12 minute read
Lose weight, feel great Eat six meals
from weoms t4s3 t
by coolkdei2
Cool down Warm-toned lipstick can accentuate yellow tones, so pick a lip shade with cooler undertones instead. Blue-reds and plummy berry shades do the trick, as do clear icy silver, such as Gl 8
Don’t nibble nails Nail biting doesn’t just ruin your manicure, it can also aff ect your smile. ‘Anything you bite down on has an eff ect on your teeth, not just the food you’re biting into. Constantly biting and chewing on your nails will damage your teeth over time,’ explains Dr Christian Guenin at Holford Curaden. 6
Drink it dry If you like a glass of fi zz but worry about enamel-eroding sugars, pick drier styles like cava or champagne.
‘There’s around one teaspoon of sugar in each glass of
prosecco, compared to
½ a teaspoon of sugar in each glass of
champagne,’ says
London dentist Dr Richard Marques. ‘It’s a good excuse to opt for the posh stuff if you can.’ 7
Mout betw ‘Use a fl uoridated mouthwash at a separate time to brushing to reintroduce fl uoride into the mouth,’ advises dentist Dr Christian Guenin, speaking in collaboration with Curaprox. ‘Fluoride exchanges with enamel to make a more resilient surface and reduces demineralisation when you eat.’ Try Waken Mouthwash in Peppermint, £8, Boots , which tastes as lovely as it looks in your bathroom. 9
COMPILED BY: FIONA MCKIM. PHOTOS: GETTY Say cheese! ‘Cheese is one of the few indulgences that is actually good for your teeth as it can neutralise the eff ects of sugar or acidic treats,’ says Dr Reena Wadia. ‘That’s a good reason to treat yourself to a
nibble (or
two) at the end of your evening meal.’ 10
Eat 6 meals a day
Whether you’re counting down to a big event or looking to fi nd your ‘best you’ in 2020, the SlimFast 3.2.1. Plan can help
If you’re like 42% of people who say they suff er from fear of missing out (FOMO) when they’re on a diet, then here’s some good news –the SlimFast Plan helps you lose weight while eating up to six times a day. With a huge choice of meal replacement shakes, bars and snacks, the hardest part will be choosing which to try next!
THE SLIMFAST 3.2.1. PLAN The SlimFast Plan is simple, straightforward and takes the guess work out of dieting. Designed to deliver 1,200-1,400 calories a day for women and 1,600 calories a day for men, this creates a calorie defi cit of 600-800 calories a day, helping deliver a 1-2lb weight loss per week.
A daily plan will include: ✱ 3 x 100 calorie snacks ✱ 2 x meal replacement shakes or bars ✱ 1 x 600 calorie meal (1 x 800 calorie meal for men)
SlimFast meal replacement powders, ready-to-drink shakes and meal bars each provide a third of the recommended daily intake of 23 vitamins and minerals.
Start your day off with sweetcorn fritters BREAKFASTS (Choose one) ✱ American Style Pancakes, serves 4, cals: 360 per serving Mix 150g fl our, 1tsp baking powder and a pinch of salt. Then add 100g ripe bananas, 8tbsp milk, 1tbsp vegetable oil, 2 eggs and 1tsp vanilla extract/
essence until smooth. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients, mix to a smooth batter. Create small pancakes and fry on a medium heat. Wait for bubbles and then fl ip. To make the chia jam Slim like a celeb! Model, actress and TV presenter Kelly Brook is the latest celebrity ambassador to join SlimFast. ‘Since starting my journey with SlimFast and losing 2st, I’m really happy. It’s not just about the weight, it’s about the confi dence and happiness I’ve gained. I feel on top of the world, thanks to SlimFast!’ ✱ The selection below of pick and mix breakfast, lunch and dinner suggestions can be used as your one 600-calorie meal on the SlimFast 3.2.1. Plan. The beauty of the plan is its fl exibility; you decide what works for you. ✱ Busy day ahead? Use SlimFast products throughout the day and enjoy your main meal in the evening. Or if you have more time during the day, then use your 600 calories for a delicious lunch treat and the SlimFast products for when you’re on the go. An example of a day following the SlimFast 3.2.1. Plan: Breakfast: Advanced Vitality Raspberry Crush Shake Snack: Banana Lunch: Chocolate Crunch Meal Replacement Bar Snack: 1 pot of low-calorie yogurt Dinner: Katsu Curry Snack: Chocolate Nutty Nougat Snack Bar
Lose Weight, Feel Great
