February Edition 2023

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Issue 60 // February 2023 Love and Wellness

February 2023

The history of Valentine’s Day

Love in more than four letters

Uniquely Houston date ideas

Love and fitness

Baking love into brownies: Remembering Uncle Randy

Self Compassion: A journey of love

Sex for dummies

3 ways to love yourself during the loneliest season

(Valentine’s Day Craft)

Venus in Pisces: Understanding the stars this Valentine’s Day


Cynthia Isabel Zelaya Ordoñez



Cynthia Isabel Zelaya Ordoñez


Liv Anderson

Sakeenah Raji

Rachel E. Coleman

Valeriia Zarytska

Maria Godinez

Jamie Thornton

Rey Mattes

Isha Merchant

Cynthia Isabel Zelaya Ordoñez

Tajj White

4-5 6-7 8-10 11-13 14 15 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23

A Letter from the Editor

Greetings, bienvenidos.

Valentine’s Day has always been my favorite holiday.

Ever since I could write, I‘ve been giving every person I love a handmade card. Every. Single. One.

Expressing love has always been a top priority for me. I’ve always understood that the capacity to love and be loved complexly, to celebrate it, is what makes us human.

There are many different types of love. Neither should

be prioritized over the others, lest you risk creating a toxic disbalance. Familial love is allforgiving and unconditional, but can easily be abused when blindly followed. Romantic love, though intoxicating and intense, can become obsessive and codependent.

In order to love others, you must first learn to love yourself. You are what you love, not who loves you. You can not control who loves you. But you can control who you love. So choose yourself. Choose to chase your own love and admiration before that of others. Relish in being disliked by negative people and enjoy the freedom that self-respect brings. Once you have mastered self-love, loving others comes naturally.

Love is what makes the world go round. I’m not joking. It is what makes parents raise children despite the thankless nights and troublesome teen years. Love inspires people to pursue their passions, even when it doesn’t pay. Love provides strength and validation among friend groups, building lifelong support systems. Love is everything, and it must be celebrated.

This issue is dedicated to the celebration of love. Cooglife’s

writers have explored romance, family bonds, self-love and more. As usual, we have a few history lessons scattered throughout the magazine. There’s even an indepth horoscope analysis.

I hope you have an amazing month of love. May your family wrap you in adoration, your friends make you feel like you’re in a movie, and your romance feels like a love song.

And if you’re the cynical type, the kind that’s certainly no one’s going to look your way this Valentine’s day, think again. Consider this my love letter to you, reminding you to love yourself, accept the love of others and appreciate the love you already have.

The history of Valentine’s Day

To skeptics, Valentine’s Day is seen as a heteronormative, Christian-adjacent holiday manufactured by corporations to sell candy and jewelry. The truth about how we’ve come to celebrate Valentine’s Day today is far more compelling, albeit cloudy.

It’s widely understood that the Catholic feast day honors St. Valentine, a priest who was executed after marrying Christian couples in secret during Roman persecution. This is likely partlegend, seeing as there are two other martyred St. Valentines connected to the holiday and no remaining records of the saint. Throughout the centuries, countless embellishments were added to the story of St. Valentine.

Because of this legend and its exaggeration throughout history, the modern holiday has always been closely associated with Christianity and the Catholic feast day. But the placement of the day in the middle of February might have pagan roots. Some

historians claim February 14 was chosen for the feast day because it was the date of the death or burial of St. Valentine. But the date was likely chosen in an effort to Christianize the Roman fertility festival of Lupercalia, which was outlawed by Pope Gelasius I in the fifth century. Lupercalia took place on February 15.

Loved ones have been writing each other Valentines since as early as the 1400s. The earliest known written Valentine was sent from Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife Bonne d’Armagnac in 1415 while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London. It was a love poem that referred to his wife as his sweet Valentine. The tradition of sending Valentines to loved ones became popular in AngloSaxon societies around this time, but the Industrial Revolution helped cement the day as a quintessential marketable holiday.

