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ENGLISH News Technologies
“Corporate organisations and their shareholders see real benefit in this Environmental progress, in addition operators see real benefit in quicker, safer and easier blade changes, quicker washups and less manual intervention”, explains Whiteside. Absolute have completed projects around the world, but in particular North America, Europe and South America. Installations have been competed on BOBST, Gopfert and EMBA lines in addition to LMC, TCY and YSF. A recent installation on a Bobst 1624 in Europe provided typical results; a reduction in ink loss from 2.7 kg to 0.8 kg, along with wash water consumption on washup of 18 litres and a wash cycle time of 6.25 mins. The customer estimates an ROI of 6-8 months.
“We completed a similar upgrade in the USA for a key client integrated on their Bobst 924”, says Whiteside.

“This also included chambers with InkSave and again produced significant improvements, particularly with
MITO Srl: report da Odyssey Expo
MITO Srl ha partecipato a Milwaukee all’Odyssey Expo insieme alla CCM, azienda del gruppo C&T, leader mondiale nella produzione di controsolcatori e profili per fustelle.
Anche quest’anno l’Odyssey Expo si è dimostrata un’importante conferma per i prodotti di Mito srl.
“Il marchio Made in Italy e le nostre capacità sono state apprezzate anche negli States dove abbiamo presentato le nostre più affermate macchine per il settore cartotecnico. I visitatori più attenti hanno riconosciuto l’originalità e la qualità costruttiva della TSP per la rimozione dello sfrido dalla pila dei fustellati e della X-Cutter Pro per il taglio smussato dei controsolcatori.
Accanto a queste non poteva certo mancare la Quick Nick per l’esecuzione delle tacche di tenuta e soprattutto il già noto sistema Playmatrix con gestione automatica e computerizzata di sei bobine di controsolcatori”, dice Giuseppe Mitolo, Ceo di Mito Srl.
La macchina è stata recentemente rinnovata e presenta un nuovo telaio realizzato in alluminio e movimentazioni pneumatiche ancora più efficienti. La produttività è garantita dal software d’avanguardia che importa direttamente dal file ease of use for the Operators ultimately resulting in reduced downtime and higher productivity”. In Europe, Absolute have recently completed an installation on a YSF at Reedbut. Trevor Green, Managing Director, Reedbut Group, commented, “We are impressed with the Absolute chambers and Ink Save system and in particular the positive impact the system has on our drive to become a more environmentally friendly business. We are now looking at further opportunities to implement the system on other machinery within our group”.
MITO Srl at Odyssey Expo
MITO Srl participated in Odyssey Expo in Milwaukee together with CCM, a company of the C&T group, world leader in the production of creasing matrices and profiles for dies. Also this year Odyssey Expo proved to be an important confirmation for the products of Mito srl.
“The Made in Italy brand and our skills have also been appreciated in the States where we have presented our most successful machines for cardboard converting sector. The most attentive visitors have recognized the originality and the constructive quality of the TSP for the removal of the waste from the stack of blanks and of the X-Cutter Pro for the bevelled cut of creasing matrices. Alongside these, Quick Nick certainly could not be missing for the execution of the sealing notches and above all the already well-known