Your Lesbian, Gay, Working with all Bisexual societyand employees Transgender irrespective(LGBT) of Network Newsletter sexuality and gender identity
Spring 2012 Issue 11 The new Steering Group edition
Issue August92012
Show your support for marriage equality
Your new Steering Group We catch up to find out who’s who. Spotlight, page 10.
See page 4
EXCLUSIVE interview with singer and actress
Read all about Lucy’s ‘Winter Adventure’
See page 9
See page 3
Glasgow Pride A round-up of our first Scottish pride
IDAHO 2012 in pictures The Co-operative’s support
Social, page 7
Network News, page 7
Inside this issue:
>Simon introduces us to the charity ‘Outline’ >We let you know what PRIDE’S we are supporting Competition Need support? > Social: LadyRock Festival – COME AND JOIN US! //Two tickets to Win £20 Development >Connect: >Your Shayne WardStonewall Special Where to go for the LadyRock Co-operative >LGBT news and lots more Exclusive interview more information. …and there’s more! Please email Features, page 9 Vouchers //£20 worth of Colleagues, page 14 festival “Respect” to See page 10 Co-operative anyone you think would vouchers The lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) network for The co-operative See page 5
enjoy reading it! 1
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
From your co-chairs Thomas Anderson
Victoria Cowley
I am really looking forward to developing the network and building on the excellent work achieved by George and the founding Steering Group. I have been involved with Respect since it was formed. I actually came up with the name and branding so it is great to see it go from strength to strength. The new Steering Group are all fantastic and each bring something unique to the table. I am excited to see what they all do in their new roles, our first few Steering Group meetings have been really fruitful. A big priority of mine is to launch our Regional Champion programme across the UK and to reach out to employees in every corner of the UK and to those who do not have easy access to a PC whilst in work. We have lots of things in the pipeline.
Welcome to the first edition of the new style Respect Newsletter. This is an exciting time for the Respect Steering Group as we have new members, each with ideas of how we can take Respect forward. We have some great new people on the Steering Group and some familiar faces. We have already made an impact with activities such as the Group’s submission to the Equal Marriage consultation. I am looking forward to what the group has planned and I think you will too. I would love for us to get lots of new members and even get some new people involved in writing articles for the newsletter. If you are interested or have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
From your secretary
From your editor
Chris Hanson
Richard Carroll
Email Twitter @thomasinmanc
Since the restructure of the Steering Group it has been a busy few months, with everyone adjusting to their new roles and responsibilities whilst making sure that everything ‘ticks over’ as usual. It has been great to see the new structure getting up and running so quickly and I am certain that the new enlarged Steering Group is well placed to co-ordinate an ever growing network. Everyone is keen to get started—always a good thing—as we are well into into Pride season, with The Co-operative announcing its support of 17 prides this year. We are going to be busy! One of the first things I have been reviewing is our membership database—I want us to be able to have a view of where in the country our members are based and help deliver relevant, targeted communications to you. We have over 900 members currently so I’ve been looking at the data to see who we have. Did you know… • We have members from every single business and function! • Just over 50% of members are in our major occupancies. • Over 200 people in 2012 so far. • Most of our members have joined through our involvement with Manchester Pride, either taking part or entering one of our competitions. With 17 prides on the books this year there is plenty of opportunity for people to get involved!
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Email Twitter @mackem23
Since joining the Steering Group I’ve had to hit the ground running taking over the reigns of the network’s communications from Thomas. Every member of the Steering Group is here to help make the network better for each and every one of its individual members right across the country. This is no different for me and I hope you like my efforts in this, my first newsletter. If you have any feedback on the issue—good or bad—I would be delighted to hear it! We want to feature news from all our members so, if you want to share something, please do get in touch!
