Discuss the anti-globalisation movement and its link to animal abuse. Animal activism and anti-globalisation are closely linked, even if at times this might not seem like an obvious partnership. However before one can fully understand the term antiglobalisation, it is important to first briefly outline what globalisation is. Globalisation is phenomena that transpired more so in the 21st century through creating a ‘global village’ of interdependence in which networking was easily made through aspects such as technology and trade. Therefore, states begin to lose their sovereignty as they become co-dependent on each other. Anti-globalisation (also known as the global justice movement) does not reject the entire concept of globalisation, as some of the benefits of globalisation are embraced (such as travelling, communication and access to information), but is rather seen as a radical idea that points out specific details of globalisation which is believed to lead to exploitation. These include the global economic and political structures. As a result, anti-globalisation is related to democratic principles, with the interest of protecting the vulnerable groups within the global community through grassroots participation and encouraging co-operative decision making. It is therefore fair to say that the anti-globalisation movement is an umbrella concept that includes a number of organisations that are fighting for justice, which include protection of the environment and animals. Animal abuse and corporations are linked fundamentally through the need for profit. Such corporations include those in the oil and pharmaceutical industry as well as large financial institutions such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). These financial institutions are frowned upon by supporters of the antiglobalisation movement because anti-globalists believe that globalisation leads to exploitation as the rich countries benefit the most from these institutions while the exploitation of workers, the environment and animals is experienced. This exploitation leads to the lowered accountability of these financial institutions. A controversial institution that has been in the spotlight for its role in animal and environmental crimes is the WTO. Through the WTO’s role of trade and commerce, many anti-globalists believe it kills and endangers species through its policies and favouring richer countries, which encourages exploitation within the international environment. The WTO have been criticised for not protecting animal and plant life through policies that favour global trade over endangered species. For example, in the mid-1990s, the USA passed a law that banned shrimp exports from states that failed to protect the sea turtle, an endangered species. This affected the trade of several Asian countries, which led to the WTO authorising these countries to allow invoke sanctions against US exports. In conclusion, animal activists play a vital role in the anti- globalisation movement as they fight for peace and justice. Organisations that work within the anti-globalisation movement are inevitably interlinked and have shown that through working together, anti-globalisation gets the attention that it has aimed for. Bibliography Bradley, Mark, 2003. “Globalisation / Anti-globalisation”, Journal of Political Science, 36 (5), pp. 1124- 1125.
Comment [MG1]: This is an assumption and is unclear. A context is needed to introduce the topic and the main points need to be highlighted in order of discussion. Comment [MG2]: This part of the essay should be put in the first paragraph after the introduction. It forms part of the argument. Comment [MG3]: Repetition
Comment [MG4]: Formatting issue here- 1,5 or double spacing is needed. Check with your department for specific formatting details. Comment [B5]: This sentence is unclear and a bit ambiguous. Comment [B6]: Repetition within the same sentence.
Comment [B7]: This doesn’t seem relevant at all and if while it is relevant, this needs to be much clearer and specific.
Comment [MG8]: write out the whole abbreviation first and then as abbr. In this case “United States of America (USA)”
Comment [MG9]: Conclusion is too short and doesn’t summarise what has been discussed. Comment [B10]: Normally this is on a separate page. Comment [B11]: One reference isn’t enough considering that every paragraph in the body of the essay needs to have a reference.