Your Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Network Newsletter
The Respect Newsletter The TV Issue Spring 2012 № 15 | February 2013
Issue 9
Show your support for marriage equality See page 4
EXCLUSIVE interview with singer and actress
Read all about Lucy’s ‘Winter Adventure’
See page 9
See page 3
We reveal our placing on the Inside this issue: >Simon introduces us to the charity ‘Outline’ 2013 Stonewall >We let you know what PRIDE’S we are supporting Workplace > Social: LadyRock Festival – COME AND JOIN US! >Connect: Stonewall Special >Your Development Equality Index >LGBT news and lots more inside this issue //£20 worth of Co-operative vouchers
February is LGBT History Month Inside we look back at to the portrayal of //Two tickets the LadyRock LGBT people on festivaltelevision Please email “Respect” to See page 10
The lesbian, gay, bisexual and (LGBT) network for The Seetransgender page 5
anyone you think would enjoy reading it! co-operative
№ 15 | February 2013
Welcome to Respect’s Television Issue February is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month. For this newsletter, your Respect team thought it would be a good idea to take a look back at the portrayal of LGBT people on television over the years. Mr Humphries (pictured) of Are You Being Served? fame didn’t make it to our front page, as whilst being ambiguous, he never acknowledged being gay. Find out who did on pages 6–7 ▶
What you’ll find inside… Stonewall Workplace Equality Index results Page 3 ▶
Exclusive interview with Charlie Condou Page 8 ▶
International Women’s Day 8 March
Page 13 ▶
Alex talks about his experiences & HIV+ living Page 10 ▶
A note from your co-chairs and editor… Thomas Anderson & Victoria Cowley Co-chairs
Wow! What a way to start the year. The Co-operative is the first retailer to ever make the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index Top 10, number 3, and Respect has been awarded Stonewall’s 'Star Performer Network Group' recognition for the third consecutive year. We couldn't be more proud. Read our full comments on this and lots of other things throughout this newsletter. Here are some words that spring to mind to describe this issue:
PROUD : RESPECT : TEAM : DELIGHTED LGBT HISTORY MONTH : INSPIRATION : TV COMMUNITY : INCLUSION We hope you enjoy reading this, our 15th newsletter. Don’t forget to get in touch if you want to be more involved in the network. See you next month!
The co-operative Respect Newsletter
Richard Carroll
Respect Editor
Welcome to our 15th edition for February. With it being LGBT History Month, we wanted to take a different angle, so we've looked back at the representation of LGBT on TV. We hope you like it. As always, we’re eager to hear your feedback. If you'd like to know more about LGBT history month, look at issue 8 from last year that remains relevant and we'll, hopefully, have our Facebook page up and running this month where we'll provide lots of updates. I can’t close without mentioning our fantastic achievement of coming number three in the Stonewall WEI. We continue to make great leaps up the index each year and it’s one of the things that makes me proud of The Co-operative. Where will we be in 2014!?
Join the conversation on Twitter @CoopRespectLGBT Like us on Facebook coming very soon!
â„– 15 | February 2013
It has just been announced that The Co-operative has ranked as one of the best workplaces in the UK for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) employees.  The Stonewall Workplace Equality Index which grades private and public sector organisations across the UK on how well they are doing in their support of lesbian, gay and bisexual matters has just announced that The Co-operative is the 3rd best organisation to work for in the UK, and for the fourth consecutive year we are the only retailer in the Top 100. Respect has also been awarded Stonewall’s Star Performer Network Group recognition for the third consecutive year.  Paul Flowers, Chair of The Co-operative Banking Group and senior sponsor for the Respect network commented, “Being an inclusive employer, it is important that we ensure all of our employees have an equally positive experience whilst at work. The Stonewall Workplace Equality Index is highly thought of and being a part of the index for the last seven years has shown how we as an employer have made many positive changes within the workplace. We look forward to working further with Stonewall to identify those areas we can improve on and to further enhance the workplace experience for our employees. Cracking the top ten for the first time is a superb achievement that demonstrates The Co-operative is a great place to work. Well done to everyone involved including our Employee Engagement and Diversity team, HR People Services, Procurement teams and the Respect network Steering Group.�
The Co-operative pioneers the launch of the UK’s first inter-retail LGBT network Being the only retailer in the Top 100 for the fourth consecutive year, we would love for more of our competitors to rank alongside us. In September 2012 we invited many of the UK’s retailers including Morrison’s, Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose and John Lewis to our head office to get things off the ground. Supported by Stonewall, the meeting was opened by Paul Flowers, Chair of The Co-operative Banking Group and Respect’s senior sponsor. There was lots of discussion about how the interretail network would work in practice. Many of our competitors do not have LGBT employee networks or have only just begun working in this area. We will keep you updated. Watch this space for the first networking event! Email your stories and get in touch at