Join the network Respect is an inclusive employee network. Any employee of The Co-operative can become a member including those who don’t identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). Just email us at to join. You don’t have to use a work email address if you don’t want to. You’ll receive digital copies of our newsletter and you will be kept up to date with our social events and activities. If you have any news, reviews or are planning any events, we would love to hear about them! To become a member or to get involved just email us at
Respect Newsletter
Network News
August 2012 Issue 11
IDAHO 2012
Against The International Day sphobia Homophobia and Tran ay 17. brated every Men (IDAHO) is celerdi ts that raise ev al nate internation
The day aims to coo erest in LGBT lations and stimulate int vio hts rig BT LG of ss awarene rights work. oved from the t homosexuality was rem tha y da the s wa 17 y Ma International Da rld Health on of Diseases of the Wo Homopobia and y Against International Classificati Transphobia All over the worl d, thousands of 1990. activists are gear the International ing up for Day Organization (WHO) in Gay Star in up d organisations, spec ke also known by its Against Homophobia and Transpho pic s wa HO ial acro bia, nym IDAHO. IDAH politicians and pub interest groups, employers, busi port for IDA May 17. It is coor nesses, lic service provider dinated by the Pari O is celebrated every make a differenc s to get involved The Co-operative’s sup s based “IDAHO geCommittee” foun ura -co e. and ho ded and presided da s-i ark -m over by French acad Louis-Georges Tin. /article/world emic The day aims to om s.c ew Throughout the day rn coordinate internatio , events to call for sta ay //g the tp: resp rainbow flag will nal News (ht called ‘the freedom be meant to emphasi ect for lesbians and gays worldwid flow n, som etimes flag’, which was se e. popularized as a of LGBT pride and be ashamed of it. pride in one’s sexuality and the refu It is sym ll as the IDAHO website dive sal to Baker in 1978. The rsity by San Francisco artist Gilb bol ert and-pride170512) as we different colours symbolize diversity the gay commun It’s difficult to envi ity, in and sage in the relativel the flag is used pride events and predominantly at we live in the UK, y open society in in gay villages worl gay Euro which y to dwide in various nit (www.dayagainsthomo astonishing 77 coun pe and Australia, that there are rtu po forms. op an the tries k that too o pun The Day has been ish women, men children because nchester als and laun of their sexuality worldwide commun ched with the idea of creating . But then, it was 1990 that the Wor a only ity The Diversity team in Ma of activists and com ld in sharing the ideal homosexuality from Health Organisation removed mitted people, d this on the of a their list of mental transphobia in whic world without homophobia nor disorders. at IDAHO is. You can fin h orientation and the everyone can freely live their sexu k In 2008, sexual oo release an update on wh ceb Fa al gen rela e’s der tions tiv iden between pers tity they wish to -opera were punishable live in. by death in 7 coun ons of the same sex IDAHO has deve also posted onto The Co tries and consider some form of crim loped a strong soci ed to be e in more than 80 al-n with Intranet. Pictures were etwo in the world, peop close to 100 web others. In most coun rking presence, le from the lesbian, tries specifically for Idah pages, groups and events set transgender, tran up o initiatives. IDAH ‘likes’. sexual, intersex com gay, bisexual, O in more that 100 their fundamental munity are being m Dec fro countries, with advo is now celebrated es denied human rights as pages generating a lot of tur pic the hun cate of defin dred e s stag ed s lara of ing by som tion of Human Righ activities, events the Universal u yo ow sh and ’ll t, the actio we Inter ns s, Civil and Political national Covenan the world over. t on Rights, and the Inter For more informat Over the next few page Economic, Social national Covenan ion, please visit and Cultural Righ t on www.dayagain ts. sthomophobia.o y… ntr cou rg/ resp the or IDAH ectL email oss O GBT exists to provoke @co-operative our events acr action to end Hom .coop inclusive oph
campaign for indiv iduals,
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
obia. This is an campaigners, volu ntary
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Network News
Flag-flying at major oc cupancies
The Co-operative had pri de flags flying from all our major occupancies to publicly demonstrate our commi tment to IDAHO. Unfortunately, a proble m with the flag-poles at Ne w Century House meant we were unable to fly at thi s sit e. Ne xt year we’ll be sure to be flying from 1 Angel Square too!