add 160g frozen berries, 4tbsp water, 20g chia seeds and 2tbsp maple syrup to a small pan. Heat over a low heat for about 5 mins until the berries have broken down and the seeds absorbed. Serve with the pancakes and yogurt (240g shared). ✱ SlimFast Vitality Raspberry Crush Shake, cals: 260 per serving Made with skimmed milk. ✱ Very Berry Muffi ns, serves 4, cals: 99 per serving Preheat oven to 210C/Fan 190C/Gas 6. Mix 50g wholemeal plain fl our, 1tsp baking powder, ⅛tsp bicarbonate of soda, 1 scoop of SlimFast Summer Strawberry shake mix, ½tsp cinnamon and a pinch of salt. Then add 1 large egg white, ½tbsp olive oil, 60g plain yogurt (0% fat), 45ml semi skimmed milk, 30g honey and 1tsp vanilla extract/essence. Mix into a smooth batter and fold in 40g blueberries. Spoon
LUNCHES (Choose one) ✱ Sausage & Sticky Tomato Sandwich, serves 4, cals: 535 per serving Place 500g tomatoes, 2 sprig of thyme, 2tsp oregano, 2 chopped garlic cloves in a large baking tray. Drizzle with 1tbsp balsamic vinegar, 1tbsp olive oil and ½ tbsp honey. Grill, stirring occasionally and, once the tomatoes have started to break down and release juices, leave them to bubble and thicken. Grill 12 low-fat sausages and 4 ciabatta rolls (90g each). Slice sausages and drizzle with the hot relish. Serve with rocket leaves. ✱ Carrot and Red Lentil Soup, serves 4, cals: 149 per serving Fry 1 small onion and 250g carrot (chopped) in 1tbsp olive oil. Add 1ltr of vegetable stock after 5 mins. Add 125g red lentils and simmer for 25 mins. Blend and serve with chilli fl akes and coriander. ✱ SlimFast Chocolate Crunch Meal Replacement bar, cals: 217 cals . ✱ Tuna Fishcakes, s erves 2, cals: 595 per serving Mash 110g tuna, 200g ketchup, 1tsp mustard and then form into 2 fi sh cake shapes. Dip into the beaten egg, remove and then cover in 35g breadcrumbs and place on to a baking sheet –bake at 220C/Fan 200C/Gas 6 for 30 mins. Serve with ½ avocado sliced between two, watercress and ¼tbsp olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice, drizzled.
Please your sweet tooth with these American pancakes The perfect lunchtime treat
(all around 100 calories) ✱ 1 large boiled egg ✱ Gin/vodka and diet tonic ✱ 1 SlimFast Chocolate Caramel Bar ✱ 1 pot of low-calorie yogurt ✱ 1 packet of SlimFast Sour Cream & Chive Flavour Pretzels ✱ 1 crumpet with Marmite ✱ 1 banana ✱ 2 satsumas ✱ 1 small bunch of grapes TURN OVER FOR DELICIOUS DINNERS ➺ the mixture into a non-stick muffi n tray or into muffi n cases. Spray with a few sprays of oil to prevent the muffi ns sticking. There is enough mixture for 4 muffi ns. Bake for 11-12 minutes. ✱ Sweetcorn Fritters, Avocado Salad & Egg, serves 2, cals: 590 per serving Mix 150g fl our, 80g sweetcorn, 50g feta, 1 egg, 2 chopped spring onions, chilli fl akes, salt and pepper in a bowl. With wet hands, form the dough into 4 equal-sized balls. Heat a non-stick frying pan to a high heat and then place the balls into the pan two at a time and squash them with a fi sh slice into a fl at fritter shape. Dry fry the fritters on each side for a couple of minutes until golden. Mix 250g chopped tomatoes, 1 avocado, 2 spring onions and coriander to a bowl. Season and add the olive oil and a squeeze of lemon/lime. Poach your eggs and serve on the fritter. SNACK IDEAS
a food processor and whizz until breadcrumbs form. Mix
✱ Fish & chips with minty peas & smoky mayo, serves 4, cals: 597 per serving Preheat the oven to 220C/Fan 200C/Gas 6. Place 2 large sweet potatoes, skin on, cut into chip shapes (400g), 2 large potatoes, skin on, cut into chip shapes (400g) and 4-6 large carrots, skin on, cut into chip shapes (400g) on a non-stick baking sheet and drizzle with 3tbsp olive oil, massaging it well into the vegetables. Mix together 40g polenta and 2tsp smoked paprika in a small bowl and then sprinkle over the chips. Season well and place in the oven for 45 mins or until browned. Turn them half way through. Meanwhile, place 1 beaten egg into a shallow dish. Place 60g wholemeal bread in (Choose one) the breadcrumbs with 30g grated Parmesan cheese and place in a shallow dish. Pat 4 fi llets of white fi sh, such as cod, haddock or pollock (560g skin removed), dry with kitchen paper and dip each one in the egg and then the breadcrumbs. Place the fi sh on a non-stick baking tray and spray with cooking oil. Place the fi sh on the shelf above the chips and bake for 20 mins, or until golden and cooked through. Cook 280g frozen peas according to the packet instructions. Drain and mix with 30g half-fat creme fraiche and a few mint leaves. Season well and blitz in a food processor to form a puree. Mix in 100g light mayonnaise and 1tsp smoked paprika together and serve with the fi sh and chips and pea puree.