The celebration of Valentine’s Day veered away from

handwritten, heartfelt love notes after printing became widespread. Chocolates, flowers and printed cards with cookiecutter phrases about love and friendship were now exchanged, and thus began the inevitable commercialization of the holiday. Worldwide, Valentine’s Day is an opportunity for celebrating all kinds of love, although it seemingly began as a holiday for straight romantic partners in a Christian context. It is a day where partners, friends and family can show affection and love to one another in the best way: a handmade Valentine.

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Infographic by Liv Anderson

Love in more than four letters

The modern conception of love is broad, multifaceted and complex, but strangely contained to one word. Is the love you feel for your parents the same kind you feel for your friends or your partner? Definitely not. Why then would these varied feelings be constricted to a single four letter word? The ancient Greeks rejected that notion, and instead had four words for relational love; Agape, Phileo, Storge, and Eros.


Agape is a spiritual type of love, often seen in reference to the love someone has for god and their god has for them. In a more worldly sense, it can be the love one has for mankind, a joy of living and being on this earth with fellow people. It is selfless, giving, unconditional and largely seen as the most noble kind of love in the Greek canon. It is displayed by sacrifice, action and choice. You can show Agape by volunteering, donating or having a positive outlook on your fellow people. While this love may be large enough to encompass all

of humanity, it also guarantees that you can find a Valentine no matter your love life.


This love is the warm, gentle love of knowing another person wholly and fully. It can come later in a relationship after the heat has died down, or can come in platonic friendship or close familial relationships. To feel Phileo for someone, you must try and truly understand them, and see them as your companion and

6 COOGLIFE // February 2023
Photo by Rachel E. Coleman

equal. Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, is named for Phileo. This kind of love can be shown in selfless acts for friends, family and partners. Go to the doctor with a loved one, make a friend dinner or just really listen when someone speaks to you. Phileo is intimate, kind, and fills life with tenderness.


Storge is a hard-wired unconditional love, often portrayed as between parents and children or other family members. While being similar to Phileo, Storge will often withstand circumstances in ways that Phileo cannot. Parents can forgive their children for things that most times would not be forgivable in friendships or romantic relationships. Storge is a surprising love that can connect those who may otherwise not come to an understanding. It can also grow and shift into a deeper connection. Without Storge our society would fail. Thank those in your life who care for you unconditionally this Valentine’s Day, and try not to test the unconditional nature of their love too much.


Eros is most similar to our modern conception of romantic love. It is passionate, erotic, allconsuming and addicting. Eros is the kind of love that made Romeo and Juliet become the most famous teenagers ever to exist. The beginning of a relationship is the most common time people will feel the highs and lows of Eros. While it can be enchanting and invigorating, Eros does not last forever. Show your partner love this Valentine's Day with a romantic gesture, an alluring dinner or classic teddy bear and chocolate. Have fun with the lovey-dovey stage if you are experiencing Eros but be careful this Valentine’s Day-it's a dangerous game.

7 COOGLIFE // February 2023
Photo by Rachel E. Coleman

UniqUely HoUston date ideas

Houston is a very large and vibrant city, with lots of unique spots. However, when it comes to choosing where to go ona night out, most people get overwhelmed and resort to verified, well-known options. But Valentine's Day is an exceptional holiday, and the choice of a place to celebrate it deserves special attention. That is why we have prepared a small list of fabulous places to go on a date with your other half to.

POST Houston

What could be better than a romantic dinner? It is definitely a win, but the choice of cuisine is always a tricky question. Well, you no longer have to jump between options. Instead, you can find all of your favorite dishes in POST Houston! Moreover, there are a bunch of cool picture areas and stores where you can do a little shopping. The icing on the cake is the incredible terrace overlooking the downtown.

Houston Interactive Aquarium & Animal Preserve

Going to the zoo might not sound like the most romantic date idea, but that certainly isn't the case with the Houston Interactive Aquarium. There are all possible types of animals that you can interact with. Isn’t it cute to feed and pet raccoons or monkeys with your lover? In addition, the zoo has a food court and an arcade area.

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Valeriia Zarytska @_lr4k_ Photo by Matt Wang


Even if you are not a fan of museums, this one is 100% worth visiting. Seismique is a mind-blending interactive art museum where you seem to be traveling between worlds, each more fascinating than the next. By the way, it is also a perfect place to take the most unusual couples’ photos.

