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Chamber, City of Conway seek public input on new community-wide strategic plan In November 2009, the Conway Area Chamber of Commerce

For example, in the Keep Conway Active section, one of the goals

launched a community-wide strategic planning process that led to

states: “Conway has a variety of park products, including parks

the creation of the Conway2025 15-year plan.

designed for special needs children, dog parks, recreational parks

Conway2025 is based on survey results from 1,400 residents

geared toward adults, and small neighborhood parks.” Braves Field,

who identified 12 focus areas from 43 options. More than 200

a baseball field and playground for special-needs individuals, was

volunteers collectively held 50 meetings to determine the final

completed in 2014, and the PetSafe Conway Dog Park opened the

132 goals. These goals are spread across seven sectors: Keep

following year.

Conway Active, Keep Conway Building, Keep Conway Creative,

One of the goals under Keep Conway Building states: “In 2025, there is a signature entrance feature

Keep Conway Learning, Keep Conway Moving, Keep Conway Safe, and Keep Conway Working. The Conway City Council voted in April 2011 to make the Conway2025 plan the official “strategic vision for the City of Conway.” Since that time, many of the goals outlined in the plan have seen measurable progress. The Chamber and a team of volunteers revisited the plan in 2015 to get a sample of the progress the community made from 2010-2014.

The Chamber and City of Conway are seeking public input to begin the process of creating a new strategic plan. A link to a five-question survey to gather public input is available at futureofconway and will be open until September 25.

Two-thirds of the goals requiring action had either been accomplished

to downtown at Oak and Van Ronkle Streets.” The arch and fountain at Earl Rogers Plaza were completed in 2013. In addition to updating the community on which of the Conway2025 goals had been achieved, the 2015 report that revisited the plan also detailed which goals showed little or no progress made. The report recommended the community re-evaluate the goals that have seen little to no action and determine if they are still a priority.

It has now been a decade since the Conway2025 plan was launched

or showed progress. This progress demonstrated that Conway2025

and five years since the plan was revisited. Because the current plan is

has influenced the decisions of a number of Conway residents and

set to expire in five years, the Chamber and City of Conway are seeking

public bodies.

public input to begin the process of creating a new strategic plan.

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