 Liz Bramley, Head of Employee Engagement and Diversity commented, “The 2013 Stonewall Workplace Equality Index has been the strongest to date with the points required to get a Top 100 placing being at an all time high. To improve eight places on our 2012 ranking is a brilliant achievement and a real testament to the hard work of so many teams and individuals throughout the business. As in previous years, we are competing not only against private businesses across the UK but public sector bodies as well such as individual police forces, universities, charities and NHS Trusts, with more and more entering each year. This success could not have been achieved without the collaborative efforts and the huge level of senior sponsorship and support we receive for our work.� Thomas Anderson and Victoria Cowley, Cochairs of the Respect LGBT employee network added, "We have been amazed by the support we have witnessed from senior leaders from all business areas in championing the Respect network. Their commitment to ensuring The Co-operative is a business that really values our employees differences and where all employees can come to work, perform to the best of our abilities and have an equally positive experience should reassure us all that being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender at The Co-operative should not be a barrier to our career progression and enjoyment in our roles. Thank you to the hundreds of employees that have supported the Respect network all over the UK in the last twelve months and contributed to our success in the index— the network makes up a big part of our submission. To be awarded the ‘Star Performer Network Group’ for the third consecutive year is a fantastic start to the year.�
Supporting London Pride
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George Meudell (L) and Paul Flower s (R) at the Respect Netwo rk awards
Our feature in the Out at Work magazine. Download your copy at
The co-operative 3 Respect Newsletter
№ 15 | February 2013
Respect member Nadine Vaughan is featured in Stonewall’s Starting Out guide
Stonewall launched Starting Out, the first national guide for students and job-switchers wanting to find a gay-friendly employer. Now on its eighth edition, it features more than 420 employers – great news for discerning lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) jobseekers. As Stonewall Diversity Champions, every one is committed to making their workplace more gayfriendly—including The Co-operative. Nadine Vaughan (pictured, left), Respect member and Fraud Investigator at The Co-operative Banking Group commented, “At The Co-operative, equality and fairness are part of the fabric of the organisation. All employees, from our in-store colleagues to the chairman of our board, are given the opportunity and support to succeed. Our Respect network is extremely active and works in partnership with the group to enable every LGBT employee to reach their potential.” For more information and to order your free copy of the guide visit
Queer Question Time On 18th November 2012, The Lesbian & Gay Foundation (LGF) hosted their second Queer Question Time. The event provided an opportunity for members of the LGBT community to come together and ask the panel questions about the issues that affect us. There was representation on the panel from the LGBT groups from within three of the country’s main parties (Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservative), comedian Kerry Leigh and Chief Executive of the LGF Paul Martin with the event being chaired by John Ryan. Questions asked on the day included 'Why should gay men not be able to give blood in the UK—this is not case in some other countries?', 'Should a country’s equality laws affect how much international aid they get from the UK?' and 'What is so good about having-same sex marriage rights?'.
Members of the Respect network steering group attended the event with Respect's Fundraising Officer Anna Hanson commenting, "The event was a fantastic opportunity for the public to ask key figures in politics and the community direct questions about things that matter to them." Leading LGBT radio station Gaydio recorded the event for transmission on air and online. To find out more visit
Don’t settle for generic Just in case it has escaped you, it's Valentine's Day on 14th February. If you go onto the high street one thing is clear: the lack of cards for those of us in same sex relationships. Unless you live in a large city, there really is no choice. There is plenty of cards with male and female couple imagery on them but you'll be hard pushed to find same sex cards. So if you want something not available on the high street, get yourself online. We love these ones we found at The Pink Shark!
The co-operative Respect Newsletter
Join the conversation on Twitter @CoopRespectLGBT Like us on Facebook coming very soon!
№ 15 | February 2013
We attend ‘Over the Rainbow… Getting Hitched, Making History Monday 18 February 7–9pm but not alone’ conference The LGF Community Resource Centre, th
The Co-operative Membership was delighted to be able to support the Equity Partnership’s Over the Rainbow… but not alone conference that was held in York on 9th November 2012. The event was a collaboration with Age UK and Age Concern.
5 Richmond Street, Manchester, M1 3HF
The conference for older LGBT people and communities had a focus of raising awareness of isolation and loneliness within older LGBT communities, highlighting the support that is available around the UK and the work that still needs to done to address some of the already known issues. The event was a diverse one with a range of guest speakers and themed workshops around these issues. The event also offered a chance for older LGBT people that travelled to the event from all over the UK to network and socialise. Speakers included Baroness Barker, Peter Tatchell and Tina Wathern from Stonewall Housing. Linda Gomila Co-operative Membership Officer for the North region, said: “We were proud to support Over the Rainbow… but not alone conference for the first time in York in 2012.” “The event provided us with a great opportunity to support the local and regional LGBT communities and to show our commitment to a diverse membership.” Thomas Anderson, Co-chair of the Respect network attended the event and added, “Attending the event really opened my eyes in so many ways. Hearing the stories of some of the attendees who in their younger life had been sent to mental institutes by their parents after coming out, had been left desolate and homeless and who came out in a world where it was illegal and people were being sent to prison of chemically castrated – all because of the sexuality really made me think. We have come so far but there is still so much more to be done for the older LGBT community and the Respect network will be ensuring we provide something for everyone when we are planning our programme of events and other initiatives.”
