Focusing on Self-October 2014

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Volume 3

Inside this issue: A Story of Redemption

Kathy’s Blog

Upcoming Events

FOCUSING ON SELF This month we’re bringing it back to you, the individal. Read on to see how you can “Focus on Self.”



You may have noticed the progression in our last 2 monthly newsletters… we went from Global to Local. In this edition, we focus on the Individual. Not to be confused with a selfcentered focus, rather, a “Focus on Self” reminds us that our impact as a community of faith is more than some of what we DO as a church… it’s a comprehensive understanding that each of us own the responsibility to BE the church, the body of Christ. The stories of our lives reminds us of our personal need of a Savior (read Joe’s story), and his desire to bless us and use US (read me, you) as his instruments of blessing in the global and local world we live in. YOU are the church, who you are matters and how you bless the world around you IS the way Jesus makes himself real.



Convergence Community Members at the September Patio Church

What can you do about homelessness?

NORB KOHLER It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact data regarding homelessness in America. An even more difficult task is to categorize homeless - who are they and why are they? Approximately 1.2 to 2 million people are homeless shelters every night in America. As SoCal inhabitants, we are no strangers to the homeless population. But even in the O.C., the homeless population can easily be overlooked, forgotten, and even ignored. Did you know there are hundreds of homeless teens and twenty somethings who claw for survival every day amid the prettiest people and greatest ocean views in America? They are among an estimated 1.8 million children nationwide who are reported homeless, which means the actual figures are probably more than 2 million. Statistically, on average, 13 homeless kids die in America each day. As Christians, we are called to care for the God’s creation, our neighbor, the poor, the marginalized. Period… full stop. Caring for the homeless must be a vital part of who we are, our culture, the fabric of our DNA. The Bible mandates we read the biblical mandates to care for the poor. The Bible is full of commands to care for the less fortunate. Some key passages to include would be Exodus 23:10–12, Isaiah 58:6–1 and Luke 14:12–14. God asks us as individuals to care, to love, to give dignity where it is so often trampled and marred. We must not relegate the need to our government, or for that

matter, the church as an agency. I must do something, you must do something. Together, as a community of faith, we bear the burden - not begrudgingly, but with compassion and grace. We can’t change the face of homelessness in one week, likely not even in our lifetimes… but we can make a difference every day… for one person. Watch for opportunities God grants you to extend a hand to someone. If you haven’t already heard, our Convergence community will be providing lunch, blankets and socks for the homeless on November 23rd, immediately after our morning gathering. We’ll meet at the Civic Center in Santa Ana (600 block N. Ross Street). How can you help? Bring a blanket, socks, help serve a meal and smile. You CAN make a difference…! Resources: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development website contains facts as well as links for federal aid for the homeless and agencies reaching out to the homeless. The National Coalition for the Homeless works to meet immediate needs, as well as to address systemic causes of homelessness.

Back to Self...

LUKE 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.�


of suffering have emerged the strongest souls and the most massive characters are seared with scars!”

A STORY OF REDEMPTION JOE PIZZARUSSO Life has not always been easy or fair for me. I come from a broken family, molested as a young boy by my mom’s boyfriend then left on my own, abandoned at a young age. I grew up on the streets where gangs, drugs and alcohol were there to welcome me and become my master for over 20 years. I had lost all emotion, empathy. My walls were high and dark and I let nothing in, never wanting to be hurt again. I took a man’s life by accident in a fight at 20 years old and went to prison a very long time. After that, I came home, and my poor mother died a very painful agonizing death in my arms, angry at the world, living on nothing but fear, resentment and dishonesty. Inside I thrived for some peace of mind and soul. Lost and confused, I didn’t know what to do because no human power could ease my suffering. An idea was suggested to me that God could relieve me of the bondage of self. I was willing to try anything, and

though I walked away from the Lord, He was not far. When I surrendered humbly to God, it was not long before He melted away the ice and stone that was my heart. Today I live to serve the Lord’s will in my life. He removed my depression, my PTSD, my obsession with drugs and alcohol, and my obsessive compulsiveness. He has given me a new way of life. Never have I been happier. God works mightily in my life today. I see His works and feel His presence daily. Prayer and selflessness are a big part of my life today. No matter what you go through, how hard, how long it takes, God is there. Jesus is there to take your pain away and let love and happiness into your heart. I can do anything through Christ Jesus who gives me strength.

Convergence Community Member: Joe PIZZARUSSO


Thank you to Danielle who came to share her personal and powerful story of rediscovering

God at this past Patio Church. The next Patio Church will be next summer. See you then!


You know we’ve all done it. The person is holding the sign, “homeless and hungry will work for food.”

they went. I couldn’t do that???”

Either you drive by and barely notice. You drive by and are irritated that they don’t have a job or wonder if it’s a scam. You drive by and feel guilty that you didn’t stop.

Someone told you about the person who recently adopted or were thinking about being foster parents. Something inside of you reacted. Maybe you thought “not everyone’s called to that kind of thing” or, “they must be superparents or crazy or …” you might have even told yourself, “some day, when I have my act together...” (insert laugh here) “when my other kids are older.”

Or You drive by and just don’t know what to do. Then there’s the cool Facebook post about the amazing person who is doing awesome work in some far away country. You think “Wow - glad

Or you’re at work,

When, when, when. The thing about doing good


is usually this …do good, right now! Doing good isn’t thinking good thoughts, it isn’t making good plans, it isn’t even a number on that grand ole Bucket List… some day I will. Doing good is just that. Someone rushes in front of you at the grocery store and “steals” your spot in line. Let them take it, smile and tell them to have a great day. The person who is working behind the counter is rude, ignorant really. Thank them for their time, say a prayer for yourself and then for them (just maybe they are having one of those days, months or even years).

Live Generously! You keep meaning to drop off that food, or make that call, or text that person, or make that meal. And, back to that guy and his sign, or that family standing there with their children really they shouldn’t put them through that, ahhh. Stop your car, walk over to where they are, shake their hand and ask their name (do you dare give them a hug?). Maybe you can’t hand them money, but you can hand them dignity and a kind word. …I dare you.

EVENTS GIRL2GIRL CLOTHING SWAP SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 @ 4PM at Tyler’s Casita G2G 3rd Annual Clothing Swap, to rsvp send an email to

Stay tuned for more details!


Some of the girls of G2G

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA #WALKFORFREEDOM-A21 Saturday, October 18 Check In Time: 6:30am - 7:30am Walk Time: 8:00am - 12:00pm Location: Downtown Disney, 1580 Disneyland Dr. Anaheim, CA 92802 Distance: 3.6 Miles #WalkForFreedom is a collective effort to raise awareness of modern-day slavery by walking for a purpose. We believe unity is what fuels the fight for freedom. Tape will be provided to wear as a mouth covering, representing the 27 million victims of human trafficking who do not have a voice. We will walk silently in a single file line and pass out informational flyers to explain human trafficking. Register online at:

SUNDAY SERVICE: 10 AM @ The District in Tustin

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