ow Day People Services Rainb
anised a Rainbow r Manchester Campus org ou in ces rvi Se le op Pe above looks Those lovely people in of the rainbow flag (Joe’s rs ou col the in d sse dre m Day. Members of the tea cakes and brought They also baked special ) w! llo ye s wa it d ure wers also raised white but we’re ass through the team’s dra dig A . se) cu ex y (an s rainbow-coloured sweet to an LGBT charity. ing the day. over £70 to be donated all her support organis for s nd Sa lly Ke to u yo A big thank
Manchester Campus
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Network News
Day Galston Rainbshiow re, Scotland Galston Food, East Ayr
erative Employees at The Co-op olved in a Food in Galston got inv Coour very own Regional "Rainbow Day" including ssed in dre re we stone. All staff ordinator, Stewart Living me the the and really got into all colours of the rainbow to e ere was a balloon releas and spirit of the day. Th at set up bit a t little girl go mark the occasion (one rainbow go!) and then there was seeing the balloons let rse art was also running a cou cake for the staff. Stew The day delegates involved too! that day and got all the in-store none of the colleagues has proven successful as le to tell ab til the event and were had heard of IDAHO un too! our customers about it iasm Stewart for his enthus to u A massive thank yo huge success. and making the day a
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Network News
Equal Marriage Consultation The government’s Equalities Office has been consulting on changes to current civil marriage laws over the past four months. This has been widely reported in the press with campaigns—both for and against—becoming at times quite heated. As you would expect, The Co-operative truly embraces diversity and your Respect network was proud to contribute to a response on supporting the proposed changes which have since been submitted. The consultation ended in June and the government will draw its conclusions for any proposals to change the law. We shall, of course, update you in a future newsletter when the government publishes it’s findings. The Co-operative’s Head of Engagement & Diversity, Liz Bramley, commented: “The Co-operative values of equity, equality and social responsibility are part of our heritage, and drive our vision of building a better society. We are therefore delighted to have an opportunity to respond to the government’s consultation on the issue of
equal civil marriage (England and Wales), and have submitted an online response in support of the proposals. “We not only recognise and embrace the diversity of our employee populations; we are continually working to create and maintain inclusive team cultures which harness the diverse talents and experiences of our colleagues in a common endeavour to serve customers in the diverse communities where we Equa l a con civil marr trade.” sulta iage: ti March
Community News
Snapped! Respect co-chairs Thomas and Victoria caught up with Waterloo Road and Lip Service star Heather Peace at her recent music gig in Manchester.
the Respect Heather with e was sh r te newslet in ed ur at fe
Victoria, Thomas and Victoria’s wife went to see Heather Peace perform at Band in the Wall on 26th May. Victoria commented, “It was a fantastic gig in a great space which felt quite intimate.” Victoria added, “Heather has an amazing voice and her music was a bit Jazz blues style. She sang with great passion and the crowd loved her she did an amazing version of Feeling Good—she sounded so soulful and made the hairs on my arms stand up. She is very talented and would definitely recommend her album.” The support act Amity was great. She has a unique voice and is a onewoman band. Her songs’ lyrics were lovely and I had the opportunity to meet her and arrange an interview so watch this space! I think she is definitely one to watch. Heather’s album Fairytales featuring her debut single Better Than You is out now. More information on both artists:
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
e d i r PGLASGOW
On Saturday 14th July lots of Respect members travelled to the city of Glasgow to take part in The Co-operative’s parade entry at Glasgow Pride, our first ever pride parade entry in Scotland. Respect was well represented in the parade that snaked through the streets of the city and was watched by thousands of people. Our giant Respect and Membership banners could not be missed. The event fell on the weekend before the expected update from the Scottish Government about their support of equal civil marriage so this was the theme to lots of the entries. The event got lots of media attention and the photographers were There are lots of wa clicking away in their droves. BBC Scotland were there ys you ca involved n get with the R and spent a few minutes with