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How We Have Grown
The first group of 17 Year 12 students graduated from CCC.
“It was tough getting Year 12 started in 2003, but parents kept the faith, and their children worked hard, and the three OP1s were a gracious gift of God that year, as well as other outstanding results”
CCC led its first bi-annual team of students and staff to the Solomon Islands.
Introduction of Prep. A purpose-built classroom was constructed and opened for students.
The introduction of the Australian Curriculum - a federal initiative to align learning of all children across Australia. CCC was required to adapt its curriculum to meet the new standards across English, Maths, Science & History. CCC continued with its commitment to deliver high-quality, Christ-focussed education.
With the assistance of the Federal Government’s Building the Education Revolution (BER) program, the Stan Baker Hall was constructed. The hall was designed to accommodate the growing Arts curriculum, and most importantly, provide a communal space that would accommodate the entire school.
CCC expanded its spiritual offering and support of students and their families through the introduction of a Chaplaincy Program.
Additional classroom buildings were constructed. F Block was built to accommodate Primary classes. L Block houses Secondary classrooms and administration areas.
The 5 acre Nature Space is dedicated to education and recreation and is an integral part of our Outdoor Education and Recreation Studies subject offerings. Both Primary and Secondary students use the area for curriculum-based activities. The Nature Space features a 600m International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA) level mountain biking track, as well as a large dam for canoeing and kayaking.
The CCC Early Learning Centre was officially opened, providing long daycare, an accredited Kindergarten program and before/after school care.
The Solomon Islands team partnered with United Christian Broadcasters (UCB) to assist in launching Laef FM, the first Christian radio station in the Western Province.
The STEM Centre and Arts precinct was developed. This provides an environment for innovation and collaboration for the 21st Century.
A dedicated CCC Bus Service was launched, now transporting a quarter of students to the College each day.
The Year 4 Music Immersion Program was successfully piloted. This program has been incredibly successful in the years since.
Renovations and extensions to The Learning Hub were completed.
Renovations and extensions to the Administration building were completed.
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream ... it has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”