Convenience & Carwash Magazine

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캐나다 한인 상공 실업인 총연합회보 U.K.B.A C.C.I.C


Mark VII Business Model Ushers in new era for Canadian Carwash Industry 마크 세븐 비즈니스 모델은 캐나다 세차장 산업의 새로운 시대를 연다

Good for the Seoul: See Korea Through the Eyes of our Publisher

서울의 좋은 점; 발행인의 눈을 통해 본 서울

Fireworks Sales Lead to a Big Bang Theory 폭죽 판매는 빅뱅 이론으로 이끈다

A New Energy Shot to Bring You Down?

귀하를 만족 시킬 새로운 에너지 드링크


How Well Do You Know YOUR Ethanol?

귀하는 에탄올에 대해 얼마나 알고 있는가?






Publisher Brenda Jane Johnstone


Editor Carter Hammett

Table of Contents

Associate Publisher Christy Bochurka


Design and Production Edge Advertising Editorial Advisory Board Bernie Comeau, Shell Canada David Hoy, Mid Island Co-Op Dave Watson, The Chamois Doug McRae, Kahkewistahaw Gas & Convenience Store Ltd. Kim Hansen, MI Petro Scott Findlay, Core-Mark Wayne Hoskins, WCSA Contributing Writers Angela Altass Bob Armstrong Kelly Grey Carter Hammett Jeff Weber Sandra Thorton


Ethanol Fuel is Here...Will it Impact Your Fuel Storage?

12 14

The Facts on Leak Detection


A Green Sheen


Big Bang Theory


Good For The Seoul:

33 43

UKBA Journal

Sales Christy Bochurka 204-785-1413

Circulation James Gordon

Website Publication Mail Agreement No: 41670539 Return Undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Circulation Department 543 Borebank St. Winnipeg, MB R3N 1E8

In line with new federal regulations governing renewable fuel content, are some elements related to storage that might make you say "tank you very much" after reading this. By Sandra Thornton Our subject expert suddenly makes the invisible, visible.

The Fast and the Furious

Carter Hammett opens doors (and maybe some eyes and jaws along the way) in this issue's cover story on Mark V11's attempt to take over the world...well, okay, the carwash world... Kelly Gray finds that many carwashes are helping their bottom line be greener and leaner by adding eco friendly products to their repertoire In demand all year round, Angela Altass tells retailer that fireworks sales aren't all that they're cracked up to be... In which our intrepid publisher travels half way around the world to shake a few hands and comes back with her soul shifted. John Bok calls for united effort in the midst of a lot of huffing and puffing.

Stamp to Help Stamp Out Smoking

Introducing a new security stamp that will be mandatory on all tobacco packages as of April 2011.


04 05

Publisher’s Message


Channel News

On the cusp of a new year, Brenda Johnstone asks the penultimate 1440 Minute Question

WCSA Report

Len McGeouch suggests that contraband tobacco sales may have negative social outcomes you never considered before

LSI Introduces New Sconce * A Shoppelifter You Might Actually Like Hanging Around * OPW Gets Hip with Launch of New You Tube Channel

Convenience & Carwash Canada |


Publisher’s Message The 1440 Minute Question

Every three minutes someone visits a Canadian convenience store. That’s over 10 million visits a day. That’s a lot of people. They have diverse needs, demands, wants, concerns and lead busy, active lives.Retailers still feeling the effects of a bitter economic downturn, are struggling to adapt to the whims and needs of a fickle and evolving marketplace; one that demands diverse food choices, gasoline when needed, carwashes on demand. That’s a tall order, and as legislation changes, technology influences and demographics evolve, our industry finds itself in exciting, challenging times that are forcing us to think in new ways. Convenience & Carwash Canada is meant to be a reflection of that growth. A recent trip to Korea provided me with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience that first-hand: to see what was happening on the other side of the globe, observe trends that are developing in other places and gradually making their way here. It’s exciting to see and you can read

about the trip in this issue, which coincides with our newly-revamped web site, www.convenienceandcarwash. com. We’ve updated and redesigned to offer more impact and better content from our stakeholders, including an article on social media. The Korean trip further cemented our relationship with the United Korean Businessmen’s Association and we look forward to entering another successful year partnering with them, publishing their Journal and organizing new and improved special events in tandem. Mark VII is another group worth mentioning, as they are the stars of our current issue. Quickly establishing a firm presence in Canada’s western provinces, they have ushered in something of a new era for the Canadian carwash industry. With a unique one-stop shopping model, people are talking as Mark VII turns the industry on its head and people will have no choice but to respond. Check out our new web page for another business model, perhaps gentler, that’s offered by long-time contributor Chandra Har-

baruk. Her Shift-Wise Makes Profit Sense model is a process that actually thrives on change and takes a very human approach to growing a business. You would be wise to check it out. And change is really what it’s all about. It’s amazing to step back and realize that there 1440 minutes within a 24-hour span. For C-stores, that’s an average of 480 customers daily. In the new year, ask yourself: What do those precious moments mean to you, your business, your goals and your growth? How are you spending that time and are you spending it wisely. Before you know it, those moments are gone, never to be reclaimed. We can only keep going in new directions. Happy New Year!

Brenda Jane Johnstone Publisher

upcoming events February 22, 2011 WPMA Scholarship Foundation 2011 Golf Tournament registration

March 15 – 17, 2011 Midwest Petroleum & Convenience Trade Show Indianapolis, IN

February 7 – 9, 2011 Midwest Car wash Association Novi, MI

March 23 – 24, 2011 Convenience U Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, ON

February 22 – 24, 2011 WPMA Tradeshow Las Vegas, NV


June 2, 2011 Atlantic Convenience Stores Assoc. State of the Industry Report & Awards Gala Dinner Halifax, N.S.

Convenience & Carwash Canada |

July 7, 2011 WCSA 2nd Annual Golf tournament Cottonwood, G.C.C., Calgary, AB September 13, 2011 ACSA N.L. Charity Golf Tournament Clovelly Golf Course, St. John's, N.L September 15, 2011 ACSA Maritime Charity Golf Tournament Fox Creek Golf Course, Moncton, N.B. October 18, 2011 Western Convenience Stores Assoc., 2nd Annual State of the Industry event Heritage Park, Calgary, AB

WCSA Report: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

With C-stores facing unprecedented pressure to curb and comply with legislation affecting tobacco sales to minors, the outcomes of contraband tobacco create some unsettling results you may not have realized By Len McGeough

The expanding availability of contraband tobacco products has flown under the radar for some time and has gone largely unnoticed by the general public. However, it is critical that everyone recognizes the impact of this rapidly developing and highly profitable criminal activity. Wayne Hoskins We should all be concerned about how it impacts our youth. When both contraband and counterfeit tobacco products are available, it is mainly our youth who gravitate to these products, because of the cost difference ($10-to-$30 for 200 illegal cigarettes, compared to $71-to-$90 for 200 legal cigarettes). The easy availability of cheap contraband or counterfeit tobacco runs counter to the strategy of keeping the cost of tobacco out of the reach of most youth. The availability of illegal tobacco products also wreaks havoc with our statistics relating to smoking. While we measure success in curbing smoking by observing tobacco sales statistics, these statistics are misleading as they do not take into consideration the migration to contraband and counterfeit tobacco products. That concern is highlighted by the recently released study results by the Canadian Convenience Store Association showing that contraband has now grown to levels as high as 18 per cent of total tobacco products sold in British Columbia.

Strict requirements are placed on legitimate tobacco retailers to adhere to federal and provincial tobacco legislation, remit taxes, develop and implement employeetraining programs, place government-required signage in their stores and be constantly vigilant about selling this legal product properly. The criminals who are purveyors of contraband tobacco avoid the taxes, use the money from their criminal enterprise for criminal purposes, and undermine the government’s denormalization programs (aimed at making tobacco less of a normal aspect of life). Law enforcement has linked about 100 organized crime groups to the distribution of contraband tobacco. T h e s e crime syndicates have also been involved in drugs and weapons smuggling, as well as armed robbery, assault and homicide. Law enforcement in Quebec has implicated the Hells Angels in the contraband trade. Several Hells Angels members and their associates allegedly used the proceeds from the sale of contraband to finance the sale of narcontinued on page 6 Convenience & Carwash Canada |


Tolerating this behaviour creates a blight on our society. We should certainly not tolerate this behaviour in British Columbia, where we already have bloody gang violence in the fights over drug turf.

continued from page 5 cotics and firearms while using violence and intimidation to secure their share of the contraband market. Additionally, there is evidence that some contraband profits are funding terrorist activities. The RCMP, in cooperation with U.S. law enforcement, apprehended several individuals who allegedly used the proceeds of tobacco smuggling to fund activities of Hezbollah. Where there are criminal activities there are victims. The government is victimized because of the reduction in taxes collected. The public is victimized because of the shortfall in taxes collected for use for health promotion, sports sponsorships, and social programs that benefit the public. The government and our youth are victimized because the cheap cost of


Convenience & Carwash Canada |

contraband tobacco promotes increased tobacco consumption by youth. The tobacco retailer is victimized because criminals sell tobacco in the same communities served by legal retailers, but do not meet any of the legislated requirements and regulations that govern legal sales. The legitimate retailer is also victimized because they lose sales of other products that would have been purchased by tobacco customers who are now buying contraband tobacco. Tolerating this behaviour creates a blight on our society.We should certainly not tolerate this behaviour in British Columbia, where we already have bloody gang violence in the fights over drug turf. Left unchecked, these organized crime groups will create a contraband tobacco distribution network that will endanger our youth, rob our governments of needed revenue for public services and put retailers and their employees out of business, as is the case in Ontario and Quebec, where contraband has reached 40-to-50 percent of all of the tobacco products consumed. This is an issue that cannot be left to government alone to solve, but rather is a community issue we must all bring focus to if it is to be stopped. Len McGeough is chairman, Western Convenience Stores Association (WCSA), responsible for government relations for 7-Eleven Canada; and immediate past president, Greater Vancouver Crime Stoppers.

It is your business, your livelihood, make sure you have a voice.

Join the WCSA today! WESTERN CONVENIENCE STORES ASSOCIATION (WCSA) The WSCA is your voice and your representative on issues and interests of responsible convenience, gas,petroleum and carwash retailers in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. As a Regional affiliate of the Canadian Convenience Stores Association (CCSA) we cover all levels of government(s) in Canada



WCSA membership provides you all the benefits of local representation through the WCSA and a national voice and support with the CCSA. We represent, address and lead on such issues as:

Included in your membership are training modules for you and all your employees to ensure training, testing and certification for compliance with municipal, provincial and federal legislation and regulations

• Preventing contraband growth in the west and support tobacco enforcement • Provide a Safe Habits Safe People living document on worker safety and training • Facilitate training to be able to sell alcohol products profitability and safely where we are able • Advocacy on credit and debit card fees for fairness equitably for all retailers • Communicate impact, input and timing for minimum wage proposals. With over 165,000 employees, our industry is formidable and respected because we work together with a collaborative approach to solutions. The WSCA is inclusive, not exclusive. We are your partner in retailer education, due diligence and training, testing and certification in the convenience gas channel.

These certified online courses currently include: • Age verification training for all age restricted products in your area called “We – Expect – I.D.“ • Work place and worker safety called “Safe Habits, Safe People“ a living document • Customer service training called “Sweet Spot Selling” • Health and Safety – for each employee • Hazardous materials training WHMIS – Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System • Loss Prevention – Staff Awareness Training and understanding • Alcohol sales training program


Value added benefits:

Our mission is to serve as an advocate to the Convenience Store Industry. We serve our members through education, representation and consultation on all issues relevant to our industry.

• Annual awards of Retailer Scholarships and

WCSA provides a strong, coherent voice for all C-Store retailers and our stakeholders in the C-store industry, representing your concerns at all levels of government and the media, and ensures your interests are represented though a collective voice.

Bursaries • Complimentary Member Entrance to Convenience U CARWACS Show – Calgary • Quarterly WCSA updates on current activities and issues that affect your business

A P P L I C AT I O N F O RM To join, simply go online or fill in the application form below and mail, fax or email to:


Mail: WCSA, 14152 24th Avenue, Surrey, BC V4A 2H4 Fax: 1-778-294-1050 Email:

$75.00 plus GST (HST – BC) per store site per year If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at or toll free at 1-877-356-9864.