some of our volunteers, espect ne Find out m twork. canvassing views on equal marriage. ore by em ailing respectL GBT@co Respect’s Regional Co-ordinator Stewart Livingstone (a -operati local lad) did a great job co-ordinating our involvement and through his strong connections with union USDAW, Respect opened their parade entry. The collaboration was really strong and we got lots of positive comments from lots of people involved. We even met a few Co-operative employees who became members of Respect as a result. The amount of people who commented that it was great to see The Co-operative in the parade was unbelievable. Email us y our photo We have two Co-operative Food stores close to s and we include th will em in a fu George Square where the pride celebrations were in ture issue respectL GBT@co . -operati full swing. Many employees in the stores were wearing their ‘smiling with pride’ T-shirts for the day—showing their support of the local LGBT community. We really embraced the event and The Co-operative Membership were very happy to give Glasgow Pride a donation to show our support. It was a great day topped off by a lively Respect social event around the gay bars of Glasgow where the drinks were flowing. The atmosphere was buzzing and the bars were packed. We even managed to meet Glasgow Pride headliner Joe McElderry (XFactor winner and chart topper) and another pride performer, Lloyd Daniels (X-Factor contestant). We can’t wait to take part in more pride events in Scotland!
Get involved
Are you goin g
to a pride?
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Our first pride in
Liverpool Proud to sponsor Liverpool Pride for the first time, we didn't quite know what to expect when we turned up on the day of the celebrations on 4th August. The theme to the day was 'nautical but nice', lots of sailors maybe? The biggest free Pride event outside of London had loads of buzz and excitement around it. We couldn't wait. Twenty Respect members and representation from The Cooperative Membership turned up to take part in our parade entry on the day and once again, we were all 'smiling with pride'. Leading our parade entry, our 5m wide Respect banner took over the streets and our members dressed up as 'smiles' and sailor bananas got the huge crowds excited and lots of cameras flashing. Respect's Events Co-ordinator Matthew Thatcher ensured we got The Co-operative Travel branch in the city centre excited for the day too. The team in the branch enthusiastically supported the day by flying pride flags and Respect posters in the store window. They all proudly wore our 'smiling with pride' t-shirts too and cheered us on as we passed the store in the parade. Respect's Attraction & Engagement Officer Mattie Stephen even interviewed one of the headline performers, X Factor stars 2 Shoes, for an exclusive interview for a future Respect newsletter. The girls were totes amaze (as they would say). X Factor runner up Marcus Collins was also on the lineup and got the crowds singing along to tracks from his debut album. The sky opened and there was torrential rain all day but it didn't dampen the celebrations and we all had a fab time and met lots of great people including members of LGBT Labour and the Barclays Spectrum LGBT employee network. The Co-operative Membership camper van was also on site and got the crowds engaged with all things 'International Year of Co-operative's' through sticker giveaways and competitions. One of our 'smiling with pride' t-shirts is now part of an exhibition about Liverpool Pride. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and a fantastic first Liverpool Pride for The Co-operative and the Respect network. It was also a record breaking year for the event with over 50,000 visitors on the day!
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Shayne shot to fame as the winner of series 2 of The X Factor. Since then, he has released three albums, sold over three million records worldwide and has had number one albums and singles in nine countries. He is now starring as Stacee Jaxx in 80s-themed musical Rock of Ages at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London. Respect caught up with Shayne and this is what he had to say…..
You're getting an amazing response from the audience to your role at Stacee Jaxx in the West End Show ‘Rock of Ages’. How would you describe your 'Rock of Ages' experience? First of all, this is my first ever acting piece. I can’t really complain playing an 80’s sex god. I have to say hats off to all the West End performers. It has really opened my eyes doing eight shows a week.
Your outfits and general look are very different. What was going through your mind when you first got into character? Ask my family. It is just Shayne in a wig when I’m messing around. I have a comical personality.
