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“Per il terzista la dotazione tecnologica del reparto produttivo è di vitale importanza. Quando ho iniziato a lavorare in questa azienda nel 1999 servivamo in un mese 10-15 clienti, mentre oggi arriviamo a servirne 50-60 e in tempi estremamente ridotti. Il mercato è molto più frammentato e il tempo che serve a produrre una commessa per un cliente di grandi dimensioni, va messo in conto anche per le commesse più piccole. Pertanto, l’organizzazione del lavoro e impianti produttivi efficienti, che garantiscono avviamenti flessibili e veloci, al pari di una qualità del prodotto finale di eccellenza, ci consentono di servire il mercato con buone performance e la giusta marginalità. Inoltre aver inserito nell’ultima arrivata anche il modulo di incollatura al plasma, ci ha consentito di penetrare anche nuovi mercati, per lo più delle nicchie, come quelli delle scatole plastificate, e senza alcun timore”, conclude Dalla Valentina lasciando aperta la porta a nuovi investimenti, anche alla luce della grande espansione che sta avendo il mercato del packaging in carta, occasioni da non farsi sfuggire, per chi come Cartotecnica San Michele ha fatto del servizio puntuale e di qualità ad altre aziende il proprio punto di forza.

product and timing. “We have always been loyal to BOBST brand when we gained experience with the first 1080s and grew up in the world of automatic die-cutting. We came from years of manual platen and the leap was considerable”, Enea Dalla Valentina tells us, sales manager. Today, 4 BOBST die-cutters work in the company: SP 102 SE, SPERIA 106 and two SP 142 E, equally divided between the 70x100cm and 100x140cm format.


To complete the production process, an old folder-gluer was also in operation in the company which, however, was only used to fold quarters, sexts, heavy weight blanks but certainly not to produce packaging. “The decisive leap came when, by chance, we found ourselves viewing what would have been our new automatic autoplaten in a BOBST workshop in Milan, and there we also saw a Domino 90 folder-gluer that the technicians were overhauling. In short, we took that folder-gluer home and thus completed the packaging production cycle, growing a lot in recent years”, adds Dalla Valentina.

An Advanced Gluing Department For An Accurate And Quality Service

The quality in the die-cutting is certainly an excellent starting point but in order not to frustrate the work done, it is equally important to adopt cutting-edge technologies also in the gluing department. Therefore, shortly before Covid, Cartotecnica San Michele decided to invest in a new BOBST EXPERTFOLD 110 A2 folder-gluer equipped with all the essential auxiliary elements for a subcontractor to guarantee maximum quality and safety in the food packaging sector.

“The EXPERTFOLD 110 A2 has been set up with the 4-6 corner module, anti-mixing code reading, glue presence reader, devices to produce flat or Z-shaped bags, making it as complete as possible for our needs. In the meantime, again at the request of some of our customers, given that we serve various companies in the food sector, we have embarked on the MOCA path to produce packaging in direct contact with food, and this has allowed us to grow further”, adds Enea Dalla Valentina. The growth in volumes has convinced Cartotecnica San Michele to recently insert a second folder-gluer, the VISIONFOLD 110 A1 also by BOBST to be able to exploit on both lines all those external peripherals that had already been purchased with the EXPERTFOLD. Although we are dealing with two different lines, apart from some particular applications, the rest of the company’s production can be managed with both machines.

“For the subcontractor, technological equipment is very important. When I started working in this company in 1999 we served 10-15 customers in a month, while today we serve 50-60 and in extremely short times. The market is much more fragmented and the time it takes to produce an order for a large customer must also be considered for smaller orders. Therefore, the organization of work and efficient production systems, which guarantee flexible and fast start-ups, as well as an excellent quality of the final product, allow us to serve the market with good performance and the right margins. Furthermore, having included the plasma gluing module in the latest machine has also allowed us to penetrate new markets, mostly niche markets, such as those of plasticized boxes, and without any fear”, concludes Dalla Valentina, leaving the door open to new investments, also in the light of the great expansion that cardboard packaging market is experiencing, opportunities not to be missed, for those who, like Cartotecnica San Michele, has made punctual and quality service to other companies its strong point.

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