8 minute read
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by coolkdei2
February 2020
Contents 54
50 106 78
On the cover 14 THE SPIRIT OF AUSTRALIA: stories of hope and healing 30 ‘I’M HONOURING MY MOTHER’S LEGACY’: how Diana inspired her son to follow his heart 38 ESSIE DAVIS: taking Miss Fisher to the big screen 44 TRUE CRIME: the Black Widow murderess 66 KRISTIN SCOTT THOMAS: ‘Turning 60 is rather fabulous’ 135 SUMMER FOOD: tasty salads, the best barbecue dishes and sweet treats
Up front 5 EDITOR’S LETTER: from the desk of The Weekly ’s Nicole Byers 11 OPEN LINE: your letters 12 IN THE NEWS 28 FIREPROOFING OUR FUTURE: experts weigh in on how we can prepare for the future 50 SURF SUPERHEROES: the special needs Nippers group changing lives 54 JENNIFER BYRNE: a candid interview with the Mastermind host 60 BRAVE CRUSADER: Jill Emberson fought for ovarian cancer sufferers until the illness finally took her
72 THRONE OF CHAOS: the mayhem in the court of Thailand’s King Maha 78 WE ARE FAMILY: Mat Rogers and Chloe Maxwell thrive and survive 84 ME AND JACKIE O: Carly Simon reflects on her friendship with Jackie Onassis 90 HUMOUR: Amanda Blair forgoes hearts and flowers for true romance 92 BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS: the Sydney retirement village trying inter-generational living 98 MY STORY: Teresa Leggett helped her husband come out 104 PAT McDERMOTT
Fashion & Beauty 106 BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL: make a statement with bright colours and shapes 114 WORKSHOP: fashion takes on sustainability 118 BEAUTY: the new generation of sun protection 121 PRETTY LIST: fabulous foundations 124 BEAUTY NEWS
Health 100 NOISE WORKS: the effect of sound on your health 126 BREATHE EASY: keep your lungs in top condition 129 ASK THE DOCTOR 130 HEALTH NEWS
Your ultimate Cruise & travel guide 2020
PRESENTS Adventurer Top tips on the hottest destinations, must-do experiences and the best travel deals around the globe — on land and on the high seas.
cruise & travel guide Bonus
Test Kitchen 136 PICK YOUR PROTEIN: delicious salad recipes that pack a punch 140 COOK, FREEZE, EAT: meals you can prep and freeze on the weekend to make midweek dinners a breeze 146 PICK OF THE SEASON: make the most of sun-ripened tomatoes with tasty, simple recipes 150 FIRE UP THE BARBECUE: mouth-watering recipes for outdoor entertaining 156 FOUR WAYS WITH FRIT TATA 158 SWEET SENSATION: dessert queen Charlotte Rees shares recipes from her new cookbook 162 QUICK BITES
146 136
150 158
Home & Regulars 164 HOMES: renovating a Federation beauty 169 HOME HINTS 170 WHAT’S ON: a chat with My Kitchen Rules judge Manu Feildel, plus The Diary 173 READING ROOM: our summer reading guide 178 MONEY: making ethical super decisions 181 PUZZLES: test your skills 186 BAUER MEDIA’S PRIVACY NOTICE 188 HOROSCOPES: astrology with Lilith Rocha 204 TRAVEL SPECIAL: 15-page flipbook on the best cruises and places to visit in 2020
Editor-in-Chief Nicole Byers Editor-at-Large Juliet Rieden Deputy Editor Tiffany Dunk Editorial Co-ordinator Zachary Bryant (ZBryant@bauer-media.com.au) JOURNALISTS News and Features Editor Samantha Trenoweth Senior Writers Sue Smethurst; Susan Chenery Writer Genevieve Gannon This month’s contributors Jenny Brown, Susan Chenery, Louise Gannon, Susan Horsburgh, William Langley, John McDonald, Gary Nunn, Lizzie Wilson
DESIGN Creative Director Joshua Beggs Deputy Art Director Sarah Farago Senior Designer Jennifer Mullins Photo and Shoot Editor Samantha Nunney This month’s photographers Harvie Allison, Luisa Brimble, Phillip Castleton, Maree Homer, Will Horner, Alana Landsberry, James Moffatt, Kristina Soljo, John Paul Urizar
COPY EDITORS Senior Copy and Travel Editor Bernard O’Shea Deputy Copy Editors Nicole H ickson, Bronwyn Phillips LIFESTYLE Acting Style Editor Jamela Duncan Acting Style Director Maya Wyszynski Beauty & Health Director Vicki Bramley Fashion & Beauty Assistant Editor Stefani Zupanoska Me dical Practitioner Professor Kerryn Phelps Columnists Amanda Blair, Pat McDermott FOOD Food Director Frances Abdallaoui Food Contributors Maggie Beer, Michele Cranston MARKETING Marketing Director Louise Cankett General Manager Subscriptions & E-Commerce, Marketing Sean McLintock Senior Subscriptions Campaign Manage r Ellie Xuereb ADVERTISING Head of Brand Anna Mistilis Brand Implementation Executive Rachael Potter NSW Sales Director Karen Holmes Victoria Sales Director Jaclyn Clements Queensland Head of Sales Judy Taylor PRODUCTION Production Planner Sally Jefferys Production Advertising Co-ordin ator Dominic Roy BAUER MEDIA GROUP Chief Executive Officer Brendon Hill Chief Financial Officer Andrew Stedwell Commercial Director Paul Gardiner Executive General Manager Digital Operations & Publishing Sarah-Belle Murphy General Manager Media Solutions Jane Waterhouse Business Analyst Georgina Bromfield
EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES The Australian Women’s Weekly , GPO Box 4178, Sydney, NSW 2001, phone (02) 9282 8120, visit aww.com.au. The Australian Women’s Weekly is published by Bauer Media Group. SYNDICATION ENQUIRIES syndication@bauer-media.com.au Published by Bauer Media Limited (ACN 053 273 546), 54-58 Park Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. © 2019. All rights reserved. Printed by PMP Print, 31-35 Heathcote Road, Moorebank, NSW 2170. ISSN 0005-0458
’ A K
Open line A U O M E N W • HAV E YOUR SAY
Thank you for your wonderful coverage of these catastrophic fires (Courage Under Fire , AWW , January). This disaster has possibly done more to bring Australians together than anything previously, underlining the kindness, care and compassion we all knew was there. Those who are caring for the animals that have survived are true gems. I am sure all of us send out our love to all those affected, and to those who are heroically still fighting these monstrous fires. C. Jolliffe, Buderim, Qld. T H E LETTER of the MONTH
Lake Tyers residents Charmaine Sellings (front) and Rhonda Thorpe inspired readers around the country.