What are your plans for when your stint in the show ends? Any plans to release more music?
My last day is 23rd September. I am signed to an acting agency who is lining up other auditions for me. I am going to the gym and keeping in shape. I will be going back into the studio too as I miss the pop side. My fans are waiting for me to get a new song out. Lots of my fans are coming to see the show which is great.
What about getting into the movie business?
I’d love to do movies. I am interested in the ‘tough roles.’ I’m keeping in shape to get me ready.
You're looking great. Being in the public eye, do you feel the pressure to look good? I like to work out but really, to me, I don’t care. It is easier for guys. Women in the business are scrutinised more. They have so much more to take care of with nails, hair, eye lashes…
How important are Twitter and Facebook to you?
I think they are important for everyone. There are hardly any exclusives anymore. The news goes so quickly around the world. I find it so important. It’s free publicity. I use it to keep in touch with my fans and it’s a great way to connect. Even when I post something like ‘I’m enjoying a cup of tea’, the fans are interested.
You have a huge gay following. How does this make you feel?
Since starting out I have always had a huge response from my gay fans. I’ve played G.A.Y and the response has been positive all over the world. I am a regular down Soho and find it really friendly and nice. Before X Factor I was in a band called Destiny for four and half years with a lesbian couple, Tracy & Tracey, and I was the best man at their wedding.
What are your views on marriage equality and everyone, irrespective of their sexual orientation, being able to marry their partner? It is disgusting people are so against people wanting to be happy. Everyone should be able to marry their partner and everyone should have the right to love who they want to. Those against it need to wake up. Make me the leader and I will give them all a big slap *laughs*.
2012 9
“Everyone should be able to marry their partner and everyone should have the right to love who they want to.” Being a Manchester lad, have you ever been out on Canal Street?
I have been out on Canal St so many times with the Mrs, friends and family. You could say I’m a bit of a regular. When will they replace the missing ‘C’ letter in the sign?
Twitter: @ShayneTWard
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Your new Steering Group
Last year we sought volunteers to shape our new Steering Group to continue the excellent work done by the first Steering Group. Here we introduce you to some new faces and find out what each person does in their role. We’ll start by giving you the structure of the new Steering Group. Each member of the group has accepted a role as defined in our earlier newsletter. These map out well to the various functions of the network. Overseeing the whole network are our two Co-chairs, Victoria and Thomas, supported by the Network Secretary, Chris. We’ll introduce some of the members of the new group over the following pages.
Thomas Anderson Co-chair (Male)
Victoria Cowley Co-chair (Female)
Chris Hanson Network Secretary
Mattie Stephen Attraction & Engagement Officer
Jason Guy Communities Engagement Officer
Matthew Walker Business Engagement Officer
Matthew Thatcher Events Co-ordinator
Anna Hanson Community & Membership Liason
Kelly Sands Colleague Development Co-ordinator
Steve Ratcliff Union Liason
Opportunity Manchester Pride Co-ordinator
Opportunity Customer Engagement Co-ordinator
Stewart Livingstone Regional Co-ordinator
Colin Archer Respect Associate
David Reardon Jennifer Wells Joseph Burton-O’Neill Carolyn Jones Regional Champions
Ben Brosnan Communications Co-ordinator
Richard Carroll Respect Editor
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Opportunity Regional Pride Co-ordinator
Opportunities We have vacancies on the Steering Group. Regional Champions are needed across the country as well as coordinators for Manchester Pride and regional prides and a Customer Engagement Co-ordinator If you’re interested, get in touch!
