National Security College Crawford School of Public Policy ANU College of Asia & the Pacific
A joint initiative of the Commonwealth Government and The Australian National University
Wanted: tomorrow’s leaders It is rare that an organisation can say that it is ‘unique’ and truly mean it, but there is genuinely nothing in the world quite like the National Security College (the NSC) at the Australian National University (ANU). Bringing together scholars from the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences, the NSC is unashamedly multidisciplinary. It can only be that way given that the security threats we explore are themselves multifaceted and complex. We are also unapologetically challenging. We seek students who see themselves as explorers willing to push their own boundaries. Students who are curious, imaginative, creative, and academically ambitious. This is a discipline we are building as we teach and research it; when you join us, you become a crucial part of an active project – an intellectual adventure of genuine importance to the future security of societies and nations. In return for your thirst for discovery, you’ll receive unparalleled access to the leading security thinking currently available in Australia. Our team of experts and distinguished policy practitioners will provide you with a world-class education in a rich, stimulating and supportive environment.
Our objective – developing expertise The NSC’s vision is to build, through its activities and its graduates, better strategic understanding and critical thinking about national security.
Why? Our objective is simple: to develop expertise in the area of national security. And to make sure those who possess it are working together, whether in government, international organisations or civil society. We aim to deepen the evidence base for policy practitioners to develop options for decision-makers.
How? We will achieve this through the world-class quality of our education, our research and our policy engagement, and by promoting collaborative leadership within government. We foster trusted networks of cooperation among experts and policymakers. Our academics are valued for the quality of their research and their independent perspectives.
Our staff Professor Rory Medcalf is the Head of the National Security College. His professional background involves more than two decades of experience across diplomacy, intelligence analysis, think tanks and journalism. Most recently he was the Director of the International Security Program at the prestigious Lowy Institute for International Policy. “What makes the NSC unique is the way we combine professional education of many of the leading minds in the security community with cutting edge academic research and teaching. As a joint initiative of the Australian Government and the ANU, we are singularly placed at the nexus of policymaking and the advancement of knowledge.” Professor Rory Medcalf The NSC academic staff have teaching and research interests ranging from cyberspace as a strategic domain to Asia-Pacific security; nuclear proliferation and non-proliferation to just war theory; major power dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region to emergency policy and crisis management; radical Islam and terrorism to Russian foreign and security policy; Post-World War II security history to emerging infectious diseases.
The National Security College is very new, dynamic, and the faculty is very accessible. It’s got a real buzz about it. Rachael Falk, General Manager Cyber Influence at Telstra and studying Master of National Security Policy (Advanced)
Our graduate programs The NSC offers coursework and research programs to graduate students.
Who our programs are aimed at If you have an interest in how events, trends and problems affect the wellbeing of societies and nations, you will find something fascinating and challenging in our programs. We define “security” in the 21st century in a broad and inclusive way – from the big questions of war and peace, right through to terrorism, espionage, economic coercion, pandemics, climate change, natural disasters, social cohesion and pervasive cyber threats. More specifically our courses are designed for students: >> Seeking a career in policy >> Interested in making a difference >> Considering a research-focused path >> Aiming to develop skills applicable to the national security community, such as in research, analysis, policymaking, and leadership >> Wishing to be part of a world-class education and research institution in the field of national security studies
The programs we offer >> Master of National Security Policy (96 units, four semesters full-time equivalent) CRICOS Code: 082340A Program Code: 7870 MNSPO Units/Duration: 96 units / 1–2 years dependent on previous studies >> Master of National Security Policy (Advanced) (96 units, four semesters full-time equivalent) CRICOS Code: 082341M Program Code: 7870 VNSPO Units/Duration: 96 units / 1–2 years dependent on previous studies
Scholarships The ANU National Security Policy Scholarship Awarded on the basis of academic merit, the National Security Policy Scholarship offers partial tuition to students who have received an offer of admission for the first time.
The NSC Scholarship for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Students Each year the National Security College may award the National Security College Scholarship for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Students. You can find out more about National Security College Scholarships at the NSC website: nsc.anu.edu.au/scholarships-and-sponsorship.php
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Program The NSC PhD program aims to develop experts in security studies with excellent research skills. As a PhD candidate, you’ll have the benefit of a dedicated academic supervisor, and encouragement to undertake fieldwork.
Admission into the program To gain admission to the PhD program you’ll need a Bachelor degree with an upper second class (H2A) honours degree (at minimum) or its equivalent in a discipline relevant to your proposed topic and the broad field of security studies or a discipline such as international relations, strategic studies or political science. Admission is dependent on the availability of an appropriate NSC academic supervisor. For more information visit the PhD Study section of the ANU website: nsc.anu.edu.au/phd-study/
Executive and Professional Development Program The NSC also offers executive and professional development programs – short courses ranging from one day to four weeks – for national security practitioners.
Our place in the University The NSC is an academic unit within the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific.
Useful links anu.edu.au anu.edu.au/study/choose-anu crawford.anu.edu.au asiapacific.anu.edu.au studycbr.com.au anu.edu.au/study/accommodation nsc.anu.edu.au
College entrance
National Security College Level 3
C O N TA C T For more information contact the Academic Program Coordinator National Security College GJ Yeend Wing (Crawford Building #132a) 1 Lennox Crossing The Australian National University Acton ACT 2601 Australia T +61 2 6125 6131 E national.security.college@anu.edu.au W nsc.anu.edu.au @NSC_ANU CRICOS #00120C