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During the latter half of 1991, the Committee’s attention turned toward securing a Principal for the fledgling school in time for its launch in 1992. Many applicants were interviewed, but none were successful.
Mark Hodges, while Principal at Kia Ora State School, had engaged with the committee in an advisory capacity. It seemed like a fitting choice; however, Mark was quite clear in his intentions to the Committee that he was not prepared to take on the Principalship of the new school.
With time of the essence, the committee was in need of a Principal and, after careful thought and prayer, Mark felt the Holy Spirit’s prompting and tendered his application. Mark was offered the position of CCC’s very first Principal.
Mark faithfully served the College as Principal for its first 10 years, creating a sense of community that continues to permeate the College today, and leaving a founding legacy on which the College has grown.
“What better place to be than where the Lord has called you and doing the work He has set for you to do,” recounts Mark.
Reflecting on the first day of Cooloola Christian College, Mark writes:
“There was such a sense of expectation in the eyes of the 57 students for that first parade. Their hearts and minds were full of questions, as were their parents. “Have we done the right thing in sending them here?” or, “It doesn’t look like school!” More than at any other time I remember the family atmosphere and the Sunday School picinic feeling.”