Phone #:

No. of stores:

Email Address:

Legal Store Name:

Principal Contact:

Retail Address:

Payment Cheque / Visa / MC#

Number of Employees:

Exp date:

Ethanol Fuel is Here....Will it Impact Your Fuel Storage?

As of December 15, the federal government requires a five percent average of renewable fuel content but proper storage of some forms of the stuff, might be a little more tricky than you thought... By Sandra Thornton

Ethanol s the new fuel! Or is it? According to the Canadian Renewable Fuels Association, the use of ethanol is not new. For example, did you know that Henry Ford designed Model T cars so that they would run on ethanol and other alternative fuels? Despite this, it was not until the 1970s and 1980s when concerns arose about light crude oil supplies, increasing dependence on off-shore petroleum, and environmental quality, that interest in ethanol and other renewable fuels started to increase.

Now, governments around the world are requiring a move to higher concentrations of ethanol in vehicle fuels. Canadian regulations require an average renewable fuel (ethanol) content of five per cent in most gasoline–as of December 15, 2010. The aim is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and impact on the climate. When ethanol is mixed with gasoline, usually at a 10 percent ratio, it’s referred to as either E10 or gasohol. The resulting product allows the fuel to burn more efficiently continued on page 10

A Trusted Leader… As of December 15, 2010, Canadian regulations require that all underground tanks are compatible for up to 5% ethanol blended fuel. As North America’s leading manufacturer of fibreglass storage systems, ZCL Composites is one step ahead. All ZCL Prezerver tanks are compatible for up to 100% ethanol. ZCL can help you determine if your tank is safe for the new ethanol requirements – Call us today!

Enhanced Protection Program


ZCL Composites Inc.


continued from page 8 thus creating less pollution. Another fuel seeing increased interest is E85. This is a blend of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. It’s a high-octane fuel, but one containing less overall energy than gasoline. Special vehicles are required for E85. These vehicles can run on either E85 or a traditional gasoline with little-or-no ethanol. More than three million of these vehicles have already been sold in the United States and include a number of recent Ford products like Taurus sedans, Ranger pickups, and Explorer sport utility vehicles. Just what impact will the increased use of ethanol have on fuel storage tanks? At E10 or gasohol levels the effect on fuel storage tanks should be minimal, with most standard equipment used to store and dispense gasoline already designed to accommodate the blend. The storage and distribution of E85 has a much more significant and potentially adverse effect on storage tank systems. Ethanol at E85 levels can impact plastics and rubber. E85 can corrode soft metals such as aluminum and zinc and the more cathodic metals such as brass, copper, and lead. It can act as a scouring agent that can loosen internal deposits and sludge. E85 can accelerate existing corrosion in steel tanks. Storage tanks used for E85 must use materials that are corrosion-protected and well-maintained. Ethanol has a tendency to attract and contain water. Steel tanks can cor-

rode much faster due to effects of moisture. Some concerns have also been raised–with little foundation – over the suitability of fibreglass for use with ethanol. In response, Sullivan D. Curran, P.E., the executive director of the Fibreglass Tank and Pipe Institute notes in Thompson's Underground Storage Tank Guide "it is comforting to know that fibreglass USTs and piping that store conventional gasoline should perform equally when handling ethanol." Curran noted that issues exist with singlewalled fibreglass tanks (related to the type of resin used) and ethanol in concentrations above 30 percent. These issues are not present with double-walled fibreglass tanks or fibreglass pipe. Fibreglass appears to be impervious to the effects of gasohol. In addition, double-wall fibreglass tanks are designed to deliver more than twice the service life of other tanks. Even after many years of trouble-free service, fibreglass tanks can be exhumed, re-certified by the manufacturer and reinstalled in new locations. “Fibreglass tanks are compatible with gasoline, gasohol, diesel fuels, oils, aviation fuels, alcohol blended fuels, waste oil, waste water, and a variety of chemicals,” says Ron Fink of ZCL Composites. Replace or retrofit? Results of an analysis of trends in the replacement of underground storage tanks at SPCC (Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plans)-regulated facilities suggest that there is a trend toward replacing USTs with ASTs. The analysis also shows that fewer ASTs are

Fuel Dispenser Solutions for EMV Chip and PIN

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Convenience & Carwash Canada |



6/10/2010 9:03:03 AM

If existing underground tanks need to be replaced or upgraded but site conditions make removal and replacement costly and difficult, then you may decide to retrofit your tanks with a cost-effective, corrosion-resistant secondary contained lining system. This involves installing an internal fibreglass system that allows you to upgrade in-service steel or fibreglass single-wall tanks. The surrounding area and equipment are left undisturbed as the tank retrofit is completed without removing the tanks from the ground. A new secondary contained fibreglass lining system can be manufactured right on your site by trained and certified installers.

replacing a greater number of USTs, suggesting that the newer tanks have larger tank storage capacities, or that facilities are reducing their storage capacities overall. Tank owners converting existing gasoline/diesel fuel storage tank systems to E85 compatible tanks should verify with the manufacturer that the system components are compatible with E85. Owners can also check the warranty and other documentation to confirm that their tank is compatible with gasoline containing ethanol.

Before planning any fuel storage system changes, check your local building and fire codes. The method you use will depend on your particular situation, and national and local environmental regulations. A fuel storage tank manufacturer can help you identify the best steps to take to accommodate changes in automotive fuel.

Convenience & Carwash Canada |


The Facts on Leak Detection Leak detection can have a wide range of concerns, from human health to the environment. Leaking underground storage tanks present a serious negative impact on both, but public awareness is only now having some impact on this “invisible problem.”

The awareness of a particular environmental issue is not enough in itself to mitigate the consequence of inaction. The entire chain from petroleum producers to retailers with a median host of wholesalers, equipment manufacturers, contractors and regulators needs to be linked by the commonality of environmental awareness. Petroleum soil and ground water contamination avoidance requires the proper monitoring, maintenance and legislation with full enforcement to be effective. With the estimated cost to clean up the average contaminated site at $200,000.00, the relationship between the cost to clean up a contaminated site and employment of leak detection is not a linear equation! The employment of proper leak detection methodology vs. basic manual reconciliation will provide an exponential return on the investment. The fact is: single wall equipment will eventually leak! The only way to protect the balance of nature and the balance sheet is the early detection of a leak. The advent of electronic monitoring equipment appears to be a step in the right direction. However, often equipment not certified for the application is installed or the wrong equipment is installed and when it is installed is about as much use as an airplane navigation unit to a sailor because the operator knows nothing about its use or maintenance. Double wall equipment suffers the same fate as there is a large degree of false security associated with “fail proof” double wall equipment. Owners, operators, regulators, financers and insurers often assume that this equipment is fault-proof and does not require any regular certified third party inspection or maintenance. Fact is: double wall equipment is only as good as the secondary wall or sump system associated with the equipment which will in most cases not pass a leak test which is why a visual inspection is used to ascertain its integrity. The fact is:


Convenience & Carwash Canada |

double wall systems with all the electronic monitoring and bells and whistles are supposed to rely on a basic visual inspection to ensure they are not leaking. Legislation and regulators assign zero leak detection requirements to these “electronic” systems while requiring third party statistical methods with the same certifications as second class. Thirty five years after leaking storage tanks were identified as a major environmental issue and contributor to soil and ground water contamination, there is still a wide gap of differing legislation and enforcement in jurisdictions across Canada. National model codes such as The National Fire Code of Canada have been published to guide provinces and territories in the right direction, however, the landscape of legislation and enforcement across the country remains as unique to the jurisdiction as the physical landscape with an array of different interpretations and enforcement. Leak detection in Canada appears to be dictated in general not solely on the impact to human health and the environment but by public awareness. Leaking underground storage tanks present a serious negative impact on human health and the environment, however, because soil and ground water contamination happens below ground and affects human health over a period of time a small amount of resources in jurisdictions across Canada are employed to tighten the enforcement of leak detection vs. events with propane or natural gas when the catastrophic effects happen quickly. What kind of environmental program does your business have in effect? Do you trust your equipment is correct for the application and fault proof or perhaps you follow the governments recommended procedures or wait for them to finally come by? Leak detection is not a cost, but an investment in your sustainable future and our children’s future.

The Fast and the Furious: What Happened When Mark VII Came to Town When Colorado-based carwash equipment manufacturer Mark VII came to town, it didn’t waste any time establishing a solid foothold in the Western Canadian marketplace. And with an assertive business model, a long history of innovative successes and one eye on Eastern Canada, it’s time for the company to take stock. And right now at least, the messaging seems to be, “Go Big or Go Home.” By Carter Hammett 14

Convenience & Carwash Canada |


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In May of this year, Mark VII announced it was extending its operations into Canada, buoyed along by a cooperation agreement with Shell Canada for the provision of equipment and services.

During a period in Canadian fiscal history when the roads along economic recovery are filled with potholes, it would seem that for many companies, mergers and acquisitions might not be the best way to go. Yet. A recent attempt by Couche-Tarde to take over Casey’s General Stores was met with rejection a few months ago, and just recently, Industry Minister Tony Clement turned down BHP Billiton Ltd’s bid for Saskatchewan Inc.’s Potash Corp. on the grounds it “lacked experience.” But this hasn’t deterred the juggernaut approach taken by Colorado-based carwash equipment manu-

facturer Mark VII from establishing its territory and cementing its foothold on Canadian soil. Listen: In May of this year, Mark VII announced it was extending its operations into Canada, buoyed along by a cooperation agreement with Shell Canada for the provision of equipment and services. The company stated it would invest several million in expanding its operations in Canada. “...this step puts us in a good position to gain a substantial share in the Canadian market over the next years. We expect to see a further growth in revenues for 2011 together with a positive earnings contribution,” Thorston Krüger, of Germany-based WashTec AG of which Mark VII is the American subsidiary. continued on page 16


Convenience & Carwash Canada |



In quick succession Mark VII acquired the assets of its distributor TD Industries and opened direct operations in Calgary, Alberta later the same month. In June, they obtained the assets of former PDQ distributor Advantek Inc. and opened direct operations in Toronto, ON. Shortly thereafter the company got the Alberta assets of carwash distributor Chem Tec West Enterprises Ltd. and signed them on as a distributor in British Columbia. Finally, the company announced the Canadian management team of Mike Johnston as VP Sales and Service and Brad Moyer as VP Finance and Administration for Mark VII Canada. Both joined Mark VII after the company’s acquisition of Toronto distributor Advantek, where they were partners and cofounded the company.

“Nobody is doing this. We’re making a big splash in the pond and bringing a whole new offering to the industry in Canada,” says Johnston. “We have introduced a totally new way of doing business. Carwash owners and operators had very little choice in the past because nobody was represented across the country. We are positioned as the only truly national carwash company in Canada. “ Indeed, Mark VII’s one-stop shopping model where everything– service, marketing, chemicals, training, monitoring, equipment and other elements–is available from a single source, is virtually unheard of in Canada, says Murray Kennedy, president and CEO of Mark VII, on the phone from his office in Arvada, Colorado. “Canada has a lot of small distributors so it’s hard to leverage volume in such a big country,” he says. “We’ve done the right thing for the carwash industry in Canada because of our business model,” says Johnston. “You come to us and we’ll put you on a tailored program that includes marketing, training, repair and service, you name it, and we can assist you with that, and that wasn’t there until we got to town.”

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nobody is doing this. We’re making a big splash in the pond and bringing a whole new offering to the industry in Canada, says Johnston.


