Francis M. Fine Jewelry offers customer service at its finest (August 2020)

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Francis M. Fine Jewelry offers customer service at its finest.




Chamber, City of Conway seek public input on new community-wide strategic plan In November 2009, the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce

For example, in the Keep Conway Active section, one of the goals

launched a community-wide strategic planning process that led to

states: “Conway has a variety of park products, including parks

the creation of the Conway2025 15-year plan.

designed for special needs children, dog parks, recreational parks

Conway2025 is based on survey results from 1,400 residents

geared toward adults, and small neighborhood parks.” Braves Field,

who identified 12 focus areas from 43 options. More than 200

a baseball field and playground for special-needs individuals, was

volunteers collectively held 50 meetings to determine the final

completed in 2014, and the PetSafe Conway Dog Park opened the

132 goals. These goals are spread across seven sectors: Keep

following year.

Conway Active, Keep Conway Building, Keep Conway Creative,

One of the goals under Keep Conway Building states: “In 2025, there is a signature entrance feature

Keep Conway Learning, Keep Conway Moving, Keep Conway Safe, and Keep Conway Working. The Conway City Council voted in April 2011 to make the Conway2025 plan the official “strategic vision for the City of Conway.” Since that time, many of the goals outlined in the plan have seen measurable progress. The Chamber and a team of volunteers revisited the plan in 2015 to get a sample of the progress the community made from 2010-2014.

The Chamber and City of Conway are seeking public input to begin the process of creating a new strategic plan. A link to a five-question survey to gather public input is available at futureofconway and will be open until September 25.

Two-thirds of the goals requiring action had either been accomplished

to downtown at Oak and Van Ronkle Streets.” The arch and fountain at Earl Rogers Plaza were completed in 2013. In addition to updating the community on which of the Conway2025 goals had been achieved, the 2015 report that revisited the plan also detailed which goals showed little or no progress made. The report recommended the community re-evaluate the goals that have seen little to no action and determine if they are still a priority.

It has now been a decade since the Conway2025 plan was launched

or showed progress. This progress demonstrated that Conway2025

and five years since the plan was revisited. Because the current plan is

has influenced the decisions of a number of Conway residents and

set to expire in five years, the Chamber and City of Conway are seeking

public bodies.

public input to begin the process of creating a new strategic plan.



These 13 individuals make up the steering committee for the Conway strategic planning process: TOP (left to right): Gilberto Garcia, Lisette Washispack, Denise Perry, Judge Troy Braswell, Amy Whitehead. MIDDLE (left to right): Crystal Floyd, Ray Kordsmeier, Dr. Hira Cheema Imad, Terry Coddington, Carl Harris. BOTTOM (left to right): Maria Kramer, Jim Rankin, Claudia McDivitt.

A link to a survey to gather public input is available at

The Chamber has named a steering committee to help lead the and will be open until Sept. 25.

volunteer committees and guide the creation of the plan after public

The five-question survey takes approximately five minutes to complete.

input is gathered. The 13 steering committee members include Judge

The first question asks respondents to select from 36 broad focus areas

Troy Braswell, Dr. Hira Cheema Imad, Terry Coddington, Crystal

which topics should be included in a strategic plan for Conway. There is

Floyd, Gilberto Garcia, Carl Harris, Maria Kramer, Ray Kordsmeier,

also an open response section to submit a topic not listed.

Claudia McDivitt, Denise Perry, Jim Rankin Jr., Lisette Washispack,

From there, respondents are asked to rank the top five topics that are most important to them. The final questions give residents an

and Amy Whitehead. Those who would like a printed copy of the survey can request

opportunity to volunteer to participate in the strategic planning process

one by calling the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce at

as a committee member.

501-327-7788. n





UCA’s economic impact on the state exceeds $1 billion The University of Central Arkansas added $1.01 billion in income

In return for their investment, the average UCA baccalaureate degree

to the Arkansas economy and supported 19,506 jobs (one out of

graduate will earn $31,100 per year more than an individual with a high

every 85) in fiscal year 2018-19, according to a recent study that

school diploma or equivalent working in Arkansas. This amounts to

measures the economic impacts and returns on investment of the

$1.4 million in higher earnings per graduate over the course of their

university to its students, taxpayers and society.

working lives. Put in another way, for every dollar UCA students

The study was conducted by Emsi, an internationally renowned

invest in their education, they will see a return of $5.20 in higher future

provider of data for higher education and business. Results were

earnings. This is an average annual return of 19.1%, significant since

announced during the Aug.14 regularly scheduled Board of

interest earned on most savings accounts is less than 1%.