The LGF cordially invite you to an evening of film and discussion around marriage equality as they celebrate National LGBT History Month! Tissues at the ready as they will be screening Tony Osso's award winning short films about same-sex relationships and rainbow families. These films will entertain, move and provoke. You will have the opportunity to hear from the filmmaker and a panel of special guests as well as contribute your thoughts and opinions when they open the floor to wider discussion of marriage equality and the dynamics of same-sex relationships across time. It's free to attend and they will be providing food and refreshments for everyone who comes along so why not join them at this exciting junction in LGB history and throw some confetti on the issue of equal marriage? To RSVP your attendance, or for further details, please email or call 0845 3 30 30 30
We’ve got lots of events plan ned across the U K for 2013!
Find out more online
We’ll be ghost hunting in York, join us?
Fancy a trip to Alton Towers?
Watch out for our 2013 events calendar
Would you like a Highland Fl ing in Edinburg h?
And lots more to be announced…
Keep updated on all things LGBT History Month related on the intranet. We have lots of articles being published throughout February. Email your stories and get in touch at
The co-operative 5 Respect Newsletter
Cover Feature It can't be ignored that soap operas and other TV shows exaggerate the drama of everyday life. That's part of their appeal isn't it, escapism? But what about the portrayal of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community on our screens? We’ve summarised a recent report conducted by the BBC on the portrayal of LGBT people in TV shows broadcast in the UK. On page seven we’ve looked back over the years to cover a timeline of LGBT TV moments. How many do you remember?
№ 15 | February 2013
Pink on Primetime?
A comprehensive study conducted by the BBC praised shows like Doctor Who and Torchwood for presenting diverse representations of the gay community, but indicated there is still plenty of room for improvement at the network. Since it receives its funding from the public, “it’s one of the BBC’s public purposes to reflect the diversity of UK life,” Tim Davie, CEO of BBC Worldwide said in a statement. “I’m proud to have led this work for three years, and this review underlines our commitment and sets a direction for the work to continue.” The corporation asked members of The LGF, Stonewall and other advocacy organisations to conduct a full review on its portrayal of lesbians, gays and bisexuals. In addition, some 2,700 members of the British public were polled. The report claims lesbians and bisexuals are relatively invisible on UK television, and chastised discussion of gay issues on news programs as “deliberately confrontational.” The Beeb should “reconsider the way in which it is perceived to set up these debates with two extreme perspectives,” wrote Clare Luke of Solitaire Consulting, who produced the report. Other findings: •Gay and bisexual men seem relatively happy with the TV they consume (across all channels, not just the BBC) – lesbian and bisexual women perhaps less so •Both LGB men and women are more likely than heterosexual audiences to watch arts programming, and gay and bisexual men are also more likely to watch soap operas and
continuing drama Experts believe there should be a careful mix of incidental, overt and landmark types of LGB portrayal, and that LGB representation should reflect the diversity of LGB people, and avoid stereotypes There is a call from the LGB experts who were interviewed for the BBC to be bolder and more creative in how it represents LGB people, and to lead the field in this area Intimacy in same-sex relationships can be difficult or uncomfortable for heterosexual audiences. One in five heterosexual men said they thought there were too many LGB people on BBC television, and more than one in ten said there were uncomfortable with the portrayal of gay, lesbian and bisexual people in the broadcast media. Role models play an important role for LGB audiences keen to see a greater range and diversity of on-air and on-screen LGB presenters, performers, journalists etc. There should be more out presenters in children’s television, “to familiarize audiences through incidental portrayal from an early age.”
BBC report
Let us know what you think about the portrayal of LGBT people on the TV on our usual email address!
Find out more about LGBT History Month by visiting
The co-operative Respect Newsletter
Join the conversation on Twitter @CoopRespectLGBT Like us on Facebook coming very soon!
№ 15 | February 2013 1977 Soap Billy Crystal played the role of Jodie Dallas, a bisexual man in Soap.
1985 Brookside
Early days
2000 Queer as Folk A U.S. version of Queer as Folk debuts. It followed the lives of five gay men in Pittsburgh. It ran for an impressive five series.
The soap features the first openly gay character on British TV when character Gordon Collins comes out as gay.
2002 Tipping The Velvet
1986 My Two Loves
2003 Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
My Two Loves was a made-for-TV movie featuring Lynn Redgrave and Mariette Harley. Harley played the role of a recently widowed woman who began to question her sexual orientation. She had an affair with Redgrave in the movie.
The show is based around five gay males who revamp a straight person's appearance, clothing, and living space. It quickly became the Bravo networks most successful programme to date.
1993 Politiken An ad for a Danish newspaper Politiken featured a male couple kissing—believed to have been a world first.
1994 Brookside Brookside makes the headlines again when characters Beth Jordache and Margaret Clemence kiss. We were hooked.