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A Green Sheen

Eco-Savvy manufacturers are coming forward with Earth friendly products that are working to save the planet and help operators with the bottom-line as well By Kelly Gray

When Judy Mickelthwaite steers her 2007 Buick Regal into the lot at Parkway Carwash on Sheppard Ave, E. in Toronto she is thinking about one thing – clean. The facility offers a hand-dried service that has earned it top marks from customers who have been making the business a weekly stop since 1967. For Mickelthwaite, a bookkeeper who lives and works nearby, the service at Parkway gets her car shining inside and out. “I’ve been coming here for years because it’s all so easy and they do a great job. They even disinfect the interior with an antibacterial wash and leave the car scented with cherry or lemon,” she says, com-


menting on the full detailing service she has performed twice a year. Admittedly, all Mickelthwaite cares about is the fact that her car rolls off the line at Parkway in showroom condition. Operator Jagdar Gill knows that to maintain his 80-car- per-hour business he has to stay on top of trends and new product advances such as those among the range of cleaning chemicals. “We use Mondo products and have been switching over to more ecologically sensitive chemicals since buying the business in 1996,” he says, suggesting that the efficacy of the new age chemicals now being offered to operators is actually better than what was provided in the past. And, while many operators are still using tough love products on cars to get off grime and road filth, front line manufacturers are coming forward with more eco-friendly solutions. Now, says Brent McCurdy, senior vice-president, Blendco, a company providing innovative and environmentally-sound detergent solutions for the transportation cleaning industry for more than 30 years, “The leading trend today seems to be “green” car

Convenience & Carwash Canada |

washing.” For example, Blendco’s highly concentrated products have reduced packaging and waste while consuming less energy to manufacture and to ship. Blendco’s eco-friendly approach has spawned a program that allows operators to highlight these benefits and distinguish their washes as “Cleaner and Greener”™ certified locations. “This program reflects stewardship toward the environment that goes beyond chemicals alone and includes water management and water reclaim, use of renewable materials, energy savings, package recycling and employee safety and training,” says McCurdy, reporting that Blendco offers a full line of products that are reclaimfriendly and meet or exceed all regulatory compliance standards. Recently, Blendco introduced two new products – Rhino Brite and Rhino Brite XF – low pH presoaks dedicated to shinier, cleaner cars. “Rhino Brite is a new, super-strong acid presoak blend for use in twostep processes in automatic and full carwashes. This new presoak is a unique blend of acids with a high foaming and easy rinsing formula. It is excellent for removing window continued on page 20

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continued from page 19 mask and for giving cars a shiny “pop.” Rhino Brite XF has similar cleaning properties with extra acid power for a best-in-class wheel and wall cleaner. It contains unique surfactants and highly active acids to help remove window mask, brake dust and soap scum on walls.” At Cleaning Systems Inc. they offer the Ultraflex system of ultra-concentrated car wash chemicals and equipment. The product comes in gallon containers not large drums. “Ultraflex provides the ability to create unique consumer experiences that are not attainable with conventional products,” says Mark Brock, vice president marketing, Cleaning Systems Inc. He reports the product takes up 75 per cent less space in the equipment room. “Operators want convenience, cost savings and green products. Ultraflex changes the way chemicals are supplied to car washes. Ultra-concentrated products save time, money and effort. The product is green with no HF/ABF, NPE or phosphates.” As well, the advanced chemistry of Ultraflex combines performance


Convenience & Carwash Canada |

with sustainability. For example, all packaging is community recyclable. “We offer an alternative to conventional drum products. We put the operator in control. It is safe, easy to use and environmentally friendly” he says, adding that their team of field personnel is prepared to set up and maintain the Ultraflex system for operators. “We can take the worry out of car wash operations to allow C-store operators to focus on their store and their customers.” At Kaady Chemical they are working to meet current and future requirements for their chemistry to meet stringent safety demands. Kaady Chemical supplies a full line of car wash chemical products to the industry. Products are designed for specific segments. For example, individual products are available for conveyorized machines, roll-over type machines and self serve bays. Within the product segment, products are also designed by application such as pre-wash, tire and wheel cleaning, car body cleaning, drying assist agents and extra services (polishes, clear coat protectants, rust inhibitors and tire dressings). continued on page 22

continued from page 20 According to Chuck Kaady, CEO and owner of Kaady Chemical, all their products are eco-friendly and safe for the car, workplace and local water requirements for discharge. To do this Kaady’s car wash chemical products are engineered without the use of acids – caustic alkaline and phosphates. “Also, because of water supply problems, car wash chemistry needs to provide a "bal-

anced system for water recycling". All the washing, drying and extra service chemicals need to be engineered to work together in a partial or total water reclamation system.” Putting it simply, Kaddy remarks, “The task of our chemical products is to clean and dry an automobile while using “eco-friendly” products within diverse conditions (weather and road).” Further, he

comments that Kaady products are highly cost effective. For instance, labour costs are reduced for hand preparation or drying; products are sold in concentrated form for on-site dilution; and operators can use just one product for tire, wheel and body cleaning rather than the use of multiple products within the wash cycle. “This reduces inventory and the need for large storage space,” says Kaady, noting that all car wash operators have to ask for is TWB and they get an all-in-one acid-free car wash chemical product.. Here, car wash patron Mickelthwaite states that she is happy about the added ‘green’ attributes her car receives as it passes along the line at Parkway. In the end, however, she remarks that for her it’s just about a clean appearance at a cost she can afford. She sees everything else as merely “a lovely value add on” that reinforces her patronage of her favourite car wash.





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Big Bang Theory

Fireworks bring excitement to celebrations and attract people of all ages and backgrounds. By Angela Altass

“Fireworks are traditionally an item used for holidays and special occasions around the world,” says Will Smith, manager, sales & marketing, W.C. Smith Wholesale Distributor Inc. “Canada is such a multicultural country that there is a continuous demand for fireworks throughout the year.” Fireworks bring people together and are an affordable way to entertain an audience, says Bill Raynault, general manager, western division, Mystical Distributing Company Ltd. “The family unit is the typical firework consumer. Then there are the large groups that gather together on special events. Suppliers have introduced products for each type from family assortment packs to buying products individually. There is even an electronic firing system that uses an infra red remote control to ignite each firework.” Fireworks are reaching new heights in technology, says Raynault. “It was only a few years ago when the largest firework was typically a Roman candle, which then evolved to the multi-shot cakes you’ll see today,” he says. “Consumers are finding that they can stay within a budget and


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entertain their families similar to the large professional fireworks displays. Suppliers are constantly inventing new products so that you’ll always have something new to add to the next fireworks display.” The multi-shot cakes with multiple firing shells and fountains now make it possible for any campground, wedding or birthday to hold outdoor fireworks shows with a professional flavour, says Smith. When it comes to presenting a fireworks display in-store, Raynault says even simple ideas can make a big improvement on sales. “You’d be surprised how many retailers sell fireworks but don’t advertise them with a simple outdoor sign,” says Raynault. “When the firework season is nearer add more signs to the outside of your store. You’ll attract customers that don’t normally stop in. Inside the store make sure you’re not hiding the fireworks in a sea of other products. I’ve seen fireworks behind the counter on shelves but they are mixed with other products making it difficult to distinguish.” Fireworks suppliers can provide

signs and create a display area in stores, adds Raynault. “Stack the same type of cake on top of another,” he suggests. “Arrange tube items so the names are easily seen. You’ll want to create an excited feeling inside the customers when they see your display of fireworks. Arrange your fireworks by type and then from lowestto-highest price. Contact your supplier for a description list of the products, laminate it and keep it by the products. Your supplier may have other tools that will help in the display of the products. Tap into their knowledge and experience as they want to help you sell.” Raynault also suggests encouraging customers to buy a family assortment pack at their budget and then a multishot cake as well. “The family assortment packs are designed to give a fantastic display but by adding that extra multi-shot cake they get an awesome finale,” he notes. “Ask your supplier for a short list of these types of cakes and put them on a sign. Although you’re doing some up-selling you are actually providing the customer

with a great show to enjoy.” Many distributors provide an attractive metal locking display with wheels that can be moved around the store to hold individual fireworks, says Smith. There are federal and provincial regulations as well as town bylaws that govern the selling of fireworks. “Federal regulations include the buying age of fireworks, which is 18 years or older,” says Raynault, who advises consulting your supplier for guidance. “Federal regulations also outline that any consumer fireworks on display must be inaccessible to the public and customers are not permitted to handle any fireworks that are not in consumer packs until they have been purchased. Therefore, retailers typically set up firework products in a glass case that’s easily seen by the consumer or on shelves behind the counter. You must also post no smoking and warning signs not to sell to individuals less than 18 years of age in the display area.” Additional requirements may be found at the explosives branch website: expl-expl/selcons-vencons-eng.htm. Convenience & Carwash Canada |


Good For the Seoul

NOTE: This article was written before the most recent political issues. We wish both sides a speedy resolution and positive, mutually agreeable outcomes to a difficult situation.

As the guest of the Korean Canadian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Canada, KCCCI), I recently enjoyed the privilege of a week-long visit to South Korea, where I met various stakeholders while attending this year’s trade show. It was an experience I will never forget. By Brenda Johnstone

Arriving at the Incheon International Airport I’m greeted by Mr. Ik Joo Gim, president of the Manitoba KBA who directs us through the airport with the skill of a seasoned tour guide. Immigration people are friendly polite and welcome us to their country. We might send our own immigration officers for customer service training. As we make our way out of the airport I am aware that I am the only Caucasian in sight and seem to attract attention as the odd guy out. Many stare openly at me however when I make eye contact they quickly avert theirs and if I happen to catch someone’s eye and smile, I’m met with blank looks. I think this may be more about eye contact between the sexes, or eye contact between younger/older people, but whatever the case, I believe it’s perceived as disrespectful. Mr. Gim decides it would be good for us to take public transit in lieu of


the more expensive taxi, so we board the already-crowded bus and the driver stores our larger bags beneath. There is nowhere on the bus to stow carry-on luggage and few seats available, so I sit next to an ancient looking man who has a 100-pound bag of rice between his knees. I squeeze myself into the available space carry on, computer, coat and handbag between my knees. I guess I’m extending too far into the aisle as the ancient man grabs my stuff and pulls it closer to him. We arrive almost an hour late to the hotel and are met by board members of the KCCCIC who are anxiously awaiting us as we have a pre-arranged business meeting scheduled five minutes from now. Entering the lobby of the meeting area, I am greeted by seriously professional organizers who escort us into a room dominated by a table seating 40 people; our board on one side and Korean business men and women on the other. The meeting begins with an introduction of the Korean president of their Chamber of Commerce who welcomes the Canadian board and tells us how happy they are that we have all journeyed so far to meet with their businessmen and that they look forward to growing our relationship. Following this address KCCCIC

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president John Bok is introduced and then presentations begin. One by one everyone in the room is greeted with applause after being introduced. Each person is invited to introduce and summarize their products. There are some really interesting products; everything from kitchen gadgets made from a new type of stainless steel that won’t rust, to nail beauty aids that are patented and made of a sturdy plastic that won’t wear out. There are special chamois for glasses, computer and window cleaning that can be personalized with logos and photos. Following each company’s overview, we’re presented with samples of products and brochures and have the opportunity to speak with each presenter. In Korea the presentation of a business card is a very serious ritual. Each person holds their card in two hands with the type so that the recipient can read. The presenter of the card bows and introduces themselves to the recipient who in turn repeats the ritual. One never writes on a business card in the presence of the owner and you never just stick it into your pocket. You must read and seem to study the card. What Canadians call a “business card” is called a “name card” in Korea. Following the formal meeting everyone is offered coffee and snacks and has the opportunity to network. Each of the presenting companies approach me, eagerly offering products. Some have translators in tow and proceed to walk me through all facets of their product lines and present samples. I receive interesting products that are ready for the Canadian market. All that these companies require are distribu-

tion channels and importing knowledge. We’re given samples of green cleaning products, beautiful handmade hair accessories for little girls, scented candles. I leave this meeting with a sense of awe at the prospects available and the keen interest that this group of people has shown. We leave the meeting and venture to the dining room for my first official Korean meal. It is now 5:30 AM Winnipeg time and I have been up since 4:00 AM the previous morning. The meal commences with a traditional Korean beverage called Mak gul ri which is consumed by drinking from a bowl. I must say the drink isn’t something I’d order myself but the group I’m with enthusiastically consumes a lot of it, amid much laughter. Dinner is a great spread of Korean dishes along with a large boiling pot of seafood soup on a small propane bbq set in the centre of the table. It’s wonderful food but it’s now 6am and I’m off to bed. It’s been a day, busy and bustling and filled with sightseeing. The one thing about Seoul that stands out in my mind is the quiet. There is no background din of honking horns or yelling drivers. For a city of more than 15 million people it is spotlessly clean and eerily quiet although the streets are teeming with life. Apparently over the course of the last few years there has been a city ordinance instituted that disallows excessive horns and noise. Whatever the consequence it worked, there is little feeling of stress amid such a bustling metropolis. The following day, I’m dropped off at the train station to travel to Dongdaegu Convenience & Carwash Canada |


