CLASSIC TRUCK BRITAIN’S LORRIES IN THE 1980s AWD TL 17-ton gross tipper, produced after the 1987 David JB Brown takeover of Bedford. AWD survived for only five years
HISTORY MASTER The 1980s saw the decline of British-made trucks and consolidation by the continentals. A new book by leading author Peter Davies tells the story By Ed Burrows PHOTOGRAPHY PETER DAVIES
f you have a shelf or two of road transport books, it’s likely the titles include at least one by Peter Davies. The former Bedford publicity man has had a richly productive second career as a writer and photographer on truck and road haulage subjects. His dozen or so books have included impressive make histories and decade-by-decade records of Britain’s transport scene since World War II. These have recently been joined by a
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fourth volume, Britain’s Lorries in the 1980s. Like the three earlier titles in the series, it is published by Roundoak and available from the publisher’s transport and construction equipment online bookshop arm. The new book chronicles the period during which, confronted by continental imports, once-thriving British marques variously capitulated, entered terminal decline or were ‘rationalised’ out of existence.