1994 IKEA Ikea aired an ad which featured two men shopping for a table together. It was one in a series which was designed to show that all kinds of people shop for furniture at IKEA. This is believed to be the first TV ad which portrayed two gay people as an ordinary couple.
1996 Friends The US sitcom celebrates a lesbian wedding. The brides, Carol and Susan, played by Jane Sibbett and Jessica Hecht do not kiss.
1997 Ellen Ellen DeGeneres became the first openly lesbian actor to play the lead role as a lesbian in a TV sitcom, Ellen. Chrysler, Mazda, Wendy's and J.C. Penney withdrew their ads from this episode.
1998 Will & Grace Sitcom based around two gay men and a couple of heterosexual women first airs. We loved it.
1998 Coronation Street Hayley Cropper makes her first appearance in Coronation Street. She was the first transgender character in a British soap and was the first permanent transgender character in the world of serialised drama. Was it really that long ago? We feel old.
1999 Queer as Folk Its steamy, no-holds-barred depiction of life in Manchester's club scene had tongues wagging as soon as it was commissioned, and the rumourmongers weren't disappointed. The show ran for two series. It had many of us watching it behind our parents back. It wasn’t just you!
A colourful, passionate and entertaining lesbian love story set in the 1890s.
2003 Coronation Street Character Todd Grimshaw kisses Nick Tilsey. This was the first gay kiss in the show’s history. The episode received 21 complaints and these were all rejected by the Independent Television Commission.
2004 The Simpsons Marge Simpson's sister Patty revealed she was a lesbian and her intention of entering into a same-sex marriage. The marriage fell through when her partner was exposed to be a man who disguised himself as a woman because he loved Patty.
2004 The L Word The series portrays the lives of a group of lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their friends, family and lovers.
2004 Playing It Straight The American reality show first airs. One woman spent time on a ranch with a group of men in an attempt to discern which of them were gay and which of them were straight. A UK version aired in 2005 with the second series airing in 2012.
2005 Sugar Rush A drama centred on a 15 year old lesbian, Kim Daniels. A second series was aired in 2006.
2010 Lip Service A drama that follows a group of 20-something lesbians is aired on BBC3 with a second series in 2012.
2011 My Transexual Summer The series followed seven people who were undertaking a range of gender affirmation procedures as they make the journey to realise their true identities.
2012 Britain’s Got Talent One of the UK’s highest rated TV shows features a dancing gay couple, The Sugar Dandies, as well as gay comedy song and dance act The Showbears.
2012 The X Factor On the hit show, six of the 12 finalists are opening gay, bisexual or lesbian. These include Rylan Clark (gay), Christopher Maloney (gay), Lucy Spraggan (lesbian), Jaymi Hensley of Union J (gay), Charlie Rundle of MK1 (bisexual) and Jade Ellis (lesbian).
Email your stories and get in touch at
The co-operative 7 Respect Newsletter
№ 15 | February 2013
Guardian columnist, Corrie actor, charity fundraiser, Robbie Williams’ exflatmate, husband and dad, Respect meets…
Charlie Condou You wrote in The Guardian about your family experiences with children conceived with your friend Catherine. Has there been an affect on your relationship with Catherine? We are extremely good friends, well we are best friends. The relationship changed when we all became parents for the first time, I see Catherine as more than a friend—not a sexual way—but we have that bond. We are practically in a three-way marriage. Cameron, my partner, is also really close to Catherine so it works well for all of us. The kids have great parents and we are all happy. That’s all that counts. Living between Manchester and London, how do you find juggling your work commitments with your growing family? A nightmare! Last night both the children where sick so I was up all night dealing with illness. Then I had a really busy day today with interviews and meeting yourself and I am off to film some scenes for Coronation Street so I am extremely tired as I have not slept. Before I had a family it was so easy: it was just me and Cameron. Now I have children it’s hard but worth all the stress. I’m so lucky to have children so I never complain and feel fortunate to be blessed to have children. When I was younger, same sex parents where never heard of. No one would have ever thought there would be a future for same sex parents. I feel privileged being a part of that. You were first seen as Niño on Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie. What was it like to work with James Dreyfus and Kathy Burke? Funnily enough I had lunch with Kath yesterday. She’s still a close friend and also my son’s god mother. James disappeared years ago. No one really see’s him anymore. I’ve not seen him for some time now. When I was speaking to Kath a while ago I was saying to her “Do you still remember any of your lines” because I remember all mine from the episode I was in! She said she doesn’t remember anything about Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie because it was such a huge success and everything was such a whirlwind she has forgotten most of it.
The co-operative Respect Newsletter
As the face of Stonewall’s 2012 Fathers’ Day campaign, what’s your message to other gay parents? It’s a great campaign and I was really proud to have been picked for this. My involvement was working with people who created a short film called Thanks Dad involving different gay men who are bringing up children. I wanted people to realise that sexuality means nothing any more. Parenting is parenting and you sexuality does not change that. I especially wanted to reach out to younger gay men and women to make them aware they can be parents and their sexuality would not change that.
