Subliminal Messaging Pg 1

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Ever ydaywear ebombar dedwi t hi mages .Evenwhenoureyes ar en’ tgl uedt oaT Vorcomput ers cr eenwear econt i nuous l y f acedwi t hadver t i s ement s .Mes s agesf r om compani esar es ent t oust o“buyt hi s ”or“t r yt hat ” .But ,i ti swhatwedon’ teas i l ys ee t hatwes houl dbeconcer nedwi t h. Rewi ndt i me,t oadr i vei nmovi et heat eri nF or tL ee,New J er s ey ci r ca1957.T hi si swher es ubl i mi nal mes s agi ngasweknow i tf i r s t began.Now t hei deaofmi ndcont r ol hasbeenar oundf or cent ur i esbef or ei t sus agei nadver t i s i ng.S t or i esasf arbackast he RomanEmpi r et el l ofGodsus i ngmi ndcont r ol overmor t al s .I n 1898,apr of es s orofps ychol ogyatYal e,E. W.S cr i pt ur e, r ecogni z edt hehumanpot ent i al f orhumanst oper cei ve i nf or mat i ononas ubcons ci ousl evel ,pavi ngt hewayf or s ubl i mi nal mes s agi ng.Buti nt hi st heat er ,wi t hanex per i ment conduct edbymar ketr es ear cherJ amesVi car ywast hef i r s t moder nat t emptt omakepeopl es ubcons ci ous l yr ecogni z ea mes s age.Acr os st hemovi es cr eenf l as hedt hewor ds“Dr i nk CocaCol a”and“Hungr y?EatPopcor n” .T hes emes s ageswer e f l as hedont hes cr eenf orj us t1/ 3000t hofas econd,i nawayt hat t hehumaneyecoul dnotdet ectt hem i nt hef i l m.Repor t edl y,t he s al esofbot hCocaCol aandPopcor ni ncr eas eddr amat i cal l y 1 t hatni ght .

T her ear et womai nwaysi nwhi chs ubl i mi nal mes s agesar et r ans mi t t edandr ecei ved;t heyar e t hr oughvi s ual andaudi os t i mul ant s .As s umi ngt hi s t echnol ogyi sef f ect i vet her es ul t i ngaf t er mat h coul dbepot ent i al l yver ydanger ous .I magi ne havi ngt heabi l i t yt oi nf l uences omeoneel s e’ s behavi orandt hem havenocons ci ous awar enes sofyoudoi ngt hi s .Wel l ,t heNat i onal As s oci at i onofBr oadcas t er ss aw t hi sconf l i ctand i n1958bannedt heus eofs ubl i mi nal adver t i s i ng. T hei mpor t antt hi ngher ei s t hatj us tbecaus et her ewas anof f i ci al ban,doesnot meant hatt het echnol ogy hass t oppedbei ngus ed s i nce.Her ei nl i est he cons pi r acy.

S cr eens hotf r om Vi car y’ s S ubl i mi nal Mes s agi ng Ex per i ment

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