We welcome new Graduates and Early Career teachers (1-2yr post-graduation) to our professional team. It is our desire to work beside all teachers, equipping them for professional service as strong teachers with capacity and confidence to lead by example in Christian schools. Our teachers see themselves as learners, created and equipped uniquely by a God who has a purpose for our personal individual growth as we nurture the growth of our students.
At all times, Cooloola Christian College seeks to build a team of dynamic, passionate Christian staff who believe in the divine purpose of Christian schooling. We commit to working collaboratively, investigating courageously and developing strengths through the support of others (Prov 27:6). We recognise our pastoral role in speaking Truth and Hope into the lives of our students and demonstrating our commitment to the school mission: “Growing God’s Kingdom through Excellence in Education.”
At CCC, we offer regular in-house Professional Learning events aligned to APST, our schoolwide pedagogy, and our Strategic Objectives. Staff are also encouraged to apply to participate in external PL events aligned to personal goals aligned to APST and HITS. All teaching staff are offered opportunity to engage formally with an Instructional Coach and/ or a professional Mentor.
We welcome new Graduates and Early Career teachers (1-2yr post-graduation) to our professional team. We offer an Early Career Growth Track to Graduate and Early Career teachers. Successful applicants will be offered a teaching position which includes a reduced teaching load. Remaining FTE hours are dedicated to:
1. regular classroom observations of model teachers - targets aligned to APST and HITS
2. regular participation in Early Career Team meetings (cycles of reflection, CCC processes, CCC HITS, Q&A, collegial presentations
3. individualised professional growth program - re student development, personal growth, teaching strategies and content-specific knowledge
4. Collegial Mentor - support from experienced colleague assisting the transition to CCC teaching team
5. engagement with an Instructional Coach (includes classroom observations and feedback)
6. participation in in-house PL - personalised and school-wide targets
7. support (after Year 1) to begin building QCT Portfolio for transition to Full Registration
Reduced Teaching Load - focus on professional confidence and capacity = pedagogy and curriculum
QCT Registration - assistance to complete transition full registration (within 2 years)
In-House Professional Learning
Instructional Coaching - CCC HITS
Mentor Support
EARLY CAREER TEACHER (PTT, <2 years’ experience)
Classroom Observation and Feedback cycles
Regular Early Career Team Meetings
Individualised Professional Growth Program - includes Professional Growth Plan, Professional Reading
At Cooloola Christian College, we believe strongly that professional growth occurs successfully with an intentional growth plan and active commitment to learning and reflection.
We expect all fully registered members of our teaching team to engage as Active Learners through Growth Track 2. Active Learners seek to purposefully engage in professional growth activities targeted to improve teaching practice and significantly enhance the learning outcomes of students in their care.
Active Learners engage in:
1. active participation on weekly Learning Team meetings
2. development of an Action Research Project (ARP), supported by Learning Team and school leadership
3. presentations shared in Learning Team Symposiums during school year
4. Instructional Coaching (includes classroom observations and feedback) - as available
5. individualised professional growth program - re student development, personal growth, teaching strategies and content-specific knowledge
6. access to Professional Learning (aligned to Professional Growth Plan, CCC HITS, Strategic Objectives)
Individualised Professional Growth Goals - includes Professional Growth Plan, Professional Reading
Active engagement in Professional Learning
(Year 3+, requires QCT full registration)
Instructional Coaching, Classroom Observation and Feedback cycles (focus on CCC HITS)
Learning Team Symposiums
Weekly Learning Team Meetings
Action Research
Project - focus on effective teaching and learning
At Cooloola Christian College, we offer experienced teachers the opportunity to work through the accreditation process as Highly Accomplished or Lead Teachers. Successful applicants for our HALT program will be supported with a possible reduced teaching load, with remaining FTE hours dedicated to:
• release time to attend identified professional learning sessions facilitated by external partners
• individualised professional growth program – re student development, personal growth, teaching strategies and content-specific knowledge
• coaching from the Director of Teaching and Learning (accredited AITSL assessor) to build high-quality evidence portfolio
• opportunities to identify and demonstrate HA & LT leadership capacities.
Reduced Teaching Load - additional responsibilities, engagement with key improvement project/s
Individualised Professional Learning Program - includes Professional Growth Plan, Professional Reading
DTL Coaching for HALT assessment
HIGHLY ACCOMPLISHED OR LEAD TEACHER (Year 3+, requires QCT full registration)
Leadership Opportunities - e.g. New Staff Mentoring, Improvement Project Engagement, Model Teacher, Learning Team Facilitator...
Classroom Observation and Feedback cycles
Reviewing significant research by Joyce and Showers (1984, 2002) led our school leaders to believe Coaching provides a strong vehicle for sustained professional learning and embedded practice. We believe that Coaching encourages teacher self-awareness through professional reflection, and guides self-directed learning. Coaching conversations are powerful – they are always aimed at improving classroom practice and enhancing student learning outcomes. In all spheres of life, a Coach helps the coachee to realise his or her personal or professional goals.