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Your new Steering Group Thomas Anderson Co-chair (male)
Victoria Cowley Co-chair (female)
My day job is Operational Support Team Leader at The Co-operative Pharmacy head office in Rochdale, managing a great team who support our 780 Pharmacy branches. I am currently on a secondment in the role of Operations Process Manager. When I am not working I am a bit of a music geek and love going to concerts and I am partial to buying the odd bit of music memorabilia. I have been with my partner, Matthew, for over two years and I met him through Respect, more about him later. The Respect network is for you so it is important you get from it what you want. If you have any ideas or want to help out please feel free to email me at
I am 27 and live with my wife, Melanie, and my stepdaughter. My day job is a Customer Service Advisor for The Cooperative Electrical which I have done for 18 months. I am responsible for dealing with customers’ queries regarding recent orders and also responding to feedback from customers about the service they have received. Each day varies and can be interesting. Previously to working for The Co-operative I worked for Capita on a CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) contract where I was the union representative and Customer Service Advisor. While doing the union role I was lucky enough to go to Brussels after winning a bursary to study equality legislation. I am passionate about being a voice for LGBT issues and feel that I can bring passion and enthusiasm to this role. Outside of work I love to read, watch movies go for walks and spend time with my family.
The co-operative pharmacy
Chris Hanson Network Secretary
The co-operative food
I am the Secretary for the Respect network, a new role in the Steering Group created to support a network that has grown from 50 to over 900 member in just a couple of years. I look forward to developing the role, building on my experiences with the Steering Group since it was founded. My role isn’t particularly glamorous, but I ensure the network runs smoothly and effectively, such as: • Steering Group Secretary: management of the Steering Group meetings and deputising for the two Co-chairs. • Network Secretariat: managing Respect’s emails, management of the membership database, acting as Treasurer and co-ordinating competitions/surveys • Network Governance: working with the Steering Group to make sure that all we do complies with policies and procedures, as well as other requirements such as the Data Protection Act. All this seems like a full time job in itself, but I do also have a day job – the Workforce Management Modeller within The Cooperative Food, ensuring that operational policies are correctly reflected in the scheduling application that is being rolled out to our stores. I been with The Co-operative for 8 years, having previously worked within Banking Group in their call centre workforce management teams.
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
The co-operative electrical
Steve Ratcliff Union Liason
The co-operative food
I work as Concessions Co-ordinator in Manchester and also as a trade union representative. I was a member of the original Steering Group and remain in the role of Union Liaison. Not everyone realises that trade unions can give support, advice and representation to their members on LGBT issues. They have a strong commitment to promoting equality, tackling discrimination, bullying or harassment at work, to promoting rights for same sex parents and so on. I’ve managed to establish links with the major staff unions (Usdaw, Unite and NACO) and had items about Respect in their members’ information as well as getting a message from Usdaw’s National Officer for the Co-operative in a recent Respect newsletter. I’ve recently contributed to the Group’s response to the equal marriage consultation. I feel that the network should be more than a support network; important though that is. It should also be promoting equality, taking the message to all colleagues and be involved in community activity and ensuring that the Co-operative is not just a truly equal employer but that it has a public reputation for being so.
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Matthew Walker Business Engagement Officer
Anna Hanson Community & Membership Engagement Liason
I've worked for The Co-operative Banking Group for ten years, currently as a Business Delivery Manager in the ‘Everyday Banking’ team. I work on projects to increase customer volumes and retention rates whilst ensuring that we meet regulatory requirements. In my role of Business Engagement Officer, my team are responsible for two areas that work on Customer and Colleague Engagement. For Customer Engagement, this means working with businesses across the Group to support development of products and services that appeal to and are inclusive of the LGBT community. For Colleague Engagement, this means working with departments across the Group to support and develop LGBT colleagues as well as increasing awareness of Respect to all staff members. Outside of work, I enjoy playing and watching tennis as well as spending time with friends and family.
