Alternative Documents of Milieus by YuCheng Huang (ver. 2020)

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ALTERNATIVE DOCUMENT OF MILIEUS Architecture Portfolio Selective Works in Architecture Artifacte Urban 2012-2019

Yu Cheng Huang

Alternative Documents of Milieus Milieus are complex interactive amalgamations of objects, behaviors, and memories in the environment, enclosing our routine life. In particular, in my historic hometown Dihua Street in Taiwan, these amalgamations arouse our sense of “awareness in milieus”, which triggers residents to think of some other things, that no longer exist or never exist. With the strong affection to my hometown, I set out my journey to re-imagine futures of historic places through the approaches, called “alternative means” for regeneration to physically and mentally record the very essence in milieus and define harmonious architectural paradigms for human beings. This is the underlying motivation of my thesis design Domestic Shadow-scape and portfolio Alternative Documents of Milieus. Moholy Nagy put it well when he said: “Superimpositions overcome space and time fixations and unite strange and diverging subjects into new entities, revealing unnoticed structural qualities in the objects.” Nowadays, architectures have focused on entities integrating functional subjects, such as sustainability, economics, and so on, but these entities have seldom uncovered underlying structural qualities or essential identities in milieus. Being perplexed by this phenomenon, I dedicated myself to five sitebased projects and each project separately concentrated on themes of light, motion, urban fabric, boundaries, and openings. Within these projects, both existing and additional elements re-transform into “alternative entities”, unfolding an unexpected narrative for humanity and manifesting identities for milieus. Conclusively, my research and designs concentrate on developing new points of view to read milieus and means to study typological conformations for awareness in architectural domain.



Documentary Type


DOMESTIC SHADOW-SCAPE Housing Preservation in Dihua Street unexpected LIGHT

IF YOU WERE A MACHINE Infrastructure Regeneration in Taipei Railway Workshop evolving MOTION

TAMSUI BIG FAMILY Urban Preservation in Tamsui City hidden FABRICS

COMPLEX CORRIDOR Urban Regeneration in Linsen North Road unpredictable BOUNDARIES

TIME HOUSE Housing Preservation in a historic Downtown ever-changing OPENINGS

Documentary Type : unexpected LIGHT

DOMESTIC SHADOW-SCAPE Independent work Instructor: Jr-Gang, Chi Bachelor's 5 th-year thesis project

The proposal is for a renewed street house project that explores new composition “Corners�, allowing the abnormal shadows with everyday scenes to be perceived by human beings. This project is based on scientific research, physical model experiments, and long-term site observation. Have you ever seen colors of shadows? No matter in Rome Pantheon or high mountains or the sea, light and shadow sometimes will suddenly bring us some realization through such monumental architectures or superscale landscapes. However, this realization actually exists in domestic and trivial corners as well. Therefore, how human beings can participate and perceive within the oblivious corners becomes an important challenge.


This project involves three abandoned historic houses, each 40 meters long and 5 meters wide, in Dihua Street in Taiwan. Except to renew equipment, the two additional vertical Corners will be added to the places where the conventional courtyards are located. The two Corners not only are the circulations but also empower oblivious things in daily life, such as old brick walls, steaming vapors from the traditional events, to trigger the residents' awareness of themself through the complex interactive vision of light and shadow. In the end, the area turns into an ever-changing totality of life, which can be seen and felt by the residents as well as can be preserved as an alternative identity of Dihua Street.

Fig. “It would not surprise me that those animals turn out to increase the range of body size

Project Category : Housing Preservation

Documentary Type : unexpected LIGHT


Assembly Building

Institute of Management

Institute of Salk

National Building

Corn Fields

Living Beds

Living Curtains


Circulation Type

Corridor Type

Window Type

Door Type

New Typologies - Superimposition of Light and Shadow in Domestic scale

1:50 Design Model - "Gaze" at the present in daily scenes

Domestic Light Typologies. These typologies aan ever-changing visual world of the trivial and daily moment following a methodology (involving three distinct variables Distance, Opening, and Superimposition), which make up a new totality of everyday life that could arouse our awareness at the present.

