Lightbite manual

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LightBite LightBite

How to create a LightBite?

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


1. Table of contents 1.

Table of contents






Introduction 3.1. What is a LightBite 3.2. Why this guide 3.3. For whom is this guide intended

5 5 5 5





Log in



Log in and main screen



Collect your evidence 7.1. Add texte 7.2. Add pictures 7.3. Add links 7.4. Add questions 7.5. Add online material 7.6. My evidence stream 7.7. Remove evidence 7.8. Change evidence 7.9. Add to your LightBite 7.10. Add Tags

11 12 13 14 15 16 18 18 19 19 19


Find by tag



Find by type



Showcase evidence 10.1. Build showcase 10.2. Showcase history 10.3. Clear evidence 10.4. Sort evidence 10.5. Save showcase 10.6. Cancel changes

22 23 26 26 27 27 27

2. Preface Dear reader, Welcome to this guide, which will show you how to create online instruction material quickly and easily. You do not need extensive computer knowledge: all you need to get started is a pc or laptop, and an internet connection. This guide will take you through the process step-by-step. Once you have mastered the basics, developing new instruction material will be child’s play. This guide is just one of the results of the ‘My knowledge box at work’ project and was made possible by the support of the Leonardo Da Vinci programme. BE-ODL (The Belgian network for open and digital learning) implemented this project in collaboration with national and international partners. The following bodies cooperated at the national level: • Five sectoral partners: Cevora,, Fopas, Horeca Vorming Vlaanderen and Vibam • Three private providers of courses: eXplio, Givi Group and Opikanoba • Three colleges of higher education: Arteveldehogeschool, Karel de Grote- Hogeschool and Lessius Mechelen • Four public organisations: AWT, Forem, Syntra Vlaanderen and VDAB At international level, we worked together with partners from the Netherlands (RayCom), the United Kingdom (Myknowledgemap), Cyprus (University of Nicosia) and Bulgaria (AMEA). If you would like to know more about this project, take a look at If you would like more information about BE-ODL, these partners or this project, please contact us through our website or call +32 (0)9/265.49.04. Good luck with getting started. Bert Coolen Project manager BE-ODL


3. Introduction 3.1.

What is a LightBite?

The term refers to the nature of the instruction material (which is known in the programme as evidence) which will be developed. A LightBite is just like a snack – it only takes a few minutes and is not meant to be a full meal. LightBites are intended to give your employees the information they need to carry out a specific task, so that they don’t have to go to the foreman, the primary manager or a colleague. To develop a LightBite, all you need is some basic knowledge of PCs and access to internet. You can then develop a series of LightBites that focus on the most frequently occurring problems that your employees encounter on a daily basis. It’s there for you to use. Try it! 3.2.

Why did we make this guide?

Today’s organisations are aware of the need for good knowledge management and the various ways in which it can be disseminated on the work floor. They need directly available instruction materials about working processes within their organisation. Interviews that we conducted at the start of the project reiterated this need. Employees are often confronted with small problems that interrupt the continuity of their daily tasks. If your employees had access to a mini-training course at moments like this, they could access the information they need quickly and accurately at their work place or refresh their knowledge. They could then get on with their daily tasks instead of having to wait for help from a primary manager or colleague. This guide will enable you to develop short training courses quickly and easily and to make them immediately available to your employees. 3.3.

For whom is this guide intended?

This guide was mainly made with you in mind, as you are a primary manager who monitors and steers working processes in an informal manner every day. We are offering you this guide to help relieve the pressure of your time-intensive job. You can place frequently asked questions in a clear structure quickly and accurately. Your employees will then be able to find solutions for their work problems at any time and any place, so that they will no longer have to wait until you, the primary manager, are available.

4. Registration LightBite is an online application: First, install your language of choice (see figure below):

You can then register by clicking on the Register button.

You will then see the following screen.

Fill in the compulsory coloured fields, and click on ‘register’ to proceed. You can leave the white fields open, as they are optional. If you fill in the last two fields, it will be easy to recall your password if you forget it at a later date. Now you are registered and you can click on log in.


5. Log in

You will see the following screen, where you can enter your chosen user name and password.

If you have not yet created any material, you will see the following page.

6. Log in and main screen Choose ‘create LightBites’.

You can create a LightBite with the author’s tool. To do so, log in again with the same user name and password.

This application is in English. and also available in other languages.


