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specifico lavoro e ottenere il numero preciso di ore che la lama ha lavorato in macchina, fornendo così dati utili per pianificare e ottimizzare gli interventi di sostituzione degli utensili.
Una Struttura Solida Per Garantire Velocit Elevate
E Un Design Accattivante E Vincente
Il modello meccanico completamente nuovo alla base della Q-Line con BHS180 ridefinisce i limiti prestazionali su tutti i fronti. I nuovi componenti della macchina garantiscono insieme velocità sorprendenti fino a 2,8 m/s. L’innovativa struttura alla base del cutter della Q-Line è in granito epossidico a elevata stabilità ed è in grado di garantire un andamento fluido e la massima precisione di taglio anche a velocità elevate. I bracci di produzione sono realizzati in materiale plastico rinforzato con fibra di carbonio, che ne aumenta la leggerezza e la resistenza. Ciò permette di lavorare alla massima velocità e con la massima qualità anche i materiali più impegnativi.
before the printing and finishing phase, so as to be able to make all the necessary corrections and have a flow totally under control in each phase.
Digital Tool Management
The tool management of the Q-Line with BHS180 has also been redesigned to increase automation.

Le prestazioni uniche del prodotto si manifestano anche nelle sue impressionanti capacità di accelerazione (fino a 2,1g) rese possibili dal nuovo sistema di azionamento lineare. In questo modo si raggiungono velocità di lavorazione elevatissime, riducendo nettamente i tempi di ciclo per singolo job.
In fact, the new generation of Q-Line cutters is equipped as standard with automatic tool change systems. The entire tool management takes place via TOMAC Tool Management Client, which guarantees simple and above all automated processes. Digital interconnection of tool setting and mounting optimizes tool management and saves valuable time by avoiding possible human errors.
There are 2 tool magazines on board and each is able to accommodate up to 7 tools. Furthermore, as the technicians repeatedly pointed out during the presentations, although Zünd machines can also be equipped with compatible blades produced by third-party suppliers, the use of original Zünd-branded cutting blades with unique codes, in addition to being a guarantee of optimal performance, allows you to match that single blade to a specific job and get the precise number of hours that the blade has worked on the machine, thus providing useful data to plan and optimize tool replacement interventions.
A Solid Structure To Guarantee High Speeds And An Attractive And Winning Design
The completely new mechanical model behind the Q-Line with BHS180 redefines the performance limits on all fronts. The new machine components together ensure astonishing speeds of up to 2.8 m/s. The innovative structure at the base of the Q-Line cutter is made of highly stable epoxy granite and can guarantee a fluid course and maximum cutting precision even at high speeds. The production arms are made in reinforced plastic material with carbon fiber, which increases their lightness and strength.
This allows you to work even the most demanding materials at maximum speed and with the highest quality. The product’s unique performance is also manifested in its impressive acceleration capabilities (up to 2.1 g) made possible by the new linear drive system. In this way, very high processing speeds are achieved, significantly reducing the cycle times for each single job.
Friese GmbH
Gewerbegebiet 3

D-96524 Föritztal
Tel.: +49 36761 577-0 mail@friese-rockwelle.de www.friese-rockwelle.de
Referente per l’Italia: Paolo Lobasso
Cell. +39 388 45 32 411 p.lobasso@friese-rockwelle.de