Rooftop Cinema Club

Cinema is another option that will never let you down. You know what can make a movie night even better? The breathtaking view of downtown Houston! At

Rooftop Cinema Club, you are given headphones to enjoy the movie without any interference from others. It is overall a really cozy place.

Palace Social

This place has everything you could think of; bowling, a 4D movie theatre, virtual reality games and more. After such an active pastime, a dinner at the restaurant on the territory of Palace Social would be perfect.



February 25 | $70 - Member / $75 Non Member

Register on MYREC.UH.EDU

Come try outdoor rock climbing at Barton Creek Greenbelt in Austin, TX. The greenbelt routes range from 20-40 feet tall and make for a great day trip to the hill country! We'll take a short walk, and then climb for 2-4 hours. Register by 2/22.


March 4 | $50 - Member / $55 Non Member

Are you ready for a “wild” experience? Lake Houston Wilderness Park has exactly what you are looking for and is just a short distance away! We will explore this nature lover's paradise by biking miles of lush greenery and beautiful marsh wetlands. Register by 3/1.


March 11 - 17 | $650 - Member / $700 Non Member

On this journey, we will take you through part of the south rim as you learn about what makes this park one of the greatest in the nation! While we camp at this breath-taking part of the US, you will learn the basics of outdoor cooking, tent set-up, and re starting. Register by 3/5.

9 COOGLIFE // February 2023
SPORT REGISTRATION EVENT TIME Splatoon February 15 2/16 Texas Hold’em March 6 3/8 Outdoor Soccer 7v7 Feb 26 - Mar 22 3/20-4/20 Table Tennis Feb 12 - Mar 7 3/9 Basketball 3v3 Feb 26 - Mar 22 3/20-4/20 March Madness March 5 - 15 3/16-4/3 Home Run Derby March 5 - 28 3/29 NBK2 April 2 - 22 4/25 Wi eball April 2 - 24 4/26 INTRAMURAL SPORTS For more information uh.edu/recreation
Photo by Annie Spratt
Follow us @uhrecreation
SMALL GROUP TRAININ G Sport Enhancement 2/7 - 28 $42 New Year, New You! 2/14 - 3/7 $42 The focus is on You! Details on the UH Rec App STRENGTHENING THE PRIDE FITNESS Zero to 5K! 2/13 - 3/6 $42

Cockrell Butterfly Center

Another interesting and aesthetic place to explore. In addition to butterflies, the museum presents other types of reptiles, like iguanas, but it conquers most visitors with its interior design. It feels as if you are walking in an actual jungle.

Interactive Selfie Museum

When, if not on Valentine's Day, arrange a couples photo shoot? The Selfie Museum has the most unique and stylish photo zones.

There is even one specially made for lovers.

Department of Wonder

Here, you are literally transferred to a parallel reality, somewhat reminiscent of the planet Pandora from the Avatar movie. This is an ideal opportunity to get even closer with your partner by going through a quest in which you have to reveal stories and solve puzzles to complete it.


Last but not least, here's another option for a perfect relaxing

romantic dinner. Parkerz is a very atmospheric restaurant of Mediterranean, American and Oriental cuisine. There are tons of locations for couples photos, as each part of the restaurant differs in its style.

The most important thing is to always remember that it does not matter whether you decide to spend Valentine's Day in a cinema or a museum, the main thing is to share this holiday with the person you love and trust. Its more about the right people who create the desired atmosphere, rather than a place.

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Photo by Charlie Horse Photos for Department of Wonder

The beautiful thing about celebrating St Valentine’s is that it’s not just about celebrating love amongst couples, but also your own self-love. Your acknowledgment of love within you despite your flaws.

Many times, when talking about ways to express love from within, people automatically think about self-care days. Although self-care days filled with things like relaxing on a rainy night and watching movies brings us comfort, another way to increase self-love is through fitness.

love and fitness

Regardless of how you choose to engage, fitness offers you an opportunity to challenge your body and show you what things you physically are capable of with both discipline and love.

Love and discipline

When you continuously keep up with your fitness goals, whether it is hitting the gym four times a day or running 20 minutes a week, these goals are set as a form of both discipline and love.

