>convergence >5.14 //static
>may 2014 .convergence
“Just Slightly” Allison DeBritz
Peter Garritano
Don’t Touch Her Stereo by: John Cahill
Her voided shirt was ripped in all of the right places as He kaleidoscoped down the hallway towards oblivion. Meredith backpacked her stereo and Some Guy I’ve Never Met has a guitar around his arm to sing songs Nobody really likes and Some Guy I Really Hate is offering crumpled American Spirits and a trip to the porch to A Girl Everybody Admires. “What’s your major?” On that porch Joey’s dog dances for treats and they throw bacon to him because he’s been a good boy. All along I’m all along on a couch on a river (there’s always a river) in the middle of the room and I’m rowing towards the stereo because damn, this song really sucked the life out of the room (much like certain guests who probably changed the soundtrack to my success) All the moment required was some appropriate title music. They changed it to suit their ritualistic needs.
Kaitlyn Flannagan
John Sharifi
“Sorry guys, I dozed off for a second there,
“Sorry guys, I dozed off for a second there, absorbing the pleasure of the sunlight. A second of sun became a year in dream. So sorry once again for getting caught up in a place you can never hope to be. It wasn’t sweeter, it just didn’t have the bite.
Peter Garritano
Kaitlyn Flannagan
“Not Time” Allison DeBritz
Upon Viewing Michelangelo’s “Statue of David”
Looking up at your gorgeous face, I am reminded of the reason why I get out of bed in the morning and reluctantly pull the blinds open, leaving them slightly askew, but nevertheless, ajar.
I have defeated more demons than I care to count and have been to less cities than I would like to.
Somewhere along the lines of human history, someone said, “This just isn’t good enough. We can do better.”
And they did.
John Cahill
convergence may 2014
>editors kaitlyn.flannagan sara.kliti
>contributors john.cahill allison.debritz kaitlyn.flannagan peter.garritano karys sara.kliti john.sharifi
>submit to >convergence We are always accepting art and creative writing submissions for consideration. Upon submitting, you are granting permission to Convergence Zine to display, copy, edit, publish, and/or distribute your submission. We will not alter your work in any way. All images must be submitted as a PDF or high resolution JPEG.
Send submissions to ConvergenceZine@gmail.com with the following information:
artist name / anonymous title of work(s) artist statement - if desired