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verniciatura, inchiostri e polimerizzazione, sulle opzioni di decorazione in linea e near-line, sul controllo di qualità e sui test di migrazione. Si svolgeranno dimostrazioni dal vivo e i visitatori potranno percorrere il percorso come lo vorranno. La stampa di materiali di imballaggi flessibili sia filmici che cartacei sarà dimostrata da vari fornitori. L’Arena dedicata all’automazione presenta un flusso di lavoro di produzione completo “a luci spente”, dalla creazione del file alla stampa digitale e alla trasformazione.


Una novità per Labelexpo Europe è Flexo’s Future –ECG, una serie di presentazioni e visite guidate sulla stampa con gamma di colori estesa (ECG).

Le presentazioni quotidiane del noto esperto di ECG Dr. Kai Lankinen si svolgeranno nell’area espositiva, esaminando tutti gli aspetti della stampa con palette fissa di colori, con la quale vengono utilizzati fino a sette inchiostri

(CMYK+OGV) per riprodurre i colori spot. Le presentazioni si propongono l’obiettivo di rispondere a tante domande. Perché l’ECG non è utilizzato in modo più capillare nell’industria delle etichette? Quali sono le premesse necessarie per implementare un flusso di lavoro ECG di successo?

E quali sono i vantaggi per sostenibilità ed efficienza?

La prima sera della fiera, l’11 settembre, si terrà la cerimonia dei Label Industry Global Awards, a tema “Incoronazione dei campioni dell’industria”. I premi evidenziano i principali risultati e successi di singole persone e aziende che lavorano nel settore della stampa di etichette e imballaggi. Malcolm Rae di GEW riceverà il Global Achievement Award e i vincitori delle altre categorie – Rising Star, Team Achievement, Innovation, Sustainability e Converter of the Year – saranno annunciati durante la serata.

“Siamo lieti di organizzare nuovamente Labelexpo Europe e possiamo promettere ai visitatori che sarà una fiera straordinaria con nove padiglioni espositivi. Vedremo un’esplosione di tecnologia all’avanguardia presentata in fiera, dalla prestampa ai materiali, alla stampa digitale e convenzionale e alla tecnologia di trasformazione. Aggiungete a questo una serie di eventi formativi a livello mondiale e il focus su automazione e imballaggi flessibili per i converter di etichette: l’esperienza di Labelexpo sarà imperdibile”, dice Jade Grace, portfolio director di Labelexpo Global Series. ■ are responsible for participating in the fight against climate change, and consequently demanding that suppliers and manufacturers do what they can to be part of the solution and not the problem, also important the fact that companies should prove it before purchasing. Initiatives and innovations that reduce waste, enable recycling, and save resources and energy are expected as a default.

There are some megatrends within packaging and labelling sector: first of all monomaterials labels and packaging structures; linerless labels that reduce waste, streamline production and contribute to a more circular economy that optimizes resource use, manufacturing label without a liner means there will be less production and waste of the liner material, but the glue consumption can also be reduced by up to 80% on this type of label; design conceived for reusability and recycling; roll labels; consumers need to know so communication transparency on the label is a must. Simply said: if sustainable packaging and labeling don’t factor into your brand strategy, into your manufacturing process, into your equipments to produce label for 2023 and beyond, they absolutely should, no chance to escape this approach.


There will be no shortage of leading brands, which in all these years have continued to go forward with their technological developments, mainly based on the automation and digitization of processes. Companies that have invested heavily in their respective demo centers, as it should be, but which at the right moment, do not hold back for a direct confrontation in the field, because the fair, especially with its collateral events, moments of study and discussion, is always an important appointment for the industry. There will be sessions dedicated to the wine label market and technologies, but also flexible packaging, an application that is growing in the narrow and medium band, with a focus on sustainability but also on the design and approach of the younger generations. At the Flex Pack Trail, visitors will be able to learn more about digital and conventio- nal press technologies, flexpack material constructions, coating, laminating, ink and curing requirements, in-line and near-line decoration options, QC and migration testing. Live demonstrations will take place and visitors will be able to take the trail at their own leisure.

Printing of both filmic and paper-based flexible packaging materials will be demonstrated by a number of suppliers. The Automation Arena features a full ‘lights out’ production workflow, from file creation to digital printing and converting.

A new feature for Labelexpo Europe is Flexo’s Future – ECG, a series of presentations and guided tours on Expanded Color Gamut (ECG) printing. Daily presentations by renowned ECG expert Dr Kai Lankinen will take place on the show floor, examining all aspects of fixed color palette printing, where up to seven inks (CMYK+OGV) are used to reproduce spot colors. The presentations will address questions such as why is ECG not more widely used in the labels industry? What are the requirements to implement a successful ECG workflow? And what are the sustainability and efficiency advantages?

Taking place on the first evening of the show, 11 September, is the Label Industry Global Awards ceremony, themed as ‘Crowning the Industry’s Champions’. The awards highlight the key achievements and successes of individuals and companies working in the label and package printing sector. Malcolm Rae of GEW will receive the Global Achievement Award, and the winners of the other categories – Rising Star, Team Achievement, Innovation, Sustainability and Converter of the Year – will be announced on the night.

“We are delighted to be running Labelexpo Europe again and can promise visitors an extraordinary show across nine halls. We will see an explosion of cutting-edge technology launched at the show, everything from pre-press to materials, and digital and conventional print and converting technology. Add to this a world-leading series of educational events and our focus on Automation and Flexible Packaging for label converters and you have an unmissable Labelexpo experience”, says Jade Grace, portfolio director of Labelexpo Global Series.

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