Classic meals, such as fi sh and chips, are still on the menu
Why not try getting the family together for cottage pie?
✱ Cottage Pie, serves 4, cals: 559 per serving Preheat the oven to 220C/Fan 200C/Gas 6. In a large saucepan, add 700g chopped potato and 500g swede. Cook until tender and add ¼tsp nutmeg and 50g grated cheese and mash well. Season with salt and pepper. Fry 1tbsp olive oil, 150g chopped onion and 2 chopped garlic cloves to a non-stick frying pan and fry gently on a medium heat for a few minutes before adding 400g beef mince. Brown the meat and then add chopped carrots (x2), celery sticks (x4) and courgette (x1) and sweat gently for about 10 mins until the vegetables soften. Add ½tsp thyme, 1tbsp Worcestershire sauce and 3 x 400g tinned tomatoes. Stir and add 2 beef stock cubes dissolved in boiling water. Simmer for 30 mins, add 48g tomato purée. Place in ovenproof dish and smooth over potatoes and swede with a fork. Add 50g cheese and bake for 20 mins until golden. Serve with 300g green beans.
✱ Chicken Katsu Curry, serves 2, cals: 600 per serving Mix 2tsp curry powder and 2tsp garlic granules with 75g 0% fat Greek yogurt. Add 600g mini chicken fi llets and mix well. Leave to marinate in the fridge for at least 30 mins. To make the sauce, add 2tbsp olive oil, 1 clove garlic, 1 thumb-size piece of chopped ginger, 2tsp curry powder and 1 bunch coriander stalks (chop the stalks and reserve the leaves) into a non-stick pan and cook on a gentle heat for a few mins. Add 1 medium onion, 2-3 large chopped carrots, 2 fi nely diced sweet potatoes (skin on) and fry for 10 mins, stir occasionally. Add 850ml boiling water with 1 chicken stock cube. Let the sauce simmer for about 15-20 mins or until the vegetables are soft. Then add 1tbsp cornfl our mixed into 2tbsp cold water and 30g mango chutney. Stir well and simmer until sauce thickens. Meanwhile whizz 2 slices brown bread in a food processor. Preheat heat the oven to 220C/Fan 200C/Gas 7. Take the chicken and coat each fi llet in the breadcrumbs and place on a baking sheet. Once the fi llets are coated, spray them with vegetable oil and put in the oven for 20 mins. To make pickled cucumber, use ⅓ of a cucumber in a bowl. Add ½ red chilli, mint leaves, 2 sliced spring onions and a squeeze of the lime juice to a small bowl. Then stir in your cucumber. Season well. Cook 250g wholegrain microwave rice according to the instructions. Serve with the remaining coriander.
FREE for every
SlimFast Ready
to-Drink Shake With 23 essential vitamins and minerals and just 204 calories, SlimFast Ready to-Drink Shakes are perfect for those on the move. Choose from Chunky Chocolate, Café Latte, Summer Strawberry, Simply Vanilla, Blissful Banana, Cookies & Cream and Mint Chocolate fl avour.
Serve this tasty chicken katsu curry for date night Mix things up with a quick and simple prawn stir-fry
✱ Prawn Stir-Fry with noodles, serves 1, cals: 499 per serving Cook 1 nest of rice noodles. Stir-fry 160g mixed veg with 1 crushed garlic clove, 140g raw prawns and 2tsp Tamari soy sauce. Serve with 2tsp sprinkled sesame seeds.
✱ To the customer: This coupon is valid in the UK only and may be used as full payment towards a free SlimFast Ready-to-Drink Shake 325ml. Only one coupon valid per person, per transaction and will be valid at all participating SlimFast stockists subject to availability. Please do not attempt to redeem this coupon against any other product, or promotional off er as refusal may cause embarrassment and delay. Void if reproduced, altered, or expired. Coupons cannot be sold, transferred or auctioned. Not available online. Photocopies are not accepted. Valid from 21 January to 4 February.
✱ How to claim Take the coupon to a participating SlimFast stockist to get your free SlimFast Ready-to-Drink Shake 325ml. T&Cs apply. See coupon for details. Off er valid until 4 February 2020. Customers can only redeem one product, per coupon, per transaction.
✱ For retailers: KSF Acquisition UK Ltd will refund the face value up to a maximum of £2.15 of this coupon provided that you have taken it as payment of a SlimFast Ready-to-Drink Shake 325ml in accordance with the customer terms. KSF Acquisition UK Ltd reserves the right to require proof of purchase, or to refuse redemption of defaced or damaged coupons or those that have not been correctly redeemed. Please submit coupons to Valassis Ltd, PO BOX 6199, Nuneaton, CV11 9HQ by April 17 2020.