City where the Ninth Annual Korean Businessmen’s Conference is being held. I marvel that the entire 643.737 km trek takes only about 90 minutes on Korea Train eXpress (KTX) which travels at more than 305 kph. Dongdaegu City is Korea’s fourth-largest city with a population of around 4.5 million, and worlds apart from Seoul. Seoul has a distinctly urban feel, while Dongdaegu City has more of rural type of vibrancy with a military airbase not far from a humming outdoor market that is setup by 10am every day and shut down at dusk. As we make our way to the EXCO Convention centre each day I am on the lookout for carwashes and gas stations. In Korea there are three brands of gas station: SK – LPG, GS and S. There are many carwashes; however the carwash we know does not exist in this space-challenged country, which has a total population of more than 50 million people. Tunnel carwashes are the length of a KIA or Hyundai, as these are the majority of cars and the automatic roll-over is in some cases a stand-alone in a small space. A car drives between the four corners and the brushes move over and around the car. There are no conveyors. Most carwashes I saw were self-serve, wand washes that were on the corner of a gas station lot and at some gas stations they had a wall of four vacuums but no carwash. The cost of a full service carwash, the automatic that doesn’t move, is around $10.00 Cdn however during the week I spent in Korea, I never saw one carwash being used. Most cars operate on natural gas and all gas stations are full service.There is no pay at the pump and no self-service. You are greeted by an attendant who pumps your gas.


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There’s no window washing or checking the oil. Gas prices are $1.745 per litre and with only three brands of gas, and more than 50 million people, someone is making money as taxes are very low. At one point, I had to ship some boxes back to Incheon and discovered that the cost for one day delivery of two boxes, shipping and one roll of packing tape was $14.00 Cdn. Compared to the $10.00 per carwash cost, shipping is so cheap as to be ridiculous and the cost of washing ones car: overly extravagant. We could send Canada Post employees to Korea for customer service training. Later in the week there are business meetings at the EXCO Convention Centre, which is also hosting the tradeshow we attend. The KCCCIC meet in a large room setup with small four-seater tables where, one-by-one, Korean manufacturers present their products to each of our board members in tightly timed 15 – minute presentations. I spend some time with Mr. Ki Mook Shin of the Edmonton KBA who graciously provides translation services for me so that I could discuss needs with each presenter. Later, Mr. Shin and I walk through one hall of the tradeshow to meet with more manufacturers who eagerly present their products. One of the more unique offerings is weight loss pants. Resembling hip-waders, they are padded and have


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hook-ups like an electric blanket. At $400 a pair, they’re not really practical but could work well in the Canadian north on a cold winter night. Other products presented include microfibre clothes that can be printed with a company logo, health, make-up and skin care products, herbal remedies, golf apparel and equipment, textiles, eye glass frames, drinks, massage chairs and pillows, among a plethora of others. Overall, the show reflects a broad range of products that could be used and sold by many different types of outlets. But this pales in comparison to the visual feast I am treated to the following day in Busan, in Korea’s south end. Arriving there is like stepping onto another planet. The beautiful, treeless skyline is adorned with stunning 85-storey glass buildings that reflect the ocean. Each building is different yet all seem to blend into one another on a skyline that it totally consumed by them. We are escorted from the train station by a woman and gentleman to the Korean Chamber of Commerce in sleek new cars as if we were movie stars on Oscar night. We arrive at the Commerce building in downtown Busan and are ushered upstairs to a waiting boardroom with low lying table and surrounded by red leather armchairs where we all sit according to position. The Korean Chamber of Commerce

Board on one side and Canada on the other. I will be working closely with this group to develop and organize the Korean Businessmen’s tradeshow for 2011 to ensure that the categories of interest to the North American C-store market are represented at the tradeshow. We leave the Busan Chamber of Commerce and head to BEXCO to meet with the actual organizers of the convention for 2011. Next year, the show will move from DongDaegu city to Busan and you won’t believe the size of this facility. For those of you who have been to the Vegas Convention Centre and thought it was big, let me tell you it is less than one-fifth the size of this BEXCO building that has 34 exhibit halls and each hall is about the size of one half of the NACS show. I have never seen an exhibition facility the size of this, which even includes an underground mall! My last morning in Korea I meet with Mr. Gim for a tour of Chinatown and climb many stairs, to the top of a mountain, Freedom Park to see the fabulous Korean War Monument depicting McArthur’s aid in securing the return of South Korea during the Korean War. We descend the mountain and begin walking down through narrow streets just opening for business and stop into a small convenience store to take some photos and see what they have to offer. Korean stores are vastly different from their North American counterparts in that there aren’t any confectionery or salty snack displays. Koreans are not

fond of sweets so the confectionery “display” is a few packages of candy and chocolate bars that are actually kept in the cooler as they are not big sellers. The food items they do sell are mostly noodle bowls, rice cakes, kelp sheets. Beverages are waters, wines and some soft drinks in the back coolers while the dairy is soy milk. These are very small stores with little space. Tobacco products are displayed openly as are whiskey and vodkas. I didn’t see a line up of underage kids waiting to purchase tobacco or alcohol. A package of 20 cigarettes in Korea is $2.00; at the show they were $2.50. We return to the hotel to meet Messrs. Bok and Lee who take me for one last meal in Korea at a famous Chinese restaurant, Mandabok that has been around forever. After stuffing ourselves we return to the hotel, I collect my bags and jump in a cab for the airport. Said airport is the size of a small planet. Security personnel walk around freely carrying AK-47 rifles and all airport workers speak a number of languages. Going through immigration, they stamp my passport, smile and tell me to have a good flight. There are two shopping centres in this airport, one at each gate. You could easily spend a day shopping. I can’t wait to get on the plane because I have travelled so many miles, seen so much that is new to me and met so many people I think my brain is now in overload and it is time to go home. The experiences I’ve had this week are surreal and I must recover from the marks I made pinching myself each morning. I look forward to working with my new colleagues in Korea to organize the BEXCO 2011 tradeshow and hope that you will come along next year for the opportunity of a lifetime and experience another world. Business is there and eagerly awaiting you in Korea 2011.

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C.C.I.C 캐나다 한인 상공실업인 총연합회 U.K.B.A

United Korean Businessmen’s Association of Canada K.C Chamber of Commerce & Industry Canada


주요 기사

33 – UKBA 회보 – 존복은 수많은 현안들을 해결하기 위해 회원들의 단합된 노력을 주문했다. 36 – 에탄올 연료의 도래 – 당신의 연료 탱크에 영향을 미칠 것인가? 재생 연료 성분을 규제하는 연방정부 규정에 맞추기 위해 이 기사를 읽은 당신은 저장과 관련된 몇몇 내용들에 감사할 것이다. 산드라 쏜톤

C-32 법률 규정에 맞는 20 팩 리틀 시가

40 – 빅뱅 이론 – 안젤라 아틀라스는 소매상들에게 연중 내내 수요가 있는 폭죽 판매 방식에 대해 설명한다.


6 가지 브랜드가 새로 나왔습니다. 지역 도매상에 문의하세요. 풀 플래버와 리저브, 박하향 멘쏠의 폼폼 브랜드, 오리지널과 실버, 박하향 멘쏠의 산타페 브랜드를 C-32 법률 규정에 맞춰 20 팩으로 새로 포장했습니다.


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회원들의 단결로 대형공 급사들의 횡포에 살아남 을 수 있는 힘을 키워야 할때

New Year, New Hope

By John Bok, KCCI President The sun surely sets on New Year’s Day full of hope. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all members and their families! I wish you health and peace. I assume that everything went smoothly last year and I hope you have prosperity in the New Year. It seems that the economy is slowly improving across various types of business. But economic recovery in full still needs our patience as we are waiting for Canada’s spring to come. There is a piece of delightful news that the actual economic situation will improve with the coming of spring. While economic recovery is a good thing to report, a ripple effect caused by Imperial Tobacco Canada on the C-store industry at the end of last year is hard to grasp in terms of its direction. We, board members, have met with a person in charge of PMI Korea (Philip Morris International Inc.-the leading international tobacco company’s branch in Korea), and discussed future marketability and common concerns, including marketing methodologies in Korea, lobbying the Korean government and so on. An obvious fact is that sales prices are set and regulations on smoking are ongoing, however, these regulations should be prepared, suggested, and carried out gradually by a tobacco company and social organizations, not by the Korean government. Right after the Imperial shock, we endeavored to prepare measures by making inquiries to chapter presidents, competitors, and stakeholders for their future policies, but concluded that members in the same industry have to respond according to each chapter’s decisions. The tobacco-related law in Canada is too complicated and delicate, and is amazingly strict. A certain competitor has advised us that we should never launch a boycott campaign. The reason is that customers will never come back to the store when they cannot purchase what they want. A similar program was carried out in Europe, and we are adapting one in Canada. However, it will be impossible to put the program into practice here due to the size of territory and different regional characteristics. Perhaps we should present a reasonable price to customers by unifying the unit price of product and reducing retail margins. It is time to show off our united power. Major suppliers’ policies have always seemed to ignore retailers’ circumstances, and only the big chain stores can survive the future with the preferred treatment of some of our suppliers. If you willingly cooperate with decisions made by each local chapter according to its unique situation, I am sure that you will achieve what you originally aimed for. As I mentioned last spring, perhaps it is a good time to consider including health food products in your convenience store. Globally, the fact cannot be ignored that many consumers are moving toward a healthier lifestyle and 2011 might be the perfect time to expand your offerings by in-

새로운 희망을 불어넣어 주는 새해의 아침 해는 어김없이 우 리들의 바램인 양 떠올랐습니다.성탄 그리고 새해를 맞이하 신 모든 회원님들 그리고 가족 모두에게 건강과 평화를 기원 합니다.작년 한해동안 계획하셨던 모든 일들이 순조롭게 이 루어 졌으리라 사려되며 금년에는 더욱더 발전되는 새해가 되시기를 바랍니다. 여러 분야의 사업체에서 경기의 진전이 이루어지고 있음을 감지하였지만 아직도 완전히 해동이 되기까지에는 캐나다의 봄을 기다리는 듯한 인내심이 필요한 것 같습니다. 반드시 봄은 오듯이 체감경기가 곧 살아난다는 반가운 발표 들이 있습니다. 작년말 컨비니언스 업계에 불어닥친 임페리얼 회사의 파장 은 아직도 어디를 향해가는지 어림잡기가 힘든 실정입니다. 저희 임원진이 작년 시월말 한국에서 PMI Korea ( 세계 제 일의 연초회사인 필립 모리스 인터내셔널 한국지사)의 담당 자들과 만나서 향후의 시장성 그리고 한국의 연초판매 방법, 대정부 로비 등의 공동관심사를 이야기하는 시간을 가졌습 니다.분명한 사실은 판매가격이 일정하며 또한 흡연의 규제 는 계속 이어지고 있으나 정부주도가 아닌 연초회사 및 사 회단체에서 점진적으로 규제방안을 마련하여 건의하는 방식 을 채택한다는 사실입니다. 임페리얼 파동 직후 캘거리에서 회장단 회의 그리고 경쟁사, 해당회사들과 그들의 향후정책 등을 문의해 대책을 세우려 했으나 결과는 동일업계의 회원 들께서 말없이 지구협회의 결정에 따라 움직여야 된다는 것 입니다. 캐나다의 연초관계법이 복잡미묘하며 규제면에서도 상상을 초월하기 때문입니다. 어느 경쟁사에서는 우리에게 절대로 불매운동을 해서는 안된다는 조언을 하였습니다.이 유인즉 고객이 해당제품을 구매할 수 없을 때는 고객은 다시 는 돌아오지 않는다는 사실입니다. 이미 유럽 등에서도 흡사 한 프로그램을 실행한뒤 접목시키는 작전입니다. 하지만 이 곳은 아마도 국토가 넓고 지역성향이 다른 관계로 해당 프로 그램의 실현이 불가능 하리라 봅니다. 아마도 한국에서처럼 제품의 가격균일화를 꾀하고 소매상의 마진을 줄여 소비자 에게 저렴한 가격으로 보급하려하는 계획이 아닐런지요. 우리들의 단결된 힘을 보여야 할 때가 온 것입니다.대형 공 급사들의 정책은 항시 소매업계의 사정을 절대로 감안하지 않는 방향으로 치닫고 있으며 향후에도 이러한 일들이 공공 연히 발생되어 대형업계만이 생존할 수 있는 상황입니다. 회원여러분들께서 지역별로 또 다른 상황하에서 채택한 지 역협회의 결정사항 등을 솔선수범하여 동참한다면 소기의 목적을 달성하리라 믿습니다. 지난 봄에도 말씀드렸듯이 이 제 컨비니언스 업종이 건강식품을 취급하는 업계로의 전환 이 요구되는 때입니다.전세계적으로 많은 고객들이 건강식 품으로 자기들의 소비성향을 바꾸고 있습니다. 이또한 간과 할 수 없는 사실입니다. 또한 우리들은 대정부활동, 봉사활 동, 정치인들과의 대화 등을 항시 소홀히 해왔습니다. 이제 각지역협회와 총연에서는 각종 사업체의 참여아래 위에 기 술한 활동을 과감하게 전개하여 우리들의 입지를 확보하여