Project Category : Housing Preservation

Index of Awareness. We could experience a sense of awareness to life or some other things in largescale spaces, for example: mountains, ocean, many religious architectures, and architectures of Louis Kahn. All of them inspire the awareness in mind by monumental typologies, materials, and scales. H o w e v e r, t h i s k i n d o f awareness also exists in our daily life.

Superimposition by Moholy-Nagy

Documentary Type : unexpected LIGHT Depth



Alternative Relationships for Existing Historical Elements, Brick Walls


Conceptual Drawing - Alternative Entities for Awareness of Milieus


Site Mapping - the existing spatial elements in Dihua Street


Ruins Abandoned Places Religious Spaces Semi-outdoor Places Winding Lanes

Project Category : Housing Preservation

ALternative Entities. Moholy Nagy put the Alternative Entities well when he said: “Superimpositions overcome space and time fixations and unite strange and diverging subjects into new entities, revealing unnoticed structural qualities in the objects.� Such entities trigger us to think about something that no longer exist, or something that actually never existed.

Documentary Type : unexpected LIGHT


The Two Corners. I try to rethink the boundaries in the same and repeated route of the resident, which are the elevation and the court of the conventional street house. Adding two Coreners into these places to Reframe the life boundaries between old and new elements, like old-red brick's wall, events of the steaming, the native banian and cats sneaking around.

Anoxometric Drawing - Alternative Entities with two added "Corners", respevtively the Slash and Curved ones

View form the entrance of the street house in Dihua Street

Project Category : Housing Preservation

The Elevation Corner. The angle between the “Slash Wall” and the existing brick wall provides a dark enough space for the red tinted shadow to manifest itself on the new wall. When light penetrates through, the brick skin not only have effects on the interior side, but also the exterior streetscape.

corner. 2

view between corner.1, corner.2 and parallel walls.

increaseing. The orthogonal layering provide well transparent

and the green shadow get darker on the walls as the distance

apart. The light come from the side door of garden s corridor

It s a interior court with new and existing brick walls parallel

05 GL floor

scale 1 : 100

GL floor N

scale 1 : 100 N

Documentary Type : LIGHT View from the entrance of the street house

Anoxometric Drawing - the Entrance Corner with the added "Slash wall" and existing brick walls

Project Category : Housing Preservation

scale 1 : 100

GL floor


Documentary Type : LIGHT View from the staricase in the mid of the house

The Courtyard Corner. A new opening is being reframed by the “Curved Wa l l . ” T h e a m o u n t o f natural light coming in through the opening decreases following the curvature of the wall. The staircase is located at the intersection of all the openings, which provides opportunities for constantly changing superimposition.


Anoxometric Drawing - the Staircase Corner with the added "Curved Wall" and existing brick walls

Project Category : Housing Preservation

Documentary Type : unexpected LIGHT

07 Shadow of window

Shadow of street vendor

Shadow of shop

Shadow of garden

Domestic Shadow-scape - Design Plan_GL and Section

Project Category : Housing Preservation

Shadow of brick

Shadow of tree & wind

Shadow of vapors

Shadow of rain

Documentary Type : unexpected LIGHT

Alternative Plan_3F

Alternative Plan_2F

Original Plan


View from the courtyard of the staircase

View from the atrium of the entrance

Project Category : Housing Preservation

Documentary Type : unexpected LIGHT

Alternative Alleys. Within the original street market context, new vendor machines are added for the local vendors, which enables the steam vapors to interact with the existing brick walls through light effects. Meanwhile, while walking through the alleys, the scenes of the trees and humans are captured on the additional curved surfaces next to the alleys' passanger ways.

leak of light

leak of light

Axonometric Drawing - Vendors with vapors and light

Vendor Parking Lot


Community Kitchen

View from the daily routie in Dihua Street

Project Category : Housing Preservation

Documentary Type : unexpected LIGHT radius surface

leak of light


Axonometric Drawing - Screen with nature and light

View from the narrow alley in Dihua Street

Project Category : Housing Preservation

Dihua St. Shadow-Scape. Scene after scene, a series of “Gaze�, like the shadow of a cat and a brick walls, or slow rising steam, one after another unintentionally appears at the corners of our daily life. It occasionally stimulates our awareness, and at the same time reveals the long forgotten existence.



