NEW ROCHELLE CARES AIP INC. PO Box 91 Wykagyl Station New Rochelle, NY 10804 914-‐563-‐8368
February 2016 Activities
Monday, February 1, 8, 22, 29
12:15PM -‐12:45 PM
Lunchtime Yoga New Rochelle Public Library Library Plaza New Rochelle 914-‐632-‐7878 These mid-‐day sessions, designed to help relax and strengthen, involve traditional and adapted poses that are practiced either standing or seated in chairs – no mats needed.
Monday, February 1 1:00 PM
Video Monday: “Cleveland Abduction” Hugh Doyle Center 94 Davis Avenue New Rochelle 914-‐235-‐2363 The true story of a woman abducted by Ariel Castro and held prisoner for 11 years.
Tuesday, February 2, 9, 16, 23 9AM-‐2PM
Free Tax Help New Rochelle Public Library AARP Library Plaza New Rochelle 914-‐632-‐7878
Tuesday, February 2 9:00AM-‐11AM
Legal Assistance New Rochelle Public Library
Library Plaza New Rochelle 914-‐632-‐7878 Attorneys from the Pace Women’s Justice Center offer free information and assistance to seniors on issues such as staying safe, avoiding financial scams, avoiding harassment and abuse, filling out health care proxies and other legal matters
“Spotlight” Pelham Picture House 175 Wolfs Lane, Pelham 914-‐738-‐7337 Michael Keaton, Mark Ruffalo, Lev Schrieber and Rachel McAdams star in the story of Boston Globe’s expose on sex abuse in the Catholic Church. An Academy Award nominee. Free showing for seniors 61+ Tuesdays only. (Cost for seniors on other days and times is $6.00.
Wednesday, February 3, 10, 24 1:15PM-‐2:00PM
Lunchtime Yoga New Rochelle Public Library Library Plaza New Rochelle 914-‐632-‐7878 Start the New Year by doing your body a favor. Try this wonderful class for men and women. Its not complicated and you will leave feeling relaxed and revitalized.