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cluding health food products in your store. Furthermore, we did not attend enough to activities on government, community and communications with politicians and etc. From now on, each chapter and the association should actively participate in the above-described activities and strengthen our position with the assistance of various types of business. We are the biggest ethnic business association with a wide diversity of businesses across Canada. We should make good use of our current strength, enhance future strength, and eventually prosper. We plan to create a national scholarship and other common projects. A meeting for the World Korean Business operating committee will be held in Vancouver in early May, 2011. Korean business leaders all over the world, including representatives from The Overseas Koreans Foundation in Korea, and high-ranking Canadian officials will participate in the meeting. More than 100 individuals from all around the world will join the meeting and this meeting will be the biggest event we have ever hosted. Please promote the meeting to upgrade our position and to make good use of an opportunity to form a better relationship with government.

야 할 것입니다. 우리들은 다방면의 사업체를 전국에서 운 영하는 단일민족으로서는 규모가 커다란 협회입니다.이를 백분활용하여 우리들의 힘을 키우며 성장해야 합니다. 지난해에 이어서 전국적으로 장학사업과 기타 공동사업을 계획하고 있습니다. 또한 오월초에는 한상 운영위원회의가 밴쿠버에서 개최됩니다.전세계 한상 지도자들과 한국의 동 포재단 본부임직원 그리고 캐나다 정부의 고위 관료들이 참 석하여 열리게 됩니다.전세계에서 백여명이 참가하며 총연 합회에서 주관하는 가장 큰 규모의 회의입니다. 우리들의 위상을 높이고 대정부 관계 등을 꾀할 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 수 있도록 많은홍보 바랍니다. 언제나 노력하고 하나되는 일치된 모습으로 발전합시다. 건강하시고 더욱 발전되는 한해가 되십시오.감사합니다. 복 종한 John H. Bok 캐나다 한인 상공 실업인 총연합회 회장 U.K.B.A. & K-C C.C.I.C.

Let’s do our best and prosper as one. I wish you good health and have a banner year! Thank you. John H. Bok U.K.B.A. & K-C C.C.I.C.

자신있게 권해 드립니다. 연료 펌프에서 EMV 칩과 최선의 투자로 찬란한 미래를사용하는 비밀번호를 최선의 투자로 찬란한 미래를 카드 결제 가능

FlexPay 결제 시스템은 귀하가 어디에서든지 지불할 수 있게 해주며, 앞으로 EMV 칩과 비밀번호 사용 결제도 가능합니다.

VANCOUVER I NANAIMO I EDMONTON I CALGARY I SASKATOON I REGINA I WINNIPEG I MISSISSAUGA I OTTAWA I MONTREAL I MONCTON I DARTMOUTH I ST.JOHN’S 778.588.7635 250.264.6543 780.466.2171 403.735.1103 306.665.0223 306.721.1030 204.633.8569 905.670.8863 613.224.0685 514.355.2366 506.861.1010 Convenience and Carwash June 2010 EMV NEE_Korean.indd 1


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6/10/2010 9:17:51 AM

지역협회 소식 마니토바 한인 실업인 협회 (Manitoba KBA) 송년회 성료

(Photo: 마니토바 한인실업인 협회 송년회에서 유관인사 들이 인사하고 있다.)

마니토바 한인실업인 협회(Manitoba KBA 회장 김익주) 에서는 2010년 11월19일 위니펙 폴로 파크(Polo Park) 에 있는 캐나다 인(Canada Inn)에서 송년회를 개최하고 임페리얼 토바코(Imperial Tobacco)와 실업인 협회에서 후원하는 장학금 전달식도 가졌다. 이날 송년 파티에는 조항태 한인회장과 이현우 노인회장, 송혜경 한글학교장 등 20여 유관단체장과 공급업체 대표, 120여 회원과 가족 등 200여명이 참석하여 공연 감상과 함께 공급업체와 협회 회원 등이 제공한 경품을 나누어 가지며 즐거운 시간을 가졌고, 대미를 장식한 1등 한국 왕복 항공권은 레디 마트(Redi Mart)가 당첨되었다. 한편 이날 영예의 장학금을 받은 회원 자녀들은 마니토바 대학교의 윤정연씨, 허지연씨, 위니펙 대학교의 김윤지씨, 캘빈 고등학교의 이상우씨 등 4명이다.

에드먼턴 한인 실업인 협회(EKBA) 장 학생 선발 에드먼턴 한인 실업인 협회(EKBA 회장 조정구)에서는 임페리얼 토바코와 캐나다 한인 상공 실업인 총연합회에 서 후원하는 장학생 윤주현씨와 전은혜씨 등 2명을 포함 고등학교와 대학교에 재학중인 총 11명의 장학생을 선 발, 11월20일 한인회 송년 파티 석상에서 장학금을 전 달했다. 10월10일 실업인 협회 장학위원회의 심의를 거 쳐 선발된 장학생은 대학생 전은혜씨, 박효재씨, 이하미 씨, 윤지영씨, 김주성씨, 김주언씨 등 6명,고등학생 윤 주현씨, 신나영씨, 이다원씨,김영준씨, 이다미씨 등 5명 이며, 대학생은 1천 달러, 고등학생은 6백달러의 장학금 을 각각 받았다.

가격 보다는 질높은 서비스로 경쟁력 강화 필요 새해 아침을 맞는 에드몬톤 실업인 협 회 회원 여러분! 정말로 어려웠던 불경기의 한 해가 지 나가고 희망의 신묘년 아침을 맞았습 니다. 지난 3년간의 기나긴 불경기가 걷히 고 희망적인 고급 정보들이 여기저기서 들려오고 있습 니다. 골이 깊으면 산이 높다고 우리의 선조들이 말씀 하셨듯이 경제 논리도 같은 맥락으로 어려웠던 기간 만 큼이나 좋은 환경이 우리의 앞을 향해 오고 있는 중입 니다. 캐나다의 어느 지역보다도 가장 높은 경제 성장 률을 기록하게 될 한 해가 우리를 기다리고 있습니다. 그 동안의 무거웠던 마음을 가다듬고, 새로운 환경에서 시작되는 사업에 열정을 더하시어 지난 해에 이루지 못 했던 몫까지 모두 다 이루시기를 기원하겠습니다. 지금까지 하시던 방법보다는 진일보한 방법으로 주위의 경쟁 상대를 관찰하시고 창의력을 가미하시어 조금 더 나은 방법으로 고객을 상대할 때 고정 고객이 되는 것 임을 항상 명심하셔야 합니다. 세상이 변화하고 있는데 기존의 방법으로는 성공에 도달하지 못할 것입니다. 가 격이 싸기 보다는 질 높은 서비스가 더 경쟁력이 있다 는 점을 숙지하시고 항상 긍정적인 사고 방식과 행동만 이 우리 스스로를 개혁할 것이고, 빠르게 변화하는 시 장 상황에 대처하기가 수월하시리라 믿습니다. 회원 여러분! 2011년 한 해가 우리 모두에게 소중하게 기억되는 뜻 깊은 토끼해가 되시기를 기원드리며 항상 건강하시고 하시는 사업체마다 행운이 가득하시기를 진심으로 바라 며 새해 인사를 드립니다. 에드몬톤 한인 실업인 협회장

조 정 구 배상

BC 한인 협동조합 실업인 협회 2010년 실협 송년의 밤 성황리에 개최 BC 한인 협동조합 실업인 협회(회장 허형신)가 주최한 '실협 송년의 밤'이 26일 밴쿠버 소재 한 식당에서 각 계 관계자와 공급업체 대표, 실업인 협회 회원과 가족 등 500여명이 모인 가운데 성황리에 개최됐다.

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에탄올 연료의 도래....당신의 연 료 탱크에 영향을 미칠 것인가?

12월 15일부터, 연방 정부는 전체의 연료 중 평균 5%의 재생가능 연료를 포함하는 것을 요구 하지만 일부 물질 종류는 적절히 저장하는 것이 생각보다 약간 더 어려울 수도 있다... By Sandra Thornton

에탄올(Ethanol)은 새로운 연료이다! 진짜 새로운 연료 인가? 캐나다 재생가능 연료 협회 (Canadian Renewable Fuels Association)에 따르면,에탄올의 사용은 새로운 것이 아니다. 예를 들면, 헨리 포드가 에탄올과 다른 대체 연료 를 사용하는 T 모델의 자동차를 설계했던 것을 아십니까? 그럼에도 불구하고 경유용 원유 공급, 해외 석유에의 의존 도 증가 및 에탄올 및 다른 재생가능 연료에 대한 관심이 증가하기 시작하여 환경의 질에 대한 염려가 생기기 시작 한 것은 1970년대와 1980년대이다. 이제 전세계의 정부는 차량 연료에 있어서의 에탄올의 농 도를 높이려는 움직임을 보인다. 캐나다 규정은 2010년 12월 15일부터 대부분의 휘발유 내의 평균 재생가능한 연 료(에탄올)의 농도를 5%로 요구하고 있다. 이 목표는 온실 가스 배출과 기후에 미치는 온실 가스 배출의 영향을 감소 시키기 위한 것이다. 에탄올이 휘발유와 혼합될 때의 비율은 보통 10퍼센트이 다. 이는E10 또는 가소홀( gasohol-가솔린(휘발유)와 에틸 알코올의 혼합 연료)로 부른다. 그 결과로 생성된 제품은 연료가 효율적으로 연소하게 하여 오염을 덜 발생시킨다. 관심이 증대된 또다른 연료는 E85이다. 이는 에탄올 85 퍼센트와 휘발유15퍼센트의 혼합물이다. 옥탄가가 높은 연료이지만 휘발유보다 전체 에너지는 적게 포함한다. 이 러한 차량들은 E85 또는 에탄올의 비율이 낮거나 거의 없 는 전통적인 휘발유를 연료로 사용한다. 이 연료를 사용하