Light-Experimental Space Study


Light-Experimental Design Video - Object oriented Composition


05.2017 Final Presentation in TKU


A . 1:50 Design Models B . 1:50 Design Prototypes C . 17 pages A0 Layouts D . 1:200 Site Model E . 1:50 Light-Space Study Model F . Light-Experiment Design Video G. Site Recording Photographs Spacial thanks: visiting critircs, Chong sheng Liu, Yu zhang Liang, Ruiji Chu, David C. Tseng


Project Category : Housing Preservation


Documentary Type : evolving MOTION

IF YOU WERE A MACHINE Jr. Gang Lab Project Team: Chia-Rong Tsai, Yi-Chen Shih My work: primitive design, architectural drawing, 3D model, diagram graphics Instructor: Jr-Gang, Chi The project challenges the possibilities of awareness of human-machine relations through the “Machines” as media connecting between modest human beings and huge infrastructures. Located in the center of the capital in Taiwan, Taipei Railway Workshop (TRW) is known for its train-repairing mechanism, consisting of the crane system and the rail system perpendicular to each other. Nowadays the TRW is about to transform into a national museum after 80-year-train repairing and maintenance. However, the tremendous difference between the two scales is a disconnection to preserve the dynamic motion system and its labor culture. Thus, this awareness of human-machine relations becomes the main goal in this project.


The new and diverse “Machines” will be added into the existing TRW mechanism, which reforms an ecosystem-like totality. These “Machines” not only are designed to display exhibits of the future museum but also become parts of exhibits, moving slowly on the original tracks with different functions. Meanwhile, the exhibition circulation can re-compose themselves overtime to bring visitors to the place inaccessible before, the angles from the machines. Eventually, the new totality provides functional and educational value to memory the glorious past of the TRW.

Project Category : Infrastructure Regeneration

Diverse-Track Mechanism. Taipei Railway Workshop is the largest urban mechanical infrastructure along the old railroad line, with various repair equipment, moving traces and platforms, as well as dozens of bridge cranes on sky rails in various hights. The mechanism is capable of carrying heavy items through the air for multi-repairing purpose.


Crane System with diverse heights related to functions

Taipei Railway Workshop Infrastructure - the Crane System and the Rail System

Project Category : Infrastructure Regeneration

Repairing Mechanism in TRW

Repurpose the mechanism. When glorious legacies of Machine Age interact with clamors in modern cities, it’s important to redefine machines, their roles, and the track system that transports them. we s h o u l d ex t e n d h u m a n activities in the city into this mechanism to connect humans and machines, as well as existing intermachine relation- ships. How do human sentiments engage with machines?

Documentary Type : evolving MOTION

Index of New Machines - the media to the machine perception

High Wall Type : landscape Task: a shortcut and panorama

Time Sc Type : m Task: pla

Connector Type : landscape Task: connect the lobby and the shops

Inspector Type : gadget Task: bring luggage & provide observatory

Inspector Type : gadget Task: bring luggage & provide observatory


High Wall Type : landscape Task: a shortcut and panorama

Inspector Type : gadg Task: bring

Roof Walker Type : machine Task: provide a platform under the roof

Lighter Type : machine Task: provide a light installation and obsertory

canner machine atform & exhibition space

Sky Wall Type : landscape Task: platform & lobby

get luggage & provide observatory

New Machines. To offer an experience with machine perspectives, we choose western outdoor crane platform as the reception hall. It forms a spatial experience system with assembly factory and train factory. Machines are trans- formed into concierge, mechanic, porters and other roles to assist visitors into the world of machines.

Project Category : Infrastructure Regeneration

Climber Type : landscape Task: staircase to connect the lobby and shops

Documentary Type : evolving MOTION


Axonometric Drawing - Time Scanner attached to the existing crane and aligning to the original rail

View from the New Machiine " Time Scanner"

Project Category : Infrastructure Regeneration

Experinece with new machines. Led by these machines, we emphasize on track systems and their functions on site. This offers a holistic experience and prepares visitors mentally to integrate TRW into urban life through utilizing track devices in the air and on the ground, and brings visitors into spaces used to be accessible only by machines.