At Cooloola Christian College we seek to provide opportunities for members of our teaching team to develop skills which will enhance the lives of others – students and colleagues.
The Instructional Coach Growth Track provides experienced members of our teaching team to develop coaching skills and work beside colleagues to “plan well to teach well so our students will learn well.” Applicants must have engaged in an Instructional Coaching partnership and moved to full registration with the Queensland College of Teachers.
The Instruction Coach Growth Track involves the following elements:
• evidence of ongoing active engagement in professional learning, team collaboration and various school projects aligned with Strategic Objectives
• work-shadowing with an Instructional Coach at CCC
• 12 months preparation in-house (Coach-the-Coach program)
• engagement with an individualised professional growth program
• documentation of a Coaching Growth Plan - including goals, actions, and evidence of impact/indicators of success.
Targeted Professional Learning Program
- Coaching Models and Strategies, Schoolwide Pedagogy = CCC HITS
Expectation re Comprehensive Professional Growth Journal - Document
Coaching Action Plan
(Year 3+, requires QCT full registration, personal experience as Coachee)
Evidence of Active Engagement in Learning Team Projects and Professional Collaboration (12mths)
Preparation (12mths)
Work Shadowing with Instructional Coach - CCC HITS
Cooloola Christian College provides an apprenticeship model for Trainee Teachers where they can experience first hand the dynamics of school life. This innovative program will allow a successful applicant practical onsite training and experiences right from the start of their degree.
Cooloola Christian College has established a partnership with Christian Heritage College (CHC) in Brisbane, to provide an embedded Teacher Education program for aspiring teachers.
This model of Teacher Education is unique in that students are embedded in host schools, offering an apprenticeship-like approach that supports the students throughout their studies to become classroom-ready upon graduation.
Through studying at CHC, trainee teachers are trained from a Christian perspective and given ample opportunity to put their theory into practice in the classroom under the supervision of experienced Christian mentor teachers. CCC provides a Coordinator to ensure enriching experiences and support for the Trainee Teachers.
A Mentor Teacher is instrumental to the success of the Christian Teacher program. Each mentor will be assigned a Trainee Teacher who participates in an ‘apprentice like’ program within their classroom. The Mentor Teacher will work with the Trainee Teacher to develop their skills in teaching; understand how to work effectively as a colleague in a school community and assist them to implement what is learnt in their studies within the classroom.
It is important that Trainee Teachers connect with quality teachers who feel they have a calling to give back to future educators. The goal of the Mentor Teacher is to guide, support and develop Trainee Teachers, so that they become confident and collaborative educators, equipped with the skills and knowledge to succeed.
(Continues over page.)
• Provision of all course materials
• Assessment of trainee teacher learning and placements
• Successful CCC application
• Successful CHC enrolment
• Paid practice 1 day per week
• Liaise between CCC & CHC
• Supervision of placements & positive partnerships
• “Master” - model exemplary professional practice
• Commitment to mentor 12mth partnership
• Modest PAR allowance
The responsibilities of each component of the partnership include:
Christian Heritage College will:
1. Deliver all components of a high quality, proven, fully accredited Christian teacher education program, in online, synchronous, and asynchronous modes as appropriate for the school, which are required to meet the requirements of Professional registration in all states.
2. Provide access to the full range of resources and support afforded to all CHC students.
Cooloola Christian College will:
1. Provide a safe and supportive environment for Trainee Teachers.
2. Provide Mentor Teacher/s who will mentor and assist the Trainee Teacher/s.
3. Provide a School Coordinator, a member of the college staff to manage the program, to facilitate effective communication and resolve any school-based issues that may arise.
4. Provide feedback to the Trainee Teacher from their Mentor Teacher and the School Coordinator. This may require time out of the classroom to be allocated.
5. Work with CHC to provide a positive experience for professional growth.
The Trainee Teacher will:
1. Gain enrolment in a Bachelor of Education or Master of Teaching course at CHC.
2. Maintain a high-level engagement with CHC study and demonstrate academic success.
3. Organise a current Working With Children Card/Number.
4. Organise a current National Police clearance.
5. Demonstrate a commitment to being mentored, work as part of a team, develop effective communication skills and build skills in spiritual and moral practices consistent with Biblical principles.
6. Under the guidance of the Mentor Teacher participate in all pastoral and academic classroom practices including supervision both in and out of the classroom, in a professional manner.
7. Participate in the life of the school, attend staff meetings, devotions, professional learning sessions and support the co-curricular program.
The Mentor Teacher will:
1. Provide an excellent experience in classroom pedagogy in a supportive Christian environment.
2. Provide ongoing training and mentorship.
3. Model exemplary practice as a Christian teacher.
4. Model, promote and represent CCC’s Vission, Mission and Values at all times.
5. Model a strong commitment to the ethos of Christian Education and its role in promoting and supporting the Christian gospel.
6. Work cooperatively as a team member and independently.