has been leveled just right and the finished product is a work of, if you do say so yourself, pure genius. So now what? Unfortunately the “now what” of a music project is where many artists find themselves straddling the line between hit album and local music obscurity. Let’s go back to the beginning. When I consult on a project, I will ask: 1.When is your planned release date? 2.What are your first 3 singles? 3.What is your target audience? OK, I can tell by some of the blank stares I’m getting we have some work to do. Usually when I get involved with a project, the artists have their album completed and we find ourselves in the precarious position of having to market backwards. No singles have been released, no release date has been set and if any marketing dollars have been allocated, we don’t know who to market the album to. There is no sure-fire way to actually begin the process of making an album, but make sure you consider these things long (6-8 months) before you sing the first note or spit your first bar: 26

Contraband Magazine July 2010

•When is your release date?: Even if it changes, you have a point of reference that will drive everything else. Having a release date or a tentative date will allow you to goal-set during the creation of the album. •What are your first three singles?: In music, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Knowing this is also good for possible radio play since many program directors or interviewers will ask you what your singles will be, and why. There is no room for error here, you want to come out strong, build a buzz and maintain the momentum with back-to-back hits. •What is your target audience?: If you are unfamiliar with the terms demographic andpsychographic, take the time to look them up, because within the definition of these terms lies the answer to who your target audience is. At shows, be sure to have a sign-up sheet to collect names, email addresses, ages, geographic areas and occupation. •Where do you plan on selling your album?: If your first answer is out of your trunk, we have a lot of work to do. Everywhere you are performing or speaking with fans of music, is an opportunity to sell music. Develop a great stage show that will drive people to your sales table. Grab the yellow pages and compile a list of retail and mom and pop record stores in your area. You’ll be surprised to know that many have a consignment program where they will sell your music for a small fee. Chain stores like FYE have similar programs for indie artists as well. Of course your best option is on the internet. Digital downloading sites and online stores such as CD Baby, Digstation and iTunes have been very profitable for artists. •Do you have a web presence?: Music is an art of extreme irony. Though music only requires you to hear it, it is VERY visually driven. Many purchasing decisions are made online, where people can see what you look like, hear what you sound like and read your bio to determine what you’re about. There are many sites that will allow you to market your music for free. Remember, the internet isn’t relegated to the United States. Many people in Asia and Europe comb the net looking for the next big thing beyond their borders. Have a web presence and let the next big thing be you! Albums can be VERY rewarding when you plan ahead to make them the best they can be. Like the saying goes: Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Hank Byrd is a screenwriter, media critic, blogger, project consultant and marketing professional based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Contraband Magazine July 2010

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Super Street Fighter IV features the full roster of 25 characters from Street Fighter IV such as Ryu, Ken, Crimson Viper, Abel, El Fuerte, and Rufus, while adding about eight characters new to the world of Street Fighter IV.

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Contraband Magazine July 2010

Halo: Reach Coming To PlayStation 3

By Eddie Makuch

In a completely unexpected

move announced minutes ago, Halo studio Bungie, revealed it will bring Halo: Reach to Sony’s PlayStation 3 a week earlier and $10 cheaper than that of its Xbox 360 brother. “We’ve wished to harness the massive power of the PlayStation 3 for one of our games for ages now and truly felt Reach, with its epic scope, was a perfect match for the system,” Brian Jarrard, creative director on the Halo: Reach project told Blast Magazine this morning.

What’s more, the studio said it plans to offer the game for PS3 enthusiasts at a cheaper price point of $49.99 on September 7, a week before it comes to Xbox 360. “We wanted to make up for lost time with the PS3 crowd and saw this as an opportunity to dazzle the fans both creatively and where they truly care; in their wallets,” Marcus Lehto, marketing manager of Halo: Reach said. Reach coming to the PS3 will mark the first time in over a decade the studio has developed for anyone except Microsoft but Bungie promises that its team of engineers and designers know

how to program for the PS3 backwards and forwards. “We set up two teams after Halo 3 launched in September of 2007; one for Xbox 360 and one for Playstation 3 and since then have had only great things to say about the PS3,” Tom Patrick, a programmer for the project said. Backlash over the announcement is already permeating the Internet, as forum postings on sites like and all have scathing things to say about Bungie migrating the franchise to the longtime competitor.

About NASA Explorer Schools This "pipeline" strategic initiative promotes and supports the incorporation of NASA content and programs into science, technology and mathematics curricula in classroom grades 4-9 across the United States. Targeting underserved populations in diverse geographic locations, NASA Explorer Schools will bring together educators, administrators, students and families in sustained involvement with NASA's education programs. Teams composed of full-time teachers and a school administrator develop and implement a three-year action plan to address local challenges in science, technology and mathematics education. This customized professional development plan will be available based on needs assessments and delivered through on-site school services and via distance-learning networks. Program elements for the NASA Explorer Schools include: •

Summer professional development workshops for teams of teachers and school administrators at the nine NASA Field Centers and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; one week of intensive training provides opportunities to begin integration of NASA content into existing school curricula and culminates in the development and implementation of action plans to meet local education challenges.

Ongoing research-based professional development during the school year, in collaboration with organizational partners and other federal agencies; this activity, coordinated by a network of teacher leaders and trainers, includes NASA aerospace education specialists, Space Grant consortia, educator resource centers and NASA Education networks.

Student programs that provide opportunities for active participation in research, problem solving and design challenges relating to NASA's missions and involve students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics explorations to encourage the use of scientific tools and methods; challenges will be grade-specific, supporting national and state standards. In addition, in-flight opportunities and competitions will provide access to unique NASA resources and personnel.

The NASA Explorer Schools Web site includes NASA resources; science, technology and mathematics investigations; collaborative tools; and opportunities to share student and school program results.

A grant to each school will support the purchase of technology tools, online services and inservice support for the integration of technology applications to engage students in science and mathematics investigations.

Family involvement in student educational growth, achievement and career exploration is the responsibility of the NES teams locally for school and home experiences developed in cooperation with NASA assets; online opportunities will be available through the NASA Explorer Schools Web site. Competitive applications and selection of the NES teams occur each spring. Up to 50 teams will be added each year, for a maximum total of 150 teams. To learn more go to:

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