Subliminal Messaging Pg 2

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T heef f ect i venes sofs ubl i mi nal adver t i s i ngi ss t i l l upf ordebat e. However ,i fi ti si ndeed ef f ect i ve,asJ amesVi car yf i r s t cl ai med,i ti spos s i bl ef ort he gover nmentt ocont r ol how we t hi nki nawayt hatwehaveno i deat hati ti shappeni ng. T oanex t entweknow t hatt hi s i shappeni ngi nt he adver t i s ement st hatwes ee ever yday.Ever yt hi ngdownt o t hechoi ceofcol or sandt ex t t ot hepos i t i oni ngofi magesi n di f f er entadsmakesust hi nkof pr oduct si ndi f f er entways ,i f onl ys ubcons ci ous l y.

J ohnBer ger ,i nhi st ex tWaysof S eei ngmakest hecl ai mt hat “wear enow s oaccus t omed t obei ngaddr es s edbyt hes e i magest hatwes car cel y not i cet hei rt ot al i mpact ” .I n s hor t ,of t ent i mesweasa s oci et yar enotawar eofj us t how eas i l ywecanbe i nf l uenced.Wehavet hi s t endencyt of ol l ow t r ends ,s o t hei deaofourmi ndsbei ng eas i l ycon t r o l l e d i s n o t t h a tf ar 3 outt her e.CZ

* T heabovei magess how how mes s agesar ehi ddeni nf ami l i ar l ogos .I magesf r om gr aphi cdes i gnbl og. or gandi nvent or s pot . com.

T heabovedi agr am s howst heF r eudi ant heor yoft he s ubcons ci ousmi nd.F r eudcl as s i f i edt hi ski ndoft hought as" s ubl i mi nal per cept i on"and" aut omat i cr eact i on. "I n t hi smodel ,ourcons ci ousmi ndmakesuponl yaver y t i nypor t i onofourcogni t i veabi l i t y.F ors ubl i mi nal mes s enger s ,t hi si deai skey.T hef actt hatwecan pr oces ss omuchi nf or mat i onwi t houteverr eal i z i ngi t al l owsf ort hes ehi ddenmes s agest obeunder s t ood. Nots ur pr i s i ngl y,t hi sor i gi nal i magewaspubl i s hedt o baker mar ket i ngs er vi ces . com.T hei rpur pos e. . . t ot al k abouthow uncons ci oust hought sef f ectmar ket i ng s t r at egi es . * * S our cedf r om S t eveDavi s ’“I ts t ar t edwi t haT weet ” , J ul y23,2012.

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