What advice would give to same-sex couples wanting to conceive through IVF? Depends on how they do it to be honest. My main advice would to be talk about it, then talk about it some more. Be open with each other. After a child is born because everything changes. Men and women in same-sex relationships are in a stronger position these days to be role models and great parents. You are a well known THT supporter. What’s your involvement? Before I became known in the acting world, I worked for the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) for many years. I volunteered as an emotional support counsellor. When I started getting more acting roles I did not have the time to commit like I used to. I still have my connections and tomorrow I will be hosting a dinner for the ‘Friends for Life’ initiative with THT so I still do what I can. How was it living with Robbie Williams? Wild! This was a long time ago. He had just left Take That to start his solo career and he was just making his first studio album. This was the old Robbie: drugs and partying! Then he just became this over night sensation and I decided to buy my own place in London and moved out. He is a great guy and we still speak to each other from time-to-time. Join the conversation on Twitter @CoopRespectLGBT Like us on Facebook coming very soon!
№ 15 | February 2013
Brand new for 2013 The New Normal The creator of hit show Glee Ryan Murphy brings us his brand new TV comedy show The New Normal. In summary, the show is about single mother Goldie Clemmons (Georgia King) who moves to Los Angeles with her daughter to escape her grandmother (Ellen Barkin) and becomes a surrogate for gay couple Bryan and David (Andrew Rannells and Justin Bartha). Like Glee, The New Normal has at its centre an uplifting message, it's OK to be different, and families come in different shapes and sizes, much less shades and sexes. Unlike Glee, the show is built on a very specific setup, a straight woman serving as a surrogate for a gay couple. Obviously, the series is making a point, it’s in the title, that situations like this are no longer uncommon, and considering the backlash it has already received from groups in the United States (where it aired in 2012) such as One Million Moms, it is definitely causing waves and getting people talking.
There’s still time to vote for us in the G3 Readers Awards As reported in the last issue, we are delighted that the Respect network has been shortlisted in the LGBT Network of the Year category at the annual ‘g3 & Out In The City magazine Readers Awards’. This is the first time we have been shortlisted for this award and we are proud to be recognised for the work we do. Voting is now open so please vote for us and encourage your friends, colleagues and family to do the same. You can vote by visiting and clicking on the g3 icon. Voting closes in March 2013 and the winners will be announced at the end of April 2013. Find out more about the magazines by visiting and
What channel is it aired on? E4 What day and time? The first of 22 episodes aired on 10th January 2013. Check the TV listings. Can we expect a second series? Who knows. Viewing figures in the US are about 6 million an episode, not shabby but not great. Ryan Murphy's TV clout may secure a second series though. Is it worth watching? It won't be for everyone but we recommend giving it a go.
st Crowned Be y at New Comed ople’s the 2013 Pe rds Choice Awa
Our interview with Dancing on Ice star Shayne Ward picked up by Gay Star News
We featured an exclusive interview with X Factor series 2 winner and Rock of Ages star Shayne Ward in Issue 11 of the Respect newsletter. Over the summer Europe's fastest growing LGBT website Gay Star News published some of the interview where Shayne shared his views about equal civil marriage. With over 800,000 unique visitors to the site every month, Respect was definitely on lots of people's screens. Lots more views, news and features at Email your stories and get in touch at
The co-operative 9 Respect Newsletter
№ 15 | February 2013
Join Alex in removing stigma, fear and intolerance of HIV Project Analyst at The Co-operative Banking Group and Respect member (one of our first!), Alex Sparrowhawk shares his experience of being diagnosed as HIV positive
I was holidaying in the south of France when on the last day I started to feel really unwell as we drove leisurely along to coast to Nice Airport. I presumed at the time that I’d spent too much time in the sun trying to top up my tan. At the back of my mind I was worried it could be connected to other symptoms I’d noticed and intended to visit the GUM clinic. Back in the UK I found out that I had contracted two STIs and had treatment for them. As part of the usual sexual health tests at the clinic I also had a HIV test, the result of which came back negative. I was still unwell though and ended up being confined to my bed for two weeks. At the time there was a lot of media hype about swine flu but I thought about the possibility of HIV as well; I was aware that the test wouldn’t have picked up anti-bodies if I had been infected within the past three months. It was easier to presume I had just