Your letters
ADMIRABLE HUMANS What an inspirational story about the Indigenous women from the Lake Tyers Fire Service (“They’ll Bury Me In My Yellows”, AWW , January). Wise, intelligent and community-minded – everything I admire in a fellow human. Well done, girls. You are all amazing! A. Hannah, Rankin Park, NSW.
LEADING WITH COMPASSION It was a privilege to read about Jacinda Ardern (“You Don’t Have To Be Perfect To Be Prime Minister”, AWW , January). I am very impressed by her confidence, but most of all I’m moved by her genuine feeling. Her statement about having the opportunity to see the good in people was an inspiring reminder. I am committed to looking for the good in the world in 2020. Here’s to a decade in which we will see more women on the world stage, leading with compassion and integrity. P. Muller, Macleay Island, Qld.
NOT SOME ODD-BODS The January edition of The Weekly is outstanding. The article about the female bushfire volunteers was exceptional. When a friend in the UK was shocked to hear they were volunteers, I had to
Bushfire crisis
In the midst of an unprecedented bushfire season, Susan Chen tribute to the women firefighters who risk their lives to keep u ery pays s safe.
PHOTOGRAPHY by ALANA LANDSBERRY T he noise. That’s what you don’t get in the footage and photos The terrible, terrible noise of a big bushfire. The malignant sound of the wind as the fire sucks in the oxygen it needs to grow. The hissing and popp ng of eucalyptus trees, the explosions as they release their gasses. Fires make the r own weather, creating their own wind, lightening, black hail “The no se,” says Liane Henderson, volunteer firefighter of 20 years standing, “is like jet planes.”
If we’re lucky we’ll never know what it’s like inside an uncontained fire. Liane does, and so do her firefighting colleagues. It’s dark, like an eclipse. “It can get very scary because you can get disoriented. It’s another world when you are out there, it really is.” An unpredictable fast-moving force of destruction, engulfing everything in its path. “I look at it as this beast I’ve got to stop,” says Liane, Acting Inspector for ➝
WRITE to us Letter of the Month wins $100. The winner of our Pearl of Wisdom this month wins a 12-month subscription to The Australian Women’s Weekly , valued at $90. Your postal address must be included in all correspondence. Please state clearly if your letter is not for publication. See Contents for the location of Bauer Media Ltd’s Privacy Notice.
“Rock bottom will teach you lessons that mountain tops never will.” –AUTHOR UNKNOWN Jade Blee, via email.
tell her they are amazing people who are highly trained, not some odd-bods picking up a garden hose! Congratulations on such an intelligent magazine. M. Stevens, Halls Head, WA.
JANUARY 2020 | The Au tralian Women’s Weekly 17
I purchased the January issue to read about the bushfires and
was taken by so much interesting information, from the feature articles to the recipes and regular sections. I had also forgotten about the excellent Reading Room book reviews. As an avid reader in a remote area, I find these recommendations a wonderful help for ordering books.
Dame Helen Mirren (left) and Olivia Colman (right) will both voice sea turtles in an animation to raise awareness of the crisis facing the world’s oceans.
Awards season
out and ction. e
the h got te e, ed ent ile ward. AWARD S S EA SO N was less abo celebrating past achievements a more about looking to future a c Ru ss ell Crow e’s Go ld en G lo be acce p tance s p eech hig hlig hted Australian bushfires, and Sara h S n oo k bac k ed his co mm e n ts. BAFTA d ou ble-nominee Marg Robbie urg ed viewers to dona t anything they could to fire services. Nicole Kidman , who donated $ 500,000 to the caus e a lso spo k e o f th e fi res on th e r carp et, while Cate Blanchett s e a thank y ou to res p onders wh i presenting a Go ld en G lo b e a w