Love through discipline is shown by showing up for yourself and

accomplishing your physical goals for the week. Discipline is the days that you don’t feel like going, but still show up, knowing you feel 10 times better after a good workout.

Although you won’t see change overnight, results won’t happen unless you continuously keep up with it. Keeping up with those goals may not be easy, but through discipline and self-love, you are able to accomplish those smaller steps toward a bigger picture to grow into the best version of yourself. Fitness

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Photo by Alora Griffiths

teaches you self-love because you are evolving into someone who prioritizes themselves and their health. You learn to balance your me-time in the gym and other responsibilities that allow you to have energy and a clear vision of your day ahead.

Love and routine

As you continue your fitness journey and grow to love your gains, fitness transmutes into a routine that you enjoy. It allows you to find a better balance between work and your hobbies. When you enjoy the things you do, it becomes easier to tackle your goals. It’s also easier to

learn to be organized, focused and determined.

Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, organizing what days you’re working out and creating a split routine help teach discipline. Maybe Monday is glutes and legs, while Tuesday is chest and biceps. By becoming more organized, you become both more focused and determined to attack the day ahead, knowing what things you need to get done beforehand.

The love within yourself grows as you set up a specific time from your day to push yourself and

follow through with your goals in your fitness journey. Each day will begin to count, and you will grow to love your clear vision of your purpose.

Love and community

Whether you just began your fitness journey or have many years of experience, it’s inevitable you find a community to connect and grow with. In a fitness community, you are able to network with other people with similar goals or journeys as you. You may also make life-long friends that can also help keep you accountable.

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Photos by Alora Griffiths

It’s easy to start off very anxious about what others may think, especially as a beginner. But everyone else was once in your place and is able to give you feedback on anything you need to improve on. Even those that are years deep into their fitness journey are still able to benefit from their community. They can expand their group of fitness friends and also be exposed to new opportunities for personal growth.

A fitness community can also provide you with the opportunity to connect with people of different experiences and opinions. Many people end up falling so in love with their fitness growth that they decide to follow a career or certification in teaching it. Although this doesn’t

apply to everyone, you could one day run into a potential client or opportunity that can help expand your own career and love for fitness.

Whether you are just getting started or not, there is a community in the fitness world that can help you find platonic love amongst people who want to grow like yourself.

Love and fun

At the end of the day, what matters in your fitness journey is that you’re having fun with it. You are getting creative as the days and years pass by with your workouts and physical activities to avoid a plateau.

Plateau happens after any

physical activity when little to no growth is happening. This happens when your muscles are used to the same routine and you are not progressively changing the intensity or/and volume of your workouts.

Loving yourself through fitness can be so much fun when you create an environment in which you are not limited in ways you can physically challenge your body. Finding fun ways to challenge your body allows you to connect to your own authenticity and self-love. You can express your creative side when planning your next workout, maybe by adding a new movement or workout that you’re not typically used to. Either way, you know you will enjoy a good challenge.

13 COOGLIFE // February 2023

Baking love into brownies Remembering Uncle Randy

While February is the season of romantic love, familial love is another important thing to remember as Valentine’s Day rolls around. Valentine’s Day treats can make an excellent gift for not just a significant other, but family members as well.

Homemade brownies can be tricky to get right, but my uncle Randy’s recipe is simple enough to make, even in a communal dorm kitchen. While I may not be the best baker, my boyfriend and I made Uncle Randy’s brownies together and still had fun. However, the final result tasted a bit like chocolate bread.

Upon conferring with my mom, I’ve changed the recipe a bit, as I’m convinced my uncle just made brownies based off vibes. This improved recipe

should produce normal brownies, not chocolate bread. Baking with anyone, whether that be family or a significant other, can create wonderful memories in addition to a (hopefully) delicious treat. Brownies and baked goods in general are great heartfelt and costeffective gifts.

This recipe being written by my uncle is special because I was very close to him and my cousins as a kid. Music and food is a source of love in my family, as we have both at every gathering. Baked goods are exchanged often, and the love can be felt through and through. Although my uncle passed when I was around 10 years old, seeing this brownie recipe and baking them myself will always remind me of the love and laughter he brought to our family.