The role I’ve accepted seems the one that I would most enjoy. It involves working with both charities, LGBT community groups and also working with Co-operative members to raise funds and awareness of LGBT issues. One of the many things I would like to achieve in this role is to help many charities all over the country and to make a support network for all our members wherever they live or work for The Co-operative. For a day job I work as a Dispensing Technician in a Cooperative Pharmacy in Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester. I moved to Manchester in December 2011 from Castleford, West Yorkshire, where I had worked for about five years. I am hoping that I will be able to do my Accuracy Checking Technician (ACT) course but for now I make up the medicine for patients, checking them against the prescriptions and labelling them. I really enjoy this job as I must admit I am a bit of a science geek! I love learning about how drugs work to make patients better. I am a big music fan. Before I joined The Co-operative I owned a record shop selling CDs, T-shirts and DVDs. I am sure you can all imagine how big my music and DVD collection is! I ride my bike all over and enjoy that. I also have a dog, cat and tortoise that take up plenty of my time. I am a bit of a soft touch and will take anything in that needs a good home.
The co-operative banking group
Kelly Sands Colleague Development Co-ordinator
The co-operative people services
My main focus over the next few months will be identifying how we can engage with colleagues from induction through to training and mentoring. Having recently attended the Aspire women’s network, I am keen to use some of their ideas to develop a network of events to support the LGBT community’s career progression and objectives. I’d like to achieve an online toolkit for colleagues to have access to skills and courses, and also build a mentoring scheme. Day-to-day I am PA to the Director of People Services in Manchester. My role is so varied, I couldn’t tell you what a regular day looks like! Essentially, I ensure my Director has all the support an Exec requires and I am also responsible for all events arranged for the department. I like to make sure that everyone is as happy and engaged as I do every day in work! Outside of work I am pretty active: at the gym every morning and I have also been running for events like the Manchester 10km. I am a volunteer for Radio Lollipop at the Manchester Children’s Hospital so can be found some weekends colouring in or playing hide and seek with patients! If I’m not out and about I love nothing better than sitting in with a glass of red with my boyfriend and cats. In saying that though I can’t resist a party invite and this summer I got my raving gear dusted off again for my annual trip to Ibiza.
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
The co-operative pharmacy
Richard Carroll Respect Editor
The co-operative food
I’m responsible for co-ordinating the network’s communications to keep you up-to-date with what is happening within the network. I’ve been with The Co-operative for over 15 years and currently work in Customer Relations in Manchester. I spend my days responding to feedback we receive from customers and members via phone, email, letters and social media. This is a varied and quite demanding role where you never know what’s coming next! I’m relatively new to Manchester having moved a couple of years ago from the small town of Holmfirth that nestles in the Yorkshire Pennines. There, I worked in a Co-operative Food supermarket. I like Manchester and the lack of hills has led me to take up cycling which I love and comes with the added benefit of helping me lose weight!
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Matthew Thatcher Events Co-ordinator
Stewart Livingstone Regional Co-ordinator
I am a Team Manager at The Cooperative Food in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester. I moved up from Swansea two years ago through a transfer from another food store. In my role, I’ll be arranging lots of social events of all types for our members all over the UK. Coming from Swansea, I know myself that it is important we reach out to employees in every part of the UK. I have lots of ideas and I would love to hear yours too, drop me an email to the Respect inbox: Outside of work I'm a bit of a trekkie and I enjoy a beer or two. I have been with my partner Thomas, yes Thomas the Cochair, for almost two years now. We actually met through Respect. I have been working hard with the rest of the Steering Group to arrange lots of social events at the various prides that we are supporting this year. Watch this space for an event near you!
I live in Ayrshire in south west Scotland. In my day job I am an Operations Trainer within our food business. I deliver a variety of training courses for new and existing employees. I love my job as it allows me to be who I am and deliver my personality through my delivery style. My role in the Steering Group is a point of contact for the Regional Champions to feed in any information from their regions. I will also ensure that what the Regional Champions are doing is consistent to the aims and objectives of the network. My role will cover a variety of different aspects and I will have to work with other key members of the Steering Group to ensure that our ideas are delivered at a regional level. I am excited to have been appointed to this role as I see the roles of Regional Champions key to the success of the network and to ensure that this network is not to be seen as a network for Manchester rather than a UK wide network.