Now you will see this page.

You can use this tool to collect all sorts of evidence. At the top you can see the following options, which will be discussed separately in the following pages.

Collect evidence: This is where you collect all your evidence. This is explained in more detail in chapter 7 (page 11 to 19)

Find by tag: You can use this to look up evidence according to a specific category (tag). This is explained in more detail in chapter 8 (page 21) Find by type: You can search for a certain type of evidence (figure, link‌) This is explained in more detail in chapter 9 (page 21)

Showcase evidence: Use this to create/change your LightBite. This is explained in more detail in chapter 10 (pages 22 to 24).


7. Collect your evidence Click on this symbol to see where you can collect different types of evidence that you can use later to make a LightBite. The figure below shows 7 different types that you can use (Question, Embed code, Free text, A file, A link, Flickr and Twitter).

In this chapter, we will go through the first five types step-by-step. You can find the last two types in the online manual at We will discuss the simplest types first.

7.1. Add text If you click on this symbol, you can enter a small text. You can then process this text using the following buttons.

First, enter your text, then a title and an item description. Beware ! Limit the number of lines of text to avoid scrolling. When you have filled in all the fields, the button will appear. If you click on this, your text will be saved and added to your evidence. If you do not want to add text, click on


You can then either enter the next piece of text or close. If you want to add more text, click on . If you click on the home page.


you will go back to

7. 2. Add pictures Click on this symbol to add a picture. If you click on ‘browse’, you can select the picture you want from your own computer. First select your picture and then enter a title and an item description. When you have filled in all the fields, the button will appear. If you click on this, your picture will be saved and added to your evidence. If you do not want to add the picture, click on .

You can then enter the next picture or close.

7.3. Add links Click on this symbol to add a link to an existing website as evidence. Do this by entering the website’s URL (its internet address) as shown in the figure below. The link will be opened in a new browser. This allows you to provide more information by referring to a website. You can then provide more information in the description about the link and what the user can expect from it. If you want the link to be less obvious in the whole, use a free text. You can click on the Preview button to check whether the link refers to the correct website.

When you have filled in all the fields, the button will appear. If you click on this, your link will be saved and added to your evidence. If you do not want to add the link, click on .

You can then enter the next link or close. If you want to add another link, click on . If you click on the home page.


you will go back to

7.4. Add questions Click on this symbol to create a multiple choice question with a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 possible answers. Fill in the title of the question in the form, and then ask the question. Only fill in the number of answers that you need. Don’t forget to tick the correct answer! Enter the title of your question here.

Enter your explanation of the question here, for example: There is only one correct answer. You can then adjust the “Help text” and “Button text” (the text that appears on the button). When you have filled in all the fields, the button will appear. If you click on this, your question will be saved and added to your evidence. If you do not want to add the question, click on . You can then enter the next question or close. If you want to add another question, click on . If you click on the home page.

you will go back to

7.5. Add online material This type enables you to pick up online video images or data base material. Click on this symbol to add online material (such as YouTube films or data base material) to your evidence. By using ctrl + v you can paste this code in your ‘embed code’. When you have filled in all the fields, the button will appear. If you click on this, your ‘embed code’ will be saved and added to your evidence. If you click on the home page.

you will go back to

Beware: To assure that your video is played inside the LightBite, please use one of the following formats : MP4, M4V, OPG, WEBMV, FLV. You can then enter the next ‘embed code’ or close. If you want to add another ‘embed code’, click on . If you click on the home page.

you will go back to

On the next page, you can see an example of how we included a YouTube film in the author’s tool.


Rendez-vous sur le site Web de YouTube : Engine breakdown

You can select a video by clicking on the figure or on the title of the film.

You can find the necessary embed code on YouTube by clicking on the Share button.

Then click on the Embed button The code you will need begins with <iframe… . You can copy this code by using ctrl + c. If you now go back to the author’s tool, you can paste this code directly in the ‘Embed Code’. Do this by clicking on the first box and then using ctrl + v .

7.6. My evidence stream

All the evidence (instruction material) is in chronological order. If you have a lot, it is shown on different pages. You can change the order of your evidence on the top right hand corner.

Here you can choose the number of items per page. Here you can select the order according to date or type of instruction material.

7.7. Remove evidence Every type of evidence can be removed simply by clicking on the delete button. You will be asked to reconfirm this decision, just to make sure.