1 cup flour

½ tsp. baking powder

¼ tsp. salt

½ cup cocoa

3/4 cup vegetable oil

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla

1 ½ cup

Preheatsugar oven to 350 degrees.

Combine sugar, oil, vanilla. and eggs in one bowl.

Combine flour, baking powder, and salt in a separate bowl, then add cocoa. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix.

Bake for 25-30 minutes

Serve with love

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“Forgiveyourself for the way you treated yourself in the past, for the way you vilified the way your mind works, for the way you did not show up for yourself, for settling for less because you didn’t think you deserved it”.

These are the words I saw on my tiktok fyp from the Thought Catalog account, and it made me think about how easy it is to show empathy and compassion for others. But for most people, showing compassion to themselves can be seen as childish, foolish, selfish and even a sign of weakness.

I personally think the reason we find it hard to be kinder to ourselves is we see ourselves as better than others, and hold

ourselves to an unhealthy self esteem without allowing any room for empathy, kindness or care. That’s why we can call ourselves derogatory terms we would not say to someone we cared about or even someone we disliked.

There are numerous resources for one to practice self compassion from. Turn towards yourself with kindness instead of always criticizing yourself. Motivate yourself with love and kindness while boosting confidence. Recognize and acknowledge your achievements, no matter how little you deem them. Know what good support looks like, and implement that within yourself and others. There are also self compassion

exercises on selfcompassion.org and great TED talks with Kristin Neff.

Self compassion is not a linear journey. It is a journey with zigzags and ups-and- downs. Your feelings may not always be logical, but they are valid. In order to fulfill self-compassion, you have to give yourself permission to feel what you feel. Your feelings are yours, not your friends, family’s or partner’s. Do not let anyone diminish them, not even you.

15 COOGLIFE // February 2023
Art by Sakeenah Raji

Sex for dummies

Sex! Sex. Let’s talk about sex baby!

You know what time it is. It’s always daunting to talk about sex with a stranger, but I’m no stranger! Think of me as your inner voice who is probably going to tell you all of the things you need to know about sex, especially if you don’t have experience, or even as much experience as you’d like. To be as inclusive as possible, I’ll be talking about sex and relationships in terms of what parts you or your partner(s) may have and use when getting down.

Trust and consent

Before you can get down though, you’ve got to know what’s up. What’s up is trust and consent.

This may be obvious to some, but is definitely necessary to go over.

Consent is (I hope) a no-brainer. Respect “no.” Know that “no” isn’t always a verbal “no.” It can be hesitation, “I’m not sure”, or even a lack of an enthusiastic “yes”. Always practice informed consent. If you’re unsure, ask if what you’re about to do is okay or if it feels good! It’s hot to make sure that the other person is happy and comfortable.

When I say trust, I mean that I’ll be discussing how to determine that the person/people you’re going to be intimate with are worthy of you and your vulnerability, because having sex puts you in a very vulnerable position.

For example, if you’re considering having sex with a man, does he use the word “female” instead of “women”? Or, no matter who you’re considering having sex with, do you think that they would be honest with you about their sexual health and history? Would they make you feel bad if you decided to withdraw consent at any point in the act?

Considering these things and more can help you avoid unfortunate circumstances, from awkwardness to STIs to dangerous situations.


Speaking of STIs, they’re very important and very stigmatized, as I’m sure many of you already know. What you may not know

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Photo by Rey Mattes

is how common they are among people our age.

According to the CDC, in 2016 it was found that about 2.5% of college-aged students had contracted an STD at some time in the previous year. That may not sound like a lot, but considering the approximate 47k Coogs here at UH, 2.5% of that is still over 1000 people. To stop yourself from being part of the 2.5% and suffering the potential side effects that many STDs come with, talking about sexual health openly with your partner(s) is the first step.

Getting tested for STDs is extremely important, especially since you don’t know every single person your partner(s) has been with and what their sexual history is. The Student Health Center on campus offers confidential STI and HIV testing, which is a fantastic resource for keeping Coog’s coochies healthy, and there are occasional popup events for testing around campus.