Trustees meeting. “We have always known that UCA and our high-quality academic

From a taxpayer perspective, the study indicates that UCA generates more in tax revenue than it takes. Benefits to taxpayers

programs are vital to the economy, to the future earning potential

take two forms: taxes that the state and local government collect

and career prospects of our students and to the long-term success

from the added revenue created in the state, and savings generated

of Arkansas residents,” said UCA President Houston Davis.

by the improved lifestyles of UCA students and the corresponding

“However, it is affirming to have this new, positive data as we

reduced government services. For every dollar spent by taxpayers,

look ahead and work with local and state leadership to ensure a

they receive $2.20 in added tax revenues and public sector savings

prosperous and vibrant future for our students, campus community

over the course of the students’ working lives.

and the state.” The report demonstrates the significant impact UCA students

Altogether, the social benefits of UCA equal a present value of $2.7 billion. These benefits include $2.5 billion in added income

make on the state during college and after graduation, as well as

through students’ increased lifetime earnings and increased

their overall return on investment to obtain a college degree.

business output, as well as $191.5 million in social savings related

Since 1907, students have studied at UCA and entered the

to health, crime and income assistance in Arkansas. In other

workforce with greater knowledge and skills. Today, thousands

words, for every dollar invested in UCA, Arkansans will receive

of UCA graduates are employed in Arkansas. These skilled alumni

a cumulative value of $8.60 in benefits. The benefits of this

receive higher earnings and increase the productivity of their

investment will occur for as long as UCA’s FY 2018-19 students

employers. During the analysis year of this study, UCA alumni

remain employed in the state workforce.

generated $878.4 million in added income for the state economy, which is equivalent to supporting 16,920 jobs.

For a full description of the data and approach used in the study, see the full report at n







Francis M. Fine Jewelry offers customer service at its finest “There are times in one’s life when God truly

for Roberson’s Fine Jewelry in Little Rock and as

lays out a path for you, and then there are times

the fine jewelry buyer for Barbara/Jean LTD also

said. “On the contrary, we have design

when he lays out a path, green lights, detour

in Little Rock,” Webb said.

elements in our store from leopard-print

signs, and almost every kind of positive signal

“Conway is my home; I was born here, was

“Francis M. is not corporate at all,” she

carpet to chandeliers. Most importantly,

that you can receive to pursue something in

raised here, and have always lived here. But I

we have a welcoming environment. We

your life. In those cases, you do yourself justice

believe the time away from my comfort zone

want our customers to feel like friends

to listen.”

in Conway truly gave me the opportunity to

coming into our home and for everything

learn new sales techniques, get new education

they hear, smell, see, and touch to be luxurious

said the latter is what it took for her to take a

opportunities, and travel and meet new friends

and pleasant.”

leap of faith and open Francis M. Fine Jewelry in

within the fine jewelry business. Without that

With a background in party planning, Webb

historic downtown Conway in August 2017. The

experience, I don’t think I would have had the

prioritizes the customer experience and believes

business is named after her late father, Francis

skills and confidence it takes to run a business

those shopping for fine jewelry should get a

Marion (Frank) Hudson of Conway.

on my own.”

more personal touch rather than having the

Cindy Webb is speaking from experience. She

“It truly took my whole family’s help, lots of

feeling of entering a corporate environment.

encouragement from friends and customers, lots

“It should feel as if you are walking into our

of praying, and most importantly, the support

home, where naturally we are going to offer you

of my husband, Donald Webb, to give me the

refreshments and invite you into a place where

strength and courage to open our own jewelry

the surroundings are soft and the scent of the

store,” she said. “I knew it would be a huge

showroom delicious. You will be welcomed with


open arms as friends and not just as customers.”

Cindy Webb has been in the fine jewelry

The personal touch at Francis M. Fine Jewelry

business since 1993. The Conway native is a graduate of the University of Central Arkansas,

goes beyond the aesthetic. Webb and her staff Webb took aspects from everything she knew

often hand deliver repairs when a customer

where she obtained a degree in Speech

to put the store together and make her vision

can’t make it to the store or deliver gifts to their

Communication. She received a scholarship

a reality. That vision is a combination of what

homes or workplaces.

from Jewelers of America to begin her studies

she describes as “what Elizabeth Taylor would

in gemology and earned a Graduate Gemologist

have approved of and the overall experience

customers because we think of them as family,”

degree from the Gemological Institute of

one gets from watching the movie, ‘Breakfast at

Webb said.

America (GIA) in 1996.