picked up an illness abroad; perhaps the air-con on the plane was circulating a bunch of nasty cold bugs. The next few months passed by with nothing out the ordinary happening: I was getting up to the usual things any gay 24-year-old would in the city, working 9-5 and enjoying my weekends going out with friends. One constant that had remained with me since the summer was a chesty cough, my GP had kept telling me it would eventually go away and it was probably a persistent virus. I didn’t even realise I still had it by October, it had become so normal. A friend I hadn’t seen for a few weeks picked up on it and I started to think about going back for another test at the clinic. I intended to rule out HIV. Unfortunately, the opposite happened: I received the positive diagnosis on 6th November 2009. Before the end of the year I was on medication and within three months achieved an undetectable viral load, and my CD4 had increased to a level where my body was better equipped to respond to an infection or viral attack. Fast forward three years and I’m a normal, happy, healthy guy. I met my boyfriend shortly after my diagnosis, I’m still working and I’m still enjoying life with my friends and family. HIV is a manageable condition when you know your status and when, if needed, you’re prescribed the antiretroviral medication. I took another big step this year by outing myself to ‘everyone’ as HIV positive. I believe I’m living proof that with medication you can live the life you intended as long as you are aware you have HIV. I am focusing my efforts to help fight against the stigma, fear and ignorance that people living with HIV face. My advice to anyone who is unsure of their status would be to listen to your body, if I had continued to ignore the signs and bury my head in the sand the past three years could have been a very different story. Know your status, get tested. Medication is available for you and continues to improve all the time and people like me are fighting for a tolerant society where HIV positive people can live in a world without facing prejudice and bigotry. Alex will be contributing articles and sharing his experiences in future Respect newsletters. You can read Alex's regular blogs at and you can follow him on twitter @birdy_tweet
Fiction “Only gay people get HIV/AIDS” Fact “Anyone can get HIV/AIDS” 10
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№ 15 | February 2013 people wearing the red ribbons. There was also World AIDS Day posters displayed in lots of locations around the UK. • We supported the fabulous Red Ribbon Ball that was held in Manchester on 29th November. A few of the Respect network Steering Group went along and we were delighted that The Co-operative was able to donate a food hamper for the fundraising raffle. Britannia, part of The Co-operative Banking Group, was also a big supporter on the night and donated lots of raffle prizes. • The Co-operative posted a tweet on the day to raise awareness of the day to their tens of thousands of followers. It got lots of re-tweets on the day.
The Co-operative raises awareness of World AIDS Day
On 1st December 2012 the world came together to raise awareness of HIV for the annual World AIDS Day. World AIDS Day is an opportunity for people to learn the facts about HIV and to support this The Co-operative did a number of things in the run up to the day. These included: • Publishing a headline news article on The Co-operative’s intranet news page that included a link to a brand new World AIDS Day factsheet produced by our Employee Engagement & Diversity Team. • We sold the symbolic red ribbons in our major occupancy buildings, raising money for the George House Trust in the process. It was great to see so many
For more information about World AIDS Day visit
In 2012, an estimated 100,000 people were living with HIV in the UK. It doesn't make any difference whether you have sex with males, females, or both, you can still acquire and transmit HIV. Unsafe sex, blood-to-blood, contact or sharing needles will definitely put you at risk, regardless of your sexual orientation. 2012 marked the 30th anniversary since Terrence Higgins, the first man to die of AIDS in the UK, was officially recognised by the NHS. As a direct result, Edo Zollo, a London-based photographer has travelled from Glasgow to Bournemouth, photographing 30 people living with HIV, from old to young, female and male, non-white and white, straight and gay. The most recently diagnosed was three months and the longest, 28 years living with HIV. Over a period of 12 months, he visited the 30 subjects in their home locations across the UK, photographing them within their settings, intended to illustrate their individual stories. Edo commented, “We believe that the exhibition is helping in the fight against the stigma that still surrounds HIV. With the huge success of the run in London, we are excited to bring the exhibition to other locations all over the UK!” The photographic exhibition will be formally launched at Nexus Art Cafe, Dale Street (opposite Vinyl Exchange), Manchester, M1 1JW, from 28th February and will be available for viewing to the public for two weeks before touring the UK. Keep updated at Twitter: @STGSProject Donations: Website: Exhibition blog:
We’re delighted to be supporting the exhibition
Gemma (top) and Tony (above) are featured in the exhibition.