Documentary Type : evolving MOTION

Open-Air Crane Plan_GL and Section


攀爬者 Climb er

View from the Exterior Open-Air Crane the entrance and courtyard with New machines within the existing infrastructures

行李員 Porter

門房 D o or m a n

檢查員 Insp e c t o r

技工 M acha n i c

接待員 Co nc i e rge

Project Category : Infrastructure Regeneration

New Open-Air Crane. When this open space becomes a the hall of the railway museum, this site will definitely create a new human-machine relationship by repairing, operating, and exhibiting these trains, tracks and m a c h i n e s . Pe o p l e w i l l experience the moving world from machine views and speeds, and imagine a systematic update in Machine Age and urban life.

電梯操作員 Lift Op erator

Documentary Type : hidden FABRICS

TAMSUI BIG FAMILY Independent work Instructor: Ih-Cheng, Lai Bachelor's 3 th-year project I

Inspired by Invisible Cities, written by Italo Calvino, I had learned that important factors to a city’s identity are magnificent details of a city, including its activities happening everyday, urban context accumulated over time, and so on. Thus, this project aims to capture distinctive but hidden images of a city by re-reading the factors of urban fabrics. The project is located in a historic town Tamsui in Taiwan, where early migrants built houses and narrow streets along the terrain gradients. Nowadays, the living events, like traditional markets, remain in such smallalley-like streets, that people periodically gather and disappear. Therefore, the proposal focuses on the unique residential behaviors in these small alleys during the design process.


Based on site observation, the project involves a methodology to define the way the residents use the space in the historic town. Through this methodology, a series of “ ㄇ -shaped” spaces are arranged accordingly for extension of activities from those alleys and also meet the living demand for the new facilities, including a church, community center, and outdoor gathering venue on the top of the roof. At the joint of the modern and conventional urban planning, this area can be seen as a novel identity as well as a new entrance of the Tamsui town.

Activity Mapping

Urban Structure

Figure Ground

Project Category : Urban Preservation

Documentary Type : hidden FABRICS

Site Obervaion 1 - the Extension for Market activities

Site Obervaion 2 - the Period from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Behavioral Analysis in the market - Extension of use, Circulation, Sight of openings





" ㄇ -shape" Prototypes. Based on the analysis of the routine local market, the particular behaviors of the residents take place within certain spaces in the small alleys, which forms their daily events and experience of life. Based on this analysis, " ㄇ -shape" prototypes and its varieties are identified, involving three behaviors Extension of use, Curculation, and Sight of openings.

Varied " ㄇ - Shape" Prototypes

Project Category : Urban Preservation

Mapping of the Market Event - three primary behaviors within " ㄇ - Shape" spaces

Documentary Type : hidden FABRICS


Axonometric Drawing - the composition of " ㄇ - Shape"

Alternative Urban Life. Through the varied " ㄇ -shape" prototypes, the design will create the spatial experience that extends from the existing small alleys, merging into the Tamsui's urban fabrics. Thus, the new programs of a church and a communitiy center will tap into the traditional events like the market and worship activities, deemed as an new identity.

Tamsui Big Family Mapping - Design Plan_GL

Project Category : Urban Preservation

Documentary Type : hidden FABRICS


Church and Community. All of the old and new programs are mainly integrated into two parts in the space. A church and its roof venue prepare the residents mentally to connect to the historic m e m o r y o f Ta m s u i . M e a n w h i l e , a s u n ke n plaza offers a communitiy center that avoids the residents from the bustle and hustle sightseeing next to the site.

Section Perspective - new composition with elevated church spaces and a sunken plaze

Project Category : Urban Preservation

Documentary Type : unpredictable BOUNDARIES

COMPLEX CORRIDOR Team work with Chang-An, Liao Instructor: Li-Chun, Chang Bachelor's 4 th-year project I

The proposal is for an urban public space regeneration that questions the possibilities of boundaries to unexpected encounters, starting with a parametric section study. The site is located in a highly mixed-use area, Linsen North Rd. in Taipei in Taiwan, where complicated night activities like night clubs are following school and living activities in the daytime. To integrate diverse functions for various users, the project as a public space needs to meet such complex alternations of the use. Hence, to define boundaries among miscellaneous functions for users becomes the main challenge of this design.