“I have been fortunate to have had the

Webb wants her customers to feel at home

“We literally do whatever we can do for our

Although her party-planning days might be over, Webb believes every day is a party at

opportunity to work in a 100-year-old family

upon entering Francis M. Fine Jewelry, so she

Francis M. “That’s what it takes to separate

jewelry store in Conway for 20 years. I was also

has made the space at 804 Front Street as cozy

brick-and-mortar stores from the internet; it’s

very fortunate to have the opportunity to work

as possible.

the experience you have while purchasing that


Francis M. Fine Jewelry was named Favorite Jewelry Store by the readers of WINC magazine. Pictured here are owners Cindy and Donald Webb.

house financing, and more. The friendly and

the experience.”

professional staff – Cindy and Donald Webb, Whitney Glover, Mark Lutz, Hannah Laws, and

an idea that was a first for Conway. The store

Nikki Burk – all have years of experience and

concentrates on highlighting designer jewelry

love adding a bit of fun and lots of enjoyment

like Konstantino, Jude Frances, Pyrrha, Uneek

to the customer experience at Francis M. They

by Benjamin Javaheri, Vincent Peach, Norman

also have an active board of directors that offers

Covan, and many others. Webb and her friend,

guidance and advice.

Nikki Burk, even launched their own designer

Cindy and Donald Webb live in Conway with

line, Catherine Crown, in the fall of 2018, which

their three adopted cats: Jonesy, The General,

they sell at Francis M.

and Big Sam. The couple are members at

“We enjoy seeking out designers from all over


Francis M. Fine Jewelry received the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce’s 2020 Business of the Year Award in the Outstanding Retailer category. Representing Francis M. Fine Jewelry are (from left) goldsmith Mark Lutz, owner Cindy Webb, Donald Webb, Whitney Glover, and Zoey Rofkahr.

special jewelry piece,” she said. “It’s all about Francis M. Fine Jewelry is a designer boutique,


Fellowship Bible Church. As lifelong Conway

The staff at Francis M. Fine Jewelry donates to the CARTI Festival of Fashion each year. Pictured at the festival are, from left, Zoey Rofkahr, Whitney Glover, Cindy Webb, pearl stringer Nikki Burk, and Bailey Burk.

Symphony Orchestra, and many others. Webb recalled a story that encapsulates her

the world and bringing them to our friends in

residents, they place a high importance on giving

commitment to providing the highest-quality

Conway,” Webb said.

back to the place they call home.

customer service (although not in a literal sense):

In addition to the designer jewelry shopping

“We love this community and try to give back

“According to a popular story, Ronald Reagan

experience, Francis M. offers on-site jewelry

and support it as much as we can. We have

called the Animal Kingdom pet shop at Harrods,

repair, custom jewelry design, jewelry

several nonprofits that we work with regularly,

a luxury department store in London, and asked

appraisals, coin evaluations, watch battery

including Alzheimer’s Arkansas, Renewal Ranch,

if they sold elephants. The agent on the line

installations and watch band adjustments,

Haven, CARTI, Boys and Girls Club of Faulkner

replied, ‘Would that be African or Asian, sir?’”

privative engagement ring consultations, in-

County, Children’s Advocacy Alliance, Conway

Now that’s customer service. n




State Auditor’s Office Hires Mainstream Technologies For HIPAA Assessment & Alignment Changes The Office of the Arkansas State Auditor recently reached an agreement with Mainstream Technologies to conduct a cybersecurity assessment in an ongoing effort to improve their cybersecurity stance and implement best practices throughout the office. The objective of this initiative is to identify issues that could put the office at risk and potentially be exploited

ABOUT THE OFFICE OF THE ARKANSAS STATE AUDITOR Andrea Lea serves as the 40th Auditor of State. As one of Arkansas’s seven constitutional officers, the Auditor of State is the general accountant for the State

by bad actors. Under this agreement, if any issues are found, they will be

and serves as the payroll officer for the

addressed to lower their risk profile against cyber threats.

Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

“Now, more than ever, cybersecurity must be a priority for all levels

In addition to these duties, the Auditor administers Arkansas’ Unclaimed Property

of government. I’m proud of our continuous efforts to stay ahead of bad

(UCP) program. Through the program, the

actors and protect Arkansans,” said Auditor of State Andrea Lea.

office connects state residents with their

“Having a partner like Mainstream Technologies in the trenches with us has empowered us to make forward-thinking changes that exceed industry standards.” Daniel Weatherly, Director of Security at Mainstream adds: “The large number of security settings available on a network and operating system are more than any one person can keep up with or check into. By using our automated best in class tools, we are able to identify and recommend configuration changes to not only align clients with the relevant regulations but improve security and lower their risk.” n

unclaimed property and allows current and past residents to collect their property at any time. For more information about the office, please go to ABOUT MAINSTREAM Since 1996, Mainstream (www. has evolved into one of the most established IT services companies in the Mid-South, serving clients from its Arkansas locations including headquarters in Little Rock, a second operations facility in Conway, as well as a sales office in Bentonville. Their staff of information technology professionals serves business and government customers across the nation with Managed IT Services, Custom Software Development Services, Cyber Security Services, and Hosting.

