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macchine per la lavorazione del cartone ondulato, ha ricordato le macchine da stampa Ovation, la tecnologia HQPP (High Quality Post Print), che ad esempio può stampare 6 colori più vernice a 60 linee, L’oratore ha anche ricordato che la cosiddetta esperienza di “unboxing” rende gli imballaggi stampati su entrambi i lati sempre più attraenti nell’industria degli imballaggi. Soprattutto nel settore dell’e-commerce, l’interno della confezione viene spesso utilizzato per trasmettere al destinatario un messaggio personale. Per questo motivo Göpfert ha sviluppato una macchina che può stampare su entrambi i lati in un solo passaggio. La società offre anche fustellatrici in piano e piega-incolla.
A seguire Marvin Moehle, senior product & strategy manager del gruppo Mondi, ha fatto una panoramica sul mercato internazionale dell’imballaggio cellulosico. Si è parlato anche del nuovo Regolamento europeo sugli imballaggi con Eleni Despotou, direttore generale di FEFCO e del sistema riciclo di imballaggi in Italia con Roberto Di Molfetta, vicedirettore e responsabile dell’area riciclo e recupero di Comieco.
La Tavola Rotonda
I lavori sono proseguiti sabato 13 maggio con una tavola rotonda dal taglio prettamente economico e moderata da Sebastiano Barisoni, vicedirettore esecutivo di Radio towards a progressive reduction in weight, to reduce the use of raw materials: “the average weight of corrugated cardboard in 2022 dropped to 535 grams per square meter, a reduction in weight which from 2000 to today has made it possible to save 559,000 tonnes of raw material used. And this trend is destined to continue, thanks to papers with ever better performance supplied by paper manufacturers and thanks to the continuous technological evolution of converting machines”.
Gianluca Berrettini and Marco Bertola, Fosber Group, recalled that the company has installed 250 complete corrugators and over 10,000 machines worldwide. The digitalization era began in 2015 when machines started to become intelligent, an evolved ecosystem was beginning to take advantage of the interconnection between machines and digitalization to collect data and allow man to interact intelligently with the machine: but how is it possible to generate value from interconnected machines? Fosber’s answer came in 2016 with ProCa- re, a centralized system that allows you to carry out intelligently programmed maintenance procedures, using tablets, QR codes and mixed reality. In the following years, Fosber realized that AI could also be useful in process control, for predictive diagnostics, up to the detection and classification of defects, but also to be sustainable, because “sustainability is also keeping everything under control; our most advanced tool is called Aida (Artificial Intelligence Data Analysis), which can create correlations between historical data to make decisions more nimbly and easily. Machines today generate data and each customer with his line contributes to creating learning and operating models that serve them to work better and us to create machines with better performance”. says Berrettini.
Ralf Schiffmann of German corrugated machinery manufacturer Göpfert recalled Ovation presses, HQPP (High Quality Post Print) technology, which for example can print 6 colors plus varnish at 60 lines, The speaker also mentioned that the so-called
24. Hanno partecipato Alberto Marenghi, vicepresidente di Confindustria; Francesco Pugliese, Ceo di Conad; Guido Barilla, presidente del Gruppo Barilla; Gianluca Castellini, Ceo di Smurfit Kappa Italia; Giampiero Maioli, Ceo di Crédit Agricole Italia, e Federico Visconti, Rettore LIUC – Università Cattaneo.
“Il cartone ondulato è un materiale eco-friendly di grande valore, in particolar modo alla luce del panorama attuale, dove c’è una crescente necessità da parte delle aziende del settore di legare al proprio brand valori e azioni che vadano ben oltre il solo prodotto. Il focus, infatti, si è da tempo spostato dal mero bene o servizio offerto, all’impatto delle attività aziendali sulla società, quindi persone e territori. Si tratta di un cambiamento di prospettiva che richiede una nuova classe dirigente correttamente formata e orientata a questo obiettivo”, conclude Alberto Marenghi, vicepresidente di Confindustria per l’Organizzazione, lo Sviluppo e il Marketing.
“unboxing” experience makes double-sided packaging more and more attractive in the packaging industry. Especially in the e-commerce sector, the inside of the packaging is often used to convey a personal message to the recipient. For this reason, Göpfert has developed a machine that can print on both sides in one pass. The company also offers flatbed die-cutting and folder-gluer machines.
Marvin Moehle, senior product & strategy manager of the Mondi group, followed with an overview of the international cellulosic packaging market. Eleni Despotou, general manager of FEFCO, spoke about the new European regulation on packaging; Roberto Di Molfetta, deputy director and head of the recycling and recovery area of Comieco, spoke about the packaging recycling system in Italy.
The Round Table
The work continued on Saturday 13 May with a purely economic round table moderated by Sebastiano Barisoni, executive deputy director of Radio 24.
To the discussion participated Alberto Marenghi, vice president of Confindustria; Francesco Pugliese, CEO of Conad; Guido Barilla, president of Barilla Group; Gianluca Castellini, CEO of Smurfit Kappa Italy; Giampiero Maioli, CEO of Crédit Agricole Italia, and Federico Visconti, Rector of LIUC – Cattaneo University.
“Corrugated cardboard is an eco-friendly material of great value, especially in the light of the current panorama, where there is a growing need on the part of companies in the sector to link values and actions to their brand that go far beyond the product. In fact, the focus has long since shifted from the mere good or service offered to the impact of corporate activities on society, therefore people and territories. It is a change of perspective that requires a new management class that is properly trained and oriented towards this goal”, declares Alberto Marenghi, Confindustria vice president for Organisation, Development and Marketing.
by Barbara Bernardi