To find appropriate relations for users, the proposal involves a parametric methodology, generating myriad possibilities of spatial boundaries as sections are replaced for the environmental agencies. Through this process, the unpredictable “Complex Corridor” taps into the site to offer the intricate functions of neighborhood overtime, comprising facilities for the nearby school court, open spaces for the community, and an urban park on the roof connecting two sides of the streets. Meanwhile, diverse people can ocasionally encounter and see others independently of interventions though these new boundaries relations, demonstrating the site’s identity for its extreme mixed-use.

Fig. “It would not surprise me that those animals turn out to increase the range of body size

Project Category : Urban Regeneration

Community-School Community-School Interface Interface

Roof Park-Interior Roof Park-Interior Interface Interface

Exterior-Interior Exterior-Interior Circulation Interface Circulation Interface

Public SpacePublic SpaceInterior Interface Interior Interface

Semi-exterior and Semi-exterior and Interior Interface Interior Interface

Community Space Community Space Interface Interface








22 22

Algorithm Algorithm for for unpredictable unpredictable boundaires. boundaires. In In response response to to the the complexity complexity of of the the uussee ffoorr ppuubblliicc ssppaaccee,, the the project project starts starts with with aann aallggoorriitthhm m ttoo ffiinndd tthhee ppootteennttiiaall ssppaattiiaall bboouunnddaaiirreess,, w whheerree ccoom p l ex f u n c t i o m p l ex f u n c t i onnss ffoorr divers divers users users in in the the site site can work indepentdently can work indepentdently aanndd aallssoo uunneexxppeecctteedd encounters encounters can can take take place place ssoom e t i m e s f o m e t i m e s f orr bbeetttteerr understanding of the loci. understanding of the loci.


DocumentaryType Type: :unpredictable unpredictableBOUNDARIES BOUNDARIES Documentary Concept Concept -- Layering LayeringSections Sections

Rule for Form Finding

Design Plan_GL

Section Study for User Encounters

Automation for Form Finding



Response to Environmetal Agencies

Sweep to Form Boundaries

Duplicate Layers for Functional Demands

Public Staircase Interface

Main Public Space Interface

Final Decision

Project Category : Urban Regeneration

Evaluation for Relationships of Interfaces

Documentary Type : unpredictable BOUNDARIES View seeing through the Complex Corridor from hand to toe

01 23

Long Section of the Complex Corridor

Complex Urban Corridor. In this urban public space, the design will be the urban media providing functional demands of the scool, the community, and the public in the city. Such media offer livingnecessary services that visitors can temporarily stay here a few day, as well as a urban park integrating the two side of the city and the activities of the neighborhood.

Section of the middle square - the Intersection of the community square, the school facilitiy

Section in the middle of the corridor - the transition of the community, the school, and urban park

Project Category : Preservation Urban Regeneration

Documentary Type : ever-changing OPENINGS


Independent work Instructor: Jr-Gang, Chi Bachelor's 5 th-year pre-thesis project

This assignment is a small practice before the final thesis project. Students were asked to design an “Exhibition� for what they want to exhibit that related to their final project. The project regards Architecture as a measurement, a media form the past, to the present, until the future. In this exhibition, light and shadow superimpose one another though layer-to-layer openings within two boxlike spaces. Such superimposition makes light and shadow both lively and silent in scenes.


As time goes by, three primary angles are likely to be perceived by the observers. First, the scene of the color shadow: the shadow of the brick walls shades the subtle red on the surfaces of the objects after a gradual extension of the shadow to the nearby space. Second, the scene of the shaped shadow: the shadow of both vertical and horizontal windows reacts with objects in the space, which composing unexpected phenomena. Third, the scene of the oriented shadow: the shadow orients coincidentally with furniture in particular angles to manifest significant moments of trivial daily parts, triggering a sense of awareness of the present, even the past and the future.

Project Category : Housing Preservation

Documentary Type : ever-changing OPENINGS

Light-Time methodology. In order to arouse the awareness of the present in everyday life, the experiment focused on the object- oriented relationship between existing and added elements. This relationship mainly involves three facters, Colored, Shaped, and Oriented of shadow to explore abnormal scenes composed of trivial objects like clothes,cats,windows.

Light-Time Metho - Three Factoers: Colored, Shaped, O

Design P

Design P


the scene of the color shadow

odology Oriented


the scene of the shaped shadow


the scene of the oriented shadow

Thank You

Yu Cheng Huang

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