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The co-operative 11 Respect Newsletter
№ 15 | February 2013
in association with the:
platinum sponsor:
1-3march2013brighton book now at friday 01 march • registration charles street bar 7.30-10.30pm • pre pride party revenge 10.30pm-early
saturday 02 march
sunday 03 march
• free festival: brighton dome 1-5pm • brighton tour: gay village 7.30-10.30pm • club night: brighton dome 10.30pm-2am • afterparty: revenge 2am-early
• cabaret legends from 3.30pm
the *all new for 2013* student pride awards hosted by the feeling’s dan gillespie sells : nominate online at • celebrity question time debate chaired by dragons den’s evan davies • homophobia in sport debate • job fair / market place • live music • performers • glitter & glamour • cabaret • students from all over uk • the tour of brighton’s gay village • exclusive drink deals • the all new clubnight - headliner to be announced! • indiepopelectrohouse • afterparties... sleep?! •
silver sponsors:
media sponsors: ®
OUTNEWS your finger ON the gay pulse
Watch out for this advert in the current issue of Attitude magazine 12
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№ 15 | February 2013
It's 'International Women's Day' on 8th March International Women's Day (IWD) has been observed since Our Top 3 Femalethe early 1900s, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialised world that saw Empowerment Songs booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. Christina Perri : Jar of Hearts This isn’t your The new millennium has witnessed a significant typical song above change in both women's and society's thoughts about love, consequence, women's equality and emancipation. Many from a or remorse. It younger generation feel that 'all the battles have been won subtly highlights the for women' while many feminists from the 1970s know only too co-dependency that well the longevity and ingrained complexity of patriarchy. With more women in women can the boardroom, greater equality in legislative rights, and an increased critical experience with mass of women's visibility as impressive role models in every aspect of life, you could think that women have gained true equality. The unfortunate fact is that their masculine counterpart. Perri m she powerfully replies to the lover on who in many examples women are still not paid equally to that of their male around/If depended, “I hear you’re asking all counterparts, women still are not present in equal numbers in business or e grown I am anywhere to be found/But I hav politics, and globally women's education, health and the violence against them s.” arm r too strong/To ever fall back in you is worse than that of men. However, great improvements have been made. We do have female astronauts and prime ministers, school girls are welcomed into university, Alicia Keys : A Woman's Worth women can work and have a family, women have real choices. And so the tone Alongside the epic and nature of IWD has, for the past few years, moved from being a reminder ballads, Alicia has about the negatives to a celebration of the positives. recorded many Annually on 8th March, thousands of events are held throughout the world positive sing-a-long to inspire women and celebrate achievements. A global web of rich and diverse anth ems, which activity connects women from around the world ranging from political rallies, incl ude s her song business conferences, government activities and networking events through to A Woman’s Worth local women's craft markets, theatric performances, fashion parades and more. with lyrics like “‘Cuz Find out more online a real man knows a real woman whe n he sees her/And a real woman knows a real man Some of the events taking place ain’t afraid to please her/And a real woman Date & time 08 March 2013 18.00 to 21.00 knows a real man always comes first /An da Event Visible Women: Empowering Girls and Women in Wales real man just can’t deny a womans worth.” About The event will be conducted with co-operation of a number of other charities committed to promoting gender-equality to honour the International Women's Day. Venue UNA Wales, Main Hall, Temple of Peace, Cardiff, CF10 3AP Tori Amos : Silent All These Years Professional Widow Website songstress Tori Date & time 08 March 2013 20.30 to 23.00 Amos has written Event She-nanigans in the Square—all female comedy variety show. many songs about About The hilarious Niamh Marron, a recent finalist in the UK-wide the travails (and Funny Women awards, headlines the event. The night also blessings) of being a features the winner of the Irish Music Comedy Awards 2012, woman. comedy harpist Ursula Burns. We also have the quick witted One such song is improv of FNT Live duo, Ruth Curran and Diona Doherty. Plus g story stand-up comediennes, Su Jo and Victoria E Armstrong and Silent All These Years, a heart-wrenchin how character comedienne HL Murphy. The evening is hosted by of losing your identity to a man, but said es/I etim som use ,“Ca BBC's Find Me The Funny, Gemma Hutton! All welcome! your voice remains n bee it’s nd e/A Tickets (£8) in aid of North Down and Ards Women's Aid. sometimes/I hear my voic Venue Town Hall, Conway Square, Newtownards, BT23 here/Silent All These Years.” Website
8th March
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The co-operative 13 Respect Newsletter
№ 15 | February 2013
Support for the LGBT community at Christmas In December, The Co-operative supported lots of LGBT charities and community groups with their Christmas fundraising and giving. The Co-operative Pharmacy donated bottles of fragrance and gift sets to The Albert Kennedy Trust for their raffle as part of their Christmas fundraiser at the beginning of December. The event raised an impressive £1,621.90 for the charity. Darren Batey, Volunteer and Events Co-ordinator at The Albert Kennedy Trust commented, “Thank you for supporting us at the event. As always The Co-operative always pull through and we are incredibly grateful.” The Co-operative Food donated a huge hamper filled with champagne, chocolates and other luxury treats to leading LGBT radio station Gaydio to give away to one lucky listener as part of their ‘Christmas Gift Giveaway’. Listeners nominated people in their lives who deserved a special Christmas gift from Gaydio - a little bit like ITV’s Surprise Surprise. The lucky winner had a great Christmas courtesy of The Co-operative Food. The Co-operative Food’s support continued and they very kindly donated hundreds of Truly Irresistible mince pies and luxury crackers to Manchester Pride for their ‘Ho Ho Homo Christmas Bash’ event on 17th December. The mince pies went down a treat with the hot mulled wine and musical entertainment came from our friends the Manchester Lesbian & Gay Chorus and jazz singer Alexander Stewart. The night raised lots of money for the Manchester Pride charity.