There are other resources available to you off campus if that’s what you’d prefer, some of which are listed here.

Lastly, another option for all of you is Planned Parenthood, which does a lot more for sexual health than some sources would like you to believe. Their website allows you to schedule an appointment, locate a clinic nearest to you, and learn about STIs in a purely medical sense, no nonsense, no stigma. Keeping this conversation light but educated will help de-stigmatize the

conversation around STIs, which will help all of us in the long run be able to get sexy without fear.

Sexy...and what it is

Another aspect of sex that can be quite scary for newcomers (or even practiced performers!) is figuring out what “sexy” even is, and how to feel sexy in the moments leading up to and during sex, rather than feeling embarrassed or stupid.

Feeling “sexy” isn’t always wearing an expensive lingerie set or being neatly groomed down there (but no shame if it is!). Finding what makes you feel sexy and attractive is important in self-discovery, but also helps with figuring out what you want. For just this moment, pretend I’m a supportive older sibling, never EVER shave only because someone else asked you to. Your body hair is your choice. Wax it, have it, shave it, dye it, that’s up to you, but don’t let anyone make that choice for you.

Embracing what your body does and how it looks is sexy, and wearing anything (or even nothing at all *wink*) can make you feel sexy! Your body is yours to flaunt, embrace, and love, and your love is the first one you should strive for.


Speaking of self-love, pornographic material is often the first place beginners go to when looking for tips on what to do when having sex.

Though it’s not the best or most realistic by a long shot, it can

provide ideas and general where things are located for visual learners.

Articles online can also be helpful, just like this one, but make sure your source is reputable! For an on-campus resource for LGBTQ+ individuals, the UH Wellness community and the LGBTQ+ Resource Center are partnering to put on a “Queer Sex After Dark'' this month on February 9th.

The Wellness community puts on a plethora of sexual health events, so keep an eye on their Instagram to stay in the know. These events won’t teach you about one of the most important aspects of sex which are preferences (kinks and/or fetishes, positions, etc)! Preferences like this can depend on your partner(s), so make sure you’re asking them openly what they like before and/or during the deed! Talking about sex openly also helps reduce the stigma around sex, kinks, and all of those things we consider taboo today.


Methods of contraception and which ones are the best for you is a very personal conversation but is also quite a loaded topic. There are a variety of options so pick one that is best for you, but always, always, ALWAYS use some method of contraception if you’re in a sexual situation that has any level of risk, which is typically all scenarios. Stay safe, have fun, and let’s get sexy AND informed!

17 COOGLIFE // February 2023

3 Ways to Love Yourself During the Loneliest Season

February can feel very lonely and isolating. Every year, stores stock up on Valentine's day goodies, couples seem to be showing off how happy they are and social media can be suffocating. If you’re single, it may feel like no one is celebrating you. However, there are many ways to practice self-care and shower yourself with love over this holiday season.

Invest in hobbies that make you feel good about yourself

It is important to build habits that genuinely improve one’s quality of life and make you

happier. For example, I recently started my own fitness journey after struggling with it for many years. Recently, I pushed away my old mindset and decided to invest in gym memberships. I do these things to help me be mindful of the world around me and improve my mental health. While I might not be the best runner or the strongest weightlifter, I’ve seen an improvement in myself.

Going to the gym isn’t the only hobby you can pick up. I think it’s wisest to pick up a hobby you already have an interest in and make it a part of your daily routine. For example, if you enjoy crocheting, you

could crochet a couple of rows or practice stitches each night before bed. There are a variety of hobbies you can practice with, like watching movies, reading, dancing or writing. By investing time into things that are not inherently productive or successdriven, you will learn to invest in yourself and your personal happiness.

Have a night in and pamper yourself

Spending a nice night on Valentine’s day is a great way to practice self-love without external expectations. Maybe you can cook yourself a nice dinner

Photo by Isha Merchant

and watch a movie. You can end the night with a nice, refreshing spa night, pull out your favorite face masks and candles and enjoy a nice bubble bath. Spending time alone and recharging can be a great way to practice self-love.

