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Nuova Erreplast: new acquisitions and investments in technology to get leadership in the packaging trade
Milanese (Mi), operante invece nel settore delle vaschette, dei grandi imballaggi in cartone e di altri materiali per il confezionamento di prodotti alimentari. Aver introdotto nel Gruppo un’azienda cartotecnica ha consentito alla Nuova Erreplast di introdurre macchinari volti alla produzione di packaging flessibile in carta, un settore in grande crescita, dotandosi di un laboratorio interno di R&D per rispondere alle tendenze del mercato e sviluppare nuove soluzioni di packaging sostenibili. La Print and Packaging vanta più di vent’anni di esperienza nella trasformazione del foglio di alluminio sottile ed è in grado di offrire lavorazioni di laccatura, stampa rotocalco, accoppiatura, goffratura e taglio di materiali con spessori da 7 a 70 micron. Una scelta strategica fondamentale nella vision aziendale che delinea il futuro delle attività industriali, declinandolo nelle principali referenze del packaging: plastica e carta. Si allarga così lo spettro delle soluzioni di imballo da offrire a una platea sempre più attenta alla capacità di innovazione e alla sostenibilità ambientale.
“Rappresento un management giovane, che sta stu¬diando molto e crede nella formazione per tutte le figure aziendali, che include i vertici e tutti i collaboratori. L’azienda è fatta prima di tutto di persone, noi cerchiamo di coinvolgerle e di far crescere tutti, solo così possiamo garantirci un futuro roseo. Formazione che passa ovviamente anche dalla partecipazione
Nuova Erreplast: new acquisitions and investments in technology to get leadership in the packaging trade
Fresh from participation in Ipack-Ima, where Nuova Erreplast (NEP) had one of the most popular stands, drumming up support thanks to an offer of packaging ranging from plastic flexible film, to rigid and corrugated cardboard packaging: the Group can be considered a complete supplier of packing and packaging solutions, we meet Domenico Raccioppoli, owner of the company, during the last Giflex conference in Rome. And so, in a magical setting, in the garden of Villa Miani, with a spectacular view of the capital and the dome, we listened to a story of an extraordinary adventure. “Nuova Erreplast is the current company name, but it was born as Erreplast, founded by my father Crescenzo and my uncle in 1980, after a company failure, from which machinery was adquired to start a new business, specializing in industrial and shopping bags production for fashion industry”, Domenico begins, representing the second generation who joined the company in 1998. Domenico’s path first saw him gaining experience, together with his brother and cousins, in the company sale department, which had never before had this type of structure, to better understand the trade needs and begin to diversify the company’s activities, a process that leads Nuova Erreplast to specialize in the sector of flexible packaging for fruit and vegetable sector.
THE ACQUISITIONS OF NUOVA ERREPLAST: 360° PACKAGING SOLUTIONS “In 2009, after my father’s dead, we decide to invest even more in the food packaging sector, and we buy the first 8-color flexo printing machine, creating packages for dry fruit, bakery and participating for the first time at Ipack-Ima in 2012”. The growth of the Group to which belongs
di convegni tecnici come l’ultimo Giflex di Roma, dove cerchiamo sempre di essere presenti”, racconta orgoglioso Domenico, confessandoci che dopo quest’ultima acquisizione, che porterà anche all’investimento in una nuova macchina da stampa, il Gruppo affronterà un paio d’anni di consolidamento, per poi riprendere un percorso di crescita già tracciato nelle strategie aziendali.