The Co-operative proudly launches its Carers Policy There are more than 6 million carers in England and Wales, including over a million providing more than 50 hours care a week. Over half of all carers are in some sort of paid work. Following the announcement that The Co-operative’s Charity of the Year partner for 2013 is Carers Trust, the Group believes it is important to recognise the estimated 10,500 carers Supporting colle amongst our own employees. The who are Carers agues Carers policy brings together a range of existing emergency leave and flexible working provisions; along with some additional sources of support for carers. Juggling the demands of caring with the responsibilities of a paid job can be challenging. The Co-operative Group recognises the challenges that colleagues with caring responsibilities face, and is committed to supporting colleagues to balance their work and home responsibilities. As with all of our policies, this policy is inclusive and is relevant no matter what your sexual orientation is. The Co-operative Group’s Carers Policy aims to ensure that we are able to recruit, retain and support employees who have assumed caring responsibilities. It is intended to cover the wide range of circumstances that caring entails and is designed to be flexible enough to accommodate different individual needs. Accompanying the policy are case studies demonstrating how managers and teams can embed our carers policy, by providing real examples of carers being supported across our family of businesses. Within The Co-op erative Group we have over 10,50 recognises the challe 0 carers. The Co-op nges that colleagues erative Group committed to suppo with caring respo nsibilities face, and rting colleagues balancing their work is The following case and home respo studies demonstrat nsibilities. e how managers Carers Policy by and teams can embe providing real exam d our ples of supporting of businesses. carers from acros s our family
A copy of the policy is available on the intranet: Intranet > HR and People > Diversity > Carers Information
Check out th is tweet from Manchester Pride!
Check out the next issue for lots more LGBT community support news
The co-operative Respect Newsletter
Do you want to support the Respect Network at a local level? We’re on the look out for Regional Champions all over the UK. If you’re interested or want to learn more, please get in touch. Everyone is welcome! Join the conversation on Twitter @CoopRespectLGBT Like us on Facebook coming very soon!
№ 15 | February 2013
We were proud sponsors of Cumbria Pride The Co-operative were proud to be headline sponsors of Cumbria Pride this year. The event took place at The Swallow hotel on 29th September and included everything you'd expect from a pride event including a small market stall area, expo area and some great musical entertainment that included Bears Aloud, The Mend and X Factor star Craig Colton. The Co-operative were out in force at the event with our mini village that included The Co-operative Membership giving away lots of freebies, our iconic vintage 'International Year of Co-operatives’ camper van and delicious food giveaways from colleagues at the local Co-operative Food store. It was a great event that had a very strong local community feel to it. Well done to everyone involved! Lots of Respect members stayed at the hotel overnight - the hotel had a great deal on. We had a fab night at the event (we didn't win in the raffle though) then we all headed down to a few bars in Carlisle with the fantastic Bears Aloud. We hope to be there again in 2013!
LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week March 4th - 10th 2013 Across the UK, agencies are looking for more adopters and foster carers from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, and they would love to tell you more about it at an event near you. At the 2012 events, attendees heard from other LGBT people in your area who formed families through adoption and fostering and about the children who need families, the process, and how adoption & fostering has changed people’s lives.
Adoption When you adopt, you become the new, permanent parent for a child or children who can’t live with their birth parents. Some of the reasons to form a permanent family by adoption may include: • it can be be extremely rewarding to become the new “forever family” for a child or children who are going through a difficult time. • as an adoptive parent you will have full parental responsibility. The process itself involves many other people, but once you have adopted, your legal status is straightforward. • if you are a couple you will be parenting on an equal footing, as neither of you will have a biological link to your new child.
Fostering Foster carers look after children who may move on to a different home. This might be for short periods, but sometimes the children might stay in their foster families until they are adults. Some of the reasons to become a foster carer include: • it can be be extremely rewarding to care for a child or children who are going through a difficult time. • you may enjoy helping children move on to a new family, or to return to their birth parents. • you may enjoy caring for older children, who might be with you for long periods.
Find out mo re online by vis iting www.lgbta doptfost er
Single? Many people adopt of foster on their own, including LGBT people.
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The co-operative 15 Respect Newsletter
№ 15 | February 2013
In the March issue Are your New Year’s resolutions of getting fit starting to wain a bit? Well, in our March edition, we’ll be focussing on the world of sport. We’ll have features on LGBT community groups for various sports like the Manchester Frontrunners (pictured here). We also have an exclusive interview from former NBA basketball player John Amaechi. Plus, we’ll reveal details of how you can get involved with us through Twitter and Facebook! Look out for it at the end of February!
Respect’s Colleague Development Co-ordinator
Kelly Sands
Encourages you to vote in the G3 awards!
Colleague support In your workplace
If you are able to speak to your line manager, that would be the preferred route (unless of course your line manager is the issue). Alternatively, you can speak to your HR manager if this would be preferable.
You can also contact the Respect network for confidential support and guidance.
The Diversity Team
The Employee Diversity & Engagement Team can offer advice about specific matters relating to issues in the workplace and point you in the right direction. You can contact them on email at or call 0161 246 2646.
The Co-operative’s Employee Assistance Programme is free, open 24 hours, and confidential. Nothing is reported back to the business and they can help on many issues from problems at home, to work conflicts, to legal and money advice. 0800 072 7072 or Username: Password:
coopgroup EAP07
Speak up
We have a whistleblowing hotline called “Speak Up”. You can call free on 0800 374199. Calls are handled by an external provider. Callers can remain anonymous and untraceable.
The co-operative Respect Newsletter
Join the conversation on Twitter @CoopRespectLGBT Like us on Facebook coming very soon!