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“Grazie a una visione comune ispirata ai principi di sostenibilità e ESG, Polymateria e Manupackaging rappresentano il connubio perfetto. La crescente domanda di soluzioni di imballaggio sostenibili in tutti i settori ci ha incoraggiato a sviluppare ulteriormente i film eco-stretch, che eliminano completamente i problemi derivanti dalla microplastica.
Dopo un’accurata ricerca della soluzione migliore, siamo entusiasti di aver scelto Polymateria come partner ideale per implementare questo aspetto critico della nostra strategia ESG.
Per anticipare la futura crescita della domanda di prodotti più ecologici ad alte prestazioni, abbiamo recentemente installato due nuove linee di estrusione all’avanguardia dedicate alla produzione e allo sviluppo dei nostri film sostenibili attuali e futuri”, ha detto Pierfranco Di Gioia, CEO di M Stretch, la holding di Manupackaging Group, commentando questa partnership. accounts, Manupackaging is highly motivated and sets the pace for the development and production of sustainable film products. The claim is reflected in its corporate vision, which promotes partnership with packaging wholesalers and joint product development, as well as cooperation with end-user customers, including international key accounts: following this concept Manupackaging announced at the end of 2022 a strategic partnership with Polymateria in the field of sustainable end-of-life packaging solutions. Incorporating Polymateria’s technology, Manupackaging has developed Manunature® BD, a new 100% safe biodegradable superpower stretch film and stretch hood that, after the typical service life of 12 months, becomes biodegradable in the open terrestrial environment using Polymateria’s Biotransformation process.
“Siamo lieti di supportare Manupackaging come nostro partner globale per film e tubolari estensibili nei loro sforzi per aiutare i loro clienti a raggiungere i loro obiettivi di sostenibilità. Il team di Manupackaging è stato un pioniere nello sviluppo della nostra tecnologia in vari segmenti industriali”, ha commentato Richard Horne, Chief Commercial Officer di Polymateria.
“We are delighted to support Manupackaging as our global partner for stretch film and stretch hood in their efforts to help their customers to achieve their sustainability goals. The Manupackaging team has been a pioneer for the development of our technology in stretch films and stretch hoods across various industrial segments”, said Polymateria Chief Commercial Officer Richard Horne.
Polymateria, has developed this groundbreaking innovation that aims to tackle global plastic pollution. The company has come up with a technology that alters the properties of plastic to make it biodegra- dable and recyclable at the same time. With the potential to revolutionize the fight against plastic waste globally, this ‘biotransformation’ technology is nothing but a proprietary additive that can break down plastics safely if they escape into the environment.
Manunature® BD is approved as biodegradable according to the BSI PAS 9017:2020 criteria, the world’s first standard which ensures that polyolefin plastics fully biodegrade in the open terrestrial environment without creating any microplastics or harm to nature. Polymateria’s mission is to advance science to help nature deal with the plastic pollution crisis. Based at, Imperial College London, they are the first company in the world to prove scientifically that you can take fugitive or unmanaged plastic waste and return them to nature without creating microplastics, harming the natural environment or interfering with recycling streams at scale. Polymateria was named as a World Economic Forum Tech Pioneer in 2021 on account of the company’s contribution to circularity and tackling plastic pollution. Commenting on the partnership, Pierfranco Di Gioia, CEO of M Stretch, the holding company of Manupackaging Group, said: thanks to a common vision inspired by sustainability and ESG principles, Polymateria and Manupackaging are a perfect match. The increasing demand for sustainable packaging solutions across all industries encouraged us to further develop eco-stretch films, which completely eliminate micro-plastics issues. After a thorough search for the best solution, we are excited to have chosen Polymateria as the ideal partner to implement this critical aspect of our ESG strategy.
To anticipate the future growth in demand for greener high performing products, we recently installed two new cutting-edge extrusion lines dedicated to the production and development of our current and forthcoming sustainable films”.

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