North Metro Economy at a Glance Population US ..........................328,239,523 Arkansas ....................3,017,804 Conway............................67,638 Cleburne County ..............24,919 Conway County ...............20,846 Faulkner County ............126,007 Perry County ....................10,455 Van Buren County ............16,545 Civilian Labor Force May-2020 Seasonally Adjusted US ..........................158,227,000 Arkansas.....................1,345,509 Not Seasonally Adjusted US ..........................157,975,000 Arkansas.....................1,349,503 Conway............................33,671 Cleburne County.................9,195 Conway County..................8,187 Faulkner County...............61,155 Perry County......................4,091 Van Buren County...............5,720 Unemployment Rate May-2020 Seasonally Adjusted US.................................... 13.3% Arkansas ........................... 9.6% Not Seasonally Adjusted US ................................... 13.0% Arkansas............................ 9.4% Conway............................ 10.1% Cleburne County............... 11.9% Conway County.................. 9.3% Faulkner County................. 9.3% Perry County...................... 8.5% Van Buren County............. 10.7%

Bank Deposits June Conway 2019.................... $1,835,390,000 2018.................... $1,829,012,000 Percent Change..................0.35%

Conway County 2020.............................$457,722 2019.............................$386,360 Percent Change.............. 18.47% Tax Rate........................... 1.75%

Faulkner County Cleburne County 2020.............................$816,549 2019....................... $556,697,000 2019.............................$767,028 2018....................... $554,248,000 Percent Change................ 6.46% Percent Change..................0.44% Tax Rate........................... 0.50% Conway County Perry County 2019....................... $364,163,000 2020.............................$119,195 2018....................... $358,473,000 2019.............................$102,663 Percent Change..................1.59% Percent Change.............. 16.10% Tax Rate........................... 2.50% Faulkner County

2019.................... $2,228,144,000 Van Buren County 2018.................... $2,193,879,000 Percent Change..................1.56% 2020.............................$357,466 2019.............................$294,922 Perry County Percent Change.............. 21.21% 2019......................... $65,345,000 Tax Rate........................... 2.00% 2018......................... $72,986,000 Percent Change.............. -10.47% Restaurant Sales* Van Buren County Year to Date (July) 2019....................... $278,929,000 Conway 2018....................... $276,171,000 Percent Change..................1.00% 2020......................$106,205,942 2019......................$119,998,924 Sales & Use Tax Collections Percent Change.............-11.49% *Includes mixed drink sales July Conway 2020...........................$2,676,081 2019...........................$2,609,267 Percent Change................. 2.56% Tax Rate.......................... 2.125% Cleburne County 2020.............................$521,873 2019.............................$460,209 Percent Change.............. 13.40% Tax Rate......................... 1.625%

Hotel Sales Year to Date (July) Conway 2020..........................$6,923,502 2019........................$10,492,761 Percent Change.............-34.02%

Residential Building Permits Year to Date (July) Conway 2020......................................130 2019......................................176 Percent Change.............-26.14%

Values of Residential Units Sold** Year to Date (July) Conway 2020........................$99,782,076 2019........................$89,688,149 Percent Change.............. 11.25%

Year to Date (July) Residential Units Sold** Cleburne County (New and Existing) 2020....................... $65,838,227 Year to Date (July) 2019....................... $48,420,408 Conway 2020......................................465 Percent Change..............35.97% 2019....................................3451 Conway County Percent Change................ 3.10% 2020........................$12,121,353 2019........................$11,868,800 Year to Date (July) Percent Change................ 2.13% Cleburne County Faulkner County 2020......................................313 2020. . ....................$213,301,488 2019......................................264 Percent Change.............. 18.56% 2019......................$176,501,117 Percent Change.............. 20.85% Conway County Perry County 2020........................................97 2019......................................101 2020..........................$5,299,196 Percent Change...............-3.96% 2019..........................$3,242,633 Percent Change.............. 63.42% Faulkner County Van Buren County 2020....................................1066 2019......................................931 2020........................$21,089,150 Percent Change.............. 14.50% 2019........................$17,306,655 Percent Change.............. 21.86% Perry County Average Price of 2020........................................37 Residential Units Sold** 2019........................................30 (New and Existing) Percent Change.............. 23.33% Year to Date (July) Conway Van Buren County 2020......................................156 2020..............................$214,125 2019......................................148 2019..............................$198,865 Percent Change................ 5.41% Percent Change..................7.67% **Includes sales of residential units

