Convergence Volume 5
Inside this issue: Holiday Giving
New Years Resolution
Year-End Events
December.2014 YEAR-END GIVING Just a short note to remind you that ALL year end giving for tax purposes needs to be in by December 31st to get credit for 2014. If you would like a summary statement for your current 2014 contributions, please email me or our accountant, Don Berkheimer at info@convergenceoc. com. As a reminder, you can give multiple ways. 1. By check or cash on Sundays. 2. Via our website 3. Through PayPal by sending contributions to 4. By mail at PO Box 3651, Tustin CA 92781 5. And through our mobile app - you can download wnload it HERE. Thank you for your support and generosity!
THANK YOU FOR READING! Welcome to the final newsletter of the year! Convergence started this newsletter with our August 2014 issue. We’ve tried this new format to connect with you, and to keep you informed with all that is happening around Convergence. More is to come in the next year, more profiles on Convergence community members, ways to make a difference, upcoming events and way more. If you have any suggestions for content, please email us at We hope you have enjoyed it so far! Thank you for reading, and we will see you in the new year!
-Naomi N. Lugo, Newsletter Staff
Christmas 2014
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marks the beginning favorite time of year… Christmas. festive season, filled with laughter, decorations, cookies and parties… mention cookies?
year, I find myself drawn to the r of the Christmas Tree light. My daughter Sophie has helped me see onder of this tiny object that lights room. Last week after decorating ee, Sophie came over for a visit… l times I’d take her to the tree, hten her index finger and help her the “light.”
said… “I am the world’s Light. No ho follows me stumbles around in the ess…” I’ve been thinking about that ure in the context of helping Sophie the light. If we could just remember
this simple truth; Jesus provides himself as the light, the direction, the counsel, the confidence to proceed forward. Light dispels darkness, fear and uncertainty… so does Jesus. Remember this Christmas the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes...HE is the light that dispels your fear and uncertainty. Reach out and touch Him, embrace His presence, let Him be your guide. He will make your path straight. Every time I see a Christmas light over the next few weeks, I’m determined to pause, to remember that Jesus came to show me the way. I am grateful that the “light has come…” Merry Christmas and may God bless you. -Norb
Masterpiece Foundation Make a New Year Resolution to Volunteer -Naomi N. Lugo
In future publications, Convergence will be profiling worthwhile organizations who are doing good in our community. Many have an affiliation with Convergence or other churches. If you would like to nominate an organization, please send an email to info@convergenceoc. com. It might be a little early to make New Year’s resolutions, or it may just be the perfect time to think ahead, while reflecting on what you’re thankful for. Perhaps your resolution is to make it a point to volunteer more, or for the first time in the upcoming year.
the women it serves. The home miles from the District, Tustin L meets. Currently there are six w Volunteers are needed just to ha but really important. The ladies go out to the movies, for a picni Funds for outings are provided or tal volunteering! Masterpiece Foun profit that provides a vital servi
Masterpiece Foundation is an organization that serves mentally disabled ladies in Southern California. What makes Masterpiece special is that it provides a loving home for The Ladies of the Masterpiece Foundation.
is located just about seven Legacy where Convergence women living at the residence. ang out‌ it sounds simple, s at the home are happy to ic or other fun activities. by the home. Email k to Pastor Norb about ndation is a great local nonice. Helping them to continue
Click on the video above to view a Convergence Studios original feature!
EVENTS 2014 CALICINTO RANCH DAY Saturday, December 6, 2014, Calicinto Ranch
Little time left to register for 2014 Calicinto Ranch Day! Time to get out of the city and enjoy the outdoors together. Spend the day enjoying plenty of activities for the whole family, including horseback riding. Cost is $25 per person or $75 per family - includes lunch, horseback riding & activities. We need to know how many are planning on going - please submit this form if you intend on going. Plan on meeting at Calicinto Ranch at 9:30am. We will leave the ranch at 4pm.
SWEET RESCUE 2014 Saturday, December 13, 2014, The District, Tustin Legacy 7-9pm See right for details.
CONVERGENCE 2014 CHRISTMAS SERVICE Sunday, December 21, 2014, The District, Tustin Legacy 10 am Join us in celebrating the holidays
NO GATHERING!! Sunday, December 28, 2014 There will be no Sunday gathering on Sunday, December 28th.
Calicinto Ranch Day Details on corresponding page.
SUNDAY SERVICE: 10 AM @ The District in Tustin
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