Mattie Stephen Attraction & Engagement Officer
Dave Reardon Regional Champion: Wales
My main goal this year is to focus on YOU, the respect member. Also to focus on a drive for new members and to promote LGBT around The Co-operative as a whole. Last year in the member survey you said you wanted to see more social events to meet each other and bring us together as a network. As this comes under my work stream this will be top of my priorities. Also I want to provide effective communication from ourselves and getting into the 21st century using more social media networks. More exciting news to come on that soon! I have worked for The Co-operative for over 6 years in the Banking Group, working in various roles in IT and Customer Operations. My current role is a Business Analyst supporting our performance systems that monitor the performance of colleagues across the Banking Group. I work with Key Stake holders and my role involves a lot of project management. On a personal note, I can be a party animal and enjoy going out regularly in my native Liverpool with friends but you will also catch me in Manchester too! I love the cinema and spending time with my partner Richard and my family.
I work for The Co-operative Pharmacy in Caerleon in Newport, south Wales. I am a Regional Champion for south Wales and parts of Bristol. Working in healthcare I would like to promote a more friendly environment for all peoples to come in and ask about their medication and also provide more enhanced services for the LGBT community within the area, whether this be through sign posting to different agencies or offering advice on medication. In my day job I am an Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician or ACPT, which means that I check all the medication that has been clinically checked by a registered pharmacist and dispensed by either a Dispenser or Technician. It is a demanding job but very rewarding especially round Christmas time when all the staff get biscuits off the patients! I am also a tutor for the NVQ levels 2 and 3 for people to train up to Dispensing Assistant and Technician respectively. In my spare time I enjoy Kickboxing and I took my green tag grading in June and I have a Blackbelt in Karate. I also enjoy reading, especially sci-fi, and going to the cinema.
The co-operative food
The co-operative banking group
The co-operative food
The co-operative pharmacy
We’ll be catching up with other members of the Steering Group in a future issue
The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Respect Newsletter
August 2012 Issue 11
Respect’s Colleague Support Board External c ontacts
In your workplace
If you are able to speak to your line manager, that
ontsocie Bisexual www.bipho Lesbian, ga y and bisex ual .uk
would be the preferred route (unless of course your line manager is the
issue). Alternatively, you can speak to your HR manager if this would be preferable.
Speak up
ing hotline We have a whistleblow u can call called “Speak Up.” Yo . Calls are free on 0800 374199 provider. handled by an external nymous Callers can remain ano related issues untraceable. Any HR the line are that come through ity & passed to the Divers thin The CoEngagement Team wi operative.
Sexual Orien tation Champion
George Meu dell can prov ide confidential support and guidance on LGBT matte rs. george
Competition WIN
The Diversity Team
The Diversity & Engagement Tea m can offer advice about specifi c matters relating to issues in the workplace and point you in the right direction. You can contact them on email at inclusive.teams@co-operative.c
call 0161 246 2646.
oop or op
Coming up…
£20 Co-operative Gift Voucher
One lucky reader can win a great £20 Co-operative Gift Voucher for use in our food, pharmacy, electrical or funerals businesses. For a chance to win, please answer the question below and send your answers to by 13 September.
How many Pride events is the Co-operative supporting this year? If you’re not sure, you’ll find the answer earlier in this newsletter. So what are you waiting for? Get entering!
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The co-operative Respect Network Newsletter
Our next issue will be our Smiling with Pride edition
Including our exclusive interview with Ben Cohen, Manchester Sharks, Spotlight on Hazel, World Pride, round-up of Leeds, Northern and Manchester prides… and your usual news-round up from the LGBT community and Respect.
We need you! If you enjoy our newsletters, why not contribute? We’re always eager to here members’ stories, your scene, book reviews, film reviews… anything that’s important to you! Just email us at
Help needed • Have you held the Olympic torch? Send us your pictures! • Are you attending any Pride events? Send us your snapshots! • Would you like to share your coming out story or other experiences?