atCoachingCCC Professional growth in the new decade 1 College Rd, Southside

“Coaching is about helping you think more deeply about your work, organise your thoughts, set you own goals, and develop a plan to meet those goals.” - Nina Morel
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Coaching at CCC
The goal of coaching at Cooloola Christian College is to support Teachers and support staff to be the best educators they can be in order to grow God’s kingdom through Excellence in Education. Coaching exists to allow teachers to be courageous in their professional learning journey and goal setting. Coaching ensures our teachers know they are contributing towards God’s work, equipped to demonstrate highly effective pedagogy and strong teaching practices. Student outcomes improve as teachers intentionally target their own professional skills to develop alternative practices of supporting student learning. (CCC Teacher Performance and Development Framework, 2020).

4 5 What is coaching? Coaching is one aspect of our Teacher Performance and Development framework. It is a vehicle that can support teachers to provide the best learning experiences to ensure their learners achieve their potential. COACHING IS... • individualised to suit to each Coachees professional growth needs. • a colleague walking alongside a teacher to set, plan for and achieve professional growth goals. • professional support while trying new strategies and pedagogical approaches to benefit student learning. • reflective conversations with a supportive colleague about what and why different strategies did and did not work . • working with a colleague to celebrate professional growth and to help sustain positive change in the professional learning journey.

6 7 Coachingbeginscycle ScancurrenttherealityFocusthrough a PEERSgoal professionalSupportedlearning Identify and take action on improvementsplausibleCheck effectiveness Coaching at CCC observationClassroomoccurs The Coaching Process

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