7.8. Change evidence You can adjust your evidence using the ‘edit’ button. You can only adjust the title and description. This applies for all types. If you have made changes, click on ‘Apply changes’. Tip: Prepare your text first in a text processor so that you won’t have to make any changes afterwards.

7.9. Add to your LightBite The selected evidence, can be added to the LightBite you are working on (draft showcase) by clicking on the ’+’ (plus) key. The counter on the Showcase evidence button will then be automatically raised. In this example, no pieces of evidence are added to the LightBite being developed. This draft LightBite can be published later. This will be explained in chapter 10.

7.10. Add Tags Click on the tag button to enter a key word that can be used as a search term in your evidence later on. Add a tag by replacing the text ‘Type your tag here’ with the desired tag, followed by a space. Tip: The more tags you place, the easier it is to search.


8. Find by tag You can use Find by tag to search for evidence that matches the TAG you have entered. This enables you to find specific material quickly.

Tip: When searching by TAG, you will see all the TAGS you have used and the more often a TAG appears, the larger it will be shown.

9. Find by type You can use Find by type to search for a specific type of evidence.

There are three options to choose from. The icon on the top right shows the type for each evidence.

Free text: Your free text. Weblink: external link to a website File: an added file or photo Embedded Link: a question or embed code

10. Showcase evidence You can use this button to add evidence to your temporary LightBite (see item 7.9). If you press the ‘Showcase evidence’ button, you will see the content of your previous LightBite. (see next figure)

You can click on the following buttons here :

On the next pages you will get additional information of those four buttons.


10.1. Build showcase If you click on this button, a wizard consisting of 4 steps will start. Below, you can find a completed example of the 4 steps and the result. STEP 1 Give your LightBite a title and an item description. The description will help to inform potential users about the content of your LightBite.

If you wish, you can choose the length of time that the LightBite will be available by choosing a specific start and end date. Usually, the day of creation is filled in and the end date is left open. STEP 2 In step 2, choose your template. The paginated layout gives the best results.

More new templates will be added in the future.

STEP 3 In step 3, you must indicate whether or not you want to make your LightBite public.

You can also send a mail to several people, asking them to assess your LightBite. Always press on the +-sign to add a user (this is always necessary even if there is only one user). STEP 4 In step 4 you will see an overview of all the choices you have made and the content that you have chosen for the LightBite. If everything is correct, press ‘Publish’. After your LightBite has been published, the draft showcase box will be empty.

After step 4 you will see Showcase History. This is an overview of all the LightBites that you have already published.


After publication, your reviewers will receive an e-mail with a link to your LightBite. They will be able to view the LightBite and send their opinion back to you through their e-mail address.

Below is an example of what a reviewer will see when they open the LightBite.

The reviewer can also send comments about the LightBite to you (publisher).

10.2. Showcase history This button gives you an overview of all your published LightBites. You can view or adjust them if necessary. If you want to adjust a LightBite, click on ‘Edit This Showcase’.

You will see an overview of the existing content in ‘showcase evidence’. You can then adjust your LightBite easily by adding or removing content.

Once you have done this and you want to save your LightBite again, you will see two new buttons, ‘Save Changes’ and ‘Cancel Changes’. Pour plus d’explications sur ces deux fonctions, reportez-vous aux paragraphes 10.5 et 10.6.

10.3. Clear evidence This button deletes all the evidence that you had added to your previous LightBite. Your evidence will remain available in your overview.


10.4. Sort evidence This option enables you to put certain elements in a different place. Just click on the element and drag it to the correct place. This is how you change the order of the evidence. Once you are ready, press ‘Sort’ to confirm.

Tip: Keep the titles of your evidence short, to keep everything easy to oversee.

10.5. Save showcase This button only appears when you want to adjust a published LightBite with ‘Edit Showcase’. Once you have made all the changes, you can press this button to overwrite the existing LightBite, so that it is fully updated. If you want to keep your original LightBite and publish a new version, select ‘Build showcase’. This will allow you to make a new LightBite (see item 10.1).

10.6. Cancel changes Use this button to cancel the changes that you have made to your existing LightBite. These are changes that have not yet been saved.

LightBite LightBite Partners involved :

RayCom With the support of :

coordinated by: Belgian Network for Open and Digital Learning Kongostraat 7 9000 Gent More information about this project on : 28

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