는, 무려 3백만대 이상의 차량이 이미 미국에서 판매되었 고, 최근의Ford사의 제품인 다수의 Taurus 세단, Ranger 픽업트럭 및 Explorer 스포츠 유틸리티 카를 포함한다. 에탄올의 사용 증가가 연료 저장 탱크에 미치는 영향은 무 엇일까? 휘발유를 저장하고 주유하는 데 사용되는 대개의 표준 장 비는 이미 혼합물에 맞게 설계되어 있기 때문에 E10 또는 가소홀급 제품이 연료 저장 탱크에 미치는 영향은 최소한 일 뿐이다. E85의 저장과 판매는 저장 탱크 시스템에 더 심각하고 잠 재적인 역효과를 가져온다. E85급의 에탄올은 플라스틱 및 고무 제품에 영향을 줄 수 있다. E85 은 알루미늄 및 아 연과 같은 연질 금속 및 놋쇠제품, 구리 및 납과 같은 더 음극성인 금속을 부식시킬 수 있다. E85는 내부의 침전물 및 찌꺼기를 느슨하게 할 수 있는, 녹을 씻어내는 동인으로 서 작용할 수 있다. E85는 강철로 만든 탱크 내의 기존의 부식을 가속할 수 있다. 1 E85에 사용되는 저장 탱크는 부식을 방지하고 잘 유지되 는 물질을 사용해야 한다. 에탄올은 물을 끌어당기고 포함 하는 성질을 가진다. 강철로 만든 탱크는 습기의 영향으로 더 빨리 부식할 수 있다. 다른 염려도 또한 제기되었다—근거 없이—섬유 유리

를 에탄올과 함께 사용하는 것의 적합성에 대해 말이다. 이에 대한 대답으로, Fibreglass Tank and Pipe Institute사의 이사이며P.E.인Sullivan D. Curran씨는 Thompson사의 지하 탱크 가이드라는 책자에서 "기존의 휘발유를 저장하는 파 이버 글래스의 UST와 파이프가 에탄올제품을 취급할 때 동등하게 그 임무를 수행한다는 것을 아는 것은 고무적인 일이다."라고 기록한다. Curran씨는 단일 벽의 파이버 글래스 탱크 및 30퍼센트 이상의 농도를 가진 에탄올에 관한 문제 들 (사용된 수지제품의 종류와 관련하여)이 존재함을 기록한다. 이러한 문제들 은 이중벽의 파이버 글래스 탱크 또는 파이버 글래스 파이프에는 존재하지 않 는다. 파이버 글래스는 가소홀이 스며들지 않는 듯하다. 또한, 이중벽의 파이버 글래스 탱크는 다른 탱크보다 두배 이상 수명이 길다. 고장 없이 수년을 사용한 후에도 파이버 글래스 탱크를 발굴하여, 제조업자 에 의해 재보증하여 새로운 장소에 재설치할 수 있다. “파이버 글래스 탱크 는 휘발유, 가소홀, 디젤 연료, 석유, 항공 연료, 알코올 혼합 연료, 폐유, 폐수,

오랫동안 차이를 만들어 줍니다

신뢰받는 선도기업 2010년 12월15일부터 캐나다 법률은 모든 지하저장 탱크는 5%의 에탄올이 혼합된 연료를 저 장할 수 있는 사양을 갖추도록 요구합니다. 북미 지 역의 파이버 글라스(탄소섬유) 저장탱크 시스템의 선도기업으로서 ZCL Composites사는 이보다 한발 앞서 나가고 있습니다. ZCL의 모든 Prezerver 브랜 드 탱크는 100%의 에탄올 저장에도 적합합니다. ZCL사는 귀하의 탱크가 새로운 에탄올 규정에 안 전한지 진단을 도와드릴 수 있습니다. 오늘 전화 주세요!

개선된 품질보증 프로그램과 함께 판매합니다.

연료 탱크/ 세차장 정화조 / 유류와 수분 분리조 / 이동용 물탱크 / 오수 탱크

ZCL Composites Inc.


및 다양한 화학 물질을 저장할 수 있 다.,” 라고ZCL Composites 사의 Ron Fink씨는 말한다. 교체를 할 것인가 또는 상급품으로의 개선을 할 것인가? SPCC (흘러내림 방지, 통제 및 대응 계획)의 규제를 받는 시설 내의 지하 저장 탱크의 교체 경향의 분석 결과는 UST기기를 AST기기로 바꾸는 경향이 있다는 것을 암시한다. 이 분석은 또 한 더 많은 UST기기가 더 적은 수의 AST기기로 교체되어 새로운 탱크는 더 큰 저장 능력을 가졌거나 시설들이 전반적인 저장 능력을 감소시키고 있 는 것을 시사한다. 기존의 휘발유/디젤 연료 저장 탱크 시스템을 E85와 양립 가능한 탱크로 바꾸는 탱크의 소유주들은 제조업자들 에게 시스템의 구성 요소가 E85와 양 립 가능한 지 확인해야 한다. 소유주 들은 또한 탱크가 에탄올을 포함한 휘 발유에 적합한 지를 확인하는 보증서 및 다른 문서를 확인해야 한다. 만약 기존의 지하 탱크를 교체하거나 상급품으로 개선해야 하지만 그 특정 장소의 조건때문에 탱크의 제거나 교 체의 비용이 많이 들거나 어렵다면 탱 크의 내벽 시스템을 비용 효율이 높 은 제2의 부식에 강한 물질로 바꾸기 로 결정해야 할 것이다. 이는 사용중 인 철 또는 파이버 글래스로 된 단일 벽의 탱크들을 상급품으로 개선하는 것을 허용하는, 내부에 파이버 글래스 시스템을 설치하는 것을 포함한다. 탱 크의 상급품으로의 개선 (업그레이드) 이 지면으로부터 탱크를 제거함이 없 이 완수되기 때문에 주변 지역과 장비 는 영향을 받지 않는다. 파이버 글래 스를 재질로 하는 새로운 제 2의 내 벽 시스템은 교육을 받고 인증된 설치 자에 의해 귀하의 업소에서 바로 제조 될 수 있다. 연료 저장 시스템의 변경을 계획하기 전에 지역 내의 건물 및 소방법을 확 인하십시오. 귀하가 사용할 방법은 귀하의 특별한 상황 및 국가 및 지역의 환경 법규에 의해 좌우됩니다. 연료 저장 탱크 제 조업자는 자동차 연료의 변화에 부응 하는 최선의 방법을 확인하는 것을 도 와줄 수 있습니다.

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석유 누출 탐지에 대한 사실들

석유 누출 탐지는 인간의 건강으로부터 환경까지 광범위 한 문제를 가질 수 있다. 새는 지하 저장 탱크는 인간의 건강 및 환경 모두에 중대한 부정적인 영향을 야기시키 지만 대중의 인식은 이러한 “눈에 보이지 않는 문제” 에만 현재 약간의 영향을 주고 있다.

또는 오수 시스템과 같은 효과밖에 없다. 그리하여 그 완 전성을 확인하기 위해 눈으로 하는 검사가 사용되는 것이 다. 실상은: 전자 감시 및 부가 기능을 갖춘 이중벽 시스 템은 새지 않는 것을 보장하기 위해 기본적인 눈으로 하 는 검사에 의존하게 되어 있다.

특정한 환경적 문제에 대하여 인식하는 것 그 자체는 환 경에 대한 나태함의 결과를 누그러뜨리는 것에 충분하지 않다. 중간 도매업자, 장비 제조업자, 계약자 및 단속자를 포함하는 석유 생산자로부터 소매상인까지의 전체 사슬은 환경적 인식을 하는 일반 시민과 연합해야 한다. 석유에 의한 토양 및 지하수 오염 방지는 적절한 감시, 유지 및 법률 제정과 효과적인 법률의 완전 시행을 필요로 한다.

입법 가 및 단속자들은 이러한 “ 전자” 시스템의 새 는 것의 탐지가 전혀 없는 필요 조건을 부여하는 데 동일 한 자격을 갖춘 제3자의 통계적인 방법을 보조적으로 요 구한다. 새는 저장 탱크가 주요 환경적인 문제이며 토양 및 지하수 오염의 원인제공자로 인식된 지 35년이 지난 현재에도 캐나다 전역의 관할권상의 법률 제정 및 시행 에 다양하고 광범위한 차이가 있다. 캐나다 소방법 (The National Fire Code of Canada)과 같은 국내의 모범적인 법은 올바른 방향으로 주와 자치령을 안내하기 위해 출판 되었다. 그러나, 전국의 법률 제정 및 시행의 전망은 다 양한 일련의 법의 해석과 시행을 갖춘 실제의 전망과 같 이 관할권마다 각기 독자적인 영역으로 남을 것이다.

오염된 장소의 평균 청소비용의 견적가격이 $200,000.00 에 달하므로, 오염된 장소의 청소 비용과 석유 누출 탐지 를 위하여 직원을 한 명 고용하는 것의 관계는 분명하다! 적당한 석유 누출 방법의 사용 및 기초적 손으로 하는 조 정은 기하급수적인 투자 수익을 가져올 것이다.


실상은: 하나의 벽에 설치된 장비는 결국은 샐 것이다! 자연의 평형 및 대차 대조표상의 경제적 손실을 보호하 는 유일한 방법은 새는 것을 조기 탐지하는 것이다. 전자 감시 장비의 도래는 올바른 방향으로의 일보로 보인다. 그러나, 종종 사용을 위해 공인되지 않은 장비가 설치되 거나 잘못된 장비가 설치되고 설치가 되었다 해도 기계 의 조작자가 기계의 사용 또는 유지에 대해 아는 것이 전 혀 없어서 선원에게 비행기 운항 장비를 준 것과 같이 소 용이 없다.

캐나다 내의 새는 것의 탐지는 일반적으로 인간 건강 및 환경에 대해서만이 아니라 대중의 인식에 대해서도 기 술한 것이다. 새는 지하 저장 탱크는 인간 건강 및 환경 에 중대한 부정적인 영향을 끼친다. 그러나, 토양 및 지 하수 오염이 땅 밑에서 어느 정도의 기간 동안에 인간 건 강에 영향을 주면서 발생하기 때문에 캐나다 전역의 관 할권에서 소량의 자원을 새는 것의 탐지의 단속을 강화 하는 데 사용하거나 큰 재해적인 효과가 신속히 일어나 는 프로판이나 천연 가스로 인한 사건을 방지하는 데 사 용하고 있다.

이중벽 장비는 “고장이 안나는” 이중벽 장비와 관련 한 상당한 정도의 거짓된 안도감으로 똑같은 운명에 처 한다. 소유자, 작동자, 단속자,자금 제공기관, 보험업자 는 종종 이 장비가 고장이 안나며 정규의 공인된 제3자 의 검사 또는 보수관리가 필요하지 않다는 것을 당연하 게 여긴다. 실상은: 이중벽 장비는 대개의 경우 새는 것 의 검사를 통과하지 못할 것인 장비와 관련된 두번째 벽

귀하의 비즈니스는 실제로 어떤 종류의 환경 프로그램을 갖추고 있습니까? 귀하의 장비가 실행을 위해 정확하며 오류가 없다고 신뢰하십니까 또는 정부가 권장한 절차를 따르거나 결국 그런 절차가 시중에 출시되는 것을 기다 리고 있습니까? 새는 것의 탐지는 지불해야 할 비용이 아 니고 환경 파괴 없이 지속 가능한 미래 및 우리 자녀들의 미래에 대한 투자이다.