Invest in something to pleasure yourself

Lastly, it is important to try to find something that will allow you to just be happier and healthier. For example, books are a great way to distract yourself from the world and spend time on your own. However, there are other ways of pleasuring yourself. Sex toys are a great investment as many of them last for long periods of time, and are an amazing addition to your life.

Bellessa, a feminist porn company, sells a wide variety of sex toys. They’ve collaborated with Buzzfeed to create inventive new sex toys. Bonjibon is also another female-owned sex toy company that sells a wide variety of toys. Some of the most highly rated sex toys are the Satisfyer Pro 2, which features suction technology and retails for $65. The Satisfyer Pro 2 acts similarly to the viral ‘Rose’ vibrator, which is also available on Bonjibon. Some other great sex toys are the bullet vibrator, which is fairly inexpensive and functions as a good beginner option, and the rabbit vibrator, which provides both clitoral and internal pleasure. Along with that, dildos are a great option for those who want penetration only in their sex toys.

Self-love can be more than the occasional spa night, it can also be very sexual and exciting.

Overall, it is super important to continue to practice self-love in a variety of ways that further enhance your life. Hopefully, with a little help from this article, you can continue your own self-love journey!

Stitched with love

A crochet tutorial courtesy of the Patchwork Pals

There are many ways to show love. Food, pretty words, acts of service and a gentle touch are all excellent examples. One that has existed for almost as long as the concept of humanity is the gifting of fiber arts.

Fiber Arts

Fiber arts is defined as the skilled creation of art using fibers like fabric or yarn made from natural or synthetic fibers. It is a fine art, one that we use every day in our clothes, homes and tools. One that has often been overlooked because it is an art dominated mainly by women.

As the production of fiber arts has moved from mechanical production 27,000 years ago

to fast fashion today, the need for people to knit, sew, darn and mend their own clothing is nearly nonexistent. Why spend 80 hours and $100 in yarn to knit a sweater when you could order one on Shein for $8? For love, that’s why.

Is there a better way to say ‘I love you’ than with a handmade sweater? Each garment was lovingly custom-made for one person. Each stitch carries thoughts of them, each panel hair of the maker, accidentally women in. Hours of skilled labor and wrist pain go into a gift like that. But it’s worth it, no matter how antiquated some may think the craft is. The members of UH’s Patchwork Pals would agree.

The Patchwork Pals

When Alejandra Smith founded the Patchwork Pals during COVID, she never thought it would grow into what it did. The graphic design and marketing major just wanted a space to practice crafts like crochet and quilting with friends. Upon seeing UH did not have a club for that yet, she decided to start one.

“I created it because I took a fibers class and I really enjoyed it. I wanted to take it further. So I kind of put out an announcement,” said Smith. “I started a Teams meeting… and Marielena was actually the only one to show up. I was heartbroken!”

20 COOGLIFE // February 2023

Marielena Carmona, an art major, was eager to join a club where she could meet people that love yarn work as much as she did.

Joining the club

Although retaining members for a crafting club online proved difficult, the club continued to chug along. A labor of love, Patchwork Pals currently has 99 members in their Groupme, all gained through Get Involved or Instagram recruitment. A significant group follows them on discord, and a smaller but loyal group consistently shows up to in-person meetings.

Megan Benavides, the membership officer, recalls the first time she came to a meeting.

“When I came, I didn't know anybody,” Benavides said. “A lot of the people were from the fine arts department or architecture. I didn't like I knew nobody there, but everybody was really, really nice. Really, really welcoming. You just don't feel like a stranger. It was a really good time.”

Each meeting is a very relaxed affair. Newcomers can expect to walk into a room with crafters and good vibes. People bring their own project to work on. Snacks are often provided. Sometimes, the club watches a


Medium weight yarn

5 mm crochet hook



Begin with a magic ring

Ch 2

6 dc into magic ring

Ch 2

1 tc into magic ring

Ch 2

6 dc into magic ring

Ch 2

Ss into magic ring

Cut the working yarn and pull it through the ring

Tightenthe magic circle

Cut the yarn and weave in the end

movie while they work. Other times, an officer will lead a workshop for people that want to learn to crochet.

