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Project Phasing Plan
Due to the size of the proposed project, CRCT may wish to consider a phased approach to implementation. This would allow the organization to complete certain parts of the project as funds become available and reduce the amount of disruption to site operations at any given time. However, project management for phased construction will be more complex and total overall costs may increase due to longer timelines, changes in construction costs, and other factors.
The following sheets provide one potential plan that separates the project components into three construction phases that may be completed independently. Associated concept-level cost estimates are provided for each component. An estimate of total project cost is provided at the end of the following sheet.
The costs shown are conceptual and do not include additional costs such as equipment mobilization/demobilization, construction oversight, or engineering and permitting. Actual project costs will be determined by consultation with project engineers and contractors.
Phase One
accessible paths from old driveway
Arrival & Entry Landscaping
New Driveway Pad Area Improvements
The first phase of construction would include installing the new driveway and parking area, demolishing the old driveway and gravel areas, landscaping around the farmhouse and old ice cream stand, and the pad area improvements.
Phase One Conceptual Cost Estimate
Phase Two
Natural Play Area & Birch Copse Accessible Trail To Ice Cream
Accessible Trail to Solar Panel Overlook
Accessible Trail to CHurch St.
The second phase of construction would include installing new accessible trails from the Church Street entrance to the main core as well as the solar overlook and ice cream spur. At the same time, the garden area bioswale and landscaping would be completed, including the birch copse and natural play area near the gardens.