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E사 브랜드 주유소 관련 독자의 견 기사를 읽고 E사 브랜드 변경시 계약 보너스와 공급가격 옵션권도 확보 귀하의 기사를 읽고 앨버타주에서 E사 브랜드 주유소를 하시는 분들은 참으로 어려움이 많겠구나 하고 공감이 갔습니다. 저희 온 타리오 주에서는 토론토 시내 등에서는 E사 브랜드의 마진이 적 다는 불평을 들었지만 저희 오타와 지역을 관리하는 회사에서는 저희 주유소들을 많이 배려해 주고 있어 큰 어려움은 없습니다. 저희 주유소 같은 경우 몇년전 P사 브랜드에서 E사 브랜드로 바 꿀 적에 적지 않은 계약 보너스도 받고, 펌프 시설 교체비용을 무 이자로 융자해 주고 리베이트로 상환하는 편의를 제공받아 현재 는 거의 갚았습니다. 저희 주유소의 경우 위치가 좋고 판매량이 많아 공급가격도 주문시점에서 배달시점까지 가격 변동이 생길 경우 최저가를 적용해 주는 옵션권도 주어 개스의 경우 평균 6센 트 정도의 마진을 확보하고 있습니다. 앞으로 새로 계약하실 때에 저와 같은 공급가격 옵션권을 협상해 보는 것도 좋은 방법이라 생 각됩니다. (오타와에서 L)

단골 고객 때문에 십수년간 영업한 E사 브랜드 변경도 난감 독자의견 기사를 읽고 공감하는 부분이 많아 이메일을 보냅니다. E사의 공급가격이 어느 때는 시중 소매가격 보다 높아 항의하면 지역담당 매니저는 랙가격이 높고 운송비가 부과되어 그렇다는 답 변만 할 뿐 과거에 비해 작아진 마진에 대해서는 적절한 설명을 들은 적이 없습니다. 내년 말이 5년 계약 종료시점이라 타사 브랜 드로 바꾸고 싶어도 타운에 주유소가 저희 뿐이고 십수년간 E사 브랜드로 영업을 해 와 단골 고객 등을 고려하면 쉽게 결정하기도 어려운 것 같습니다. E사 랙가격을 어디서 확인할 수 있는지 앞으 로 어떤 액션을 취해야 할지 함께 상의하고 싶습니다. (에드먼턴 근교에서 L) * 편집자 주 : E사는 랙 가격을 인터넷상으로 공개하지 않으며, 지역 매니저를 통해 신청하면 랙가격을 통보받을 수 있다고 하 나 시도해 보지는 않았습니다. 주요 3사의 랙가격은 동일하므로 Petrocanada나 Shell의 웹사이트에서 각사의 랙가격을 확인하실 수 있습니다. 한국인들이 단결해 부당이득반환청구 소송도 검토 필요 저는 적은 마진 때문에 얼마 전부터 랙가격을 확인해 저희 공급가 격과 비교하고 있는데 3~4센트 이상 차이가 나서 계약서 상으로 는 랙 가격에 운송비와 세금만 추가하도록 되어 있는데 왜 3~4센 트 이상을 더 붙이느냐고 지역 매니저에게 따졌더니 명확한 설명 을 못하여 관리회사인 P사에 변호사의 공식적인 답변을 요청해 놓 았습니다. E사 브랜드 주유소를 하시는 주변 분들과 상의해 보면 모두 높은 공급가격과 적은 마진 때문에 지역 매니저에게 항의해 보았자 올바른 해결책도 들을 수 없어 큰 불만을 가지고 계시면 서도 어느 분이 먼저 앞장서면 지원하겠다고 수동적인 자세만 보 여 실망이 컸습니다. 이번에 귀하의 독자 의견 기사를 읽고 공감 하면서 주유소의 마진을 줄여 자신의 이득만 챙기는 관리회사의 부당한 횡포에 맞서 우리 모두 힘을 합쳐 부당이득 반환청구 소송 도 불사하는 적극적인 자세가 필요하다고 생각됩니다. (캘거리 근 교에서 Y) * 편집자 주 : 부당이득 반환청구소송을 제기하기 위해서는 E사 브랜드 주유소를 운영하는 한국인들만이라도 Petro Canada나 Shell 웹사이트에서 레귤러 개스와 프리미엄 개스, 저유황 디젤의 매일 매일 랙가격(각 지역마다 차이가 나므로 각 주유소가 공급받는 지 역의 랙가격과 자사의 운송비 확인 필요)을 확인해 기록하고 운송 비와 세금을 합한 랙가격과 자신의 공급가격(운송비와 세금이 합 쳐진 가격)과의 차액, 연료공급일의 각 연료의 공급량에 따른 부 당이득액 등을 모두 계산해 놓을 필요가 있으며 이는 추후 부당이 득 반환 청구금액의 증명자료가 됩니다. 우선 제가 본건이 계약서 상으로 부당이득 반환청구소송 대상이 되는지 저희 변호사와 상의 후 추후 의견을 알려드릴 예정이며 참고로 저는 과거 2005년 1월 1일부터 현재까지의 모든 에드먼턴 지역 랙프라이스 자료를 확보 해 저의 공급가격과 차액을 계산하고 있는 중입니다. 과거의 각 지 역 랙가격은 www.opisnet.com에서 구매할 수 있습니다. Convenience & Carwash Canada |


빅뱅 이론 By: Angela Altass

폭죽 기술의 발전은 최고도에 이르고 있으며 이는 소매상인들에 게 중요한 영향을 미칠 수도 있다. 폭죽은 축하에 자극적인 요소를 더하여 나이와 배경에 관계없이 모든 사람의 주의를 끈다. “폭죽은 전통적으로 그리고 전세계적으로 축제나 특별한 경우 에 사용되는 품목이다,” 라고W.C. Smith Wholesale Distributor Inc. 사의 판매 및 마케팅 매니저인 Will Smith씨는 말한다. “캐나다 는 다문화 국가이어서 일년 내내 폭죽에 대한 계속적인 수요가 존재한다.” 폭죽은 사람을 모으게 하고 청중을 즐겁게 하는 데 있어서 가격 이 적당한 방법이다라고Mystical Distributing Company Ltd 사의 서 부지역 총괄 매니저인Bill Raynault씨는 말한다. “가정은 전형적 인 폭죽 소비자이다. 특별한 경우에 함께 대가족이 모이는 경우 가 있다. 공급업자들은 가정용 다양한 종류의 제품이 들어있는 모음에서 개별 제품까지의 각각의 종류의 제품을 소개한다. 심지 어는 폭죽 하나하나에 불을 붙이는 적외선의 리모트 컨트롤을 사 용하는 전자 점화 시스템도 있다.” Raynault씨는 폭죽 기술의 발전은 최고도에 이르고 있다라고 말 한다. “몇 년 전만 해도 가장 큰 폭죽은 오늘날 시중에 나와 있는 다 발 폭죽 (multi-shot cakes)으로 발전한 원통형 폭죽 (Roman candle) 이었다,” 라고 그는 말한다. “소비자들은 생활비 내에서 큰 전 문적인 불꽃놀이에 유사하게 가족들을 즐겁게 할 수 있음을 알았 다. 공급업자들은 꾸준히 신제품을 발명하고 있으며 소비자들은 다음의 불꽃놀이를 할 때 항상 새로운 것을 추가하여 보게 될 것 이다.” 여러 개의 발사 외피와 불꽃을 가진 다발 폭죽은 (multi-shot cakes) 이제 전문적인 멋을 갖춘 실외 불꽃놀이 쇼를 하기 위해 캠프장, 결혼식 또는 생일잔치에서 사용 가능하다라고 Smith씨 는 말한다. Raynault씨는 업소 내에 폭죽을 진열할 때 단순한 아이디어가 판 매를 크게 증가시킬 수 있다라고 말한다. “얼마나 많은 소매상인들이 단순한 실외 간판으로 광고하지 않은 채 폭죽을 판매하는 지 알면 놀라게 될 것입니다,” 라고 Raynault씨는 말한다. “폭죽 시즌이 임박하면 업소 바깥에 간판을 더 많이 세워 놓으세요. 보통은 업소에 들어 오지 않는 손님을 더 많이 끌 수 있습니다. 업소 내에서는 산더미 같이 쌓아 놓은 다른 제품 내에 폭죽을 감추어 놓지 않도록 확인


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하십시오. 폭죽제품이 카운터 뒤의 선반에 있는 것을 보았는 데 다른 제품들과 섞여 있어서 구별하기가 어려웠습니 다.”폭죽 공급업자들은 간판을 제공할 수 있으며 업소 내에 폭죽 제품을 진열하는 부분을 만들 수 있다라고Raynault씨는 덧붙인다. “같은 종류의 폭죽을 쌓아 올리십시오,” 라고 그는 제안한다. “통모양의 제품은 제품명이 쉽게 보이게 진열하십시오. 손님들 이 폭죽 제품이 진열된 것을 볼 때 손님들의 기분을 자극하길 원 할 것입니다. 폭죽 제품을 종류별로, 그 다음에는 싼 것으로부터 비싼 것의 순서로 진열하십시오. 제품 설명 목록을 공급업체에서 받으셔서 비닐로 씌워 제품 옆에 부착하십시오. 귀하의 공급업자 는 제품 진열을 도울 다른 도구를 갖고 있을 수도 있습니다. 공급 업자들이 귀하의 판매를 돕기를 원하므로 그들의 지식과 경험을 이용하십시오.” Raynault씨는 또한 예산 내에서 가정용 다양한 제품이 들어 있는 모음을 구입하고 여러번 터지는 폭죽 (multi-shot cake)을 또한 구 입하기를 고객에게 권하기를 제안한다. “가정용 다양한 제품이 들어 있는 모음은 환상적인 불꽃 놀이 를 위해 디자인되었지만 다발 폭죽(multi-shot cake)을 추가하여 멋 진 대단원을 볼 수 있다,” 라고 그는 설명한다. “공급업자에게 이러한 종류의 폭죽에 대한 간결한 목록을 줄 것을 요청하고 간 판에 그 목록을 붙이십이요. 손님이 계획한 것보다 더 많이 사게 하는 것이지만 사실상 손님이 멋진 쇼를 즐기게 돕는 것이 됩니 다.”많은 도매 상인들은 주의를 끄는, 바퀴가 달려서 업소 내에 서 움직일 수 있는, 자물쇠로 잠그는, 각개의 폭죽을 보관하는 금 속 진열장을 제공한다, 라고 Smith씨는 말한다. 폭죽의 판매를 관리하는 연방 및 지방 법규 및 지역 조례가 있다. “연방 법규는 폭죽 구입 가능 연령인 18세 이상을 포함한다,” 라고 법규의 안내를 받기 위해 공급업자와 상담할 것을 조언하는 Raynault씨는 말한다. “연방 법규는 또한 진열된 소비자용 폭죽 제품은 대중이 접근하기 어려운 곳에 있어야 하며 손님은 구입할 때까지는 소비자용 상자에 들어 있지 않은 폭죽을 취급하는 것이 허용되지 않음을 요약한다. 그러므로, 소매상인들은 보통 소비자 들이 쉽게 볼 수 있도록 유리로 된 진열장에 폭죽 제품을 진열하 거나 카운터 뒤의 선반 위에 진열한다. 귀하는 또한 금연 및 제품 진열 장소 내의 18세 미만의 사람들에게는 폭죽의 판매를 금지 하는 경고의 간판을 걸어 놓아야 한다.” 추가의 필수 요건은 폭발성 물질 지부의 웹사이트: 에서 찾을 수 있다.

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Stamp to Help Stamp Out Smoking A new state-of-the-art security stamp will be mandatory on all tobacco packages as of April 2011. Here’s what retailers need to know.

A New Tobacco Stamp The Government of Canada has introduced a new tobacco stamp designed to help in the fight against illegal tobacco products. This new stateoftheart stamp has security features similar to those found on Canadian banknotes. Because it is printed on special paper with unique ink, it will be easy to distinguish from a fake stamp just by tilting and touching it. It also has hidden security features that only law enforcement agencies can detect. What’s in it For You? As a retailer, you can play an active role in the fight against illegal tobacco. You can check for the stamp on the tobacco products you buy for resale, and you can make sure the stamp is authentic by following steps similar to those you take when checking for counterfeit money. Most importantly, you will be able to protect yourself against buying and selling illegal products. What’s in the Stamp? Like our paper money, the new stamp has many visible features: • Size • Unique identifier (serial number) • Federal duty paid status • Raised ink image • Colourshift ink • Anti-copy line work • Ultraviolet visible ink Already in the Market The stamp has been available for tobacco manufacturers to buy for use on their products since September 1, 2010. As of April 1, 2011, the stamp will be mandatory on all tobacco products manufactured domestically or imported into Canada.