Da tre anni è partito un progetto all’interno di NEP che punta molto sullo sviluppo di imballaggi sostenibili e in linea coi dettami dell’economia circolare, portando avanti grazie al PNR un progetto che, se fosse approvato, permetterebbe al Gruppo di essere il primo ad avere un impianto per riciclare i propri scarti, ma anche quelli di aziende concorrenti, in particolare di materiali come polipropilene, polietilene e PET. Nuova Erreplast inoltre vanta un reparto di estrusione con 5 estrusori e 2 impianti di coestrusione che le consentono di poter fare R&D sui polimeri bio-based. Proprio durante la pandemia, nell’area estrusione di Nuova Erreplast, è stata progettata e realizzata una mascherina, brevettata, con tessuti particolari in grado di proteggere da dermatiti e allergie. Il reparto di produzione per l’area food è invece dotato di 4 macchine da stampa flexo, 3 delle quali a tamburo centrale 10 colori, l’ultima appena installata, 5 accoppiatrici con tecnologia solvent e solventless, 16 taglierine per shopper, 4 taglierine-ribobinatrici, un magazzino automatizzato completamente integrato con il sistema gestionale, e ambienti di produzione con temperatura controllata,
Nuova Erreplast has been dizzying and has materialized within a decade, with the construction of the new warehouse in Marcianise, in the province of Caserta, recording a growth rate of 20% year after year, thanks to a path of innovation and investments get the group, composed by about 190 people, with a turnover that in 2022 will be around € 73 million (20% achieved abroad), thanks also to the latest acquisition, Print and Packaging of Marano Ticino, in the province of Novara, specialized in the finishing of thin aluminum destined for both packaging and technical sectors. Two other companies belong to the Group: Packingraf, a paper converting company specialized in the production of folding boxes, and aRDM Pack of Novate Milanese, in the province of Milan, operating in the sector of trays, big cardboard packaging and other materials for packaging foodstuffs. Having introduced a paper converting company into the Group, Nuova Erreplast machinery introduction aimed at the production of flexible paper packaging, a rapidly growing sector, creating its own R&D laboratory to give new solutions to market trends and to develop new sustainable packaging. Print and Packaging boasts more than twenty years of experience in the transformation of thin aluminum foil and it is able to offer lacquering, gravure printing, lamination, embossing and cutting of materials with thicknesses from 7 to 70 microns. A fundamental strategic choice that outlines the future of industrial activities, giving the opportunity to produce the main packaging references: plastic and paper. This broadens the spectrum of proposed packaging solutions to an audience that is increasingly sensitive to innovation capacity and environmental sustainability.
A DIMENSIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL GROWTH BUT ALWAYS WITH MAN AT THE CENTER “I represent a young management, which is studying a lot and believes in training for all company figures, which includes top management and all employees. The company is made up first of all of people, we try to involve them and make everyone grow, only in this way we can guarantee a bright future. Training that obviously also passes through the participation at technical conferences such as latest Giflex in Rome, where we always try to be present”, proudly tells Domenico, confessing that after this latest acquisition, the Group will face a couple of years of consolidation, and then resume a growth path already outlined in the corporate strategies.
Nel 2016 Nuova Erreplast vinse il primo premio nella categoria “Uso creativo della stampa flessografica” e con lo stesso lavoro fu proclamato anche vincitore del Best In Show di quell’anno premiato da Sante Conselvan, allora Presidente di Atif e attuale Presidente di FTA Europe In 2016 Nuova Erreplast won the first prize in the category named “Creative use of flexo printing”, with the same work the company received also the Best In Show prize, given by Sante Conselvan, who was at that time Atif president, now he is FTA Europe president
sia in inverno che in estate grazie a un impianto che recupera l’energia proveniente dal combustore per l’abbattimento dei fumi. “Siamo da sempre aperti alle novità, senza perdere mai di vista la bussola che ci indica la direzione da perseguire. Per puntare sempre di più a soluzioni di imballaggio monomateriali, stiamo portando avanti un progetto di investimento che partirà nel 2024, e che ci porterà a inserire nei nostri reparti anche l’extrusion-coating, un metallizzatore per realizzare barriera Alox, e riuscendo così a soddisfare internamente anche questa crescente esigenza”, conclude Domenico Raccioppoli, con il quale ci diamo appuntamento al taglio del nastro dell’ultima realtà entrata a far parte del Gruppo. La storia continua…
CUTTING-EDGE TECHNOLOGIES, R&D FOR INCREASINGLY SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING For three years, a project has started at NEP that focuses heavily on the development of recyclable, sustainable packaging in line with the dictates of the circular economy, carrying out thanks to the PNR a project that, if approved, will allow the Group to be the first to have a plant to recycle its own waste, but also those of competing companies, in particular of materials such as polypropylene, polyethylene and PET. Nuova Erreplast also boasts an extrusion department with 5 extruders and 2 coextrusion system that allow to do R&D on bio-based polymers. Precisely during the pandemic, in the extrusion area of Nuova Erreplast, a patented mask was designed and manufactured with special fabrics capable of protecting against dermatitis and allergies. The production department for the food area is equipped with 4 flexo printing machines, 3 of which with 10-color and central drum, 5 solvent and solventless laminators, 16 shopper cutters, 4 slitter-rewinders, an automated warehouse completely integrated with the management system, and production environments with controlled temperature thanks to a system that recovers the energy coming from the combustor for the abatement of fumes. “We have always been open to news, without ever losing sight of the compass that shows us the direction to follow. To offer more and more mono-material packaging solutions, we are carrying out an investment project that will start in 2024, and which will lead us to include in our departments extrusion-coating, a metallizer to create an Alox barrier, succeeding in this way to satisfy in-house this growing need”, concludes Domenico Raccioppoli, with whom we make a date for the ribbon cutting of the latest company that joins the Group.