Year to Date (July) Cleburne County 2020.............................$210,346 2019.............................$183,411 Percent Change.............. 14.69% Conway County 2020.............................$124,962 2019.............................$117,513 Percent Change................ 6.34% Faulkner County 2020.............................$200,095 2019.............................$189,582 Percent Change ............... 5.55% Perry County 2020.............................$143,222 2019.............................$108,088 Percent Change.............. 32.50% Van Buren County 2020.............................$135,187 2019.............................$116,937 Percent Change.............. 15.61%

Proud sponsor of Pulse of Conway Sources: 2014-2018 ACS 5-Year Data Profiles, Arkansas Department of Workforce Services, C2ER, Sperling’s Best Places, Arkansas Department of Finance & Administration, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Cooperative Arkansas Realtors’ Multiple Listing Services, Arkansas Realtors Association, and City of Conway.

10 AUGUST 2020


Conway Regional Health System, city’s three higher education institutions announce COVID-19 partnership

Conway Regional Health System, along with


AUGUST 2020 11

The partnership focuses on recommended

new Conway Regional medical clinic in The

Central Baptist College, Hendrix College, and

best practices for each campus to keep their

Village at Hendrix, which will offer a higher

the University of Central Arkansas, announced

communities safe and healthy. The infection

level of care and service for our students

a partnership for testing and health services

prevention team at Conway Regional has

and employees and will serve the health and

related to COVID-19.

worked with the campus medical providers

wellness needs of our campus and community

to understand their needs and provide

for years to come.”

Conway Regional Health System and Conway’s three institutions of higher

guidance on prevention and testing, as

education have been collaborating for several

well as operational recommendations,

weeks to implement protocols and practices to

which are based on the health system’s

Additionally, this partnership enables robust testing for all college students in the city of Conway. Testing will occur with a provider

help ensure the health and safety of students,

management of COVID-19 since its

order and will be facilitated by Conway

faculty, and staff.

appearance in Conway in March.

Regional Laboratory Services.

During this unprecedented time, this partnership brings together innovation, collaboration, and teamwork to build on and expand upon long-established working relationships. “Each fall, the makeup of Conway changes when the City of Colleges welcomes thousands of students back to campus,” said Matt Troup, President and CEO of Conway Regional Health System. “Our partnership specific to COVID-19 with our local colleges and universities, extends beyond the bricks and

“This critical partnership will have an

“We are grateful to Conway Regional for their partnership on this critical and timely project to keep our campus and community healthy and safe.” - Ellis Arnold, Hendrix President

mortar of our medical center.” As a community, the administration at the

immediate impact in addressing COVID-19 on our campuses and will help with surge testing when and if it’s needed,” said Necie Reed, APRN at the Conway Regional Hendrix Medical Clinic. For UCA, it’s about ensuring a sustainable approach for managing COVID-19, including testing and mitigation of potential spread of the virus. “Our student health center has plans in place to support the ongoing health of our students at UCA,” said Houston Davis. “This

“We know that we are stronger and more

partnership will increase our capacity to test

campuses felt the need to pursue a local health

efficient when we work together,” said

more, and testing is an important health tool

care partnership to help address COVID-19

Houston Davis, UCA President. “We felt

to help us track COVID-19 and to implement

this fall.

that between our three colleges and Conway

mitigation strategies on our campus.”

“A college consortia with regard to

Regional Health System, we could collaborate

COVID-19 screening and testing in the

to identify solutions to meet all of our needs.”

adapted throughout this pandemic to meet

‘City of Colleges’ is ideal because it allows

The partnership is another innovative way

the needs of different populations and the

us to speak with one voice to the thousands

the campuses are coming together to build on

communities we serve,” said Matt Troup.

of employees and students on our campuses

existing relationships to address the needs of

“We have worked with each organization in

of higher education,” said Sancy Faulk, Vice

each of the campus communities.

some capacity throughout the years—whether

“At Conway Regional, we have evolved and

President for Institutional Advancement at

“We are grateful to Conway Regional for

Central Baptist College. “In a situation like

their partnership on this critical and timely

health services. This partnership came

we find ourselves in, individuals need clarity,

project to keep our campus and community

together very naturally. We have communities

and that is what this partnership will bring to

healthy and safe,” said Hendrix President

with medical needs and Conway Regional can

our campuses.”

Ellis Arnold. “We are also excited about the

meet those needs.” n

it be athletics or supporting their student

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