Even after April 1, 2011, tobacco products with the existing tear tape that are already on your store shelves are considered legal and can stay there until you sell them. Where Will the Stamp be Placed on Tobacco Products? Tobacco manufacturers will decide where the stamp will go on their products, as long as the stamp: • is prominently displayed directly on the package; • does not cover any federally required packaging or information, such as the mandatory health warning messages; • does not get in the way of the security features; • seals the package; and • stays on the package after it is opened. Which Tobacco Products Will Have the Stamp? The new stamp must be on all tobacco products destined for the Canadian retail market, including cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, and fine-cut and packaged raw leaf tobacco. Need More Information? The Canada Revenue Agency’s website has more information about the new tobacco stamp at:

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channel news LSI Industries Introduces Crossover® LED Patriot Wall Sconce LSI Industries Inc. has introduced its new Crossover LED Patriot Wall Sconce. With sweeping architectural lines, the Crossover LED Patriot Wall Sconce delivers exceptional uniformity with full cutoff to create a brighter environment at lower light levels, making it ideal for entrance, egress and security lighting. Environmentally friendly and energy efficient, this fixture will enhance any site. With Crossover LED Patriot Wall Sconce fixtures you will enjoy – • Choice of 28 or 48 LEDs • LSI’s innovative TriLume™ optics – multiple optics and drive current choices to create the lighting best suited for your application • Wide Throw, Forward Throw and Wall Wash reflectors • 350mA and 450mA drive currents • Cool White and Neutral White color temperatures • Surge protectors that meet Location Category C-Medium standards (10,000V; 5,000A) • Thermal management system that won't lose effectiveness over time to give you the lowest internal operating temperatures possible • Optional motion sensor for additional energy savings • Emergency options that meet NFPA-Life Safety Code requirements • Virtually no maintenance – 60,000 – 100,000 hour expected life • Energy reduced up to 68% compared to HID • Green Design – RoHS Compliant; recyclable glass & aluminum. No Mercury • IP65

The Crossover Patriot LED Wall Sconce is the result of LSI’s 35+ year experience in delivering revolutionary lighting solutions. LSI Industries is an Image Solutions company dedicated to advancing solid-state LED technology in lighting and graphics applications. We combine integrated technology, design, and manufacturing to supply high quality, environmentally friendly lighting fixtures and graphics elements for commercial, retail and specialty niche market applications. LSI is a U.S. manufacturer with marketing / sales efforts throughout the world with concentration currently on North American, South American, Asian, Australian, New Zealand and European markets.

OPW Launches YouTube Channel Channel provides quick access to various product demo, installation, company videos OPW Fueling Components, is proud to announce the launch of its new YouTube channel, which can be found at The new


OPW YouTube channel has been designed to be a repository for a wide array of videos and animations focused on the company and its products. In today's one-click-away world, this site should serve as a reference for distributors and customers on OPW and its products. The YouTube channel already features a number of videos such as the OPW corporate video and numerous product videos and animations. Additional videos will be added as they become available with topics ranging from customer success stories to new product releases to roundups of trade show appearances by all of the OPW companies. Distributors should feel free to link to any OPW video on its YouTube site. For more information on OPW Fueling Components and any of its products, please go to

Franklin Fueling Systems Introduces DC 400 Dispensing Cutoff System Franklin Fueling Systems is pleased to announce the availability of its latest innovation, the DC400 Dispensing Cutoff System. The DC400 Dispensing Cutoff System is a stand-alone, solid state two-part system which includes a controller and sensor; designed to automatically shut down product flow if liquid is detected inside containment spaces. Ideal for retrofit applications, the DC400 allows for easy compliance with new and evolving regulations, without the added expenses of shutting down your site to break concrete for new conduit and wiring installation. The DC400 can be mounted inside any turbine sump to provide complete pump shut down or mounted directly into dispenser sumps, allowing only the effected dispenser to be shut down as liquid is detected. Two liquid sensor options, optical and latching, allow you to either reset the system automatically or manually once liquid has been removed from the effected sump. The S406 Optical Sensor option will shut down a turbine or dispenser when the sensor comes into contact with liquid. To reset this sensor, you simply remove the liquid from the containment sump and power will be restored. The S404 Latching sensor option will latch into the alarm position and cutoff power when the internal float rises in liquid. The S404 sensor must be manually reset using the provided reset tool once liquid has been removed from the containment sump. Franklin Fueling Systems is currently accepting orders for the DC400 Dispensing Cutoff System. To learn more visit, and click on the Fuel Management Systems product solution.

Detail Plus Announces Distributorship Agreement with Buff Pro Bud Abraham, president of Detail Plus Car Appearance Systems, a leading supplier in the auto detail industry recently announced a distributorship agreement with Farrell Polishing Products Co. manufacturers of the revolutionary Buff Pro Drum Polisher. “This is one of the most creative and innovative

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tools introduced to the detail industry in the past 10 years and could revolutionize how paint finishes are reconditioned,” indicated Abraham. The Buff Pro eliminates the number one problem of rotary buffers, swirls, and holograms while providing major correction to the paint finish. There is a variety of cutting and finishing pads available with the system including a soft wool and foam for both polishing and finishing. Farrell Polishing Products president, Mike Megown indicated that DETAIL PLUS Detail Plus was one of the companies that were first on their list to contact to market the Buff Pro to the detail industry including detail operations, car washes, and auto dealers because of their reputation in the detail industry. The Buff Pro has a list price of $399 and the special “drum” pads are available at $39.95 for wool and $29.95 for foam. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Bud Abraham, Detail Plus Systems

ConocoPhillips certifies Passport® with PA-DSS point of sale system Passport has the most networks approved with a PA-DSS validated application for convenience store operators ConocoPhillips has approved Passport with PA-DSS point of sale system software Version 8.03G for retailers on their network. Gilbarco is now shipping orders for new Passport systems and Passport upgrades for the ConocoPhillips V8.03G software. ConocoPhillips joins the extensive list of other major oil companies and networks for software applications that were previously released. Broad approval is important to multi-branded retailers who benefit from using the same point of sale system at all their locations. The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council has validated Gilbarco Veeder-Root’s Enhanced Dispenser Hub (EDH), included with Passport V8.02 and V8.03, as compliant with the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS). Passport’s unique architecture segregates all PA-DSS software into a single device to mitigate the impact of on-going changes by PCI. Retailers benefit from Remote Diagnostics and Gilbarco’s 24 x 7 x 365 Help Desk that enable most troubleshooting, fixes and software upgrades to be completed without on-site service calls and site downtime. Passport continues to allow retailers to keep selling fuel if their server is offline. And Passport with PA-DSS allows retailers to continue to print both masked and secured network reports where network policies allow it. Passport provides a highly intuitive touch screen interface that minimizes training time, errors and shrinkage. It offers seamless connectivity and standardization to support the largest number of third-party loyalty partners and programs, powerful business information and security features, sophisticated business growth tools and easy expandability.

channel news New ShoppeLifter is the Ultimate Shopaholic Accessory Ask any grocery shopper what one of their biggest pet peeves is when shopping and many will tell you it has to do with making it "in" and "out" to the car and then back into the house with all their bags! Fortunately, there's a new device that makes this possible called the ShoppeLifter. The ShoppeLifter is a shopping bag handle that wraps around all of your shopping bag handles to make carrying them easy! Shopping bag woes are solved by this ingenious, organic handle - it holds all of the handles of your various bags together, and with one easy motion you can have all of your bags in your hands in a snap! Simple to use, the ShoppeLifter folds up neatly into your pocket, purse, backpack or diaper bag when not in use. The ShoppeLifter is the first authentic shopping bag handle wrap not made of hard plastic. Our product solves an everyday problem of hand pain while trying to carry plastic, paper, or twine bag handles, laptop bags, purses, luggage or almost any item that causes strain on your hands while carrying. It is easy to use and store. We offer four fantastic fabric colors to choose from! The ShoppeLifter helps you stay organized by keeping all of the handles together when setting your bags down. With one easy motion you can have all of your bags back in your hands in a snap! Proudly made in the USA, the ShoppeLifter is packaged using recycled materials and is available in 4 bold colors: Avocado, Eggplant, Charcoal, and Whiskey. Both the Avocado and Charcoal styles are made of 100% organic materials, while the Eggplant and

Whiskey styles boast a super-soft microsuede fabric for ultimate comfort. For more information, visit our web site at or write

Tidel Announces Expansion of Manufacturing Facilities Tidel Revolution LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tidel Engineering, L.P., a world leader in retail cash management systems and loss prevention products, announced recently that it is expanding its manufacturing facility to accommodate increased production demand of the Revolution®, Tidel’s state-ofthe art, back room cash management system. “Current and anticipated demand by big-box retailers for the Revolution is straining our existing plant” said Mark K. Levenick, president and CEO of Tidel. “We are fortunate that there is space available right next door, and with a few interior modifications, we can have our own 25,000 square foot addition to the plant, dedicated exclusively for Revolution production, in no time at all.” “The extension of the lease increases Tidel’s manufacturing footprint more than 50%” according to Troy D. Richard, Tidel’s executive vice president, operations. “We expect the Revolution line to be in full production by the end of Q1, 2011. Meanwhile, we will continue to manufacture the product in our existing space until we are ready to move the line next door”. In making its decision to execute a lease modification and expansion, Tidel anticipates it will be better prepared to serve the needs of its growing list of Revolution customers, both in the United States and internationally. To find out more, visit

announcements Turtle Wax Inc and Pumps & Pressure Inc forge Relationship in Alberta December 3, 2010- Willowbrook, Il-Turtle Wax Inc, Professional Division has announced today a new distribution relationship with Pumps & Pressure Inc with HO in Red Deer, AB to distribute and service Turtle Wax Hyper Concentrate car wash products in Alberta and Manitoba “Pumps & Pressure provides the reach and service expertise Turtle Wax was looking for to support our existing customer base in Alberta”, said Paul Niccum, National Market Manager for Turtle Wax Professional. “ We are excited to have an experienced car wash chemical and equipment distributor like Pumps & Pressure on board as we continue to execute our strategy of bringing on more support pieces to localize our support arm for car wash operators” said Niccum. Pumps & Pressure Inc. is quite excited about the opportunity to represent a solid and proven product line which aligns perfectly with our current focus in the carwash industry. While we realize that operators have many choices, it has always been and will remain our goal to supply quality products and outstanding service to our current and future customers through our six strategically located facilities; said Barry Flipping. Pumps & Pressure Inc was founded in 1984 and has evolved into a full service shop equipment supply company offering pressure washers, air compressors, sump, sewage and well pumps, custom built car washes and hydraulics. In addition, the company offers design, fabrication and consultation services for car and truck washes and other specialized equipment. Turtle Wax Professional is based in Willowbrook, Illinois is a division of Turtle Wax, Inc. a world leader in Car Care Products. Turtle Wax Professional utilizes a strong independent distributor network in Canada to deliver environmentally quality car wash products. Find us at https//www.


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Ad Index Blendco ........................................................................21 Convenience & Carwash Canada ...................................42 Direct Cash ................................................................. IFC Gourmet Chips . .......................................................... IBC House of Horvath...........................................................32 ICA ...............................................................................23 Kleen-Rite Corp. ...........................................................31 MI Petroleum ..........................................................13, 41 Manitoba Hydro ..............................................................6 Mark VII . ......................................................................17 National Energy Equipment .....................................10, 34 OPW ..........................................................................OBC Petroleum Equipment Institute ......................................45 RDM . .............................................................................6 Tanknology .............................................................11, 39 WCSA .............................................................................7 WPMA...........................................................................19 WashCard Systems .......................................................29 Washtech.......................................................................28 ZCL ..........................................................................9, 37

OPW Nozzles Will Never Leave You Out in the Cold! OPW -XC Extreme Cold Weather Nozzles are Now Compatible to -54°C [-65°F]

Tough, durable and reliable under the most extreme cold weather conditions. All new OPW -XC Extreme Cold Weather Nozzles including OPW 11A®, 11B®, 7H™, and 7HB™ are ULC listed, compatible to -54°C (-65°F). So when your application requires your equipment to perform in severe arctic type conditions, trust the nozzles found in more locations worldwide than any other brand— OPW… the brand that will never leave you out in the cold. For additional information on OPW ULC listed -XC Extreme Cold Weather Nozzles, please visit:

OPW Fueling Components u 9393 Princeton-Glendale Road u Hamilton, OH 45011 USA u (800) 422-2525 u © 2010, OPW Fueling Components © 2010 Delaware Capital Formation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. DOVER and the DOVER logo are registered trademarks of Delaware Capital Formation, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dover Corporation.

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