Patchwork Pals is a wholesome organization that runs on passion and loyal participation. It is one of the avenues through which a lifelong love of knitting, crochet and patchwork is kept alive. This Valentine’s day, the officers invite you to step out of your comfort zone and create a craft for someone you love. Below is a beginner-friendly tutorial on how to crochet your own Valentine's heart. Use it to make earrings,a patch, a keychain, a garland. The only limit is your imagination!

Stitches to know

Magic ring

Chain (ch)

Slip stitch (ss)

Double crochet (dc)

Triple crochet (tc)

21 COOGLIFE // February 2023
Photos by Cynthia Isabel Zelaya Ordoñez

Venus in Pisces: Understanding the stars this Valentine’s Day

Love is in the air with Venus being in Pisces… What does that even mean? Let's take a glance at what astrology is, maybe it can help you understand your horoscope this Valentine’s Day.

Have you ever wondered what people mean when they ask you what your sign is? Most people believe that astrology is personality-based when it is in fact (in my personal opinion) identity-based. Think of it as who you are as an individual and how the universe affects you and your life as a whole. Let's break it down.

Sun, moon and rising

Your sun is of course your main

squeeze sign the day you were born, your identity. Your moon is how you feel. Lastly, your rising, also known as your ascendant, is the mask you present to others. Those are the three basics. However, there's more. Going more in-depth into the astrology chart are the Mercury, Venus and Mars placements. Let’s start with Mercury.

Mercury, Venus and Mars

The messenger of mythology, Mercury is how you communicate your intellect, memory and transportation. Since Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, it will naturally fall in the same sign as the Sun or in the sign that proceeds or precedes it. For

example, if your Sun is in Scorpio, your Mercury will fall in Libra, Scorpio or Sagittarius.

The Venus placement, being the goddess of love, represents exactly what you think it does. The simple interpretation is that it represents love and money, what we value and the pleasure we take in life. With Venus energy, people will appear attractive and they will in turn attract others. This can affect how you socialize and your relationships with friends, family or partner. Lastly, the reasoning behind your passionate and aggressive energy.

With Mars being the God of war, it's no surprise why it represents

22 COOGLIFE // February 2023
Photo by Tajj White

energy, action and desire. This placement rules instincts of aggression, anger and survival. It's what keeps us driven, what gets us out of our bed. There's more to just those six placements, but I’ll stop here to keep it simple.

Now let's get into what's been going on with the planets in the sky, how retrogrades affect us and what's to come with Venus being in Pisces.


What exactly is retrograde and how does it affect our well-being? Retrograde, in definition, means to move backwards. How that affects us depends on what sign the retrograde is in. For example we have multiple Mercury retrogrades. With Mercury being the placement of communication, intellect and memory, that is exactly what it will affect. This is why technology such as computers or phones act weird

or why cars start to break down on us. Recently, three planets that have just ended their retrogrades. This may be why everything seems calmer.

Venus is in Pisces Venus is the planet of love, creativity and money. Planets go through multiple cycles in different signs, which is a major key to how the universe affects our life as a whole. This planet of love has been in Pisces since January 26 and will stay there until February 19. There is no better time to romanticize your life and give form to your daydreams. The energy produced by Venus in Pisces is romantic and dreamy. It has a deep and all-encompassing creative energy, especially with art, film and poetry. It’s empathetic and healing, and we may have the need to resist losing ourselves in our partner's needs.

As we take a look at the zodiac wheel, Pisces is the last sign we move through. The end of this cycle is important for Venus. May 2, 2022 was the start of Venus’ current cycle. Since then, we may have experienced struggles within relationships, shadow work and deep healing around love. It may also have an impact on money and our creative processes. In many ways, since last year, we are new versions of ourselves,and Venus being in Pisces is the blending of all we have learned.

Pisces as a sign is the healer of the zodiacs. It is the healer on the deep subconscious and soul level. So what exactly does it mean as Venus enters the sign of Pisces? I'm pretty sure that we will be forced to heal what we have not yet healed, and work within ourselves and our relationships. As always, with any message shown to you, only take what resonates.

23 COOGLIFE // February 2023
Photo by Tajj White
24 COOGLIFE // February 2023

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